Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al-Quran 2010 – Juz 01 – L007C

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of reading the Quran every day and reciting shavons for staying occupied, maintaining healthy relationships with family members, and avoiding harm. They also discuss the negative impact of family members not being able to meet each other and the negative consequences of not being able to connect. The conversation touches on the negative impact of socializing and the negative consequences of not being able to connect.
AI: Transcript ©
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I would let him in a shavon rajim Bismillah Ar Rahman Rahim.

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Before we begin our lesson, somebody had asked a question about reciting Surah Al Baqarah. In the house, we learned about certain bacara. One of the benefits or the importance of sort of the Quran is that a person should read it in his house, because the house in which the sudo is recited what happens? The shavon does not come there.

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So the question was that, should we read it every day?

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Or how often should a person read it, from the Hadith from the Quran, and Sunnah will not understand that it must be recited every single day. However, it should be recited every now and then.

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Whatever is possible for a person, if it's possible for you every single day, go ahead and do it. I know somebody who recites a little backer and sort of alien mind every single day,

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every single day, and she's an old woman.

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And she has been doing this since she was very young.

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And she still does it. You know, generally, people when they become old, or when people do not really have any responsibilities, they become busy with, you know, watching the television or finding out what's going on. What is my daughter in law doing today? What did she do yesterday? Where is she going?

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And one of the best ways of keeping yourself occupied at that time, at that stage in life is becoming busy with the word of Allah subhanaw taala. Because when we're younger, we have so many responsibilities. Those of you who have young children, even if you do want to recite every day, you won't be able to write so but if you make a habit, inshallah, Allah will help you, especially in your old age. So if it's possible for a person every single day, go ahead and do it if it's not possible every day, whenever it is possible. And another thing that you could do is play the recitation of pseudocode.

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For example, when you leave the house, just play the CD, turn it on before leaving, and it will play itself. And even when you come back home, sometimes when you're working in the kitchen, doing some work, you know, in which you can really concentrate on something or concentrate on a lecture or something like that, then you know, the the recitation of the Quran,

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your children will hear, they will benefit you will hear you will benefit. inshallah.

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Another thing that I wanted to mention was about yesterday's lesson, somebody had questioned about as well Juma,

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completely purified spouses,

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that these spouses in general people in general will be completely purified from physical impurities, as well as spiritual impurities or impurities that are in the character of a person in the behavior of a person, in the mind of a person, the thinking of a person. So how will a person be purified? It doesn't mean that any person, for example, Indonesia, today, they try their best to purify themselves.

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But they're unable to or they try hard, but because we're human beings, we fall every time we make mistakes. So, before people will enter Jannah, they will be purified. Nobody will be allowed to enter Jannah with fields whether it is tangible, or intangible, so before entering paradise, people will be purified. Some will be washed before entering gender, and others will have to go through Hellfire

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for the purpose of purification, and then they will be brought to gender. So as virgin Mata hora means that they will be completely purified before entering their lives.

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Another point that I wanted to mention was about the AI that we read yesterday. Yeah. Are you a nurse or go do all mankind worship your Lord, do a brother of your Lord.

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mm even taymiyah he was asked about a loss of pounds. I was saying, Yeah. Are you a nurse or Buddha? He was asked about this ayah that what is Reba? What is worship? He was questioned that what is the question is quite long, but the main part of the question is that what is it about that? And he replied, that Ellery better to hear his moon journey. Lee couldn't deny your HIPAA law who will bar who acquired he was a man in between it was at an rabada worship is a term which comprises everything that a loss of paradata loves, and approves.

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It is a term that comprises what everything that Allah subhanaw taala loves, and also approves of, and this everything includes from the apparent and hidden sayings and deeds. So Reba is not just about deeds. It's not just about actions. It includes actions and it also includes words statements, speech, as

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long as that action, as long as that statement is beloved to Allah, as long as Allah subhanaw taala approves of it.

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And remember that he also said that a parent and hidden, what does it mean by a parent, something that is done outwardly other people can see it and hidden, something that you have in your heart, for example, a good thought about another person, a positive thought about another person,

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positive thinking about a loss of data. This is what a hidden thing, you don't say it, but you feel it inside. This is also about survival is not just about rituals, it includes every single deed and action that Allah loves, Allah approves of, it could be hidden, it could also be a pain. So everybody's like a whole way of life.

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rabada is a whole way of life, every single act and word of a person could be regarded as long as he does it with the intention to please Allah subhanaw taala and in the manner that would also please Allah subhanaw taala that's listen to the recitation

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equally Shall

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we move on?

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In the Lucha Indeed, Allah, La yester he, he does not feel shy. He does not hesitate. He is not ashamed of he is not timid from what I Yoruba that he should strike that he should present Motherland and example in Allahu Allah yesterday, stuffy and Yellow Ribbon athalon Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example of what mirbeau button that of a mosquito from Africa or what is smaller than

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in the Lucha Libre yesterday, yesterday is from the root letters. Hmm, yeah. Yeah.

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From the word higher

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from the word higher, her Yeah. Elif Hamza, higher is shyness.

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What does it mean to feel shy?

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Basically, higher is

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the feeling which stops the person from doing something in front of others. What is higher the feeling which stops the person from doing something in front of others. Why?

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Why is the person shy of doing something in front of others, because it is unacceptable to them.

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Or there is fear that if you do that particular action, there are going to be consequences.

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So let's

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Yes The Yi, he does not have any shyness he does not hesitate.

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Allah does not hesitate from what from giving an example of a mosquito or something that is smaller than

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the word yesterday over here in the context, it gives us two meanings. First of all, he does not feel shy means that he does not leave out of shyness.

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He does not stop out of shyness, he does not fail to mention out of shyness.

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So, first of all, what's the meaning that he does not leave out he does not stop why, out of shyness. Secondly, it is understood as that he does not fear

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nyasa he gives a meaning of life sha Allah does not fear mentioning

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Allah does not fear mentioning what a Yoruba MacFarlane that he strikes and example. The word yeah believer is from the root letters, God blah, blah, blah,

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whether letters, but Ba ba ba and BB literally is to strike

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one thing onto another,

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it is to hit one thing onto another strike one thing onto another, to beat things against each other. This is the literal meaning of the word but, but the word that is used in several ways. It is used for striking It is used for beating it is used for hitting the word love is also used for traveling every buena feel of the strike in the earth meaning they travel on the earth because traveling includes what

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traveling includes what you're walking in which you have to strike your feet onto the ground

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or similarly, in the previous times people would travel on horses and camels in which the horses and camels as they would run their feet would strike on the ground right. So, that also gives the meaning of traveling. And the word love is also used for especially when it comes with the word method, it is used for presenting an example citing an example.

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So, I know believer that he should strike meaning that he should present he should present he should present what Motherland an example, but what are the letters of the word method means that

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and the word method is used for an example what is an example

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when something abstract is explained through something that is concrete, when an intangible concept is explained by presenting something that is tangible, something that can be seen, why so that it is easy to understand, so that a person can understand quickly, sometimes you're trying to explain something through words and it takes you so long, and if you just show a specimen of that thing that you're explaining, within seconds, you can explain right. So, the purpose of a method is to explain quickly so that the process of explaining and understanding becomes easy.

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So, he does not feel shy from presenting an example of what malborough burden

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of a mosquito the word man over here is understood as extra it is understood as

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what does it mean by that?

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When it is extra, it is to emphasize what the world over here. So, we can understand this as my Fallon mehbooba and example, even have a mosquito. So, Matt is extra, it gives a meeting up even have a mosquito

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he does not fail to present an example he does not feel shy, he does not fear from presenting an example, even if it is of a mosquito, even if it is of an insect of a tiny insect. So the word Maya is understood as extra giving the meaning of even Baroda means mosquito and it is from the newsletters that I bought.

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It is from the batteries that I bought from the word about. Have you heard of the word bark? What is about me? Some of Not bad, not with a day. This is blood valve. Valve means some of part of

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what does baffled me some of part

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Now mosquito is from the word which means some are part of

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when you're describing something that is very small, very tiny, very insignificant. You say,

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thing or thinking, right? Why? Because it's something so small. Right? So berubah is an insect, meaning a mosquito, which is very small. Also, we think of it, when you're looking at a mosquito, you can only see a part of it. with the naked eye, isn't it, you can only see a part of it with the naked eye. Sometimes it's only the winds.

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And when you really try to look hard from up close, once you've killed it, then you can see other parts of it. And other parts still, they're not visible unless and until you have a microscope to help you look at the entire mosquito. Right. So Burleigh is a mosquito, why is it called barooga, because it is very tiny, very small, and only a part of it can be seen by the naked eye.

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So he does not feel shy from presenting an example, even if it is of a mosquito, firmare fuqaha. And even of that, which is above

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meaning and he does not feel shy of giving an example of even that which is full of her above the Berber folk of the burden. The word filth is from the fetters fair, well, off we did the word yesterday daydreamin, tactical unhealth that means underneath folk means above.

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And what's the word for before?

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In front of all the good So, you know, three dimensions of meaning in front before folk meaning above, and that meaning below?

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What's behind? What are what are each other, we'll read that as well very simple.

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The word folk is the opposite of that. And it means above, over

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and this folk something can be above the other physically

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in place, and it can also be above the other in superiority, right, in the intangible sense, in rank in their status in their authority. So what does it mean by from Africa, from Africa is understood in several ways. First of all, it has been said that what is above the mosquito in its Hakata in its smallness, in its insignificance.

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So, what does it mean by that?

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That which is more insignificant that which is more small compared to

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compared to the mosquito?

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You think that giving the example of a mosquito should be something that you should be shy of, Allah does not feel shy of doing that. Even he does not feel shy of giving the example of something that is much smaller, much more insignificant than the mosquito. So FOCA above the mosquito in which sends in Hikaru in smallness in insignificance.

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Secondly, it is understood as FOCA, her above it in effect, what does it mean? in you know, position of highness or position of being above.

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So, what it means by that is even of that which is on top of the mosquito

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of that, which is on top of the mosquito

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mosquitoes, there are small insects, right. And what do they carry

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on themselves, parasites,

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parasites, and mosquito is difficult to see with the naked eye, just imagine that which is above it, that which is above it something so tiny, something so insignificant that we cannot even see it, but if allows us to present that as an example, he does not feel shy for mentioning that even as an example. Thirdly, focal her has been understood as that which is above the mosquito in greatness.

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That which is above the mosquito in greatness. So, what does it mean by that, that which is bigger than the mosquito?

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That which is bigger than a mosquito, for example, of fly a spider or any other creature like that. Okay, so what are the three meanings so far?

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What's the first meaning smaller than, more insignificant than the mosquito? What's the second meaning

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that which is on top of the mosquito. And what's the third meaning that which is greater meaning bigger than the mosquito.

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So Allah does not feel shy from presenting the example of a mosquito or something that is smaller than it on top of it, or is greater than we see that in the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala has presented various examples. Allah has mentioned many, many examples. Why?

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Why to make people understand,

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just as in the beginning of the Surah Surah Baqarah. When we read about the eyes about them in Africa, what happened to example forgiven? Why, so that we can have a better understanding. So Allah presents various examples in the Quran, so that people can understand better. And amongst these examples, there are the examples of the fly and the spider, which are mentioned in the Quran.

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They are the examples of the fly and the spider.

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Now there are some people who when they read such examples, when they hear such examples that are mentioned in the Quran they object, but how come something so tiny, as a spider has been mentioned? How can something as insignificant and annoying as a fly is mentioned in the Quran? why it doesn't make sense to them. Even our best rather learn, he said that when Allah subhanaw taala reveal the example of the fly,

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which is mentioned in sort of the hedge is number 73. And when he revealed the example of the spider which is mentioned and sort of uncovered it number 41. Some people of that time, they said, What are these examples? They said, What are these examples? This has got nothing to do with the divine revelation? Meaning why would such examples of the spider of the mosquito of such things why are they mentioned in what you claim to be divine revelation? So when they objected, Allah soprano data revealed this,

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according to others Mujahid and has, they said that when Allah subhanaw taala made the two earlier examples about the hypocrites Institute of Bukhara that we have read so far the two examples that we read about the hypocrites, the people said, Allah soprano Dada is too high and exalted, to make examples. Allah is too high and above and exalted to present examples. So then a lot of panel data reveal this idea

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that Allah does not hesitate from presenting examples. shyness does not prevent a loss of panel data from presenting examples, even if they may be of those objects are a very insignificant, even if they may be of those objects are very tiny, that we consider to be nothing as long as they establish the truth. As long as these examples, they establish the truth, they elaborate the truth.

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Because if you think about it, what is the purpose of mentioning an example?

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What is the purpose behind an example to explain? So if a person understands from the example that you give,

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isn't the purpose fulfilled?

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So we learned from this is that China's does not prevent a loss of petrodollar from presenting examples, even if they are of things that are very insignificant of things that are very tiny, are things that may appear to be very unimportant, why because the intent, the purpose behind citing an example is so that people understand. So if the people understand the purpose is fulfilled, so what should our focus be?

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What should our focus be

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to understand what is being explained through the example not what has been cited as the example many times people get lost in some details. For example, in the Quran, when the stories are mentioned, a lot of the fine details are not mentioned. And many times people are like okay, then what happened and then what happened. But even when Allah subhanaw taala mentions the stories, there is a reason behind mentioning the story that we take a lesson from it.

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So whenever we see an example that is in the Quran, don't get lost within the example why a mosquito? Why a fly why a spider. Look at the reason

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And behind mentioning that example, what is Allah subhanaw taala explaining to us as long as the truth is established, the concept is clarified, the truth is elaborated, the purpose is fulfilled

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and that is the purpose. So, one should look at the intent of the example, rather than the object that has been cited as example, instead of a hedge eye number 73.

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Allah subhanaw taala says, Yeah, you Hannah's Buddha methylone foster merula who are people and example is presented. So, listen to it. Pay attention to the example listen to the example, what is the example that is mentioned in the levina, Unum, Indonesia, les, les, Luca will do better than, indeed those you invoke, besides Allah will never create as much as a fly.

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They can never create even something so small as a fly wire or wisdom or ruler, who, even if they all gathered together for that purpose. So when you read this ayah, what should be the focus on the fly? know, what should be the focus on? What is the loss of power telling us over here? That, who are you worshiping something that cannot even create something as tiny as a fly? This ayah proves to us the greatness the glory of Allah subhanaw taala why we should worship Him and not worship others. So those who want guidance, they will get the message. And those who do not want guidance? What are they going to do? They're going to get stuck in the details, or they're going to object at Why this?

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And why not that? Why is the fly mentioned? And how come it's like this? And how come it's like that? You know, sometimes you're trying to explain something to someone. And instead of getting the point, although they do get it what do they do?

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What do they do?

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They start objecting at the words that you have used, isn't it, they start making fun of you of what you say they begin to do nitpicking they just start picking on limited things, small small things, which are very insignificant that are not even relevant in the context.

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So similarly,

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when Allah subhanaw taala presents examples, when Allah subhanaw taala mentions anything in the Quran, which in our focus be

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on the message, our focus should be on the message and learning a lesson from what Allah subhanaw taala has mentioned.

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And also, if you look at it, we considered the mosquito to be very tiny, very small, very insignificant, isn't it? We consider it to be very insignificant and small and tiny. But if you go outside for a picnic,

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and if there are mosquitoes over there,

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does that ruin your picnic? Yes. Do you end up leaving early? Do you end up wrapping up early? Do you end up going somewhere else? Yes, a small creature moved you change your entire plans, ruin your plans, a small creature. So it's possible that we look at something as very small, very insignificant, but in fact it is much greater than that. There are many other things that we can look at and benefit from.

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You know, there was a king Kingdom route at the time of Ibrahim alayhis salaam.

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inshallah, we'll read about the conversation that took place between Ibrahim Ellis Island and Ruth in sort of Santa Clara. Basically, he argued a lot with Ibrahim LSL, about a loss of paradigm. He was a very mighty king.

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He only died.

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Mosquito. He died from a mosquito

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mosquito went in his nose, and he died because of that.

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We think that mosquitoes are very small, very insignificant, but they can have a very big effect. Just the other day I was reading in the news that one of the provinces in Canada, I don't remember exactly where $1.1 million. They're going to spend on mosquito control

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$1.1 million dollars on just mosquito control.

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Exactly. Because Because the mosquitoes so many diseases, they spread malaria, West Nile disease, so many deaths are caused. So we just you know, when we look at the Quran, sometimes we're like, oh, why this with our little intellect with our small minds, and we don't look at the bigger picture. This is why who do we have to trust our intellect or what Allah subhanaw taala tells us what Allah soprano diamonds

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When we read in the Quran, lovely Buffy, this is a book in which there is no doubt, what was one of the meanings of that, in the fact that everything that is in it is best is true it is how it is that which is best for us. So even if something doesn't make sense to us at the time, what do we have to do? Still accepted because Allah is mentioning it. So Allah does not feel shy, presenting an example of a mosquito or something small. Why? Because it is the truth.

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Allah says for Ummah, then as for Ummah,

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is for the free it is for detail.

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It is used for detail. So for a man as for alladhina amanu, those people who believe, meaning,

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then the reaction of the believers as for the reaction of the believers, when they hear the example of something small, like a mosquito fire on the moon, so they know, what do they know that unknown who that indeed it is, what is the example is, and how cool it is the truth mirror became from their Lord. As for the believers, when they hear the example, they know that it is the truth from the Lord. What is the mean by fire on the moon, they know, meaning they have the knowledge, and hence they believe in the fact that it is from Allah stanadyne.

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They know that it is the truth from their Lord. And when they know that it's the truth from their Lord. What do they do? They believe in it, they accept it. And once they believe it, they accept it. They reflect upon it, they see the many different benefits, the many different signs

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that are presented through that example. If a person just gets stuck on the fly, will he reflect on the example that has been presented? No. Will he benefit from the example that is presented? No. But if a person does not get stuck on the detail, he's going to look at the bigger picture. He's going to see the different lessons the different signs, the different concepts that are elaborated. So fire on the moon, they know meaning they realize they see the different lessons, the different signs, the clear lessons that are in the example. They know that indeed it is the truth from their Lord. And the word help is from the root letters have cough cough.

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It is from the betters health.

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And health is used for truth. Basically it is used for established truth.

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That which is proven true, that which is established as the truth.

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It's not doubtful at all.

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It is not something that some people believe to be true and others believe it as false. No it is established. It is definitely reality. So Fiala Mona and Nicole Haku Mira beanie, they know that it is indeed true from their Lord. So the reaction of the believers is so Mirena were Aparna was a document that we have heard, we have obeyed, and we have confirmed. This is the reaction of the believers. Why? Because they know that it is the truth from their Lord.

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So what is this part of the show us?

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that those who believe those who reflect they're the ones who benefit from the examples as well.

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Those who believe they're the ones who benefit from the example. Allah says, and sort of the anchor booth is number 43. What do you call answer? No, no boo, boo holliness. And these examples, we present to the people were my yard, Caillou had 11, early moon, but none will understand them. Except those have knowledge.

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There are many examples in the Quran, but who will understand them?

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Who would understand them according to this ayah that I just quoted?

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Those who?

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Those who have knowledge, so little anchor booth number 43. These examples we present to the people but none will understand them except those of knowledge. Or those have knowledge.

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Those who know that the Quran is true. What does the ayah tell us? vrlo Muna, unknown, how can they know that indeed it is the truth from their Lord. So Such are the people who benefit from the examples who will understand the example.

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We see that in the history of Islam. There were many scholars, there were many people who would cry who would weep

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If they would not be able to understand and example, when we don't understand something, what do we do? We object? What did they do? They would cry, that Allah says that it is only the knowledgeable ones who understand the example. If I don't understand the example, that means I'm not knowledgeable. I don't have ready.

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So this shows us that having having knowledge is a big deal.

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gaining knowledge is a big deal.

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Then Allah says, What um, and as for alladhina cafaro, those people who have disbelieved meaning the reaction of those who have disbelieved in the Quran, when they hear such examples, what is their reaction for your coluna? Then they will say, rather, or are the Maha vihara matana? What is it that Allah has intended by this example? matter? Man means what? And that gives me enough that which that gives them enough. And maybe that which, and this man is for, is to

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remember, a sci fi majority before as well comes out of his interrogation, there is for questioning, for asking.

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So math, what is it's a question.

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And remember that a question is sometimes really to demand an answer. And sometimes the question is, I told you before, it is a rhetorical question me there is no answer that is required. And a rhetorical question sometimes conveys the meaning of negation.

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Like, for example, the hypocrites, they said, I know me, no, come on, I'm gonna suffer, shall we believe, as a foolish have believed? What was the point of questioning? But we will not believe similarly, men that are are the love will be heaven? metalla. What is it that Allah has intended? By giving this example? This interrogation? is for the purpose of rejection? For the purpose of denial? Meaning we don't believe or what use what benefit is there in presenting this example?

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Mother or other? Meaning, what use is there what benefit is there? In mentioning this example? And the word or other is from the roof gutters are all well del

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RA, well then, rode literally means to walk about.

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It means to walk about to go back and forth in search of something.

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What does it mean? To go back and forth in search of something?

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This is the literal meaning of the word growth. From that you get the word irata. When you're looking for something, when you're searching for something, you have a goal, right? You have a goal, you have a particular object that you're looking for. And in search of that, you will go here you will go there, you will look everywhere. Why because you have a goal that you want to acquire, you have a thing that you want to find erotica, is the intention behind an action.

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The reason why a person does something,

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the reason why a person does something, what he wants to achieve by doing an action.

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This is what your honor is, for example, the person says, My intention behind doing this action is to please Allah, what does that mean?

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That you are doing this action why so that you can achieve the goal of

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the goal of pleasing Allah subhanaw taala. So pleasing, Allah subhanaw taala is your intention, it is your irata it is what you're looking for.

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It is your goal, it is what you want to get, this is what your order is. So over here, Allah says mother or other level, the people object that what is it that Allah has intended, we have a masala by this example meaning by striking this example.

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So in other words, we see that the reaction of those who do not believe in the Quran is our objection.

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They object

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they don't believe and instead, they object they say, What does Allah mean by presenting this example? Why did he present this example? It doesn't make sense.

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Many times, when we come across something that we don't understand, what do we do?

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We begin to object instead of trying hard to understand or instead of acknowledging the fact that maybe I don't understand right, many times we begin objecting. This is the way that Allah subhanaw taala does not approve of

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He does not like

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which way that when a person does not understand something because of his limited mind, he begins to object.

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Does this mean that we should not use our intellect and whatever is given to us, we should just accept it without using our minds as blindly follow?

00:40:21 --> 00:40:33

Is that what this means? No, this is not what this means. What it means is that sometimes you do come across things that are difficult to understand. But if you don't understand, be respectful,

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be respectful, be professional,

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don't begin to object and criticize, be positive, try harder. And if you still cannot accept the fact that maybe you cannot understand if you're not able to understand, you know, calculus or chemistry or something very complicated. What do you do? You say, these professors who made these books, they have no sense and they've come up with all these complicated things to complicate our lives? Is that what you say? Some people do say that. But who is being foolish?

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We are when we complain in this way, it makes perfect sense, it makes complete sense. But it just may be that you are unable to understand it completely. So instead of objecting, instead of complaining, just try a bit more hard.

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or accept the fact that you don't understand, maybe you will understand another time, isn't it? So sometimes people take a course in university, and they fail. They don't get it, they take it again. And what happens there is they understand it better that

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because many times when we're exposed to something the first time we don't get it, we do it again, we understand it much better. So over here, Allah says that when these people when they come across something like this in the Quran, they begin to object. Now the question is that why don't they understand? Is it really that complicated?

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Is it really that complicated? When Allah says that Allah has made the Quran easy to understand, then how can there's something in the Quran which is difficult to understand? That's fine, what the problem is, the problem is that they do not want to understand

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the problem is that they do not want to understand

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the example of the fly that I mentioned to you. I just read out the translation.

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Did you understand the example? Many of you, you opened up your eyes? You were nodding your heads, I could see that you could understand why? because you wanted to understand. But if a person just gets stuck on the word fly, is he going to go beyond that? No. Is he going to look at the bigger picture? No. So similarly, they're not able to understand why because that is not their goal. That is not their intention. They do not want to understand

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they do not want to understand the Quran.

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They do not want to gain guidance from the Quran. Allah Subhana. Allah says, After mentioning that he does not feel shy of presenting an example. As long as it serves a purpose. The reaction of the believers is

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that they believe in it, they accept it, they benefit from it. And as for those of disbelief, they do not benefit from the example because they do not comprehend they do not ponder on the example. They don't read it with the intention of benefiting from the example. Then Allah says Yulin, loopy, he leaves to stray with it, you will know is from the root letters bought lamb lamb

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bought lamb lamb bilall means misguidance to be a stray. And abala you will do is to leave someone so that they can go straight.

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There is to leave someone so that they go astray. You know, sometimes, if a person needs directions to a particular place, and you're taking them and halfway through,

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you leave them what's going to happen, are they going to get to the destination? No, they get lost. So abala EULA is to leave someone to go astray. And abala you will do is also to judge someone as being a string. Why? Because of their actions

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to judge someone as being a stray why, because of their actions.

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For example, a person tells you that they were going towards a place which is in the north. Okay, that was there supposed to be the destination.

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But they tell you that the route that they took was to south.

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They were supposed to go north but the route that they took was South so this action of

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What does that tell you? that they're going to be lost? They are lost. They're supposed to go somewhere else and they have taken another route. So when you see them on a wrong way, obviously what are you going to say? You are lost you are not on the right way. So Allah Allah, you lilu is to leave someone to stray or to judge someone as a stray why, because of the actions that they are doing. So Allah says, that he needs to stray, be he with it, by what, by the example that is given Catherine many people, meaning many people are led astray by the examples that are mentioned in the Quran. Why?

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Why? Because of their own unbelief, because of their own disobedience.

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When something is difficult for us to understand, when we don't focus on the main objective, and it becomes difficult for us to understand what happens that particular issue becomes a fitna, it becomes a test. So you lil OBE, Catherine, he leaves many to stay with it from among the people where DVD kathira. And he guides many with it, through what through the example. So in other words, the example is given, many take benefit, and others do not take benefit. But who are the ones who are misguided by the example, who are the ones who do not benefit from the examples, Allah says when you build up and he does not leave to stay with it, meaning through the example in alpha 16, except

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those people who cross limits.

00:46:42 --> 00:46:46

Faster clean is a plural of facet. And facet is one who commits this.

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Fisk is from the root letters. What do you think fair scene

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is, and Fisk literally means who rouge it is to leave it is to exit.

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And in particular, first is to go beyond the bounds to cross the limits.

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to cross the limits to get out of the boundaries.

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To get out of the border, okay.

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To go beyond the border, this is what this is.

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And this word has been derived from the expression fuzzer what is tomato,

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the tomato, the date, when it becomes very ripe, what happens to it?

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What happens to it? When it becomes very ripe, it bursts, right? And the outer shell, the outer covering of the date that the skin of the date, what happens to it,

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it ruptures and the date comes out of it where it becomes extremely right. So this is what farcical literally means. And technically, in Islam, when we use the word Fisk, it refers to disobedience. Because Allah subhanaw taala has set bounds for us. Allah subhanaw taala has set limits for us. And we are to stay within them.

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And they are for our own benefit.

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So first, is to go beyond those limits to cross those limits. So what is this disobedience, so we'll manually look at Indian philosophy and it is only those who disobey who do not benefit from the example that Allah subhanaw taala cites in the Quran.

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So from this, cya, what are the main things that we learned?

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First of all, Allah does not feel shy of presenting something that is beneficial. What does that teach us? That we should also not feel shy from speaking the truth. We should also not feel shy from speaking back which is correct. We write about the hypocrites that they are someone, Bookman, omean, they're deaf, dumb and blind, they're new, they're not able to speak the truth.

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They do not speak that which is beneficial. Allah does not feel shy from speaking that which is beneficial. Similarly, we must not feel shy from speaking the truth.

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Another thing that we learn is that we have to trust upon a loss of panel data. When it comes to the Quran.

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We have to trust upon a loss of panel data when it comes to understanding the Quran. We are not to trust upon our own intellect. We're not to trust around what the scientists have discovered, what the sociologists have said, what the psychologists say yes, their sayings may help us have a better understanding. But we should not completely rely on other sources. We should rely completely on who on Allah subhanaw taala when it comes to understanding the Quran. Another lesson that we learn is that those who reject

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The Quran, they're the ones who object at what Allah Subhana Allah says,

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Who objects, Allah soprano palace commands.

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Those who reject those who deny

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the hypocrites.

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They would make fun of the verses of Allah. They would make fun of the believers, they would make fun of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. It is not of the characteristics of a believer that he should object to the commands of Allah. If there is something that we don't understand, give more time. pray to Allah make dar to Allah to make you understand, to give you a better understanding.

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There are lots of panels Allah says in the next tire about who the faceting or

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who are those people who don't benefit from the examples? Were manually looby inland faceting So who are the faceting? Who are those people who cross limits? Allah says and Nadine, those people who there are those who young Kaduna they break the law, the covenant of Allah in Kaduna is from the root letters known, but not known of both love and not

00:51:20 --> 00:51:24

means to break What does it mean to break

00:51:25 --> 00:51:32

literally the word nothing is the opposite of Abraham, Abraham is to consolidate something to put something together.

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So, one is to consolidate to put together and what is the opposite of that

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to break to disintegrate

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to separate

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similarity, Ibrahim is to make a knot to tie a knot and not is to

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untie the knot to open up that long it is to unravel.

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And in particular enough is to break something or it is to unravel something after it was consolidated after it was put together. What is not to break something, do untie something to unravel something after it was put together. This is what it is.

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And the word not the meaning of it changes depending on how you're using it. For example, the nub of a building of a structure is to break the building after it was standing firm and solid. Okay. Not of a promise is that a person breaks the promise how by going against it

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by going against it. So over here Allah says young Kaduna they break What do they break are the law the covenant of Allah, the word are this under root letters I inherited L and R is used for a promise that a person makes with the intention

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fulfilling it

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or this what a promise that a person makes with the intention of fulfilling it.

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So it is a promise which has to be guarded.

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A person has to be careful about it.

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so young Kaduna de la, they break the covenant of Allah, what is this covenant of Allah,

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the covenant that they made with Allah.

00:53:40 --> 00:54:04

This covenant refers to what is mentioned in sort of our off number 172. where Allah subhanaw taala says, What is the law buka mean Benny Adam mill Rahim. zuri yetta who was had the whom Allah and Fusarium and as to the Rubicon, called rubella. And mentioned when your Lord took from the children of Adam, who were the children of Adam,

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us, all of the human beings, so mentioned when your Lord took from all of the children of Adam, from their loins, their descendants, meaning all of the people were there, all of their, all of their souls were there. And then he made them testify of themselves saying to them, Am I not your Lord? Allah subhanaw taala asked all of us every single person, Am I not your Lord? And they said, Yes, we have testified.

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And this was a promise that was taken from every single person, before we came to dunya which is known as the mythique. In which everybody acknowledged, the oneness of Allah soprano died. So the promise of Allah, they break it which promise, the promise that is between a line that people have belief in Allah,

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of belief in Allah and His messengers. So they break that

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Promise how, by not believing in Allah by not believing in the messengers.

00:55:06 --> 00:55:17

Member the Misaki after its binding, meaning they break it, after they made the promise very firm The word mythique is from the root letters. Well sir,

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it is from the roof letters well off, what the call is to make something for

00:55:26 --> 00:55:29

what does it mean to make something from

00:55:30 --> 00:55:36

from the same root is a word which is used for a rope or a chain with with something is tied very tightly

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a rope or a chain with with something inside.

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And the word mythique is used for a covenant.

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The word meet that is used for a covenant, and it is also used when a promise or a contract is confirmed by an oath.

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When a promise, a contract is made firm, how, by swearing an oath.

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You see, one is that when you're making a promise, you say, okay, fine, I promise I'll do it.

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And other is okay, fine. I swear by a lot that I will do.

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You take an oath,

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when you make an oath, what happens? The promise, the commitment has been made more firm. Right? Some embody me therapy, after they made the covenant firm. So basically mythique implies firmness in the strength of the contract for missing the strength of the contract.

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For example, when a president is selected or the Prime Minister is selected, when they win the elections, and when they take charge, what do they do?

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This where no, right? They make a note WHY,

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to gain the trust of the people and also to show that they are committed. Now it is up to them what they do, but the purpose behind taking that oath is to show that they are committed. So similarly, after making the promise firm, how by swearing, they break the promise. Now the question is, what does it mean by bombarding me second?

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How did they make this promise with a law firm?

00:57:24 --> 00:57:32

How do they make it more firm? The answer to this is after seeing La Ilaha. In Indonesia,

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we made the promise with Allah subhanaw taala. Before coming to the dunya

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it was made firm when we said La ilaha illa Allah in the dunya.

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So they break the promise, after making it firm with a loss after contracting after saying that Illa Allah, so they break the promise of Allah. They don't keep the promise they have made with Allah.

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Secondly, another quality of theirs. Allah says Waikato una Endicott yaku thoroughness and newsletters of for I inkaterra. Katara literally means to cut off the server. So Yekaterina, they cut off what do they cut off? Man, that which Mr. Allahu Allah ordered amaura is from Hamza de Muro

00:58:22 --> 00:58:43

is an instruction it is a command. So after Allah instructed, after a love commanded, right, what Allah has commanded, be with it and use honor that it must be joined. Use Allah is from the roof letters well, sod lamb, and masala is to connect things together.

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What does it mean? Well, solar is to connect things together. It is to unite or join together, do things.

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Okay, what does it mean it is to unite or join together two things so that they're completely attached. They're together.

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For example, you stick one piece of paper with another how with glue.

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So what happens and they're both joined together, they're both connected together. So this is what the word was Solomon's. So what does it mean by Waikato? oma Amara love will be a new seller, and they got that which Allah has enjoined that it must be connected.

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Allah has instructed us that there are certain things they must be joined, they must be connected, what do these people do? They break those things. So what are these things refer to them? What does it mean by math? That which What does matrimonial law be a useful refer to? This has been understood in a number of ways. First of all, it has been said that it refers to what do you think?

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What is it that Allah has commanded us that we must join them and we must not break them.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:03

Blood relationships, ties of kinship

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ties of kinship blood ties.

01:00:09 --> 01:00:38

Allah has commanded us that we must not break them. If a person is your brother or sister, they are your brother and sister, we are no one to say you're not my brother, I'm not going to speak to ever again. If a person is your cousin, if a person is your uncle and grandfather, granddaughter, daughter in law, mother in law, father, brother, whoever, if a person is related to you, they are related and Allah has enjoined upon us that we must maintain these days, we are not to break them.

01:00:40 --> 01:01:07

Over here in particular hasn't been mentioned is the ties which Allah subhanaw taala has made, which are the blood ties in particular, however, relationships are not just through blood, they're also through marriage. Right? And if Allah subhanaw taala has brought people together, through a relationship, we are no one to break those relationships. We do not have the authority to break such relationships. Mama love would be a useless.

01:01:09 --> 01:01:24

What else do they do? Well, you see, Luna fell off, and they spread mischief in the earth. You've seen from the roof letters, first seen the facade. We did the word facade earlier as well like to see to fill up Do not make corruption. And facade literally means to

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what does it literally mean? When something goes bad, when something gets spoiled.

01:01:32 --> 01:01:42

And remember that facade is of two types. facade is of two types. The first type of facade is the tangible facade, the physical facade,

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the physical facade, the tangible facade, such as,

01:01:48 --> 01:01:53

think about it, when something physical goes bad. Give me an example.

01:01:55 --> 01:01:56

Physical facility,

01:01:58 --> 01:02:01

for example, a person is killed, a person is murdered.

01:02:02 --> 01:02:03

Okay, what else?

01:02:05 --> 01:02:10

pollution, that's also facade that's also corruption, things have gone bad, what else?

01:02:13 --> 01:02:16

When food goes bad, for example, a banana that is rotten.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:20

That is also facade, how,

01:02:21 --> 01:03:03

but you go earn that money and you go buy food with all that money, and then you bring it home. And you just leave it around. There is also a facade. Just think about how much food goes back in our refrigerators, on our countertops, just sitting there, wasting away. And there's so many people out there who are hungry. When we think about the hungry, we think of those people who live in Africa, or those people who are in somewhere in Asia, who are suffering from, from a natural disaster or something like that, from famine, and therefore they do not have food, how can I give this banana to them to better account, but there are so many people who are hungry, even where you live. The other

01:03:03 --> 01:03:10

day, I call this particular place where they accept donations. And I asked him if they were accepting clothing. And they said, No, we need food.

01:03:12 --> 01:03:14

They said we do not want any more clothes, we need food.

01:03:16 --> 01:03:22

When it comes to giving sadaqa What do we focus on getting rid of things that we don't like getting rid of things that we don't want.

01:03:24 --> 01:03:36

So facade is also tangible facade. Physical facade is when food goes bad. when food is wasted when food is ruined, when it is spoiled, and others cannot benefit from it.

01:03:37 --> 01:03:39

What else is included in

01:03:41 --> 01:03:41


01:03:42 --> 01:03:43


01:03:45 --> 01:03:46

wasting water,

01:03:47 --> 01:03:49

wasting water.

01:03:51 --> 01:03:53

Just think about the water bottles.

01:03:55 --> 01:03:56

All the water bottles that are there.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:07

Sometimes, you know when you go to a conference, or sometimes even when everybody leaves from the classroom, you will see one or two water bottles that are harmful.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:43

Okay, usually after school, I look around the room and I pick up some water bottles, and it's usually around five or six. Sometimes they're left in their chair, sometimes on the window sill, sometimes near the desk, and they're mostly half full. And then what I do with the water is I can't just throw it out. So I just give it to the plants. But if everybody could please pick up their water bottles because you are wasting water. Sometimes you forget, but make sure before you leave, take those things with you. Right, exactly. And sometimes it's just a habit that wherever we are, we just want to make sure we have a water bottle with us. And we drink maybe just a sip or two and we

01:04:43 --> 01:04:55

throw the rest Imagine all the water that is being wasted. And imagine how much pollution is being caused by making all those bottles and dumping all those bottles. Can you please

01:04:57 --> 01:05:00

I saw my coworker McCullough because I used to work in the

01:05:00 --> 01:05:28

water industry. So to make bottled water, there's processes that are involved in that rate. So there's chemical put in there. And then there's half a bottle that's left, you're wasting the amount of chemical that's used to produce that half a bottle of water. And also other things like energy and the amount of time that's used to make that bottled water. So things like that. It's not just the water, but things that is needed to make that water exactly, you get that water to you, the transportation, so much has been put in to get that water to you. And what do we do?

01:05:30 --> 01:05:50

You just wasted all that effort. Similarly, the food that we cook sometimes, and we throw, or we don't finish, we pour so much food on our plates. And we don't finish that, what is that so much effort has been put to grow that food, to bring that food to your house to cook that food to prepare that food to serve you that food and we just

01:05:51 --> 01:05:53

waste half of it, we throw half of it

01:05:55 --> 01:05:59

alaikum recently, we went to a presentation of

01:06:01 --> 01:06:11

refugee camp. And from what we learned from there, your bottle water, that would be there full water to take a bath.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:53

And let's say for example, five bottles of that, they will take their washing of their dishes, cooking, taking a bath, just imagine all these things after that presentation. really truly like you know, you literally don't want to put on the tap, because you're wasting a lot of water. Like in Canada, we waste so much water in Canada. And there are people wanting to have your water. So please drink it off. And sometimes, you know, we're brushing our teeth and the tap is still open. It's still running.

01:06:55 --> 01:07:02

Similarly, our showers can be 10 minutes long can be seven minutes long. But they're 1520 minutes long. So much water.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:13

We run the water for so long as you get the right temperature. So you've seen a fill or facade fill out the first type is a tangible facade.

01:07:14 --> 01:07:17

And if you look at it, there is no limit to this today.

01:07:18 --> 01:07:28

You can talk about it for hours, you can research on this for hours, you can do so much to find out about the tangible facade that has been made. Right? So first of all, facade is the tangible facade

01:07:30 --> 01:07:39

and it includes killing people. It includes destroying, you know forests and the creation of Allah subhanaw taala.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:43

And the second type of facade is the intangible facade.

01:07:44 --> 01:07:47

What is the intangible facade that is done through

01:07:48 --> 01:07:50

acts of disobedience,

01:07:51 --> 01:07:54

acts of disobedience. For example.

01:07:55 --> 01:07:58

Think about it one person said about spreading rumors.

01:08:00 --> 01:08:01

This is also for

01:08:03 --> 01:08:19

spreading false information. We just hear from one person and we tell 10 people and remember every time you forward an email that was forwarded to you make sure that it's true. Before you spam other people with that email. What else is included an intangible facade?

01:08:21 --> 01:08:28

Exactly breaking up relationships with the people breaking up the ties that are lost pantalla has made What else?

01:08:30 --> 01:08:31

corrupting the minds,

01:08:32 --> 01:08:37

corrupting other people's minds corrupting the minds of children, innocent children.

01:08:40 --> 01:08:45

You know when your children are watching TV when they're watching cartoons, sit with them and see what they're watching.

01:08:47 --> 01:08:54

Sometimes it's innocent cartoons that may appear to be very innocent. But the words are the children are learning the actions that the children are learning.

01:08:55 --> 01:09:16

So this facade, it also includes corrupting the minds corrupting the morals of people, the luck, the behavior, the character of people, this is also included in facade. Now if you look at it in tangible facade and intangible facade, what is the reason for this, especially tangible facade what causes this person fulfilling desires,

01:09:17 --> 01:09:19

pursuing the desires

01:09:22 --> 01:09:27

I want to have water right now. And I want my own.

01:09:28 --> 01:09:29

So I'll go buy a bottle

01:09:30 --> 01:09:34

and I don't want to drink all the bottles. So I will leave off of it. I can afford to throw it.

01:09:36 --> 01:09:52

If I need more water, I can buy it. Right. So it is fulfilling desires. And the list of problems that are caused There are endless. Allah says about such people are less eco those who will call soon they're the losers. Notice the word Allah.

01:09:53 --> 01:10:00

This is a shadow buried. It is used to point to something that is far. So those who are very far very

01:10:00 --> 01:10:29

law in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala, whom they only it is only such people who are in hospital notice the word home. I thought about this word home before as well, that when a pronoun comes on its own not attached to any other word, what meaning does it convey? That it is only such whom only they aloha soon who are the losers? Plus Iran is a plural of the word horses. And horses is one who suffers Hassan and Hassan

01:10:30 --> 01:10:52

is to suffer loss. What is his hon to suffer the US do not gain any profit, but instead suffer loss, for example, in a business or something like that. So they're the ones who are losers. Right now. They're fulfilling every desire of theirs. But tomorrow, they're the ones who are going to be losers. Complete losers, How?

01:10:53 --> 01:10:54


01:10:55 --> 01:10:59

How will they be losers by losing their adonia and losing them?

01:11:01 --> 01:11:03

by losing their dounia as well as

01:11:04 --> 01:11:07

by losing their wealth, losing their families,

01:11:09 --> 01:11:30

losing their enjoyment, losing their pleasure, losing gender, and ending compared to Hellfire, lunar ecoman hasura It is indeed such people who are losers. So from this idea, what do we learn that first of all, we must not break the promises that we make, especially those that are made with a loss of parameter.

01:11:32 --> 01:11:34

Especially those that are made with a lost kind of data.

01:11:35 --> 01:12:09

And remember, that when a person fulfills their promise with Allah, Allah fulfills his promises with them. Allah tells us and circle belcarra is number 40. Yeah, Bani Israel in Peru near Mati, and Lottie and onto our laico 104 via the UI VR article where he is on her own, or children of Israel. Remember my favorite which is bestowed upon you and fulfill my covenant upon you that I will fulfill your covenant from me. You fulfill your promise, and I will fulfill mine.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:16

Many times we say, you know, I'm doing this, I'm doing that. But how come I don't see the help of Allah.

01:12:19 --> 01:12:20

We have to wait.

01:12:22 --> 01:12:37

We have to fulfill our promise to our best ability. And Allah soprano alto will fulfill his promise to us. Another lesson that we learn is that we must not break the ties of relationship. We must not break the ties of relationship.

01:12:39 --> 01:13:01

There's a hadith in Bukhari, Abou railo, the larger narrative that I heard allows messengers that a lover to send them saying, whoever is pleased that he be granted more wealth, and that his lease of life be prolonged, whoever wants that he should have more wealth, and whoever wants that he should have a longer life. Do you want it?

01:13:03 --> 01:13:12

Do you want it? Do you want more wealth? Do you want more money? Do you want to live longer? Come on. Of course everybody wants more money. Don't Don't say you don't want

01:13:13 --> 01:13:14

be truthful.

01:13:16 --> 01:13:35

Everybody wants more money, and everybody wants to live longer. The profits are allowed to set aside whoever is pleased that he be granted more wealth and that his lease of life be prolonged, then he should keep good relations with his kith and kin. He should keep good relations with his relatives.

01:13:38 --> 01:13:40

What is included and keeping good relations with the relatives?

01:13:45 --> 01:13:48

visiting them if they live too far,

01:13:49 --> 01:13:52

calling them and in this day and age,

01:13:53 --> 01:13:55

you marry leaving a message.

01:13:57 --> 01:14:09

People who have Facebook, it's not difficult to keep in touch these days. Just one message one line. That's it. This is included in maintaining good relationships. What else is included in it?

01:14:11 --> 01:14:26

Giving them gifts. Many times we expect them to give us gifts, isn't it? She is coming back from a trip. She should give me a gift. Why should I have to give her well she came back you can also give her something. Welcome home gift.

01:14:27 --> 01:14:28

What else is included?

01:14:30 --> 01:14:33

Exactly helping them when they are in need.

01:14:35 --> 01:14:45

Sometimes our relatives they're moving their houses or they need their help with their backyard or they're cleaning or something with the other and we say it's not my house. It's not my car.

01:14:47 --> 01:14:48

Helping them.

01:14:49 --> 01:14:50

What else is included?

01:14:52 --> 01:14:54

Yes, sometimes helping them financially.

01:14:55 --> 01:14:57

Sometimes helping them financially.

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

What else

01:15:01 --> 01:15:06

protecting them from straying off the right way, advising them

01:15:08 --> 01:15:10

whatever we learned sharing that with them

01:15:14 --> 01:15:15

protecting their dignity

01:15:16 --> 01:15:18

respecting them.

01:15:19 --> 01:15:23

Many times when we're sitting with our friends or with some other relatives, what do we talk about?

01:15:26 --> 01:15:49

About our other relatives? Right? Many times this happens, and sometimes within families as well, mothers will tell their children about the so called mean things that she experienced with her in laws. Right? Sometimes this happens and the children, innocent minds, innocent children, they develop hatred for their grandparents for their uncle's for their homes.

01:15:50 --> 01:15:58

Okay, fine. If you had to go through that. Why should you instill poison in your children's hearts? Let them see the truth themselves,

01:15:59 --> 01:16:06

sharing their joys and sharing their souls with them, sharing their joys and their sorrows with them.

01:16:07 --> 01:16:21

Sometimes they need emotional support in times of loss. Sometimes they need encouragement. Sometimes they need somebody to show happiness, somebody to participate in the happiness that they're enjoying. And we're only waiting to be invited.

01:16:22 --> 01:16:26

She did not invite me, well go visit her yourself.

01:16:28 --> 01:16:30

Which sometimes we just wait to be called.

01:16:33 --> 01:16:44

I remember as children eat, there was a day of meeting all our relatives, and we're after each other, we would come back home have a snack. And then we would go one family member to the other to the other to the other.

01:16:45 --> 01:16:57

We didn't wait to be called or invited. It's either day, everybody needs each other, you know, especially families, they come together. So it's a day of meeting other people. Why should you wait for somebody to call you for a dinner at their house? Why?

01:16:59 --> 01:17:18

Exactly. Sometimes, you know, somebody has a baby, and they have an A pika. And they don't invite you. Because they cannot invite so many people, their budget doesn't allow or the place doesn't allow circumstances don't allow, instead of getting so upset, what should you do? Go and greet them some other time? congratulate them. There may be some other time. You can do that.

01:17:19 --> 01:17:54

Islamic wise of lockwise they're not good. They're not under the Okay, let's say they are not even Muslim. Are you allowed to break ties with them? No. Even if they're not Muslim, or shut them down her sister asthma. Her mother was emotionally. She was still an unbeliever. And she came to visit her from Africa. And you know, with a smile on her face, she did not allow her in her house. Because she thought she's not a Muslim. I'm not supposed to let her in. And she asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam Should I let her in Should I meet her and he said of course, of course, you should slowly

01:17:55 --> 01:18:08

keep good relation maintain the tie with your relative. Now, you see, there are different levels of maintaining returns. If there is somebody who has done something that is not acceptable at all,

01:18:09 --> 01:18:21

and they are close to you, there are your relatives. For example, you know, Muslim parents, their Muslim daughter marries a non Muslim. Okay, for example, and these stories we have heard of them.

01:18:22 --> 01:18:32

We have seen them, some of us may have experienced it in our own lives as well, we may have seen this, then even then we're not allowed to completely cut off.

01:18:33 --> 01:19:00

We're not allowed to do that. We can show our disapproval, we can show our anger. But we're not allowed to completely cut off. Because the ties that our last panel data has made, we cannot cut them off. We are still supposed to meet them, we are still supposed to greet them, we are still supposed to, you know, help them out and do whatever the weekend because the more good you will be towards them, the more they will listen to you.

01:19:01 --> 01:19:02


01:19:04 --> 01:19:26

One of the ways of maintaining good relationships or showing kindness towards relatives is that sometimes what happens is that between relatives, you know, fights take place, people disagree with each other. So, out of kindness, out of maintaining the tie, we should be the first one to apologize or we should be the first one to make up the loss.

01:19:28 --> 01:19:35

If you think of it, every person in some way or the other has heard of or has experienced

01:19:37 --> 01:19:49

situations in which relatives have cut off from each other. Very rarely, you will find someone who is perfectly fine with each and every single relative appears.

01:19:50 --> 01:19:51

Isn't it

01:19:52 --> 01:20:00

you will not find any person who does not have a problem with their relatives in some way or the other. Every person has some

01:20:00 --> 01:20:28

reason or the other. Some of the most common ones are like the sister mentioned before, sometimes the parents are divorced. And they don't allow their children to need the other parent. For example, you know, if the children are staying with the mother, the mother will not allow the children to meet the father or to ever speak to him. But this is incorrect. He is your father, you are supposed to meet him. Similarly, sometimes cousins were married, and they got divorced. And now with their divorce, the entire family's divorced, hmm.

01:20:29 --> 01:20:30

Literally, it happens.

01:20:32 --> 01:21:12

It happens, their brother and sister their children were married, they got divorced. Now the brother and sister they will never meet each other, they will never see each other, they will never speak to each other. Sometimes there are big issues, very big issues that can cause big problems. But after all, we're all human beings, we make mistakes. This is a tie that Allah subhanaw taala has made, and we do not have the authority to completely cut it off. We can show anger, we can show that we're hurt, we can show that we are upset, but within limits, we should get over such things we should have bigger hearts. Similarly, in some situations, a daughter in law doesn't get along with the

01:21:12 --> 01:21:52

mother in law doesn't get along with her parents in law. And with her sister in law, and the children they get affected, they are raised with negative feelings for their grandparents. Similarly, sometimes what happens is that some relatives who are rich, who have more money, they will not associate themselves with those renters who are poor, who have less, they are an embarrassment for them, they will not call them to parties, they will not call them to their house, because they will come and they will not sit properly on my $5,000 sofa and they will do it. They will go to the washroom they will not use it properly, they will splash all over my mirror, I cannot

01:21:52 --> 01:22:00

afford them to come to my house, they will come eat in my table, they will throw crumbs on the floor, I cannot allow them to come to my house.

01:22:01 --> 01:22:02

This is not the way

01:22:04 --> 01:22:05

this dunya is a test.

01:22:06 --> 01:22:21

And part of the test is maintaining the ties of relationships that are Lost Planet Allah has made for us. And remember that there is no justification for completely cutting off the relationships, completely cutting off.

01:22:22 --> 01:22:26

I told you about the story of a small Latina her mother was not a Muslim.

01:22:28 --> 01:23:13

There's another Hadees which is in Muslim which I forgot to mention about maintaining the ties of kinship. A Buddha reported that a person asked Allah messenger, I had relatives with whom I tried to have close relationship. But they sever this relation. I try to have a good relationship with them. But they cut off from I treat them well. But they treat me ill. I give them gifts, but they never give gifts to me. I am sweet to them, but they're harsh towards me. I speak kindly to them, and they're rude to me. Upon this the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, if it is so as you say, then you in fact throw hot ashes upon their faces. It is an expression which means that you are basically

01:23:13 --> 01:23:24

winning. And there would always remain with you on behalf of Allah soprano data, an angel to support you who would keep your dominance over them so long as you adhere to this way

01:23:26 --> 01:23:44

so long as you continue to be good towards them. This is a hadith which is in Muslim. Remember, relationships do get affected over time. But don't give justifications. There is no justification for breaking off a relationship but either a loss of Clinton has made

01:23:45 --> 01:23:50

and now when you go home, think about all your relatives Do you know all of their names?

01:23:51 --> 01:23:54

Do you know how many you have? who they are?

01:23:56 --> 01:23:57

Do you know about your family tree

01:23:58 --> 01:24:04

yakata una Amara la would be a useful hula ecohome mahasi room

01:24:05 --> 01:24:08

this is something we should think about and do something about.

01:24:10 --> 01:24:14

So first of all, Matt I'm going to love will be useful refers to

01:24:15 --> 01:24:18

refers to dies off relationship.

01:24:19 --> 01:24:27

It has also been said that man a monologue would be a useful refers to believing in the prophets

01:24:29 --> 01:24:32

believing in the profit sort of all of a sudden in particular,

01:24:33 --> 01:24:37

because when a person does not believe in Him, what happens is cutting him off

01:24:38 --> 01:24:51

from the writing. Similarly, what else has Allah subhanaw taala enjoined upon is that we must connect we must keep together we must connect the man supporting his Deen

01:24:52 --> 01:24:59

Allah has commanded us and if we do not do so, we're breaking this that our last Panzer has enjoined upon us.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:10

Another thing that hasn't been said about marijuana lobby and useful is a loss of handlers command, that words must be joined with action.

01:25:12 --> 01:25:16

A las pantallas command, that words must be joined with action.

01:25:18 --> 01:25:28

And there are suffering is there breaking is that a person only speaks and he does not do? He only talks and he does not do.

01:25:30 --> 01:25:43

Well, you see, do not fill up and they spread mischief in the earth will that ecohome will have zero such people are the losers. So the first thing that we learned is that we have to maintain the ties of relationship.

01:25:44 --> 01:25:50

And for that we need to be caught. Another lesson that we learn is that we must not create facade and

01:25:52 --> 01:25:57

we must not create facade on the earth because if a person does these things, his end is going to be complete loss.

01:25:58 --> 01:26:07

Allah questions us going for the Quran Avila, how can you disbelieve in Allah, The word kafer is used as Estefan.

01:26:08 --> 01:26:14

It is used as is different just as a word man or is used kafer also means *.

01:26:15 --> 01:26:18

And over here kafer gives a meaning of amazement. Wonder.

01:26:20 --> 01:26:21

How can you

01:26:22 --> 01:26:48

How could you so it is to provoke amazement, how could you disbelieve in Allah? Secondly, kafer is also understood as a rebuke, as a reproach. Why, how how dare you disbelieve in Allah okay for the phone a bit laggy Welcome to while you were on Worthen ones who are dead, and what is a third of the work may get, which is from the root Tetris meme, well, the

01:26:49 --> 01:26:50

meme was Meanwhile,

01:26:51 --> 01:26:54

my yet is one who is lifeless, one who is dead.

01:26:56 --> 01:27:04

Mouth which is that is understood in two ways. First of all, mouth is understood as the state of non existence.

01:27:06 --> 01:27:10

And secondly, it is understood as the separation of body and soul.

01:27:11 --> 01:27:14

What is it? The separation of body and soul?

01:27:15 --> 01:27:16

For example,

01:27:17 --> 01:27:31

when a person dies, his body is still there. But is the soul united with the body? No, it's not is the library is that before coming to the dunia did the body exists? No.

01:27:32 --> 01:27:45

So what quantum and whatton while you were ones who were dead, meaning you were dead, you were nothing for are here come then he gave you life or here is from the roof veterans had yet yeah, from the word higher

01:27:46 --> 01:27:59

from the word higher than hiatus, existence, and the unity of body and soul. So you are that you were nothing for are here come He gave life to you. He gave you a body

01:28:00 --> 01:28:47

and he joined your soul with it for are here in the Dornier summer, then after some time you meet to come He will give that to you. What does it mean by this, that after your term in this dunya after your life in this dunya he will cause you to die your body and soul will be separated somewhere then after sometime your vehicle he will give life to you again and When is that going to be on the Day of Judgment at the resurrection. Summer then meaning when you will be brought back to life again elated your own to Him you will be returned to journalism the real fetters ra gene I Roger Roger literally means to return to Jeroen you will be returned due to a loss of data and Why will we be

01:28:47 --> 01:28:52

returned to a loss of panel data for recompense for accounting.

01:28:55 --> 01:29:20

There are lots of parents out there says who are loving He is the one who Haleakala Khan, he created for you He created for you what Matthew of the whatever that is in the earth Jumeirah all together. What does it mean by He is the one who created for you created for you is understood in two ways. First of all, for your benefit

01:29:21 --> 01:29:35

for your use for your convenience, so that you can live you can enjoy, you can benefit he created everything on the earth for your sake for your benefit.

01:29:37 --> 01:29:48

Secondly, this is understood as Carla Falcone created for you, meaning for you so that you can take a lesson so that you can reflect and take a lesson from it.

01:29:50 --> 01:29:59

Who will lead the Haleakala con, Matthew all the whatever that is in the earth Jumeirah all together every single thing on the earth

01:30:00 --> 01:30:20

has been created for who? For whose benefit for the human beings for us, so that we can take advantage of them, some of them, meaning when he created the earth and everything within it, some of them is the were heroes Illa sama to the sky. The word is the Why is from the root letter seen? Well, yeah.

01:30:21 --> 01:30:27

We read the word Sowell earlier, what does it mean to be the same when something is same and equal from both sides?

01:30:28 --> 01:30:29

And it's the word

01:30:31 --> 01:30:33

gives the meaning of becoming even.

01:30:34 --> 01:30:38

What does it mean to become even, to become equal?

01:30:40 --> 01:30:44

To become equal, and the word is the word also means to rise.

01:30:45 --> 01:30:51

What else does it mean to rise? But over here, the word is the word is followed by ILA

01:30:52 --> 01:31:04

is the word ILA. And when the word is the word is followed by a laugh. It gives the meaning of paying attention to something during two words, intending to words.

01:31:05 --> 01:31:15

So is the word Illa. sama is understood as First of all, he rose to the sky. And secondly, it means that he intended to create the sky.

01:31:16 --> 01:31:20

He paid his attention to what Illa sama to the sky to create the sky.

01:31:22 --> 01:31:37

Now, as for the first meeting for Musto, Illa summit, and he rose to the sky, what does it mean by that? How do we understand that? There was a person who also asked Mr. Mallika, but this question, what does it mean by this? How did the last panel arise in what we were how when What happened?

01:31:39 --> 01:31:40

You know, the response that he gave,

01:31:42 --> 01:31:53

he said, and sdwa the fact that he rose, that is Marlon, that is known to us. And the caveat as to how he rose, that is module, we do not know about it.

01:31:54 --> 01:31:55

And then He further said,

01:31:56 --> 01:31:57

Does anyone know what he's

01:32:00 --> 01:32:46

asking about it isn't innovation. Asking about this is something that is incorrect. So thumbless the way that he rose to the sky or then he paid attention to the sky in order to create it for so while hoonah then he leveled them. So we're gonna see the word so what Sam notice is the way I've seen while Yeah, which is to level to smooth and so for so where hoonah he leveled them, he smoothen them into server somewhat into seven skies, seven layers of Skiles. Well, who were and he is, because Alicia in earlywood, everything is always all knowing the name of Allah subhanaw taala. A name is from the root letters, I mean, really, which is knowledge. And Eileen is one who has knowledge. But

01:32:46 --> 01:32:57

you see, the word limb is also used for someone who has knowledge, isn't it? So what's the difference between Ireland and I leave Ireland is just someone who has knowledge, but I leave

01:32:58 --> 01:33:12

the the structure or the in the form of the word Elohim. It gives us the meaning of abundance, meaning one who has abundant knowledge, one who has great knowledge, one who has a lot of knowledge.

01:33:14 --> 01:33:19

So first of all, it conveys the meaning of abundance. Secondly, it also conveys the meaning of continuity

01:33:21 --> 01:33:28

that he always had or even he has written now, and he will always have in the future.

01:33:29 --> 01:34:07

So a las pantallas knowledge is not just limited to the present, but his knowledge includes the past, the present, as well as the future. Allah says over here, what will be cliche in early he is knowing of every single thing he knows about it. What does it mean by this, that he knows about it? But he knows about all of its details, all of its deeds, all of its actions, its and its purpose, its goal, its origin, its details, every single detail about everything, Allah Subhana Allah knows about it,

01:34:08 --> 01:34:28

from the mosquito to the skies, from the mosquito to the skies. So if Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has complete knowledge, if he is one who has perfect knowledge, who has knowledge about everything, if he tells us something, what are we supposed to do? Accept it, submit to it, believe in it.

01:34:29 --> 01:34:55

Even if it doesn't make sense to you right now. It will make sense to you later on. You will see it in Shall we learn insolent Yunus is number 61. Allah subhanaw taala says, Well my reservoir of love becoming miscarried averting fill only one FSM while I am in Delhi, voila, kebab elaphiti Tabby movie, and not absent from your Lord is any part of an atom's weight.

01:34:57 --> 01:35:00

something as small as an atom each

01:35:00 --> 01:35:21

Even that is not absent from the knowledge of your Lord, this atom, this thing, which is equivalent to an atom in Wait, it could be within the earth or within the heaven within the sky, or anything smaller than that smaller than what than the size of an atom, or greater than that greater than what than the size of an atom.

01:35:22 --> 01:35:39

But that it is in a clear register. Allah subhanaw taala his knowledge includes everything Allah says, and sort of Pollock is number 12. What anila her by the help of equilibria in aroma, and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge. So what do we learn from this?

01:35:40 --> 01:35:42

From the beginning of the cycle, what do you learn?

01:35:43 --> 01:35:57

Who will love the color palette comb? He is the one who has created everything for your sake, he has not created you for them. He has created them for you.

01:35:58 --> 01:35:59

What does that teach us?

01:36:01 --> 01:36:32

What does that teach us? That we should not become slaves to the things that are around us. They're here to benefit us. We're not here to look after them. Yes, we should look after things but our entire day should not go and just looking after the things of this dunya because Allah subhanaw taala has created them for our benefit, and we should only use them for benefit. Another lesson that we learned from this is and we must fear of loss.

01:36:34 --> 01:36:36

If he is the one who knows about everything

01:36:37 --> 01:36:40

he knows about me. He knows what I'm thinking.

01:36:41 --> 01:36:42

He knows what I intend.

01:36:43 --> 01:36:54

He knows what I do. in secret. In open in my heart in front of people. We shouldn't fear people. We should fear a loss of

01:37:01 --> 01:37:02


01:37:31 --> 01:37:36

Yo boo me Cassio Devi

01:37:37 --> 01:37:38

wanna you?

01:37:44 --> 01:37:45

leadin a

01:37:55 --> 01:37:56


01:37:59 --> 01:38:00


01:38:01 --> 01:38:01


01:38:13 --> 01:38:13


01:38:18 --> 01:38:19

me to come

01:38:24 --> 01:38:24


01:38:28 --> 01:38:29

the color

01:38:31 --> 01:38:32

of blue Jamie

01:38:55 --> 01:39:01

La Ilaha. illa Anta Mr. Furukawa to be Lake assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Al-Baqarah 26-29 Word-Analysis 26-29

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