Taimiyyah Zubair – Fahm al Qur’an Juz 28

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The history and implementation of Islam, including the use of Prophet sallavi's teachings as a means of distribution among Muslims, is emphasized. The importance of sharing good experiences and experiences with Islam is emphasized, along with the need for strong legal framework and privacy measures to ensure privacy and reputation. There is also a brief advertisement for a course on Islam. Pr adhering to the Prophet sallli alayhi wa sallam is emphasized, along with the importance of practicing good deeds and not forwarding negative actions. The need for strong legal framework and privacy measures is emphasized, along with the importance of protecting one's privacy and reputation during divorce.
AI: Transcript ©
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Goodness. Sorry. Idina

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lay him

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long, long.

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Eating long, long, long

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on long

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since I'm already one of mithila you better cut through How's everyone doing today? Alhamdulillah we are about to somehow conclude our course and you're also about to enter the very final days of Ramadan. So is everyone happy with the performance? how everything went with you this year?

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could do more or less was better than last Ramadan Yes or no? So inshallah our topic for today is also about this. We're going to learn about or we're going to analyze ourselves and also we're going to think about some ways we can, inshallah, carry on with the good things we're doing and inshallah how we can improve. So let's begin. Number one OSA Leonardo suli he Kareem a mbarara altavilla Jimenez shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, rubbish, right knee surgery. We are certainly Henri waterflow, aka melissani Jaco Kohli, Robin as Ivana I'ma Allahumma for cleanup, we did an email or give us the correct understanding of a release. And we align you with us to make the most

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of these remaining days of Ramadan. So our topic for today is like intolerant try to cover two topics. One is farewell Ramadan. It kind of makes us sad when you say this Subhana Allah, but that's the reality.

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Farewell Ramadan. Finally, it is time to say farewell to Ramadan. Why? Because Ramadan was only a few number days. So it is Oh, it's almost over. It was just a month. And it was really fast. pauwela

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so while while we are on the final days, we need to ask ourselves a few things. How do we feel? And like did we try to put in our all efforts? Did we strive?

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Or were we unable to do justice to this month, as this month deserved? What would our feelings be at this time? Our hearts are the quick covering in the same way that is described in the Quran, which is a very beautiful, I am certain number 60 and they who give what they give while their hearts are fearful because they will be returning to their Lord. So they are the ones that they gave what they give like they tried their best. Even after that. What is the state of their hearts were kulu boom waddle was ILA the heart a trembling, and they will be returning to their lower to, why are their heart struggle trembling because they realize that they have to face Allah subhanaw taala. That's

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why the hearts are trembling. That's why they're worried that whatever you've got is good enough or not?

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It's upon Allah. In other words, do we have the kind of actions in our book of deeds that will save us from the humiliation on the day of judgment?

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The heart cries at this and then we made the auto Allah that robina Oh, our rub. Have mercy on us. Don't look at our deeds. Don't look at our actions. But at your mercy. Grant us closeness to yourself not because of our worship, but because of your endless bounty. Make your worship the coolest for our eyes. Bless us with sincerity. What is last? Forgive us have mercy on us. Forgive us without reckoning because your mercy is what little we managed to do during this Ramadan was only only due to your mercy on us because of your special fall on us because of your special player upon us. And we couldn't have done anything without your help. And we are so

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And we are very, very sad about the fact that we couldn't do as we could have done. So forgive us for all our negligence and for our faults, and we are just going to call it something which is mentioned in the book. It's a Persian poetry. It says, so per them battle my way, Sarah, to Danny, hi sabay como visa, we submit our meager investments on to us or whatever we have done, we are just submitting it to you. And you're all knowing Oh Allah. So you know, our deficiencies, you know, our excesses, you know, what did we do wrong, in whichever sense if you reduced anything which we weren't supposed to reduce, or if you have increased something which you weren't supposed to

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increase, or our Lord make us steadfast on the straight path for the rest of our lives, and do not deprive us of any opportunity to do good?

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And now is the time to reflect because yes, sometimes you're sad that we were not able to achieve what we could achieve, but inshallah a believer doesn't just stay sad believer lunch, learns from his or her own mistakes or faults or some type of deficiencies, and then moves on. So inshallah we're going to look at how to improve. So what did we do? What are we supposed to do? And how are we going to improve not just next Ramadan, but in our life overall? Is everyone ready for the self analysis? inshallah hamdulillah. So, it is time to analyze ourselves in the light of two different you know, two important aspects or two different aspects we need to analyze? What are they? First of

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all, the rights of Allah, we need to see, did we give them or not? And then we will look at the rights of people. So, did we leave any fast without any valid reason, or any genuine illness? If the answer is yes, then it is time to ask Allah for forgiveness, because we are still in Ramadan, we can still ask Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness, we can praise Allah Toba. We can give. We can do anything to make it up inshallah. And did we perform our mandatory prayers on time? Did we try to pray extra? Did we try to give and give our 100% to our prayers? Was my prayer aware My prayer is really really good. Did I have a shoe? And then did I try to memorize a few more adkar to make my

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salon beautiful, like Did I make more of the eyes in sujood? Did I make more dollars in my report? Did I make my artheon long?

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And did I made sure that I was bringing that all we did I made sure that I wasn't missing tahajjud

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sister to liberals

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as cars are you know, instead of like not only not instead of not just Subhanallah Mirada or some 100 realizing there are other eyes as well. There was sort of last lrsm he used to make in his videos and also in his report, so we can inshallah, learn about them from the different books they mentioned him. So inshallah, if you are on the portal sister Tara would have posted something like that. It is like the curve but there are some new eyes as well. Like what to do, they are they are asked to do with forgiveness. And then they are envious of God to do with glorification of Allah and remembering him and they are most known rights inshallah we can memorize them, they're easy. So just

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to improve our Salah

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sister learn more, there is a difference of opinion on it, so I rather say nothing about it inshallah. So let's move on to the next point. Did we recite a lot of Quran? Did we recite more than usual? And not just recitation? Did I try to reflect it I try to ponder and humbly you guys got the opportunity, we should be very thankful for this opportunity that we got this opportunity to listen and try to understand and not just recited this Ramadan, so unhandled Alhamdulillah for that, May Allah keep on giving us these opportunities. And may Allah keep us connected with the Quran? Because Cora is the rope is the rope. Imagine one end of this rope is in the hands of Allah, and the other

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end is in our hands. Don't ever let go of it. So it's not just for Ramadan, you're hanging on to it. We have to hang on to Quran throughout our lives. May Allah make us from 100 on me.

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And did I remember Allah? How much did I remember him all the time before eating after eating before sleeping after waking up? Just while doing my chores? Did I remember him all the time? Because a believer without liquor is like a fish without water. Did you ever feel that? If not, maybe we have to work on our email. If you don't feel like doing the crapola. Maybe it's the time to work on our email. Because we should feel like as if we are without water. We are fish without water, without record without remembrance of Allah. Because whoever we love, we remember that, isn't it? So why don't we remember Allah we claim we love him.

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We have dp saying that and we love Allah. But where is that level?

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Did we make sure that we supplicated a lot and made the eyes a great deal to us for our dunya? To ask for our athleta? Did we make the offer everyone we know, did we make the offer every problem we were, we were in? Or we are in? Did we make the US for our future? Did he make the US for all our goals? You know, one easy way to turn

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or make your the us even more powerful is that you know, turn all your goals into your door. So make a list of all your goals and anything you want to achieve in life, and then turn that goals list into the list and inshallah that will give you enough motivation or enough inshallah butterflies in your tummy in order to when you were making and the more emotion there is, the better it is, inshallah.

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And did I engage in special worship during the odd nights of last 10 nights Alhamdulillah, we still have time, or we still have few days remaining. So please don't miss 25th 29th and even the even night in Shell, like whatever is left on you just make sure that sorry, 25th 2729. So not only just these three, but also the rest. So enjoy just five more days to go. May Allah enable us to experience the local color and get forgiveness. There's this Ramadan, and May Allah grant all over there as this Ramadan army for our higher and with Baraka in them.

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May Allah did and also next question is did I spend enough wealth because sometimes we underestimate? Sometimes we don't give enough. So ask yourself, did I give enough charity? Like? Let me just give you one more question you can ask yourself, like when I go for shopping? How much can I easily spend for groceries? Or for clothes? How much can I easily spend? Did I ever spend that much for charity? And that's it, you don't have to give me the answer. I'm just gonna leave it at that. Just think about it. Did I spend most of my time in different acts of worship?

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That I tried to do different types of worship? Like not just the law, not just caught on, but other acts of worship as well. Something else as well. And let's move on to the other side. The rights of people? Did I take care of my parents? Did I contact them if I don't live with them? Or if I live with them live with them? Am I nice with them?

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Um, did I try to tie that? Did I try to join the ties of kinship my with my other relatives? My cousins, my uncle's my aunts? Did I send them a message? Did I ask them how are they doing? Because this is the time everyone is going through something or the other? Not just because of you know, the financial crisis but you know, health crisis and other issues. So inshallah This is the time to ask them how everything is going at their end nicely inshallah. And look after the comfort Did you look after the comfort of your family? The ones who were living with? Like, how are you helping them? What were you doing for them? How are you making their life easy? were you doing anything to, you

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know, share the workload with them? Did you show compassion to anyone in distress? Be it because of financial crisis? Or because of some health issue? Or just because some emotional?

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So did did you contact anyone who was going through some tough time? Did you help that person with your, you know, comforting words? Did you attend any sake? If not, personally? Did you send them flowers? Did you send them food? Did you send them some card? Did you send them to us? Did you help them in any way? Did you give them a call?

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Did you refrain from lies backbiting, thinking ill of others any undue curiosity, did you stop finding faults in others because we have to stop buying force in others otherwise? There are many hobbies talking about it and we don't have time but inshallah some other day did we commit any excess? Did we cause anyone any hurt any harm. So this is the time to mend This is the time to say sorry, this is this is the time to fix it before it's too late. don't justify your actions. Even if you have a little bit of you know a little bit of you can say

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awareness that you have done something to someone or said something to someone you didn't mean to but it was not nice. So don't just give yourself time to forget it or don't let time heal it. You know, do whatever it takes in order to fix it. So if it's a person say sorry, if it was some type of financial damage, try to fix that or whatever you can do inshallah, before it's too late. Did you enjoy with patients through the throughout this Ramadan? Were you able to face all the difficulties with patients? And did you initiate the reading of Salaam Were you the one who was nice and pleasant with everyone?

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When you were meeting them, were you meeting them with smile your own family also deserves that many times when we live together we think you know, we don't need to say Salaam because we were together Anyways, we're not coming from outside, we're not going going out and meeting anyone and we forget about this beautiful so now keep saying Salaam keep initiating your conversations with saddam it's peace so there are and also keep a smile on your face throughout. Whenever you see any of your kids any of your family members or your parents or anyone who's around, just smile that's it. It's that easy. That's also charity if you're not able to give a lot of charity so inshallah be charitable

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with your smile with your Salaam and be generous in your actions try to help and make things easy for them. Let's say they want to pray make sure you raise the prayer area before they pray make sure that you know their score is ready even if it's not your task you can at least help lay out the table so many things we can do inshallah this Ramadan we still have few days and let's make the most of them not only just give the right of Allah but also give the right to the people does not come alone because you ever paying attention. May Allah forgive us May Allah forgive our shortcomings mela forgive me if I've taught you anything which is not good. And may Allah enable you to remember

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all the good and May Allah make you forget anything which is not good. Baraka lofi comes to panic Alomar become bigger eyeshadow La Ilaha Illa and as the Gurukul actually a Salaam wa and ikawa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Long, long, long.

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Long Long, long

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a long wait

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a long, long, long

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long long, long

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on long

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What do you love?

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he wanna neither ahi

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Naka Jaime MADI Allahu

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gamma rock?

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he wanna Ernie Mirai in Naga honey,

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Maddie Oh

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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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are the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish rocklea Sabri were silly emri wash Lula rock data melissani of coho coli Allahumma hadeel Colby was a deadly cerney weslo supima Colby erminia roble amin

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just number 28 soldato medalla Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem but Samir Allahu Allah Letty to Jaya De Luca fees o Ji ha, what ash turkey Illa Allah, Allah who you're smart with the How will Akuma in Allah has semi rhombus lead? Certainly has Allah heard the speech of the woman who argues with you, concerning her husband and directs her complaint to Allah and Allah hears your dialogue. Indeed, Allah is hearing and seeing. This verse is about hola radula Mourinho whose husband pronounce

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laid out to her. And Leon was basically, you know, when a man would say to his wife that you are to me like the back of my mother. And this was a way of giving permanent irrevocable divorce. So how long have you long war and how when her husband said that to her, she came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asking if her marriage was still valid, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told her that no, it was no longer valid, because nothing specific had been revealed regarding this matter as of yet. So Hold on, I'll do a lot more on her. She touched the key Illa Allah, she complained to Allah, she begged and she pleaded, and I shall have your loved one her. She said, that

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bless. It is the one whose hearing encompasses all things. I heard some of the words of Hola. But some of her words were not clear to me, meaning I don't know exactly what she said. But I heard some things when she complained to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about her husband. And she was saying that O Messenger of Allah, he has consumed my youth, and I split my belly for him, meaning I had many children with him. But when I grew old, and could no longer bear children, he declared Li hot upon me, or Allah, I complain to you. And she kept complaining to Allah subhanaw taala until gibreel brought down these verses, that Indeed, Allah has heard the statement of the

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woman who was arguing with you, and who was about her husband, and who was complaining to Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah heard your conversation. Indeed Allah is hearing and seeing, if you think about it, the law regarding leehom could have been revealed without this incident. Or it could have been revealed even before how that'll do love more on how I experienced this. But hold on Ile de la Mourinho, was honored by becoming the cause for the revelation of this law. And we are taught the law regarding this matter. First by being reminded of the fact that Allah soprano thada heard this woman I shall deal on Mourinho was in the same room, and she did not hear everything that Hotel de

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la Mourinho was saying, but Allah subhanaw taala heard her. And this woman, she came, and she was talking, she was defending herself. She was arguing and fighting for justice, meaning she she was not accepting the injustice that was done to her. So she spoke out because she wanted his solution. She spoke out because she wanted to save her marriage. And when she did not get that help from people, because they weren't able to offer that to her, she didn't quit over there. She pleaded to Allah subhanaw taala she complained to him, our zoa gel, and Allah subhanaw taala heard her. So what is the lesson? The lesson is that Allah subhanaw taala certainly hears his servants. So do not

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forget to complain to him. Do not forget to put your grief your worries before him or xojo invite his mercy by putting your weakness and your helplessness before him. Even though Allah subhanaw taala already knows your situation. Remember that complaining to Allah does not mean saying things like why did this happen? Or Allah that is actually complaining about Allah. And that is something that we don't do, because we know that nothing happens without his will. And whatever he wills is based on his wisdom and knowledge. So we don't question Allah subhanaw taala his decisions because that would imply that Allah Pousada has made an error while every other Billa so we don't say things

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like that, that Oh Allah, why did this happen? And how come this happened? No, complaining to Allah means putting forth your grief and your worries and your state of helplessness before him or Zilla gel, so in difficulty, complain to Allah, not about Allah. And the lesson that we get here is that the solution to our problems comes from Allah and only Allah azzawajal. So while you stand up for yourself, and you seek justice, please, please do it the right way. Don't seek justice by turning away from Allah or away from his book or away from his law, or by resenting what he has revealed. No, seek justice by turning to words Allah and one of the greatest weapons that you have, the

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greatest strength that you have, is that you're able to call upon Allah, you are able to complain to Allah, like Hola, Ile de la where I'm headed. So make Dora sometimes we see that laws regarding our particular situation are not there or sometimes they are so

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Sometimes they're in your favor, and other times they're not in your favor. So whatever your predicament is, however the law may have been used or used against you or to harm you, or to deprive you, whatever your predicament is, please please touch tequila Allah complain to Allah and ask him to make a way out for you. Just as he made a way out for Hola, La Jolla marinha. He can also make a way out for you, because he is semi ombersley he is ever hearing he is ever seeing he he hears your please. And he sees your condition. He He knows what you're going through. So call upon him invite his mercy. And then it is mentioned that those who pronounce Li Han among you to separate from their

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wives, they are not consequently their mothers. Meaning just because a man says to his wife that you are my mother, meaning you are prohibited on me for physical intimacy, just like my mother is any his saying that does not make his wife, his mother. their mothers are none but those who gave birth to him. And indeed they are saying an objectionable statement, meaning this is a sinful statement to say to your wife that you are like my mother, this is sinful. And if falsehood meaning it is wrong, it is invalid. But Indeed Allah is our full wound her food he is pardoning and forgiving. So he has made a way out for his servants when they make this mistake. So what is the way of Toba? How is it

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that a person can come out of this situation, and those who pronounce Li Khalid from their wives, and then wish to go back on what they said, then there must be the freeing of a slave before they touch one another. That is what you are admonished there by and Allah is acquainted with what you do. And he who does not find a slave than a fast for two months consecutively. And this means that these fasts have to be without a break, meaning if a person misses even one faster than they have to start all over again, before they touch one another, and he who is unable than the feeding of 60 poor persons, meaning if a person does not have a slave than they should fast for two months, and if

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a person is not able to fast, then they have to feed 60 poor people. That is for you to believe completely in Allah and His Messenger, meaning you must revive your faith. Now, you must do this as part of completing your faith. And those are the limits set by Allah and for the deniers is a painful punishment. So we see here that pronouncing Li Han does not affect the marriage, meaning it does not cause divorce. However, it is a major sin. And this is why the man who says these words is penalized, he has to give the compensation. And this shows us that four words are also consequences, meaning there is repentance required for what we say from our mouths even. And then we learn over

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here that sadaqa charity and fasting siyam both of these are a means of kafala as a means of expiation for the sins that we commit, because when there is a monetary fine, or when we have to practice self control through fasting, then through this process, we are learning we are learning more self control. And a lot of times you know people cause a lot of damage to one another especially in marriage by uncontrolled use of the tongue. So these consequences teach us that we are responsible for what we say. And we must guard our words. In alladhina. You had Duna Allah wa Sula, who, indeed those people who oppose Allah and His Messenger, literally they oppose alone His

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Messenger such as a police, or people who hate, you know, for example, the Quran, they are enemies to what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed. And this is why they oppose anything about Islam, meaning their life mission is to, you know, spit hate about Islam and Muslims wherever possible, then such people are a beast, Allah acre, sorry, it could be two, they will be abased as those before them were a beast, they will be could be to come out could be Ken Levine, I'm in covering him. And We have certainly sent down verses of clear evidence and for the disbelievers is a humiliating punishment. So we see here, that opposing the command of Allah and His messenger. Yes, this is done

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by those who hate Islam. But sometimes this is also done by those people who claim to be Muslim. How when they outright disobeyed the commands that are very clear, meaning a person finds out what they're supposed to do.

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But still they refuse to abide by those commands. This is a huge mistake. This is a cause of humiliation in this world and in the hereafter. As a loss Pousada says that such people are Kubi to, they will never ever be successful. And the prophets of Allah who are to send them also said that wood jewelry to Villa to a salon through our lemon Hall of Omri, that humiliation and disgrace is for those people who oppose my command, and we learned that such people will not even be allowed to enter agenda. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that all of my oma will enter Paradise except the one who refuses. So the people asked Who is that? He said men outlaw Ernie, the halal

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Jenna woman are Sani Fokker the other that whoever obeys me will enter Jannah and whoever disobeys me has in fact refused. And so such people will not enter Paradise wonder Yeah, the Billa and Allah subhanaw taala also warns us in the Quran, that for Leah, Heather alladhina you Holly, funa and Omri and to sleep at home pfitzner tune, o usuba. Whom are either Boone Aleem that lead those beware who descend from the profits order lest a fitness should strike them a tribulation should fall upon them or a painful punishment. So this verse clearly establishes the status of Hades, that we cannot say that oh, this is just the words of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So we don't have to take

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them seriously. No, we must take them seriously, because those who oppose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who disobeyed his command, then for such people is disgrace in this life. And in the next life, on the day when Allah will resurrect them all, meaning not a single person will be left behind and inform them of what they did. Subhan Allah, the day of judgment is the day when the deeds will be examined, records will be weighed. And Allah subhanaw taala had enumerated it or saw houla who went assume Allah had enumerated all of their deeds while they forgot it. And Allah is over all things a witness. The fact is that we do things we say things and very, very quickly, we

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forget about them. If I were to ask you, what is it that you said, when you woke up meaning the first thing you said perhaps you won't be able to recall right away? You know, we we forget our actions, we forget our words, but just because we have forgotten them, it doesn't mean that they have been lost in thin air. Know what we say what we do is recorded and look at the word I saw who Allahu Allah has enumerated it, meaning everything that we say we do is recorded, it is listed in the record of deeds. This is why people will say on the day of judgment that what is with this book, that law you are the Rosaleen rotten, well, our Kabir rotten Illa Aha, that it that there is nothing

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big or small, except that it has enumerated it. So sometimes we also neglect certain things, we don't pay much attention to them, thinking that they're not that important. But Allah found out Oh, perhaps will question us about them. We learn in our head these that Allah will ask a person on the Day of Judgment, that I was sick, and you did not come to visit me, I was thirsty, you did not give me to drink, I was hungry, and you did not give me anything to eat. And the person will say how you're Allah, you are the Lord of the worlds, how could that happen to you? And the last part, I will say that my servant was sick, my servant was hungry, my servant was thirsty, and if you had

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taken care of him, and if you had gone to visit him, if you had fed him, if you had given him to drink, you would have found me over there, you would have found closeness to me, meaning Why did you leave that good deed? So this shows us that, you know, we should we should not belittle good deeds, and we should pay attention to the opportunities that Allah subhanaw taala gives us we should not overlook them, and the actions that we do the sins that we commit the words that we say we should seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala over them, have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth? There is there is there is no private conversation of

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three, but that he is the fourth of them, meaning no three people are in a private conversation, except that Allah subhanaw taala is the fourth of them. So basically, no private conversation is private. Really, why? Because Allah subhanaw taala is a witness to that conversation, nor are there five people but that he is the sixth of them, and no less than that, and no more except that he is with them in knowledge, wherever they are, then he will inform them of what they did on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, Allah is of all things knowing. We see that in general whispering you know, having private conversations on

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All the time, this is something that is disliked. Why? Because it shows that you know, people are trying to hide things. And when you're trying to hide things, either you are trying to exclude some people, and that is unfair, or what you're trying to hide is not something nice, which is why you're keeping it private and secret. So why are you trying so hard to keep it secret? So in general, we see that whispering, having private conversations all the time, this is something that is disliked. And this is why we're taught that in the presence of three people, two people should not Converse privately. And if it is absolutely necessary, because you know, certain things cannot be spoken off

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openly, then you must take permission from the third. And if people are conversing privately, then you must respect their privacy and not sit with them without taking their permission first. So it is made clear over here that no private conversation is actually hidden from Allah subhanaw taala. So be conscious of Allah, even in your most private, you know, conversations that you have with people who are close to you, then it is said, Have you not considered those who were forbidden from private conversation, because this is something that would annoy the Muslims, but still, they return to that which they were forbidden and converse among themselves about sin and aggression and disobedience to

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the messenger. These were the hypocrites, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam forbade people from you know, whispering into one another's ears, especially, you know, when someone passed by in front of them. So the hypocrites they still continue to hold such conversations and excluding Muslims. And when they come to you, they greet you with that word by which Allah does not greet you. And these were the Jews that when they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Instead of saying a Salaam wa alaykum, they would say a samurai alaykum, which means may you die, and I shall do more now when she realized that she was really upset. So she said why Lake Como Sam will learner

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and you know so so on and so forth? That may you die, and may you have God's curse, etc, etc. And the Prophet sallallahu Urdu set him said that I shall do not use harsh words. So she said, Didn't you hear what they said? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I responded to them, meaning I just said, Why are they come? The same be on you, meaning I responded to them, but I don't have to dirty my tongue in the process. So these people, they would come to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And they would say Salaam to him in this way. And they would say among themselves, why does Allah not punish us for what we say? Meaning if he's really a prophet, then how come we're

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not being punished, sufficient for them is *, which they will enter to burn, and wretched is the destination. The fact is that when the heart is dirty, when it is filled with the filth of jealousy, and pride, and hatred, then it surfaces through such lowly ways. This is why we must pray to Allah subhanaw taala that he or Allah cleanse my heart, Allah homophile beaming and the fact that Oh Allah, clean my heart of any form of hypocrisy, that if there's any hypocrisy in my heart, yet Allah wash it away, remove it from my heart, because such feelings and such beliefs, you know, they do come up every now and then. Yeah, uh, you have larina amanu, or you who have believed when you

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Converse privately, meaning when you must hold a private conversation, and sometimes that isn't necessary, because everything does not need to be made public. And certain matters are actually private, between friends, between families between a couple. So when you do have to converse privately, whether it is on the phone, or it is, you know, over text messages, it is in a private chat, and certain private chats are such that they're never saved, they disappear right away. Still, what should you do, do not converse about sin, meaning, don't talk about things that are sinful, that Allah subhanaw taala does not approve of, and aggression, meaning words that that are

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aggressive against people, or, you know, talking about things that would lead to, you know, aggression against people and disobedience to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam but converse about righteousness and piety and fear Allah to whom you will be gathered, meaning even in private, do not say and do not whisper and do not type what is sinful. Do not discuss how you're going to sneakily do something wrong, do something sinful, harm another person, or, you know, do this in disobedience to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam rather fear Allah and fear the fact that you are going to meet him and only

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Then will you be able to correct your private and your public, because you see, sometimes we are very careful about the words that we say in front of other people on a more public platform. But in our private conversations at home, sometimes, you know, our words are inappropriate. So we have to be careful over there. Allah subhanaw, taala hears, He knows what we say in public. And he also knows he hears what we say in private, private conversation is only from shaitan, that he may grieve those who have believed, because what happens is that when people are not included in a certain conversation, then they feel left out. And this is certainly hurtful, but he will not harm them at

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all, except by permission of Allah. And Allah and upon Allah let the believers rely while Allah He finally at our Kelly moved me known, we see that sometimes, you know, people like to show their greatness before others, by making them feel like they don't know that like that, like they don't know anything. Sometimes people like to show their greatness before others, by making them feel like they don't know anything that you know, I know, something you don't know. They like to exclude others by pretending like everything is a secret. Or sometimes what people do is that they're talking about you, and they let you know that they're talking about you, but they're not going to

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tell you what they're saying about you. So this is something that's very hurtful. So at that time, remind yourself that whatever they're saying, whatever they're doing, they cannot actually harm me without the permission of Allah. Because the fact is that they don't control my life. They don't control my life, they can whisper they can converse all they want, they can exclude me all they want, they can leave me out from whatever that they want, but they cannot deprive me from any good that Allah subhanaw taala has already decreed for me, they cannot take away from me any good that Allah Subhana Allah has given me and they cannot harm me with anything that Allah subhanaw taala has

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not written for me. So this so this way, you will not be sad when people talk like this when they exclude you. Yeah, uh you Halina amanu or you will have believed when you are told space yourselves in assemblies, then make space, Allah will make space for you. Here the etiquette of sitting in a gathering is being taught that you make space for others and Allah who will make space for you, you will give to others and Allah subhanaw taala will give you, you honor others and Allah subhanaw taala will honor you. So no matter where you are, whether this is in the mosque, or, or it is in a soft in a row at home in prayer, or it is at the dinner table, in a parking lot on the road, when

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people need space, then please give them space. Sometimes children fight over such issues that you know, I want to hold the iPad only, I want to hold the remote control. I want to sit here and they don't want to share. So share this idea with them. That when you include other people, when you make space for others, when you share what you have with others than Allah subhanaw taala he will give you what is special. So we should not be selfish and desire all good for ourselves only. No, we must also think about others. Because when we create ease for others, then Allah subhanaw taala will create ease for us because remember that the recompense is always similar to the deed. So in your so

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when you make space for others, Allah spawn, tada will make space for you were in your grave, he will make your grave spacious, in your heart, meaning less power will make your heart spacious, in the world, in your life, and also in the hereafter. So when you go to a gathering, or you know a place where people are sitting, then you can ask people to make space for you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that no person should ask another person to stand up from his place, and then sit there himself. But he should simply say, make room for me. So don't ask other people to move away to get up rather just ask them to make some space for you. And, and we have also

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been taught to not block the way the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned people from sitting in, you know, in the pathways in the two cars in the roads. Why because this way, people don't have the space to move around. So make space for other people and don't occupy all that space for yourself. And when you are told arise, then arise, meaning if you're asked to move to create space for people that don't get offended over there, sometimes what happens is that you are you know, sitting at the wrong place or you are driving comfortably in someone you know, they keep you know coming behind you and they keep it

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Asking you to, you know, signaling you to move so that they can get ahead of you, it cetera, et cetera. So when things like this happen, don't get offended over there. Don't take this personally, just, you know, Arise, make space for people move to the side. Why? Because Allah will raise those who have believed among you and those who are given knowledge by degrees. And Allah is acquainted with what you do. So remind yourself that honor is not by getting to sit in a certain place only, or by driving in front of everybody only. No real dignity is with faith, and it is with knowledge. So if space is made for you, then thank Allah subhanaw taala for it, and when it is not made for you,

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for example, you ask someone to make space for you and they say sorry, or you are asked to move, then respond as a believer would respond, meaning make that move from there, and it and increase in your dignity before Allah subhanaw taala respond in a way that a knowledgeable person would and increase in your honor before Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when one of you goes to a gathering and space is made for him, then he should sit there, meaning you should not reject it, for it is something that Allah has honored him with. And if space is not made for him, then he should look where there is space and should sit there, meaning he should not get

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offended over there and should not, you know, take this personally, that people are being so rude. No, remind yourself that real dignity is with faith and with knowledge. So act with knowledge and act as a believer would in this situation. Or you who have believed when you wish to privately consult the messenger present before your consultation, a charity that is better for you and pure. But if you find not the means that Indeed Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. The thing is that everybody would want to have private time with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but he had greater responsibilities. So this idea was revealed that if you want to speak to him one on one,

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then you must give back to the community, you must give charity first. And the purpose over here was to teach people and later on this was abrogated, and early they'll do a lot more on who was the only one who acted upon this verse. Have you feared to present before your consultation charities, then what do you do not and Allah has forgiven you, because this was abrogated, then at least established prayer and gives a cat and obey Allah and His messenger. And Allah is acquainted with what you do. Have you not considered those who make allies of people with whom Allah has become angry? These were the hypocrites. They are neither of you nor of them, meaning they're neither loyal to you, nor are

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they loyal to those that they hang out with. And they swear to untruth, while they know that they are lying. Allah has prepared for them is severe punishment. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing, they took their false oaths as a cover. So they averted people from the way of Allah, and for them is a humiliating punishment. Never will their wealth or their children, avail them against Allah at all. Those are the companions of the Fire, they will abide therein eternally, on the day, Allah who will resurrect them all, and they will swear to him as they swear to you, and think that they're standing on something, they think that their lies will work everywhere, unquestionably. It

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is they who are the liars shaitan has overcome them and made them forget the remembrance of Allah Subhana Allah hafla you see, lafleur is from shaitan heedlessness, forgetting is something natural. But when a person becomes heedless, he less of the vicar of Allah than the then behind this as a person's own fault. So we should be careful. Those are the party of shaitan unquestionably the party of shaitan, they will be the losers, indeed, the ones who oppose Allah and His Messenger, those will be among the most humbled Allah ecofin other lien Khattab, Allah who Allah has written, I will surely overcome, I and my messengers, meaning such people will be defeated for sure. Indeed, Allah

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is powerful and Exalted in Might. So those people who oppose a lion His Messenger, they will never ever succeed, you will not find a people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers, or their sons or their brothers or their kindred, meaning even if they were their own family. So when such people remember they're not worthy of friendship, so do not be in their company. Meaning even if it's your own closest family members who are mocking Allah, his religion, His Messenger, sallAllahu Urdu

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Sell them, or they show contempt to the book of Allah to Allah or to His Messenger, then you must make your loyalties clear. This doesn't mean that you become rude to your family or to the people that you're around that you become harsh with them. No, but you must speak out over there. And you must make your loyalties clear and you must make it very clear that you know what I don't accept this. Those meaning people who are loyal to Allah at such a time, Allah has decreed within their hearts faith, meaning this is a sign of a man and supported them with spirit from him. And we will admit them to gardens beneath which rivers flow we're in, they abide eternally, Allah is pleased

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with them, and they're pleased with him. Those are the party of Allah, unquestionably the party of Allah, they are the successful. So we see here that Allah subhanaw taala is pleased with the people whose concern is to please Him. So if we make our ultimate goal to please Allah subhanaw taala, only then we can be successful. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever seeks Allah's pleasure by the people's wrath, then Allah will suffice him from the people because sometimes you are seeking to please Allah, but certain individuals, they're not happy with what you're doing. They get annoyed by the fact that you're fasting that you're reciting the Quran, then still be firm in

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trying to pursue the approval of Allah subhanaw taala and Allah will protect you, he will be enough for you. And the person who speaks and the person who seeks the people's pleasure by seeking Allah's wrath, meaning their ultimate goal is to please Allah to please people. And in the process, they end up disobeying Allah and making Allah angry than Allah who will entrust such a person to the people. And guess what people will never be be happy with them. They will accept one thing and then tomorrow, they will demand something else, and then the next day they will demand something else. So don't destroy yourself and ruin yourself in seeking the approval of people sooner to hasher.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Subhana Allah hemophilus Some are worth your Wimmer, Phil aldub wahoo Allah Aziz will Hakeem.

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Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth exalts Allah, and he is the Exalted in Might the wise, everything in the skies and everything in the earth is praising and glorifying Allah. So what should we do? We should also busy ourselves in the dustbin of Allah. Remember, when you say this be when you say Subhan Allah, then the words of they could Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah these words revolve around the throne of Allah, and they make a sound like the buzzing of the bees. And what happens is that they're constantly making mention of you basically, meaning when you make Vicar of Allah, as long as you're making licker of Allah, you are being mentioned around the throne of

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Allah. So would you not want that you are mentioned continuously in the Presence of Allah. So glorify Allah, praise Allah. Remember, these are the best words that a person can utter. They are the most beloved words to Allah Subhan Allah Alhamdulillah Allah ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar, and the words of the speech are very heavy in the skills and they are permanent, everlasting good deeds, saying Subhana Allah is a charity. When the servant says Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala answers he says, saw doctor you have spoken the truth. When you say Subhan Allah healer Lamy will be happy. Then a date palm tree is planted for you in Jenna, saying Subhana Allah 100 times before the

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sunrises and before the sun sets, this is better than owning 100 camels and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say Subhan Allah Subhana Allah Subhana Allah be until sleep overcame him. So we should also make this habit.

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It is he who expelled the ones who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture from their homes at the first gathering, you did not think they would leave, and they thought that their fortresses would protect them from Allah, but the decree of Allah came upon them from where they had not expected, and he casts terror into their hearts. So they destroyed their houses by their own hands and the hands of the believers. So take warning old people a vision, we see that in Medina, a Jewish tribe known as banana lead us to live and they had made a treaty with the Muslims. But instead of abiding by that treaty, they actually attempted to kill the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So

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when their treachery was exposed, they locked themselves up in their fortresses thinking that they could survive. But when did anyone ever survive by relying on other than Allah? When did anyone survive?

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by opposing the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. What happened is that the Muslims lace lay a siege on them. And eventually, the Jews had to surrender. But now they were not allowed to live in Medina anymore. They had to leave Medina and they were allowed to take with them whatever that they wanted. So they started taking apart even their doors and their window frames, destroying their homes, basically with their own hands, empty in their own homes. So Allah subhanaw taala says, take lesson Oh people What lesson that homes do not last, meaning your house cannot protect you. It will not survive when Allah and His Messenger are disobeyed. When a person leaves the deen, they end

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up losing both Deen and dunya and is left with nothing. So take a lesson. And if not, that Allah had decreed for them evacuation, he would have punished them in this world, and for them in the Hereafter is the punishment of the Fire. That is because they oppose Allah and His messenger. And whoever opposes Allah than Indeed Allah is severe in penalty, whatever you have cut down of their palm trees, or left standing on their trunks. It was by permission of Allah, and so he would disgrace the defiantly disobedient. So this happened during the siege, that some palm trees had to be chopped down in order to weaken the spirits of the banana lead. And also in order to launch an

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assault. Yes, it is wrong to cut trees. But it is more important to stop the oppressors and bring them to justice. It is important to bring them to justice. So Allah subhanaw taala defends the believers over here, and what Allah restored of property to his messenger from them, you did not suffer for it in an expedition any horses or camels, but Allah gives His messengers power over whom He wills, and Allah is over all things competent. So you see, when the Jews left Medina, their properties, their lands, their fortresses, were still in Medina, they couldn't take those with them. So now all of that fell in the hands of the Muslims. But this was a different kind of war booty. And

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this is called fate. And this is different because no battle was fought, it was only a siege, and the enemy surrendered. So the distribution would be different from honeymoon. And the distribution was such that the participants did not have any share. But all of it was left to the discretion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So it is made clear that what Allah restore to his messenger from the people of the towns, it is for Allah and for the messenger, and for his near relatives and orphans and this trend of traveler, so that it will not be a perpetual distribution among the rich from among you, meaning this kind of gain will not just go to those who participated in the

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expedition. Rather, it will be left to the leader to decide how to distribute among the people, because wealth must circulate in the society, just as blood should circulate in a body, if it gets congested in a certain place. If it begins to clot in a certain place, then that will then that will be lethal for the community. And whatever the messenger has given you, take it and whatever he has forbidden you refrain from it and fear Allah, Indeed, Allah is severe in penalty. Again, we are reminded that we must take the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. Very, very seriously, whatever that he gives us, whether it is a command or prohibition, we must abide, we must abide. We

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must not disobey the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam Think about it, there is punishment for disobeying parents, then what do you think will there not be consequences for disobeying the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam teach things in order that his teachings are rejected and ignored? No. So we must not be little Heidi's. We must not pretend like the words and teachings of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam do not exist. Some people want to limit Islam to only what the Quran says. And this is, and this is very, very unfair, this is wrong, disregarding the teachings of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam the treasure of you know his words

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that are preserved in the books of Hadees. This is unfair, and this is in fact disobeying Allah subhanaw taala because Allah is the one who has commanded us to follow him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Edwin Allah revealed his religion on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he trusted his messenger. And earlier we learned that the Prophet sallallahu earlier did not speak from his own desire. So his words are to be taken as law. They're not to be belittled and ignored. So this war booty this fate, this is for who this is for the poor immigrants who were expelled from their homes and their properties, meaning the mohajir rune seeking bounty from Allah and Israel.

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approval and supporting Allah and His messenger. So there's a share for them in this. Those are the truthful because they made real sacrifices for the religion of Allah. And also for those who were settled in Medina and adopted the faith before them. These are the unsolved and what are the great qualities of the unsought Allah subhanaw taala praises them. They love those who immigrated to them and find not any want in their chest of what the immigrants were given. So pound Allah, a lot of times, you know, when we have that scarcity mindset, what happens is that if someone you know comes and they have to share what they have, we feel very uncomfortable. We feel like oh, this is not

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fair. But the unsoldered had no problem sharing their properties and their city, their homes with the mohajir rune. And even times when mohajir own were given something, the answer did not feel bad, but give them preference over themselves, even though they are in probation, even though they themselves would be in need at times. Still, they would give preference to the mahadji rune and whoever is protected from the stinginess of his soul. It is those who will be the successful Allahu Akbar. This idea was revealed regarding a certain companion of Buddha Abdullah, who I know reported that once a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and said O Allah's Messenger, I am

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suffering from fatigue and hunger, I am tired and I am hungry. The Prophet sallallahu earlier sent him sent somebody to his wives to get something to eat, but the person came back with nothing. Why? Because there is nothing in any of the houses of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he asked his companions, that is there anybody who can entertain this man tonight, so that Allah will be merciful to him, and Ansari man got up. And he said, I will take him Allah's Messenger. So this man, this, this Ansari man went home, and he asked his wife, and he said to her, that this is the guest of Allah's Messenger. So do not keep anything

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away from him, meaning be generous with him, give him food. So she said, By Allah, I have nothing but the children's food. So he said, when the children asked you for dinner, put them to bed and put out the lights, and we will take our meals later. So she did so. And basically what happened is that they served the food to the guest, and in the darkness, they just pretended to eat. They weren't actually eating. So even though they themselves were hungry, they had not eaten dinner, their children went to sleep hungry, they still gave preference to the guest of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and in the morning, the unsavoury man went to the Prophet salallahu

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Urdu Salaam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah was pleased with with so and so and his wife, or he said that the last panel tada smiled at them. Why? Because they gave preference to others over themselves, even though they were in need. Allahu Akbar, why, why were they able to give preference to others, because they didn't have any show in the heart and show is a combination of greed and selfishness, that a person wants all the good for themselves, and they're too stingy to give. They want. They're greedy for more, and they're stingy to share. So extreme selfishness, and this is really a disease. It is a disease. And we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to cure our hearts

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of it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever protects his wealth from spending it, and he mentioned some other things also, meaning a person does not like to spend their wealth, they don't want to share anything. And these days, perhaps we're experiencing that, that these are some of the best days and nights to spend in the way of Allah, but we feel a little hesitant. So if a person feels like that, they should make the conditions so panela will hamdulillah well ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, meaning this will expand your heart because this will allow you to rely upon Allah subhanaw taala. And when you feel stingy, then oppose your stinginess, because the

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because of the destructive things is shuffle matar meaning stinginess that is obeyed, so don't obey it, that feeling may be there, but don't obey it. And then we see that the best charity is actually to give at a time when you're feeling greedy, meaning when you want good things for yourself. And these days, perhaps you know, you were just waiting for the time when the lockdown will be over so that you can go shopping and you can, you know, perhaps travel or perhaps, you know, eat this coming so that you can spend on yourself, but you know, you are expecting more good for yourself. This is really the best time to give charity. This is the best time to give charity. And the way you cure

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stinginess is that you keep giving you keep spending, even if it's just a little

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And of course you ask Allah subhanaw taala to heal you. You say Allah Houma in the URL, the becoming unbuckle that, Oh Allah, I seek your protection from stinginess that you save me. You help me against it. And there is a share for those who came after them meaning the Muslims will come after the unsought and the mahadji rune saying or benefit Lana, while he Hua Nina larina sobre una bill Eamon while at the Jarl ficolo Vina Lila Lila Rena amanu or a burner in Nicola offer Rahim. They say Our Lord, forgive us and our brothers who preceded us in faith, and put not in our hearts any resentment toward those who have believed our Lord, indeed you are kind and merciful. So this is a

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thought that we should also make as his default, even at the time of so who's that, Oh Allah, you forgive us and the rest of the believers, you see, sometimes what happens is that people ask you to make draw for them. And you you cannot even remember, you know, Who asked you and what do I you should make for them. So this is a very beautiful God that we have been taught that Oh our Lord, forgive us and forgive our brothers who have believed even though they believe before us, you you forgive them. And remember that making gras for believers. This is a prophetic quality. Any Ibrahim Ray said I made the offer the believers the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would make the offer

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the oma so we should also make the offer one another. And when you make your offer one another, than an angel is appointed to make the same they're all for you. Allahu Akbar. Have you not considered those who practice hypocrisy, saying to their brothers, who have disbelieved among the People of the Scripture, meaning these were people who pretended to be Muslim, but then they sided with the Jews, that if you are expelled, we will surely leave with you. And we will not obey you in and we will not obey in regard to you anyone ever. And if you are far too, we will surely aid you. But Allah testifies that they are liars. So the hypocrites they will basically side with the Jews. And they

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would say to them that you know what, if the Muslims come to fight you, then we're going to defend you. And we're not going to you know, let anybody harm you. So, they would make all of these false promises to assure them of their friendship and their you know, support. But the fact is, that the person who is not sincere to Allah, a person who is not loyal to Allah, then such a person is loyal to nobody at all. How we see a loss Pousada clarifies that if they are expelled, they will not leave with them. And really, the hypocrites did not leave Medina with the Jews when the Jews were expelled. And if they're fought, they will not add them. You see what happened was that initially,

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the hoods were given 10 days to leave after they they violated the treaty, they were given 10 days that pack up and leave. But our beloved obey the chief hypocrite, he went to them, and he said, I got you covered. Don't go at all stay right here. And if the Muslims fight you, I've got people who will come and defend you. And so what happened, the Muslims laid siege. And then the hypocrites never showed up. They never showed up. And eventually, the yahood had to surrender, and they had to leave. So unless parents aren't mentioned here, that if they are fought, they will not aid them. And even if they should aid them, they will surely turn their backs, then thereafter, they will not be

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aided. This is hypocrisy, giving false hopes, making false promises. Remember that a hypocrite is not sincere to himself, a hypocrite deceives himself actually lies to himself. And this is why his loyalty is for nobody, you believers are more fearful within their chests than Allah. That is because there are people who do not understand. It is a sign of a person's intelligence that they fear Allah. And when a person does not fear Allah and fears people more than that is a sign of their unintelligence other foolishness. They will not fight you all except within fortified cities or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves is severe. You think they're together, but their

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chests are diverse. That is because there are people but their hearts are diverse. That is because there are people who do not use reason. So here the dues are being mentioned, that apparently it seemed like they were very united. But Allah subhanaw taala mentions that, in fact, their hearts are divided. They appear united, but in fact, they are united. And that is because there are people who do not use reason. You see sensible people, they have differences, but they don't become divided over those differences. They don't fight over petty issues. They don't take such issues to heart, a cliche. He said that the root cause of every ill is when people are apparently united. They're

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apparently together, but their hearts are filled with hatred and death.

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vision and the reason behind why people do not receive the help of a lot meaning this is a reason why people are deprived of the help of Allah. And because of this, their enemy prevails over them. So we see that a lot of problems actually stem from here that when families, friends, co workers, they appear to be together on the face of like, yeah, yeah, Mashallah You did a great job, you know, I'm here, if you want my help, but then as soon as one person is missing, then they go and lay the entire blame on them. SubhanAllah when people cut each other off like this, when they entertain hatred for one another like this, they lose the help of Allah. You know, you can have your

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differences with people, you can have your faults, perhaps you can even see the faults in other people, but the way to mend things is not by blaming and accusing. No, it is by, by communication, by solving the problem. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Do not sever relationships, do not sever relations of kinship, do not bear enmity against one another, do not bear aversion against one another, and do not feel envy against one another. Do not do that, and live as fellow brothers as Allah has commanded you. And we were also warned by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that beware of hatred, it strips you of your religion, meaning it will destroy your religion. Theirs is

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like the example of those shortly before them, they tasted the bad consequence of their affair, and they will and they will have a painful punishment. So we see that this was not the first time that the Jews of Medina were expelled from Medina. Any there was examples before them also, where people oppose the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and they did not survive. The hypocrites are like the example of Shea pawn when he says to man disbelieve, but when he disbelieves shaitan says, indeed I am dissociated from you. Indeed, I fear Allah, Lord of the worlds such a liar, he did not he doesn't actually fear Allah. But he says that as an excuse, meaning he makes a person disobey Allah, but

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then later on, he ditches that person. So the outcome for both of them is that they will be in the fire abiding eternally they're in and that is the recompense of the wrongdoers. So we see that the hypocrites GET GAVE false hopes to the to the balloon elite. And when they listen to the hypocrites, they only suffered. Some people are like that they're satanic. They get others into problems. So be cautious. No matter what a person is tempting you with when they tell you to do something wrong for their sake, then resist do not listen to them because they will never ever come to defend you. Yeah, uh you Halina amanu all you who have believed it duckula fear Allah, one tumbo Neff Suma, ultimately

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God and let every soul look to what it has put forth for tomorrow. Every person should see what it is that they are sending ahead for their next chapter for what is to come after death and fear Allah. Again this has mentioned Indeed Allah is acquainted with what you do. Each person needs to reflect over their condition over their actions. That what am I doing right now? What have I done in my past and what am I doing right now? What is it that I am sending forward for my hero? Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, yeah. Are you held in San in nakaka de Haan ilaro bigger Callaghan formula K, you are going to words Allah subhanaw taala, you are going to meet him. So this

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meeting is inevitable, so prepare for it. Don't live in this world, as if you're going to live here forever. No death is coming. And the most wisest of people. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said is the one who remembers death the most and is best in preparing for it. Such people are the what are the wisest, they are a key s&s they're the most intelligent and the most wisest of people. So remember that when we die, we are going to be asked about what we did with our lives, what kind of actions we committed, how we earned our wealth and how we spent it, right, where we spent our youth, what we learned and what we did with our knowledge, so prepare for tomorrow, prepare for the

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for your future, and how do you prepare for your future, not just by thinking about it, but by doing those deeds which will benefit you in the future. So we learn in a Hadees that when a person is laid in their grave, and you know when people walk away, they hear the footsteps of people. And if this person is a believer than his Salah comes to his head to defend him. His fasting comes to his right side. His cat comes to his

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Left side and his other good deeds such as his charity, his you know voluntary prayer and his commanding what is right for bidding what is wrong and his good treatment of people etc than all of these good deeds around him they come to the side of his feet and they protect him from the punishment of the grave. So well terms or enough some macadam Utley what we prepare for our evening what we're going to eat for if thought, isn't it, we prepare for what what we're going to eat tomorrow for who we prepare for the next week we prepare for the next month, we get groceries in advance, we stock up in our homes, as if there's going to be no more food available in the world. So

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pound Allah, but we must prepare for the hereafter because that next chapter of our lives is coming very soon. So fear Allah and prepare. Don't delay. Well after Kunal can Levine and Ursula and be not like those who forgot Allah for answer home and foster home so he made them forget themselves. Allah ecomo fasciae cool. Those are the defiantly disobedient when a person forgets Allah. When a person forgets to remember Allah, they forget their duty towards Allah. So they don't remember him. They don't make liquid. They don't pray. They don't recite Quran. They don't have Taqwa of Allah, they live life as if there is no God, then such a person actually suffers themselves. Why? Because they

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forget higher objectives in life. They don't prepare for their meeting with Allah anymore. So they're basically selling themselves short. They're basically neglecting themselves. Think about it, you have the potential to earn to enjoy not just in this life, but to enjoy good things forever and for always, because Jenna is Holly Dena Fie her Avada right, abiding there and eternally. But when a person forgets Allah, what are they doing? They're depriving themselves of that eternity. They are losing out there, they're missing out on that eternity. So forgetting Allah is basically forgetting oneself. And when a person forgets Allah, they basically forgot their own reality, because now they

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fail to see their deficiencies. They fail to recognize their faults and their wrongs. They fail to see the good opportunities that our last panel Tata is giving them, they fail to make use of their time and their life, they fail to improve, they fail to do good things. They fail to leave sins, so they fail to reach their full potential. So don't be like those people. Such people are fast sukoon they are defiantly disobedient, they keep falling into sin. We learn in the Hadees that Allah subhanaw taala says that all child of Adam, devote yourself to my worship, and what does that mean? Remember me and when you will do that, I will fill your chest with riches and alleviate your

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poverty. And if you do not do that, then I will fill your hands with problems and not alleviate your your poverty, meaning you will continue to be poor and needy, your needs will never go away. But when you will make time to worship Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanaw taala will take care of your needs. But it is so sad that we neglect the vicar of Allah, for what for ourselves. We think that if we cut down on our Salah, we don't recite Quran, we don't make Vicar perhaps we will be able to attend to our needs, but what happens our needs never get fulfilled then your source of fulfillment is who? Allah subhanaw taala so give Allah His right and Allah subhanaw taala will give

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you what you need, he will fulfill you later Still, he was horrible. It was horrible, Jenna, not equal are the companions of the Fire and the companions of Paradise. You see this life, you know, you see people who are Mashallah studying for years, and then you know, they become doctors, and they become engineers, and you know, whatever, they get a great job and they're making so much money. So you compare yourself to them and you're like, oh, okay, they became a doctor. I didn't Well, alright, nevermind. Right, good for them. Alhamdulillah. And you know what, in this world, you can survive like that, that people reach levels that you don't reach, they make money more than you

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do. Right? And that is fine. That's okay. But in the hereafter people who make it to Jenna and people who make it to *, they are not the same. This is not the same. There's a huge difference. What is the difference of how Bill jannetty you will find his own. the companions of Paradise are the attainers of success, which means that those who end up in * are who they are losers. So there is a huge difference. So don't settle for less

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Don't settle for less in this world, it's okay to settle for less if that's what you want. But when it comes to the matters of the Hereafter, do not settle for less low unzila huddle Quran Allah jevelin if we had sent down this Quran upon a mountain, you would, you would have seen it humbled and coming apart, breaking from the fear of Allah. And these examples we present to the people that perhaps they will give thought. So we are invited over here to reflect over the Quran. That Quran certainly has an impact on a person. Why because of the Quran can break a mountain, surely it can break you, it can affect you, so you don't have any excuse. If you feel lazy. If you feel like your

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heart has become your heart has become very hard. Then recite the Quran because the Quran can break a mountain, it can also break the ego and the pride which is in your heart. You know the fixed patterns that you have become so used to those habits the Quran can break them. If you reflect upon the Quran. If you recite the Quran and you extract benefit from it, and then in sha Allah, you will you will become a better person because the Quran will not just break you and ruin you, it will also rebuild you it will make you better than before. So reflect upon the Quran and benefit from it, who will Allah who led Isla ilaha illa who He is Allah other than home there is no de t aliwal ab was

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Shahada Knower of the unseen and the witnessed who will rush man or Rahim he is the entirely the extremely merciful and Rahim the especially continuously merciful, who Allah He is Allah, Allah de la ilaha illa who other than whom there is no de t he is Al Malik the sovereign. So there is nothing except that he owns it. He is the true sovereign and Quddus, the extremely pure. A Salaam, the perfection, the perfectly sound, the Restore of safety. He is a man the Restore of faith, the Restore of security, the one who confirms his believers, who confirms his promises, and he fulfills the hopes of the believers. He is Elmo, Haman, the overseer who watches over all so he is their

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guardian, he is their witness. He is Allah Aziz the Exalted in Might the ever honorable. He is a DJ above the compeller the extremely great, the extremely high, the restorer who mends the broken, and with a cupboard, the superior supremely great possessor of all glory. Subhan Allah here I'm not usually Khun exalted as Allah above whatever they associate with him, who Allah He is Allah, a highly of the Creator and Berry, the inventor almost so weird. The fashioner the Restore of forums lol a smart will Hausner, to Him belong the best names the most beautiful excellent names u sub B hola whom F is somehow worth he will old, whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting him. Well

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who will Aziz of Hakeem and he is the Exalted in Might the wise, this is the only place in the Quran, where so many names of Allah subhanaw taala are mentioned together. Remember that believing in the names of Allah is part of believing in Allah. It is part of worshiping Allah Mujahid said about the IOA mahalalel Jenna will insert a lallier boon that I have not created jinn and men except that they worship me. He said this means except that they should know me, meaning we must know Allah through his names and his attributes, if we are to worship him properly, this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that whoever learns minimum 99 Names of Allah Manasa, Dahal, jedna,

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that Allah has 99 names, and whoever, whoever learns them will enter Jannah and inshallah, after Ramadan every Saturday, we will be doing our names of Allah class. So you are welcome to join that class in sha Allah so that we can learn the names of Allah and reflect on their meanings so that we can understand if we can know who our Lord is, and we can worship Him in the best way that we can. Suit automata Hina Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim.

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All you who have believed, do not take my enemies and your enemies as allies, extending to them affection while they have disbelieved in what came to you of the truth, having driven out the prophet and yourselves, only because you believe in Allah here, Lord, if you have come out for jihad in my cause, and seeking means to my approval, take them not as friends, you can find to them affection, but I am most knowing of

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What you have concealed and what you have declared, and whoever does it among you has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way. We see that after the Treaty of her they be very soon than wish they came violated that treaty by helping and financing their allies against the allies of the Muslims. So the Prophet sallallahu, early Islam demanded compensation and termination of their alliances, or else they should consider the treaty to be finished. The machine did not comply until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prepared to launch an offensive in order to take over mcca but this was meant to be a secret. Why to avoid any resistance on the part of the people of Makkah.

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Why so that there will be no bloodshed in that land, but one companion health even Abby belta, what he did is that he sent a letter secretly to the people of Makkah, with this information, why in order to do a favor to them, so that in exchange, they would protect his family who were still in Makkah, he did this while knowing that Allah will certainly grant victory to the Prophet sallallahu when he was alone, but he just wanted to ensure the safety of his family. But this was giving preference to one's own personal benefit over the benefit of their religion. So Allah subhana wa tada revealed these verses, we see that the letter never made it to Makkah, it was intercepted. And

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these verses were revealed that all believers, what is the standard of your friendship of your love? Who is it that you should be befriending? Who is it that you should be opposing? What is it that you are doing? If they gain dominance over you, meaning your enemy, they would be to you as enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they wish you would disbelieve, you're trying to do them a favor, they will never ever reciprocate. You are doing this in defense of your family. Well, never will your relatives or your children benefit you the Day of Resurrection, He will judge between you and Allah of what you do is seeing. So remember the family because of whom

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we disobey Allah, because of whom sometimes we earn unlawful wealth, and we do things that are impermissible. Sometimes people will, you know, take bribes or they will, you know, deal with interest etc. Why for the sake of their children, this is not going to help us at all these children will never help no relative will ever help. Remember, there is no disobedience to the Creator, by obeying the creation, meaning we should not be obeying the creation and by that disobey the Creator. This is not correct. So we learned that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he would call each of his relatives by name. And he said, he said to them, Take whatever you want from me today,

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because I will not be able to help you tomorrow. And remember, even the prophets of Allah will not be able to help their families on the Day of Judgment. So we have to do our part of a whodunit. Abdullah, who reported that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a person will meet his father on the Day of Judgment, and he will say, Oh, my father, what kind of a son was I? So his father will say, you were an excellent son. So the sun will say that, will you obey me today? Will you listen to me today? And the father will say yes, so the sun will say, just hold on to me and follow me. And like this, they will go towards the great gathering. And then eventually, that sun

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will be allowed to enter Paradise. And so when he will be entering paradise, he will say, Oh, my Lord, my father as well, because it is your promise that you will not humiliate me on the day of judgment and we can see that this is Ibrahim alayhis salaam. So Allah subhanaw taala will cause his father to be transformed into something else. And so he will fall into * like that. And Allah subhanaw taala will say that all my slave is that really your father, and Ibrahim Ali said, I will say By Allah, by Your Honor, by Your Honor, my lord, this is not my father. So our relationships will not benefit us on the Day of Judgment. If we do not believe and do good ourselves. If we do not

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stay away from sin ourselves. We are responsible for ourselves. There has already been for you an excellent pattern in Ibrahim and those with him. When they said to their people, indeed we are dissociated from you and from whatever you worship other than Allah, we have denied you. And there has appeared between us and you animosity and hatred forever. Until you believe in Allah alone. Except for the saying of Ibrahim to his father, I will surely ask forgiveness for you because he had promised him but I have not power to do for you anything against Allah, our Lord upon you. We have relied and to you we have returned and to you is

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destination, our Lord, make us not objects of torment for the disbelievers. And forgive us our Lord. Indeed it is you who is the Exalted in Might the wise, there has certainly been for you in them an excellent pattern for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Last Day and whoever turns away, then Indeed Allah is the free of need the praise worthy, perhaps Allah will put between you and those to whom you have been enemies among them affection because hearts can change, and Allah is competent, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Allah does not forbid you from those who do not fight you because of religion and do not expel you from your homes from being righteous toward them and acting

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justly toward them. Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly alone Lee forbids you from those who find you because of religion and expel you from your homes and aid in your expulsion. So don't be naive. he forbids that you make allies of them, and whoever makes allies of them than it is those who are the wrongdoers. So we see that there are three types of people basically, the first is the believers, meaning and meaning any person who believes that we should love them for the sake of Allah, whether they are white, black, whatever race, whatever ethnicity, whatever social status, we love them for the fact that they believe in Allah subhanaw taala. Secondly, there are disbelievers

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who oppose you who hate you. So what do you do, you don't like them either. And you don't be naive you you don't be deceived by them, meaning you must be cautious and careful and defend yourself from them. And then thirdly, there are those non Muslims who live in peace with you, they don't bother you, they don't oppose you. So you should also be likewise with them and waging war against them for no reason is something foolish to do. Because especially when they have, you know, cooperated with you sheltered you not expelled you, then you should be fair with them, you should return you should return their favor to them. Or you who have believed when the believing women come to you as

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immigrants because after the Treaty of her day via You know, a lot of women started migrating to Medina. So it is said examine them, meaning first check if they have really come for the sake of Islam, or is it that they're just escaping their marriage? Or or is it some other objective? test them? Allah is most knowing as to their faith, meaning you just see the apparent Allah is the judge of what is in the hearts. And if you know them to be believers, then do not return them to the disbelievers. Why, because they're not lawful for them, nor are they lawful for them. So do not send them but give the disbelievers what they have spent meaning return the money that they have brought

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from Makkah.

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And there is no blame upon you if you marry them when you have given when you have given them their due compensation and hold not to marriage bonds with disbelieving women, but ask for what you have spent and let them ask for what they have spent. That is the judgment of Allah, He judges between you and Allah is Knowing and wise, and if you have lost and if you have lost any of your wives to the disbelievers, meaning there is a woman who doesn't believe and she goes and she takes the money of the Muslims and you subsequently obtained something then give those who whose wives have gone the equivalent of what they had spent and fear Allah in whom you are believers. So we see that the

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Treaty of her debut has stipulated that no man who leaves McCann goes to Medina should be allowed to stay in Medina He must be returned. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took benefit of the letter of the law by making it by allowing the women to stay because the word women was not mentioned in the Treaty of her day via all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when the believing women come to you, pledging to you that they will not associate anything with Allah, nor will they steal, nor will they commit unlawful sexual *, nor will they kill their children, nor will they bring forth a slander they have invented between their arms and legs, nor will they disobey you

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in what is right, then accept their pledge and ask forgiveness for them of Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. So we see that the prophets of Allah who were to send them would take the pledge of allegiance from people who came to Medina, meaning people would promise him In the name of Allah, that they would do such and such things and they would refrain from certain other things. And remember that when the prophets of Allah who are using him to bail from the women, this would always be verbal, he would never put his hand in the hands of another woman, unless she was maharam or you have believed, do not make allies of people with whom Allah has become angry, they have despaired of

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reward in the Hereafter, just as the disbelievers have despaired of meeting the inhabitants of the graves. So the standard of love and friendship is given over here because you see friends influence your choices also. So if you befriend and sympathize with the people who oppose your deen and

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You will become like them suited to serve Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim Subhana Allah Hema is somehow worth you will fill up whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth exalts Allah, and he is the Exalted in Might the wise. So let us do this be also say Subhan, Allah Subhana Allah He will hamdulillah You see, a man came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said Yasuda Allah, I am not able to learn anything of the Quran. And this happens with some people, they, they're unable to because of their memory loss or whatever reason, maybe, you know, you know, they're they're trying or they don't find the opportunity. Or, for example, a woman is menstruating

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and she doesn't feel comfortable reciting the Quran even though there's nothing wrong with it, but people have their reservations. So, in that case, he this man asked the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam that What should I say? What should I say? I'm not able to recite the Quran. So what should I say? He said, say Subhan. Allah will handle the LAO will La ilaha illa Allah Allahu Akbar. Hola, hola, La quwata illa Billah so anytime you're not able to recite the Quran and you feel like you're missing out, then make this be say Subhan Allah because these are words that are adequate in place of the Quran. Yeah, uh, you Hello, Dina amanu all you who have believed Lima taco Luna mala Tov

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alone? Why do you say what you do not do? Meaning? Why is it that your words contradict your actions? And why is it that you don't practice yourself what you preach? This is a severe reprimand to all believers, and every person needs to think about themselves, that are there times when I advise other people to do good, and I don't do those things myself, because this is something that Allah subhanaw taala, detests. Great is hatred in the sight of Allah, that you say what you do not do. Meaning when you when you preach something, you must practice it yourself also, because this is a sign, meaning people who don't practice what they preach, this is a sign that they're not worthy

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of being the heirs of the prophets, because the Prophet sallallahu aurizona mentioned for holla from embody him holophone that there came after the righteous a, a an unworthy generation, and who were they they would, they would preach what they would not practice themselves. So this is something that is severely disliked by Allah azza wa jal, we see that when a person behaves like this, then there's severe punishment in the hereafter. Allahu Akbar, the Prophet sallallahu, Urdu Sunnah mentioned that he was shown people whose lips were being cut with scissors of fire. And when he asked, Who are these people, and why is this happening? He was told that these are people who do

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what they who do Who, who, who do different to what they say, meaning people whose whose words contradict their own actions, meaning they go on telling people to do good things, but they never do good themselves. In another Hadees, we learn that a man will be brought on the day of judgment and he will be thrown in the fire of *. And his intestines will come out and he'll and he will go around Hellfire like a donkey goes around a millstone stuff, it'll like any he'll be going round and round and Hellfire, and his end trails his intestines right behind him.

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So the people of the fire will gather around him and they will say also and so what is wrong with you? Didn't you used to order us to do good deeds? Didn't you used to forbid us to do bad deeds? So he will reply Yes, I used to order you to do good deeds, but I did not do them myself. And I used to forbid you to do bad deeds, yet I used to do them myself. So it is very important that as we share, you know, good knowledge with other people. Make sure that we you know, you practice as well. Don't just focus on sharing on forwarding good things. And sometimes what happens is that you know, we receive a, you know, a good video, a good post, we're so quick to share before even listening to it

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ourselves, before even putting into practice what that post says ourselves, so don't just focus on preaching, preaching, sharing, sharing. Also think about your own personal share, what is it that you are taking from it? Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in his cars in a row as though they are a single structure joined firmly. So here we learn to very efficient

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Certain things, one thing that Allah subhanaw taala does not like people to do. And the other is what Allah pounds or likes people to do. What Allah subhanaw taala does not like people to do is that people advise others and forget themselves. And what Allah subhanaw taala likes for people to do is that they stand together, they come in rows, they join together, in the cause of Allah subhanaw taala. They unite together, and they and they are even stronger together this way. So we see that even when we are talking to children, we should be honest, we should not make false promises. We don't need to hide these that our beloved Ahmed, he said that my mother called me one

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day, when the Messenger of Allah sallallahu earlier center was sitting in our house, and she said, Come here and I will give you something. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam asked her, What did you intend to give him? So she replied that I intended to give him some dates. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you were not to give him anything, a lie would be recorded against you. So we have to be careful. You know, sometimes big promises are made before marriage, right? Big promises are made before someone is hired, and, or before someone agrees to do a certain job. And then what happens once the work begins, those promises are not fulfilled. So we must be true to our

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word, we must fulfill our commitments. And if we're not able to fulfill that, then let that be clear. Let that be clear, communicate that with others, so that people don't suffer because of us. And then we see that self is especially praised over here, you know, people who are working together working hard in a very disciplined, organized and United Way. This is what Allah subhanaw taala loves. We see that angels form rows, and even birds, you know, they're mentioned in the Quran that they form rows. And on the Day of Judgment, also people will be in rows. In fact, the people of gender will enter Paradise as rows together. So Allah subhanaw taala likes this. And mentioned when

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Moses said to his people, oh my people, why do you harm me? Why do you bother me with your excessive questioning, and your refusal to obey your hurtful words? While you are certain while you certainly know that I am the messenger of Allah to you, and when they deviated Allah cause their hearts to deviate to Allah cause their hearts to deviate? They chose deviation. So they were sent in the path of deviation and Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. remember Allah subhanaw taala does not wrong anybody. And mentioned when Risa the son of Miriam said, Oh children of Israel, indeed, I am the messenger of Allah to you, confirming what came before me of the total, and

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bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is mud. Hello UK about haven. He even mentioned to his people what the name of the final messenger was going to be and he is someone who has praised Muhammad was also someone who is praised, but when he came to them with clear evidences, they said this is obvious magic, and who is more unjust than one who invents about Allah untruth, while he is being invited to Islam, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouth, but Allah will perfect his light. Although the disbelievers dislike it, think about it. If there's a fire, can you ever put it out by blowing

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it with your mouth know, if anything, blowing a fire only causes it to increase and spread? So there are people who want to extinguish the light of a slam with their mouth meaning with what they say, with their lies with their insults with their misrepresentation with their distortion of the truth, but they will never be successful. In fact, people who attack Islam, at times end up becoming the very means of spreading Islam Subhan Allah, it is he who sent His messenger with guidance and their religion of truth, to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it, or you who have believed, shall I guide you to a transaction? Do you want to know of a

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business a deal that will save you from a painful punishment? What is it would you like to know? An investment that you can make a trade a bargain that you can make, because of which you will be saved from *, from a painful punishment? To me no Nabila he was sorry he, it is that you believe in Allah and His messenger and strive in the cause of Allah, with your wealth and your lives that is best for you if you should know. Again, we are being reminded of spending in the way of Allah. And we see that when a person spends for the cause of a law for the religion

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Have a law, that this is something that will save them from the punishment of *, this is something that will protect them. Again, I remind you that in these days and nights, make sure that part of your southern part of your charity, your contribution goes towards Islamic institutions, because here people are working not so that, you know, they get richer, no, the entire focus is on what on spreading the knowledge of Islam. So that people get to learn what what what Allah subhanaw taala has revealed, people get to know what Islam really is. So try to support different organizations in different ways contribute to your local Masjid contribute to this, this

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organization, also alhuda Institute because Mashallah you have been, you know, listening to the, to the class, and a lot of people are, you know, just volunteering over here, money is not going in any, any person's pocket. So Pamela, and, you know,

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there's so many expenses, so panela, you know, to run an online class to pay for these portals, to make all of these, you know,

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resources available to people. So try to contribute, and especially when you benefit from someplace, then make sure that you put your share in it, you can contribute a little amount, a big amount, and I would request the sisters who are here, that if you can share the launch good link to it, you know, in the comments, so that people know where they can contribute. Because, again, we are not spending over here, you know, to so that perhaps we can get richer, or perhaps this is going in the pockets of certain individuals. No, this is for our love of the Quran, our love of Islam, and with that, we hope that Allah subhanaw taala he will protect us and He will save us in the next life. So

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it is that you believe in Allah and His messenger and strive in the cause of Allah with your wealth and your lives that is best for you. If you should know he will forgive for your sins and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow and pleasant dwellings in gardens of perpetual residents. That is the great attainment, the reward is also mentioned over here. And you will also obtain another favor that you love victory from Allah and an imminent conquest. Allah subhanaw taala will give you good in this life also, you will see the fruit of your efforts sooner or later and give good tidings to the believers. So if you do your part, you fully strive then Allah subhanaw taala will also

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reward you He will not leave you empty handed. All you who have believed be supporters of Allah kuno unsought Allah, you see, Allah does not need our help. We are actually being honored over here by giving a chance, you know, an opportunity to serve his Deen to promote his religion, to serve what we have to bring forward what we have to, you know, to support his religion. This is an opportunity for us, this is a privilege for us. So all you who have believed, be supporters of Allah, you support yourselves also support the deen of Allah, as when he saw the son of Miriam said to the disciples, who are my supporters for Allah. So the unsought Allah onsala are who those who helped

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the cause of Allah, he started his Salaam said, Man, Ansari, Illa Allah who will help me in order to support the cause of Allah subhanaw taala the disciples said, We are the supporters of Allah, we will help we will come forward, we will bring whatever that we can. And a faction of the children of Israel believed and affection disbelieved. So we supported those who believed against their enemy, and they became dominant. So history is proof that those who respond to Allah's call who obey Allah who strive the way that they should, then Allah subhanaw taala grants them success. Look at this, there were only 12 disciples and one of them actually betrayed resigned to his setup, but reciting

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his Sunnah almost punctata saved him and the message that he brought. Yanni it did spread so there were people up until the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, who worshiped only Allah and salamander faricy la de la Mourinho was one of them. All all of the people who believed in Rhys artists and did not commit Schick that should came in much later. So we see that success is from Allah, it is not because of our resources because of our numbers. So we should never be little that you know what i can only give $5 what is that going to do? No, you bring what you can, and Allah subhanaw taala will bless it. Allah subhanaw taala will increase it and Allah subhanaw taala will

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reward you for it sooner to jamara Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem u sub b hooghly lahemaa. is some are worth you will feel old and Malik al Quddus allies.

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Al Hakim, whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is exalting Allah. So why should we not exalt Allah? He is the Sovereign, the pure, the Exalted in Might the wise, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised his daughter Fatima, when she complained to him of both of her hands blistering and her body getting fatigued, he advised her to say Subhan Allah, Allahu Akbar and Alhamdulillah so making the spear is actually a cure to fatigue. So if you're feeling tired right now, make some of this be so proud Allah Subhan Allah Subhana Allah He will be Hamdi Subhana, Allah hid Arlene

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is He who has sent among the unlettered a messenger from themselves, reciting to them his verses, and purifying them, and teaching them the book and wisdom, although they were before in clear error. So these were the responsibilities of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he was to teach, he was to recite the verses of Allah to the people, he was to purify the people, not just give them information, but to make them better people than before. He was to teach them the book, and he was to teach them the wisdom. So anyone who wishes to teach Islam, they should make sure that they're covering all of these aspects, it is not enough to only appreciate you know, the meaning of the book

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of Allah. It is also important that we learn how to recite the book of Allah and we dedicate time to reciting the book of Allah. And again, our focus should not just be on perfecting our recitation, it should also be on learning what the words mean. And then a hikma This is wisdom, and then does hear that all of this is for action, not just for information.

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And he has also been sent to others of them, who have not yet joined them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is for all people, until the end of time. And Allah is the Exalted in Might, the Wise, that is the bounty of Allah, which he gives to whom He wills, and Allah is the possessor of great bounty, look at the blessing of Quran, and then it is said valleca for Allah, the Quran is truly a favor of Allah. So if you have Quran in your life, you are very fortunate. The example of those who are entrusted with the third off, and then did not take it on, and then did not take it on is like that of a donkey who carries volumes of books. Meaning, these are people who once upon a

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time learned the book of Allah, the Torah, but then they did not implement it, they instead forget to forgot about it, or they only studied it, and they did not practice it. So their example is like that of a donkey that is carrying a burden of books. Meaning a donkey can also have a lot of books. But that, you know, having those books is not a source of honor or privilege for the donkey because it doesn't know what those books are and what they mean. It doesn't really benefit from them. And for the donkey, the books are only a burden. wretched is the example of the people who deny the signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. So remember, if the Quran is only

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outside of you, meaning it is something external, something that you only talk about, or something that you only read and study. And it doesn't make it to your heart. It doesn't transform you it doesn't grow something in your heart, it doesn't make you better than this is not a benefit. It is not a favor, it is a curse. It is a loss. Remember the Quran sacred knowledge is supposed to be internalized. So those people who just read the book without following it are being criticized over here. So the people who are true bearers of the Quran, are people who in their lives that shows that they know the Quran, and this is what yBnL Kagame said that the bearers of the Quran are those who

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act upon it, even if they have not memorized all of it, and a person who has memorized the Quran, and who who recites it perfectly, but he does not implement it, then such a person is not a bearer of the Quran. Such a person is not a carrier of the Quran. So we must see how how the Quran is reflected in our lives. say all you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah, excluding the other people then wish for death if you should be truthful, but they will not wish for it ever because of what their hands have put forth. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers say, indeed, the depth from which you flee indeed, it will meet you it is on its way, then you will be

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returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed and he will end

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form you about what you use to do. So remember death is approaching, it has literally surrounded us, we escaped death, you know, through different events in our lives, different accidents, different problems, but sooner or later it is coming, it is going to surround us, it is going to affect us, we're not going to stay in this world forever. All you who have believed, when the other one is called for the prayer on the day of Friday, then proceed to the remembrance of Allah, meaning then go and listen to the hookah and pray salah and leave trade, meaning stop your work, drop whatever it is that you're doing, and go to the masjid that is better for you, if you only knew. And this is

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something that shows us that on hearing the amount of jamara a person should go quickly to the masjid May Allah subhanaw taala allow us to listen to that event again and to be able to go pray in our massages. And notice how it has been mentioned that go go to the remembrance of Allah which is the hookah

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meaning that don't just go for the Salah late but go on time, so that you get to listen to the hookah because that is very important that is part of salado Juma. And remember the earlier a person goes, the more reward they they gain. The Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm sad about the day of Friday that this day is an IED it is a festival which Allah has ordained for the Muslims. Whoever comes to Friday prayer, let him take a bath and if he has perfume, then let him put some on and upon you is the miswak meaning you must please please clean your mouth before you go to the masjid. Friday is the day of forgiveness, we learn and it is a day of duras because at a certain time

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between us and Mohammed, if you know that there is a time when the hours are accepted. And there is of course more reward for the people who go early to the masjid on Friday. And we also learned that on the day of judgement, Allah subhanaw taala will bring the days of the week in certain forums and he will bring the day of Friday in a beautifully radiant and shining form. And the people of Friday, the people of Friday Who are they? There are people who who for whom Friday is a big deal. So they they make that a special day they make sure they go to the masjid their day revolves around the Friday prayer. So the people of Friday will surrounded like a bride is surrounded when taken to her

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groom. So it will lighten up the way for them so they will walk in its light. Their colors like white snow and their fragrance like musc as if they were in mountains of Cafu men and Jean will look at them not turning away out of amazement until they will enter Jannah like this. So just imagine people a Friday will enter Jenna, like a royal you know procession Subhanallah and none will mingle with them, meaning none will reach the ranks except the more advanced meaning those who make the other. Along had these we learned that Friday will be called Friday is called yo moseyed meaning the day of increase, because in Paradise, Friday will be the day of increase in blessings. Because this

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is the day when people of Paradise will meet their Lord. So they will become even more beautiful, and they will become even more happy and they will increase in their blessings, even more. So give importance to this day. You know these days because we're not able to go to the masjid for tomorrow. You know, and sometimes we don't even know what day of the week it is. Friday is still special. Just because we're not able to go to the masjid on Friday. It doesn't mean that Friday has become unimportant. Now, it is still important. We can we should still send Salatin, the Prophet sallallahu Urdu, someone Friday, we should still recite on Friday, we should still increasing hour they could

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on Friday, for either cordia to sell out. And when the prayer has been concluded, then disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah meaning then go back to work and remember Allah often that you may succeed. So you see Vicar of Allah is mentioned make liquid so that you may be successful. So there is a way there is a path to success. But when they saw a transaction or a diversion,

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they rushed to it and left you standing say what is with Allah is better than diversion and then it is and then a transaction and Allah is the best of providers indication as to the time when the Prophet sallallahu ariosa was once giving Juma hotbar and a caravan arrived in Medina bringing supplies and you know food and goods and making a lot of noise so that people would come and shop and it was very, very tempting for the people who were sitting, you know, in the masjid. So one by one people started leaving the masjid in order to go to the market and buy food and the goods that

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Just arrived because they were afraid that if they were to go after Salah, then they wouldn't find anything Subhan Allah. So Allah subhanaw taala reveal this idea that what is with Allah is better, it is better. So yes, you are tempted to go shop and do your work and make money etc. But the reward that Allah subhanaw taala has to give that is way better for you. So, yes, when it comes to your obligations, then you must prioritize them. You must give them preference over your worldly needs. And when you have fulfilled your obligation towards Allah subhanaw taala then of course, you go and fulfill your worldly needs. But don't don't give preference to worldly needs over worship.

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pseudoalteromonas macoun Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem, when the hypocrites come to you, they say we testify that you are the Messenger of Allah. And Allah knows that you are His Messenger. And Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars, stuff that Allah, the hypocrites would say with their mouth that they're Muslim, but their hearts did not testify. And this is why their words are rejected over here. They would say we bear witness that you are the Messenger of Allah and Allah says that the hypocrites are lying. Meaning even though the statement that they're saying is true, meaning that the Mohammed sallallahu wasallam is the Messenger of Allah, their testimony, meaning they're saying

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it, they're saying that we believe in it, that is not true. So we say that a hypocrite lies a hypocrite deceives a hypocrite uses false oaths to be more believable to people. But Allah subhanaw taala does not accept such lies. This is why we should refrain from lying, and we should be afraid lest we develop hypocrisy in our hearts and we should ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect us.

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They have taken their oath as a cover. So they averted people from the way of Allah. Indeed, it was evil that they were doing that is because they believed and then they disbelieved. So, their hearts were sealed over and they do not understand and when you see them their forms please you because their entire focus is on pleasing people, right? So their entire focus is on their their image. So their you know, their bodies, their clothes, their physical appearance, Masha, Allah, very nice, muscular and fit and well dressed and so you know, beautiful and handsome. But if they speak, you listen to their speech, meaning, then their words also they're very, very impressive. They are as if

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they were pieces of wood propped up, meaning they're empty and faithless, they only look good outside, but in reality, they are useless. They don't really bring any benefit. If you think about it, pieces of wood that are propped up against a wall, what benefit are they, they're useless. So just like that there are people who pay a lot of attention to their physical well being to their, you know, physical appearance. And what good is that? If you're not using your physical strength to help people, if you're not using the strength that Allah subhanaw taala has given you to worship Him. If you're not using your strengths, your money, your resources to help the religion of Allah.

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They think that every shout is against them, meaning inside, they are very, very guilty. They're cowards, they are the enemy, so beware of them. May Allah destroy them. How are they diluted? We see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the two things will never be together in a hypocrite good manners and fick understanding in the religion. He also said that what I fear for my oma the most is the hypocrite who is alima. Listen, meaning he knows how to speak well. And through his words, he convinces people

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and when it is said to them come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you. They turn their heads aside and you see them evading while they're arrogant, meaning they don't like to come to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam it is all the same for them. Whether you ask forgiveness for them, or do not ask forgiveness for them, never will ALLAH forgive them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. They're the ones who say do not spend on those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they disband. And to Allah belong the depositories of the heavens and the earth. But the hypocrites do not understand. They say if we return to Medina, the more honored

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meaning the one who has more power will surely expel their from the more humble because the hypocrites considered themselves to be more honorable. And our beloved obey actually said this on one of the expeditions. He was really upset about something and he said when we go back to Medina, the one who has more honorable will expel the one who does not have honor. Basically what he was saying was when we get back to Medina, I'm going to expel Muhammad Sallallahu

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Where do you send them? A staford Allah, and to Allah belongs all honor, and to his messenger and to the believers, but the hypocrites do not know, or you who have believed, let not your wealth and your children divert you from remembrance of Allah, you see was the love of wealth, it was the love of their families that cause these people to become hypocrites. And whoever does that, then those are the losers. So we are advised here that do not let your family and your things make you so busy, that you forget to remember Allah. the remembrance of Allah is Food for the Soul, it is nourishment for the heart, it is a path to success. So yes, you have to be with your family, you have to do your

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work, you have to look after your wealth. But then when it is time for prayer, it is time to remember Allah, then you have to make time for Salah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would and spend in the way of Allah from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, My Lord, if only you would delay me for a brief term, so I would give charity and be among the righteous stuff that Allah May Allah subhanaw taala Forgive us, sometimes we delay give in charity, we see that you know what, next month in sha Allah, right, next Ramadan and sha Allah, right, we keep delaying, who knows if we're going to get that opportunity again, it doesn't mean

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that a person just gives everything that they have, and next day they're begging for money, they're begging for food, no, it means that yes, you you know you fulfill your needs. And then you see whatever you have that is left over, you know, you would like to save that for your, you know, enjoyment and your, you know, pleasure later on in life, but some of that, spend it for your own benefit. Spend it in good causes, so that in the Hereafter, you're not empty handed, you have something that is waiting for you, you have something that will benefit you.

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So, give of what you have, but never will Allah delay a soul when it's time has come. And Allah is acquainted with what you do. So give charity before your death. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that do not delay charity until the time when death approaches you. And then you say, Give to so and so and give to so and so. And give this much to that cause and give that much to that cause there's there's no point in that. Why? Because when you die, any you're going to die very soon. And now your wealth is no longer yours anyway, it's going to go to other people anyway. So give charity while you have health and you are hopeful. And you want to enjoy your wealth yourself.

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Perhaps you fear poverty, and you you expect to become more wealthy, give, give for your own benefit. Sooner or two tabon Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim you Sabir Holy lahemaa for some my wife you wanna fill out, whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth is, is exalting Allah, To Him belongs dominion, and To Him belongs all praise, and he is over all things competent, it is He Who created you, and among you is the disbeliever. And among you is the believer and Allah of what you do is seeing, Allah is watching our deeds, he created the heavens and the earth in truth, and formed you and perfected your forms, so proud Allah, and to him is the final destination.

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He knows what is within the heavens and the earth, and knows what you conceal and what you and what you declare, and Allah is Knowing of that within the chests. Why should he not know when he has created us? Has there not come to you the news of those who disbelieved before, so they tested the bad consequences of their affair, and they will have a painful punishment. That is because their messengers used to come to them with clear evidences, but this actual human beings guide us mean to dismiss the messenger simply because they were human, and disbelieved and turned away and Allah dispensed with them. He didn't need them, and Allah is free of need, and praiseworthy. Those who

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disbelieve have claimed that they will never be resurrected, say yes by my Lord, you will surely be resurrected, then you will surely be informed of what you did. And that for Allah is easy. Everything has a consequence you think you are, you are, you know an exception, what you do will will also bring good results. So believe in Allah and His messenger and the light which we have sent down. What is this light the Quran And Allah is an Allah is acquainted with what you do the day he will assemble you for the day of assembly, that is the day of deprivation. Subhan Allah, the day of judgment is called yom with the hoburne the day of deprivation.

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Because it is the day when some people will lose and others will gain and whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness, he will remove from him his misdeeds and admit him to gardens beneath which rivers flow wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment. So remember, on the day of judgment, the believers will gain and the disbelievers will lose. Some people will get Jenna and other people will lose themselves and their families and their properties and their deeds and whatever else that they had. May Allah subhanaw taala pardon us.

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Will Latina cafaro but the ones who disbelieved and denied our verses, those are the companions of the Fire, abiding eternally they're in

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and wretched is the destination, no disaster strikes except by permission of Allah, and whoever believes in Allah, He will guide his heart or my human Billa jacoba. This means that when a person is struck by difficulty, and they believe in a law, meaning they remind themselves that this is by the permission of Allah, and Allah His decision is with his wisdom, it is with his mercy, it is with his knowledge, so I trust Allah azzawajal then what will happen, Allah will guide his heart, Allah subhanaw taala will also give him peace, Allah subhanaw taala will guide this person to say what is right and to do what is right. Allah will guide him will love will be cliche in our Aleem and Allah

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is Knowing of all things. Remember, if the heart is guided, then the entire person is guided and if the heart is not guided, then nothing will be guided. The words will not be right, the actions will not be right, our response to the situation that we are in cannot be right. So it is important that whenever we are struck by any difficulty, the first thing we do is that we think about we think about Allah, we put our trust in Allah and obey Allah and obey the messenger. But if you turn away, then upon our messenger is only the duty of clear notification, Allah, there is no data except Him. And upon Allah let the believers rely all you will have believed indeed, among your wives, your

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spouses, and your children are enemies to you. How, how can they be enemies, because sometimes they become a hurdle for you. They prevent you from obeying Allah, you love them, they love you. But sometimes that love becomes unhealthy when it prevents you from obeying Allah and worshiping Him. So beware of them, be careful around them, meaning don't abandon them. Of course, that's not what Allah subhanaw taala is asking us to do. But at the same time, beware of them realize that in their love, sometimes you end up neglecting your duty to Allah, you end up falling short, in your duty to Allah. So yes, love your spouse, love your children, but not unconditionally, that you lose yourself. You

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forget about who you are, and you forget about your obligation, your duty to Allah. But if you pardon and overlook and forgive Subhana, Allah, this is what you're supposed to show to your family. Notice three words of forgiveness are used here. Pardon overlook, forgive in tar photos for hotel foo, what does that mean? You have to forgive your family, your children, your spouse, again, and again. And again, you have to overlook their mistakes again, and again. And again. Because if you don't, and you keep fighting all the time, you keep arguing all the time, then you're only going to make life difficult for yourself, then Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, and merciful. So keep forgiving

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and overlooking the annoyances of your family, even when they oppose you in your religion. You know, sometimes it happens that when you are available for your family, they don't remember anything. But the moment you open up the most have to recite the Quran. And everybody remembers all the things that they have to ask you, and all the things that they need from you. So you get annoyed over there, you get irritated over there, but you must pardon an overlook, meaning you must respond to them in a beautiful way. Don't be impatient. Don't be angry. Don't be harsh over there. Even our bus will de la Horne who was asked about this idea. And he explained that there were some people who

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accepted Islam in Makkah and they wanted to come to the Prophet sallallahu Urdu salon. They wanted to make the hedgerow but their families would stop them that no, don't go. And then there were also some people in Medina who whenever they intended to participate in Jihad with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, again, their families would stop them but please don't go. So sometimes your own family stops you. Right? And that is not coming from a bad place. They love you and they want to be with you. And this is why sometimes in their love, they they don't want you to be away from them. They would rather that you spend time with them, but you

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Know how the Prophet sallallahu earlier said in one night, he got up in order to pray. And he said to Alisha, would you love more on how to do it shall allow me, let me worship My Lord, and I shall do more. And he answered, that I love that you are with me, meaning I want that you should be with me. But I also love that you worship Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi Salaam got up, and he performed Salah, and he was given the final concluding verses of Surah allier mana at that time, and he wept so much that the place of is such though was wet with his tears, his his beard was also wet with his tears. So this is how we need to be with our family, that you know what, I love you, but I

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also want the best for you. So yes, go and study something. Yes, go and you know, serve your parents, I love you, I want the best for you. So yes, sit down and recite some Quran, I would rather talk to you. But I respect the fact that you want to, you know, worship Allah subhanaw taala. At this time, this is the kind of love and support we need to offer. But sometimes we don't always get that support from our loved ones. So that so that is where we need to show forgiveness, your wealth and your children are but a trial. So you will be tested. Sometimes you will have that support from your children, from your spouse, and other and other times you will not. So this is a test. And

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Allah has with him a great reward.

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So fear Allah as much as you were able, meaning do whatever that is within your capacity, the maximum that you can, and listen and obey and spend again. So the CLI as mentioned, gets in the way of Allah, because what will sadakazu it will expiate for your sins, it is better for yourselves and whoever is protected from the stingy ness of his soul, it is those who will be the successful. So the real hurdle is really inside of ourselves. It is in our hearts. And for that we need to seek Allah subhanaw taala does help. It's very easy to blame your family that Oh, they don't let me or they make me angry. But we need to focus on what is it that I can do. If you loan Allah a goodly

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loan, what you given the cause of Allah is actually alone, Allah will give you back, he will multiply it for you. And he will also forgive you. And Allah is most appreciative and forbearing Knower of the unseen and the witness the Exalted in Might the wise. So the fact is that if we were honest, when it comes to our relationship with our families, we would know that we are not perfect, we make mistakes. And so, a man asked the Prophet salallahu, Urdu, some about this, and the Prophet sallallahu. Earlier, Salah mentioned certain good deeds, and all of them is sadaqa charity, that this is something that expats for the mistakes that you make towards your family, for the places

02:17:48 --> 02:18:32

where you fall short in your duty towards your family. And there are times when because of your family because of your loved ones, you end up falling short in your duty to Allah. So how do you compensate for that? keep giving sadaqa O Prophet surah tala Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you Muslims, divorce women divorce them for the commencement of their waiting period, meaning give the divorce at a time when a woman can actually begin her ADA and keep count of the waiting period and fear Allah your Lord, do not turn them out of their husbands houses do not kick them out, nor should they leave meaning they should not leave themselves in rage

02:18:32 --> 02:19:12

unless they are committing a clear immorality. And those are the limits set by Allah And whoever transgresses the limits of Allah has certainly wronged himself, you know not perhaps Allah will bring about after that a different matter. So be hopeful. And when they have nearly fulfilled their term, either retain them according to acceptable terms or part with them according to acceptable terms and bring to witness to just men from among you. And all witnesses establish the testimony for Allah that is instructed to whoever should believe in a lot and the last day and whoever fears Allah, He will make for him a way out. So we see that even tala for divorce has to be done properly.

02:19:12 --> 02:19:56

When it comes to weddings. What is it that we don't know about? Any we know all the customs and traditions and you know, all the latest designs and all the latest decorations we have borrowed from different cultures. And we are so particular about, you know, this party and that party and this event and that detail. But when it comes to the religious laws, how a marriage is to be, you know, conducted and how people are to live with one another. We don't know. And when it comes to divorce, we are even more ignorant. So people follow their desires only when it comes to divorce. And it is mentioned over here. This is instructed to whoever should believe in a line the last day, meaning if

02:19:56 --> 02:19:59

you believe in a line the last day then you must

02:20:00 --> 02:20:43

Go through divorce properly also, and whoever fears Allah and Allah will make a way out for him. Subhan Allah earlier we learned that whoever believes in Allah, Allah will guide his heart. Here we learned that whoever fears Allah, then Allah will make a way out for him, where in this life and also in the next meeting, any trouble any difficulty that Allah subhanaw taala will create a way. And one of the scholars said this means that unless Panther will make a way for him to words genda so you don't know something so painful that you're going through, such as divorce, something that is so difficult, but if you do it the right way, following the commands of Allah subhanaw taala that

02:20:43 --> 02:21:27

are related to divorce. You never know this might be the very reason why you enter Jenna Subhana Allah, where Zukerman Hayes who later saved and will provide for him from where he does not even expect meaning from where person cannot even imagine, because a lot of times people like to ignore the laws of Islam related to divorce, and they want to follow their desire. Why? Because of money that they want to get money from, you know, from the person that they're divorcing or their family. So what is mentioned over here you fear Allah, you do things the right way, Allah will not, Allah will not deprive you, he will provide you from where you cannot even imagine. And whoever relies

02:21:27 --> 02:22:07

upon Allah, and Allah is sufficient for him. Indeed, Allah will accomplish His purpose, meaning things that are meant to happen will happen. Allah has has already set for everything a decreed extent. So your freedom, your money, your time that you have, your marriage that you have any everything that you have is limited. And through these limited things you are being tested. And those who no longer expect menstruation among your women, if you doubt, then their period of Ada of waiting is three lunar months, and also for those who have not menstruated. And for those who are pregnant, their term is until they give birth and whoever fears Allah, He will make for him of his

02:22:07 --> 02:22:48

matter ease. That is the command of Allah, which he has sent down to you. And whoever fears Allah, He will remove from him, he will remove for him his misdeeds and make great for him his reward. Subhana Allah, how appreciative is Allah subhanaw taala there is reward for leaving st even. These are the benefits of taqwa during the waiting period, where where is the woman supposed to say it is said lodge them in a section of where you dwell out of your means and do not harm them in order to oppress them. And sometimes what happens is that the divorce is issued, and immediately the woman is sent away, that you cannot even come back over here, you cannot even come to get your things, you

02:22:48 --> 02:23:29

know, the keys to the locks to the house are changed, so that a woman cannot even get back to her house and get the things that she needs. And if they should be pregnant, then spend on them until they give birth, it is the man's responsibility to do that. And if they breastfeed for you, meaning the baby, then give them their payment, and confer decide among yourselves in the acceptable way. But if you are in discord, then there must be then there may breastfeed for the father, another woman, meaning then someone else can be hired to nurse the child, this is also an option. let a man of wealth spend from his wealth and he whose provision is restricted, let him spend from what Allah

02:23:29 --> 02:23:56

has given him. Allah does not charge a soul except according to what he has given it. Allah will bring about after hardship ease, so there's ease after hardship. You see over here divorce is being mentioned. And it is being made very clear that the man has to spend on his, on his wife, right? When when she's pregnant when she gives birth. And even if he divorces her while she's pregnant, she is no longer his wife, any still

02:23:57 --> 02:24:48

any after the after the woman gives birth, then that woman is no longer married to him. But still the man has to give money to to the mother of his child. He has to give her enough food, you know enough money so that she has enough cords in a food What does that show that that a man must spend on his wife and on his children. And this is an obligation and this is something rewardable Don't be stingy in this matter. A lot of men will you know spend on their friends on you know, dinner on their entertainment, but when it comes to spending on their wives and their children, they become very, very stingy over there. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that you are rewarded for

02:24:48 --> 02:24:59

even the bite of food that you put in the mouth of your wife, Honey, you're rewarded for this. So why be stingy? And how many a city was insolent to where the command of its Lord and His Messenger

02:25:00 --> 02:25:38

So we took it to severe account and punished it with a terrible punishment, and it tasted the bad consequence of its affair. And the outcome of its affair was loss. Allah has prepared for them a severe punishment. So fear Allah or you have understanding who have believed. Take a lesson. Allah has sent down to you a reminder, he sent a messenger reciting to you the distinct verses of Allah, that he may bring out those who believe and do righteous deeds from darkness into the light. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteousness, he will admit him into gardens beneath which rivers flow to abide there in forever. Allah will have perfected for him it provision. It is Allah

02:25:38 --> 02:26:21

who has created seven heavens and the earth, the like of them, meaning multiple Earths also, he his command descends among them. So you may know that Allah is over all things competent, and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge. So the fact is, that Nothing escapes his knowledge and you are his creation, everywhere Allah subhanaw taala is command is implemented, and you have been given the choice to either obey the commands that Allah has given you, or disobey, what are you going to do? So even in terms of marriage and divorce, pay regard to the commands that are lost? prodata has given soda to the hareem Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, why do

02:26:21 --> 02:27:00

you prohibit yourself from what Allah has made lawful for you seeking the approval of your wives, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. Allah subhanaw taala did not even allow his messenger to make what is lawful into unlawful for the sake of someone that he loved. So then how can we, Allah has already ordained for you Muslims, the dissolution of your own thoughts and allies, your protector, and he is the knowing the wise. And remember when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam confided to one of his wives a statement. And because it was a secret was supposed to be a secret, but she informed another of it. And when she did that, Allah informed him about it. The Prophet sallallahu

02:27:00 --> 02:27:41

earlier said it made known part of it to her and ignored a part. You see, there's a certain background to this to these verses, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would go to his wives. And, you know, at times, of course, there would be jealousy between them. So once the Prophet sallallahu, Urdu spent, you know, a little longer duration with one of the wives and he had honey. So some of the other wives of the Prophet sallallahu already sent him they felt really jealous. So they, you know, confided together that we will tell him, that because of this, because of whatever you ate, you have bad breath. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not like bad breath at all. So

02:27:41 --> 02:28:22

when he was told not just by one, but by two wives, he said, I am never going to eat this honey again. And when the Prophet salallahu does, and I mentioned this, this was supposed to be a secret. But what happened, she told another wife of the Prophet sallallahu artesanal about it, and this was not right. Remember, when your spouse share something private with you, then that is between you and your spouse, and you should respect that privacy. In the Quran, we are told that righteous women are half your lats, that they are those who diligently guard guard what the secrets the private matters that are shared with them. And the same As expected of a man that please share, you know, please

02:28:23 --> 02:29:07

respect your wife's privacy, any if she has shared something with you, let that be a private matter between you and her. And don't go on spreading it to the world. So we see over here, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he found out that this, you know, secret had been shared by someone. So what did he do? He he expressed some of it, and he ignored part of it, meaning he let her know that yes, I know that you shared this with someone, but he did not, you know, attack her full on. And this is something very, very important. Sometimes you know, your spouse has made a mistake. Please don't shame them and embarrass them. by listing. All you said this, and then you did

02:29:07 --> 02:29:51

this and then you raise your eyebrows and then that you use that word, and then your tone was louder, and then you were stopping and then you went here and then you went there any we remember the faults of our spouse to such a great length, get over it. Don't be so petty, any move on, be tolerant with the people that you live with, learn to ignore and overlook the mistakes of people and this is a sign of a dignified person. And when he informed her about it, she said Who told you this? He said I was informed by the knowing be acquainted. If you to repent to Allah, it is best for your hearts have deviated this was a mistake. But if you cooperate against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wasallam then Indeed Allah is his protector and gibreel and the righteous of the believers and the angels, moreover, are his assistance. Perhaps his

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If the Prophet divorced you all would substitute for him lives better than you to the wives of the Prophet sallallahu. It isn't being taught a very important lesson here that do not bother the Prophet sallallahu already sent him again. Don't gang up against him again, because he can replace you with someone else who will be submitting to Allah believe in devoutly obedient, repentant, worshiping and traveling once previously married and version and vergence.

02:30:26 --> 02:31:09

Once previously married and virgins being that doesn't matter what matters is their Islam, their Eman and their taqwa. And then we are addressed all you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a fire whose fuel is people and stones over which are appointed angels, harsh and severe. They do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, but do what they are commanded a staff at a law or you will have all you who have disbelieved. Make no excuses that day, you will only be recompense for what you used to do, or you who have believed. repent to Allah with sincere repentance. Honestly, repent to Allah with your tongue. seek forgiveness with your body, leave sin

02:31:09 --> 02:31:51

with your heart, resolve to never repeat the sin again, and make Toba with your environment also meaning change your situation. Perhaps your Lord will remove from you your misdeeds and admit you into gardens beneath which rivers flow on the day when Allah will not disgrace the prophet and those who believed with him. Their light will proceed before them and on their right. They will say Our Lord, perfect for us our light and forgive us indeed you are over all things competent. Yeah, are you hanabi Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them and their refuge is *, and wretched as the rest is the destination. sopran

02:31:51 --> 02:32:32

Allah wretched is the destination. Earlier we learned in the previous idea about how Allah subhanaw taala will perfect the light of His Prophet and the righteous. And remember there are certain deeds because of which light will be increased for a person and these are making will do properly and going to the masjid walking to the masjid specifically, and reciting sort of calf on Friday, and giving sadaqa because was sadaqa to know. And also, we learned that if a person becomes old in Islam, then that will be a source of light for them on the Day of Judgment. Allah presents an example of those who disbelieved the wife of Noah and the wife of Luke, they were under two of our

02:32:32 --> 02:33:11

righteous servants but betrayed them. So those prophets did not avail them from Allah at all. And it was said, enter the fire with those who enter. These were women whose husbands were prophets whose husbands were righteous and pious. So this shows us that a husband's piety will not benefit the wife if she herself is not pious, if she does not take responsibility for herself. Because a lot of times what happens is that after marriage, women tend to neglect themselves. They they almost make their husbands into their, you know, objects of worship, that now their entire life revolves around pleasing the husband and that should not be the case. Yes, Your husband is important, but Allah

02:33:11 --> 02:33:53

subhanaw taala is even more important. And Allah presents an example of those who believed the wife of fit our own when she said My Lord, build for me near you a house in paradise Robin earlier in the debate and Phil Jenner and save me from her own and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people. What a what a wise, intelligent woman she was. Her husband was not a believer. Her husband was actually fit our own it denier in an oppressor, an arrogant man. But she is an example for the believers. Look at her goal. She wanted a house in Jannah. She had a house in dunya. Right? And she knew what the worth of that house was. And she understood that the real home is the home of the

02:33:53 --> 02:34:34

hereafter. real success is in closeness to Allah subhanaw taala not in closeness to people to the creation, but in closeness to Allah and the example of Medina I'm the daughter of Milan who guarded her chastity. So we blew into her garment through her through our Angel and she believed in the words of her Lord and His scriptures and was of the devoutly obedient. She spent hours in worshipping Allah subhanaw taala, consistently worshiping Him. So we see that Medina was a single woman, she was not even married. So it's not about who you are married to. It's about what you do. May Allah subhanaw taala make us of his devoutly obedient servants whose goal is to please Him and

02:34:34 --> 02:34:45

to be close to him asila gel subhanak Allahumma will be hammock a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta Furukawa Tobu la wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

02:35:03 --> 02:35:26

I will be like ministry Banerji Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Jazakallah Ferrand sister Tamia from their love we've completed 28 Jasmine last pack that enable us to practice upon and implement everything we have learned. mean. Okay, so students in your chat box, you see a couple of links on the

02:35:27 --> 02:36:03

launch good donation link sister Damian mentioned is posted there. And you all heard the announcement for the new course sister Amy is about to start in shuttler so that link is given there as well. So if you would like to attend the course then please fill out the form and if you would like to make that the heart and in shuttler and multiple rewards, it is Ramadan, then please fill out the other form. Okay, so I'm going to leave chat disabled until everyone is able to catch these links. Until then we will prepare for a review on

02:36:05 --> 02:36:15

their cellular su e karimabad. found to be Lachman a shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Frobisher, Lisa Dr. Seeley Emily Rocklin. Casa de melissani of Allah Ali

02:36:19 --> 02:36:22

hamdulillah we're on just 28 today

02:36:41 --> 02:36:44

Okay, I hope everybody got the links and go enable chat now.

02:36:51 --> 02:36:57

Okay, if you can type one when you're ready, so that inshallah we can start the review if you filled your forms

02:37:02 --> 02:37:13

Okay, awesome. And one way to increase your rewards is to share these forms so if you know anyone else who would be interested then please do pass them on.

02:37:21 --> 02:37:24

Know the timings have not been finalized.

02:37:25 --> 02:37:26

And there

02:37:27 --> 02:37:29

could be other ones coming up as well.

02:37:35 --> 02:37:38

in the chat box, they were posted right there. Okay.

02:37:48 --> 02:37:50

Just scroll up until you'll find

02:37:54 --> 02:37:56

Okay, so let's chat Let's start our review.

02:38:05 --> 02:38:06

So just 28

02:38:09 --> 02:38:14

Okay, so I've picked a couple of I had from sort of modular

02:38:20 --> 02:38:46

so some reminders for us in Sharla Have you not considered that Allah knows what is in the heavens and what is on the earth there is there is in no private conversation three but that he is the fourth of them, nor are there five but that is the six of them and no less than that and no more except that he is with them in knowledge, wherever they are, and then he will inform them of what they did on the Day of Resurrection. Indeed, Allah is of all things knowing.

02:38:53 --> 02:38:56

Okay, so what are we learning from this?

02:38:58 --> 02:39:01

Is there any such thing as a private conversation?

02:39:08 --> 02:39:08


02:39:09 --> 02:39:15

Hey, there's no such things one a lot. So when we think we're telling somebody something and secret

02:39:17 --> 02:39:23

who is always there? Yes. Last month I was hearing he's watching

02:39:25 --> 02:39:27

right and what are the angels doing?

02:39:32 --> 02:39:33

They're recording Subhan Allah.

02:39:36 --> 02:39:46

Yes. Always want to die for the I always. So someone is watching someone is recording?

02:39:47 --> 02:39:55

Yes, witnessing continuous surveillance Viola. Right. So if we want something to be a secret, then what should we do?

02:39:58 --> 02:39:59

Who should we tell

02:40:03 --> 02:40:08

Yeah, tell them let's find out though. Yes, we forget so quickly. So vanilla

02:40:10 --> 02:40:11

number seven.

02:40:12 --> 02:40:14

Yes. Tell only ilus panthella. Right.

02:40:16 --> 02:40:23

Okay, and then um, when someone tells us a secret and we promise we're going to keep it a secret

02:40:24 --> 02:40:25

Then who's watching

02:40:27 --> 02:40:46

because some things have to be shared right? Yeah, again I lost my that I was watching and how many times do people supine Allah stuff at Allah MLS Mandela forgive? How many times do people pass that information on to someone else? And say, don't tell? She said don't tell? Or he said don't tell?

02:40:48 --> 02:40:51

Yeah, so many times stuck for Allah.

02:40:54 --> 02:41:02

Right? And it said that if someone doesn't even tell you don't tell, if they whisper something to you.

02:41:04 --> 02:41:07

That is a sign enough they they don't want anyone else to know.

02:41:11 --> 02:41:23

Right? So sometimes someone takes you aside and tells you something in confidence. And even if they don't tell you don't tell anyone else that you should know that they've taken me aside.

02:41:24 --> 02:41:26

And Subhanallah

02:41:28 --> 02:41:33

they have told me something. So I need to protect what they told me.

02:41:35 --> 02:42:06

It's sudo medela i a number seven. Yes, secrets are in a manner Exactly. And we will be questioned about them. Right? So be very careful. And the best thing is, if you don't want anyone to know something, don't tell anyone. Because sometimes people tell someone else by mistake. Sometimes they have every intention of keeping your secret. And sometimes years later, someone says something and this is when a light slips out. Right. So sometimes it's not even intentional.

02:42:09 --> 02:42:14

So be very careful who you tell your secrets to. Yes.

02:42:15 --> 02:42:27

Or you will have believed when you Converse privately, do not converse about sin and aggression and disobedience to the messenger but converse about righteousness and piety and fear Allah to whom you will be gathered.

02:42:32 --> 02:42:43

Okay, so don't converse about sending aggression and disobedience, but converse about righteousness and piety. Now honestly, how many people tell secrets to each other about good things?

02:42:46 --> 02:42:48

Usually, what are people doing secretly?

02:42:54 --> 02:42:56

sins? Yes. gossiping, right?

02:42:58 --> 02:43:00

Most likely backbiting. Yeah.

02:43:03 --> 02:43:08

Talk about the sins of others. Yes. complaints, stealing.

02:43:10 --> 02:43:17

Very true. smila or they're talking about something that they can do together, which they know other people won't approve of, right.

02:43:19 --> 02:43:39

Like, most families won't approve, if some people are discussing that they're going to watch a movie and it's obviously the last 10 nights. A lot of families 100 Allah, they turn off all gadgets during Ramadan. Right? But then if someone wants to be discussing this, then they would be doing it secretly, quietly.

02:43:40 --> 02:43:48

So stuff I don't know, these are the type of things that are discussed in secret, right, but how often Subhanallah do we

02:43:49 --> 02:43:55

you know, tell each other something privately quietly about doing something good.

02:43:56 --> 02:44:10

Right. So now inshallah let's change our conversations, right? When we are telling someone something in private, let's tell them something that they can do immediately. And our intention is to please Allah subhanaw taala only and we're telling them in private so that

02:44:11 --> 02:44:14

inshallah we can keep the good deed hidden.

02:44:16 --> 02:44:34

And private conversation is only from shaitan, that he may grieve those who have believed but he will not harm them at all except by permission of Allah, upon Allah let the believers rely. So who is who initiates these thoughts of having these private conversations the secrets?

02:44:36 --> 02:44:46

Yes, from shavon, right. It's from shaitan, Stockwell Allah, right and what is the purpose? It's so clear, Subhan Allah the Quran is so clear.

02:44:48 --> 02:44:51

He just wants to cause yes grief

02:44:52 --> 02:44:53

among the Muslims

02:44:58 --> 02:44:59

except in grant you

02:45:00 --> 02:45:03

Many, many beautiful friends. I mean,

02:45:05 --> 02:45:20

yes, he just wants to Subhanallah grievous and make us fight. Right when two Muslims are fighting, it's because of Shakedown. Yes, cause hatred amongst each other.

02:45:22 --> 02:45:23

Okay, but

02:45:24 --> 02:45:27

if Allah wills he can't harm.

02:45:28 --> 02:45:30

Right? But who will allow us to protect

02:45:32 --> 02:45:44

those who try to protect themselves? Right? Those who rely on him, right? So if I'm a true believer, then I'm going to protect myself. When I get these thoughts from shaitan I'm going to block them

02:45:45 --> 02:45:54

and I'm going to rely on Allah subhanaw taala. Yes, wants to break relationships. He's a Mischief Makers upon the very true

02:45:56 --> 02:46:04

Rachel. So inshallah let's block shade on it, not the good friends who are telling us good things to do.

02:46:08 --> 02:46:17

Okay, hello. So inshallah we'll conclude here, and we'll see you all tomorrow. Subhan Allah unbelievable only two days left. My last month Allah

02:46:18 --> 02:46:24

insha Allah and Eva less to practice upon all that we've learned and continue learning. I mean,

02:46:27 --> 02:46:44

okay, so I'm going to give the email here. If you all have any questions of about the course or recordings or anything, you can email us here and inshallah we will share them with you. Okay, dq e at alhuda us.com

02:46:45 --> 02:46:53

subhanak Allah will be handing assured Allah Allah in the desktop, we're going to be like, jealousy. Well, tomorrow Islam on a Kumara De La Habra, cattle

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