Taimiyyah Zubair – Bukhari 031 Knowledge Hadith 94 98

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The importance of respect and being mindful of others' actions is emphasized in the context of gathering knowledge and being mindful of others' actions. Representatives and leaders should show respect when sitting in groups and not for personal gain. The importance of good manners, including good body language, good communication, and proper eye contact is emphasized. It is also emphasized that women are not required to give charity, but are allowed to practice it. The need for women to be comfortable with their behavior and not to be discouraged from wearing jewelry is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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illegal Karim I'm about furrows below him in the shade line Alhaji Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim, rubbish rattly Saudi were silly MD of Tata melissani of koko de probenecid. And

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Bab number 30.

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Before that, the previous Heidi said we learned this number 93 in which the chapter heading is Batman Baraka alphabeta here in the Miami, I will mahad dizzy annealing before an Imam or Hades teacher.

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mahad is the one who is narrating Hades. What does this show to us kneeling before? What is his position show

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respect and humidity. And we see that Omar of the lower on who he sat in that manner before the prophet SAW a lot of sudden when he apologized to him on behalf of everybody. So it is a posture in which a lot of respect is being shown. It does not mean that a person is frustrating to the other No, because we have been forbidden from doing that. And we know that standing up is also something that is not like even the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did not like that for himself that people should stand up when he comes. However, when it comes to images of real when it comes to a gathering of knowledge, then we see that over there a person must display respect in the way that he sits as well

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in the way that he carries himself as well. Because imagine is available especially that of the Hadith of the prophets are about a certain that of this Deen is not something that's very insignificant, no, rather, it's something that's very major. It's something that deserves respect. And we see that when jabril when he came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in the form of a human being and he asked him questions, how did he come and sit before him in a very humble manner? Right, just as we sit in Tushar hood, right, that shows that a person is very attentive is very alert, and he is ready to receive whatever is being given. And this is just like in Salah when we're praying to

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Allah subhanaw taala How are we supposed to keep ourselves we are not allowed to talk, we're not allowed to move extra unnecessarily. Similarly, when it comes to sitting in images of alien, there also we are to limit our movements. Similarly, we are to limit our conversations with other people, we shouldn't be talking at that time. Similarly, we should be very alert and mindful, and our posture in the way we set it should also be very respectful, because the fact is that this respect is being shown to who this respect is being shown to who

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when a person is sitting respectfully in a gathering of knowledge, who is he actually showing respect to

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to their aim? And in fact, why should a person show respect to him?

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Because it is out of respect for Allah subhanaw taala, because this alien,

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this is Dean and this Dean is whose it is ullas. So, when a person is sitting in such a gathering, he should be respectful in the way he sets, not for the sake of the teacher, not for the sake of other people, but for the sake of who the one who has revealed this religion. And the fact is that until and unless a person shows up until a person shows respect, if he does not show respect, he is not going to receive anything, he will not be able to absorb anything. And remember this no matter which gathering you are sitting in, no matter which gathering it is, but please be respectful over there not for the sake of other people but for the sake of Allah soprano data and be mindful that

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Allah is watching us and be mindful that this Dean this alien can only come to a person if Allah gives it to him. My yo tell hc mata alladhina Uhler ilma This is a gift is an alpha of Allah. And it's not given to those who are not respectful. It is given to those who show eagerness who shows seriousness who have respect, because this Deen is not cheap. It is something that's very valuable, it's a great blessing and great blessings are only given to those who are worthy and deserving. So if we want to retain any knowledge, then we must we must show Okay.

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Let's continue.

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Birdman. This is a lesson leave hammer on who man the one who repeated and her these are the speech the address or the Hadees. So lesson three times Why leave hammer on who. So that it may be understood what he has said may be understood.

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Over here Hadees does not mean the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. However, it means speech address, as we know that this Kitab is capable in an indicator we learn about the etiquettes of learning and also the etiquette of teaching, the etiquettes of acquiring and also the etiquette of passing on knowledge. When a person is passing on knowledge when a person is telling others about something then wherever

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Something important is being mentioned, then he may repeat it, if it is necessary, because when people are listening to you, it's quite possible that they did not understand what you said. Why because it was not as clear. Similarly, it's also possible that they got distracted or they could not keep up with your speed. So, they missed out on something. Now, if the other person did not understand or he missed out, or he did not realize the importance of what you said, So, should that knowledge be ignored, should it be left out? No, it should be repeated, it should be repeated why, so that the other person may grasp it, so that he may retain it so that he may understand it.

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However, repetition should be done in moderation, because too much repetition gets a little boring. And we see the best example in the way of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that how he repeated sometimes three times sometimes less than that, and sometimes more than that, wherever the need was for Karla so he said over here man Buhari is quoting a diesel Prophet sallallahu Sallam that Allah wa kousuke Allah unquestionably what Allah Zoo and the false statement meaning a lie, meaning Do not tell lies from as Allah you can read to her, so he did not stop meaning he continued repeating it, you can read to her he was repeating it, meaning he continued to repeat it. And if you remember this

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hadith in which the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said this, the people were saying that, you know, they wish that he would stop because he said it so many times. So he repeated it not twice, not thrice, but many, many times wirkkala if not Amara, and even or muraleedharan who said arlon abuse Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said, help and love to have I conveyed Salah son three times he said this how many times three times. So important matters. Important things may be repeated up to three times and sometimes even more. As we see. Some things he said three times and some things he said more than that. How does an aqua to Allah had the center of the Samadhi Kala

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had the center of the law hidden in masana. Allah had done so mama to ignore Abdullah and NSN nnb sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that unknown indeed he cannot he used to eat as Salama. When he said Salaam when he greeted the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his habit was that when he would greet Salah, he would read that Athan three times, this is referring to St. Then remember the rule of St. Then that when you go up to somebody's door, and when you knock and you say Salah, you say once there is no answer you say a second time, there's no answer you say a third time, if you get an answer, and you're invited, go in, but if not, then what are you supposed to do? Go back. So when he would greet

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somebody who would greet them how many times three times this does not mean that on every occasion if ever he sets around to somebody who said a Santa Monica Santa Monica Santa Monica, no, this is in the context of his didn't work either Taka lemma and when he spoke be kalimat in a statement are either her he repeated it seles and three times. And when he uttered a statement, when he said something important, he would say it how many times three times. Let's look at the next Hardee's had the center of the tignor Abdullah had the center of the Samadhi Kala had the center of the lion and was Santa Clara had that as a moment of no Abdullah and NSN are an abuse of the lower Lee who was

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selama and no kana that indeed he was meaning it was his habit, either talkin lemma that when he spoke be Kelly Martin with a statement, either her he repeated it seles and three times, Hector until to hammer on who it was understood from him, meaning until that statement was understood, I want you to underline this part

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that when he spoke a statement when he said something, he would repeat it three times had to form our own who this was the objective, this was the goal. This was the purpose of repetition, that it should be understood. Why that and when after Allah Coleman, and when he came upon a people meeting when he came to their place for Salah, Alain him then he greeted on them Salama, he greeted, or lay him upon them, so less than three times. So when he came to a people meaning to their house, then what would he do? He would greet them three times. Let's look at the following. It says well, had the time was set didn't call at the center of our monitor and ambition on use of apne mahak and

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Abdullah him near Imran Allah He said the handler for Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Murphy suffered in the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he stayed behind in a journey safwan now who we traveled it, meaning all of them were traveling together.

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Prophet sallallahu sallam, he stayed behind the rest of the people for the Raka and then he caught up with us. And when he caught up with us work on while in fact, our Hakuna Salah to the Salah was getting difficult upon us, meaning we were about to miss it. We have studied this Hadees before, so that there are three, it was a lot of us when I know and we know what we were performing with the federal law. So we were doing that we were putting, not literally putting but we were numsa who we were wiping Allah or jolina upon our feet. So instead of washing the feet, what were they doing, wiping the feet in haste? Fernanda so he called out, be Arla with louder so D is voice way

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Louisville aka women are now war to what the ankles from what from the fire model attaining two times out 11 or three times. All of these are these, what do they show to us? That the way of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, his Headey his way was that when he said something important?

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Or something that may be difficult to understand something that may be difficult to grasp by the listener? How many times did you repeat it

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up to three times or even more? Sometimes three, and sometimes even more than that, for St. Then why did he say up to three times because the other did not grasp? They did not listen, they did not hear they missed out on what he said. So, we see that there are primarily two reasons for repetition, what are they?

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First of all, to show importance,

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to show importance to show the EMEA.

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Like for example, in these studies, where do we learn that he repeated three times for the purpose of showing importance, when he said to them loudly, that while you let him in and out, right and he said that three times. Secondly, we also see that he repeated for sure importance from where, and these are Hadith, Allah wa kolu Yousuf to show the importance that how terrible it is to lie. He repeated that many, many times. And another evidence that the Prophet salallahu has been repeated three times or more to show importance of what he was saying,

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help I love to help I love to have I conveyed? Why did he repeat that so many times was not clear to the people? Of course they understood. But why did he repeat to show them the importance that he has, he definitely definitely conveyed everything. So there are three evidences that we see over here that prove that the prophets are the loudest and repeated, to show the importance of what he was saying. Secondly, he repeated for what purpose do make the listener understand to make the listener grasp what he said, in case the listener missed it, or he misunderstood it. So many times when he spoke something, he started how many times three times. So there are two reasons had that

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have hamanako. First is to show importance. And secondly, to make the other understand.

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And we see that the number three is something that's very common, for many words from any statements as well as many actions in our religion. For example, when we are in record, we say subpanel, a beat Arlene, a minimum of how many times three times when it comes to st then how many times are we allowed to say permission three times. Similarly actions three times, like for example in will do, we wash our hands or our face or our arms, our feet, how many times three times. However, this does not mean that number three is an obligation. It doesn't mean that it's an obligation. So for example, in this context, when it comes to saying something important, when it comes to explaining

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something, it's not mandatory that you repeat everything three times. It's not mandatory, you may, but it's not mandatory. So this shows to us that a person may repeat up to three times and even more, if a person has said something and if it's been understood by saying it only once. Is it necessary to repeat three times? No. Then saying once is also sufficient. If a person has said something three times but still people don't get it. Can he repeat more than that? Of course he can. So it's not the number three but rather, the objective, the purpose, what's the purpose had to hammer on who if it takes one time two times three times more than that? Whatever it takes, the

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point is to get the message across. And this is what we see in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well.

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Next Bad, bad Darlene allegedly teaching of the man Amata who his slave woman, what Allah who and

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His family, a man teaching his slave woman and his family.

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Teaching, in general is something that's very good. However, teaching certain individuals is more rewardable is something that brings a person more reward. Teaching in general is very good. But if you teach certain individuals, it can get you a lot of reward. Why do you think so?

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Like, for example, when you give sadaqa to anybody is good. But takato relative, is that more reward? Why?

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Okay, because there's a lot of them and secondly, the reward of Seneca. So similarly, if a person teaches those who are under him, those who are close to him, those who he are responsible for, he will get double reward for that, it is more rewardable.

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And we see that a person must teach his family, as well as dependence, meaning all those people who are dependent on him, those people who depend on you, whether it is family, or servants, or those who work under you in any way, they must not just receive only physical nutrition, and benefit from you, but also mental, emotional, spiritual nourishment. Because if you look at the human body, the human being has a small stomach, and a big brain, given the body size.

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If you compare the human body to any other creature, you will see that within those creatures, the stomachs are larger, and the brains are smaller. But the human body has a smaller stomach for its size and a bigger brain for its size. And this is a scientific fact.

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I just learned about it recently. And it amazed me. For other creatures, what's their goal, eat, reproduce, survive, and then die.

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But for human beings, our goal is not to eat a lot did not give us larger stomachs. But Allah subhanaw taala gave us bigger brains for our body size. Why? Because we don't just need to eat. But we need to grow mentally and spiritually. So if people who are under you who are with you are only receiving physical nutrition from your physical benefit from you bodily nutrition from you, and they're not getting any brain food, then you're taking care of them is deficient. You're looking after them is incomplete, you're not giving them their help. So when it comes to giving something to your children, we should not just be concerned about feeding them about putting something into their

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stomachs. But we should be concerned about putting something in their brains as well.

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Because if they eat, and they grow physically, but they're not spiritually and mentally satisfied, then they will never be happy. They will never be happy.

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And if a person has a physical able body, but nothing to occupy his mind, nothing good to occupy his mind, and what will you do with that body? What will you do with it

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and think about it, a person will feed you look after you take care of their body, okay, they grow, eventually their body is going to come to an end isn't it so.

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But what is going to remain their actions, their actions are going to remain, their body is going to be put in the grave, and their actions are going to continue with them, they're going to remain with them. So if we're only concerned about their bodies and not their actions, then there's a problem. So when we're concerned about the physical health, physical well being of our dependence, we should also be very much concerned about the mental and spiritual well being of our dependence of those who are with us. So we see in this Hadith, that a man teaching who his slave girl, slave girl, and his family, this is something that's very, very important.

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Ahora now Mohammedan who were able to Solomon had the center mojari bu, Allah had done a solid job no haiyang Allah, Allah Ramadan, a sharpie you have destiny a boo boo data, an OBE Kala Kala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Salah satin three people left home for them a Gilani double reward. There are three types of people who will get double reward. Who First of all, are Julian a man mean? Lil kitabi from among the People of the Book,

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especially for Mongo from the People of the Book.

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Amana, he believed been a big in his profit. What am Anna and he believed be Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Why would he have double reward one for believing in His Prophet and the second for believing in our habits that allowed us what to do and secondly what to do and the slave elmham look the one who is owned a slave either when at

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He gives he pays help the law he the right of Allah will help. And right miroir Lee, his owners, his masters, the slave who gives the hack of Allah, and he also gives the heck off his master, that person will have double reward.

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Why? Because he's not falling short in his duty. Sometimes it happens that we feel that just because we have a family just because we are mothers, it's okay if we fall short in our duty to Allah. Or we think that just because we have to pray, it's okay. Their children are hungry. No, it's necessary that we fulfill the help of Allah as well as the help of those who are whom we are responsible for

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whom we are to take care of whom we are to obey. Both are necessary, neither should be compromised, and when a person does this, he will have double reward.

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And thirdly, why don't you learn and a man character in the hall? He had an attack on a slave woman for a debit her. So he taught her good manners for us, Anna and then he did good diba in teaching her good manners. Why do you think good manners are mentioned teaching good manners to a slave? It will change their life completely. Okay. Why do you think it's necessary to teach them at a what kind of other visit by the way? Which other?

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Okay, Dean religious, but later on where I learned to have sanitary Lima. Knowledge is also mentioned. What kind of other business manners good manners.

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Have you ever seen? Have you ever come across people who have lived their lives as servants?

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So what kind of manners do they have? What kind of etiquette do they observe?

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Many times it happens that they're very harsh in their nature, very abrupt. Why? Because they have never been treated respectfully. They have never been spoken with in a gentle manner. So whenever they speak, they speak coarsely. They answer back. They don't realize that it's not appropriate to speak in this manner. What else is in their manners? Yes. That many times it happens that they're not aware of how to keep themselves clean. They're not as aware of, you know, good hygiene. I remember, this lady was once telling me that a young girl had come to work in her house. But when she came, she wasn't dressed properly. She didn't know how to even wash herself properly. So she

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taught her. This is how you take a bath. She literally taught her This is how you wash your hair. This is how you wash your body. This is how you clean yourself. She had no idea whatsoever. Why she was never taught, never taught. And especially if you think about it. In this Hadith, what is mentioned slave, what's the life of a slave being sold from one master to the other?

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So if a person does not have a place to live in, he's not cultured, his manners are not developed. Nobody has done his Serbia. So a diva her instead of saying, Oh my god, how dirty Oh my god, she didn't even wash her hands before she did such and such. You know, sometimes we complain that people don't know what hygiene people don't know how to take care of themselves. But it's quite possible they don't even know they have no idea.

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So for a diva her work for Sen. diva, and he wouldn't did very good in teaching her good manners, how to speak, how to carry themselves, how to wear decent clothes, how to eat even how to sit properly, even these things they don't know many times. So for us another diva, so that her level is very similar to the level of the other people in the society and then didn't just teach her good manners, how to dress up how to, you know, talk properly, how to carry yourself properly, but also were allama her and also taught her for our sanitary Lima her and he did very good in teaching her. What kind of Darlene is this? What kind of knowledge is this? Obviously the knowledge of the deen

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the knowledge of the dean.

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Some of them are Takahashi freed her.

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He didn't sell her but he freed her. If he sold her he would get a lot of money. But he did not sell her rather what did he do? He freed her. And then he didn't just free her. But further zawada He also married her

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fellow who agilon so for him his double reward

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for him his double reward. Why?

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For teaching her for free anger and then also for marrying her.

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Some makalah Ramadan, then Ahmed said one of the narratives that outplay NACA we have given it to you meaning this Hadees to you will add Shay in

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For no price,

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we have given this Hardee's to you for free, or the kind of Eureka boo. In fact before can a Eureka boo people would have to travel they would have to ride. FEMA concerning that which do not have is lesser than this, meaning people would have to travel in order to acquire knowledge that was much lesser than this Hardee's and they would have to travel all the way Eden Medina to Medina.

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There was a time when people had to travel all the way to Medina, in order to get knowledge that was much less in quantity, compared to the studies that I've taught you, and you just got it for free.

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Let's look at the hedis.

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We seen this hardy said, three people will get double reward. But remember that three overeat does not mean that it's only these three types of people.

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This is not limited to only these three types. In this hadith the Prophet sallallahu Sallam mentioned only three days, however, other Hadees we learned that there are other people as well, because of their actions, they will get double reward. For example, we learned that once the Prophet sallallahu Sallam sent some people on a journey, and while they were traveling, the diamond Salah came in and they could not find water. So they just performed mm and they performed a solder.

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But afterwards, they found water.

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It was still the time of salt. So one of them, he performed will do and he repeated the Salah, and the other person did not. Why because he had done a moment he had performed Salah, one person repeated with Judo and the other person did not. So both of them when they met the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam said to the person who had repeated the solid that you have doubled reward.

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And the one who did not repeat the Salah, he said, but as a person, meaning you did the right thing. However, the other person who got double reward, why is he had, but the other person who did not repeat the Salah, he was right in his action, this is exactly what we're supposed to do. When you don't find water, it is performed to mom and you perform the surgery, when you find water, you don't have to repeat yourself. So in that Hadees, we learned that another person also got double reward.

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Similarly, we learned that a person who finds it difficult to recite the Hold on, he also gets double reward for his more effort for his extra effort. So it's not just these three types of people, but there are others as well. Amongst those who get double reward are first of all, a person for among that I look at who believed in his prophet and also in Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and this is just like no joshy, or a beloved and Salaam, that they were either Christian or Jewish before and they also accepted Islam. Secondly, a slave who is an obedient servant to Allah, and he is also an obedient servant to his master.

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that a person realizes what his responsibilities are, what his duties are, and he puts in his maximum effort to fulfill all of his duties. Many times it happens in life, when we have too much to do. We have to take care of ourselves, we have to take care of our Deen we have to take care of our families, our children, and there's too many people demanding from us, at the same time, do many things demanding from us at the same time?

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What do you have to do in order to fulfill all of your duties? What do you have to do? Can you live a life of ease and convenience? You can't?

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Where do you get off from from your sleep? Isn't it from your free time, from your trips to the mall, from your trips to your friend's place, right and evening out with your friend, you have to cut out on all of these extra things basically, on your me time in order to get the help of Allah in order to give to others.

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And sometimes we feel that it's too much. That's it, we can't handle that anymore.

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Something has to stop, something has to go. But we see that nothing can go.

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You can't cut corners from anywhere. You have to do everything. So at that time, remember that for such a person, Allah has doubled reward.

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Why? Because the effort is more the struggle is more.

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So the reward is also more.

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Never look at other people who have it very easy. And say that, oh, you know how lucky I wish I was also like that, likely for long enough and Illa was Aha. So you have been given the opportunity to get double reward. So don't miss out on it. Don't waste that double reward by complaints.

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And by being impatient and ungrateful and having a complaining attitude. No, hold on. And Allah will create these things will get easy, but don't give up and hope for double reward. Because a person will get reward when he has suffered and when he has.

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When a person is patient and when he looks forward when he expects reward from Allah. So when you do that inshallah, you will get

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Double reward. And thirdly, double reward for who the person who teaches, as well as other due to his slave woman,

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as well as other, what does it show that a person must not only give in and he was not only give other, both are necessary

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when it comes to teaching your family, especially because you're responsible for teaching your children. So when it comes to your family, in alone is not sufficient, Adam is also necessary.

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So for example, we shouldn't just be focused on teaching them, you know, for instance, the memorization of the entire Quran or memorization of parts of the Quran, or certain Edgardo certain to us. Definitely, that should be a focus, but at the same time, as well, good manners as well. How to speak before others, how to eat properly, how to sit properly, how to talk properly, and we see that a major part of our Deen is what other isn't it? So, from tahara, to eating to sleeping to walking just right now what were you learning? Well, Dodman, Celtic, and walk moderately. So, all of this is what other

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and this isn't necessary.

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So, other as well as,

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enter via

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and then the person he doesn't just teach her and train her, but rather he freezer and then also marries her, when he marries her, then he is truly elevating her status in the society.

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Because even if she is learned, even if she is cultured, still people will not give that much respect to her why, because she was once upon a time a slave.

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But if she is married, then what will happen

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then what will happen people will accept her eventually,

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it is only then that her status will be recognized in the society. So, this man's your son upon this woman is a lot. So, this is why he will have double reward,

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if somebody has arranged for you to study that they cannot teach you themselves, but they have encouraged you and they have sent to you and they have supported you to go and learn do they get this reward? Of course, because, you know, Mangia has a right the one who prepares him which I hate for him is also that reward.

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So, if you're, for example, husband or your parents are sending you here, and they are suffering in some way or the other, so inshallah, for them is reward. So, you could definitely share this Hadees with them, that we see that one of the narratives, he said that I have given this Hadees to you for free, and there was a time when people would have to travel all the way to Medina to get knowledge of something that he wasn't was even less than this. So, people of the past definitely they had to endure a lot of difficulty in order to acquire knowledge, and this is the reason why they valued it so much.

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But we it has come to us easy, then it goes away from us easily as well. Unfortunately. So, a person has to put in effort in order to gain knowledge. And when Allah has made it too easy, then we should definitely put in more effort to know it better to memorize it better to retain it better to understand it better.

00:33:21 --> 00:33:25

You know, if one thing has been made easy for you, then you should definitely put an effort to extra

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that we see that the man who freed the slave woman, he also marries her, but one of the things that will definitely allow him to marry her or what her other and her in. So, you know a woman may focus a lot on beautifying her body and everything, but if a girl does not have good manners, and if she does not have

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that, we see that adapt comes first and then comes in basic etiquette basic manners, they are necessary, because only when a person has good other than you will take knowledge seriously as well. Then he will remember and then he will apply. But if a person does not have good other than he will not value knowledge.

00:34:02 --> 00:34:12

That generally it happens that when a person is working for another he thinks that it's a useless thing to do. It's a waste of his life and energy and work and efforts. But we see that

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when a person fulfilled his duty to his boss, right, even for that he gets reward.

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Even if that action means cleaning and mopping the floor and ironing clothes, whatever, whatever it is, but you are fulfilling your duty. Amana right, so you're fulfilling your duty. So for that, you will have reward challah

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that learn adapt first and then during

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00:34:38 --> 00:34:41

relatively Mammon Nyssa What are Lima in

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reality? What does it mean?

00:34:45 --> 00:34:51

admonition advice of will of Allah Imam of the email of the leader

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to Anissa to the women in particular, what are Lima hinda and teaching them what is it that and he

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Ma'am, or you can say, a male teacher, a male instructor may also teach who Anissa, meaning only women, he can also hold a sister's only class,

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or a lecture or whatever it is. In other words, a man may teach women,

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a man may teach men, he may teach men and women together, and he may also teach women alone. And we learn about this in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as well, because some people they complain, they object that why is it that, for example, in a Women's Institute, male instructors are coming in teaching, why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also did that if a male instructor has more knowledge, and he's able to teach better than why not avail from that opportunity, it's not necessary that men be present in that gathering as well. And we see that when it comes to a male teacher, teaching women only then what is the proper etiquette, then what rules must be observed?

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Should there be a screen in the middle?

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preventing the teacher from looking at the students and students from looking at the teacher? Because some people said that as a condition? No. What are the rules that Allah has taught us in his book, when it comes to interacting with the opposite gender, then what are the rules? So for example, first of all, comes lowering, that gives me not staring looking unnecessarily This does not mean that the teacher is not allowed to look at the student and the students are not allowed to look at the teacher, of course, but not like looking continuously or looking with you can say, because you have a min of saadian, right men mean some of their cases mean those which are not appropriate.

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So for example, if there is a young male, teacher, male instructor in front of us, and what should we do?

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Of course, you know, limit our glances at him or limit our I will stare looking at her gaze. And similarly, the teacher should also do the same thing. So first of all, the gaze. Secondly, secondly, what's the rule?

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Because this will happen with us, right? So we should know the proper etiquette. So for example, when we were sitting in that class, we should make sure that we are dressed appropriately. So for example, if a person is wearing a very bright colored shirt, or whatever it is, and the teacher can see it, it's standing out, then that is not quite appropriate. I remember once a male instructor came, and one of the sisters was wearing a pink sweater. And just as an example, he mentioned pink sweater, because it was right in his face. It was right in his face. So we should be careful about that. Just as when we are in front of, you know a man, then what are we supposed to do not do the

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bird, right. So similarly, even when it's a classroom, we should refrain from that approach because it will be a distraction for the teacher and also for the students. Thirdly, setting properly, sitting properly is extremely important.

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It would be extremely inappropriate if we sat, for example, on a chair with our legs up. Because first of all, it's disrespectful to the teacher. This is not how we sit in a gathering of rain we learned early that how our model deliver on who was sitting, kneeling with humility in a very humble posture.

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Similarly, when we're sitting not like, you know, resting our chins and our elbows on our hands, and our elbows, you know, reclining on the table, as if we're sleeping dozing away, you know, a female teacher may point you out and may correct you, but a male teacher would be a bit hesitant to do that. So sitting properly, sitting modestly as well, setting alert, when we are giving an answer, or when we are asking a question, when we're giving a comment, when we are trying to clarify something, then our words and our style should be very, very appropriate. The choice of words, and secondly, in the style in the manner that we speak should also be very, very appropriate. It should not come

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across as disrespectful, or way too Frank. Okay. Or is if you're talking to somebody who's lesser than you, or talking to somebody who's of your age, or talking to somebody who's of the same gender, you know, very relaxing in a very casual manner. No, we should maintain the proper order. And if there is a difference of opinion, then refrain from argument. And also, if for example, if the teacher you know, says something that's a little funny or gives a joke or you know, something like that, then how should we laugh?

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chuckling away

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giggling How should we laugh?

00:39:28 --> 00:39:32

We are allowed to laugh. Okay, but we should control our laughter

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Okay, we should control our laughter

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and these rules remember that this is not just when sitting in front of a male teacher, but also when interacting with any men. Okay. We have learned in the Quran Filatov learnable cone.

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So whether we are speaking to somebody who's selling something to us, at a store or somebody who's working with us, or could be a boss at work, whatever

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Even a neighbor. Anytime when we come across men remember the rules. Okay, I'm not saying that. Just don't say anything and keep silent and even if there's something like humor don't respond at all No, be normal, but don't become extra. Okay?

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Don't forget modesty. I think that just because they're your teacher just because they taught something doesn't mean that we become a little too frank with them, texting them and emailing them when every little thing I mean of course when it comes to asking questions, definitely, when it comes to sharing something beneficial, of course, when it comes to thanking them or congratulating them on or whatever past your condolence, that's of course necessary. But like I said, don't be extra okay. Only that which is necessary and required in a manner that is appropriate. So anyway, we see that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam also taught only women.

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There were times when he addressed only women to this shows that it is permissible for a man to teach women only. Okay, let's continue

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with a man who could have been or had that an usher button and a UVA policy Meritor a thought and policy marathoner Bhasin, Allah He said, I shall do I bear witness arland Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning I bear witness on him. In other words that I testify to this fact.

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I testify to this fact what I'm saying is not false, is not untrue, but rather it is definitely true. And basically, he said this for the purpose of emphasis, eyeshadow lnbs Allah who it was lm o colorata on, or it was our PA, who said, eyeshadow, I live near Burson that I bear witness on who is nervous.

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So that Oh, he wasn't sure whether even our best said that. Or it was a thought Who said that?

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That another Salalah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Harada he came out when Mara who and with him was Bella Bella, Bella Bella, who are known for Donna. So he had thought being the Prophet sallallahu sallam, he thought that unknown, that indeed he loved not use Marin Nyssa lamb use Mary, he was not made to hear who Anissa the women, meaning the women, he thought that the women were not able to hear him.

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When, when he was giving the hot Well,

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this was at the time of read when the prophet SAW the loss and gave the Hulk but you can imagine at read, a lot of people were there. And obviously around him or close to him would be who the men and the women would obviously be at a distance. And there were no microphones at that time. So he thought that perhaps the women were not able to hear him. Perhaps they missed out on the hotbar.

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So look at how concerned he was for what are the hoonah so he went and admonished them separately.

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What a moron and he commanded them beside the karate with soccer with charity in his world, in his admonition in his address, he commanded them to give charity for jerilyn. So she put Alma to the woman meaning all the women they began to guilty. She was putting she was throwing a quarter, the earring will hurt them and the ring. The prophets are about a sudden advise them to give charity and the women right there and then they began giving what their jewelry, their rings and earrings. Imagine something that you're wearing. And you take it off and you give it immediately. This is what the women did. Were villalon and bilello that are on who Yehuda, he was taking fee in philosophy,

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edge corner sobey of his garment. So the shawl that we loaded on who was wearing a corner of it, he took that and he started putting all the jewelry that the women were giving in that corner. Why because he was collecting it. He made it like a pouch like a bag. Okay to make sure that nothing was dropped or nothing got lost. What color is married and is married, said on a Yoruba and authority in wakulla. I live near Boston I shadow Alana via sallallahu wasallam. So he makes it clear that no it was even our boss who said that I shadowed an abuser the longest and it was not a thought who said a shadow or lived near a bus.

00:44:27 --> 00:44:53

What do we see in this Hardee's that the prophets are allowed to send them when he thought that the women missed out on the football when they did not hear when they did not listen to the Hulk but he went and he addressed them separately. He had a sister his only session. Right? He addressed them separately. Why? Because they also deserve to learn. They also deserve to to hear the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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We learned that it's not an obligation upon women as it

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is upon men to acquire, to teach, to spread knowledge. Definitely, it's an obligation upon who the men.

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And we see that the men they are to learn they are to spread. But when it comes to women, definitely they are to learn but not to the same extent as the men are required to.

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We learned in the Quran that it's the men who are the qalamoun, Allah Nisa, right? Who is a one the one who maintains the physical things, the money, the expenditure is no, we learned that a woman is also the one who teaches. So primarily, it's the responsibility of who, the men but the women, they have not been completely excluded. No, they must also learn but it's not really an obligation upon them as it is upon the men. Why? Because the women, they're busy in what, in what in looking after their families and raising children. Generally, this is what women are engaged in. And men are more free, in that sense. So this is why the women are not obligated as the men are. However, the women

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need to hear, listen to something that will, you know, renew, refresh their mind, that will, you know, encourage them to do good, right, encourage them to be productive to be beneficial. To Be careful, right? Women also need to hear that many times people say that, you know, only men need to learn, women don't need to learn. And sometimes it happens a woman as soon as she gets married, or she has her children, she's just bound to the house, she won't attend any classes, she wanted any lectures, she won't even go to the gym, or no, she should not be completely deprived. She also needs to hear she also needs to learn. She also needs an emotion boost, because she is the one who's

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looking after the children and the children are learning from her directly. He might say that he or she learned once upon a time, but she's a human being she can forget. So we see that the profits are a lot it suddenly made sure that he went and address the women. Because yes, he primarily taught the men, but he did not leave out the women. And especially at read, we know that at read, all women were encouraged to come even those who are not praying. So it shows that all types of women, whether we're children or without children, all must listen to good things. Every now and then, because you need that spiritual boost. And we see that how the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he commanded them to

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give sadaqa and how much he exhorted encourage them to the point that they decided right there and then to give out their own jewelry. A woman's jewelry is very precious to her. But imagine they were ready to give that immediately. They didn't even in a way to ask their husband or think about it. No, it was theirs. And they decided and they gave it. And we also learned in this Hades that women may wear gold jewelry, you're like Why not? Of course. There are some people who say that it is forbidden to wear gold jewelry, even for women. You might hear of this, you might come across this. And you might be a little surprised. Giovanni was of the opinion that even women are not allowed to

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wear gold jewelry. I'm telling you about this, because now your level is a little advanced. And you should be aware of these discussions, because it's quite possible you hear about and you're like what, so you should be aware, he was of the opinion and this was based on some studies. But we see that in general. Many of these the show to us that the Prophet sallallahu forbade him from wearing jewelry, men, and the times when he discouraged women from wearing jewelry was when when they had not given Zakat on it. Right like for example, a time when a woman you know her daughter was wearing bracelets or gold and he said that would you like there would be fire and she said No way. And the

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Prophet sallallahu Sallam told her to give us a cat on it. So the only time when he in a way discouraged was when the cat was not given. So we see that a woman is allowed to wear gold jewelry, as long as the cat is given. And obviously that she's not displaying it that it should be covered. And especially this her this isn't evidence. This her this isn't evidence that women can wear gold jewelry, because if they weren't wearing it, they wouldn't be giving it and if it was not allowed for them to wear gold jewelry, the profits or the loves and would have told them before giving sadaqa do not wear that.

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It can be but many scholars they use this Hadees as the evidence because you know typically women what would they wear? What kind of jewelry do women typically wear? gold or silver? right but majority of the times what kind of jewelry is it's called especially married women? I mean, that's what is done.

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And in the Koran also we learned that our main unit is heylia so jewelry is a part of a woman and this is something permissible Yeah. I should have the logo on her also document. The question is that men are allowed to teach women are women allowed to teach men yes because inshallah we will learn about that in Buhari, that how I shall deliver and how people would come to her and they would ask her questions, and she would also answer them and she would also teach them but obviously

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Over there, hijab was maintained. And we learned that for the wives the prophets that a lot of time especially there had to be a hijab, right between the men and them, which is why even when they traveled, they wouldn't travel, you know, except in holder, right that they would be sitting in there. So this is the reason why there was always a screen. And it's always better to have something like that so that there's no you know, wrong feelings in the heart of the other person because all types of people can come and listen and attend. Like, for example, if only the voices put up for instance, only electorate you know, available or given, that's different from watching a video, a

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video, you can see the face of the other person, you can see their expressions, you can see their jewelry, you can see a lot in the woman, right? So hijab should be maintained. And if that's not possible, like for example, if it's in a classroom setting, then a woman must be careful about her hijab.

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Okay, one more thing that we learned is that a woman may give charity from her wealth, her wealth, okay? And she does not need to seek the permission of her husband. Because we see that the women over here, how were they giving sadaqa right there, and then they didn't go and come back or give the next day? No, right there. And then why because that jewelry was whose, whose was it? It was hers, it was theirs. So when it comes to your things, you have the right to decide concerning them. Many times that happens a woman is given something in her mother, and for the rest of her life, she has to do whatever her husband tells her to do with that. This is not right. When a woman has been

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given something who does it belong to her but obviously she should be careful in the way that she uses it. Because you don't want to use your things also in a way that your husband would not like and that would create problems in the family permission is there but alas punctata has also given us a call to act carefully. Alright, we will consider the range Allah Subhana Allah. Allah Illa illa Anta nest of Luca wanted to be like Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

Lesson 31 – Chapter 29-32 Hadith 94-98

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