Taimiyyah Zubair – Fahm al Qur’an Juz 17

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of reciting the Quran during busy months, as it is a means of establishing a connection between the Prophet sallahu and earning reward. They stress the benefits of night recitation, including memorizing certain parts, and emphasize the importance of avoiding overwhelming anxiety and hesitation. The history and importance of Islam is also discussed, including its use in saving people's lives and avoiding evil behavior, and its impact on behavior, including the use of "has" and "has not." It is crucial for individuals to show their true physical appearance of Islam, and respecting symbols of Islam can lead to negative emotions and negative offenses.
AI: Transcript ©
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sonamarg ikawa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh How's everyone doing today? Is everyone ready for the session?

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Yes or no? So did you guys try to implement some of the things we talked about several yesterday?

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Did you experience any situation where you had to do suffer? And you remember to suffer? Hopefully hamdulillah because you know, Subhan Allah Allah subhanaw taala when he teaches us something, he tests us with the same thing.

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You know, sometimes the same day Subhan Allah so hamdulillah there was a sister who shared her experience already. So Alhamdulillah a very good stir Patricia has a you were patient with your relatives. May Allah make it easy, especially during the law, lockdown, I think it's more important for us to remember to have supper and especially when everyone's together and everyone's together all the times in my life, especially Ramadan is here. People are hungry people are sometimes cranky, and people are you know, they have sleepless nights and whatnot. So it does get hard but inshallah the reward is amazing. So it's totally worth our time and effort and inshallah if you're going to

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plan ahead, it will not be something hard to deal with. So let's begin inshallah, in handling learner from the room and is there a universal one is the federal one are other billahi min sruti and fusina. Burmese say yes, Dr. Medina mejor de la vida mobila Amen You will find I had the era but I shadow

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in Allahu Allahu la sharika for a shadow under Mohammed Abu or a Zulu elder below him in a shavon regime. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, rubbish Rodney sodbury ways Sidley Omri, watlow opendata melissani of Qawwali probenecid IMO lamattina Vd May Allah give us the correct understanding of the deed mean and today inshallah, we're going to talk about the next topic. And the next topic is a very important one. And it is about the Quran. So Ramadan is also a month of course, it's upon Allah. Ramadan was chosen by Allah subhanaw taala to reveal the Quran and it is like in order to celebrate the Koran we fast the entire month Subhan Allah according to some scholars, this is how we should

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take it to Pamela. So let us begin and look at it and how are we going to make it more of a Quranic month for us? So Quran is the speech of Allah revealed for the guidance of mankind. And it is an honorable book and for its revelation, Allah chose the most blessed night in the most blessed month of Ramadan as it comes in sort of the one in unza now feel a little more Baraka in Gundam on zerene in the sent it down during a blessed night, indeed, we were to warn mankind and it also comes in sort of Obama and everyone 85 and this guy, this is keep on coming back so Pinilla because it kind of covers many topics. So I have him sort of the Baccarat talks about the month of Ramadan is that

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in which was revealed the Koran, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion for sudo Allah sallallahu Sallam he used to recite the Quran to gibreel alayhi salam during Ramadan, Abdullah bin Miss old he narrated and he reported that you really used to meet Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam every night of Ramadan till the end of month and Prophet sallallahu Sallam used to recite the Holy Quran to Djibouti re Salaam. So it is a Sunnah to recite the whole Koran. It is a Sunnah to review the whole Koran and to go over it at least once. But we also learn through another narration, there was a little loss of audio seldom used to reset on whatever had

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been revealed as far to debrief once every year. And he did it twice in the last year of his life. And the reference will that is so he already had his number 3624 from the front these are how these we learn the close affinity between our Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the Quran. Therefore we should also establish a close relationship with the Quran during this special month. We can do this by doing few things. So let's just look at the plan. So our plan for today is that we're going to today means that our plan for today is to make a plan inshallah for the entire month and inshallah for our entire life eventually, but inshallah to begin with for the leftover days of Ramadan. So first thing

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we're going to do is inshallah recite the Quran daily. So Quran has been revealed in the Arabic language, and that is why reading its Arabic text is a means of earning reward, and we learn about the reward of recitation of the Quran.

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From Heidi's in Germany that for every letter, we get tender words. So even if we don't understand Arabic, it is rewarding to recite it in Arabic, so we should never think okay, because I don't understand it. So how do I just resort to translation? No translation is amazing. It's very beneficial. But for Ann's recitation in Arabic is rewarding. And of course, there's no match to that.

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So the two the ones who recite the Quran, Allah give the glad tidings of having made a successful deal that carries no loss. So let's see where we find that in sort of father and between nine indeed those who recite the book of Allah, and establish prayer and dispense in his cause out of what We have provided them secretly and publicly can expect a prophet that will never perish. The first part is something of importance for us to remember, especially for this point, recitation of the Quran in alladhina, yet Luna Kitab Allah, those are the people they recite the book of Allah, so inshallah we need to recite it more. Next point, or next to do item would be that we should not only just recite

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during the day, we should also try to recite it during the night as part of here and if we are able to, like if you have memorized a lot of put on already, then I'm humbled a lot, if not, then inshallah, we can also hold the most of and do that and inshallah, towards the end, I will show you the Hadees for that. So recitation is very important, but also listening to the Koran is equally important. So if you have some Imam at home, because now you can go to the masjid so if you have if you have an Imam at home and he is leading Alhamdulillah you can listen to the put on like that, but let's say no one's leaving and you're preying on your own that's totally fine as well because that

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is you know, that was that was the way it was sort of law so I said I'm only prayed taraweeh prayer you can call like

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to that prayer which he prayed for three nights on the right so recite and listen to put on during the robbery time or you can call it the hadoo time or pm lady time. So inshallah recite as well. As we learn about cm and Quran. There's a beautiful connection, the fast and the Koran, there are two intercessors for the servant of Allah on the Day of Resurrection, the fast will say, All Lord, I prevented him from his food and desires during the day. Let me intercede for him. The Koran will say, I prevented him from sleeping at night, let me intercede for him, and their intercession will be accepted. So May Allah enabled us to get this intercession for both of these amazing good deeds

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of ours insha Allah and upon Allah This shows

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that for Quran Allah for Allah and the studies we learned about night, so it shows that a person with connected with the Quran has to do something at night with the Quran. So let's say you are have his or you're in the process of memorizing some Sutras, right. So you will have to dedicate some personal time for review for you know, going over your memorization, otherwise, it won't be easy for you to retain it. And you need some quiet time for that you need your own time for that. And that is usually night for many of us who have a lot. You also learn from the narration of Abdullah and others, that reading the Quran during the night is better than done during the day to Panama, for

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the profits that also used to recycle the real every night. So the

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sorry, the recitation at night is better than recitation during the day. That's so cool. Also, from one of the lectures by a doctor, perhaps you have learned that recitation in your Salah is better than recitation outside your Salah. So inshallah we can power it up. And we can make it a very heavy good deed for all of us by maybe waking up at night, middle of the night or after, actually last part of the night. So you can see last 1/3 of the night wake up at that time. Hello Joseph if you haven't memorized a lot of Quran and then recite a lot of it while you are in your prayer, and that will be the best thing because it's nighttime is is the time and a loss of power that it comes down

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to the lowest heavens and then you are reciting insula at night. So it's it's going to be inshallah an amazing experience for you. So try it if you can, but also the last the last column let the night prayer thrice during the last 10 days of Ramadan and may long recitation there in reference for that is silly and Bihari Hadees. Number 2012.

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Yes, Mr. Khadija kanji, I'm going to show you the heavies at the end,

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as promised, Alright, so let's move on to recitation part is so

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Now we're going to memorize something as well that's another way we can connect with the Quran this Ramadan. So apart from reciting the Quran, inshallah try to memorize and preserve some parts of it, if not all in your heart, and it is a very noble lead of the Luqman amor he narrated that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said, the one who was devoted to the Quran will be told on the Day of Judgment, recite and ascend, as you used to recite when you were in the world, your rank will be at the last iron you recite. So it is as if you're going to get to choose your level, but it depends on how much are on you know, so it will, it will be possible if you know a lot of neurons and shall make it a

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goal for this Ramadan at least that I'm going to memorize one more sutra, then than before, and you know, just stick to any one hour a day to begin with, but do at least one higher in Java. So this should be our goal. Let's move on and Alhamdulillah Another thing we will do is we will reflect on the Koran to ponder and reflect upon the meanings of the verses of Quran is also considered a very noble lead a very rewarding deed, we should try to reflect deeply on its verses so that we may understand it better, and we can implement it better as well. For indeed the Quran has been revealed, for the practical guidance of all mankind as it comes in Surah Swan is number 29 This is a

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blessed book, which We have revealed to you or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam that they might reflect upon its verses and that those of understanding would be reminded. So May Allah make us from among the intellect intellectual, so that we can benefit from the Quran. And then we're going to learn and teach so hamdulillah you guys are benefiting from the learning sessions with sister Tamia May Allah reward her And may Allah reward you all for taking our time for her on like this every day in Ramadan and handling that that's beautiful. So, what is the reward for that as we learned from our hobbies narrated by Abu hurayrah rondalla one know people gather in one house, when one of the

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houses of Allah, so you are gathering these days not in the houses of Allah but in Sharma same reward can be hoped for, and we can make the offer the same one as well. So no people gather in one of the houses of Allah reciting the book of Allah and teaching it to one another, but the angel those around them, tranquility will descend upon them, mercy will enveloped them, and Allah will mention them to those who are with him and who are with him angels. So May Allah enable us to enjoy this every day. So now a checklist to make it possible. inshallah, so we're going to try to reset the code on frequently. And we'll we'll make sure that at least we will complete the recitation of

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the Quran once all right, so how to do it. So if you're going to divide wonders into parts, it becomes easy for you because you know, it's not ideal for everyone to reset the whole Jews in one setting. If it is an ideal situation for you and hamdulillah You're amazing. So do it, why not and do it more than that as well. But let's say it's not possible for you because of the responsibilities you have and whatnot, then you can divide it and you know, if you just divided into four parts before fudger after fudger after the run after our sir you're going to be inshallah done with one Joe's and you won't even realize that you're done with it to Panama it becomes so easy.

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also set up a reviews review schedule for your memorize one. So let's say you already know just very are just 29 or just 28. So inshallah make a schedule, but you know, make it because if you're just going to think about it a one word and somehow Remember there should be something written down as it says, a dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed up by action, makes your dreams come true. So inshallah make this dream of memorization come true by making a schedule and inshallah try to memorize some new sutras as well if you haven't memorized the whole code and already listened to the Quran, just only Arabic as well

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like maybe while doing your like making your school or if our or enjoying your attire or whatnot. Listen to the Quran as well make an effort to understand it Mashallah all of you are doing that mail enable you to complete this journey beautifully. Encourage your family and friends to understand the Quran as well. Along with these these days, it's very easy to share the link you know our family on is all over Facebook, you can share certain emails, Facebook link with people or when it goes on, you can just share it right away. So this way you're encouraging them. You don't even have to tell them just share and it will inshallah be on their feet and they will or they will get a reminder or

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notification and they will join in shall also make the art to make Quran an argument in your favor and not against you. And may Allah enable us to have

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Put on in our lives as springtime of our heart as it comes in a Hades and it's a beautiful Dora Allah home model or an Airbnb Ola may put on springtime of my heart for neurosurgery and light for my chest when Sheila ahus knee and a reason for my sorrows to you know, be removed and was a harbor HMI and a reason for my or cause for my sadness or anxiety to disappear so here's the reference for you and Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam said about it, that if you hear it if then learn about it, and then inshallah you should know it. So inshallah This is a beautiful though I just took a part of it it's actually a longer one so you can just take one portion from it and memorize this much as well

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and you can make this a lot this Ramadan desert Come on, okay, because you ever paying attention and inshallah we still have I think we have a minute or so I'm just going to show you one schedule which you can make for yourself or on. So this is a Quran goals schedule for Ramadan. So it has six parts. So you can inshallah, like first goal is listening to the Arabic of the Koran. second goal is recitation of the Quran. third goal is understanding the meaning of the Quran. fourth goal is to implement it fifth goal is to memorize it sixth goal is to share it but have these three columns next to it to make it easy, why these three columns are going to help you you know turn this goal

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into a reality inshallah that when are you going to listen? Where are you going to listen like in your living room or and you know, and how are you going to listen? Like is it ready already on your computer? Where is it make sense? So inshallah have this sorted so that you're able to make the most of your Ramadan Jackman Okay, this year, so I'm already walking with Allah better.

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Long, long, long.

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Long, long, long.

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A long. Wait.

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Long, long, long.

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Long, long, long,

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What do you love?

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I said I'm already called with Allah He will go to cartago

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are the Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. O salat wa salam ala rasulillah Hill Karim rubbish Riley assadi were silly emri workflow looked at our melissani of kuqali Allahumma the Colby was sadly Sonny was also him at the Colby Armenia Robert aalameen.

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The status and paradise of those who read the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that on the Day of Judgment, the Quran will appear in the form of a lean human being and it will say Do you recognize me? So the person will say No, I do not recognize you. The Quran will say I am your companion the Quran, who kept you thirsty in the day, who kept you thirsty in the scorching heat and awake in the night meaning even though it was so

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Hot, you still recited the Quran, and you got thirsty. And there were times when you were fasting and you were not able to drink water. But you did that why in order to recite the Quran, and you stayed awake in the night again reciting the Quran, it will say that every trader would pursue his articles of trade. And today instead of being with any trader, I am here for you, meaning people go after what they love. So the Quran will be with the person who spent time with the Quran, then he will be given King, then he will be given kingship in his right hand and eternity in his left hand, he will be made to wear the crown of respect and dignity, his parents will be made to wear two silky

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robes that will be more precious than the world and whatever that is in it, they will both ask, why have we been given this. So they will be told because of your teaching your child the Quran, then the carrier of the Quran will be asked on the day of judgment to start recitation of the Quran and begin ascending the ranks of Paradise and read slowly and beautifully as you did in the world. For your final grade will be the recitation of the last verse with you.

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And this hadith shows us that the time that we spend with the Quran, we should really do it with happiness end we should really recite the Quran, listen to it with happiness, because this is an investment that we are making into ourselves. And this is something that we also need to teach our children so that they don't get bored. And they and they actually feel encouraged for memorizing the Quran or learning it's recitation, because all of us need that motivation. And one more thing that we see in this hadith is that a person will be told on the day of judgment to recite slowly and beautifully and this is something that we also need to pay attention to that especially when we are

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reciting. Let us not rush to complete the page or to complete the surah let us recite with beauty and take as long as it needs. But don't rush in sha Allah. Just number 17 Bismillah Ar Rahman AR Rahim surah tL ambia eco tabali nasci. Hey Sabu, whom, who we're home feel of Lattimore de Lune. The time of their account has approached for the people while they are in heedlessness turning away, meaning the day of death, the day of judgment is drawing near with every passing moment, it seems far, but in fact it is not. And there is hisab there is accounting, when we will be interrogated, we will be asked about what we spent our lives doing, what kind of things we did. We see that every now

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and then we are reminded of our mortality, but we soothe ourselves with worldly comforts, distracting ourselves, but being distracted from a reality does not make it go away. The person who realizes that this life is not forever, that there is hisab there is questioning after death, then they're able to control their desires. They're able to turn towards Allah subhanaw taala in repentance, and then they feel comfort in doing good things. They don't turn away, they turn to words Allah subhana wa Tada. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us very clearly about the narrowness of this day. He said, I do not belong to the world, nor does it belong to me. I was

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sent while the hour is racing with me, Nesta buco meaning both are as if trying to get ahead of each other. This is how soon the Day of Judgment is going to occur. in another direction. He demonstrated its nearness by joining his two fingers together, obey even carbonyl de la Horne who said that one a third of the night had passed the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up and he said oh people, remember Allah. remember Allah, the Raja convulsion is coming followed by the Radhika, the subsequent one, the the subsequent one and he was referring to the tremors, the earthquakes that will happen at the Day of Judgment, death and what it brings is coming death and what it brings is

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coming. So wake up, get up and do something. Don't sleep in your heedlessness don't turn away in your heedlessness. So remember, with each passing day, and with each passing night, our death is drawing near, and the Day of Judgment is drawing near. The countdown has already begun. And with each day

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worldly life is only getting shorter. So we are drawing closer to death than to life. And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam warned us about how suddenly the Day of Judgment is going to come. And he also said that Jenna is near.

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He also said the journal is nearer to you than your shoelace and so is the fire of *. So don't think it's far more yet D him in victory mill rugby him or death in illustre Maru who or whom yell or boon no mentioned comes to them a new from their Lord, except that they listen to it while they are at play with their hearts distracted

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lahia 10 kulu boom with their hearts distracted, meaning they hear the Quran with distracted hearts. They listen to the Quran, while they are completely inattentive, they're too busy having fun to pay attention to the Quran. And when a person does this with the book of Allah, then they fail to benefit from it. No matter how powerful those verses maybe they will not have an impact on the heart of such a person who is distracted. Why? Because this person will fail to comprehend the meaning of those verses, they will fail to comprehend the wisdom which is contained within those verses, and then their heart is not going to move. And those who do wrong, conceal their private conversation

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saying, is this prophet except a human being like you? So would you approach magic while you are aware of it? So we see this is how the people of Morocco would dismiss the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by saying things like, Oh, he's only a human being. So are you really going to follow him? And they would dismiss the impact of the Quran by calling it magic. So instead of paying attention to its message, they would think of ways to to thwart its effect. So the response of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam to such lies, to such rejection to such baseless criticism, what should it be? The Prophet said, My Lord knows, whatever is said throughout the heaven and earth, and he is a semir

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the hearing and alim the knowing, but they say the revelation is but a mixture of false dreams. Rather, he has invented it, rather he is a poet. So we see that there was not a single any insult or accusation except that they smeared the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with it, they said, so let him bring us a sign, just as the previous messengers were sent with miracles. Unless Pandora says my man at cabela home in Korea in alakina, her Alfa Romeo Menon, not a single city, which we destroyed, believed before them, so will they believe, meaning the previous nations received miracles? They did not believe so what makes them different now, and we sent not before you except

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men, to whom we revealed. So ask the people of the message if you do not know, meaning always Allah subhanaw taala has sent human beings as prophets. So if people find that strange, they should look at

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the people of the previous scriptures, meaning the Jews and the Christians look at their scripture, what do they say? Who were the previous prophets? Were they human, or something else? And in general, also, we learned a very important rule from this part of the idea that ask the people of the message if you do not know. Meaning that when you do not know about something, then find out don't settle with being ignorant with not knowing find out what the truth is, find out what the answer is. mm. Judy said that the bear of the Quran studies the Quran to discipline himself according to it. And he is not pleased with himself to perform with ignorance, what Allah the mighty

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and majestic has obligated upon him, because he has made knowledge and comprehension his guide towards every goodness. So a person who wants to live by the Quran, then they will not settle with, you know, questions that are not answered, they will find out. And sometimes Yes, we hesitate asking we feel shy, that people will judge us that he don't even know this much, but it is important to ask so that we can know. And we did not make the profits forms, meaning the profits did not have such bodies not eating food, nor were they immortal on Earth. They died and they left this world. Then we fulfilled for them the promise and we save them and whom we will and destroyed the transgressors.

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Local and zelner la con Kitab and fee the crew calm Ephrata.

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archelon We have certainly sent down to you a book in which is your mentioned, then will you not reason? Meaning Aren't you going to pay heed? Aren't you going to give some attention to this book which is about you fee the crew calm and fee the crew calm. What this means is that the Quran mentions you, meaning talks about you, you are the subject of the Quran, so Aren't you going to take any interest in it? So Pamela, if you find out that your name was mentioned in a news article, you will take that clipping and save it for your great great, great grandchildren to see. And the Quran talks about us. And we need to take interest in the Quran. The Quran, it mentions fevicol called

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meaning it mentions what is good in you and what is bad in you your strengths and your weaknesses, the good things that you do and the mistakes that you make. So if you really want to know yourself, if you really want to understand yourself, then you have to study the Quran. Because the Quran is like a mirror. It helps you see yourself it helps you understand yourself. And then fee the cloakroom also means that it brings honor and glory to you, if you follow it. And fee the crew comm also means that it mentions details related to your religion, so that you can do what Allah subhanaw taala has commanded you off. If you don't know, then you will be living life in ignorance. And it

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also mentions the things that you need to know on which your life and success depends on silica and zelner la con Kitab and Fie, the crew calm. And we see that in the time of the companions especially and the time afterwards that there were people who were previously slave and because of the Quran, Allah subhanaw taala gave them so much dignity and honor or model dilla Horne, who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that by this book, Allah will exalt some people and degrade others. And how many a city which was unjust have we shattered and produced after it another people? Now this surah is suited to Gambia the suit of the prophets. So we will see that a lot of verses are

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related to prophets, the tests that they faced the difficulties that they endured at the hands of their people, and then how Allah subhanaw taala to help them and how they responded to their nations. And when its inhabitants perceived our punishment at once they fled from it. Some angel said do not flee, but return to where you were given luxury, and to your homes. Perhaps you will be questioned laurila come to saloon, they said Oh, woe to us. Indeed we were wrongdoers, any at that time, they admitted, and this happens with so many people that all their lives people are in heedlessness just pursuing desires. But then when death comes knocking at the door, at that time, a

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person is filled with regrets in corner, worldly mean. And that declaration of theirs did not cease until we made them as a harvest mowed down extinguished like a fire. Meaning there were like a pile of ashes, not a degree of life remained in them warmer Hakuna summer, our herbal mama bainer Humala, a bean, and we did not create the heaven and earth and that between them in play, meaning this was not all aimless, for fun. No, this is all for a good reason. Had we intended to take a diversion, meaning a game to amuse ourselves with we could have taken it from what is with us, meaning that we would not have created you, if indeed we were to do so. Rather we dash we hurl the truth upon

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falsehood, and it destroys it, and thereupon it departs, and for you is destruction from that which you describe, meaning once the truth comes, then falsehood cannot remain, To Him belongs whoever is in the heavens and the earth, and those near him are not prevented by arrogance from his worship, nor do they tire. These are the angels who are near Allah. And how are they described, that they are not prevented by arrogance from his worship, nor do they get tired, they don't get bored. And because of their humility, what happens used to be hoonah Laila wonder how layer to rule. They exalt Him night and day and do not slack. Meaning they don't even take a break. They don't get tired by

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worshipping Allah subhanaw taala. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the sky, the heaven, creeks, and it has every right to Creek because there is no place that could contain four fingers in the heavens, except that there is an angel over there.

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Standing, making record or making such the to Allah, meaning it is worshiping Allah subhanaw taala. Constantly, whether it is night or it is day, whether years have gone by, they're constantly worshiping Allah, and they don't slack and they don't get, they don't get bored. They don't stop any, these are angels. But what happens to us we of course, we lose interest, we get distracted, we begin to yawn. And this is the etiquette that we have been taught, actually, that we recite the Quran, as long as your heart is in it. And once you start to feel tired, any Don't, don't push yourself to recite the Quran is in a state where your heart is not interested, because then you will

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begin to resent it, you will begin to dislike it. And then your intention will not be that pure, your effort will not be that beautiful. And that will affect your reward also. So at that time, take a break when you're too sleepy when you're getting tired, take a break, freshen up, and then come back and then start again. So this is us, right? As human beings, we have our limitations, our weaknesses, but it doesn't mean that we begin to feel very lazy now. And then every time we open the Quran, because we're not that interested, we don't even try. We don't even exert any effort. No, we have to exert effort, we have to push ourselves. And you know what, we have to set goals for

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ourselves on a regular basis. You know, sometimes what happens is that we start making viken. And then someone comes in, starts talking to us, you know, children, they interrupt us, and then we forget what we were saying. And then we forget to complete our you know, of car. So it is very important that we set our goals and we fix certain times. And then we also communicate with our children that you know, Mama is doing her Earth car right now, just give me a few minutes, then I will talk to you. Right, so they should also know, so that we are able to complete our Earth car, or have men taken for themselves Gods from the earth who resurrect the dead, have there been within the

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heavens and earth Gods besides Allah, they both would have been ruined, so exalted as Allah, Lord of the Throne, above what they described, we see that when there's anything over which multiple individuals have power over, then any we see how those things those places, those items, how they get ruined, they get destroyed, why, because each each does whatever they please. And then there is conflict, and because of that conflict, we see how things places even children, at times they suffer. So the fact that the heavens and the earth are any existing in such harmony, what does that prove that there is only one God? So Exalted is Allah, Lord of the Throne above what they describe,

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lay us earlier and Maya for our Lu, with whom he was alone, he is not questioned about what he does, but they will be questioned. So remember, no one can ask Allah about what he does. But he has the right to ask everyone about what they do. Allah subhanaw taala is not to be questioned about what he decides regarding his creation. Rather, he has the right to ask his creatures about what they do. So we should not be obsessed about you know, thinking all the time. Why did God allow this? Why was this destined? And why did Allah commanded us to do this? We should be concerned about the fact that we will be asked about what we are doing. We have to realize who we are, and we have to realize who

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our Lord is, he is not questioned, he is the owner. He is Aleem, he is a hurricane, he can do whatever he wants, and who are we we are Mum, Luke, we are owned by him. And he is the one who has commanded us. So there is no equality over here. So we should remember our place or have the taken God's besides Him, say produce your proof. This Quran is the message for those with me. And the message of those before me, meaning the previous nations were also given scriptures, but most of them do not know the truth. So they're turning away. And we send not before you any messenger except that we reveal to him that there is no day to accept me. So worship me this was the message in every

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scripture brought by every messenger and they say the Most Merciful has taken a son. Exalted is He rather they are but honored servants, they cannot proceed him in Word, and they act by his command. He knows what is presently before them, and what will be after them and they cannot intercede except on behalf of one whom he approves. And they from fear of him are apprehensive. This is the state of Allah servants.

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They are afraid of Allah. They're apprehensive.

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So, a lot of times, you know, people will come up with things regarding the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, for example, that he will intercede and he will say whatever he wants and he will fight for his oma. And then Allah will not be able to say anything to him anything. It's a Stafford Allah, it's difficult to even listen to such songs of poetry and praise for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam even if you know you know, in poetry, yes, it's, it's understandable that things are not always realistic, but we have to be truthful. We cannot go on raising the status of the prophets of Allah who are do Salaam and the servants of Allah over Allah azzawajal. In he remember the place

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of the creation, that it is that the creation is below the the, the the Creator, so they from fear of him are apprehensive. And whoever of them should say indeed I am a god besides him meaning even if a righteous servant of Allah says that, that one we would recommend with *. Thus do We recompense the wrongdoers have those who disbelieved, not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, they were they were together, they were one one thing, meaning it was a state of singularity, and we separated them and made from from water every living thing, then will they not believe? So two very important facts are mentioned over here that how the skies and the earth

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were joined entity and Allah larder what exactly this means Scoble. arbab said that Allah spawn tada separated the sky and the earth by admitting air between the two space between the two. It came I said that the sky was closed, the earth was closed, so no water rained, and no plant grew. And today, there is a big bang theory, any Alo Arlen but the fact is that the sky and the earth did not exist as they exist today. Allah is the one who brought them into existence. And all of this variety of creation that we see did not exist before. Allah is the one who brought every living thing alive from water, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, kulu Shea in holy come in, everything

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was created from water, meaning every living thing was created from water. So often, I mean, will they not believe? So? Allah subhanaw taala is the one who created us any, then what are we supposed to do? This life is not for plain amusement, all of this has a purpose. And we are supposed to be spending this time in servitude to Allah subhanaw taala. So what is it that we are doing, and we placed within the earth firmly set mountains, lest it should shift with them, and we made their in mountains passes.

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And we made their in mountain passes as roads that they might be guided, meaning natural roadways, highways, through the mountains so that people can find their way and travel from place to place. And we made the sky a protected ceiling, but they from its signs are turning away. Well whom is it Mr. de Lune. And this shows us how important it is for us to pay attention to both types of Iet. Remember, there are two types of if I add shutter a year meaning versus that Allah subhanaw taala has revealed the Quran that deserves our attention. And then I add konia the signs that Allah subhanaw taala has placed within the creation for us to observe to listen to, to understand to pay

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attention to. So both of these deserve our attention. So we must learn about them, study them, reflect them, reflect upon them. And if it's done with the right intention, then this is also rabada. Sometimes what happens is that if a person is studying, for example, at school, you know, they begin to think that it's a waste of my time. This is not a waste of time when it's done with the right intention, when you do it with the intention that I am studying Allah's creation. And it is he who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. All heavenly bodies in an orbit are swimming. And we did not grant to any man before you eternity meaning on Earth. So if you die,

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would they be eternal. So we see here that even prophets had to leave the world who said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that live however long you want, you will indeed die, love whomever, whomever you want, you will eventually leave him. So the fact is that there is no permanence in this world. There is no together forever in this life. And there is only eternity where in the home of the hereafter in Jannah

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So the people of Makkah, you know, they would say about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that just wait for him to die, you know, very soon he is going to die and this new religion that he's come up with is going to come to an end. So it is said alpha emitter for whom will Holly Dune so if you die would they be eternal, so don't wish for people to die because even if they die in a year, you're not living in this world forever.

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Every knifes every soul will taste death, and we test you with evil and with good as trial and to us you will be returned. So we see over here that death is certain for every knifes every human. And in this life, Allah subhanaw taala tests us with what with evil, and with good and evil and good both are a trial. And after this, we have to return to Allah subhanaw taala. So things don't happen at random in this life. And we see that there is neither all ease in this life nor hardship, there is a blend of both. And they come You know, ease and hardship, you know, they come and leave just like seasons do. Why? Why is it that things are always changing, so that the patient and the Grateful are

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set apart from the rest. So that we are tested through things that we like, and also things that we don't like, so that we remember that good things in this life are not going to last forever. This life is not everything. There is something better that awaits us, because you see when we go through some difficulties and pain in life. Any What does it do? It ruins worldly pleasure, right? It ruins worldly pleasure. And then that allows you to think about the home of the hereafter. And then you're like, Okay, you know, you're you're more inclined to, you know, performing more righteous deeds, you're more inclined to giving some of that same money that you are so attached to before, because

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you went through hardship. Now you're so eagerly You know, you're willing to spend it in good causes. And when those who disbelieve See you, they take you not except in ridiculed, saying is this the one who insults your gods, and they are at the mention of the Most Merciful disbelievers. So panela you see the people of Makkah, they loved their idols, they had way too much respect for their idols. So if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that La ilaha illa Allah there is no god worthy of worship except for Allah, they would take that statement as an insult, that this is an insult to our gods. However, when Allah subhanaw taala was described as unrushed man, the Entirely

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Merciful, the extremely merciful, they would reject that. So it is mentioned over here that they have so much tolerance for multiple Gods but when it comes to the beautiful descriptions of Allah subhanaw taala they cannot tolerate that. They cannot accept that. And this is the reason why when Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim was written in Saudi Arabia in the treaty, any they had that removed, because they wouldn't accept it. Call the call in San Amina agile, man was created of haste. And this is the reason why as human beings, we get anxious, we get impatient and worried. We fret and fear we panic and worry, you know, we regret and we grieve. And because of all of this, we fail to

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exist in the present. You see, because of our hastiness, we either dwell in our past or in our future, because any we're always thinking about what happened before it might happen again. And so, because it might happen again, I have to you know, that that fear causes us to become extremely anxious. So it is said here, I will show you my signs, so do not impatiently urge me. So we see that even though we are naturally Yanni, predisposed towards being anxious and hasty, we're still able to manage and control this hastiness because if it was not possible, then Allah subhanaw taala would not have commanded us let us start June do not impatiently urged me. So how is it that we can manage

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this urge Allah, this hastiness that we that we learn to folk we practice focusing on the present, the now that we take things one day at a time, because if we keep thinking about everything that happened in the past, and then everything that might happen in the future, any we would get overwhelmed, and that would really cause us to panic. So take it one day at a time, one task at a time, bring yourself back to the moment, bring yourself back to the task at hand. And you see when we become anxious that is when we become here.

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Right, we make quick decisions which are sometimes detrimental, and we regret later on. So be more mindful of the present practice mindfulness. So od calm iottie falletta star de Lune.

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And we see that calmness, which is the opposite of urgenda ne This is also in our fitrah meaning this is also something that Allah subhanaw taala has created us upon end we're not only predisposed to being hasty and impatient and anxious, we also have the capacity to be calm. So we learned in the Heidi's that once a certain delegation came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and as soon as they arrived, everybody, you know, as they were, they just jumped to be with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and to begin kissing his hands, and you know, embracing him, etc. And then finally, one of the men he came, because and he came later, because first he went to his

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luggage, he changed his clothes, because they had just arrived after a journey, he changed his clothes, he washed up, and then he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, and he met him, and the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to him, that, that you have two qualities that Allah subhanaw taala likes, gentleness and deliberation. So he asked, Have I acquired them? Or has Allah spinal tarda created them in my nature? The Prophet sallallahu already said and said, No, Allah has created them in you. So he said at hamdulillah that Allah has created these abilities in me or these characteristics in me. So yes, some people they are any more calm. And other people have to make

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themselves calm, right. But they are able to it is possible to calm you know, to keep yourself calm in the face of, you know, anxiety or in the face of challenges. And it is important that we don't allow our hastiness to drive us to lead us because then we will suffer way of colonna Mata had a word in kuntum saw the pain and they say, when is this promise if you should be truthful, if those who disbelieved but knew the time, when they will not avert the fire from their faces or from their backs, and they will not be aided. Rather, it will come to them unexpectedly and bewilder them, and they will not be able to repel it, nor will they be reprieved. And already were messengers ridiculed

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before you, but those who marked them were enveloped by what they used to ridicule, say, who can protect you at night, or by day from the Most Merciful, but they are from the remembrance of their Lord, turning away, notice how the night is mentioned before the day who can protect you at night, or by day? Why is the night mentioned first, because if you think about at night, as the default light, there's darkness and light is because of the sun, because of the rising of the sun. So night is a default, and then the day comes and leaves. And then also in the context, if you think about it, the night is more scarier than the day we are more vulnerable in darkness than we are in in

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light. So it is Allah subhanaw taala. He protects us in darkness when we are unable to see what dangers are, are ahead of us. Or do they have gods to defend them other than us, they are unable even to help themselves, nor can they be protected from us. But on the contrary, we have provided good things for these and their fathers until life was prolonged for them. Because typically, what happens is that when people get wealth, and you know in good things in this life, generation after generation, then they stop worrying about their deeds, about their being about their actions, because they don't need to worry about anything. So they feel that their good times will never end.

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And they're very satisfied with their circumstances. So they're not concerned anymore about pleasing Allah subhanaw taala. So when people experience blessings for a long time, then what happens is that majority of the people, they get deceived, whereas in reality, it is a test, then do the Nazi that we set up on the land, reducing it from its borders, so it is they who will overcome and at the time of the Prophet sallallahu Urdu sentiment happened with the machine that that politically yenni over time, they were losing their freedom. So don't they see that they're losing control of the land? Say, I only warn you by revelation, but the deaf do not hear the call when they're warned. And if as

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much as a whiff of the punishment of your Lord should touch them. They would surely say Oh, woe to us. Indeed we have been wrongdoers, and we placed the scales of justice for the Day of Resurrection, meaning on the Day of Judgment, Allah

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panel title will set up the scale in which our deeds will be weighed. And this is something that we have to believe in this is part of our faith, this is part of amen bill after all. So, no soul will be treated unjustly at all, why? because well was new yoma edenal Hulk, and if there is even the weight of a mustard seed, we will bring it forth, because that scale is very sensitive, it is very just It is very sale, it is very, it is very fair. So, if there is something that is equal to the weight of a mustard seed, even that will be brought, and sufficient are we as accountant. So, the scale is basically a formality of us. panatela is not in need of it, he is just without even using

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the scale, but the scale that wasn't will be used on the Day of Judgment, to establish justice, to prove to people that no injustice has been done to you. And this is the reason why we have to pay attention to the little things as well. Earlier I had mentioned to you how La ilaha illa Allah, Allahu Akbar Subhan, Allah Alhamdulillah These are words which are heavy in the scale, the vicar of Allah, which we don't really pay much attention to, is very heavy in the skill. So we have to make sure that during the day, during the night, we you know, we keep our tongue busy with the vicar of Allah, that our tongue should not just be busy talking to people, and especially now that

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everybody's home, all of our time and our energy should not just going just talking to each other. Yes, there's there should be time talking to one another, but there should also be time spent in making liquid remembering Allah subhanaw taala because these words will be very, very heavy in the scale. And then it is said that there will be no debt, no injustice at all, no injustice whatsoever. So, we learned that on the Day of Judgment, a person will be brought and his records which will be in the form of 99 registers, they will be placed on one side of the scale and these records will be so huge and they will be filled with deeds and this person any he will be asked the Do you deny any

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of this meaning any of the sins that are mentioned over here that are recorded in these books? Do you deny any of that? And he will say no, he will be asked did my angels wrong you? Were they unfair to you? Did they write something that you did not do? No. Do you have any excuse No, you'd I don't have any excuse. So the person will think that I am any I'm done because all of my deeds are being weighed against me. And then a card is small card will be placed on the other side of the scale and that card will have on it. eyeshadow Allah ilaha illa Allah or unknown Mohammed Abu rasuluh and because of that card, the scale will tip Subhan Allah the scale will tip meaning this is the value,

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the weight of the kalama La Ilaha Illa ma to believe is not something small. what occurred Taina musawah Harun al Furqan and we had already given most on hold on the criteria in the Torah, which was a light and a reminder for the righteous, who fear their Lord and seen while they are of the hour apprehensive and this Quran is a blessing message the Quran mobile recording which we have sent down, then are you with it unacquainted really are you unfamiliar with the book of Allah, this book, which is mobarak, which is full of Baraka and remember Baraka is increase and permanence and growth. So, this book is not like any other book, its benefit is endless, it is ever increasing. You see, in

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different times in different places, people have benefited from the Quran in so many different ways. They have benefited spiritually materially, you know, financially in their, in their ibadah in their relationship with Allah subhanaw taala in their, in their families because of this Quran. So for antem law hormone Kieran, are you going to turn away from this? Are you going to remain unacquainted and unfamiliar with the book of Allah? So don't Don't be like that. don't deprive yourself, take it happily, lovingly, and increase in your blessings by spending more time with the book of Allah. And we had certainly given Ibrahim his sound judgment before. And we were of him well, knowing when he

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said to his father and his people, what are the statues to which you are devoted? They said, We found our father's worshipping worshipers of them receive but when it comes to idolatry, this is really the only proof that people have that it is tradition. He said, You were certainly you and your father's in manifest error. They said, Have you come to us with the truth? Or are you of those who just he said no, rather your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth who created them and I to that am of those who testify. So I

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I'm not joking around over here. I'm serious. And I swear by Allah, I will show the plan against your idols after you have turned and gone away, so he made them into fragments except a large one among them, that they might return to it. They said, who has done this to our gods indeed he is of the wrongdoers. They said we heard a young man mentioned them who is called Ibrahim, they said, then bring him before the eyes of the people that they may testify. They said, Have you done this to our gods or Ibrahim? He said rather this the largest of them did it so ask them if they should be able to speak. So he did this at the meaning he broke their idols. This was a very drastic measure, but

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he did this to make them realize, to make them understand, so that they would think and then when he said that ask them meaning the idols who broke them. Perhaps it was the largest of them any ask ask them if they can speak they will be able to tell you so they returned to blaming themselves and said to each other. Indeed you are the wrongdoers you are at fault. Ibrahim is right, these idols neither speak nor are they able to defend themselves. So they got it. They understood what Ibrahima is, and I was showing them, but then they reverse themselves saying, You have already known that these do not speak they admitted the inability of their idols to speak, he said then do you worship instead

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of Allah that which does not benefit you at all, no harm you off to you and to what you worship instead of Allah. What are you doing, then will you not use reason? They said burn him and support your gods. If you are to act, cola Yana okuni barudan wasallam and Allah Ibrahim, Allah said, All fire be coolness and safety upon Ibrahim Subhan Allah, they refuse to accept the truth even after seeing it even after admitting in their hearts. They refuse to accept it. And then what did they do? They decided to burn Ibrahim or at his center, just finish him completely kill him alive. And they plotted. They built a huge fire, but their plot to remember was still in Allah subhanaw taala is

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control. Remember, if the fire burns, it burns by the law of Allah by the permission of Allah and Allah subhanaw taala can change that any moment anytime, for whoever that he wants. This is why he said Bowden was Salomon, Allah Ibrahim be coolness and Salaam meaning be coolness and safety because cold can freeze right. And that can also be detrimental. It can it can cause any, it can literally kill a person, frostbite, etc. It can kill a person. So the fire was not just called it was also security. It was also safety. And then our that Ibrahim it was only for Ibrahim already set up not for the rest of the people. Otherwise the nature of fire would be changed until the Day of Judgment

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were allowed to be he Caden and they intended for him harm, but we made them the greatest losers and we delivered him and loop to the land which we had blessed for the worlds and Lottie Baraka Fie her and this is the land of beta martyrs Jerusalem

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and we gave him his house and your coop, in addition, and all of them we made righteous, Allah subhanaw taala blessed Ibrahim Ronnie sent him with his house early his center. Meaning is how can I said I'm his son, and then your Kubernetes Jonathan, your coop and addition? Who was your Kubernetes and I'm his grandson, meaning Allah subhanaw taala gave him more than he had asked for. He didn't pray for grandson. He prayed for a son. And Allah subhanaw taala gave him a son and a grandson. This is Allah subhanaw taala his generosity. Ibrahima Listen, I made Dora be heavily meaner sorry hain that Oh my Lord grant me among those who are righteous meaning grant me righteous, good children.

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And Allah subhanaw taala gave him sons and grandsons, any what a blessing. This is how Allah is you. You take one step Allah will give you even more than what you imagined. And we made them leaders guided by our command, and we inspire to them the doing of good deeds, establishment of prayer, and giving of Zoo cat, and they were worshipers of us. So we see that among his children. There were many righteous worshipers and to loot, we gave judgment and knowledge and we and we saved him from the city that was committing wicked deeds. Indeed, they were a people of evil, defiantly disobedient, and we admitted him into our mercy. Indeed he was of the righteous lewd artisanal salia

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and his nation his people they use to thermolon haba is

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They used to commit wicked deeds, what a contrast 101 and mentioned knew when he calls to Allah before that time, so we responded to him and saved him and his family from the great distress mean and cattle Billa are lame. And what was this Kabila Aleem that no holidays Sam was faced with this is of course referring to the long time that he spent calling people to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala only. And remember, when people reject you, not just once or twice, but over and over again, and their rejection turns into hostility and mockery. And then abandonment, any it's very, very hurtful, it turns into alcohol or lean. And the longer it trial is, the more difficult it

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feels. So it was a great distress. But Allah subhanaw taala relieved him from that Allah subhanaw taala saved him from that. And it is set that out COVID Arlene can also refer to the flood, the drowning, because that certainly is very, very distressful. And we saved him from the people who denied our signs. Indeed, they were people of evil. So we drowned them all together, and mentioned that wood and Sulaiman when they're judged concerning the field, what was this incident, this was when the sheep of a people overran it at night. So it is said that there were two neighbors, one was a shepherd, and the other was a farmer. So in the nighttime, the sheep of the shepherd ran into the

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field of the farmer. And you can imagine if sheep have, you know, if they've become loose in, in a, in a farm in a garden, what's going to happen to it, so they completely destroyed it. So what happened, these two people came for justice to the wood or a salon. And we were witness to their judgment, and we gave understanding of the case to slay man, and he sat down, the other SNM ruled that the owner of the field, the farmer should keep the sheep, okay, and so they might not Ace and I've said that no, the owner of the field should be given the sheep to benefit from until the shepherd tends to the field and restores it. And once the field the farm has been restored, then the

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flock should be returned to him, then each owner should take back his property, what a beautiful decision. So so the Monterey center, he was given understanding of this case, and sometimes it happens that you know, you are, you know, you face such questions or such situations, which are very difficult to comprehend, you don't understand how to solve that issue. And then you talk to different people, you know, you you take their suggestions, and you make the raw, and then eventually Alhamdulillah, you come to a good decision. So, remember, good for him, good understanding of a matter, this is from Allah subhanaw taala, because it is said for, for him now

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has said a man, we gave understanding to a man or a center. So whenever you're struggling to understand something, ask Allah subhanaw taala, that he will fail, he must have a manner for him knee that Oh, Allah, you gave comprehension to say, Man, you give me comprehension as well, you'll give me good good decision and good judgment as well. And then it is said, well, Colin, artina hoekman were ilma. And to each of them, we gave judgment and knowledge. And we subjected the mountains to exalt us along with that wood, and also the birds. And we were doing that. So we see here that even those who a man or a salon was the son, he was younger. And he Allah subhanaw taala

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gave him understanding in that situation. So sometimes it is possible that people who are younger than you are able to suggest what is better people who may have less life experience than you less knowledge than you. And you might just not pay any attention to them, but it is worth listening to them. Because you never know, Allah subhanaw taala could have given them understanding of that point. So don't dismiss people just because they're younger, they know less, or they speak a different language. They don't do what you do, but rather be open,

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learn from

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learn from those who are around you listen to what people have to say. And then we see that though there is some even though his understanding at this time was not the best. He is not condemned here. He's not condemned over here. Why? Because when a judge makes a judgment based on his knowledge and best ability, he is still rewarded, even if that judgment even if that ruling ended up to be wrong, but he is still rewarded for his sincerity and his effort. But if a person makes the right decision, the conclusion is good. Then remember there is double reward, double reward, and if a person is lazy, and with ignorance, they make a wrong ruling.

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They give a wrong ruling than for that, of course, is sin. So we have to be very, very careful. And we taught him the fashioning of coats of armor, to protect you from your enemy in battle for * and to shock your own. So will you then be grateful? So we see that the prophets of Allah, especially the elderly, Sam was mentioned over here. They weren't just given scripture and religious knowledge. They were also given worldly skills, which we benefit from till today. And then it is set for * anthem Shakira, will you be grateful? Meaning, aren't you going to use the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given you in obedience to Allah, because that is sugar. And to slay man, we

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subjected the wind blowing forcefully sopran Allah, though there isn't I was given mastery over iron. So iron was very soft for him. It was very pliable for him, he could mold it however he wanted. And so a man is Anam wind was subjective for him. So one was given something solid and the other was given air. Amazing. And we see that wind can be very destructive, and it can also be very productive. So wind was in his control, proceeding by his command toward the land which we had blessed and we are ever of all things knowing, and of the devils were those who died for him and did work other than that, and we were of them a guardian Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala had given

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him control over the jinn also.

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And mentioned a YouTube when he called to his Lord and Nima Sania baru, were under our hammer raw, he mean, indeed, adversity has touched me and you are the Most Merciful of the Merciful festa Jebin Allah who FACA Schaffner mabie HeMan Laurel, so we responded to him and removed what afflicted him of adversity Allah,

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we see that every every person you know they suffer from some kind of adversity, some kind of personal adversity, which they experience either in their body, in their children in their family situation in their circumstances. hinny and some conditions are such that a person is not evil is not even able to diagnose it any go to doctor after doctor and they don't even know what's going on with you. And even if they know what is going on with you, they're not in a in a position to help you because they don't know how to treat your condition. Or because circumstances don't allow. So you need door when it touches you. Then you call upon Allah subhanaw taala like a YouTube or to his

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Salaam did. And you see a YouTube earliest synapse adversity had prolonged for a very, very long time it has said that he was he was suffering for 18 years. And when we are suffering from a pain from it for a very long time, then that that duration adds even more pain to the pain that exists. You know, what is the pain which is in your body? Then there's the pain that you don't know what's happening. And then there's the pain that you know it's been going on for so long. When is this going to end? So look at what a You are the salon set a nema 70 of the room were under our hammer rahimian and look at the word must Sonny you see must is what it's just a touch. It's just a touch a

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you Bernie said I was suffering in his body in his family in his money in his wealth, any in every aspect of his life he was suffering yet he called all of that suffering what just a mass just a touch any it's all about perspective, right? That has Allah subhanaw taala only given you difficulty or with that difficulty he has he also given you something else. So we need to remember that we should not blow things out of proportion, we have a headache, and we pretend like we're gonna die, any Subhanallah we're fasting and we think like we cannot do anything else. So keep things you know, see things in their proper size, don't blow things out of proportion. And always remember that in

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the margin grocery you saw in the model grocery you saw with difficulty is ease with the same difficulties and other ease. So yes, there is good, but there is also a blessing that Allah has given and whatever it is that you focus on is what will grow. So look at how he describes his condition that adversity has just touched me it has not overtaken me it has not destroyed me it has not overwhelmed me because Allah you have also blessed me with so much any you can see the patience here. And the gratitude over here. Well under our hammer Rahimi and look at how he is calling upon Allah, that Allah you are the Most Merciful of those who show mercy. So we responded to him and we

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removed what afflicted him of adversity. It had been so long, 18 years and Allah subhanaw taala removed all of that. And we gave him back his family and the like they're off with them as Mercy from Us, and a reminder for the worshipers of Allah where they crawl, Leila RBD what is the lesson that Allah subhanaw taala tests His servants, however, that he wants, lay US alone on Maya for our new well whom US alone, Allah is not questioned about what he does what he decides, we are going to be questioned about what we do, how we respond. So the first lesson is that it is up to Allah, it is his decision, it is His will, to test his servants, however, that he wants. And then when we are

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going through some difficulty, it is important that we must not hate ourselves, nor should we judge people who are going through difficulty, because you see a YouTuber, and he said, he was a prophet of Allah. He was an avid, he was a worshiper, he was a good servant, a model servant. Yet Allah subhanaw taala tested him. So sometimes what happens is that when a person is going through trial, they think that you know what, I must be very, very evil. I must be very, very bad. So God hates me. Or people wonder why does God hate me? Because in general, anyone we are going through some difficulty. And we do think that this is because of our sins. And this is something that we have

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been taught. But it is, it is true, the trials affect us because of our sins. But those who worship Allah darabi Dean, than remember, for them, trials are not a punishment. trials are only a means of purification and growth, and increase in reward and further submission to Allah, which raises them even higher in the sight of Allah subhanaw taala so no matter what you're going through, don't hate yourself. And don't let anyone tell you that God hates you. No, this is an opportunity for you to focus on your ibadah be like a YouTube early set up BNR bid, and you will see how that trial, that difficulty will be in your favor, not against you. The Prophet sallallahu earlier seldom said, My UT

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dilla will be higher on you Cybermen who, whoever Allah wishes good for he puts him to trial. In another Hadees we learned that when Allah loves a people, he tests them, so whoever is patient, then he will have patience, and whoever is impatient, then that is what he will have, meaning he will grow in whatever he responds with. So always respond with subber and focus on a bada. And then you will see that the trial will not be a punishment for you. It will be a purification, a growth, a means of increase for you in sha Allah, and mentioned ismar el and Idris and will kiefel all were of the patient con la mina sabreen. You see, this is sootel MBR. And we learned that the people who are

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tested the most severely were who the prophets of Allah, and then the next best, and then the next best, so people are tested in proportion to the level of their faith. So we see how the prophets are described as sobbing, those who are patient, what does that mean? That they endured hardship? They face trials, and through those trials, they were patient, and we admitted them into our mercy or other corner home feel mattina So you see, after difficulty, any when a person is in difficulty in a trial, and they're patient, then then what comes next rahama Allah's mercy, which Allah subhanaw taala blesses His servants with in this life, but of course, the greatest Mercy is reserved for the

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hereafter will other one now homefield, Raj mattina in the home Mina Sally hain, indeed they were of the righteous, and this is what we need to focus on that whether things are easy, or they're tough. We have to focus on being amongst solid servants of Allah. Even if when big mistakes happen, and mentioned the man of the fish, Yunus alayhis salam, when he went off in anger, and sometimes this happens, any we get frustrated with our our situation, but that frustration is not going to help us. You know, Sir, listen, I'm glad frustrated he went off in anger, and thought that we would not decree anything upon him. He didn't think that Allah would disapprove of this. And he called out

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within the darkness, meaning he was trapped in the darkness of the fish of the sea of the night. There was no ray of light, and he called out to Allah subhanaw taala Allah ilaha illa Anta subhanak in the contaminant lottery mean that there is no data except you. Exalted are You Allah Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.

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The universe earliest celeb, admitted his mistake. And he called upon Allah, He declared the perfection of Allah. And what happened? festa Jebin Allah who so we responded to him, Allah answered him also, when a j now human elven and we saved him from distress from worry from sadness, Walker Valley Cannondale momineen. And thus do We save the believers? Remember, Allah saves the believers, any when we are putting a test, it is not to destroy us. And when we are in a trial, it is not that we have been left to fend for ourselves. No, Allah rescues his believing servants. So if we want Allah to rescue us, then we have to call upon Him, we have to seek his help. And there are so many

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beautiful lessons that we can learn from the prophets of Allah. So we see here the example of Yunus or the center, where he made a mistake, and the predicament that he found himself in was a result of his own wrongdoing, any his own his own mistake. And sometimes this happens when we are going through a certain hardship and we reflect on ourselves and realize perhaps this is a result of my own injustice. Perhaps I am the reason why I am suffering from this I have no one else to blame except myself. And even in that condition, you know what, you are still worthy. Even if you have every reason to blame yourself to condemn yourself you are still worthy. You are still able to call

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upon Allah subhanaw taala when you have no one to blame but yourself you can still call upon Allah like Eunice earliest surrounded and look at what happened when Ajay now whom Allah saved him from distress worker that he can only remove meaning. This is for all believers, not just for Eunice already his salon. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Should I not tell you about something which of a person says when stricken with distress or a trial from the trials of this world and praise to Allah? Allah will remove it from him. It was said yes. And he said the door of the noon. This there are in another Hadees we learn the supplication of the noon meaning of you know

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sardines Salaam, when he supplicated while in the belly of the whale was La Ilaha. illa Anta soprano aka in the continental Valley mean, So indeed, no Muslim man supplicates with it for anything ever, except that Allah responds to him. So when you find yourself in Lum, any kind of any kind of worry, distress, sadness, call upon Allah with these words, La ilaha illa Anta Suba Hannukah in me come to Mina, lolly mean, and Allah will rescue you, just as he rescued his servant, Yunus to his center. Now look at the trial of Zakat era. His son was a courier and mentioned Zakat a year when he called to his Lord, my Lord, do not leave me alone.

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Allahu Akbar he had no child. He said Europe Don't leave me alone. While you are the best of inheritors any yes coolamon aleja fan web coward gurobi cuddle Jalali well it kromm, but as human beings, we, we we need that connection we that personal connection, we need those people we can call our own. You know, like the Prophet sallallahu earlier said I'm set to about Fatah model de la hora. Now the key is of me, you know, she she is she is a builder to many. She She is a part of me. We need that as human beings. So as a career I said I'm said, Europe Don't leave me alone. While you are the best of inheritors. I accepted it whenever you decide, I accepted, but this is also my wish.

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So we responded to him. And we gave to him yeah here and amended for him his wife. Indeed, they used to hasten to good deeds. This drove hard in worshipping Allah, and they would supplicate us in hope and fear. And they were to us humbly submissive.

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And mentioned, the one who guarded her chest to do so this shows us that if we want our daughters to be accepted, then we have to do the same thing that we have to have hope we have to have fear of Allah fear of Allah means that we refrain from anything that Allah subhanaw taala does not approve of. So we should take a look at our lives and see, is there anything wrong that I am doing, which has become a reason for me being deprived of risk of good provision, and then also excel in doing good deeds? You Sadie aroona Phil hi rods, and mentioned the one who guarded her chestatee this was medium. So we blew into her garment through our Angel Djibouti, and we made her and her son, his

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sign for the world's Indeed, this your religion is one religion, and I am your Lord. So worship me. All of the prophets had the same religion, what religion of worshipping only Allah and I am your Rob Rob

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All of you, so worship only Allah. So we see that all of the prophets faced a different kind of tribulation, a different shade of trial and test in this life. And look at how Allah subhanaw taala brought them relief, and yet they divided their affair among themselves, but all to us will return. So whoever does righteous deeds, while he is a believer, no denial will there be for his effort, and indeed, we have it, our recorders, everything is being recorded. So, this is what we need to focus on effort, that is what will be appreciated, and there is prohibitionist upon the people of a city which we have destroyed, that they will ever return. Meaning once a person has left this world,

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they're not coming back, until when the dam of yet jojen might judge has been opened. This is meaning the return will only be closed will be on the Day of Judgment. And when will the Day of Judgment happen when the signs of the hour will be fulfilled. And of them is the release of yet Julian Matt juge and they from every elevation will descend? Remember yet George George are a people they are from the children of Adam, and they are not presently free on Earth, because they will coordinate and put them behind the barrier, but they will emerge at the time, when Allah subhanaw taala will decide close to the Day of Judgment. And when they will emerge, they will be many, many

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in number. So many that people will not even try to fight them and they will take over the earth, meaning they will destroy all you know, sources of food, all trees, also all water sources also. And we see that the Muslims at the time will retreat to a mountain in a cave they will hide there with regard to his setup, and they will beg Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanaw taala will cause some insect some creature to infect their necks, and they will all die meaning a judge might judge will all die like the death of a single soul. And then soon after that the day of judgment will happen while Katara Belvoir will help. And when the true promise has approached, then suddenly the eyes of

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those who disbelieved will be staring in horror, while they say oh woe to us. We had been unmindful of this rather we were wrongdoers. Indeed you meaning you all who deny and what you worship other than Allah are the firewood of *, you will be coming to enter it had these false deities been actual Gods they would not have come to it but all are eternal they're in for them. They're in his heavy signed and they they're in will not here. It's so noisy and Hellfire, their own screams and shouts will be so loud they will not be able to hear anything. So we see here that in *. Both the pushy came the the people who associated partners with Allah and the beings that they worship

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besides Allah, both will be in * meaning the idols that they worship. So then the people of Makkah they mark that Oh, he says worship besides Allah using that he will also be in there. It is said Indeed, those for whom the best reward has proceeded from us. They are from it far removed. They will not hear it sound while they are in that which their souls desire abiding eternally. Leia has una huemul fuzzer aka bomb, they will not be grieved by the greatest terror and that will be when the resurrection will occur. less people will be rising further from their graves, Allah subhanaw taala will will grant His righteous servants calmness at that time. Or it is the time when

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the people of * will be taken into *, or the time when * will be closed on them, or the time when death will be slaughtered at all of these times. Allah subhanaw taala will grant them security. What are the local Humala iica and the angels will meet them welcoming them from every direction, accompanying them, saying Heather yomo como la de quantum two are doing this is your day, which you have been promised. So those who do good here will be welcomed there. The day when we will fold the heaven like the folding of a written sheet for the records Subhanallah right now, the sky is so vast, expanded, and on the Day of Judgment. All of this will be wrapped up like a squirrel is

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wrapped up. As we began the first creation, we will repeat it that is a promise binding upon us. Indeed, we will do it. And we had certainly written in the book, meaning in zooboo after the previous mentioned that the land of Paradise is inherited by my righteous servants, and this is the land that we should be seeking the land of paradise. In nephila Bella Bella Han Li coalminer obedient indeed in this Quran is a notification

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For a worshipping people,

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for those who worship Allah in the Quran is a notification. Meaning if you want to worship Allah and you want to continue to worship Allah, then you have to keep listening to the Quran. You have to keep taking the reminders from the Quran, Allah Azza laka Illa rush Mata Lila al amin, and we have not sent you O Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, except as a mercy to the worlds and we see that many people are benefiting from his mercy today. And in the Hereafter, people will benefit from his mercy endlessly, because he was sent as a mercy. But it is only those who believe in Him sallallahu earlier Solomon follow Him who will benefit from his mercy. Remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam was sent to save people, not to condemn them to *, he was sent to rescue people from *, so that people believe in Him and follow Him. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam whenever he was asked to invoke, you know, pray against certain people, he would say I was not sent as a Laron as someone who curses were in them or is to rajmata and I was sent as a mercy

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as a gift in London and other Hades we learn more that as a gift. And this is the reason why, as long as he was, as long as he was present amongst the people of Makkah, the people of Morocco were not even punished. It was only after he left, that the punishment was sent upon them in the form of different battles. And then we see that on the Day of Judgment. Also, the Prophet sallallahu earlier said will intercede for people. We learned shofar it Leann in Kibera idiom in amati, my intercession will also be for those who commit major sins among the people of my nation. Say, it is only revealed to me that your God is but one God, so will you be Muslims in submission to him? But if they turn

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away, then say, I have announced to all of you equally My message is for all and I know not to weather near or far is that which you are promised meaning the day of judgment? Indeed, he knows what is declared of speech, and he knows what you conceal, and I know not perhaps it is a trial for you, and you are given enjoyment for a time, called on have become will help. The Prophet has said My Lord, judge between us in truth. What a boon Allah man and our Lord is the Most Merciful and Mustang, the one whose help is sought our allow my tilsley foon against that which you describe. So all the false accusations that the people of Makkah hurled at him sallallahu alayhi wasallam all

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that he suffered because of them. Look at this beautiful response that he was taught that this is what you should say.

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Surah Al Hajj Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. Yeah, a yohana suta Cora back home. In nuzzles elata ser RT Shea on our Aleem all mankind, fear your Lord. Indeed the convulsion of the final hour is a terrible thing. Yes, the day of judgment will have is alella an earthquake such an earthquake that will cause even those who are buried in the depths of the earth to come out. And we've learned in the Quran that the earth will throw out its burdens, meaning everything that is hidden inside the earth will come out what even Prabhu berthelot so imagine this zela that will cause the earth to turn inside out. It is shaped on our Aleem, it is a terrible thing. It is real, it is coming. On the

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day you see it. Every nursing mother will be distracted from that child. She was Nursing at that moment. And every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy. And you will see the people appearing intoxicated while they're not intoxicated. But the punishment of Allah is severe. And of the people is He Who disputes about Allah without knowledge and follows every rebellious devil. This is how people go astray. It begins with arguing arrogantly without any evidence without any knowledge, arguing about Allah subhanaw taala Why did Allah say this? Why did Allah create this? Why did Allah make this any this kind of G dal about Allah without any knowledge? This is a futile GDL which

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doesn't help a person at all. It only makes them be arrogant, and it only turns them further away from guidance. So first we see there's ignorance. And then yet Toby rucola shaitaani married he follows every rebellious devil, meaning there is a following of desires. So such a person is clearly under the influence of shaitan co t bar lay it has been decreed for every level that whoever turns to him, he will misguide him and will lead him to the punch.

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measurement of the blaze or people, if you should be in any doubt about the resurrection, then consider that indeed we created you from dust, then from a sperm drop, then from a clinging clot, and then from a lump of flesh formed an unformed sucker and Allah, Allah is informing you of this, why that we may show you and we settle you in the wombs, whom and we settle in the wombs, whom we will for a specified term, then we bring you out as a child, and then we develop you, that you may reach your time of maturity. And among you is He who is taken in young death while still a child. And among you is He who is returned to the most decrepit old age that he knows, after once having

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knowledge, nothing at all. And you see the earth barren, but when we sit down upon it rain, it quivers and swells and grow something of every beautiful kind. So two proofs of resurrection are given over here, how people are born, and then how the earth is revived to life. So if Allah subhana wa tada can create human beings from something so tiny, something so insignificant, in a place that is so hidden, that even a woman does not know what is going on inside of her body. And if Allah subhanaw taala can do this, that he can alter resurrect people, that he can be anila, who will help that is because Allah is the truth, and because he gives life to the dead, and because he is over

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all things competent, and that the hour is coming, no doubt about it. And then Allah will resurrect those in the graves, this is happening. And all the people is He Who disputes about Allah without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book from him. And he there is no evidence, there is no revealed scripture, there is no sound sound judgment. So all of his argument basically is based on what on desire on whims on whatever just came to mind. twisting his neck in arrogance to mislead people from the way of Allah, for him in the world is disgrace. And we will make him taste on the Day of Resurrection, the punishment of the burning fire. While it is said that is for what your

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hands have put forth, and because Allah is not ever unjust to his servants. So it is important that we remain humble, that when we see the truth, when we learn something from the Quran, especially when something is based on revealed knowledge, then we don't stand arrogantly against it. We should be humble there, we should accept it. And yes, we will have questions. But remember, questions should always come from a place of respect. And from a place of humility, humility, this is very, very important. The problem is that because we have discovered a few things, and we have learned about a few things, we have started to think so highly of ourselves, that we think we have the

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solution to every problem, and we can protect ourselves from every danger. And then, and then our current situation shows us that really, we are nothing, and it's best for us if we stay humble, and we don't claim that we know everything. So we whenever we have questions about the Hereafter, about the origin of the creation, about how Allah subhanaw taala created human beings, any question that we have, always ask with other with respect, not with arrogance, and ask with humility. Remind yourself that Allah subhanaw taala is greater? I am not he knows, I don't know. And it is necessary that we believe in the unseen that we believe in a lab. And if you think about it, how strong is our

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belief in the unseen these days, that even though we cannot see the virus with our own eyes, we're so careful before we touch anything, before we step outside the house, we're extra careful, because we know that it exists, even though we haven't seen it with our own eyes. SubhanAllah so the you know, if someone reliable tells you about someone believable, someone who is true tells you about something, you believe in it, even if you haven't seen it with your own eyes. And the prophets of Allah were reliable, they were honest, they've never spoken untrue statement. So we must have a man in the unseen belief in the unseen

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woman and nasty my yard Guadalajara how health and other people is He who worships Allah on an edge? How, if he is touched by good, he is reassured by it. But if he is struck by trial, he turns on his face Subhan Allah. You see when a person has EMA and when a person believes they're certainly tested. Why, so that a person knows where they stand, and then they can strengthen themselves. You see, when a when you exercise a more

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So you don't exercise it in order to break it. Right? You exercise it with the intention to strengthen it. Yes, the process is painful, but it is for good reason. And people who don't exercise their muscles properly, any who are not exercising correctly, then yes, they cause damage to their own bodies. Right. So this is why it is important that when we first start exercising, we get trained, right? We do it with a trainer, someone who can teach us. So just like that, when we're going through trials in life, it is necessary that we take lesson from the Quran and Sunnah so that we don't snap, we don't break. So remember, we will be tested in regards to our faith. But what has

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been condemned over here is that this person is worshipping Allah on an edge meaning just about to fall. So if he's touched by good, if you receive certain blessings, he stays on Islam, but then the moment there is some hardship he falls off of the cliff. So we learn in the Hadees, that among that, this I was revealed about a man who used to come to Medina. And if he is sorry, that this I was revealed about people who would come to Medina, meaning to embrace Islam. And then after embracing Islam, if, you know, they had a son, or his or their animals had children, etc, meaning they increased in their wealth and their prosperity, they would say this religion is really good. But if

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they did not increase in worldly terms, instead, they suffered, they would say this religion is bad.

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So we learned another Hadees, that once a man came to Medina, and he accepted Islam, he gave his bio to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam his pledge of allegiance, and then this man felt really ill. And this happened with many people, even below the Longhorn, who fell ill in Medina when he first arrived. So this man, he came to the Prophet sallallahu, early Islam and he said, cancel my oath, I don't want to be a Muslim anymore. Subhan Allah, and he he blamed Islam for his illness. And this is what some people think that or this is how some people behave with Allah subhanaw taala. As long as you know, their their laws are being answered in the way that they want. They're very good,

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very nice, as long as their wishes are being fulfilled, there, they will be obedient, they will do righteous things. But as soon as they're hit by a difficulty, they fail a test. It's like I am doomed, everything is ruined. Islam is horrible. Allah hates me. Allah doesn't like me, jumping to such horrible conclusions. Remember, problems are a part of life. So don't blame Allah, don't blame the religion. Don't blame the Quran for the difficulties and problems in your life. These problems are here for a reason. So learn from them. He invokes instead of Allah, that which neither harms him nor benefits him that he could have been a little buried. That is what is the extreme error because

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then some people turn away from a snap, and they start worshipping other gods, they start worshipping other beings instead of Allah subhanaw taala. So this ship is extreme error. He invokes one whose harm is closer than his benefit, how wretched the protector and how wretched the associate. So remember, there is no equivalent to Allah, no equivalent whatsoever. If a person turns away from Allah, there is nothing at all, nothing at all, that can give him what Allah subhanaw taala can give him

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in the law, who the hero larina amanu. Why middle Sally had Jeannette integrity mentality held on her, Indeed, Allah who will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow Indeed Allah does what he intends. So those who are patient, those who are steadfast, Allah will not waste their effort, whoever should think that Allah will not support his messenger in this world and the Hereafter, let him extend a rope to the ceiling, then cut off his breath and let him see will his effort remove that which enrages him?

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So this AI can be understood in a number of ways. One interpretation is that if a person thinks that Allah subhanaw taala will not help him, then Okay, in your anger, and in your frustration, go and even kill yourself, will that help your situation? No, it won't. Will it save you from your predicament? No, it won't. It's only going to further increase your problem. So the way of dealing with life's challenges is not with anger and rage. It is with acceptance and patience, because it is such people who survive. You see some people, they go to the gym once and then they get so tired. They get angry with the instructor, and they say, you know what, they were torturing me. I'm never

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going to go back again. Okay, don't go back again. Who's going to suffer you will suffer. You know, the instructor is not there to torture you. Their goal is dead.

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Don't find pleasure by making you work hard. No, they're there to help you, and, and to build you to make you stronger, to make you healthier. So, if you if you don't like it, that's your problem, and only you are going to suffer. So it is very important that we take life's challenges. And in the same way as well, don't resent them. Don't be upset and annoyed and irritated all the time. But now it's this problem. And now it's that problem. And now this and now that no, accept, and be patient, and see how I must count on his help will come and you will conquer one thing after the other, until in sha Allah, you will enter Jannah and that is our goal. And thus have we sent the Quran down as

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verses of clear evidence, and because Allah guides whom He intends, Indeed, those who have believed, and those who are Jews and the sabians of the Christians and the major ones and those who are associated with Allah, Allah who will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection, Indeed, Allah is over all things witness. Do you not see that to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth, and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, the trees, the moving creatures, and many of the people Subhan Allah, any such big things love the sun, moon, mountains, trees, they're all prostrating to Allah. They're submissive before Allah. They're doing whatever our

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last panel Tata has commanded them to do, and what are we doing? But upon many, the punishment has been justified, who those who refuse to make such a to Allah and he whom Allah humiliates, for him, there is no bestower of honor. Well, my you he Neela, who, from Allah, who may macrame, Indeed, Allah does, what He wills. So we see here that the sun, the moon, the stars, mountains, trees are mentioned here. Why because a lot of times people worship these these creatures. So it is mentioned here that any How can they be God when Allah is the one who created them, He is the one who subjected them and they all prostrate to Allah. So remember, such that is only for Allah, not for

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anything else. So we should not bow down to any human. Sometimes in certain cultures, you know, we bow people bow down and in respect to their elders, this is also incorrect, because such that is only for Allah. And we learned that when a person prostrates to Allah, then this is something that Allah who loves the Prophet sallallahu earnings and was asked about the deeds which are most beloved to Allah, and he said, are Laika because it sujood make frequent prostrations before Allah, why, because you will not make a single such without it, raising you a degree because of it, and removing a sin from you because of it. And remember, when a person does said the, you do such the on, on

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seven bones, on your forehead, nose, your your two hands, your knees and your feet, right. So these parts of the body are touching the earth, when you make sense, the and these parts of the body will not be consumed by the fire of *, meaning even if a person enters *, because of some other crimes would or Yeah, the beloved but if a person does enter *, because of some other crimes, these parts of their body will not be burned by the fire of *. And it is because of these parts of the body, that they will be recognized in *, and so they will be taken out by the intercession of the believers. These are two adversaries who have disputed over their Lord, meaning there are

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some people who surrender who submit. And then there are other people who stand arrogantly who become angry with Allah, and who go on denying Allah. And there's a huge difference. But those who disbelieved will have cut out for them garments of fire, poured upon their heads will be scalding water, by which is melted that within their bellies and their skins, stuff that Ulla clothing of fire as mentioned over here, just as fire, wraps a person and becomes a person's identity. Certain people go around this world, identifying themselves, you know, very proudly saying, I don't believe in God, I reject God I reject Islam, any it's their identity. And remember, the punishment for a sin

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is similar to the sin itself. So they will have clothing of fire in *. And it is also mentioned in Hades about the shoes of fire in *. And scalding water will be poured over their heads. So it will go down their heads burning through their heads down their bodies, by which is melted that within their bellies and their skins it will come out of their feet. And for striking them are masons of iron, every time they want to get out of * from anguish, they will be returned to it and it will be set taste the punishment of the burning fire.

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In contrast, Indeed, Allah will admit

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Those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow, they will be adorned, they're in with bracelets of gold and Pearl. And their garments they're in will be silk. What a contrast. And you see here, out of all the blessings of Jenna bracelets of gold and Pearl are mentioned, Pearl bracelets are even mentioned in the Quran not just gold. And at other places we also learn about silver. So we learn that on the Day of Judgment, the jewelry of the believer will reach as far as his widow reaches

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me Yanni. This shows us that if you want to wear jewelry in Paradise, especially bracelets, there are some people who really like jewelry, if you like that, then make sure you make will do frequently and properly, properly. Meaning you make sure that you rub the places that are supposed to be washed sometimes you know women become very extra careful when they have makeup on their faces. So they will not make wudu the entire day. Or they will just resort to making to mom that is not correct. By the way a mom is only allowed one will do is not possible. So when you wash your face, make sure you rub properly. When you wash your arms, make sure you rub properly so that no no

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part gets left dry. And then make it frequently also don't be lazy in that

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because the jewelry of the believer will reach as far as his widow reached in the world. And they had been guided in worldly life to good speech and what is that good speech? La ilaha illa Allah and to hold on. So they accepted it. They followed it. They they adopted it, and this is why they were guided to the path of the Praiseworthy Isla Slav little hammy Hamid, this is the path that Allah likes the path that takes to Allah approval, the path of Allah. Indeed, those who have disbelieved and avert people from the way of Allah, and from almost either how long which we made for the people, equal or the resident there in, and one from outside, meaning whether a person is a resident

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of Makkah, or has come from outside of Makkah, every Muslim has equal right to access must either held on and whoever intends a deed there in of deviation in religion or wrongdoing, we will make him taste of a painful punishment. So remember, committing a sin anywhere is wrong, but committing the sin within the home within a mustard Haram, it is worse. This is why there's greater punishment for that. So be very careful. And mentioned when we designated for Ibrahim the site of the house, saying, do not associate anything with me and purify my house for those who perform to laugh and those who stand in prayer and those who bow and prostrate Subhan Allah, Allah subhanaw taala chose

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the place where the Kaaba was to be built. And look at the message that was given to Ibrahim at that time, don't commit chitika with me, meaning this house of Allah is only going to be built for what purpose for the worship of Allah alone, not for the worship of Hassan or Hussein or anybody else, this is only for Allah. And then this house has to be clean, clean from what clean from schicke, meaning only Allah subhanaw taala should be worshipped over there, nobody else should be worshipped. And then this also means that this this house of Allah should be clean, meaning from physical uncleanliness also, we learned that in a hadith that the deeds of my people the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam said the deeds of my people good and bad were presented before me. And I found the removal of something objectionable from the road among their good deeds, and the sputum, meaning the spit that a person leaves unvaried exposed in the masjid, among their evil deeds as the federal law. So be very careful when you go to the masjid before you get up from any place. Look around yourself. Did you drop a tissue? Did you drop a few crumbs? Did you leave anything? Pick that up? Well as infinera Sybil hedge and proclaim to the people the Hajj pilgrimage, they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel. They will come from every distant pass from far off places. And this is

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true Ibrahim I listen, I made that announcement so long ago.

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Until today, people go for Hajj from distant far off places. Why go for Hajj, what is the benefit? What is the reason leash hadoo manaphy Allah home that they may witness benefits for themselves. And these benefits can only be witnessed, they can only be experienced when a person goes for Hajj. This is why it's a life changing experience. And they've mentioned the name of Allah on known days over what he has provided for them of sacrificial animals, so eat of them and feed them miserable and poor. So remember, the first 10 days of the hedger. These are the best days ever. And these are days of the vicar of Allah. They are of little a Yama dunya they're the best day

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of the world, and the best and any good deed that is performed in them is beloved to Allah subhanaw taala. And this is why we have been advised to increase into holiness that can be made to say la ilaha illa Allah to say Allahu Akbar and to say Alhamdulillah. And you see at Hajj when people have gathered from different places all over the world, when they worship together, you know, being able to worship together brings about another feeling, being able to remember a lot together brings about a different feeling. So that feeling is necessary. It strengthens you, it grounds you, then let them end their untidiness because over the course of the days of Hydra person does get untidy, there's so

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much travel back and forth, and fulfill their vowels, and perform tawaf around the ancient house that has been commanded. And whoever honors the sacred ordinances of Allah, meaning the rituals that Allah punctata has assigned the places of worship that he has designated the times that he has chosen. So whoever respects them, honors them, it is best for him in the sight of his Lord, and permitted to you are the grazing livestock except what is recited to you. So avoid the uncleanliness of idols and avoid false statement. Notice how schilke is mentioned and line is mentioned right after, and we think lying is no problem at all. Let's stuff it a lot. And you see, idols have been

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called unclean over here, avoid the uncleanliness of idols. Why? Because loving them, adoring them worshipping them is as unclean for the heart, as some filth is when it touches your body. And he it dirties the heart inclining only to Allah, not associating anything with him, so stay away from ship, and he who associates with Allah, it is as though he had fallen from the sky and was snatched by the birds or the wind carried him down into a remote place, stuff that allow meaning, such a person is completely destroyed, there is no hope for him and just like that, if a person ends up on the day of gentlemen, having committed ship that he did not repent from,

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then remember Allah does not forgive.

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That is so and whoever honors the symbols of Allah remember the symbols of Allah we have to honor and the symbols of Allah what anything which is part of Deen anything that I that that is that that is a part of our religion, whether it is for example, a beard that a man keeps, as as as a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam a hijab that a woman wears the Kaaba, the masjid, the Quran, in all of these are symbols of Allah. Indeed, it is from the piety of hearts, these are rituals, but their outward performance, any Yeah, these are rituals. And this is these rituals are to be done with the piety of the heart, because remember, just focusing on the external is not enough. So for example,

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if a person wears a hijab, but then in the heart is not the core, then you need, it's not enough. You have to join the external with the internal, any focus on the external aspect of rebuttal, and also bring about the core in your heart. For you, the animals marked for sacrifice are benefits for a specified term, then their place of sacrifice is at the ancient house, meaning there to be slaughtered at Mina. And for all people we have appointed a right that they may mention the name of Allah over what he has provided for them of sacrificial animals, meaning even the previous nations were required to slaughter their animals and mentioned the name of Allah upon them, for your God is

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one God, so to him submit, and give good tidings to the humble. Well, but she did remove beteen Who are they? There are those who, when Allah is mentioned, their hearts are fearful, their hearts move, they tremble, and to the patient,

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and the patient over what has afflicted them, meeting their patient in difficulty, and the establishes of prayer, they establish salah and those who spend from what We have provided them. This is a sign of being a humble person. A humble person is not someone who looks down. A humble person is not someone who speaks very softly. A truly humble person is one who has humility in their heart. And because of that one Allah has mentioned, their heart trembles because of that they're a patient in difficulty because of their humility. They establish prayer, they're not arrogant, they're not stubborn and lazy. And then because of their humility, they share the good that Allah

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has given them with others, and the camels and cattle we have appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah because these are to be slaughtered in the name of Allah, especially at the time of Hajj. For you they're in is good. So mentioned the name of Allah upon them when lined up for sacrifice because camels are so huge that you cannot lay a camel down in order to slaughter it. So a camel has to be you know,

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Standing in a certain way, and when they are lifeless on their sides, then eat from them and feed the needy and the beggar. Thus have we subjected them to you that you may be grateful. So we see here that the way of slaughtering these animals has been mentioned. And what is being repeated again, is the fact that the name of Allah should be mentioned. And then secondly, once you have all of this meat, then don't just worry about yourself that what what you know you're going to grill and what you're going to freeze and what you're going to enjoy later and what you're going to enjoy right now. No, enjoy it yourself, but then also share it with others. This is all part of shuckers

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their meat will not reach Allah when you slaughter an animal, the meat doesn't reach Allah, nor will their blood. But what reaches him is piety from you. That is what we need to focus on. Yes, we select the best animal, yes, we slaughtered at the right time. Yes, we slaughter in the best way we take the name of Allah. All of that is important. But remember, a ritual is not just an empty ritual. It has to be filled with the piety with the taqwa of Allah. And that is what makes it and that is what puts life in that act of worship. That is what makes it acceptable to Allah subhanaw taala. So when a person does something with the taqwa of Allah, then remember the reward is

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preserved with Allah subhana wa Tada. We learn about ritual sacrifice, that will Amana Haruka from a hadoo lucker in Arabic that as for your ritual slaughter, it is preserved for you, it is stored for you with your Lord, meaning its reward is saved with Allah for you. Thus have we subjected them to you, that you may glorify Allah for that to which he has guided you, and give good tidings to the doers of good Indeed, Allah defends those who have believed, Indeed, Allah does not like everyone treacherous and ungrateful. Permission to fight has been given to those who are being fought. So here the Muslims were given permission to stand up for themselves and take revenge Now, why because

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they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory. They are those who they are those who have been evicted from their homes without right only because they say Our Lord is Allah. They didn't commit any crime. There was no criminal record, no murder, no theft, nothing. The only reason they said are a boon Allah. And we're not that Allah checks to people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques in which the name of Allah is mentioned. So why is it the Muslims are, were allowed at the time to fight the people of Makkah, because the power of the people of Mecca had to be broken, because in their

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transgression, they were, they were stopping at no limit. And so Allah subhanaw taala has given this permission to people to take revenge, and to Muslims especially why so that the oppression of the oppressors is broken, and Allah will surely support those who support him. While I answer on Allah Humayun Soto, Allah does not need our help, he will help those who help him mean those who help his cause. Indeed, Allah is powerful lock away unit Aziz, he is powerful, Exalted in Might, he can deal with his opponents himself, but he honors you by giving you a chance to support his Deen to see how loyal you are to him. And they are those who if we give them authority in the land, they will

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establish prayer and gives a cat and enjoying what is right and forbid what is wrong. Any if Allah subhanaw taala grants them freedom this is what they will do, they will not become deceived by their freedom and power, and to Allah belongs the outcome of all matters, and if they deny you or Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So before them did the people have no and odd and some who would deny their profits and the people of Ibrahim and the people of loop and the inhabitants of meridian and Moosa was denied. So I prolonged enjoyment for the disbelievers that I sees them, and how terrible was my reproach? And how many a city did we destroy while it was committing wrong, so it has now

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fallen into ruin, and how many and abandoned well, and how many a lofty palace, these structures are standing, but the inhabitants are gone. So have they not traveled through the earth and have hearts by which to reason for to cornella home kulu Bujar pillola beha hearts by which to reason and ears by which to hear so having an ear functioning ear is not enough. It is to listen to what is good and benefit from what is good. That is what makes yours any beneficial. For indeed it is not the eyes that are blinded but blinded are the hearts which are within the chests and they urge you to hasten

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punishment, but Allah will never fail in his promise. And indeed a day with your Lord is like 1000 years of those which you count. This is why we become impatient. And for how many a city that I prolonged enjoyment, while it was committing wrong, then I seized it. And to me is the final destination, say all people, I am only to you a clear Warner. So those who have believed and unrighteous deeds for them is forgiveness and noble provision. They did noble deeds, they will be served in a noble honorable way. But the ones who strove against our verses seeking to cause failure, those are the companions of hellfire. And now an example of that as mentioned, and we did

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not send before you any messenger or prophet except that when he spoke, or recited the Quran shaitan threw into it, meaning some kind of misunderstanding, meaning shaitan tried his best to interfere with the speech of the recitation of the Prophet and to disturb it, but Allah abolishes that which a THON throws in that Allah makes precise, his verses, meaning whatever shaitan tried to insert was abolished, and Allah is Knowing and wise. So therefore, whatever the prophets conveyed, is pure from any adulteration, because Allah eliminated the work of shaitan. That is, but then why did Allah allow shaitaan to, you know, interfere in the first place? That is, so he may make what shaitan

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throws in a trial for those women whose hearts has disease and those heart of heart and indeed, the wrongdoers are in extreme dissension. And so those who are given knowledge may know that it is the truth from your Lord and therefore believe in it, and their hearts humbly submit to it. And indeed, indeed, is Allah the guide of those who have believed to a straight path, despite the crafts of shaitan. So we see that there are three types of hearts There are three types of people. The first is alladhina Fuca Ruby Mara, those whose hearts has a disease in which is a weakness, so faith is not complete. So shaitan manages to affect such hearts. So when such people hear satanic

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suggestions, they hear satanic speech, they get deeply affected by it, and it becomes a trial for them. The second is, well, casia eukanuba home those whose hearts are hard, who don't get affected by any warning, no advice, and so they don't understand. They fail to comprehend the words of Allah and His messenger. So when they hear satanic suggestions, satanic words, they easily get influenced because those satanic words only confirm their biases. And then third is those have knowledge, those whose hearts are soft and tender, humble, believing. And so when she thought when she had Lani words, when satanic suggestions and satanic speech is going around, they don't get affected. In

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fact, they actually become even more firm in their faith. The words through which a lawn misleads people become a means of further strengthening them in faith. Why? Because now they're able to see the truth even more clearly. You see, every now and then we hear some strange things, you know, people will raise controversies about the Prophet sallallahu, where it isn't about the Quran. So we see these responses and people, some people immediately get affected. So they will even go to the point of leaving Islam, then there are other people who for them, such articles and such, you know, things are like fire for them, you know, so they, they get so happy, they get further into their

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disbelief, and they use that to lead other people astray as well. And then the people of Eman people of knowledge, they only become more firm in their Eman through such trials. May Allah subhanaw taala make us among the among them. But those who disbelieve will not cease to be in doubt of it, until the hour comes upon them unexpectedly or their comes to them the punishment of a Baron de all sovereignty that day is for Allah, He will judge between them, so they so they who have believed and did righteous deeds will be in the Gardens of Pleasure. And they who disbelieved and denied our signs. For those, there will be a humiliating punishment, and those who emigrated for the cause of

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Allah, and then were killed or died, Allah will surely provide for them a good provision, so don't pity them. And indeed, it is Allah who is the best of providers, He will surely cause them to enter an entrance with which they will be pleased. And indeed, Allah is Knowing and forbearing that is so and whoever responds to injustice with the equivalent of that, with which he was harmed, and then his tyrannized Allah will surely aid him lay on surah Hola. Indeed, Allah is pardoning and forgiving. So this is Allah's promise that he certainly helps the oppressed and this is why the Prophet sallallahu

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Instead of warned us against the prayer of the oppressed, he said fear the prayer of the oppressed for it is lifted up on clouds. And Allah says, By my honor and might, I will surely help him, even if it is after some time. So Leon surana, Allah, Allah will help him. And this I also makes clear that the person who takes revenge only as much as the wrong that was done to him, then he's not the aggressor. He's not doing the law on him the aggressor is the one who initiate the oppression and abuse, whether it is an insult, or it is, you know, a punch or anything like that, we learned a headache that when two people revile each other, meaning they hurl verbal abuses at each other, the

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responsibility for what they say, rests on the first to speak, as long as the one who wronged does not become excessive. So be very careful, don't initiate that is because Allah causes the night to enter the day and causes the day to enter the night and because Allah is hearing and seeing, he knows what people have done, he hears them and he is fully able to change the circumstances of people. That is because Allah is the truth. How is it able to do that because he is a Hulk, he is the truth. And that which they call upon other than Him is all falsehood. And because Allah is the Most High, the grand, do you not see that Allah isn't down rain from the sky and the earth becomes

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green? Look at how Allah changes things. Indeed, Allah is subtle and acquainted, To Him belongs what is in the heavens and what is on the earth? And indeed, Allah is the free of need the Praiseworthy, do you not see that Allah has subjected to you, whatever is on the earth, and the ships which run through the sea by his command, and he restrains the sky from falling upon the earth unless by his permission, Indeed, Allah to the people, little offer Rahim, he is surely kind and merciful. Never forget that. And he is the one who gave you life, that he causes you to die, and then he will again give you life indeed, mankind is ungrateful. For every religion, we have appointed rites which they

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perform, so each oma was given certain rituals. So all Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam let the disbelievers not contend with you over the matter, but invite them to your Lord because some people are very quick to criticize, you know, different rituals in Islam. So, every religion has their own rituals. Indeed, you are upon straight guidance. And if they dispute with you then say, Allah who are alone will be my thumb alone. Allah is most knowing of what you do. This is how you respond to people who stubbornly argue with you, not for the truth, but to insult you. Just remind them, Allah knows what you're doing. Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection concerning that

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over which we used to differ. Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the heavens and the earth? Do you not know that Allah knows what is in the sky and earth? Indeed, that is in a record, Allah knows everything and everything is recorded as well. Indeed, that for Allah is easy, and they worship besides Allah, that for which he has not sent down authority, and that of which they have no knowledge, no evidence whatsoever, and there will not be for the wrongdoers any helper.

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And when our Verses are recited to them as clear evidences, you recognize the faces of those who disbelieve disapproval, they're visibly upset, irritated, annoyed. They're almost on the verge of assaulting those who recite to them our verses, they get so angry, say, Then shall I inform you of what is worse than that? It is the fire which Allah has promised those who disbelieve, and wretched is the is the destination, or people An example is presented. So listen to it. So all of us are being asked to listen to this carefully. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah, meaning those you think are very capable of helping you, you think that they respond better than Allah does. So this

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is why you ask them and you depend on them and you expect from them? Do you realize what they are, they will never create as much as a fly, even if they gather together for that purpose. And this is not just the idols that people used to worship once upon a time or they worship today. This is even, you know, the science that we saw depend on me, yes, we have advanced a lot of hamdulillah but are we capable of making even a fly? Really, we're not.

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They will never create a fly even if they gather together for that purpose, realize the weakness of the creation before the Creator. And if the fly should steal away from them a tiny thing, they could not recover it from him. Because you see now what is modern shake, it is atheism it is denial of God. So you

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think so highly of yourself. Well, what is what what is it that you're even capable of doing? You cannot make a fly and if the fly takes something away from you, you can never recover it. You cannot even track a virus, week or the pursuer and pursued. Why do people deny Allah? Why do people associate partners with Allah? Because malcador Allah, Hakka Qadri, they have not appraised Allah with a true appraisal. Indeed, Allah is powerful and Exalted in Might. This is the real problem that people don't understand who Allah is. They don't even know who Allah is. They think Allah is not able to help them or that Allah could not have created something so perfect, something so massive

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and huge. Do you know who Allah is? The reason why people deny Allah is because they don't know him. This is a real problem. And sometimes people get disappointed making dua to Allah and then they start turning towards you know, different things different beings, that perhaps they will answer perhaps they will help any What do you think about Allah that He doesn't like you, that his treasures will will diminish if he gives something to you? Allah subhanaw taala gives to those whom he loves and those whom he does not love. You don't have to be likable because Allah is Allah commanded or him and why should you think in the first place that Allah doesn't like you? Because

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there is nothing more honorable near Allah than Dora. Remember that when you call upon Allah, you become honorable in the sight of Allah. Allah chooses from the angels messengers, and from the people. Indeed Allah is hearing and seeing, so Allah chose jabril among the angels and he chose Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam amongst human beings in a Hadees we learn that Allah examined the hearts of the servants and found the heart of Muhammad Sallallahu to set him to be the best. So he chose him and sent him with his message. He knows what is presently before them and what will be after them and to Allah will be returned all matters. Yeah you Halina amanu all you who have believed bow

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down macro core was Judo makes sense the make prostration wire Bududa back home and worship your Lord with our dual hide and do good things Lana come to flee home that you may succeed use your life for good things made time for record for such that for a bother for doing good things. This is what will make you successful don't just chase the dunya what he do filler he haka jihadi, and strive for Allah with the striving due to him, the striving that he deserves, who which tabacum. He has chosen you want jarle rla confit demon, how much and he has not placed upon you in the religion, any difficulty. So Aren't you going to strive because Allah subhanaw taala has not created any

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difficulty in Islam. The difficulty is actually inside of us. We find certain things difficult because of our weakness or our laziness. Allah has not made the religion difficult. Look at how many things are lost count Allah has made easy for us. When a person is not able to make will do then to mom is an option. When a person is not able to pray standing, then they can sit in prayer. When a person is traveling, they can combine their sauna, a person can pray Salah anywhere if they're not able to go to the masjid, you can make your home into a Masjid there is ease and fasting if you're traveling you're sick you're not able to fast you can make up the days later if you're not able to

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fast at all because of your health then you can give to Cydia. There is room for everybody. There is ease and hedge and there's different ways of giving sadaqa there isn't just one way of contributing there is ease into harder so a person can you know sleep in a state of Geneva or they can shower first and then sleep yeah and we see that if people make mistakes if Muslims you know if a person forgets if there's an accident, then Allah soprano tada is Forgiving and Merciful. In a Hadees we learned that Verily Allah has pardoned for me my oma meaning their mistakes, their forgetfulness and that with and that which they have been forced to do under duress. So Allah has made the deen so

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beautiful. So Aren't you going to strive and what is this Deen militare A become Ibrahim it is the religion of your father Ibrahim, who has some mcelmurry mostly mean Allah has named you Muslims before meeting and former scriptures and in this revelation as well. So, this is the name that Allah has chosen for us mostly mean and let us be proud of this name. Let us not hide this name. Let us not extend it or replace it with other labels that we have come up with Subhanallah we have become so divided amongst ourselves that we don't think Muslim is a is a is a description that is complete. We need another description that okay but what Sunni or this or this or that or this or that any we

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are so

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unhappy with what Allah has given us who has some aku Komal muslimeen that the messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over the people for okay Miss salata What are two circuit so established prayer and gives a cat were totally mobile and whole fast to Allah hold fast to his book Who am Oh Lacan. He is your protector for Nirmal Mola, and excellent is the Protector. When airman nurse lead and excellent is the helper. So seek Allah's help because he is your protector, so hold on to him. The fact is that lean is easy, but a person cannot follow it without Allah subhanaw taala still feek without Allah, soprano, todos aid and to seek his aid, one must be sincere to Allah

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and strive their utmost, you have to take the first step and Allah subhanaw taala will create ease and take the best people as your role models. Ibrahim alayhis salam, and remember who you are, you are Muslim, someone who has surrendered to Allah, that is your identity, that is what defines you. So so keep seeking His help and keep striving and keep going further. inshallah we'll conclude over here subchronic Allahumma behenic a shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta esto Furukawa Tobu la wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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