Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 030 Knowledge Hadith 90 93

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The importance of balancing personal needs and pursuing professional education is emphasized, as well as protecting property and privacy. The speakers emphasize the need to be aware of the value of properties and not disregarding people who may need help. privacy is also emphasized, including the importance of not disregarding items and privacy. The segment emphasizes the importance of creating privacy and privacy-related activities, such as repeating certain phrases and not highlighting the word "be" in the Hades' language.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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solidaridad asuna Hill Kareem I'm Ruth wilhemina shaytani r rajim Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim. furbish rightly Sati were sadly angry. Letter melissani of Gokhale probenecid

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Bab alaba b field mower Illa t What are limi it Allah, ma Accra, who, on expressing anger, in admonition and instruction when one sees something that he dislikes Meaning, if the teacher is instructing and he sees something that is this slight, he may reprimand the students he may show a little bit of anger. And we discussed earlier that why it's necessary to show anger sometimes, and that when a person does show anger, there should definitely be a balance meaning a person should not be strict all the time nor should he be lenient all the time, nor should he be ignoring the errors of the students all the time. No, there must be a balance because too much of anything is bad. How

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does he know Mohammed Abu Catherine color a foreigner Sophia, and it may be holiday are increasingly a bee has been an OB Masaru Ansari on a corner June he said that a man said Yara Sula, la messenger of Allah La aka de la notte accardo I almost Audrey ko salata I complete the Salah, meaning I almost could not complete this one I almost broke it, I almost got out of it, min max due to what you thought we do. He was making long dinner with us for lunch and so and so, meaning when so and so, such and such person was leading us in prayer. He prayed for so long that I could not stand in prayer. Femara a two so I have not seen an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam Fie in mo ylighting in admonition. I shed the autobahn I shed the more severe autobahn in anger. Main then yo may event that day who is saying this? The narrator abou Miss Ruth, I'm sorry. He's saying that a man came and he said this he complained to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about the long Salah that the person that one of them had led and, and a woman is rude. He is saying that I have not seen the profits or the lightness and then more upset minyama he didn't and that day when I saw him the most upset at that occasion at that instant for Carla so he said au Hannah's or people in a coma indeed you Mona feel alone when I feel this is from new food, meaning

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one Zoo avert You are one Zoo or averting people chasing them away. How by leading them in Salah for so long from on site lab in NASS. So whoever prays with people fall you have fifth and he should lighten meaning then he should lighten the Salah. He should not pray very long Salah but he should make it short for in a fee him because indeed amongst them are Almeria, the sick will brief and the weak whether hedger and those who are in need, there has no meaning possessor of need, the one who has to fulfill some need. So we see over here that the profit sort of odd a sudden became very upset to the point that some of the people thought that he was the most upset at this occasion. They had

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not seen him angry at any other point, except for this meaning he was the most angry at this instance. And why was he upset because the people, some of them when they lead others in Salah. They prayed very long to the point that other people found it unbearable to stand in Sunnah. So, he became very upset at this Why? Because with such behavior, people were being diverted from the way of Allah subhanaw taala. When leading Salah, a person must be very, very careful that you should not pray such long piano or such long ruku or such long to do that people are unable to play along with him. Even if it is that are we

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the pm should be not so long, that people don't want to pray anymore. They think about breaking the Salah, interweave Salah also, a person is leading who other people in prayer amongst them are old. Amongst them are women amongst them are even children. Amongst them are people who don't understand a word of what you are reciting. So if you pray pm that is 45 minutes long wonder car, how difficult it would be for people, how difficult it would be, and I have seen many times, children what they will do is that as soon as you know 10 minutes or 15 minutes over then they will join in the Salah. Why? Because they don't want to pray that long. So this is like averting people from the way of

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Allah putting them in fitna. So this is why the prophets are allowed his son became extremely upset.

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That if you want to pray yourself, pray as long as you want to. But when you're praying with other people, then you have to take care of them. You cannot ignore their needs, you cannot ignore their weakness. They're weak, they're old, they're hungry, they have been fasting all day. The night is very short, they have to go to work tomorrow. So when you're leading them in Salah, make sure that it is Madrid, a balance is required and balance makes everything beautiful. And from this principle, we can also see that whenever a person is doing anything, like for example, giving a lecture a doc, anything, it should not be so long that people get frustrated, there must be gaps in the middle. So

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for example, people, you know, they're made to listen to the recitation or they're made to share reflections with one another, or there's a break in the middle. Why? Because if it's too long, and if it's the same thing going on continuously, then people get bored. They lose interest. So it's necessary that a person keeps changing the style every now and then, like, for example, in Salah what happens, you're standing and pm and then you go to court, isn't it and then you stand up. As you change your position, you change what you're doing, your mind becomes fresh, you don't get bored. So, for example, in a class, even it should not be that long that people get bored in the

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middle, there should always be something different. Like for example, in our class, if I was talking the whole time, it would be very difficult. This is why reflections discussion, recitation This is necessary, so that the mind is active throughout the session. And we see over here that the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he would recite long sort of insular, but it was not his habit, it was not his habit. Like for example, we do find some activities in which we learned that insulate the motive. For example, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam recited sort of the tour, he did recited a tour, but he did not recite it every single model of Salah. This was not his regular habit, he did it but once in

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a while. So similarly, we should also do the same. But once in a while, if it's long, it's different. But on a regular basis, we should keep such things short. Otherwise, it gets too difficult for people to take. It's not long for you, but it is long for other people. That's the point. Because when it comes to other people, they may have a need, they may be tired, they may be sick, so you have to take care of them as well. Yeah, of course, it does make it a bit long, like for example interview. So now it does, the pm does become a bit long. But you can pace it outright, like make it 15 minutes maximum. Instead of doing 45 minutes I have stood in some way the TM is

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almost 45 minutes to an hour. And yes, I enjoyed it thoroughly. But when I went to the core, I felt as though I couldn't move. There were other people as well, who found it very difficult to pray. So this balance this hikma is necessary that the best way is the sooner and we see that in the son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he prayed long time and he also pretty short. But when he led other people, it was generally short. And when he advised them to lead others, he also recommended them to read which kind of soldiers a shrimps, a lay. If a child would be crying, then the profits are a lot of center with shortening the center. So, always be aware of the people whom you are addressing the

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people whom you are leading, you cannot disregard their weaknesses, their illness or their whatever it is, we have to take them along. Remember, we discussed this earlier as well, that when a person is teaching others, then again, he has to look at their background, he has to teach them according to their state, give them what they need, not what you desire to teach, necessarily, but what they need. Because if you disregard their need, then it's going to become very difficult on them, studies and things, but they weren't very good teachers. And so we would sometimes mela forgive us avoid those professors who weren't teaching properly. And I was thinking now how much higher we must have

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deprived ourselves of and how much higher other students could have gotten from those professors. If only they had come down a little bit to teach at the level of their students. It's very important to do that. Let me give you an example. This weekend course, right? We have a class for an hour, 45 minutes, that is your class. And the students are of different levels. They're girls as young as 1314, maybe an even younger, perhaps, this woman came and she told me that sometimes you might find me dozing off in class. It's not because I don't enjoy the class. It's because I work on night. And I get home at 730 in the morning. And then I have to get here by 10 o'clock if you want I will not

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come on Saturdays. If it bothers you, I said no, please come and make sure you go and rest at home. So there are people of different different backgrounds. So the class has to be lighter. There has to be less word analysis there have to be less references. Why because if it's too heavy,

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If it's too academic style, everybody cannot absorb it. People are of different different backgrounds. But when it comes to, for example, this class that you all are sitting in, you were coming five days a week, people were mostly, you know, they had completed their high school, a lot of people were from university or completed University. So your level is slightly higher on average. So this is why the style was more academic. So you have to take the people along with you. If you say that no, no, no, I like to do this. So I'm going to give them everything, they won't be able to take it, they won't be able to absorb it. So this hekla is what we learn from the Sunnah of the

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Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So anyway, we see over here that at this occasion, the profits on Allison was very upset, and he admonished the Sahaba and some of them got afraid that you know, that he thought he was most upset at this occasion. Let's continue. Had the center of the law hidden Mohammedan Kala had the center of our army called ahead this natural a man who will be led in Alma Dini and robbia attorney Avi Abdur Rahman and yazeed moland member at NZ the new haledon algae honey and an obeah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sir Allahu Rajan. The Prophet salallahu Salam sallahu wa jhulan a man asked him and it'll look about a look at what is a locata Do you know what's the root?

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lamb cough thought any word that we have read from the same root in the Quran?

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Well, Dakota Who are the people of their own? They picked him up simulating the story of use of an s&m we learned that failure the hippo Barbosa Yara so lacava is something that has been you know, dropped or lost by the owner. Okay, some property that has been dropped or lost by the owner so he doesn't know where it is. So you can see it's like lost and found objects. So, a man asked the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about look at about a last article that if he finds it, what is he supposed to do with it? So you're walking on the street and you find $10 or you find a pencil on a desk and you're wondering Can I use it because I can't find my pencil you don't know whose it is. So

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he asked the Prophet sallallahu taala so he said it if recognized, no Well, we got its vessel its container. Oh color or he said where it's where our container, meaning the wallet or the purse that the money is in, recognize it. Okay, the container the wallet, the purse. that the money is in that the object is in recognize it meaning know it very well. When we first saw her and it's read, so no, the the wallet, the purse and its thread. Somebody then I leave her make it known for how long senate and an entire year meaning announced it for an entire year. Summer then is them therapy her then use it meaning once the year is over, then you can use it for injure. Then if he comes who

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comes up to her, it's master its owner, Rob over here means master owner for at the head then return it handed over Li E to him. If the master comes along after a year, even then what should you do? Give it to him. Allah He said meeting the man said, first of all, volatile even Bala bought lamb lamb, one that is lost. So lost or stray camels so cameras that have been lost by their owners. What about them? So can we take them can we keep them? The Prophet sallallahu Sallam became upset for Habiba. So he became angry had that until mullet it became red, where ginetta who his two cheeks Wagner his cheek were ginetta who is two cheeks he became upset to the point that his cheeks both

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cheeks became red. Oh color or he said mama Wudhu or his entire face became red for color. So he said the Prophet said about a sudden he said what Malika and what is with you were Malika and what is with you well I have and for it meaning the camel it has Mara ha with it. See Haha, it's water. We're headed over its feet. What does it mean by this? That the camel has its water and its feet. It has enough for survival. But why has this description been given it has its water and its feet. The camel when it drinks water, it drinks a lot. And then he stores all that water in its body for a very long time. And because of that the camel can survive in the desert even without drinking for

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many days. So even if a camel is lost for a week, two weeks, it can survive. It has its storage of water

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It has its feet meaning if the master left it somewhere it can walk from there. Okay and find food. And with the feet daddy do it will pass by the water. If it needs more water, perhaps he will pass by an oasis and find more water their water and it will graze on a shadow the trees. So in other words, the camel can survive on his own. You don't need to take it further her so leave it so leave it had that until you call her he meets it or boo her it's master. So leave it until the master until the owner will find it. Carla, the man sec furball little one. So what about the lost sheep? parlor? He said lacquer. Therefore you or Leah Hagar for your brother meaning if somebody else finds

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them, or leave it for the sheep, you can take it. If you don't take it, somebody else will take it or the sheep will eat them or the world will eat them. So, in other words, the prophets of Allah Sonam gave him permission to do what lost sheep. In this Hadees we see the reason Imam Bukhari is mentioning this hadith in this chat reading is to show that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam became upset when a particular question was asked, because this question when the man asked what about last candle, it kind of showed a little bit of greed on the part of that men that as though he was looking for the last property of others, and if you could find only the best property that people

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have lost, and if you could take it. So the Prophet said a lot of them showed his anger over there. So it shows that a person may show anger when questions are being asked that are, you know, not that beneficial, but rather a person is looking for, like loopholes or looking for ways through which you can get by? Would you like to know about locata? Or what to do with such things?

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That if you find a pen or a pencil, or somebody forgets their stuff in their house, in your house when they came to your house for a party and you don't know who it belongs to? And nobody has claimed it? It's been sitting there for a year? What are you supposed to do with it? If you give it you wonder, it's the Amana? If you use it, you wonder you can't use it. So what are you supposed to do with it? Especially the money on the street. I think especially coming to alpha. Just yesterday, I saw stripper when she was clearing up her desk. In her drawers, she found small bottles of water, and eyeliners and mascaras, and lipsticks and olive oil and what all and pens and pencils and

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highlighters, so many things. And she just put them up on the table and said whoever wants to take it, garage sale, take it because so much stuff had piled up over there. And all of that was what, stray objects that don't belong to anybody. So what are you supposed to do with these things? When it comes to locata remember that the property of a Muslim is sacred, it has to be protected. And the property of another Muslim, we can't just do whatever we want to with it. Remember that at the time of digital without the prophets are allowed to advise the Muslims. And he said that your lives, Your Honor, and your properties right are as sacred as this day as this place to the property of another

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Muslim is sacred. And therefore we have to know what we are to do with it. If we find it without its owner, how are we to deal with it? Can we use it? Can we give it away? What are we supposed to do with it properties are belongings there are of different types depending on their value, depending on their life, how long they can survive. So therefore the rulings with regards to them are also different. The first type of belongings, the first type of properties are such that which most people would not attach much value to meaning they're not that valuable. For example, a piece of paper, a paperclip somebody came into your office, they were working and they forgot the paper clips

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over there and you're wondering, what am I supposed to do with this paperclip? Similarly, a pencil, a highlighter, a muffin, okay, a piece of bread, a few grapes, a few blueberries, okay, a safety pin little things which are not that valuable. And people don't pay much attention to them. They don't attachment value to them. You can say like, these things are my own. In these cases, the person who finds such things, he may keep them. He may even use them. And he does not even need to announce whose paperclip is this? Who's boasted is this whose muffin is this? Who's you know, whatever a pencil is this you can't go on announcing such little little things. Why? Because a there's so many.

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Alright, if you start announcing, okay, I found these two yellow pencils. Which one is yours versus like, I don't know which one's mine. I don't even remember which might if my pencil was yellow or orange. I just know that I had a pencil which I left over here. So there's so many and they're not that valuable. And people lose these things all the time, isn't it people lose these things. All

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The time. So if you have to keep them for a year, and you have to keep announcing whose paperclip is this, then your life is going to become extremely difficult. So when you find them, you may use them you may do whatever you want to do with them. You don't have to announce, and you don't have to, you know, ignore it, you can use it if needed. And what's the evidence of that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said, Jabba learn when he said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu Sallam made exceptions, in the case of a stick, or a whip, or a rope that a man picks up. So a stick a whip a rope, these things are what small, okay, not that valuable. So he made an exception with regards to

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them. So if you find such things on the street, you may pick them up, no big deal, okay. And this hadith is in a Buddha with the second type of things, the second type of properties or belongings, which people may lose, not generally, but are, for example, animals that are huge, that are unlikely to be harmed by, you know, predators. Why, because of their size, like, for example, a camel, a camel, if it is attacked by another animal that can easily kick it, and the other predators gone. Honestly, they can do it very easily. And even camels, they they bite, you know that they bite and they kick, they can defend themselves really well. Similarly, a mule, a horse, it can defend itself.

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Likewise, animals that can fly. And if they're attacked, they can protect themselves, for example, a bird, an eagle, or, for example, an animal that can move very swiftly. Like, for example, a deer, or, for example, an animal that can defend itself with its fangs, for example, a lion or a leopard. Now, you know that, for example, so until a person, this is his dog, and you know that the dog is out on the street, do you have to go and take it and announce it for a year, or you know that, in this country, if there's a dog out there in the street, you know, that it's somebody, right? So you're not going to go and announce it, you can leave it, you can leave it, it can defend itself, it

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can protect itself. Or you can simply call those people who come in, you know, take these animals. So you can call them, okay, and they can come and pick up those animals and, and take care of them, whatever needs to be done. So such things, you don't have to take them. And in fact, you're not allowed to take them. You're not allowed to take them. It is some scholars have said that it is haram, you don't take them you don't keep them for a year, you don't announce them, you leave them on their own. Why? Because such things generally they're not lost by the owners generally. And if the owner ever loses touch things, you know what's gonna happen, he's gonna come back to where he

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lost it, he's gonna come back to it. Like, for example, somebody rents out a facility to have their party, they brought in their furniture, okay, they brought in some chairs, they brought in some of their dishes. And when they left, they forgot, let's say a table. When they get home, aren't they gonna realize they forgot their table? Then what are they gonna do? They're gonna go back. Now, if you happen to be there, you say, oh, somebody forgot their table, let me just take it home. No, you can't do that. Whoever it is, they will come back for it. And if you leave the table inside, nothing's going to happen to it, it's not going to rot. It's not going to, you know, get decayed,

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nothing's going to happen to it. And besides, the owner will realize very soon and he will come back to find it. So such things were not allowed to pick them up. And this is why when the man asked about the camel, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam got upset, he said, What has that got to do with you? It has its water, it has its feet, it can survive on its own, leave it and the master will find it. So such things were not to take them? Or will they learn who he said Whoever takes a lost animal is misguided. Okay, whoever it takes a lost animal such a person is misguided, meaning he's doing something that is sinful. And more examples of this could be you know, anything that can be left on

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its own and it will not get damaged. Like for example, I gave you furniture. Likewise, big serving dishes, okay, big decoration items, curtains, you know, big things that people don't generally lose and they don't forget. And if you leave them, nothing's going to happen to them. The third type of belongings which people could lose are things that are valuable and things that have to be protected. If you leave them they will get damaged. If you leave them they may get you know somebody might pick them up and and keep it with themselves okay without even letting the owner know or without even making the announcement. So, what are the two characteristics First of all, they are

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valuable and secondly they are they have to be protected they may get damaged. Can you think of some examples? Okay, jewelry you go to the washrooms and you find somebody ring over there or somebody watch over there. A wallet, a cell phone, glasses could watch a bag Okay, somebody's luggage, somebody's backpack. Okay, like cards. For example, a bank card, pay books.

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Or notes, laptop keys, car keys, okay, I bought money even, it has to be protected, if you leave it, and if it rains or the wind blows, that's it, the money is gone. Okay. And if the owner comes back thinking, I think I dropped something over here, he's not gonna find it, then. Similarly, food. Food is also a part of this. Because if you leave the food, what's going to happen? It's going to expire, it's going to get spoiled. You're not going to say, oh, nobody's claiming this piece of pizza. It's sitting over here. It's been sitting here since morning, nobody's going to get it. So we're going to leave it here. No, everybody's gone. The school is almost empty. So what are you going to do leave

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it there until the next day, then it's going to go into garbage. So such things, if you think that you can take care of them. And you think that you can make the announcement, you can make it known that this thing has been lost, then you pick it up? What are the two conditions? What are the two conditions, you know that you can take care of it. And secondly, you can somehow get it to the owner. You don't know who the owner is. But you know that you have the opportunity to make the announcement so that the owner may find it. But if for example, you're traveling, and you stopped by a Masjid, and you see something over there, don't pick it up. Why? Because you're traveling, if you

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go to another city, you're making announcement over there is irrelevant. In such a situation, what you can do is pick it up and give it to the administration. So such things you pick them up if you fulfill these two conditions. And then you may do whatever you want with these things. scholars are further divided this into three categories. The first type of such things are, for example, animals that are eaten, for example, sheep, or chickens. So such animals, a person can do whatever is in the best interest of the owner. So for example, if he eats it, okay, if he sells it, okay, if he keeps it, okay, as long as the owner will benefit eventually. Because if you leave the sheep like that,

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what's going to happen, the owner has lost completely. But if you keep the sheep, and let's say you slaughter and you eat it, and eventually the owner comes to you, and you give him the money, okay, the owner has something. So you have to do whatever you want to as long as it is in the best interest of the owner. So for example, animals, they're eaten, you can eat it, or for example, you can even sell it, you can even sell it. And you may even keep it food, you may eat it, he may freeze it, you may give it away, you may give it in charity, similarly, $1 that you find, it's not of much value, but still it is valuable. So you can use it, you can spend it, you can put it in the sadaqa

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box, you can save it wherever you want to with it. But But what do you have to do? This you can only do after an entire year. Okay, all of this you can do when, after, when, after an entire year for those things that can be saved. Food, if you keep it for an entire year, what's gonna happen? It's gonna rock. Okay, so you eat it. But remember the Hadees? What does it say? Aaron, if we can

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no recognize its details, know it very well. So that if after a year, even if a person comes in claims, or that was my watermelon, or that was my wallet, or that was my money, or that was my stuff, then what are you going to do with it, you can give them the value. If you've used it. Some of these things, you have to use them immediately. Or you can sell them or you can even store them for an entire year. But after the year, if the owner comes and claims it, then what are you supposed to do with it? Give him that thing back or give him its price back its value back. So for example, somebody came to your house, some people came over for a party for a dinner, and somebody forgot

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their jacket. It's an expensive jacket, you send an email to all of your friends. Whose jacket is this? Please come and take it. No answer.

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You made an announcement. You wait for an entire year. And then what happens? It's sitting there in your closet, what are you going to do with it? You can use it. You can give it away. You can sell it, you can do whatever you want with it. But let's say after two years, one of your friends comes back to your house and with her comes her cousin. And she says you know I came to your house last time two years ago and I forgot my jacket. Do you still have it? And you're like, No, I don't have it. She's like I want it. So you give her its price. If you still have it, then you can give it to him.

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Because these things are different types, right? Some things you have to consider immediately. Some things are a burden if they're lying around, so no

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It's value recognize what it is what its value is so that if you have to hand it over, then you can give them equal value. There was this lady I went to she stitches clothes. And she was saying, you know, people come over to me and they give me clothes to stitch. And some of them, they leave their clothes with me for years and years, and I don't know what to do with them. What am I supposed to do with them? I said, I don't know. But now I know the answer. What do you think the answer is? Keep it for a year, and then do whatever you want.

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And my question is that some stuff was left with me as an Amana. It's a pots and pans and some other books. So I tried to because they were in a hurry to leave. So they left and I said, Okay, fine, I'll give it to them. So it's a two fold thing for me. It was a minor it this was like four years ago, and I tried to get in touch with the owner the best I could. And there's either they have moved or there's no response, or I've been calling to them, I haven't been able to get in touch with them. Those pots and pans and books are still with me. So if four years have gone, so I think what I'm learning from here is that I can give them in South Africa, or

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these rulings are with regards to objects that are lost. Okay, meaning you don't know who the owner is. He just found it like that. I'll find out if the rulings of such a man hat are similar? I'll find out. Exactly.

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Question about losing your shoes. Because what happens a lot where you lose your shoes, and then you see another pair that's like the same size and similar design, and it's left for you. So what do you do? Do you are you supposed to wear it? Or you just go barefoot? Like, what are you supposed to do in that case, because it's very common thing is if you use them once, it's no big deal, because the other personnel to use your shoes, and eventually they'll realize they might realize that they took somebody else's shoes, if you wear them once to your house, it's okay. And you can bring them back the next day, and leave them in the Lost and Found and after one year, the management can decide

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whatever they want to do with those fields. Okay, the money that you find on the street with regards to such things. Remember, I told you that you pick things up when you know that you can protect it. And when you can know that you can somehow get it back to the owner. So for example, if you find something in a loader or in the parking lot, you know that it's a belong to somebody who is at a loader, okay? But if you find it in the supermarket or like that, Leave it, leave it, why the owner will come back for it. If he doesn't come back for it. It's not, you know, you're not held responsible for it. And if it's, for example, a big amount, then what do you do with it, pick it up

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and give it to you, the management, the closest store or whoever is responsible of that area, you give it to them so that whoever has lost it, they will come and claim it from them. All envelope full of money, cash. So I went to the customer service. And I told this is what I found right here. And I'm sure that lady will find out that she never was it that she lost it. And I made sure I took that cashier's number phone number. And I call the manager to I didn't want it to be just the cashier. I wanted the manager to be there to the next day I phoned them and asked them did anybody come for it? Because I want to make sure that got the owner? And the manager said yes, there was a

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lady who came and picked up the money. Yeah, so you picked it up. It was a big amount, and you knew that you could somehow get it back to the owner. So yeah, so this is why you pick it up. But if a person knows that he cannot get it back to the owner in any way. Then you're not supposed to pick it up. You're not allowed to touch it. The owner will come back for it he will find it in the masjid can it be announced? No. In the masjid? No. It cannot be announced. We know that if a person makes an announcement for a lost object in the masjid the profits or losses that I'm told that make the other may you'll never find it. So in the masjid the announcement is not supposed to be made in the

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Hadith. What do we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said a limited time limit, okay, but he did not specify a way of the announcement. Why? Because every place every situation is different. And the announcement is going to be made accordingly. Sometimes it's going to be made over email, sometimes it's going to be made over, you know, a microphone, sometimes by you know, a flyer, whatever is appropriate, it must be done. Sometimes you can get the object to the Lost and Found department and from there, you know, the owner can come and claim it, that we have to follow the rules of the place that we're at. The announcement also has to be made property. I mean, a person

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should not say Did anybody lose $200 because everybody's gonna come and claim. Just recently somebody was telling me about how they found dollar in the machine and they asked whose dollar is it and all the kids were like mind my mind.

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And he said, You know what, I'm just gonna put it in this other box. So they put it in this other box and they said whoever it is, you know, come and claim it for me. So you can do something like that. Then whoever it is, they will come and take it from you and you can give them $1 but if you know that you cannot afford to give them this much money, leave it. Don't touch it.

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I mean, it's the prayer area. Because these days massages are not just prayer areas, but they're also community centers, people to stay, even they are not using their keep on taking and the next day they are putting that pressure on. So this light comes in or you know what it's covered by the cost of your, you know, the stay there. So it's no big deal. And many times they'll give it to you for free.

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Child, yeah, definitely go in big gatherings, and there is no place for loss.

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Of course, and sometimes it could be for example, at a Masjid, it could be a mall, it could be a conference, right? So if you see a child who is alone, who is crying, who's lost, don't leave the child on his own, please,

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please take him, keep him with you take him to where the announcement can be made, ask him if he knows the number called the police, whoever, whatever can be done, but do something don't leave the challenges like that. Sorry. So like, there's gonna happen with me like that. I think I was like, about eight years ago, I was at the park with my he was two years old at the time. And it was a big green grassy area and this child who's running across who was the same age as my son, and he was running towards a main street. So I was looking around just seeing where's the parent, where's the parent, there's nobody around. And this child kept running towards basically a main street. So I

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went and took the child basically, and was looking around for a mother, I walked back and forth with the child trying to see if there's a mother eventually went home. And I called the police to get them. But the mother was going crazy, she was in the same neighborhood. And she was just running up and down crying. But obviously, like I was thinking, if I could have just left that child, because I was like, you know, she, his mom will come she'll find them. But I was concerned, especially that he was running towards the Main Street. So if you look at these, there are three types of things right? First example is what have money. First things you keep, for how long a year, no, it's details, keep

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it for a year, and then use it or do whatever you want to do with it. But if the owner comes, then you have to give it back to him. second type of things are such which, you know, you can leave them nothing's going to happen to them. So you leave them you're not allowed to pick them up. third type of things are such which are vulnerable, the sheep vulnerable, if you leave them, the wolf will eat them. If you leave a child, he may be kidnapped, he may be injured, he may end up in an accident, something very harmful may happen. So such things, you know, take them and take them doesn't mean keep them but you know, try to get them to the owner to the best of your ability. Like for example,

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in this institute, many times there are you know, cron or their drills or their books, stationery, shoes, anything, the jackets, right, they're just here, always here. And it becomes a burden on the Institute. The things that are valuable, yes, they're supposed to keep them for a year. But then how many things are they supposed to keep for how long so we have to be careful in the first place. Be careful about your things, don't be careless. And be careful about your things. Don't leave them around everywhere. And on the part of the Institute when it comes to Little things like mascaras and you know small small bottles then such things are just going to be you know, reuse given away or

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whatever. But when it comes to big things, then they will be kept for some time but then eventually, you know, they will be used. So for example, the valuable things ended up at their inception and the rest of the things they get reused. It's not Finders keepers, it's Finders keepers were here and then users. If you want to get more details on this check Islam QA, there are detailed fatawa on this. Okay. Let's continue. Had the center Mohammed Abdullah la Kala had the center Abu samata and Braden and Abby Buddha and Abby Moosa color he said so in an abuse Allahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was asked on a Shia about things carry her he disliked them, meaning he

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was asked certain questions that he disliked fellow muscle when book theater or Li oak theater, it was made abundant, I lay upon it meaning one too many questions, such questions were coming. Lovely, but he became upset some orderliness and then he said to the people, saloon Yamashita asked me whatever you wish he didn't say this to you know, say that Yeah, go ahead, ask whatever questions you want, but he was showing his anger. Like for example, if somebody is not listening to you telling them don't go there, and they don't listen to you, then what do you say eventually, Fine, go, go. Similarly, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, Ask me whatever you wish, on Allah Dillon,

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and a man he said he understood it literally. He said, Man, Abby, who is my Father, God, the prophets of Allah.

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a certain set of buka Your father is

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four comma r. So another man stood up for Cora he said man, a B who is my father, these are people about whose father there was, you know difference like people said that their father was so and so person but then they said that no, this is not your father. Because you know where the dinner was very common for comma, four comma Avi Rasul Allah, Allah He said, A buka Salim Mola, shava Your father is silent molar the freed slave of Shiva, Fela murmur then when Romero de la casa Murphy YG what was in the face of the prophet SAW the lone dissenter meaning when you saw the anger on he said, Yeah rasulillah or messenger of Allah in Nana tubal ilaha xojo indeed we repent to Allah, the

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Exalted mid to remodeled Lido or no, he recognized he saw and he apologized on behalf of everybody who was there. What do we see in this howdy so the prophet SAW a lot of sudden became upset, he became angry when certain questions were being asked from him.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:38

When irrelevant questions are being asked, or questions that can whose answers can create fitna then definitely a person is going to become angry. And he may show that anger to discourage people from asking such questions to set a precedent that such questions are not welcome over here. Like for example, if a person asks in a gathering of knowledge, where, for example, a scholar is teaching, and he says, What is your opinion concerning those who judge with the law that Allah subhanaw taala has not revealed?

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The one who judges with a lot that Allah has not revealed what is your opinion concerning that? Obviously in the Quran, what do we learn that those who judge according to a law other than that of a loss of handled artisan, such people are fuzzy on caffeine? Now, if if the chef will give that answer, this person is going to see the chef's as such people in a cafe, call back home? Yeah, this government coffee, get them out. This is going to create a big fitna and this has happened. This has happened that many scholars, they have been asked such questions and their answers have been used to create a lot of fitna in this world. Many people have misused their answers. And so if such

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questions are ever asked, then a person may show anger he may show that such questions are not welcome. They're not going to be answered. And similarly have questions which are completely irrelevant, like a versus asking who is my father? I mean, what has this got to do with your armor? So, if such questions are being asked, then a person will also show anger over there. So this is why the Prophet sallallaahu Selim was angry, the questions were inappropriate, they could possibly create fitna so in such situations a person may show anger, but it doesn't mean that a person becomes angry on every little thing, okay, there must be balance, because if a person gets angry and

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every little thing then people will run away. We learned earlier in the kimono furon. So, a person was not chase other people away by showing anger all the time. And we see here that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he gave answers while he was angry. So it shows that a person may give answers or he may give a fatwa even when he is upset, because remember, there are two types of other one type of others that was very shaded, in which a person is overcome by his anger, he is not able to understand what is being cepting or what he is saying. So in such a situation in person was not speak. But if it's anger, that is laser vicia. d that is not that severe. A person understands what

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he's saying, what is being said to him, then he may speak he may answer in such a state. What do we see with regards to the attitude of or model do that how observant he was? how well he knew the Prophet sallallahu sallam, when he saw his face, he knew he was angry. He knew why he was angry, even, you know, sometimes we see people, they appear to be upset, but we have no idea why they're upset. We're like, Okay, so what what can I do about it? No, look at how careful how sensitive how observant he was, and at the same time are mildly Darren who is also known to be very firm and very tough. What do we think that if your firm have a very cold heart, be insensitive to other people?

00:44:27 --> 00:44:59

No, he was firm, but at the same time, he was very sensitive, and especially towards the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And look at the way he expressed. You know, the apology that we repent to Allah azza wa jal. Why did he say we repent to Allah azza wa jal, because he knew that if the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is upset, if the profits or losses that was being hurt by the words of the people, then this is angering Allah soprano. This is inviting the anger of Allah because Allah says in Alina up soon aloha

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What a solo learner who love Indonesia will, those people who hurt a lot and His Messenger, Allah has cursed such people in this dunya and in this world, so hurting the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is a sin. So, this is why he said that we repent to Allah azza wa jal and he could have told all the people stopped Why are you asking such questions? But when he said we were bent to a virus of which everybody got the message, stop it. Next are these bad monbulk are allowed but they here in the email me a will Morehead dizzy, man Baraka, the one who kneeled. Remember the word bilka. What is becoming the kneeling of the camel? From the word Baraka? Baraka is what blessing abundance. So

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wherever the camel said people knew there was going to be a lot of good over there. So this is why the word butterflies from that man Baraka, the one who kneeled on a rock but he upon rock, but he, his two knees are in the Imam in front of or before the Imam or Alma had this, the Hadees narrative. Is it permissible to do that or not? Why do you think he's mentioning this? If a person kneels before the other, we're not talking about bending. Like record No, this is like sitting and like kneeling on your knees. What does it show respect and attention that a person is paying a lot of attention as well? Why is this being mentioned in this book? Why do you think human body is proving

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this? There are etiquettes when it comes to seeking knowledge advocates must be observed had done it earlier Manny pilot a foreigner even earned his degree he got an offer and he and a sub numerical and the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Maharajah the Prophet sallallahu Sallam came out for comma Abdullah hibben, who there Fattah Abdullah even who therefore he stood up for Allah so he said, Man, Avi, who is my father, for us, and he said, A buka who therefore your father is some actor and Nicola Saloni. So Madame Xsara, he repeated on your quota that he said saloon in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he repeated that asked me asked me because the questions were coming in

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one after the other they said asked me it's the same as the previous one. Okay, just a slightly different version for Baraka oamaru so Romana later on who he kneeled our lautoka but he upon his knees for color, so he said of Alina Villa he'll ralina We are happy biLlahi with Allah, Allah, as our Lord will Islami and with Islam Deen and as religion will be Mohammed in and with Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and a billion US as profit for socrata. And then he became silent. So we see over here that are manolito or no, he said this statement in the previous Hadees we learned that he said that we repent to Allah. And over here you he said that we are happy with Allah as our

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Lord Islam as a religion and morality as our Prophet. Why do you think he said that?

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What's the relevance of this statement over here when the prophets are allowed? Isn't it was upset, and he's saying it'll lead Nabila he'll babble Islam, Medina, Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gonna be here? What's the relevance? Yes, do many questions may show that you have doubt. So Omar Abdullah, and who was assuring the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in order to please Him? That we have no doubt. We have no doubt. And this incident is the same. There are two different narrations. There are two different narratives. It's quite puzzled that he said both the statements we repent to Allah and we are happy with allies, our Lord. So it shows that he apologized. And he also satisfied the

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prophets of Allah. He wasn't just apologizing, but he was making him happy as well. Sometimes we just say sorry, and we don't care about the feelings, the emotions of the other or the damage that we've caused them. No, we should be concerned about that as well make up for that. The intention of the people when they were asking the questions was not to hurt the profits of the law to sell them. It was just asking questions. And sometimes it happens that people because of their lack of understanding, or because of not being alert, you know, they end up asking questions that are irrelevant. And they might upset the other. Like, for example, you tell somebody, can you please

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bring me my bag? And they're like, Where is it? Wherever I put it every single day? Aren't you going to get irritated? I mean, there's one place where you put your bag, and your sister knows about that. And if she asks you so where is it? Well, it's not under the table. It's not in the car. It's on the chair where put it every single day. So when you're asked such questions, you get upset, but the other person is not necessarily asking that question to annoy you. They're just not paying that much attention, isn't it? Sometimes such questions come out of not thinking you know correctly. So the profits of a lot of people got upset and remodel the door. No

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You apologized on behalf of everybody. Bad Man or other Hades assassin, leaf hammer on who? chapter man who are other he repeated a Hades the Hadees Salah son three times and Hades already doesn't necessarily mean that these are the Prophet sallallahu sallam, but speech, whoever repeated his speech three times, Why leave hammer on who? So that it may be understood. When people are listening to you, it's quite possible that they miss out some detail that you said

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or they miss out something that you said, Why because your mind is elsewhere. They got distracted, or it's quite possible they did not understand the first time you said it. Therefore, repetition is sometimes beneficial. Repetition is sometimes beneficial. And in order to make understanding easy for people, it is good to repeat. And we see this in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well. However, the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam was not to repeat himself all the time, but only when saying important things or things that were not easily understood by the people. Okay, we will conclude over here inshallah panicle long will be handy going to share the La Ilaha Illa.

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anta the stuffy Luca wanted to be a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Lesson 30 – Chapter 28-29 Hadith 90-93

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