Taimiyyah Zubair – Following the Prophets Path – 07

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of following Prophet's commands and not giving up on them is emphasized. The importance of remembering to do things, avoiding unnecessary disagreements with parents, dressing up as a woman to change one's appearance, and not touching one's eyebrows for a wedding day is emphasized. The importance of shaping one's eyes for a wedding day and not touching their hair for fear of embarrassment is emphasized. The importance of following the Sun parAGena and practicing the way the prophets are allowed is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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How are you all doing?

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Now how do you want to study or that'll suit he he'll get him an advert for the villa him in a shade liner luxurious Villa her or him rubbish slightly acidity we're Sidley Emery. Dr. Emily Sahni of koko de probenecid nerima chapter number nine Would you believe I'ma be sooner, would you obligation of alarma of armor of action, but sooner according to sooner, meaning the obligation of acting according to So now, what is this title mean? That it is mandatory upon the believers that they must act according to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Meaning when it comes to his son, we cannot belittle it, we cannot say we can ever think about the sooner that we don't need to follow it. We don't need to observe it. We don't need to act according to it. No, it's not just better. It's not just beneficial. It's not just rewarding, but it's actually an obligation. It's necessary. It's a requirement. It's a condition for the acceptance of deeds, the commands of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam must be obeyed, just like the commands of Allah are to be obeyed, meaning if there is a hokum, there is a command that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam gave, then what does it mean that we have to accept it, we have to live

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by it, we have to observe it, then we don't have a choice. Just like if there is a command that is given in the Quran, then we as believers are to accept it and follow it. So same thing, whether the command is coming from the Quran or it is coming through the Sunnah. For us, it's the same

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as a b hurayrah radi Allahu anhu call hapa Bana Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for Karla yohannes are the following on longer Aleikum will have for her do for coloradan coolamon your rasulillah for sakata had the color has a lesson for color Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam local to Nam lower jiobit while I must apart from Suma Carla the Rooney Mehta rock to come for innama halochem and can a cappella calm be castrati soo early him was de la for him Allah ambia him for either a moto combi Shea in fact two men who must have to worry then a hater Kumar and che in further who Raja Muslim, Abu huraira with our new narrative, that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam once he addressed the people and he said, Oh, people Hajj has been ordained for you. So perform it, meaning it's an obligation on you. So do it, and then asked if it should be performed every year? A man asked should we perform Hajj every single year, but the Prophet sallallahu wasallam remained silent, meaning he did not respond to him. Why? Why do you think so?

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Because basically, we see that performing hajj every year, it's very good. But is it possible? Is it practical? No. So and also the men, he was asking a question that was not relevant. All that he said was the prophets Allah said that had is an obligation to do it. He didn't specify every year or how many times, right. And we see that it's different for different people, some people have the opportunity to go, other people don't have that opportunity. So he remain silent. He did not answer that question. Until the man asked the question three times he asked over and over and over again.

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Then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, If I were to say that it should be performed every year, then it would be obligatory, and you would not be able to do it. As if he was upset. He was angry that Why are you asking this question again? And again. And this shows us a very important lesson, that if we ever asked a question, and it hasn't been answered deliberately, then we should not ask that question again. Because there must be some reason because of which that question is being ignored, isn't it? Oh, so this is just like children, if they're asking their parents about questions that are not relevant to them, you know, things that they should not know about, then what

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do the parents do? Ignore? Right? So but if the children keep asking, then they get upset as well. And then afterwards, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Do not ask me for more than what I have left you with, for your predecessors perish simply on account of their excessive questioning and their disagreements with their prophets. Any people you can think of the money is solid, you What did they do? They ask questions again and again, any particular incident you can think about the cow, right? And why were they destroyed because of their

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Excessive questioning. But not just that. But their disagreements with their profits. If the left this is the life is opposing the profits, that first they went and asked, and then when they weren't able to do it, they disobeyed the profit. This is just like, at the end of the second just we learn about the story of the Bani Israel, how some of them, they went to their Prophet, and they set a point for us a leader we want to fight. And the Prophet said that what if the command is given to you to fight and then you turn away? They said, why would we not fight, we have every reason to fight. So the command was given. And most of the people turned away. So this is the dealer. So first

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excessive questioning again and again asking, and then when they were given the command, then disobeying because of this reason, they were destroyed. So when I command you to do anything, obey it as much as you can. And when I forbid you to do anything, then leave it alone. What does it show? that whatever commands the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gave, that we have to do them, and whatever he forbade us from then we have to stay away from it. Then we don't go on asking, oh, Is it really necessary? Is it punishable? If we don't do is it How long? No, whatever he said, Just do it. And obviously, they've been what I learned all the Allahu anhu call contoh Salif MSgt further Ani

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam falam Audioboo for call to jasola Allah in the country OSA Lee sakala allama karela who is the de bourree la la salida de Lima Yuriko urahara Abu Saeed bin Marla, he related that I was performing my prayer in the masjid when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam called me. So he was praying. And the prophets Allah loves him game and he called him I did not answer his call. Why? Because he was praying that after finishing the prayer, when I approached him, I said O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I was performing my prayer. This is the reason why I did not respond to you. And the Prophet sallallahu

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Sallam said, Did Allah not command that oh people when Allah and His Messenger call you to that which gives you life, then obey their command and listen, respond? Meaning, when Allah has said that when the messenger called you then listen than Why did you not come? And you might wonder, but he was praying. The thing is, that in the masjid, if a person was praying alone, individually, then that meant he was not praying the false Allah, the false Allah, the people would pray in congregation, but when it comes to nephal, then they will be praying that individually separately and nephal is a voluntary good deed. But when it comes to responding to the call of the Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam that is an obligation, when two things are before you and you have to choose one and obligation or that which is voluntary, then what is it that you have to go for the obligation, then that will take precedence? Same thing, but it's not at the level of fault. Okay? Even if it's sooner in the sense that, for example, the sooner after a little smaller, but compared to the fault, it is voluntary.

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This was in the case of the profits or losses that are either documented by your home however, it has been said that if a person is praying absolute voluntary prayer, okay, then razza number Akita, but we're talking about voluntary prayer, okay. And if the parents have an individual They call him, then he has to break the prayer and go and then complete the prayer afterwards, because the parents also will validate it. Yes, Anna. All right. And the first thing in our son is obedience, bill, bill worry then being good to the parents. That's an obligation on people. So if the parents are calling a person, then they have to go and respond. Now imagine if you have to break your voluntary prayer

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in order to respond to your parents, then what does your television matter? What is your phone matter? What does your email matter? It doesn't. Okay? So we see that in this hadith as well, that when the Prophet sallallahu wasallam calls people do something and they have to respond to like was when he gives a command, then we have to obey, and of the letterhead of the Allahu anhu call, Lorena LaHood where she Mati while Masatoshi Mati when Nam is it, while metonymy Swati, while motor Fallujah till hussmann Marathi Alcala Allah fabella de la cumbre 10 min bunny a sudden you call Allah Omar coupe wacana Taka Al Quran for attack who for Carlat, Madison Bella honey Anca and Nicola

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Antal huashi Mati while most ohshima t Walmart enemy Swati while motor friendly Jatin herstein will the Euro Alcala for color Abdullah O'Malley, let alone Omen, la nanosolar, la he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Whoa whoa if he could have been there for Karla tell not to look at the camera to my brain Aloha. You must have a familiar jet to who for color. Let him continue karate nakada T. Allah Allah azzawajal matta como por su lufa Hulu woman, a hacker man who Fanta who for quality more for any Arashi, a Manhattan Island rhotic ln Allah it heavy fundly color for the holiday Allah in Marathi Abdullah falam Tadashi and for jet la he for call it moto a to shaden for Karla mlo. Canada Erica Lemieux Jameer her Muslim are dilemmas dealing with our new narrative that Allah has cursed those women who tattoo and who have themselves tattooed. Those who pluck their hair, and those who have

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their hair blocked, and those who make spaces between teeth for beautification. You look at the Arabic The first word is a Louis Srimati. where she met is from washroom and washroom is to put a mark on the body that is permanent. So that's like tattoos, a permanent mark deliberately for the purpose of beautification, art, whatever you want to call it, this is what worship is. So why she met well, Masatoshi met the women who do this meaning good tattoo, and who also have themselves tattooed meaning who asked others to tattoo them. So whether a woman does this, a person does this as a profession, or a person goes as a client to get this done. Both the individuals, Allah subhanaw

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taala has cursed them. Secondly, when Nam is sloty, well metonymy, Swati, those who pluck their hair, and those who have their hair plucked. So those who pluck the hair, and those who have the hair plucked, but which hair is this of the face, and in particular, of the eyebrows. And thirdly, well motor family jetty lil Hosni and those who make spaces between their teeth for the purpose of beautification, and all these three types of women who do this, they do this in order to change what Allah has created. Allah made their body in a particular way. They're deep, he arranged them in a particular way. He made their eyebrows in a particular way their skin in a particular way, the

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color, but they change the creation of Allah. So Abdullah was rude. He said, this statement. So then this news, it reached a woman of the tribe of acid. And her name was Amir Oh, and she used to recite the Quran. What does that mean? She was a knowledgeable woman of that time, because either she knew how to read and she had the most half, which was also a big deal. Or she had the Quran memorized, which is also a big deal. So she used to recite the Quran. So this woman, she came to the lemon mustard. And she said, What is this news that has reached me from you, that you curse those women who tattoo and those women who have themselves tattooed, the woman who pluck hair, and those who

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have their hair plucked, and those who make spaces between their teeth for the purpose of beautification that they're changing what Allah has created. So Abdullah bin was rude, he said, should I not curse one upon whom Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has invoked curse? Why should I not curse the one whom the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam cursed, if he curses such a person than I do, will do that. And that is in the book of Allah also. Meaning This is also mentioned in the Quran. That why shouldn't I believe in this and why shouldn't I tell others about it? So he said, this is something that the messenger sallallahu Sallam said, and this is also

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mentioned in the Book of Allah. So upon this, the woman said, I read the Quran from cover to cover, but I did not find that in it. I have not found this mentioned in the Quran, anywhere that Allah has cursed such people or such actions. So Abdullah was rude. He said, If you had read the Quran, then you would have definitely found this in the Quran that Allah has said, and whatsoever the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gives you take it, and whatsoever he forbids you than abstain from it. If you had read the Quran, then you would have found this verse, that whatever the messenger gives you take it and whatever he forbids you from then stay away from it. So that woman said, I find this

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thing in your wife now, meaning your wife even does this. Even your wife loves her eyebrows, or she even does it to others. Thereupon, he said go and see her again. Okay, maybe it's just your assumption that just because you see that her eyebrows are

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Beauty beauty shapes, you think that she shapes them herself. Go check yourself, go and see her. So the woman she said, I went to the wife of Abdullah and found nothing of the sort in her. So she probably checked very carefully, you know, looked at her eyebrows in detail and figured out the noise. She doesn't shape them. They're just like that. And then she came back to him and said, I have not seen anything in her meaning she doesn't do this. So I'm loving this root set. Had there been anything like that in her I would never have slept with her meaning I would never have married her. I would never have established relations with her. Why? Because then such a woman would be

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cursed. Why would he want to be with someone who is cursed? Now this Hadees is very important. And there are a number of lessons that we learned in this Hadees First of all, we learned this Hades. The reason for which the author has mentioned this Heidi's over here is that the command which comes from the messenger sallallahu Sallam is of equal importance to the command that we learn in the Quran. And that was the understanding of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu, etc. The woman said, I have not found this command anywhere in the Quran. But 11 was wrote said no, it's in the Koran. How that Allah has said, my attack Gomorrah sold for Hulu. And this command who gave it the

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messenger sallallahu Salah woman ha ha C'mon, who Fanta who this prohibition who gave it the messenger sallallahu sallam. So when he gave it we will consider it to be part of the Quran. We will consider it to be as important as what is mentioned directly in the Quran. Now the thing is that there are many commands, which have not been directly mentioned in the Quran, but we learn about them in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam doesn't mean that they're less important. No. Why were they given through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, because the thing is that everything cannot be mentioned in the Book of Allah. If that was the case, then the Quran would be

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impossible for us to finish within a year and a half. It would be huge. Correct? It will be huge, it would be impossible for us to complete the Quran in the month of Ramadan. To understand the Quran to complete the study of the Quran, it would be very difficult. So the Quran, it is brief. The commands are mentioned in a very comprehensive manner. by mentioning a statement such as this, that met Atacama rasuluh woman a man who panto a whole lot of commands are included in this, you understand a whole lot of information is part of this, then we also learn in this Hadees that three kinds of actions are forbidden. And what are they doing? Secondly, plucking the hair of the eyebrows. And

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thirdly, making spaces between the teeth for the purpose of purification? The first thing is that is why are they forbidden? Because you're changing the creation of Allah, even if it's for the purpose of purification, and art, even then, why? Because Allah has given you a particular color. Okay? And we are not to change that. Especially when it's permanent. This doesn't mean that makeup is how long because you say Oh, Allah made my lips a particular color, so I shouldn't put gloss on them. I shouldn't put any color on my eyes. No, that color is not permanent. All right, but a tattoo is what it is permanent. When it comes to henna designs or anything like that, it's temporary. Okay, but

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when it comes to tattoo, then it is permanent, it's a painful procedure, as well. So whether it's tattoo designs, or it is permanent makeup, whatever is permanently done on the body, then that is not permissible. Secondly, what is mentioned here is the plucking of the hair, which hair of the face, and specifically the eyebrows. Remember that when it comes to hair removal, there are three different commands pertaining to three different types of here. One kind of hair that grows in the body, it is mandatory on all believers to remove that here. It's wider. And what is that here? The pubic hair or in the private parts of the body, the armpits and so on and so forth. So that is

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mandatory, it's of the act of the fitrah The second kind of hair is forbidden to remove. And in the case of the women, what is that? The eyebrows and secondly, the hair of the head. Okay, meaning a woman cannot shave her head, she cannot completely remove her hair. She can trim them, okay, she can cut them, but she should not completely remove the hair of the head. This is something that is not allowed unless there is a genuine reason behind that, like some health case or whatever. That is a different scenario. So this is forbidden, no matter what means are adopted. So you're talking about trimming, cutting, using a thread or waxing, whatever. Okay? This is something that's not

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The third category is that which is mobile, meaning it is permissible to remove that hair. And that applies to the rest of the body, whether it's on the arms, or the cheeks, or the forehead, or between the brows, or the upper lip. Okay, this is mobile, it is permissible, meaning, it doesn't matter if a woman does or does not, the forehead is different. But if you go down all the way to your eyebrows, cleaning the eyebrows, but you cleaning the forehead, that's what you say, That's not great. because technically, you're shaping the eyebrows, you're talking about the forehead, okay? You understand. So the forehead, like closer to your hair, okay, that area that if needed, a woman

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may remove that. And for that, whatever means you wishes adopt, they may be used, whether it is waxing, or threading, or, you know, all these ways that are out there today, you know, better when it comes to having the hair removed, then if it's in an area of the body, which is out of meaning part of the body that has to be covered, then no, she cannot have anybody else do it. But if it's on the part of the body that may be exposed to others, then she can have that done by somebody else. Okay. But if it's part of the body that is older, then no, she should not at all, have somebody else do it. And if she does, then she is sinful for that. Now, when it comes to the third category, which

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is MOBA, it is permissible. Remember that in some cases, it does become mazahub, it does become better for a woman to actually remove that here. Why? Because a woman she is to beautify herself, for her for her husband. So part of the beautification of a woman is that her skin would be hair free. So if that includes having the hair removed, then she should get that done. Okay, it's actually Mr. Howe. And also we see that it's a part of cleanliness, it's not considered clean, either. And also, that excessive hair growth, this is or abnormal hair growth, this is not something that's normal. Okay. So in that case, a woman should have that he removed because neither is it

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hygenic. Nor does it, you know, let a person feel clean about themselves. Nor is it something that a person feels comfortable about. So it is MOBA. But in some cases, it does become mazahub also. But we see from our beloved Miss Rhodes reaction, that he said that if my wife plucked her hair, or if she did any of these three things, then I would not have been with her, I would not have married her.

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At this, all of us should think that if a woman, plucks her eyebrows, shapes her eyebrows, then she is bringing about in working on herself the curse of the law. So

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many times we face problems in our lives, isn't it? Especially when people are married, they face problems with their husbands with their in laws, so on and so forth. And it could be because of these little little things that we don't think much about, but they actually matter a lot. We don't think it's that big of a deal. And we do it anyway. And we're actually invoking the curse of Allah subhanaw taala upon us. And we think that Oh, how is it possible, I've always been doing my eyebrows, I have to continue doing them. I know a number of sisters who used to do it before, but then they stopped. And you know what, they look fine. It's just us, you know, because we're used to

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seeing ourselves in a particular way. So we think all we have to look like this. And if we don't look like that we feel bad about ourselves. Or we think that everybody can notice our eyebrows. You know, nobody will. And if they do, then they're too shallow to just stop at your eyebrows and not look through your eyes into your head and see what other good things you have in yourself. Okay, so don't do something just because everybody's doing it. Don't do something just because you were doing it before when you didn't know, once we come to know about it, then we should stop. And that's the main lesson that when the messengers that a lot of them said something, then listen and obey. And

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you will see the effects you will see the Baraka in your life. Remember that incident, when an army of the Muslims that were fighting for so long, and they weren't being victorious, and they realized they hadn't been doing this whack one son, was having such a tremendous effect on them? Once on. So think about it, this action might seem very small, we might say, oh, what's the big deal? It's only eyebrows. But it does become a big deal. It does become a big deal. Many of the problems that we face in our lives are actually a result of our own wrong deeds. And the thing is that if a person cannot control himself, or herself when it comes to her eyebrows, then how can she control herself

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in other matters? If we cannot obey a line as messenger with regard to this small matter, then how can we make ourselves obey them in greater matters. So it starts from little little things. And just as a train

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has begun of shaping your eyebrows, plucking them, shaving them, whatever. Now, we also need to begin a new trend of not touching your eyebrows. Honestly, we have to, we have to revive this and remember their water reviving the sun, okay, revive it so that people get the confidence from you that okay, if you can discontinue this, then I can also discontinue this, if you can do without shaping your eyebrows, and I can also do without chipping my eyebrows. Okay. And my advice to a lot of the young girls that many times when it comes to the wedding day, that is when they go, and they give up, isn't it? And everybody says, Oh, it's your wedding day? Come on, you'd look so good. He

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looks so nice. But think at that time. What use is that? Beautiful makeup? When I'm inviting the curse of Allah on this day? Come on

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a new life. You know, I'm starting with my husband. And here I am beginning this new life with the curse of Allah. Seriously.

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Talk to her. So she said basically, my sister said that you want me to invoke a less curse when he has blessed me with a inshallah righteous spouse. like such a big blessing has given me this day, this day. You want me to disobey Him? And Subhanallah You know, when she got ready as a bride, everybody, everybody who said she should shave or whatever. They're like, you know, she looks so pretty emotional. Even though she didn't care for those comments. Alhamdulillah made them see that she's beautiful without the need of Allah. Exactly. Now, a person will wonder, why is it forbidden? Why is it not allowed? But Mike is like, isn't there an exceptional situation? Like my eyebrows are

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way too big and way too bushy and way to this? Right? We? We wonder that? Why is it forbidden? If you think about it, I just mentioned to you that when it comes to removing the hair, some it's wider than others it's held on and the rest is mobile. When it comes to Haram, there's only two types of air that you cannot remove that on your head and that on your eyebrows. That's it, the head of your hair, hopefully you don't want to remove it anyway. Okay, but the hair that's on your eyebrows, that's just your test. This is just like other religion was told, in the garden, eat freely, you know, abundantly without any restrictions without any limit, do your heart's content. But while at

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Aqaba heavy shadow, just don't come near to this one tree for the good aminos like me, because otherwise you'll be at the wrong doors. So shaytan, he makes us go to that one thing which is forbidden, so that we become avoiding me, so that we become of those who are disobedient. We don't think about all that which is permissible, all those things that we can do. But we think about that one thing that we cannot do. And constantly. That is what we can see in the mirror. That is what people have to say to us. That is what a lawn puts in our head again and again. So we get so worried about our eyebrows that we have to shape them, we have to go and get them cleaned up. So whenever

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such a thought comes, they are the milling machine, because this is your lawn He wants you to eat of that forbidden tree He wants you to so that you are cursed and you fall in the eyes of Allah, may Allah protect us all from that.

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And some people yes, it's a big struggle for them. Huge struggle for them, you know, do not shave their eyebrows. But remember that the greater the struggle, the greater the reward, unless the panel data does not waste the reward of those who are patient, you need some blood for this as well. You know that? Because some were part of some it is what does hold yourself back from doing that which is wrong. Right? To hold yourself back from doing that which is wrong. So when you're controlling yourself not letting anybody shape your eyebrows or convince you to shape them, what are you doing? Subbu and remind yourself that Allah does not waste the reward of those who are patient. in Jannah

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the angels will welcome the people of Paradise and they will say that you made it why because of the Sabbath that you did. You made it because of the patience that you had. So someone is required right? And every person's test is different. Let's continue obedience to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is obedience to Allah and disobedience to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is disobedience to Allah. Therefore obedience to both is equally obligatory to the same degree. Because we learned the Hadith earlier, that whoever obeys the messenger has evade Allah, whoever disobeys the messenger has disobeyed Allah so and that is the

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case that means obeying the messenger is as equal as obeying Ooh, Allah subhanaw taala. And disobeying the messenger sallallahu Sallam is the same as disobey Allah subhana

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wa angegebenen or villa. He will do

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Allahu Allahu yaku jethmalani cotton ala Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wahoo Anna Eman for Coronavirus boom in the hoonah in Wakanda. The woman in the Lorraine Anna Emerton, will Kala yaku for kolu inelia sahibi comb Heather masala, Sabri Bula Houma Salah sakalava boom in hoonah in Wakanda boom in an arena imagine well Culver jaquan for kalu masa, Luca masala Rajan Bana Darwin, with Jarrah Luffy has written well, Bertha Darien from an A Jabba Daria de hora de worker Amina dooba woman Lam Egypt a dairy lemmya Khalid, the wollemi coalmine Alma de makalu a widow her Allahu yeska her sakana bara boom in the hoonah in Wakanda boom in the liner Emerton, while calbiochem

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salon for carlu federal Jenna what dari hamedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Furman Athar Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for the upper en la woman are also Mohammedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam avacado Eros of LA or more hamedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a phone call farrakhan been a nurse for

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jabber when Abdullah narrated that a group of the angels visited the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam while he was sleeping, the angels conversed amongst themselves saying that there is an example of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, there is an example of the Messenger of Allah, some angels asked that it be described. So they said that there is an example of the messenger sallallahu wasallam. So mention it, meaning, tell the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about it. But some angel said that he is sleeping. So what's the use of describing that example? What's the use of mentioning it to him? He's sleeping right now. How would he know that you're telling him

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about an example. But the other angel said that his eyes are sleeping, but his heart is awake.

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His eyes are sleeping, but his heart is awake. What does that mean? What it means is that he is still conscious. Okay, when we are sleeping, then yes, our eyes are sleeping, but our ears are also sleeping, isn't it? So we don't hear what people are saying.

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Correct. People could be having a conversation, but we don't even know who's talking about what. Right. Likewise, we don't know, if somebody has come if somebody has gone, why? Because we are not conscious. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he slept, his heart was still conscious in the sense that he could still perceive something that would be sad to him. And this does not mean that if he was sleeping, you know, people could come and talk to him. And he would understand everything. That's what it means is that even in the state, when he was asleep, his heart was able to receive the way his heart was able to accept the revelation. Okay? Because remember that there

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are different types of why we're here the revelation that was sent to the messengers was of different kinds. The first is that which is through dreams, meaning that which the prophets were told by Allah subhanaw taala, in their dreams, can you think of a prophet who was given a command in his dream, Ibrahim Ray said, right? Use of realism that there was just a dream in the sense that he was not a prophet at that time. Okay, but it will I hear his name, he saw in his dream that he was slaughtering his son, and he had to slaughter his son. Why? Because the dreams of the prophets are also revelation. So this is why the angel said that his eyes are sleeping, but his heart is awake,

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meaning Go on, mentioned that example to him so that he can learn about it. In other words, deliver the revelation to him. You understand? They said, deliver the revelation to him. Consequently, the angel said his example is like a man who had constructed a house and had the food served to people, a man who built a house, and in the house, he had a feast, whoever accepted and then after he prepared the feast, he sent someone to call people do that feast. Whoever accepted the invitation, entered the house and ate the food. He enjoyed the feast. And whoever did not accept the invitation, neither entered the house, nor did he eat from the food. Some of the angels they said, explain the

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example so that he sort of La Jolla Southern can understand it completely. They said okay, you've told in the example but now explain it. Some angels again repeated that he is sleeping but other stated that his eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake. So

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The angels put forth the following explanation What was that? That the house means paradise, which is constructed by Allah, and the person to invite the guests is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Thus, those who obey the messenger of Allah have obeyed Allah And whoever disobey the Messenger of Allah disobeys Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is like the man who was calling people to that house, to the feast that come and enjoy the feast. You have been invited. Some people, they responded to the call, and they entered the house, and they enjoyed the feast, and some did not. So those who responded to the call are like those who obey the prophets.

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And obeying the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is like obeying Allah, and those who did not respond to the call, those who did not go to the feast, there are like those who disobey the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and those who disobey the Prophet are they those who disobey Allah and the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam is a criterion between the people. If you look at the Arabic or more hamedan sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a farrakhan binah ness, he is a criterion between people, meaning, if people believe in Him, then they are rightly guided. If they obey Him, then they are successful. And if it is believe, then they are not rightly guided, if they disobey, then they are astray, they are

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So, what do we see in this Hadees? First of all, we should be clear on this, that the revelation came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in various forums at times when he was asleep, and at other times when he was awake. And this also shows to us that sometimes the where he was given to him directly in the sense that the verses were revealed upon him the verses of the Quran, and other times he was given where he that was not part of the Quran. You understand? He was given revelation that was not part of the Quran like this, the conversation of the angels, this example that is given Do you find this in the Quran? No, but the angels conveyed that to him. Okay, remember the Hadees

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that we learned earlier? That which is the next Hadees also that Allah in me Ooh, Tito, Kitagawa mithila, who, Mara who that I have been given the book and something like it, along with it. So the revelation is of two types, one is mutlu, and the other is railmitra. One that is recited and the other that is not recited, and both we have to follow. And the reason why this hadith has been mentioned over here, is to take the lesson from the last point, which is that whoever obeys the messenger has a bit a lot and whoever disobeys the messenger has disobeyed a law Before we continue, also, if you think about it, in the example, what do we learn that a person built the house and then

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sent someone to call others? So the house is gender which Allah made, and then he sent the Prophet sallallahu Sallam to call the people. So if you respond to the Prophet, in fact, who are you responding to?

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And if you don't respond then in fact, to where you disregarding.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:54

So this is the main lesson. I didn't have any Marty kariba or the Allahu anhu and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and no call. Allah in the EU Tito Kitagawa mithila humara, who you should call Rajan, Shabana, Allah Riccati Yoku la can be hidden from our jet to feed him in Holland for Hulu, on our jet to feed him and her ramen for * mucho, la la, la la la comme la primera la Lee, what are kolonie navadmin a summary. When I look up a tumor I hidden Illa and you're stuck near unhealth Sahiba or odo and make them even more the correct narrative. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam stated beware, I have been given the Quran and something similar to it, meaning

00:38:54 --> 00:39:34

the sooner you have the time is coming when a beautiful person will be reclining on his couch. And he will say keep to the Quran, what you find in it be permissible, treat that as permissible and what you find it to be prohibited, then treat that as prohibited meaning that is enough for you don't look at anything else except for the Quran. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said Beware the domestic donkey beasts of prey with fangs and find belonging to a confederate unless its owner does not wanted or not permissible. And you do not find this mentioned in the Quran. Right? So what's the lesson that we learned this Hades? What's the lesson? That just as we are to look to observe the

00:39:34 --> 00:39:39

commands that are given in the Quran, we are also to observe the command set the prophets of the lotus.

00:39:40 --> 00:39:59

Then we learned that in religious law, the commands of the Holy Quran and the command of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam have equal status. And ebihara was at the Holiday Inn LG honey rhodiola and Huma Huma Kala in Iraq. Julian minal aerobie utter Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam have a call Yasuda

00:40:00 --> 00:40:28

And should you can loja Illa Cabeza de La Villa for Karla Allah hospital wahoo after human who naran faculty been an advocate avid la he was the Li for color Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a full color in Ebony cannot receive an earlier Heather phocoena been brought a tea or any ob to another Ebony or Rajma faster day two men who made a T shirt in what will lead that in for

00:40:29 --> 00:41:16

me for Baroni Anima and Ebony gel do me attend? What does rebar I mean? What a nylon rope it had a Rajma for Carnival suta lies on Allahu Allahu wa Salama. Well Nadine fcba de la casa de anabaena como Ambika tabula he and walidah to Ilana Mora done what are they even Nika gel to me? I think what rebor amin oduya when a su Illuminati Heather, for any thought of it for Jim hare, Allah for de la ferriter effect for Mr. ebihara suta lights on Allahu alayhi wa sallam for Raji met with the owner LA, Abu huraira willunga. And who and Zaid bin Khalid al Giovanni narrated that a villager approach the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said that oh messenger of Allah, I put you on

00:41:16 --> 00:41:56

earth by Allah to Please decide my case, according to the book of Allah, underlying this do decide my case, according to the book of Allah, the other party to the case seem to be more intelligent. So basically, a dispute was brought to the profits of the lionesses. And so, one side, one party, the man he said that all profits or losses and beside my case, according to the court, on the other side, the narrator he's saying that they seem to be more intelligent. So he said the other side, that yes, or messenger of Allah said a lot is that I'm beside the matter according to the Quran, but allow me to say something. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, say, What do you want? He said, My

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son was employed in his house, whose house, the other party, and he committed adultery with his wife. So my son was working in his house and he committed Zina with this man's wife. People said that my son is liable to be stoned to death. And I have given 100 sheep in compensation to to this man so that my son is not killed. And I have also given one slave girl, why as compensation, so that my son is not killed. Then I asked the learned people, and they said that my son is liable to the punishment of 100 lashes and one year of exile from the land, and the wife of this man is liable to be stoned to death. This is what the people are saying. So the prophets of Allah said himself by

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Allah, the One in whose hand is my soul, I will decide the case between you according to the book of Allah underlying this again, and he commanded the sheep and the slave girls should be returned to who to the Father. And the punishment for your son is 100 lashes and exile from the land for one year. And he then ordered one of the companions who needs to go to this woman. And if she confesses to having committed adultery, then stone her to death. So soon as he went the next day and the woman confessed to having committed adultery, that she was stoned to death by the command of Allah's Messenger sallallahu wasallam. Now, repeatedly, we see that the messenger sallallahu Sallam he said

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that he will make the judgment according to the Quran, meaning according to what Allah has revealed, not according to his own wishes, but according to the law that Allah has revealed. And what was the judgment that he made, that the woman who was married, she is to be stoned to death? Why because when a married person commit Zina, then that is a punishment and inshallah you learn about it as to why such a punishment, okay? You learn about it later. Here is not the place to discuss. But the main thing is that the woman was to be punished with the punishment of Virgin and the boy who committed Zina, because he was unmarried. This is why his punishment was lesser and what was it 100

00:44:12 --> 00:44:28

lashes and also on top of that exile for one year? And this judgment was according to what Allah had revealed. But tell me, do you find all of this in the Quran? No, you don't. You don't find all of this and

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you find out about the 100 lashes but not more than that. So the rest of the decisions the profits are of artists that are made according to what Allah had revealed. What does that mean then?

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What does that mean? That he was also given something other than the Quran, which means that if he made a judgement, based on that knowledge, then that is also equal in importance to what is mentioned in the Quran. That is as equal in

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importance as what is mentioned in the Quran. So you understand what we learned from this hadith. Then we learnt to avoid going astray the command is to obey both the Quran and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu wasallam on behalf of the Allahu taala and who Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam selama indikator octopi come Shane, Linda Lee Luba de Houma. Kita Bella, he was so nutty. I will write a novel or a new narrative, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stated that I'm leaving behind you two things among you. If you act upon them, you will never go astray and these two are the book of Allah and my son. So it's an obligation on us to

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follow his Sunnah. If we don't follow it, then we'll go astray. The Quran takes us out of misguidance and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also takes us out of misguidance and Mar Besant of the Allahu anhu and then also the lies that Allahu alayhi wa sallam haba Nassif, he had to deal with every for call for the ISA shaytaan ob and yerba opticon. Well, I can know who wrote here in Utah or FEMA su adeleke we met how Coronavirus aromaticum factoria au n s and the photography coma inner sanctum be Fernando de leeuw Avada kita voila he was to nothing and be here. For a while who Hakeem. Even our best narrative that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam while delivering

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the sermon on his farewell Hajj stated that in detail on has despaired that he will ever be worshipped again in your land. However, he is content that he will be obeyed in what you consider minor in your deeds. So be on guard and listen or people surely I am leaving amongst you those things which if you hold firmly to them, you will never go astray. The Book of Allah and the Sunnah of his prophets of Allah is Allah. So just as we have to hold onto the Quran, we also have to hold on to the Sunnah, living by the Quran is an obligation living by the Sunnah is also an obligation upon us. Allah does not accept any act which is not according to the Sunnah of the Messenger of

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam which means that if a person does something but it's not according to the son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, then that act is rejected. So if we want our deeds to be accepted, they have to be according to the Sunnah, so that means that following the Sunnah is a condition it's an obligation on us. On eyeshadow, the Allahu unhealth pilot Allah Masuda Lai, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam man, delta V and Marina Heather Melissa men who for who are done with takuna la, I shall deliver on her narrative the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam stated, whoever has performed a deed, which is not in the religion from its inception, then that is rejected.

00:47:41 --> 00:48:15

Whoever performs a deed, which is not managed at a fee and Marina, Heather meaning whoever invents in our affair meaning this affair of ours, this religion of ours my laser men who What does not have it, for who are doing then it is rejected, meaning religion has to be practiced the way the prophets are allowed is that in practice, and if it's not practiced in the same way, then it will not be accepted. So this last part is that we have read over here, I'd like you to repeat it after me, man. I'm Lena Heather

00:48:18 --> 00:48:20

mellissa Minh who

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

for who was done,

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man, de

00:48:27 --> 00:48:29

fiemme Rena, Heather.

00:48:31 --> 00:48:32

malaise, I mean who?

00:48:34 --> 00:48:35

For who are done,

00:48:36 --> 00:48:39

man toughy Marina Heather.

00:48:42 --> 00:48:44

malaise, I mean, who

00:48:45 --> 00:48:47

for what done

00:48:48 --> 00:49:01

okay, now you read it as well yourselves at least seven times, so that you can memorize it. inshallah. soprano Callahan will be handy to Chateau La ilaha illa Anta the stuff will go on to be like assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Ittebaa – The Intention – The Obligation of acting upon Sunnah – Part 1 – 5th November 2012

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