Taimiyyah Zubair – Fahm al Qur’an Juz 23

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The Harees emphasize the importance of performing hedge and rewarded activities during the month of Kath Kath, as it is crucial to achieve happiness and joy in the message and scripture. The importance of shaping the Quran to achieve happiness and joy is emphasized, as well as the need for individuals to act upon the message and follow the scripture. The sound heart is trusting and sincere, and individuals should act upon their actions and show actual faith in oneself. It is crucial to avoid embarrassment and influence of others, and a checklist and guide are provided for achieving sincerity.
AI: Transcript ©
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Long, long, long,

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Long, long, long.

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Long, long.

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What do you love

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sonamarg equal what are the law you have Erica two How's everyone doing today?

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Good at hamdulillah so inshallah Let's begin our session or Today's topic is an amazing topic. So inshallah we're going to talk about Amara in Ramadan. I know we are not going this year, and it's not that easy for all of us to talk about this, but inshallah there are some ways that we can earn the same reward, you know, even if you're not there, so inshallah not something to be sad about, but inshallah another way to earn the same reward. So let's begin in sha Allah medu Vanessa leonardos hooligan Karim another IDE, where we'll be learning min ash shaytani r rajim. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, rubbish Rodney Sabri, were silly, only opposite and melissani have only been added in our

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Elma along my coplanar between May Allah give us the correct understanding of the V. And may Allah enable us to make the most of these remaining days of Ramadan.

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So, Ramadan, and Amara has a beautiful connection we all hate, especially all Muslims, we deeply desire to visit the house of Allah and every believer yearns to perform Umrah and Hajj especially during the month of Ramadan when the reward of every act of worship increases the reward of offering ombre also increases so the evidence of that is found in many Ahadi so we're going to look at a few of them one after the other. So one day sort of loss another assignment he inquired from own syneron and saria about why did she not overheads because everyone did go for her and she wasn't there. So what did for video for so he asked her what did for video to perform Has she replied father of so

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and so like her husband had two camels and he performed has this year and the other candle was used for irrigation for work and whatnot. So as will last that our residents said to her then perform Amara in the month of Ramadan as it is equivalent to what there's another narration which talks about when the month of Ramadan comes perform ombre for Amara in this month is equal to hedge and reward. And something it's which is even more amazing is that reward is not just like

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like a normal hedge but it is more than that as it comes in a narration from a module marjaavaan Kabir and also say avare that omura in Ramadan is equal to 100 with me as well Allah sallallahu Sallam said that so it's not just a regular house, but it's a hedge with amazing rewards we get it is as if you are with the best guide, right? The best company or you can say the best agent Subhan Allah and remember that not only the reward of performing omura in Ramadan is equal to that apart the obligation of Hajj is not fulfilled remember that it's not that okay, you're done your ombre and Ramadan. Now you don't have to worry about performing your

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main hides you know which which is an obligation on you otherwise know that the obligation stays it's just the reward in general and what can we do especially this year, and for next year, inshallah plan for next year. So, if you're not able to go this year, we can at least make a plan for next year. So, if you can perform Amara and Ramadan then go if you have the means if you have the ability, then go if you can afford but you cannot go for whatever reason, maybe illness, old age or some other reason, then you can make someone else perform ombre. So you can sponsor someone else and they can do Amara or you we can do is that you can if you cannot sponsor one person on your own

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maybe get together as a family and send someone for aamra in Ramadan next year inshallah. So, that can be a family effort. And this way we will be able to do you know, we have talked about doing things together right. So, that will be that will also get sorted in this inshallah, if you may

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Get to Amara and Ramadan next year, then Maximizer Ababa. And if you're not going for onra, then maybe you can arrange a star for the people and Mazel Haram. And do when you are there, when you make it for camera, then do as many DevOps as possible because that's the Avada, which is exclusive to muscle harami cannot do the above elsewhere. So when you're there, make sure that you do as many talks as possible, and then recite or on contemplate and reflect on it. And if you cannot go then do the deeds to earn you the same reward to panel up. So what does it mean by that?

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Is to only use of is asking how do we perform as many DevOps as possible? Like whenever you go to machine just perform

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none of the VA on its own is often a bada sorry, on its own is not an era right? So you cannot perform as many saris as possible, but can you you can perform as many kovaks as possible.

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I hope it is clear, and Allah knows best. Because the VA is very rewarding above on its own is any bother.

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Exam Exactly. So let's talk about few things, not just one, there are many good deeds we can do. And we can get the reward of hedge by performing them. So I'm going to show you a few. There are three major categories. Alright, so if we do these, these, we're going to get the reward like hedge, but it's not that only there are three leads, there are actually three categories, but there are many deeds in them. So Is everyone ready? So I don't have them. I don't have sorry, I don't have them on slides for you. But I have them, you know with me the references. So I'm going to give you the references but I want all of you to pay attention so that you can jot them down and you are

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confident about them and you can perform them whenever you can. Because of Allah many of these opportunities, we don't have these days, but inshallah, the moment the lockdown is over the moment we can go back to the masjid, we can inshallah get all of these rewards from Allah subhanaw taala. So May Allah enable us to reach that point? May Allah enable us to make the most of all of these opportunities, and we don't take them for granted when Allah when other grants come to us again, okay, some are to do with Allah. All right, I'm going to talk about Salah part first. So the first Hadees is from Sahil Buhari, some poor people, they came to the School of Law salovaara sent them

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and they said, the wealthy people, they will get higher grades, and they will have permanent enjoyment. And they also pray like us and fast as like like us as well. But because they have more money, they can go for Hajj, they can go for ombre, they can strive in the cause of Allah, and they get they also given charity. So Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam said, shall I not tell you a thing upon which if you acted, you would catch up with those who have surpassed you, and nobody would overtake you, and you will be better than the people amongst whom you live, except that the ones who do the same as you do. So what is that? Is everyone excited for that day. So it's a beautiful day,

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that is to say Subhana Allah Alhamdulillah and Allahu Akbar 33 times after every Salah. It's that simple. So Panama. So we already do this, right? Sometimes we feel that it's a chore, it's too hard. But now From now on, you're going to be happy, because it's going to get you the reward more than you know, had onra striving in the way of Allah and charity to panel. So we can easily do that after every first Salah for that one. Another act of worship, which we can do is to do with Masjid so whoever prays or even at home, so ever praise

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fudger in jamara so it's to do with Gemma so if you're praying in congregation, then you sit there remembering Allah until the sun rises, then pray to record that person will have a reward like that of Hajj and Umrah complete, complete complete for the first one is to heal Buhari you can easily search it on salon.com the second one this one to do with complete hygiene no matter whether the hypothesis from there maybe had this number 586 so Subhanallah like even if you pray because this Hadees doesn't say Masjid work, alright, so even at home, if we pray fudger in jamara, we will be able to benefit from this reward and this act of worship. So every day we can do that too After

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fudger don't sleep, recycle Koran. You know, read your uscar and do as much worship of Allah as you can sitting on your prayer mat. And then right after, you know it's time like you know, like give it like 20 minutes or so after sunrise and then pray to regard and

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You're done reward for 101 ombra in Sharla then you can go take a nap if you want, but you know don't take a nap before that so that inshallah you can will this

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yes two people can make drama for sure. Yes sister lone moon

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Baraka the week all right so another thing is still with mustard Rasul Allah sallallahu Sallam said

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that whoever goes to the masjid walking, whoever walks to perform and for prayer in jamara It is like Hajj. So, these days because messages are home so we can walk and pray in Java and we can hope for the same reward inshallah. And that is going to give us the reward like Hudson panela. Just walking to pray, can get us reward like that. Another one is to do with teaching and learning. The surah la sallallahu wasallam said and sorry for the walking part the Hadees is from the Bharani a Buddha and Muhammad all of them and it is a it is an authentic narration, authenticated by share Habang going to master to learn and going to Mozza to teach Rasool Ullah sallallahu Sallam said

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Whoever goes to the masjid, not desiring except to learn or teach what is good, has the reward of a pilgrim who completed his heart, not just going abroad, but completion of something which is very beautiful. So this is from the variety and cheerful Bonnie has lasted. So he beautiful, right. And the last one is to take care of your parents, viola. There's a narration verse with a loss and autism. He mentioned that show a show Allah how you serve your parents, whoever you have got, because he asked a question from as a hobby for us. And he had only a mother. So that's what this how this is referring to mother B he but he asked before right? Do you have you have both parents

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are either one of them. And he said, I just have a mother. So he said, Show Allah how you serve her. If you do so, you will be like a *. What are their animals, all three, if you serve your mother or your father, you will be like a * and a person who performs omura that's not me and Mujahid The one who strives and Allah's way and this is from the Koran

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and chef, Chef Jose Nene, he blasted a classified as Jay chain. So hamdulillah there are many deeds we can do in order to you know, get the reward of so inshallah make most of it. So Alhamdulillah coming to your computer, and learn about the Quran, we can hope for the same reward we can make to offer the same reward excited handling that so really, you're doing this task, so do it happily, inshallah. Alright, so yesterday, we have learnt about other art with sister Dania, and that was, which is very beautiful, and we all should know it. So it's just, we're just going to go over it. We have talked about it briefly before in one of our other sessions. But I'm just going to show you the

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breakdown, and how to change the version from male version to the female version further. So this there are is that there are to do with happiness, you can call it the art of happiness. So if you ever said you can make this thought and it will make you happy. So let's look at the door was what Allah said. I said, um, he taught us, Allah, Allah in me Avenue. Indeed, I am your servant. Even though I believe and son of your servants, if you're not a son and your daughter, then you can say when to avec, alright, so just change the AV no intervention. That's it all along early. I'm your servant, the daughter of your servant, the daughter of your maid servant. My forelock is in your

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hands, your command continuously prevails over me, your decree concerning me is just, I beseech you by every one of your names, those which you used to refer to yourself, or have talked to any one of your creation, or have revealed in your book or have chosen to keep hidden with you in the unseen to make the Quran the springtime of my heart, the light of my heart, the dispelling of my grief and the deportation of my anxiety

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the light of my chest and the dispelling of my grief and the deportation of my anxiety such a beautiful girl along the way but towards the end what are we asking Allah for we're asking Allah to make Koran something which is a reason for my happiness and a reason of you know, my sorrows to be taken away from me remover of my sorrows and Subhanallah then Hadees about it isms asst is in Cincinnatus, haha, and it says, so Allah sallallahu sallam.

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He said if any Muslim is afflicted with distress

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And he makes this to our what will happen. Allah will remove his affliction, and Allah will replace it with joy and happiness. So Sahaba asked, Yasser Allah, should we not learn it then pursued Allah sallallahu Sallam said, Yes, whoever hears it should know it. So it's like it said, it's like a common sense thing we should know. And because we all want to be happy to know it, so when should we make the store in times of sadness and distress? But we can also make the swap whenever you want, especially in your salon and in your suit as well. So what are we asking Allah for in the store, we are asking Allah to make Quran, the springtime of our hearts, the light of her chest, the eliminator

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of our griefs and the taker of our anxieties. So what else we want everyone sad these days for one reason or the other, and especially in you know, a different type of circumstances these days, so inshallah, this is going to be a reason for your happiness. So the benefit of this is that Allah will remove the affliction, and Allah will replace it with joy and happiness. So may like scepters to offer all of us. So now if you're going to going to just break it into phrase by phrase, then inshallah, it's easy for you to memorize it, inshallah, we're gonna upload it on your portal. So it is easy for you to go over it and try to memorize it. So this is the Avaya female. So all you have

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to do is just change over the into amateur. And that's it.

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Baraka lofi comm everyone's pelikulang Well, we have deca eyeshadow La ilaha illa Anta as the heruka we like I said, I'm already going to live America.

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Long, long, long.

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Eating long, long, a long,

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a long

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A long, long, long

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Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh who

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are the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, WA Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim rubbish Rahi Saudi where Siddeley emri workflow ERP data melissani yufka who Kohli Allah Houma and the quality was sadly Sani was Sloot's him at the Colby mean era Bella alameen.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, there is no permissible envy except of two people, a man whom Allah has given knowledge of the book, and he recites it during the hours of the night. or in another version, a man who has been given wisdom by Allah. And so he acts according to it, and teaches it to others, and a man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it in charity during the night, and in the hours of the day. So remember, being able to recite the Quran, whether it is in the day or in the night, and then being able to understand its meaning so that a person can implement it in their real life. This is truly a privilege from Allah subhana wa Tada. And this is

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something that we must all strive to words, it is not enough to only recite the Quran, it is also important that we follow it, we act upon it. So Alhamdulillah as we are completing one just a day, you know, we are getting excited, we are happy about the fact that we are collecting more and more of the Quran. But really a person is fortunate when they're able to implement what they're learning. May Allah subhanaw taala give us all the trophy? I mean, just number 23,

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womanly Allah or Buddha, levy Fatah, Ronnie what he told your own? And why should I not worship the one who created me and to whom you will be returned? This is the statement of the person who believed in what the prophets had said that all people when we have come from Allah, and we have to return to him one day, then why should we forget about him right now? Why should we not worship him now? And he talks about himself that wema Leah, that what reason do I have to not worship Allah? And really, we need to think about this for ourselves also, that why should we not worship Allah azza wa jal? What justification do we have? What is there to prevent us what excuse

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Do we have what reason? Do we have to not worship Allah? And really, if we think about it, there is none. There is nothing, no excuse that we can come up with that we can say that, Oh, this is why I cannot worship Allah. Because the fact is that Allah subhanaw taala is the one who has photogra, who has created me, who has brought me into existence, meaning I am what I am because of Allah, I belong to Allah. So why should I not love him? Why should I not surrender to Him? Why should I not show servitude to him? Why should I not thank him and seek Him and OBEY Him and try to please him? Why should I give preference to others over him? Should I take other than Him false deities, while if

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the Most Merciful intense for me some adversity, their intercession will not avail me at all, nor can they save me, meaning these false gods are of no use whatsoever, they cannot even protect me. Indeed, I would then be in manifest error in the airman to be or become, indeed, I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me, but instead, they killed him. It was said, enter Paradise. So these people neither listened to this man, nor did this show him any regard. But Allah subhanaw taala honored him for the very statement that his people killed him for what he said with sincerity became the reason for his entry into paradise. And what did this man say? He said, I wish my people could

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know of how my lord has forgiven me and placed me among the honored even after this man is dead, he wants the best for his people, Subhan Allah, even after they killed him, he wanted good for them. Think about it, if someone were to say, one harsh word to us, we would get so upset that we would make all sorts of exemptions for ourselves to take revenge to satisfy our wrath. But this guy, he's not even angry. So pure is he that he just wants people to know the truth so that they don't miss out. So this is not about him at all. This is all about people knowing Allah subhanaw taala and being able to recognize him and being able to worship Him so that they are also saved. They're also

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honored with great reward. And this is actually prophetic character. We learn that the most difficult day that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam endured, in his words was actually the day of thought if, when people not only rejected him, but they also humiliated him. They pelted him with stones and insults, and they chased him out of the city. And while he rested in a garden, he looked up towards the sky, and he said, that I saw a cloud shading me unexpectedly, I looked up and saw Jabri and he called me saying that Allah has heard your people saying to you, and what they have replied back to you, meaning Allah knows what you said, and how these people responded, and Allah

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has sent the angel of the mountains to you, so that you may order him to do whatever you wish to these people. And the angel the mountains called and greeted the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then said O Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam order whatever you wish, if you like, I will let the two mountains fall on them. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, No, I hope that Allah will let them have children who will worship Allah alone, and will worship none besides Him. This is how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam was, this is beyond forgiveness, you know. One is that we are angry with someone we are hurt. And so we are being patient. A higher level

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is that we forgive them. And an even higher level is that you're not concerned about yourself. You're concerned about the other that I want good for them. This is prophetic character. And we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was so patient in this regard. We learned that he was affected by magic. And the charm was discovered and destroyed and say the outcome said that no mention of that was made to that Jew meaning the Jew who had performed magic on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't even say anything to him. And he did not see that in his face at all. And he, the prophets of Allah who are his son was

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so forgiving. And look at this man also so forgiving, so focused on bringing good to others, that he doesn't really care about himself. And we did not send down upon his people after him any soldiers from the heaven, nor would we have done so. It was not but one shout and immediately

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They were extinguished. And obese people thought so highly of themselves. They thought they were so mighty, that they rejected three prophets of Allah. And then this man also who invited them they killed him. But what happened with these mighty people? One blast was enough to finish them off. Yeah has rotten Allah, Larry Bird, how regretful for the servants? Oh, what a pity there did not come to them any messenger, except that they used to ridicule them, meaning they never showed any regard for those who actually wanted good for them. Why did they deny? And why do people deny now, have they not considered how many generations we destroyed before them, that they to them will not

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return. And indeed, all of them will yet be brought present before us. And assigned for them is the dead Earth, we have brought it to life and brought forth from it grain, and from it, they eat. And we placed there in gardens of palm trees and grape vines and cause to burst forth there from some springs, Leah colome. In summary, he that they may eat of his fruit, meaning the fruit that we eat, the food that we consume, where who who does it belong to? It belongs to Allah subhanaw taala meaning he owns it, he is the one who has created it, and their hands have not produced it. So Will they not be grateful? sopran Allah, He we feel so proud of ourselves, we feel beyond entitled, you

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know, when we buy food, we take it, you know, we we we feel that this is ours and we can do whatever we want. But the fact is that even the food we eat belongs to Allah. So when we sit down to eat, let us observe the food and ask ourselves, did I make this fruit myself? Did I make these coffee beans myself? No, I didn't. Which human made it? Is this the product of a factory of some fancy equipment? No, all of that would be useless if Allah subhanaw taala did not cause food to grow with this with its distinct characteristics, fragrance, you know, color and features, etc. So FLR Yes. karoon so will there not be grateful? Meaning Aren't you going to thank Allah. So how is it that we should

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thank Allah, especially after we eat? We learned that the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam whenever he finished eating, or his dining sheet was taken away. He used to say Alhamdulillah he loved the cafe kahana we're arowana Layla McPhee Yin, well, our MK food in that Praise be to Allah who has satisfied our needs and quench our thirst, your favor, cannot be compensated or denied. Yet Allah we can never thank you enough. And we cannot deny the fact that this blessing is truly from you. But another occasion he said Alhamdulillah he rabina later on McPhee in while I'm over there in while our mustonen are a burner, that all praise be to you, Oh our Lord, your favor cannot be

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compensated, nor can it be left nor can it be dispensed with all our Lord, meaning we cannot survive without your favors, yada. So it is very important that after we eat, we thank Allah subhanaw taala and you know, these are ours Subhan Allah, they're, they're written in books, they are even in apps. You know, there are so many great apps that you can download and inshallah you can read these laws and express gratitude to Allah subhanaw taala Suba Hannah Levy, hello call as Roger Kula her Exalted is He who created all pairs from what the earth girls and from themselves and from that which they do not know, Subhan Allah, this has said in amazement, that amazing as my Lord do these people fail

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to recognize His glory, that he has created everything in pairs, plants, animals, humans, and Allah subhanaw taala is the creator, he is unique, he does not have any equal or partner. What a two lahoma lay and assign for them is the night we remove it, we remove from it the light of day, so they are left in darkness. And the sun runs on course, to word its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might the knowing. So panela the movement of the Sun is mentioned over here. You see if the sun is moving, and we know that the sun alone is not moving everything around. It means the entire galaxy, any that is also moving along with the sun. Kenny, this is

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massive. So what is that order? What is that system that force that

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Energy with which this entire galaxy is moving any this space physics is not random. Like, you know, like someone said that it would take me more faith to believe there is no God than to believe that there is God. Any This is all not random. This is the Kadena Valley kataka deal. This is all determined plan decided by who by Allah Aziz Allah Aleem The one who is Aziz ever Almighty Who has subjected and controlled these mighty creatures? The one who is alim ever knowing who has planned every minute detail, the specific angle the degrees pressures, everything, now do you recognize him will come out and the moon we have determined for it phases until it returns appearing like the old

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date stock meaning it becomes so thin and fine that at times you don't even see it on the horizon. And then you have your battles, has Ramadan begun or not, has Ramadan ended or not Subhan Allah, it is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day. But each in an orbit is swimming. Every single celestial body has its own path, its own unique function. Each phenomenon has its own time and duration. This is also perfectly organized. So this precision, this perfection he it's mind boggling. So you we see over here how the sun is moving along on its course the moon on its course the night comes as it's at its time the day comes at its time, but it's

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astonishing how we focus less on our work. And sometimes our focus is entirely on the work of other people that were constantly interfering, constantly interrupting and assigned for them is that we carried their forefathers in a laden ship. This is the ship of no alayhis salaam and we created for them from the likes of it that which they ride. Meaning last Pandora has also given us other means of transportation. So there's also the ship of the desert the camel, and if we should will, we could drown them the no one responding to a cry would there be for them, nor would they be saved a low matter min Mina except as a mercy from Us one Mata and Isla hain and provision for a time Subhana

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Allah, anytime that you are, you know, on a plane, or even on a boat, he so many things could could go wrong. So many things could cause you know, devastation, so many lives to be lost. So when Allah subhanaw taala causes us to land safely to reach the shore, to turn the car off any This is truly a blessing from Allah. But we should remember that our freedom is not forever. This is a provision for a time. But when it is set to them, beware of what is before you, and what is behind you have fear of Allah, something could come upon you from before you from behind you something you expect, you know, and the dangers that you don't even know. Think about what you've done what you're doing.

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Learn from the past, learn from the president what may happen in the future, meaning show humility to Allah, because you really don't have any control, show humility to Allah so that you receive His mercy, but what happens to them and no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord, except that they are from it turning away, they keep turning away from the signs of Allah. And when it is said to them spend from that which Allah has provided for you. Those who disbelieve say to those who believe should we feed one whom if Allah had willed, He would have fed you or not, but in clear error Subhan Allah, what an excuse to not give to those who are in need. The fact is that Allah

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subhanaw taala can give everyone and he does, but he gives more to some people so that they get the opportunity to give to those who have less, perhaps through that they will earn some reward. So remember, the surplus money that Allah subhanaw taala has given us it is not just for us to save for our fancy vacations, no, it is the right of others. So we so we must give them a knock come up with such lame excuses. And they say, when is this promise if you should be truthful, they do not await except one blest which will seize them while they are disputing. And yes, the day of judgment will come suddenly upon people. In fact, death also comes suddenly, sometimes while people are buying,

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selling, arguing in their gatherings in their markets. And now we don't even have to go to the marketplace or to a work

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To argue we have common tours. So please save your life you know your life is precious, don't waste it in frivolous argument and they will not be able to give any instruction nor to their people can they return and the horn will be blown. This is referring to the Nef casued for the second time, and at once from the graves to their Lord, they will hasten they will say Oh, woe to us, who has raised us up from our sleeping place, the reply will be this is what the Most Merciful had promised. And the messengers told the truth in cannot Illa say Hatton wahida it will not be but one blast, and at once they're all brought present before us. So today, no soul will be wronged at all, and you will

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not be recompensed except for what you use to do. Meaning on the Day of Judgment, you will see what you earned yesterday in the life of the world in the US horrible Gen natalio Murphy surely In fact, he hoon.

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Indeed the companions of Paradise that day will be amused in joyful occupation, meaning the people of Paradise will be taken quickly into their blessings and rewards. Remember that some people will be taken into paradise, even before the people of * are taken into *. Why? So that they're not disturbed by seeing them. We learned in the Hadees the agenda will be brought into view to the people meaning people of gender will be able to see gender even before they enter it, and they will see gender in its full adornment and decoration. And Allah subhanaw taala will say aner ebrd where are those servants of mine who fought in my way who were killed in my way? Or although FISA Bailey

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who were hurt in my way, and this drove in my way what jaha doofy Sabine de los Panthera will say, Where are those servants of mine, and it will be said enter Jana so they will enter Jannah without any hisab without any accounting, Aloma or lemon home, homeless as well as your home. They and their spouses in shared reclining on adorned couches. And yes, nobody will be single in paradise. For them there is fruit and for them is whatever their request. You see fruit for the Arabs was a delicacy. It was a mark of luxury because it didn't grow in the desert. It was only brought from outside you know from the north or from the south. So it was also very expensive. So this will be the food of

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the people of Ghana. You know luxurious food, Salah moon and peace, a word from a merciful Lord sopran Allah, a word from a merciful Lord, imagine getting direct,

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directly addressed by Allah azza wa jal 1000 polyoma A you almajiri Moon, that he will say, but stand apart today are you criminals, meaning in the world, you were mixed with the righteous, you benefited from their presence. But now that time is up, now you will be separated? Did I not? Did I not enjoy upon you or children of Adam, that you not worship shaytaan For indeed he is to you a clear enemy, and that you worship only me, this is a straight path. So remember, we are supposed to oppose shaitan not obey Him. And remember that the call of shaitan is the up is opposite to the call of Allah subhanaw taala. One is the command of Allah, where Allah subhanaw taala commands us, for

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instance, to pray or to fast, you know, to give the cat hijab or anything, anything like that. And then the call of shaytaan is what is opposite to that, that don't pray, don't give don't cover this is the call of shaitan. So the question is, who are we going to listen to? And he had already let us tray from among you much of creation, so did you not use reason? This is the Hellfire, which you were promised, meaning you were warned of this, enter to burn they're in today for what you use to deny. That day, we will seal over their mouth and their hands will speak to us and their feet will testify about what they used to earn. Yes, hands and feet will speak on the Day of Judgment of where

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we went with them, what we did with them, who we hit who we pinched what we typed what we wrote what we swiped Allah subhanaw taala will cause hands and feet to speak on the Day of Judgment. In our heads we learn that when you will be brought on the Day of Judgment, your mouth will be sealed. And the first thing to speak from your body will be the thigh and the palm of your hand in another

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had these we learned it would be set to his thighs, to his flesh to his bones to speak, and his thighs, flesh and bones will bear witness to his deeds. Why, so that he should not be able to make any excuse for himself? Meaning, on the day of judgment, we will not be able to give any explanations, or present any excuses that Oh Allah, I didn't do this, I didn't obey you in this matter, because I have this and this reason, or I disobeyed you, because of such and such reason. No, our words are not going to save us on the Day of Judgment. Our body will speak against us, it is our actions that will be visible. Well, I want to share Allah toamasina Allah, Allah uni him, and if

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we will, we could have obliterated their eyes, and they would race to find the path and how could they see and if we will, we could have deformed them, paralyzing them in their places, so they would not be able to proceed, nor could they return. Imagine the freedom that allows punctata has given us today, where we have different abilities to see, to hear, to talk, to communicate, to move around, to run, to walk, to climb, to go different places, these are all God given. And Allah subhanaw taala can take them away whenever that he wants. So we must realize that we belong to Allah, we don't belong to ourselves. So our lives should not just be about pleasing ourselves, fulfilling every wish

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that we have, we must use our lives to strive to please Allah subhanaw taala to do things his way. Woman nor amid who knew not kiss who Phil Hulk, FLIR ki loon and he to whom we grant long life, we reverse in creation, meaning a person goes back to absolute dependence, utter weakness, so will they not understand. So when you see an elderly person, see your future in them, remind yourself that this is what I am heading towards, and ask Allah subhanaw taala to protect you and realize at the same time, your temporary nature, the fact that your faculties, your abilities, your strengths are all temporary, so do something before you lose them. Women alumna who share a law, Wilma Jambo Lila

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and we did not give Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam knowledge of poetry, nor is it befitting for him. It is not but a message and a clear quote on to warn whoever is alive and justify the word against the disbelievers. SubhanAllah we recite through the scene when someone has died. So that somehow we can transfer the reward to them alone whether that happens or not. Any there's a difference of opinion regarding that. But the thing is that the Quran has come to Warren, Warren who man can hear yen, the person who is alive, the person who has a living heart, and that is the heart of the believer, the heart that is spiritually alive. But it is not enough to just believe in order

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to benefit from the Quran. It is important that the heart is also present. It is attentive, it is willing to accept to learn to benefit such a person benefits from the Quran, but the person whose heart is dead, or the person whose heart is inattentive, distracted, then even if they know the whole Quran, they won't benefit will hear the Billa Do they not see that we have created for them from what our hands have made grazing livestock, and then they are their owners. So panela these are creatures that Allah subhanaw taala has made for our benefit. And yes, we become their owners. And we think that we can do whatever we want. We think so highly of ourselves because we own certain

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things. But it is Allah subhanaw taala who has, you know, created these docile animals so that we're able to tame them, we're able to domesticate them, we're able to easily milk them slaughter them. Imagine if goats and sheep were like lions and tigers, it would be impossible for us to benefit from them. Perhaps they would eat us more than we would eat them with a lenna home. And we have tamed them for them meaning these animals are tamed for us. So some of them they ride Subhanallah anywhere able to sit on these animals like a huge camel or a horse and go place to place and enjoy the ride. And some of them they eat like cattle and sheep when a home fee ham and if you're a woman sharib and

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for them there are other benefits and drinks so many drinks because now if you start thinking about the different types of drinks that you can make with milk Subhanallah so many so will they not be grateful? a fella Yesh, Kuru.

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On a fella Yesh, karoun any, we're not forbidden from eating and enjoying the blessings that Allah has given us. In fact, we must use them.

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We must earn them lawfully. And we must take Allah's Name and enjoy these blessings. But it is also very important that after we use them, we thank Allah for them. But it is so often that, you know, we take a sip of that cold, you know, dairy drink, and immediately we start complaining, oh too sweet, or to this or to that, any FLR Yes, karoun will there not be grateful? But they have taken besides Allah, false deities, that perhaps they would be helped, they are not able to help them and they themselves are for them soldiers in attendance, meaning people guard their idols, how are these idols supposed to protect them? falaya has done kokkola whom, so let not their speech greenview

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Indeed, we know what they conceal and what they declare Subhanallah You see, sometimes what people say, is far worse than what they keep in their hearts. So it is important to remember at that time, Allah knows what they conceal what they reveal, does man not consider that we created him from a mere sperm drop, then at once he is a clear adversary, He Has he seen his origin, what was he and he presents for us an example and forgets his own creation. He says, who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated, say he will give them life who produced them the first time and he is of all creation, knowing meaning he knows every kind of creation, every process of creation. Look at the

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number of ways you know the different ways in which Allah subhanaw taala creates the creation. Not only has he initiated it, but he also repeats it almost patent Allah knows how to create something in a womb or in an egg or in a pouch or in the darkness and depth of the earth. Or he knows how to cause microscopic creatures to multiply and to spread. Penny will hula be coonley Hong Kong Eileen and Larry jar Lola koombana shudehill marinara, it is he who made for you from the green tree fire and then from it you ignite meaning you get fire from something that is so fresh. I will a salary Holocaust summer worth he will be pardon Allah Luca mithila home is that he who created the heavens

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and the earth able to create the likes of them, Bella? Yes it is. So we're who will holla cola Aleem and he is the knowing creator. His command is only when he intends the thing that he says to it be and it is so it is not difficult for a lot to create or to recreate for Super Hanna lady B or D Maluku to coolish a while Eli he told your own so Exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things and to him, you will be returned. He doesn't just own the universe. He owns you and I and he will call us back. So what are we doing right now? This is what we need to pay attention to sooner to Salford

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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim was so fat you suffer fuzzer de la tizard Yura fatale RT the crawl by those angels lined up in rows, and those who drive the clouds. And those who recite the message. The angels are being mentioned over here. The fact that they form roles. And this is this is a fact that Allah is telling us about that the angels form roles in the skies, just as people form roles on earth to pray. The angels move together in obedience to Allah subhanaw taala in roles also, and on the Day of Judgment, again, they will come in rose, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he wants came out to the companions and he said, Will you not form rules as the angels do so before their

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Lord, they said, How do the angels do that? He said, they complete the first role and fill the gaps in the rules. And this is how we should also make our soft when we are praying. And remember, this is part of perfecting and beautifying the prayer. So even when you're praying at home together as a family, make sure that you're forming your roles properly, fill the gaps stand foot to foot shoulder to shoulder. We've learned in the Hadith that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to pass through the rows from one side to the other. He used to make sure that people were you know standing straight, there were no gaps and he would say do not be irregular. Meaning do not have gaps in the

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middle and do not be such that one is you know, a little forward and the other is a little behind. Don't do that. Stand straight.

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Together shoulder to shoulder, otherwise, your hearts will be in disagreement. And he would say that a lion is angels bless those who are near the first rows. So don't hesitate going forward, don't hesitate, moving a little to the right to fill the gap, make the rows beautifully and properly.

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And then the angels are mentioned those who drive the clouds and those who recite the message meaning the angels who bring the revelation, what is the conclusion of the oath in Isla hukam, lower head, indeed your God is one, this is the response to the oath, that Do you not see this organization and this discipline in the world, you think all of this is happening by itself, think about it. One small event requires so much preparation, any we hire wedding managers now. And yet, so many things go wrong. And this whole world, this universe is functioning so perfectly. Why? Because behind that is the command of Allah, and Allah subhanaw taala has arranged every matter. And

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he has appointed angels who do their work in a very organized fashion, their form roles, who is Allah, Lord of the heavens and the earth, and that between them and Lord of the sunrises, so He is the Lord of all the days, and of all the places, and of all times in NASA unicem A dunya Indeed, we have adorned the nearest heaven with an adornment of stars. So remember, the sky that we see is the summer of dunya. It is the nearest sky or, or the worldly sky. And this is this includes the entire known universe, because remember that we cannot go past the first sky, because in a Hadees, we learned that when the Prophet when the Prophet sallallahu earlier on was taken on the night journey,

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the angels revealed took him through a certain gate, to go beyond the first sky, and permission had to be taken at every gate. So we can we cannot do that. So imagine how vast, how huge how expansive, the universe is so huge that we're unable to figure out what size it is what shape it is. And this is all part of what the first sky and imagine Allah subhanaw taala has created seven skies, any how massive is this creation? And how little how tiny, how miniscule are we? And yet Allah subhanaw taala has adorned the sky with what with stars. Why? So that when we see it, we find it beautiful Subhan Allah, Allah has made the sky beautiful for us to admire. What heffalump men called Alicia,

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you'll find him married, and as protection against every rebellious devil, meaning this is not just empty decoration, but there's a useful function behind that. So they may not listen to the exalted assembly of angels, and are pelted from every side repelled and for them is a constant punishment, except one who snatches some words by theft, but they are pursued by a burning flame, piercing in brightness. We learn in a Hadees that once the companions were sitting with a prophet sallallahu earlier sent him at night, and a meteor or shot shot to give a dazzling light meaning to saw a falling star. So the Prophet sallallahu earlier said, I'm asked the people that what did you use to

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say in in the pre Islamic days about this? So the said Allah and His Messenger know best. We used to say that, that when there is a there is a falling star, that there's a shooting star, a great man was born or a great man had died. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that this is not because of the death or anyone or the birth of anyone. The fact is that when Allah subhanaw taala, issues a command, when he decides to do something, then the angels that are around the throne, they glorify and praise Allah. Right? And then the angels that are under them, they begin to glorify and praise Allah, all the way down to seven skies to the lowest sky. And then they ask each other that

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what is it that your Lord has said, What command was given? So when that reaches the low, the angels of the lowest sky over there, the jinn try to listen to the conversations of the angels to try to know the genes try to listen to the conversations of the angels to try to find out what is going to happen. So when the djinns tried to do that, the angels chase them away with what with the stars for stuff to him, then inquire of them are they is stronger or more difficult creation, or those others we have created? Indeed, we created men from we created men from sticky clay, you need this is the origin of human beings. But you wonder, well, their mark, there's two types of people, some people

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are amazed at learning about the signs of Allah and learning about the verses of Allah at looking at the miracles that our last panel Tata has created, you know, they're amazed. And then there are other people who were just laughing away, who are making fun. What either the kyrou layer the Quran, and when they're reminded they don't remember, they don't they don't understand. They don't get a lesson. And when they see a sign, they ridicule and they say this is not but obvious magic. This is brainwashing when we have died and become dust and bones, are we indeed to be resurrected? And our forefathers as well say yes, and you will be rendered contemptible, it will be only one shout, and

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at once they will be observing, they will say, Oh, woe to us. This is the Day of Recompense. You see, this is so shocking, that when something that you never expected, you never imagined, in fact, something that you believe was untrue, turns out to be true. It comes right in front of your eyes. This is what will happen to the deniers on the Day of Judgment, they will be told, this is the day of judgment which you used to deny, it will be said gathered those who committed wrong, their kinds and what they used to worship other than Allah and guide them all together to the path of Hellfire, meaning take them all to * together, who the people who committed wrong and there is word there

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as word. What does it mean by his word, it can mean spouses or it can mean companions, those who are like them. So remember, in the Hereafter, a person will be with those whom he likes, or sorry, a person will be with those whom he is like, of course, a person will also be with those whom he loves as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, but a person will also be with those whom he is similar to meeting people who do the same kind of actions will be together on the day of judgment in the hereafter. Just like in a prison, people have similar crimes are kept in the same prison. So together, they and their spouses, meaning couples will be taken together into *. Why? Because

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they were together in their crimes. Or this means together with their partners in crime among the devils or amongst humans, they will be taken together because with each person as a shy pawn, right, who was trying to mislead him, so a person will go to * with their shaitan stuff and Allah and then a person will be taken to * with those who were like him. So for example, people who who are addicted to alcohol will be taken together. People who commit Zina will be among the people will be among those who commit Zina. In fact, we learned from her days that the people who don't pray will be with fit our own and Harmon. Why, because what was the problem with fit our own he was too

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arrogant to to surrender to Allah subhanaw taala. And just like that, when a person refuses to worship Allah, what is the reason it is their pride, it is their Eagle. So those who are arrogant like this will be taken to * together, and they will be taken with those they used to worship, meeting their idols, or Iblees, or whatever else that they worship. In a long head, these we learn that Allah subhanaw taala will gather the first and the last. And people will wait for a very long time for 40 years for the judgment to begin. And then Allah will arrive, then an announcement will be made, that all people are you not pleased with your Lord who created you and gave you sustenance

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and commanded you to worship Him and to associate nothing with him? Should you not go now with those you used to worship and befriend in the world instead of Allah? Is that not fair? They will say yes, because who could object now, so every community, every people will go with what they use to worship in the world. So some will go towards the sun, because that is what their worship some towards the moon because that is what their worship or idols of stones, or whatever will resemble what they used to worship. Because remember that the prophets of Allah, you know, they're also worshipped, but they never want that worship, they never commanded people to worship them. So there will be things that

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will resemble them that will look like them so that people will go go with their idols into Hellfire, stuff it Allah and stop them. Indeed, they are to be questioned. Even our boss said that they will be interrogated about all of the words and all of their actions. They will be asked what is wrong with you? Why do you not help each other? Where is the power of your gods, where's the power of your group, but they are in surrender, and they will approach one another, blaming each other. The followers will say to the leaders, indeed you used to come at us from the right. The oppressors will say rather

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You yourselves were not believers don't blame us. And we had over you know, authority, but you were a transgressing people. So remember, nobody at all, not even your parents will take responsibility for your choices. You are responsible for yourself, you will suffer alone for what you do. So never do wrong for the sake of other people. So the word of our Lord has come into effect upon us. Indeed, we will taste punishment, and we lead you to deviation, because indeed, we were deviating. We ourselves were deviated. So in the bay that day, we'll be sharing in the punishment together. Indeed, that is how we deal with the criminals. In the day when it was said to them, there is no

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daily but Allah, they were arrogant, and they used to say, are we to leave our gods for a mad poet. Rather, the prophet has come with the truth and confirmed the previous messengers. It will be sad indeed, you disbelievers will be tasters of the painful punishment, and you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do. Illa Eva de la Hill McCullough scene, but not the chosen servants of Allah, they will not be in punishment, those will have a provision determined meaning they will have their reward and that reward will be familiar to them. What is that fruits wahoo mcra Moon and they will be honored, they will be served honorably, because they sacrifice their honor in the way of

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Allah Fie Jeanette in their aim in Gardens of Pleasure. So remember in Jenna is a variety of foods. Once a man as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about a certain tree in paradise. So he explained that each tree will have in in place of a thorn, something like a pouch that will be filled with 70 different kinds or colors of foods, each being unique and different from the other. The thing is that you eat with your eyes before you eat with your mouth. Right. So in Jana, the food is also beautiful, and there is an endless supply. You know, food is laden with flavor. It's delicious, delicate, beautiful. Allah suli mata carboline on thrones facing one another, there will

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be circulated among them a cup of wine from a flowing spring, you see of the blessings of Jonah is good company, because you can have the best food available to you. But if you're lonely, or if you feel excluded from our group, or if you don't feel connected, you don't have that social connection. That that is very, very painful. So this is the beauty of Jana. No one will be lonely in paradise. There will be circulated among them a cup of wine from a flowing spring, white, glistening and delicious to the drinkers. No bad effect is there in it, nor from it, they will be intoxicated. This is the drink of Jana, there is no hangover nothing like that. We're in the home call Serato perfect

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rain, and with them will be women limiting their glances with large beautiful eyes. What does this mean? This means that one of the interpretations is that these women will be limiting their glances to their husbands. Why? Because Masha Allah, their husbands will also look really handsome. You see one of the companions, he would say that I like to dress up and look good for my wife, just as I like for her to look good for me. So this is the thing in general, that each person will be handsome and beautiful and so attractive to their spouse, that they will not desire anything else, as if they were delicate eggs well protected. This is referring to their to the smoothness of their skins, and

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they will approach one another inquiring of each other. Now the conversations of the people of Paradise is mentioned, a speaker among them will say, indeed I had a companion on Earth. I used to have a friend back on Earth, who would say, Are you indeed of those who believe that when we have died and become dust and bones, we will indeed be recompensed. And, you know, there are people like this who will ask you, you you really believe that there is life after death that there is resurrection, you really believe that? And such conversations, you know when they happen between coworkers or sometimes even family members? What Why do such conversations happen? Sometimes people

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say such things, why? To make you feel less about yourself, that you seriously believe in this. Like they're trying to make you feel bad. So he will say would you care to look and he will look and see him in the midst of the hellfire. He will say By Allah, you almost ruined me. If not for the favor of my Lord. I would have been of those brought in *. If I had obeyed you than I would be with you today, then are we not to die?

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Except for our first death, and we will not be punished. Indeed, this is the great attainment. For the like of this, let the workers on earth work, meaning we need to work in order to get to Jana. Our words alone are not enough. Now these verses show us very clearly, that we need to be wary of the doubts of the doubters, of people who openly speak of their disbelief or who constantly question and criticize and mock and instill seeds of doubt. Do not get affected by them, resist and avoid the company of those who weaken your faith. You see, there are people who believe and there are people who don't believe and you meet all types of people, you interact with all types of people, and it is

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up to people what they want to believe in. However, if someone is calling you to disbelief, if someone is criticizing, mocking your faith, then you must be careful, you must stay away from people who are a bad influence on you. You do this for your worldly security. For example, if you find out that a person you know is is committing a certain crime, you would stay away from them. Because you want to make sure that you don't get into trouble, right? You want to make sure that you're not putting your safety at risk. So you must do this for your eternal security as well. You must watch out for yourself. We learn in the Hadees that a good companion is like a man who has musc who is

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selling perfume, if nothing of it goes to you it's fragrance will certainly go to you. Meaning even if he doesn't give you a free sample, the fact that you are sitting around him you are going to smell some beautiful fragrance. And a bad companion is like a man who has bellows who was working with fire. If the suit will not reach you. It's more cool certainly will. So yes, you have acquaintances you meet everyone nicely but the people in your inner in your closest circle, people that you really hang out with you chill with you know, you talk to you take advice from they must be righteous servants of Allah. We learn in a Hadees that do not keep company of anyone except a

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believer, and none but a righteous person should eat your food. Why? Because only such friendships will last we learn in the Quran Allah Allah Yahweh even BB only bargain I do in love with the cane, that best friends will be enemies to one another on the Day of Judgment except for the righteous except for the pious and make dua for such righteous friends. ask Allah subhanaw taala that he Allah, you grant me good friends, people who will keep me firm people who will help me stay firm. In the Quran, Allah says that in Medina amanu where I'm a little slowly had said you're a Lula Homer rock Man Who Would that indeed those who have believed and then righteous deeds, a rush man will

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appoint for them affection, he will give them good friends. So ask Allah at Malika hierro New Zealand I'm shadow latos zuccon is paradise a better accommodation or the tree of zip comb stuffit Ulla, what a comparison? You see in a Hadees, we learn that one drop of desert comb would ruin the entire Earth, it would make life on Earth very, very hard. So what do you think about those whose only food is a comb? Indeed, we have made it a tournament for the wrongdoers. What is it? Indeed, it is a tree issuing from the bottom of the hellfire. It's emerging fruit, as if it was heads of the devils. And indeed they will eat from it, and will fill with it their bellies. Why out of hunger,

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but it will be too bitter, so they will want to wash it down. So then indeed, they will have after it a mixture of scalding water, meaning extremely hot water that will be mixed with pus and wish wash and wash waste of wounds, the pus and the wash waste of wounds of the people of *,

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then indeed, their return will be to the Hellfire, meaning they will go back to the fire after their meal. Why? Why so much punishment, because indeed they found their fathers astray. So they hastened to follow in their footsteps, without any, you know, any thinking of their own without any question. Without any research. They just blindly followed, and there had already strayed before them, most of the former peoples and we had already sent among them Warner's then look, how was the end of those who were warned Illa Eva de la Hill McCullough scene, but not the chosen servants of Allah. May Allah grant us his loss as well so that we are chosen. Well according to Donna, no one felony or mal

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Mooji, Boone and new had certainly called us and

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We are the best of responders. Allah subhanaw taala responded to the DA of new and we saved him and his family from the great affliction, and we made his descendants those remaining on the earth and left for him favorable mentioned among later generations. peace upon new among the worlds in Napa Valley can edges ilmor sinning indeed We thus reward the doers of good indeed he was of our believing servants, then we drowned the others. And indeed, among his kind, was Ibrahim is a boy who be called bin Salim when he came to his Lord with a sound heart. Remember that called Saleem sound heart is mentioned two times in the Quran. And both times it is mentioned in the context of Ibrahim

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alayhis salaam, which shows us that Ibrahim Reddy Sam's life has something to teach us about having a sound heart about having a club Saleem, you see Salim is that which has survived, meaning, not someone who never suffered anything, not someone who, who was never attacked, but someone who has survived. So this shows us that there are trials in life. There are those questions, those personal wars, you know, those external forces that are pulling us away from Allah subhanaw taala. This could be the ship that is around you, the faithlessness of people that is around you are the doubts that creep up the questions that you have the personal battles that you have to fight, but the person who

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holds on to Allah, then Allah also saves them. So the so the sound heart is the heart that is free of Schick that is safe, that is free of any association of partners with Allah that is free of any shock of any doubt. Ibrahim, it has said I've had no hate. And this is why he loved the love the most. He was obedient to Him, He surrendered to Him fully. So there was nothing that he feared or loved or longed for, as much as he loved and feared and longed for a last panel Donna, and he had yaqeen he had ultimate Nan in hearts, which is why he said Leah Toma in Nickleby. I want my heart to be reassured. Because you see when we have doubt even if it's a little bit, what does doubt do? It

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doesn't allow you to act conviction brings you the strength to do something to do what you're supposed to do. So, yeah, Ibrahim alayhis salaam, his heart was free all of it was safe from any shake and any doubt. And with all that Ibrahim Ernie said I was not bitter. He survived in that sense. Also, even serene was asked, What is the sound heart and he said a nalsa Leela he zoa jela Fi Hol t that the one who is sincere to Allah in regards to his creation, meaning he wants the best for the creation of Allah. And Ibrahim Ernestina was like that, think about it. His father said to him, leave or I will kill you. His entire people threw him in the fire. But what but what was the

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response of Ibrahim right he said, um, he said, I will seek forgiveness for you, my father, when the angels came and told him about the punishment that they were going to bring upon the people of loot earlier sinner. Abraham Ibrahim Arneson pleaded with Allah to give them more time, Ibrahim s&m left his child in the barren Valley. Why? to populate that place, so that there would be a nation who would worship only Allah. Ne This is how Ibrahim already sent him was his heart was free of Schick filled with, you know, the belief in Allah subhanaw taala he was truly a survivor, and he did not have any bitterness in his heart for people, none at all. And this is something very, very important

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in our religion, God radula Horton who said that I pledged to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be sincere toward every Muslim that I will want that I will in my heart want the best for every Muslim? This is the sign of a sound heart. A Kolbe Salim is not a heart that is yes making Vicar and yes claims that I love Allah. And then in the heart is so much spite and anger and wrath and vengeance and jealousy for people. That is not a sound heart. A sound heart is a heart that is clean of such ills and vices. We learned in the Hadees that six are the rights of a Muslim over another Muslim. And when the Prophet sallallahu Hardison was asked what are these rights? He said

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that when you meet him, you offer him synonyms. When he invites you. You accept his invitation. When he seeks your counsel, you give it to him, meaning you're sincere to him, not that you're trying to cheat him and you know, trap him or give him bad advice in order to cause him to suffer. When he sneezes and says and hamdulillah you say your hammock

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Allah, when he falls, Ill you visit him when he dies, you follow his janazah. So it is a right of a Muslim, that you want the best for them. And this is a trust and our manner, we learned that there are three things in which the heart of the believer does not betray sincerity of action for the sake of Allah, offering sincere advice to the rulers of the Muslims and adhering to the jamara to the congregation. So, Ibrahim I sat down, he had a sound heart, a clean, pure, sincere heart. And remember I mentioned earlier that Saleem heart is also one that has Salah that has made peace with others. Sometimes we are at peace with what Allah subhanaw taala has decreed for us. But we are not

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at peace with people. We don't forgive them. We don't pardon them, we still keep that, you know, that enmity, that that grudge that hatred in our heart, we don't forgive them. And by that we are only torturing ourselves. If Kali A B, he will call me he mad at our boon. When he said to his father and his people, what is it that you worship? Is it false hood as Gods other than Allah you desire? Then what is your thought about the Lord of the worlds? What do you think about worshiping, worshiping Him alone? And he cast a look at the stars and said, Indeed, I am about to be ill. He said this, you know, because this is what his his people would do. He didn't actually mean it. So

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they turned away from him departing. Then he turned to their gods and said, Do you not eat? What is wrong with you that you do not speak? And he turned upon them a blow with his right hand, he started breaking them. And then later on, the people came to word him hastening, he said, Do you worship that which you yourselves carve, while Allah created you, and that what you do this ad construct for him a furnace, a huge fire, and throw him into the burning fire. And they intended for him a plan, but we made them the most debased This is Allah's power, we'll call it in either Hebrew and in Arabi, say, Dini. And then he said, Indeed, I will go to where I am ordered by my Lord, I am going

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to my Lord, He will guide me. So because of this third, and I say that Abraham Madison was the first person to make a jeweler to migrate for the sake of Allah, to move away from a place where he wasn't able to worship Allah. He left, he left to go somewhere else. So he saw the end loops, they left their people, and it brought him on, he said, I made Dora that'll be her Ballymena, sorry, hain, my Lord, grant me a child from among the righteous. So we gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy, Allahu Akbar, and he, he lost his father and his and his family. But Allah subhanaw taala gave him someone even better. And this is Allah zwei. This is his promise, that when you give up something

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for the sake of Allah, Allah will give you something better. And this is his promise, even when you spend something in the cause of Allah, you give in Allah zwei and Allah will compensate you. So what happened? Ibrahim Hassan was given the good news of a boy who would be highly him very forbearing. What does that mean? You see in life, there are difficulties, things happen, which we don't always like, which we find very, very hard. Hidden is the ability to bear difficulty to not respond with impatience to not, you know, start wailing and fussing and crying over every little thing. And Subhanallah there are children who are like that, who are very courageous, who are very patient, who

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are very mature, very understanding. So ismar, Isla alayhis. Salaam was like that. And what was the proof of that? The story that is mentioned here, and when he reached with him the age of exertion, he said, All my son, indeed, I have seen in a dream that I must sacrifice you. So see what you think. What do you say? What do you suggest? He said, Oh, my father, do as you are commanded, you will find me if Allah wills of the steadfast sopran Allah, this was his head. Why does the bra he run? He said, I'm asked him, even though this was a command from Allah, he was not asking him that, should I or should I not, but he was getting his son to agree, so that his son would understand why

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his father would do such a thing. And so his son would also be firm and willing and patient. And this is very, very important that when we tell our children to do something, don't just commend them. Don't just tell them that you have to do this because I said, so. No way. Tell them the reason that Allah is the one who has commanded, get them to agree so that they are also willing so that they're also rewarded. And look at the response of ismar EAD, that if Allah wills you will find me patient. Why does he say if Allah wills because nothing is special?

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Without the will of Allah. And saying in sha Allah is a way of seeking the help of Allah. But we say in sha Allah when we don't want to do something, and we need to change that. And look at his patients in a Hadees, we learn that when Ibrahim lsmw lay his mareel, on his forehead, his Marina was wearing a white shirt at that time. So he said, Oh, my father, I do not have another shirt in which you could bury me. So remove this from me. So you may shroud me in the shirt of mine. So Ibrahim, I listened and reached forward to remove the shirt, when he was called out from behind that Oh, Ibrahim, you have fulfilled your dream. When he looked back, there was a white, big Warren Big

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Eyed sheep that was standing over there. So it is said and when they had both submitted, and he put him down upon his forehead, notice how both had submitted. And this is what we should desire, that we surrender to Allah, and our children also, willingly surrender to Allah. But that is only possible when they know who Allah is not that they're obeying out of fear of you. So instill in your children, the fear of Allah, the love for Allah, the willingness to obey Allah, and this is possible, even a little children, don't underestimate them. We call to him, or Ibrahim, you have fulfilled the vision. Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good indeed, this was the clear trial, no

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doubt about this. And we ran some time. And we ran some time with a great sacrifice. And we left for him favorable mentioned among later generations. So this is from where the tradition of offering sacrifice began. So remember, it's not about the meat or the blood, it's all about the state of the heart, because the sacrifice symbolizes the sacrifice of one's ego, of one's attachments and love for the creation. And we see here that when a person does something good, then Allah also gives them a good name. Meaning that people also remember that person or mention him in good terms. In a hadith we learned that when Allah intends good for a slave, he makes him sweet, our Salah who so the people

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asked, How can he How can a person becomes sweet like honey, so the Prophet sallallahu earlier sort of explained that Allah opens the door of righteous action for that servant before his death, so that those around him become pleased with him, they're happy with him, they experience His sweetness, we'll also pannacotta sweeten us before our death also, we learned that a person is known by their deeds, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said that there is no person except that he has a certain name in the skies by which he is known. And if that name is good, that is placed in the earth. So a person is known in good terms in the world also. And if that reputation is evil, then

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that same reputation is placed in the earth. So yes, our goal is not to please people, to get people to talk about us in you know, in positive words, that is not our ultimate goal. But it is definitely a reflection of who we are, that we need to see. And we need to pay attention to what people say about us, especially those who are closest to us. What do they say about you know, the way that we respond the way that we react? Do they say that we are very impatient, or the fact that we get angry very quickly, or the fact that we are very moody, or the fact that we are very difficult to get along with? Or do they say positive things about us? Because this is people's testimony, in our

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favor, or against us? We learn in a hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that soon you will be able to tell the people of Paradise from the people of *. The Companions asked how or messenger of Allah, he said, by praise and condemnation, because you are Allah's witnesses over one another. So the way that people talk about us, it does matter. But it doesn't mean that we make you know people's praise our ultimate goal, our goal should be to please Allah subhanaw taala and when you strive to please Allah it is not possible that Allah subhanaw taala will not let that be known to others, meaning Allah will bestow His approval upon you and that will spread amongst the people

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also. Salah mana Allah Ibrahim, peace upon Ibrahim Cavalli can edges in more sinning Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good indeed he was of our believing servants, and we gave him good tidings of his help a profit from among the righteous, what good children and we blessed him and his help, but among their descendants is the doer of good, and the clearly unjust to himself. Subhan Allah, parents were righteous, but children were corrupt. This happened with the prophets also. So remember the righteousness of

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By our parents alone is not enough. We have to leave wrong ourselves. And at times it happens that a person has done their best to raise good children. But despite their best efforts, they don't see those good results. So don't blame yourself. This is not your fault. You did whatever was within your capacity. Yes, seek forgiveness from Allah for where you did fall short, but don't judge others either. You know, when you see that someone is righteous and their children are not any Don't say that, or they must be very evil to their being punished. Only Allah knows what the real story is. When Academy Nana Allah musawah Harun and we did certainly confer favor upon Moosa and Harun, and we

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saved them and their people from the great affliction, and we supported them. So it was they who overcame, they were victorious, and we gave them the explicit scripture very, very clear, and we guided them on the straight path, and we left for them favorable mentioned among later generations. Salah mana Allah musawah held Woon peace upon Musa and Harun indeed with us to reward the doers of good indeed they were of our believing servants were in the ABS elemental more saline. And indeed, alias was from among the messengers, meaning he was sent to the bunny is slightly ill, when they openly began practicing idolatry. If Connolly called me he when he said to his people, and at the

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qun Will you not fear Allah? Do you call upon bar this was a particular idol that they used to worship and leave the best of creators, Allah your Lord, and the Lord of your first forefathers, and they denied him. So indeed, they will be brought for punishment, except for the chosen servants of Allah, those with airfloss those who remain true to Allah, who worship only Allah, those who have Sallim hearts, Allah subhanaw taala will save them you save your heart right now you protected your guard it Allah will protect you on that date. And we left for him favorable mentioned among later generations, Salah mana Allah Ilia seen peace upon alias. Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good

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indeed he was of our believing servants, and indeed loot was among the messengers so mentioned when we saved him and his family, all except his wife, among those who remained with the evildoers, then we destroyed the others. And indeed, you pass by them in the morning, and at night, then will you not use Reason being when you come across the ruins? Don't you take a lesson. And this is something that we should remember, you know, when we visit a museum or watch a documentary, it should not just be, you know, something that we admire things that you know, artifacts, etc, we're fascinated by that. Take a lesson that these were people who had all of this, yet alone destroyed them. This did

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not have any worth in the sight of Allah. We're in the universe elemental mursaleen. And indeed, Yunus was among the messengers mentioned, when he ran away to the ladened ship. And he drew lots and was among the losers, because remember, when they were at sea, surrounded by the waves, there was a storm, they realize that somebody has to be thrown off of the boat so that the rest of the people could survive. So how did they do that? They drew lots and over and over again. Eunice la salaams name came, so they ended up throwing him in the water. Then the fish swallowed him while he was blameworthy, and had he not been of those who exalt Allah, he would have remained inside its belly

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until the day they're resurrected. Subhana Allah. So what is it that saved Eunice Aria has set up any through which deed did His najat His salvation come? Allah subhanaw taala rescued him of course. But why? because of the fact that he was among them or sub behave among those who make this be? What does that mean? It means that he used to worship Allah and glorify Allah. Before he he was trapped in the belly of the whale. And even when he was trapped in the belly of the whale, both was sat behind shows what his habit was, what he usually did, because remember, when you remember that good habits, pick up a person when he slips because of a mistake. So, hustle bustle, he said that he

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prayed in the belly of the whale, because he used to do good before. So in difficulty he was remembered by Allah and this is what we have been taught that you remember our line good times and Allah will remember you in your difficulty. So make it a habit of doing the speed of worshiping Allah consistently. Don't just wait for that time when you will be old and sick, and then you will make draw and then you will pray the 100 etc. You will

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only be able to do that if you worship Allah now, because there are people who even go for Hajj, but they're not able to worship Allah. There are people who live through Ramadan but they're not able to worship Allah, they're at home, they have no obligations, any they have so much time, but yet they're unable to worship Allah. Why? Because in good times and easy times they did not worship Allah. So, we have to develop that habit of making the speed. And then secondly, we see that when we do find ourselves trapped in some difficulty, what is the way of escape, what is the way of getting out? It is the speed make the speed sis upon Allah He will be handy Suppan Allah, hello Arlene. And

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the speed also means Salah, it also means prayer in Hades literature, you will find the word the spear being used for Salah. So, make make Sava any not just your obligatory prayer but voluntary prayer also and especially in the month of Ramadan in the night. Any This is essential, this is how we will be taken out of our difficulties. And we learn that even when we are in difficulty when we make the wrong we should mention the good deeds that we have done in making Dora just like the people who are trapped in the cave, they called upon a lot that Oh Allah if you know that I did such and such purely for your sake, then remove this, you know this boulder from us. And so they were

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freed eventually, but we threw him onto the open shore while he was ill and we cause to grow over him a gourd vine and you see a gourd vine any a gourd pumpkin and it's different varieties zucchini etc. Any this is this is also good for you and the prophets of Allah who already said I'm actually liked it a lot. And I study a lot more and who you know, he mentioned how much the Prophet sallallahu Urdu centum enjoyed eating a certain variety of pumpkin. And he said that whenever I used to prepare food, I used to try my best to add it to that because the Prophet sallallahu Urdu said I'm loved it. And so when yunusov insulin was thrown out of the belly of the fish, his body was so

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weak and frail. And Allah subhanaw taala caused this particular plant to grow, which shows that there is healing in it. Well, I will sell now who ILA me at the elfin oesd. Dune. And we sent him to his people of 100,000 or more, and they believed so we gave them enjoyment of life for a time. So inquire of them or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, does your Lord have daughters while they have sons? Or did we create the angels as females while they were witnesses? unquestionably, it is out of their invented falsehood that they say Allah has forgotten, and indeed, they're liars. Has he chosen daughters over sons? This doesn't mean that the that sons are better than daughters. This was

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the, the belief of the people of Makkah of the Arabs that they gave preference to sons or daughters, so that their own, you know, customs are basically being used against them that this is what you think, and you ascribe to God, daughters, how dare you? What is wrong with you? How do you make judgment, then will you not be reminded? Or do you have a clear authority, then produce your scripture if you should be truthful, and they have claimed between him and the jinn a lineage but the Djinn have already known that they who made such claims will be brought to punishment. Subhan Allah here, I'm mostly phone, Exalted is Allah but what they describe, you see the people of Mecca

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the Arabs, they used to believe, a stuffit Allah, that,

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that God, you know, married the jinn. And then, you know, God had angels so angels are the daughters of God, Kenny, this is even difficult to comprehend stuff that a lot. So any this this entire false belief is being, you know, criticized over here. So Subhan Allah here, I'm mostly phone. What what ridiculous concept is this exalted is a lot of what they describe, except the chosen servants of Allah, meaning they don't say such things about Allah subhanaw taala they only they believe in the oneness and absolute perfection of Allah zildjian. So when they worship, so when they call upon Allah, they call upon Him alone with his names and his attributes for in the cometa obudu. So,

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indeed, you disbelievers and whatever it is that you worship, you cannot tempt anyone away from him, except he who is to enter and burn in the hellfire. The angel said there is not among us any except that he has a known position. And indeed We are those who line up for a prayer soprano let the beginning of the pseudo the roles of the angels were mentioned. And here. They're fixed positions are mentioned, which means that none of them moves away from their fixed positions.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he

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said that there is not a space of one foot or hand span in the sky, except that there is an angel over there prostrating are standing in prayer in praise to Allah soprano Tada. So we see that the angels even when they worship and obey Allah, they do so with discipline with organization. And that that makes you know that worship even more beautiful. And this is something that we should also pay attention to, you know, sometimes we are praying Salah, for example. And everything is, you know, a mess around us so that we're so distracted, we're looking here and there, we're not able to focus. So when you're praying, for example, the part of your house which you have dedicated as a must,

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because now you're home, make sure that that place is nice and clean and organized. And you know, it's it smells good, and everybody is standing properly, because that will help you focus in your prayer, it will just make that experience even more beautiful. We're in national Musab beehoon And indeed We are those who exalt Allah. So the angels make the speech. they glorify Allah. In fact, this is the best speech when the Prophet sallallahu artesan was asked in which speech is the best. He said the speech that Allah has chosen for his angels, and that is Subhan Allah, He will be heavy. In another Hadees we learn that this is actually the food of the angel. This is the sustenance of

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the angels. So remember, liquor is spiritual sustenance, if you want to make your heart healthy, if you're concerned about the health of your heart, then you must feed it, the vicar of Allah, that the spirit of ALLAH, this be saying Subhana Allah takbeer saying Allahu Akbar, the Hamid saying Alhamdulillah Li, saying La ilaha illa Allah, and indeed the disbelievers used to say, if we had, if we had a message from those of the former peoples, we would have been the chosen servants of Allah, any they used to say once upon a time that we don't have a scripture, this is why we don't believe If only we had a scripture, but now that the scripture has come, but they disbelieved in it. So they

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are going to know.

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And our word has already proceeded for our servants, the messengers, that indeed, they would be those given victory, and that indeed, our soldiers will be those who overcome. So Oh Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, leave them for a time and see what will befall them for they are going to see then for our punishment, are they impatient, but when it descends in their territory, then evil is the morning of those who were warned and leave them for a time and see, for they are going to see. So the how not to become a biller is at a mildly food, Exalted as your Lord the Lord of Might, above what they describe, he is as perfect as he is free from the lies that are invented

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about him was salam, ala l mursaleen. And peace upon the messengers for their spoke the truth and delivered the truth. Well, hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen and praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds for he is the Exalted in Might. So we see now that there is the speed at the end of the sutra. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that at the end of a gathering, or at the end of you know, a, a conversation, we must also say Subhana Allah Houma will be handed a shadow Allah Illa illa Anta esta hirokawa to be like, Why? Because this is a form of cafardo expiation for anything wrong. That may have been said accidentally or out of ignorance. So we should also make it a habit

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to say that sort of solid Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim saw one

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followed by the Quran containing reminder, but those who disbelieve instead of paying attention to that reminder, what do they do? They are in pride and dissension. Shinnecock, so they refuse to believe. You see Chicago is to oppose someone to refuse to believe to be very, very stubborn in one's denial. Shaka Lhasa is to break a stick. So this stubbornness of theirs has created division. They they refuse to accept to believe, come a HELOC normal cobbly him in Cornyn, how many a generation have we destroyed before them? And they then called out but it was not a time for escape. And they wonder that there has come to them a warner from among themselves a human being from their

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neighborhood. And the disbeliever said this is a magician and a liar. Has he made the gods only one God. Indeed this is a curious thing. And the eminent among them went forth saying continue and be patient over the defense of your gods. Indeed, this is a thing intended, meaning this man has some hidden agenda over here. He has some

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bigger plan. So be firm about your idolatry. We have not heard of this in the latest religion. This is not but a fabrication. Has the message been revealed to him out of all of us? You see the people of Makkah, they were very, very arrogant. The deniers among them, that if you know, someone had to be made a profit, Why him? Why him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because they look down on him. They thought that it would be a rich person. And you see, the people have thought if even when the Prophet salallahu already said and went to them, you know, and he asked them for their support, to an altar to believe one of them. He said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that I am not

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even going to speak to you. Because if you're really a prophet, then you are too holy. And if you are a liar, then you are too beneath me that I should even speak to you. So no, these people were filled with pride. So they said, has the message been revealed to him out of all of us? The real thing is, rather they are in doubt about my message. Rather, they're not they're no longer in doubt they see the truth. The thing is, they have not yet tasted my punishment, so they're heedless? Or do they have the depositories of the mercy of your Lord the Exalted in Might the store? Do they decide? No? Or is there as the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what is between them? Then let them

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ascend through any ways of access, meaning show your might, they are but soldiers who will be defeated. They're among the company's meaning just like the people of the past. Look at what happened to the great numbers of veterans army, any where they're not all drowned? Absolutely, they were the people of New denied before them, and the tribe of odd and fit our own the owner of steaks. You see steaks are mentioned here, because fit our own. He used to travel with his armies to far off places, and they would camp in different places, and they would use steaks to pitch their tents. So those are the companies and the tribes of the more than the people of Luth and the companions of the

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thicket. Those are the companies that were truly powerful. But what became of them, each of them denied the messenger is so my penalty was justified. And these disbelievers await not but one blast of the horn for it, there will be no delay. And they say Our Lord hastened for us our share of punishment before the day of account. This is extreme foolishness. But this is what the people of Makkah would say that you know what, if the punishment is coming, it should come right now. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is comforted here, it's better identify your Kowloon v patient over what they say. And remember our servant that would the possessor of strength, indeed, he was

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one who repeatedly turned back to Allah. So take a lesson from his life. You see, whenever we are going through some difficulty, and of course, there will be a lot of difficulty in life. It is very important that we read about we reflect over the stories of the prophets, because we will find inspiration we will find lesson the stories of the prophets were revealed in the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu artesan was informed about the stories of the prophets. Why? Because that was a source of comfort for him. So we also need that comfort. And so it is important that we reflect over the stories of the prophets for our own benefit, not just to increase in our knowledge, not just to

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learn about history about the past, but to take comfort to take lesson. So the waterlase salaam, Who was he? He was a man of strength, Allah had given him a lot of strength. And he was not arrogant. He was not rebellious. How was he a web he repeatedly turned back to Allah, he would continue to seek Allah subhanaw taala on his help, indeed, We subjected the mountains to praise with him, exalting Allah in the late afternoon and after sunrise. So we should also make this be in the morning and in the evening.

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We learn about the Buddha his Salaam that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the recitation of the zooboo was made easy for him. He used to order that his writing animals be saddled, and would finish reciting the zooboo. Before even they were saddled, and he would never eat except from the earnings of his own hard work, his own manual work, will play it on my shoe return and the birds were assembled all with him repeat in praises. So easy this is so beautiful. Imagine he's making the sci fi and the birds are also gathered around him and the mountains any what scene would that be? How beautiful so what is the lesson that the Prophet sallallaahu artisan was being

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told over here, that you also seek Allah's help through the speed by glorifying Allah, that will be your sustenance, that will be your source of strength. So anytime you feel down, start making us be glorify and praise Allah.

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We strengthened his kingdom and gave him wisdom and discernment in speech. And all of these are great blessings.

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And has their come to you the news of the adversaries when they climbed over the wall of his prayer chamber. When they entered upon the award and he was alarmed by them, they said, fear not, we are two adversaries, one of whom has wronged the other, so judge between us with the truth and do not exceed it and guide us to the sound path. They said, Indeed, this My brother has 99 us female sheep, and I have one. So he said, interest her to me, give, give yours to me so that I have 100. And he has overpowered me in speech, meaning through argument. He's trying to convince me, he's trying to forcibly take my sheep away from me. So is that fair? Please solve our dispute for us. Though there

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is Sam said he has certainly wronged you in demanding your sheep in addition to his and indeed, many associates oppress one another, meaning a lot of people who work together, who are close to each other, end up oppressing one another, except for those who believe and do righteous deeds, and few are they and this sudden, any incident where imagine he's busy in prayer until people all of a sudden jump over the wall and come in to present his case. And they asked him for an answer for a solution. This experience made the old early Sam realize something almost paradata says, we'll learn nada wood. And David big Underwood became certain that we had tried him. And he asked forgiveness of

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his Lord and fell down bowing in prostration, and turned in repentance to Allah, meaning that wilderness Salaam understood that the situation was teaching him a lesson. And he understood that lesson. Now what exactly was that matter? I lost Pandora has not disclosed it over here. But though there isn't an understood, you see, a less Pandora guides us in different ways. One is that we are given instruction and knowledge, right? This is the knowledge of the books, the knowledge of, you know, the verses of the Quran, if this happens, this should be done. This is right. And this is wrong, this is the reward, and this is the punishment, etc, etc. But then there's another type of

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guidance, which is situational, which is baniya, meaning through a different through a situation, Allah subhanaw taala gives us clarity. By making us experience something, we are able to realize our mistake, we're able to see a better option, we're able to understand, you know, the depth of something, and we're able to any, to make the right decision. So it is not essential. It is not enough to just learn from books, it is also important that we learn through our experiences, we learn lessons that life teaches us. And for that we need to have an open mind and open heart, we need to be honest with ourselves. And you see, this is why most artists and I was made to travel in

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the company of al Qaeda, so that he would learn through experience what he would not learn from a book. So the older Islam understood through that situation, something that he needed to learn. And that made him realize his mistake. So the situation that he was in served as a sign. And sometimes this happens, you're going through a certain situation and you all of a sudden you come across a post that is so relevant to you,

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you are going through a personal problem. And then you hear something in a lecture that is like exactly the solution that you need it. So what is this? This is Allah subhanaw taala has guidance that we should willingly accept. How beautiful are the ways of Allah, for Allah for Allah who Gallic. So we forgave him that and indeed for him, his nearness to us and a good place of return. So you see, so you see though there isn't a midsagittal over here. So this is also a verse of prostration. That will say, though, that he said that I saw in a dream that I am under a tree and I was praying and it was reciting sort of sod. And when I reached this idea, the tree prostrated and

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said Aloma fiddly. beha Allah hug Barney be her wisdom with this Libya shukra with the Cabal harmony, Karnataka, Belgium in arctica, such that the who, that Allah forgive me because of this, and erase a sin of mine, and record this as gratitude for me and accept this for me, as you accepted from that world, his prostration So, of course, it was a it was amazed by this dream. So in the soy, he informed the Prophet sallallahu urges to know about this, and the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sent him asked him the Did you also make such though? He said, No, I didn't. He said that you are more worthy of making such the so then the Prophet sallallahu earlier said and recited suit Assad until

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when he reached this idea, he made such the and he said the same that that he had heard the tree saying meaning this there are so this shows us that we should also make this law when we make such the tilava we said oh that

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would indeed we have made you a successor upon the earth. So judge between the people in truth and do not follow your own desire as it will lead you astray from the way of Allah. Indeed, those who go astray from the way of Allah will have a severe punishment for having forgotten the day of account. And we did not create the heaven and the earth, and that between them aimlessly, that is the assumption of those who disbelieve, so woe to those who disbelieve from the fire, or should we treat those who believe and do righteous deeds like corrupters in the land? Or should we treat those who fear Allah like the wicked? No way they're not going to end up in the same place. This is a blessing

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book Kitab en ends Allahu la casa mobile Arakan. This is a blessing book, which We have revealed to you, all of it is blessing, why have we revealed it to you, Leah double IRT so that they might reflect upon its verses and then after reflection, what just admire the beauty of the Quran, because this is what many people you know, they find joy in that you know, just read book after book or listen to lecture after lecture and be amazed by all this was mentioned the beginning and now this is being mentioned. And this word means this and this word means that just admire the beauty of the Quran is that the goal? No Walia, tada cara, Al Bab and that those of understanding would be

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reminded. And this is the purpose of the book that we take lesson we remember its its teachings, its messages, and we follow them. The Quran, remember, is not just to impress us, you know with its words, unfortunately, you know, we have become more lost in the beauty and the contents of the Quran, then the teachings of the Quran. When we think about, you know, our connection with the Quran, we think it is either to master its recitation, so we go, and we try to master and perfect its recitation. Or if we think about something else, we think about, you know, perfecting our understanding of the Arabic language and admiring the Arabic of the Quran, the Quran did not come to

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impress our minds. The Quran came to change our hearts, our lives, and this is what we need to do. This is what we need to take from the Quran. So remember, learning Arabic, it is a means not a goal. Understanding that the seed of the Quran is a means not a goal, perfecting the recitation of the Quran, memorizing its words, this is a means not a goal. What is the goal? Well, he utter the color old Al Bab, that the people of understanding would be reminded, take a lesson, implement this book, because an Khurana who Jetta laka our alayka the Quran will be an argument for you or against you, it will either argue for you that Oh Allah Halle, adoring him, Oh Allah be you know, zidoo give him

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more Oh Allah be pleased with him, either the Quran will argue for you or it will argue against you. So so we don't want the Quran arguing against us. And then we see in this ayah that the Quran is mobarak meaning every single verse of the Quran is Mubarak it is blessing, how that every eye of the Quran either it guides you to something good, or it stops you from something harmful, or it brings some kind of benefit in this life or in the next life. So there is nothing in this world that is as blessed as the Quran is every single ayah and this is why even when you recite Alif Lam mean you get rewarded. So this Quran is mobarak and we think that the blessing of the Quran is that you know,

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when a girl is getting married and leaving her house, you put the Quran up and you make her walk under it right? Or that before you sleep you put the must have under your pillow, or that you keep a copy in your in your in your car, write the code on his mobile car when you recite it when you reflect upon it when you implement it. So derive the full blessing from the Quran. What will happen early there will the slay man and to that world we gave Suleiman an excellent servant. Indeed he was one repeatedly turning back to Allah mentioned when they were exhibited before him in the afternoon, the poised standing race horses, horses are beautiful. And he said, Indeed, I have loved these good

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things for the remembrance of my Lord, until the horses galloped away, going out of sight. Meaning he said, I love these horses for the remembrance of my Lord. I like them because they remind me of Allah. I like them because of Allah, that Allah gave these horses to me, and their beauty and their strength. Reminds me of Allah's favours on me. This is why I like them. And another way of interpreting this idea

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That he said, Indeed, I gave preference to the love of good things over the remembrance of my Lord, until the sun disappeared into the curtain of darkness, because it is said that he was admiring his horses until the sunset, and he wasn't able to make his, you know, with of that time, meaning that the certain worship that he performed at that time, he missed that. And sometimes this happens and we get so caught up in enjoying good things that we forget about our, our worship.

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Now we notice here there that horses are called hide, good, because they truly are good. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that goodness is tied to the forelocks of horses until the Day of Resurrection. So there is blessing in horses, so they man or they said, I'm loved horses, even the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam loved horses, and I had these we learn how he was, you know, twisting the fourth, he was twisting the for lack of a horse with his fingers. And he was admiring the horse. And he also said that rub the horses on their foreheads, and pray for Baraka for them, and do not tie thin ropes around their necks because that will hurt them. He said return them to me

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and said about striking their legs and necks, or he was passing his hand over their legs and next meeting, he began petting them. And we certainly tried to lay man and placed on his throne a body. Then he returned. It has said that, you know he prayed for a child he wanted a child who would inherit from him and he did have a child but that child was you know, half paralyzed. So then he turned back to Allah. And remember sometimes, you know, when we ask Allah subhanaw taala for something and we don't get exactly what we asked for. Even that is teaching us something. You know, it's not that Allah has rejected you, Allah doesn't care about you know, Allah subhanaw taala

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decided that particular result for you because there's something you need to learn from that experience. And so they might not listen, I learned some an app, he returned, he turned back to Allah. He said, My Lord, forgive me and grant me a kingdom such as will not belong to anyone after me. Indeed you are the store you are alone. You see, he asked for forgiveness, before he asked for kingship, for for kingdom. Why? Because for the right to servant forgiveness is more important than the things of this world. Because the things of this world they will come to an end what we need is forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala. So no matter what a righteous person has of this world, their

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Deen their ibadah their relationship with Allah is of utmost importance to them. So this girl was accepted, and no one got the power and abilities that so a man early his surname was given. So we subjected to him the wind, blowing by his command, gently wherever he directed, and also the devil's of jinn, every builder and diver and others bound together in shackles, so he even had control authority over the jinn. sopran Allah, we said, this is our gift. So grant or withhold without account, meaning Allah subhanaw taala gave him blessings. And he also gave him power and authority to do whatever that he wanted. And indeed for him, his nearness to us, and a good place of return.

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And remember our servant, a YouTube an excellent example of patients, when he called to his Lord, indeed, shaitan has touched me with hardship and tournament. This shows us that some illnesses are because of the effect of shaitan or corbetta julik. So he was told, strike the ground with your foot, this is a spring for a cool bath and drink any This is chifa right under your foot. And that healing is coming from what from water, but you can only see it and benefit from it when Allah subhanaw taala allows when Allah puts healing in that for you. And we granted him, his family and alike number with them as a mercy from Us and a reminder for those of understanding. So we see that

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Allah returned his health and his wealth, and he gave him better than what he previously had. And there is a huge lesson in this for us, that when a person is patient in illness, and in trial, that Allah subhanaw taala his reward is generous. So if in sickness, a person does not complain, or become upset with Allah, instead, they're grateful and patient, then Allah will give them chifa. And their health will be better than what it was previously. We learned in the Hadees, that the Prophet of Allah eWb remained in his trial for 18 years, and the cause and distant meaning all people that were around him, left him and Allah inspired him to strike with his foot, and with that water that

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gushed out from where he stuck his foot, Allah subhanaw taala removed all his illness, and he became the most handsome he ever was, will hold via deca little son, and we said, Take in your hand a bunch of grass and take in your hand a bunch of grass and strike with it and do not break your olds. You see an illness people say things to their family, because of course they're human. They don't always mean it.

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But you know, when a person is ill sometimes they say things which they don't really mean. So it is said that a YouTuber has Salam. And he was very, he was very upset with his wife about something. And he took an oath at that time, that whenever he would get better, he would hit her 100 times. But this would be completely unfair, any Why? So Allah subhanaw taala created a way out for him. Indeed, we found him patient, an excellent servant, indeed, he was one repeatedly turning back to Allah. You see, and this shows us that if for the most part, a person is patient, that Allah subhanaw taala will overlook their deficiencies. Because Allah knows our situation. You know, when a person falls,

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ill and there are suffering in their body, you know, they're tired, they're exhausted, they're in so much pain, then every little thing bothers you, right? And then you're trying to be patient, but you're only human, you will slip here and there. So you are a sinner, any because he was so patient over all of us. patata You know, he pardoned him in this matter. And remember, our servants, Ibrahim is health an au and iacob. Those of strength and religious vision will add well absorb this is so beautiful, their hands are mentioned. And their vision is mentioned. Why? Because you need hands strength, ability, and you know, to do good work. And you also need vision, understanding,

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perception, realization, knowledge, in order to avail the opportunities that Allah subhanaw taala presents to you, in a house now home, indeed, we chose them. Why for an exclusive quality. And what was that the QRadar remembrance of the home of the hereafter. When a person remembers that there is a home after this home there is a life after this life, then they use their hand and their vision in obedience to Allah and indeed they are to us among the chosen and outstanding, chosen and outstanding. Why? Because they remember the Hereafter, and they use their strength and their vision to obey Allah. And remember, it's Mary Alia, sir, and Lil kiefel. And all are among the outstanding

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Allah here. This is a reminder and indeed for the righteous is a good place of return. Jeanette yarden Gardens of perpetual residents whose doors will be opened to them Subhan Allah, the doors of genda will be opened for them but even before they come to agenda, because remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will be the first to reach the gates of jedna. And he will intercede so that the gates of Jannah are opened, and then the gates of Jenna will be open, we learned that there are eight gates of paradise. And each gate is as wide as the distance between mcca and hemiola, or mcca, and busara as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam explained, so these gates

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are huge. Why, so that people enter genda together, together, you see when you when you're in a queue, it feels so bad when you're all doing the back and you see people entering into the grocery store before you Subhanallah you feel like you know that that weight is so painful, and you feel left out, you feel like you're going to miss out. So people in general will enter together because the gates of gender are vast, they're huge. So they will enter as rose as a spoof.

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And we learn that people will be called from different gates of Paradise, and some people will be called from all gates of paradise. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, that whoever spends to have any type of property meaning a complete set, a pair, in the way of Allah will be called into Jannah with the words all slave of Allah, this is good meaning come from here, whoever is among the people of prayer will be called from the gate of Salah. Whoever is among the people of jihad will be called from the gate of jihad, whoever is among the people of sadaqa will be called from the gate of sadaqa. Whoever is among the people of fasting will be called from the gate of Allah Yan and Allah

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Yan. What does it mean? It means someone who is well watered, meaning their thirst will be quenched. Allahu Akbar. So boubakeur asked the Messenger of Allah, is it possible that someone will be called from all of the gates and he said yes, and I hope that you will be among them, some of whom will,

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reclining within them, they will call they're in for abundant fruit and drink because now is the time to chill and enjoy and with them will be women limiting their glances and of equal age. This is what you the righteous are promised for the day of account in the Heather lettuce corner. Indeed, this is our provision. for it, there is no depletion. This is so but indeed for the transgressors is an evil place of return. *, which they will enter to burn and wretched is the resting place this, select them to

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It is scalding water and foul purlins and other punishments of its type in various kinds. its inhabitants will say, this is a company bursting in with, you know, welcome for them. It's already really tight here. No welcome for them indeed they will burn in the fire, they will say nor you know, welcome for you, you our leaders brought this upon us and wretched as a settlement to see how they're fighting, cursing each other constantly. They will say Our Lord, whoever brought this upon us, increase for him double punishment in the fire. And they will say, why do we not see men who we used to count among the worst? Any people in * will wonder how come we don't see certain

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individuals here? We used to think that they were the losers end, we look down on them, but we don't see them here. Where are they? Is it because we took them in ridicule when they weren't deserving of it, or has our vision turned away from them, that we cannot see them? The thing is that there are many people who are belittled who are looked down upon in the world whom people condemn, judge and abandon, but such individuals may be very, very, you know, special in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala. So we must be very careful before we pass judgment on a believing servant of Allah, you don't know which repentance of their as will cause them to enter Jannah which good deed of theirs will

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cause them to reach the highest levels of paradise. And especially, don't be little people. Because of their worldly disadvantages. We learn in our heads that the first to enter Paradise, among the creation of Allah will be the full course for those who are poor, and mohajir, on those who migrated. And the Prophet sallallahu wasallam explained about them, that some of them are such that they die with unfulfilled needs in the world, meaning that meaning they have wishes and goals and you know, things that they desire, but they never managed to fulfill them. But Allah subhanaw taala will admit them into jamna and fulfill every wish of theirs. In the Delica Hulk, indeed, that is

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truth, the quarreling of the people of the fire, say I am only a warner. And there is not any day t except Allah, the One the prevailing Lord of the heavens in the earth and whatever is between them be Exalted in Might the Perpetual Forgiver say it is great news from which you are turning away. I had no knowledge of the exalted assembly of angels when they were disputing, meaning when the when Adam Ernestina was created, it has not been revealed to me except that I am a clear Warner, meaning I was not there. I didn't see it myself. I only convey what has been revealed to me. So mentioned when your Lord said to the angels, indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. So when I

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have proportioned him and breathed into him of my created soul, then fall down to him in prostration. So the angels prostrated all of them entirely, except a police. He was arrogant and became among the disbelievers. Allah said, Oh, at least what prevented you from prostrating to that which I created with my hands? Were you arrogant then? Or were you already among the hottie? Meaning what's the what's the reason? What reason do you have, he said, I am better than him, You created me from fire and created him from clay Subhanallah at least was the first person to use analogy. Yes, and this PS this analogy was very wrong, because fire is not better than clay, the nature of fire is

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that it is destructive. Whereas clay is productive. Fire is hot, it burns and clay is cooling. Right? It's it calms you. And so really, there one is not any fire is not better than clay, but shippon and he said that fire is better than clay. And based on that analogy, he refused to obey Allah subhanaw taala and we must be very careful, because sometimes we also come up with some, you know, arguments which in our heads are very logical. And based on those arguments, we refuse to obey Allah subhanaw taala any these arguments? They are based on ignorance, not logic, Allah tada said, then get out of paradise for indeed you are expelled and indeed upon you is my curse until the Day

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of Recompense. He said, My Lord, then reprieve me until the Day they are resurrected. Allah said So indeed you are of those reprieve meaning you will live until when, until the day of the time well known the Day of Judgment. If Lee said by our might, I will surely mislead them all except among them, your chosen servants, I will not be able to persuade them. Allah said the truth is my oath and the truth I say, that I will surely fill * with you and those of them that follow you all together. say oh Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I do not ask you for the Quran, any payment, and I am not of

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pretensions, and I am not of the pretentious Walmart and Amina mythical leafy, meaning I state the truth exactly as it is. And really the Prophet sallallahu artesanal was not fake, he was not pretentious, he wasn't public, when he was in private. So, it is very important that we remain true to ourselves regardless of where we are, be yourself, because a fake display is not long lasting, it is not enduring. And part of this is to acknowledge your humility, your lack of knowledge, do not pretend to be a know it all. We learned that Abdullah bin Masaru little della horn who said that all people if somebody knows something, he can say it but if he does not know it, he should say Allah

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knows better, because it is a sign of having knowledge to say about something which one does not know, to say that Allah knows better, Allah, Allah has said to his prophet, that and then he recited this ayah which means that don't pretend to know everything, especially when you don't know everything, acknowledge your, your ignorance, and this is also part of knowledge to say that I don't know it, that Allah subhanaw taala knows everything. In Hua illogical, Illa Allah mean it is but a reminder to the world's call to honest for all, and you will surely know the truth of its information after a time meaning if right now you reject very soon will come a point where you will

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not be able to reject Sora Zoomer Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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The revelation of the Quran is from Allah, the Exalted in Might the wise, indeed, we have sent down to you the book in truth, so worship Allah being sincere to him in religion, unquestionably, for Allah is the Pure religion so worship is exclusively for Him, because He alone is God. And those who take protectors besides him say, we only worship them that they may bring us nearer to Allah in position Subhan Allah, this is what the people at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Ernestina would say, what that we only hold on to these pious you know, elders and these idols and these righteous and the saints. Why, so we can reach God through them, because you know, we are to sinful, so we

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cannot call upon him directly. So we go through the righteous, what we fail the this is a wrong analogy. Why compare Allah to a king of the world who is weak and arrogant. Allah subhanaw taala is corrib He is the all powerful he is alive early, and he knows his creation. He is not too busy to listen to you. He is not any inaccessible just because you have committed a few cents. Unless panatuss buddy, you don't need an intermediary. So it is it is important that we call upon Allah directly Allah Allah Allah His Deen on Hollis, Indeed Allah whoa judge between them concerning that over which they differ, Indeed, Allah does not guide he who is a liar and confirmed disbeliever. So

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these ions make it very, very clear that whatever we do, we should do it sincerely for the sake of Allah, because enamel armello Binney yet and we learn that Allah does not accept any deed, except that which is purely for him and seeking his face. So whatever we do, whether you know we are reciting the Quran, or it is that we are doing something in private or public, our goal should be to please Allah.

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Because if it's not for Allah, it will not be accepted by Allah, and then it will be useless. If Allah had intended to take a son, he could have chosen from what he creates whatever He willed, Exalted as he, he is Allah, the One the prevailing, he created the heavens and earth and truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night, and has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course for a specified term, unquestionably, he is the Exalted in Might, the Perpetual Forgiver He created you from one soul, then he made from it, its mate, and he produced for you from the grazing livestock, eight mates, he creates you in the wombs of your mother's creation

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after creation within three darknesses that is Allah your Lord, To Him belongs dominion, there is no data except him. So how are you averted? Don't you get it? If you disbelieve, Indeed Allah is free from need of you. And he does not approve of his servants disbelief. Well Are your law Larry Bertie Hill Crawford. We're in touch guru. You're the hula comb. And if you are grateful, he approves it for you. That is what he likes for you. And no bear of burdens will bear the burden of another than to your Lord is your return. And he will inform you about what you use to do. Indeed, he is knowing of that within the chests. So we see over here that Allah subhanaw taala likes sugar for us. He

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wants us to be grateful because gratitude benefits us and remember

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On the last Pandora gives us blessings. Why is that? Learn Macintosh karoun so that you all are grateful, which is why on the day of judgment and last point, I will call a person and we'll say all son of Adam, I gave you this, I gave you this, I gave you this for a in a shoe crew, they're like, Where is the gratitude for that? So, when we use the blessings of Allah, we must show gratitude. And in a Hadees, we learned that authorial shacket Beeman Zilla just saw him a slob it that the person who eats and is grateful is at the same position as the person who fasts and is patient. So Yanni, the goal is not to deprive ourselves of blessings. The goal is that in whatever state, Allah

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subhanaw taala puts us, we we surrender to Him. So if a situation requires us to be patient, we observe patients, and if Allah, Allah has blessed us with certain blessings, than we enjoy them, and we show gratitude, and when adversity touches men, he calls upon his Lord, turning to Him alone, then when He bestows on him a favor from himself. He forgets him when he called upon before, and he attributes to Allah equals to mislead people from his way, say, enjoy your disbelief for a little indeed, you are of the companions of the Fire is one who is devoutly obedient during periods of the night prostrating and standing, fearing the Hereafter, and hoping for the mercy of his Lord, like

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one who does not Are they the same, no way say are those who know equal to those who do not know only they will remember who are people of understanding. So two types of people are mentioned here. One is a person who knows, a Latina, Yala moon, and the other is the one who does not know what Latina Lyanna moon, the person who knows worships Allah in the hours of the night, making such the standing in prayer, combining fear with hope. And then there's the other person who sleeps through the night, lazy through the day, not worshiping Allah, not remembering Allah, rather, either. He's an extreme fear. So he has despaired or he is an extreme hope. So he has become heedless. So

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remember, we have to first of all, give. So remember, we have to first of all, sacrifice, personal comfort at times in order to worship Allah subhanaw taala. This is why the night worship is mentioned here. It is good that we worship Allah during the day. Excellent. But we also have to dedicate some of the night in order to worship Allah, because that that is an evidence of sincerity. If a person is praying during the day, then Okay, why not, but when you're sacrificing from your personal comfort and rest and you're giving preference to worshiping Allah, that shows that a person is sincere to Allah, that shows that a person is not seeking the approval of people. And also we see

02:18:03 --> 02:18:44

here that we have to combine hope and fear because this is the way of the knowledgeable, we don't become extremely afraid that we despair in Allah's mercy that we say you know what, there's no hope for me, nor do we go to the other extreme that we say that Oh, Allah will forgive me no matter what I do. We have to combine hope and fear. This is the way of the knowledgeable say, oh my servants who have believed fear your Lord For those who do good in this world is good. And the earth of Allah is spacious. Indeed, the patient will be given the reward without account in the manual for sobre una adura. Home be lady Hey, sab Allahu Akbar. You see, for every other good deed the reward is

02:18:44 --> 02:19:00

measured, it will be counted, it will be calculated, but the reward for Subhan Allah della horn, who said that it will be given in full Yanni without measuring without even counting, it will not be measured, it will not be quantified because Allah says Be Lady hisab.

02:19:01 --> 02:19:44

So think about it, how great his patients say indeed I have been commanded to worship Allah, being sincere to him in religion, and I have been commanded to be the first among you have the Muslims say indeed I fear if I should disobey my Lord, the punishment of a tremendous day, say Allah alone, do I worship sincere to him in my religion, so worship what you will besides Him, you do whatever you want, but as for me, I will only worship Allah say, indeed the losers are the ones who will lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection, unquestionably, that is the manifest loss, they will have canopies of fire above them, and below them canopies by that Allah threatens his

02:19:44 --> 02:20:00

servants, all my servants then fear me. We should fear Allah, but those who have avoided wha hoo less they worship it, and turned back to Allah. For them are good tidings so give good tidings to my servants. Who are they those

02:20:00 --> 02:20:47

To listen to speech and follow the best of it, meaning to listen to Allah's words attentively, they pay attention, they're not distracted. And then they choose the best option for amahl. They don't look at the easiest or the most convenient, or the least No, they look for the best option. And then even our bass said that this is the person who listens to all sorts of things. But then he only selects what is good for his own action, any Fiat to be a una escena, Allah ecola de la Humala, those are the ones whom Allah has guided, and those are people of understanding. Any person of understanding doesn't just repeat everything that he hears everything that he sees, no, he doesn't

02:20:47 --> 02:21:26

just do whatever he sees. A lot of people do that any trend that is famous, they start copying it, without even checking if it is acceptable to Allah, or they start repeating the same words that they have heard without even finding out what those words actually mean. So this is not a sign of a person of knowledge, a person of understanding, yes, they get exposed to different things. But when it comes to their actions, when it comes to their speech, they're very careful, then, is one who has deserved the decree of punishment to be guided, then can you save one who is in the fire, but those who have feared their Lord, for them are chambers above them chamber is built high beneath which

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reverse flow, this is a promise of Allah, Allah does not fail in his promise. Do you not see that Allah sends down rain from the sky, and makes it flow as springs and rivers and the earth and he produces thereby crops of varying colors, then they dry and you see them turned yellow, then he makes some scattered debris. Indeed, and that is a reminder for those of understanding this is how life is so is one whose chest Allah has expanded to accept Islam from and shadow holla, who saw the Rahul Islam, and he is upon a light from his Lord, then woe to those whose hearts are hardened against the remembrance of Allah. Those are in manifest error. So there are two types of people.

02:22:07 --> 02:22:51

One, someone whose chest Allah has opened up for Islam. So it's Nam has now you know, it has taken place in their chest, it dwells in their chest. And then there is another person whose heart is hard to hard to even remember Allah. So the question is, how is it that we will come up the first category? How is it that we become of those people whose chest Allah has opened up to Islam, even if I am said that there are causes there are reasons for this one is hedaya guidance and towhead meaning strengthen your belief in the oneness of Allah, and ask Allah subhanaw taala for guidance rubbished roughly Saudi and Allah will open up your chest to Islam, then knowledge because

02:22:51 --> 02:23:38

knowledge, you know it, it gives you ease, it expands your understanding. then turning back to Allah again and again, repeatedly asking ALLAH, then number four is remembering Allah subhanaw taala consistently, number five, treating people in a good way. Number six, being brave and courageous. Meaning when it's time to act upon the knowledge, then don't be hesitant over there. Be courageous over there. Number seven, cleaning the heart. Don't keep grudges in your heart. Number eight, leaving useless things. These are causes that will cause that will allow your chest to be opened up to Islam, for you to be able to follow Islam confidently for Islam to become a part of you your

02:23:38 --> 02:24:18

identity. Because you see, sometimes we have heard of things that we were supposed to do as Muslims, but we don't have the courage. We don't have the confidence. So these are things that we need to do to develop that. And then the hardened hearts are condemned over here. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, mercy is taken away only from him who is miserable. So how do you fix a heart that has become hard? Ask Allah subhanaw taala to soften your heart and then also practice compassion. How do you practice compassion? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam said if you want to soften the heart, then feed the needy and pass your hand over an orphans head meaning go help those who are in need

02:24:18 --> 02:24:59

especially give them food and take it yourself. And then people children especially show them compassion, Allah hoonah Zilla Arsenal Hadees Allah has sent down the best statement, the Quran, a consistent book, wherein is reiteration meaning there's repetition in the Quran, not contradiction. Why is there repetition so that if at one point a person doesn't understand something, they're able to understand it at another place. So what happens to the people who believe in it, the skins shiver they're from of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts relax at the remembrance of Allah. That is the

02:25:00 --> 02:25:46

guidance of Allah by which he guides whom He wills and one whom Allah leaves astray. For him there is no guide. So the people who truly fear Allah when they hear the Quran, their skins shiver their hearts tremble, why out of fear, but then as they keep listening, as I keep reflecting their hearts and their skins relax, why, out of hope, out of hope in Allah's mercy, so this is what the Quran does. It causes you to feel fear, sometimes a lot of fear, then you keep reading, you keep listening, and it also gives you hope, and this Qatada, he recited this verse and he said, this is the characteristic of the Friends of a lot of the Olia of Allah, that when they listen to the Quran,

02:25:46 --> 02:26:27

their eyes weep, their hearts soften. It's not that they faint, or they stop thinking rationally, or they go crazy. No, they remain very normal, but it's the heart that is affected. So then their actions also change, then is He who will shield with his face the worst of the punishment on the Day of Resurrection, like one who is secure from it, and it will be set to the wrongdoers taste what you use to earn those before them denied and punishment came upon them from where they did not even perceive. So Allah made them taste disgrace and worldly life, but the punishment of the Hereafter is greater if they only knew And We have certainly presented for the people in this Quran from every

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kind of example, that they might remember, they may wake up, it is an Arabic on without any deviants that they might become righteous. Allah presents an example a slave owned by quarreling partners, and another belonging exclusively to one men, are they equal in comparison? No way. One person's life is a living *, and the other is at peace. Alhamdulillah Praise be to Allah that you understand, but most of them do not know. Which is why they keep calling they keep turning towards other than Allah. The thing is that if you make Allah the center of your life, meaning that you are concerned about pleasing Allah azza wa jal, you are focused on worshiping Him, obeying Him, and you

02:27:11 --> 02:27:56

measure everything in your life according to his standards, then your life will be easy. But if your goal is to please people, this person and that person and those people, then you will only be creating difficulty for yourself in a coma yet on, we're in the home may get on indeed you are to die. And indeed they are to die, no matter how long you live, death is coming so much in comio malkia mature in Europe become Dr. Simone that indeed you on the Day of Resurrection before your Lord will dispute meaning on the Day of Judgment, you will argue with each other. Why? Because each person will come demanding their rights. In a Hadees we learn the claimants will get their claims on

02:27:56 --> 02:28:35

the Day of Resurrection, meaning each person will come forward making demands that this is my right Give it back to me. I had this weird that whoever has wronged his brother should ask for his pardon before his death, as in the hereafter they will be neither ad nor nor a dyrham. So on the Day of Judgment, you will not be able to pay people to pay people back on that day, they will ask you for your good deeds. And I had these we learned whoever dies, always a dinar or a dyrham. It will be paid back from his good deeds, because then there will be no dinar or their home. The thing is that we do cause harm to other people, especially financially and when it comes to obligations and duties

02:28:35 --> 02:29:13

we do fall short. So it is very important that we give sadaqa with the intention of making up for the wrongs that we may have done others, unknowingly without even realizing it's things that we can't even remember. So this is an excellent time. Sign up for a daily or a monthly donation and give it with this intention that your Allah whoever that I have wronged please make this a source of compensation for them so that they don't come on the Day of Judgment, demanding my good deeds from me. May Allah subhanaw taala forgive us all subhanak Allahumma behenic eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Anta esta hirokawa A Tobu la wa salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

02:29:25 --> 02:29:40

I would be laying the shape honor ado, Mr. Latta. Heiner, here are some villages ocular hoses for Dania my last panel allow us all to soften our hearts and may He guide our hearts towards him, I mean, so inshallah we will.

02:29:41 --> 02:29:43

First of all, post the

02:29:45 --> 02:29:48

the alhuda apps links as certainly I mentioned

02:29:50 --> 02:29:53

in the lecture, so you can all

02:29:54 --> 02:29:59

Shall I get that and then we'll enable chat. Okay, so

02:30:00 --> 02:30:22

in the chat box, you can see the file holder apps link. Where's the survey me? I mentioned that we can download the apps. Okay, so Java will begin then there was earlier notice we didn't get him on my bad file was lacking the Shyvana regime. Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Rubbish. Lisa. Do you see Emily waterlogged at Emily's any of Polly

02:30:26 --> 02:30:31

Okay, so we are on we've completed just 23

02:30:32 --> 02:30:36

very beautiful tafsir longer left. So let us look at

02:30:38 --> 02:30:40

sudra Zuma is number two.

02:30:46 --> 02:30:58

So this idea is indeed we have sent down to you the book our Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in truth so worship Allah being sincere to him in religion

02:31:04 --> 02:31:10

So how should we worship Allah Allah being sincere to him in religion so let's take a look at these

02:31:12 --> 02:31:40

so firstly the beginning of the I was indeed we have sent down to you the book on Mohamed Salah Salem in truth Okay, so what does it mean in truth? There's so there's two meanings of this when we look at the deeper tafsir Okay, so in truth means that the Quran itself contains the truth okay or secondly because of jest reason meaning because of a truth for reason, it was sent down which is to guide

02:31:45 --> 02:31:55

Okay, so the next part of the I was the worship Allah being sincere to him in religion. Okay, so a D has multiple meanings,

02:31:56 --> 02:32:01

which is religion, obedience, and in worship.

02:32:02 --> 02:32:19

So one word can have multiple meanings. So we're being told to worship Allah subhanaw taala, exclusively. Right? So exclusive a bada for Allah alone for no one else, but for him.

02:32:22 --> 02:32:43

Okay, so what does it mean to have sincere eba? What does it mean to have to be reckless? So, we're going to look at a couple of signs. So there's some signs of sincere acts. Okay, so firstly, it is not affected by the reaction of others. So let's say when I'm praying,

02:32:44 --> 02:32:48

I'm praying, and I realized someone has walked into the room.

02:32:49 --> 02:32:51

So does this affect my Salah?

02:32:53 --> 02:33:12

Do I make longer? sudo? Do I stand up straighter? Do I make sure my hands are in the right place? No, it shouldn't have any effect. Or if I'm giving sadaqa do I notice that someone's watching? So do I write a bigger check?

02:33:15 --> 02:33:35

Right, or Subhanallah I see that people are around so now I'm kinder to the others around me. Maybe I'm speaking to my children in a nice way because people are watching or because people are watching. I'm being kind to my parents. Or because people are watching I'm being nice to someone I don't really like

02:33:37 --> 02:33:39

all of this. Yes, it is not sincere

02:33:41 --> 02:33:45

is because it is complete the opposite? And then

02:33:46 --> 02:33:47

what do I do what I'm alone?

02:33:49 --> 02:33:59

Do I wait for people to leave so I can watch that movie that I've been wanting to see? Do I wait for everyone to leave me alone? So I can read a book that no one would approve of?

02:34:01 --> 02:34:03

Or do I go on sites that I shouldn't be on?

02:34:05 --> 02:34:12

Or do I use this time to highlight to worship Allah subhanaw taala sincerely because I'm not going to be bothered.

02:34:19 --> 02:34:31

So sometimes I show things for my kids. I'm just sorry, I didn't understand you have to clarify a little bit. Sometimes I do things for my kids.

02:34:35 --> 02:34:35


02:34:39 --> 02:34:42

so Okay, so I don't know what that means. Right.

02:34:45 --> 02:34:59

I'll have to clarify a little more. Sometimes I shorten my slot because I get nervous when someone walks into the room. Yeah, so we shouldn't let any of this affect us. right because now our Salah is no longer for less popular. Now it has a little bit of

02:35:00 --> 02:35:26

Salah has become for the person that's watching or that came into the room. Right so if there's a reason for it like for example the prophets I seldom when he would hear children crying in the masjid if you heard a child cry then he will shorten the salah and he said it was for the mothers right? So with a reason because if you know that person has walked in and they're going to need something from me then that's a different situation right? But you're just

02:35:27 --> 02:35:34

shorten it because someone has walked in then that is no longer sincerely for less part of that.

02:35:36 --> 02:35:44

Okay, yeah. So to teach the children Yes, you can make so the home for them to teach them but let them know that we shouldn't show people

02:35:45 --> 02:35:59

right? Just make it clear to them that I'm telling you so that inshallah You can also make some sense but it's even if it's like a five cents 25 cents $1 whatever amount of money would be appropriate for them? Alright, so

02:36:00 --> 02:36:02

have them join in it as well inshallah.

02:36:04 --> 02:36:13

When difficulties and challenges and come sincere to Allah person Yes, there. That's true. When they're in difficulty suddenly they're a bother becomes very sincere.

02:36:15 --> 02:36:18

Yes, smiling is also satisfied. There's a Hadith of the prophets always.

02:36:22 --> 02:36:42

Yes, sincerity is when your solitude is full of consciousness of Allah spotless presence. I guess any Everyone is welcome to join this class. Males females, children, adults, okay. Everyone is welcome. Okay, so basically, we can judge ourselves, right? How am I when I am alone?

02:36:43 --> 02:36:48

And then a sincere act is not affected by the situation.

02:36:49 --> 02:36:59

Alright, so if I'm doing something sincerely for our last panel that I like, for example, let's say I'm helping a needy family. Right. And we were given this example of Abubakar rhodiola. One

02:37:00 --> 02:37:04

in a couple of Jews, previous *.

02:37:06 --> 02:37:15

When, in sort of the nor when we heard about the incident, how the incident of if, right, it affected

02:37:16 --> 02:37:26

it alone one's reputation and his reputation. I bet when Abu Bakar radula. One found out who it was that started this rumor.

02:37:27 --> 02:37:41

It was a person that he was personally helping. And what was his immediate reaction like any human being would be to stop? Right to stop helping. But then Swan Allah.

02:37:43 --> 02:37:44

Allah smother revealed the IRA,

02:37:46 --> 02:38:24

he revealed the IRA. And so what did he do? He actually doubled it. He doubled the help to the man who started the rumor about his daughter Subhan Allah, because he wanted less $1 for you. Right? So what do we do? If I'm helping someone, let's say I watched someone's my sister and lost a child. On the weekend, she goes to work, and I watch this child for free. And I had a little bit of a misunderstanding with my sister in law. So now what happens on the weekend? Am I going to call her and tell her you know what, don't bother bringing your child

02:38:26 --> 02:38:27


02:38:28 --> 02:38:39

So, yeah, exactly. So a sincere heart, since person was acting sincerely for the sake of Allah will not let it affect their good deed.

02:38:42 --> 02:38:45

You'll find it in sort of the newer shot and shelter.

02:38:47 --> 02:38:48

Right? So

02:38:50 --> 02:38:54

my action should not be affected by my situation. Now, somebody's sick.

02:38:55 --> 02:38:57

Thanks. So now what do they do?

02:38:58 --> 02:39:00

How do they behave with people?

02:39:01 --> 02:39:06

Just because they're sick? Are they going to start taking advantage? Or are they going to be rude?

02:39:07 --> 02:39:10

Yes, it's a test of our patients.

02:39:12 --> 02:39:17

It's just someone who's sincere for the sake of Allah doesn't let anything affect them.

02:39:19 --> 02:39:34

They don't let people's moods attitudes, situations, right, nothing affects them. They keep their act sincere for the sake of Allah spambot. Things don't change just because surroundings change.

02:39:37 --> 02:39:42

Okay, and then sincerely to les panthella. When

02:39:43 --> 02:39:48

Yes, very true. It's very easy to slip, it requires a lot of consciousness.

02:39:49 --> 02:39:59

Yes, only people who have proper data can be able to achieve this right. So faith and proper belief, right? When should I have sincerely to Las panatela

02:40:00 --> 02:40:01

When in my email

02:40:04 --> 02:40:05

and as also

02:40:08 --> 02:40:15

in my yeah what I believe, right. So if we are sincere towards a less panatela

02:40:16 --> 02:40:20

then we're able to achieve sincerity in three things.

02:40:21 --> 02:40:24

So which is quite a lie or Eman

02:40:26 --> 02:40:29

And then in our actions

02:40:30 --> 02:40:42

so if I have to sincerity then my emotion is sincerely for less than $1 then my actions will become sincerely for less panthella then so will my morals and manners.

02:40:43 --> 02:40:51

Alright, so this isn't done by just wishful thinking, right? We can just wish to have answers zero 30 in all of these things,

02:40:52 --> 02:41:11

by someone who's sincere, that then they will make sure that every action of theirs is for Allah subhanaw taala. So this has to be in two places, has to be inside and outside so outwardly and inwardly.

02:41:13 --> 02:41:15

And it has to be the way Alice panda likes it.

02:41:18 --> 02:41:30

So this is not something that we can say I'm sincere in my heart. Right? So I'm sincerely going to help this person out. But we're rude to them while we're helping them. Is that sincerity?

02:41:34 --> 02:41:41

No, right. So it has to be good from the inside and the outside. What if, on the outside,

02:41:42 --> 02:41:51

I pack a gift really nicely, and I gave it to someone, but in my heart, I'm only doing it because someone else is making me do it.

02:41:53 --> 02:41:57

So then, that's not sincerity, either, right?

02:41:58 --> 02:42:09

For example, some people because their spouse is watching them or their in laws are watching them or the parents are watching them just do the right thing from the outside. But in the inside, there's no sincerity.

02:42:12 --> 02:42:13

Right? Um,

02:42:15 --> 02:42:20

the apps Yeah, if you go into the settings of the all the apps, majority of the apps have

02:42:24 --> 02:42:28

give you the option to change different languages. Yes.

02:42:30 --> 02:42:32

Exactly. Because the intention is in matching.

02:42:35 --> 02:43:16

Right? Yeah, it's showing off Subhan Allah. I said, since someone was sincere, they're inside and outside. They're both sincere tell us $1. So a sincere person will give a gift. They'll make sure it is wrapped beautifully done with SN and also the do it for the sake of less panda. So no matter how that person reacts to the gift, maybe it's a really nice gift and you went out of your way to get it. And you put in a lot of thought and effort. And that person looks at it and they say oh yeah, this isn't something I really like. or Yeah, I wish it was a different color. Alright, so that person the person who's giving it doesn't affect them. They say you know what, I did it for Allah

02:43:16 --> 02:43:18

subhanaw taala and that's all that matters.

02:43:19 --> 02:43:20

Right? So

02:43:21 --> 02:43:25

inside and outside and they continue to treat the person

02:43:26 --> 02:43:31

nicely. not let it affect their relationship.

02:43:34 --> 02:43:43

So sincerity in faith includes sincerity in our intentions and sincerity in the fearing of Allah subhanaw taala as well.

02:43:45 --> 02:43:47

So not that

02:43:48 --> 02:43:58

our actions are insincere. Right, so inside and out outwardly and inwardly. Everything is done how Alice panda likes it?

02:43:59 --> 02:44:10

And then this scholar Sally, when I just said not every active obedience is sincere unless it is done both outwardly and inwardly, in a manner which Allah likes.

02:44:12 --> 02:44:13

Okay, so

02:44:15 --> 02:44:32

inshallah we have a little bit of a guide, and how do we know if our deed is sincere or not? Here's a checklist for us. Are my deeds free from the desire of importance? Do I want someone to recognize what I'm what I have done?

02:44:33 --> 02:44:39

Do I want people to know, you know, what an amazing action I've done.

02:44:40 --> 02:44:47

And then because of that action, do I desire status? Do I want people to honor me?

02:44:49 --> 02:44:59

Do I want the last one is praise? I do I do it because I want people to praise me, or do I start off doing it sincerely for less panatela

02:45:00 --> 02:45:04

And then somewhere along the way I let people know, because they should know what I'm doing.

02:45:06 --> 02:45:09

So that they can say, Wow, you're an amazing person.

02:45:10 --> 02:45:12

So this is a very

02:45:14 --> 02:45:31

important checklist for us right? Do I desire importance in the eyes of people? Do I desire status in the eyes of people? Or do I desire praise in the eyes of people? Because if we have even a little bit of this in our heart, then Subhan Allah our deed is no longer sincere,

02:45:32 --> 02:45:59

because then it became for people and not for Allah subhanaw taala All right, so the prophet SAW I saw him said he man, his sincerity and companions asked towards whom and the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasalam said, towards Allah, his books, his messengers, leaders of the believers and all believers, so we have to be sincere in every action in dealing with everyone.

02:46:01 --> 02:46:04

So inshallah Allah subhanaw taala. Keep our deeds sincere for him.

02:46:05 --> 02:46:12

And may He enable us to continue to improve in all of these areas as well?

02:46:13 --> 02:46:49

Okay, okay, so I see there are some questions, so we have to close the room now. But if you would, like you can send your questions to us.com. So it's dq e at alpha us.com and we can ensure the answer your questions, okay. Okay, so Joe will conclude here. Okay, that email is on the chat box, dq e at the us.com Okay, so inshallah we'll see you all tomorrow. manakala. We have a question and I in the interest of everybody who like Islam Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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