Ibraheem Menk – InstaLIVE #26 Stories In The Quran – Splitting of the Sea, Sulayman and the Ant, The Queen of Saba

Ibraheem Menk
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of not giving up until the end of a difficult experience and achieving goals. They stress the need to be mindful of one's actions and not let anyone's small voice influence their decisions. The success of Allah's "soak a glass" effect and the importance of realizing one's purpose and why they create them are also highlighted. The speakers emphasize the need to be mindful of others' actions and not let them affect one's own pocket.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa Sallim wa barik ala nabina Muhammad, wa ala alihi wa sahbihi, oedema and even a lap Today we will be going over some of the stories in the 19th juice. The 19th juice is full of stories Allah Allah Allah makes mention of the ambia a lot of them in quite a bit of detail. He speaks about Musa alayhis salam, salam, salam, salam, O Allah, his Salah, and many of the other messengers thereafter he moves on or solar to numbers and speaks the story of

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the heart of this salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Wa Alaykum wa Salaam off the low block cattle How are you shit? Alhamdulillah How are you? Alhamdulillah unwell hamdulillah hamdulillah we hope all those who are following are all well, the second third of Ramadan has almost come to an end. You know we on the 19th Jews which means we about to reach 20 days soon inshallah We ask Allah Allah Allah to make us from those who are able to benefit from these days and we asked him to accept our good deeds. I mean, I mean, I mean,

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today inshallah we've got the 19th Jews, there's a lot of stories mentioned in this juice, we find the last panel which is speaks about the messengers, a lot of them and he speaks about them in quite a bit of detail. A lot of the stories we've touched on before, the ones which we will touch on today be giving us maybe stories or different angles we haven't touched on, even if it's the same story of different angles, or sometimes Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about a Nabhi for example, Suleiman Allah has been but he mentions a different story, as we will see later on, we're going to learn the story of the and, and the story of, you know, one of the Queens who was ruling somewhere else, and

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he sent her a letter. The first story we want to speak about is the story of Musa alayhis salam again, the story of Musa alayhis salam is repeated in many places in the Quran. A lot of the times, you know, sometimes it's the same story being mentioned a little bit differently, or from a different angle, or sometimes there's something new altogether. In the story or the story we want to touch on today. Musa alayhis salam has

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obey, obey the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala taken when we are ill and escaping the running away from Iran. At night, or the early hours of the morning, they then go, and they find the place or they reach the sea. When they reach the sea or the ocean. They find that when we slow in think that they cannot pass now, Iran is behind them. They eventually see fit around and they say Fallon matter or Gemini, or Ross harbor Moosa in lahmacun. The people who are with Moosa, they said, Now we're going to be caught, we've come all the way. And now there's a scene in front of us, around behind us, and you know, we most definitely going to be caught. For me What stands out most alayhis

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salaam says, Allah, Allah, He says, never Nay, it's impossible for this to happen in memory as we say it, indeed, my Lord is with me, and He will guide me, Musa alayhis salam, yes, he took every, you know, he took by all means that he had, he escaped with the people, he ran with them, they carried on going, he had he did all that was in his ability or his capacity, they eventually reached the seat. He knows from here, his people might think that they're going to be caught, but he knows that there is no chance that Allah is going to leave him here, there is no chance that Allah is not going to save him. And he has the CRP and he has this conviction that most definitely the road is

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going to open somehow, in Namibia be set up. Indeed, my Lord is with me. And I think that's important for all of us to, you know, derive a lesson that so many times we go through difficulty we find when we reach a wall or a hard place in life, and especially after we've tried everything, have this conviction have the CF team, look at how this was the day of Ashura, we fast the state as was the son of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and one of the reasons was because more Salli Salam was saved on this day, and this day of Ashura is also a reminder for us. Look at the story of Musashi Sanam through difficulty through the most difficult of times with the biggest of tyrants

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behind him. Allah subhanho wa Taala was still able to save him.

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Absolutely some kind of love that's very well put by yourself may Mashallah definitely something that we can all learn from the sea in front of him around behind him Viet musataha salatu salam says Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is with me and he will

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guide me, so something that we can really all learn from.

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You know, just before that, we find that when we slightly will say in other words, of course, when they saw the army of around, and around could see them, then they felt like now it's over. And they said, Look, we have been caught.

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I think the lesson that we learned from this is that never say it's over until it really is, you know, don't give up until you really finish and finished and done with, if you have a sliver of a chance, keep trying, keep going, keep giving it your best. And you never know right at the end, when there's a small chance of you, you know, achieving what you want, it might just open up and you achieve it. So don't say it's over until it is. And I think this can you know, it resonates with those who play sports etc. When the game is you feel now there's no chance you're not going to win, you can still give it a go and give it a chance. Give it a shot, because you might just win. Or you

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might just do something in those those last moments. Those who watch sports know this very well, because the team might be losing right until the end, and then they score goal and, and they win the game. Or they have a chance at the tournament to the cup that they're playing for. etc. So this is something that we can all learn from, you know, from from the story of Musa alayhis salam to a certain way they felt that look, we have been caught yet Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam at this time. While they were feeling this way, he had a very different perspective and way of looking at things so so we can all derive a lesson from this, I think you mentioned such an important point, the game

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of life, if we can put it as long as you still breathing, then there's a chance to do so much. You know, there's so many good deeds you can do no matter how small they may be, you can also achieve in your worldly life, whatever you need to achieve or earn. And as you mentioned, it's not it's never over until it's over. So as long as you're breathing as long as you still have that life in you, there's a lot you can do. You ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to grant us over two feet jeopardize anything else you'd like to mention before we move on to solar to nem.

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I think there was one more thing we see how Musa alayhis salam wa Salaam Sorry, no, I think that's it.

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After the story of Musa alayhis salam in the surah Allah Allah Allah mentions many of the messengers Ibrahim alayhis salam wa Alayhi Salam who died I said I'm sorry Hara his Salaam lute alayhis salam, and at the end he mentions, shall I.

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For those who are able to you know, it's important to read through the stories again, we've touched on quite a few of them from different angles, and we will move on inshallah to Surah, two naml Allah Allah Allah makes mention of a different story, similar to namun, which means basically the chapter of the ends in the surah, Allah subhanho wa Taala, again, speaks about Musa alayhis salam at the beginning. After that he speaks about the old and emsl a man AlLahi wa Salatu was salam to Kings to newbies. They were given kingdom, they were given knowledge, they were given wealth, they were given everything, and Sulaiman alayhis salam, Allah, Allah mentions Watashi wa Liesl, a manager, no domina

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Genie will ensue of piety for home use our own so a man Ali Salam had a huge army, all sorts of things from the burden from the jinn and the lizard, a manager, no lumenal, Jimmy Wilkinson, from human beings, etc. Basically, everything was under his control the evening when he was walking once with his army, they were marching wherever they may have been going, they were passing a place and there was some ants in the front. One of these ants heard this army coming. So she goes or she calls out to the rest of the ants. Yeah, and you're numb. Oh, and so fellow, you know, and wonderful oma sakeena come into into your houses or your homes. demanda console a man what you know, so that's a

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man and his army don't crush you were homeless, and not because they want to crush you. But because they don't really know you know, it's such a huge army and you are so small. There's a lot of lessons we take from the story one of them being look at how one and just one saves a whole nation or a whole community of ants. In the same way Allah Allah Allah mentions as we will see in the next use, Musa alayhis salam he saved by one person was your original min XL Medina. Raja I mean absolute Medina t rogering. Yes. Or Raja Raja lumen XL Medina. Yes. One man is coming to Musa alayhis salam and he tells me so you know what the people want to kill you. You carry on to Medea in the story. In

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other stories of the Quran, we find the last panel which I mentioned, these single people, one person or two people, the ones who told when we started to enter the city

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This teaches us that sometimes you may be alone. But yes, don't think you great but also at the same time, don't underestimate yourself, believe me less you are able to benefit, you know, a whole community, a whole nation, an entire planet, who knows, Allah knows. But even in lab, from this, we take that, you know, don't really look down on yourself what benefit you have give it you don't know who will benefit. So Allah subhanaw taala that's an amazing

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derivation, so to speak from the story of the ant and how he you know, it said to the rest of them that enter into your homes, yet it was only one enter it saved all of this whole community. I think that's something that we can really benefit from. Sometimes we feel like our voices are too small to ever be heard or ever benefit, but in reality, Allah subhanho wa Taala knows how far only Allah subhanho wa Taala knows how far they can go. So that's something amazing. Yes, absolutely.

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You know, the story in this in this story as well, we find that Sulaiman Aileen Salatu was Salam was missing the cuckoo bird that was from his army. And he he says, Look, if it doesn't come back, let was dependable rather than shady then on the other hand, when it comes back, either I will punish it is a severe punishment or I will slow rotate

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the handle earlier tn ne which will finally move in.

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Or it should come to me with some sort of clear evidence as to what it was up to wade was white absconded from the army, so to speak. Now, later on, when the hoopoe bird comes back, it comes back with some news and it says, Formica layer of buried info can help to be met and to help me it didn't stay very long. And it came back with some news. It says, Look, I know something that you don't know or Sulaiman

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mellem to help me widget to come in seven MB never been and I've come to you with from the people of Sabah with a clear and proper news a correct news from them. So the fact is that he tells you that a man or this hoopoe bird tells a man that Look, I know something you don't know. Now it's not for me and you to say that Sulaiman Allahu Salatu. Salam didn't know what the hoopoe bird knew. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala is telling us that look, this hoopoe bird knew something that Sulaiman didn't know, yet he had all of this kingdom, all of this might, you know, with him, so Allah subhanho wa Taala is literally giving us the idea that look, you may have everything in your life, you may have

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knowledge, but you don't have certain things. There are certain things that are perhaps even someone smaller than you may have, yet you are missing or you lack in your life. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching so they know salatu salam, that there are certain things that are beyond you, even though you have all of this dominion and kingdom, and all of this, that is before you, you know, sometimes, and of course it wouldn't with in the case of Sulaiman alayhi salatu salam, but sometimes when we have all of this kingdom, it gets to our heads, or we think that oh, we can do so much or you know, because we've got so much power, then nothing can take it away from us all we know

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everything or you know, something of that nature. So Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving him a lesson in humility. From this hoopoe bird, you know, for him to learn something, of course, he is a newbie of Allah subhanho wa Taala. We love him, we respect him, and we never mentioned something bad about him. But this is of course, from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So we mentioned that which Allah subhanho wa Taala has mentioned,

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a very important point as a last panel, which Allah mentions, or as he says that this bird talks to a man alayhis salam that it had knowledge which Suleiman alayhis salam didn't have another point we can add there is there's nothing wrong. In fact, you will find that people who you may see as lower than you are less knowledgeable, maybe you are a teacher, and you have a student, maybe you're in business, and you have somebody working with you, maybe you at home and you have your children, at times, they will know things or they will know much more in certain things that you know, so benefit from them. So they my mother, didn't, you know, he didn't just leave this word and say that or know

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what you're talking about. I have all the knowledge and the kingdom. And if this was the case, I would have known before you and reject No, he didn't do that. He sent his letter with the spirit and the spirit eventually went so also in our lives, you know, there's nothing wrong the people around you learn from them. You will pick up skills and you will

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Lessons just from those around you those in the house, from who or from other people. If you look at other people, you wouldn't find these skills prevalent in them. Because when you live in amongst the people, when you're living with a family or you interact with certain people, you'll find Yes, they may have the flaws and mistakes, but they also have their good points. And these good points if you're able to take them, benefit from them, use them to your advantage be in a lab, you will see a lot of benefits.

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Absolutely some panela that's also another benefit that has been derived today, which is to say that, you know, not everything was not everything was bad about the hoopoe bird so to speak it, it had good characteristics also, although it had absconded or left the army, it came back with some benefits. So Subhanallah you benefit from what you can and leave the rest.

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Allah subhana wa Taala that mentions how Suleiman alayhis salam sends a letter. He wants to see is this bird telling the truth or not? He says we will soon know. So he sends a letter this letter says in the home in such a manner we're in Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Allah Allahu Allah yo toolings. Basically this is from Sulaiman Allah, his Salah, beginning in the name of Allah Subhana Allah Allah, Allah manga, Rahim even says that come to me, Allah, Allahu Allah, basically, you know, don't rebel, don't reject and come to me as submitters and muslimeen.

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After that, we find the screen. After getting the letter. She asks those who are around her her advisers, she asks for their advice, what should we do, some of them mentioned that if you want to go to war, we can go to war. We also have very strong nation, and she thinks and she chooses to send some gifts to Suleiman Alex, she doesn't know Suleiman Ali Salaam has everything. From this, what we learn is mentioned the time that some of the kings when they would attack,

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the people in other kingdoms would give them gifts, and then they would know what type of intention they had, if they just wanted more kingdom, usually, you would find that these people when the gifts or the wealth came, then they would sit back, they would leave them as long as they had something more to eat or some more Nima or bounty. So this, this Queen wanted to test Suleiman Ali Salaam, what type of what type of a king what type of leader is he? And I think what we learn from this, is sometimes people try to gift you a lot of things, especially when you're in a place of, you know, a position where you're, you might be heard, you may have a following, you might have a position,

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people try to gift you things in order to test you in order to bribe you in order to, you know, get something else done. And I think we should be very aware of this.

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Yes, that's, that's a powerful point. Because generally we see gifts as something good. Whereas sometimes the intentions behind the gift Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. You know what they are, and we don't question those intentions. But sometimes it's better not to, it's better not to accept a gift there's more benefit in not accepting it and the ease in in taking that gift.

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What what I find amazing is that the same point where she sends a gift to him or anymore silicone lamb heavy at him, I'm sending a gift to them. And I'll be able to be my LG remotes alone. So I will see what the people the messages that I have sent what they will come back with. Now, instead of just going head on into war, she tries to defuse the situation by sending a gift. Sometimes you have a an argument or a talk that is on the brink of becoming really bad. Or it's on the brink of blowing out of proportion, try to defuse the situation, don't let it escalate and go further. If you can get away with just a small, you know, gesture or something, perhaps you just put your hand out and say,

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Look, I'd rather shake your hand. That might be the gesture, gesture, any any gesture to defuse the situation at that time. Because sometimes what you arguing about is so trivial, that when you look at it later, you say, hey, what are we arguing about? What were we fighting about? There's no point in it, there was no even substance to our argument there. But if you let it escalate, you might say things that are so bad, and the situation might become so bad that it literally reaches a point where you feel it's of no return. You can't go back now. So rather than letting it get there, just say, you know, here's something and or defuse the situation in whatever way possible and let it go.

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It's it's not worth fighting over these something sometimes. A very powerful Point taken from very deep reflection, Mashallah, as you mentioned that, you know, sometimes it's better to just defuse the situation where you can you don't just move on, there's no point wasting it.

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A lot of times, but a lot of time behind such trivial matters. We did speak about gifts. We mentioned at the beginning that gifts Yes, somebody must be careful at the same time the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did accept gifts, he, you know, he came out gifts, so he gave things to other people. Also, I think there's a balance that needs to be put there. We're not saying don't take fully, we're not saying take fully we're saying that, you know, sometimes you in a place of position, you have to realize that is somebody giving me this gift because I'm, let's say working in a government office, for example. And they just want me to do them a favor, or I'm in a place where

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I can spin or I can turn the tables for them unjustly. I think that's important for us to realize, am I being the skiff? Am I being given a gift? Because it's me because somebody wants something that I have or behind me? And is this just or not? Another important point, as we mentioned, is sometimes if we take a lot of things from people, then when it comes to the truth when it comes to our principles, if this person does something wrong, and we can't really say anything, because at the end of the day, that's the hand that fed you or somebody who gave you, you know, some sort of favor and you can't really rejected

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Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. You know, I yeah, gone, gone. Gone. Okay, the same point where we can move on. Now let's, let's move on.

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Okay, moving on. Suleiman alayhis salam tells these messengers who came with the gifts that are you trying to give me gifts.

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What Allah has given me is much better than what you have. So basically, these gifts are not going to work with me and we muslimah Malik Hassan was a newbie, he had the message of Allah to convey at the same time, so he's telling these people if you don't come, we will come to eventually the queen and her people they are on their way to Suleiman Ali Salaam Sulaiman alayhis salam tells the people in his mentalist in his gathering that who will come with her throne all the way from the all the way from server to where we are. So one of them says one of the genes says that I will go and bring it fairly free to mineralogy me and it can be a cobbler and Takuma Masami, before you get up from

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your position before you get up. I'll bring that thrown to you. Where it may Allah Hilah curry Yun, I mean, I'm somebody who's very strong. And I'm also honest, at the same time throne has a lot of jewelry, it has a lot of ornaments etc. I won't steal anything on the way. I'm very honest. I'll bring it to you. Allah, Allah, Allah they mentioned, imagine, let's just picture this for a while. somebody tells you to bring something from another country. And this person says I'll come with it before you get up before you get equipment before you get up from your chair before you get up from your usual sitting, whether it's at the end of the day, a short period of time. Imagine what power

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what's strength and at what speed. Allah Allah Allah then says that there was a man who was there from amongst them, but he had knowledge when it came to the book, what knowledge did he have? Some say that he had knowledge of the Greatest Name for Allah Subhana Allah and Allah knows best. He told Solomon alayhis salam that I will bring this wrong to you believing in Allah

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in the blink of an eye, basically, in the blink of an eye.

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It then came, and this film was present to with Selena and Alison and before the queen, Arise, what does Raman alehissalaam say this layman alayhis salaam say oh Mashallah, you know, I've got a big army and I'm very strong and you know, we will crush them and defeat them. Now he's humble. He says that all this Allah has given me the avalonia Ashkelon to see if I am grateful, or will I reject his bounties? So I think it's important for us Firstly, look at how this person had knowledge and sometimes knowledge. In fact, a lot of the times knowledge in these cases especially knowledge of the Book of Allah knowledge of the Quran, knowledge of the sooner, it always, you know, Trump's just

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I wouldn't say Trump but it always you know, overpowers string. And, yes, a combination of these two is important.

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Yes, absolutely. 100% you know, early on where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, study, you have mela or you can be a teeny we actually have Kabbalah a truly muslimeen so Sulaiman, Allah salat wa salam says that all people who will come to me who will bring the throne to me her throne to me before she comes in submission, now she was coming in submission anyways. So why is Sulayman Aileen salatu salam asking for the throne to be brought before before him?

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I feel that this is a lesson in this so he wants to display to her that look the power of the being home. I'm you

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No worshipping is the greatest, you know, he has the greatest of power. And he's given me the some authority in the land so I'm able to do this. So this was literally a display of how, you know he, what he could do based on his relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So, this is also a form of Dawa in a way if you look at it because she was coming she'd see her throne they all of a sudden say Hey, what's going on? You know, it puts him in a position where he can now call her to Islam and she'll perhaps except the message

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amazing points you derive from the chairman is there anything else you'd like to mention in this

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they will want to more points because panel I find the story very amazing this and sort of use of is something that I really enjoy looking into and pondering over. So

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her answer you know, when when Sulayman salatu salam says that net que la option her nanbu attack Teddy, I'm talkin Amina larina, later don't disguise her throne for her, we will see whether she will be guided or she will be from those who are not guided. So, you know, he was testing her intelligence before asking her some important important questions. He wants to see how will she will she be able to recognize or not recognize? And her answer is also very intelligent. She says

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Program Manager at a hacker outlook. When she came, then it was asked she was asked that is this how your throne is? So she says can know who it is as though it is she didn't respond by saying yes or no. But she gave a generalized answer where perhaps maybe it is maybe it isn't. But it's as though it is. So this is something that we can learn from, you don't have to always answer by saying yes or no, you can give an ambiguous answer for a particular reason. Why? Because I don't need to answer this properly. Right now. Let's leave it ambiguous. Maybe there's harm? If I answer it clearly and openly, this will be a lot of harm. So let me remain silent. You know, this is a mention of how some

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of the scholars of the past where when there was a fitna where they were saying the police created, then the people would ask them or the leaders

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or those in charge would ask them that. Is the Quran created or not? And they would say no, it's not created. So they will be punished. But some of them who

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wanted to, you know, divert the attention of the people or disguise the answers, what they will do is they would lift up their hands and say you see the the Quran, the Torah visible, the NGO, and the books of the past, these are all these are all created and points to the fingers. So they were talking about the fingers yet. The the person who was questioning, they thought that this person is talking about the arm, the NGO, the Torah, etc. So where there's a lot of harm based on your answer, you can be ambiguous, because maybe you will get punished if you answer clearly, maybe you don't know what's going to happen to you. So you need to remain ambiguous in in such a situation, be be

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calm and be careful and strategic in your answers to these people.

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Yes, as you mentioned, look at how this Queen she didn't give a straight answer. She said, it's as though you know, it's my throne. And I think also what we can add there is sometimes the questions themselves that people ask you don't base your answer on the question, sometimes the question itself is wrong. So you'd find somebody gives you a choice, they'll say, choose between this. And this is a possibility you can choose between both. It's a possibility you can choose between more than one thing. So many times we find ourselves from this, we then find ourselves limited. So sometimes people tell you that when you've got to, you know, achieve a certain goal in life, it's either this

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way or that way, one or two, maybe you can take things from both ways. We're not talking about the dean here, we're talking about something in between, yeah, maybe you can take you know benefit. Or you can benefit from both ways you can come up with your own third way of doing it. Who knows you don't have to be confined to you know what other people's orders that they've put on basically these imaginary metaphoric borders You don't have to be confined by anybody's thinking or what they say that you know what it's either this or this so you choose, it may be something else altogether.

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Allah II that's so true. You know, that the fact that this person is dictating what the question will be like, and whether it will be a yes no answer. Why? Why do you have to confine yourself to the question, that's so true. I didn't

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even think of that panel

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you know later on the last point inshallah I'd like to talk about is where

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Sulayman Salatu was Salam or someone says to her killer lad who saw into into the palace Fela mala who has Yvette hula. So when she saw it, she thought it was a body of water what Kesha had to answer her, and she opened up her shins.

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parlor in the Osaka MoMA room in Paris. It was then said to her that this is a floor or it is a palace whose floor is made of glass right? So she said Carla throb Bini Valentina FC Islam Tommaso so they manually let her appeal. I mean, indeed I wronged myself. And I submit with Suleiman, Lord of the worlds, so the fact that she saw something, and it wasn't really as she saw, it, is something that we can learn from so she this led her to Islam. In fact, the fact that she saw the, the body of water, and there was a glass on top of it that she couldn't see. Now, in life, you can see the creation, you can see the creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But you can't see Allah subhanho wa

00:31:12 --> 00:32:00

Taala. Of course, he has the highest of examples, we never similar eyes him to anything but to bring it closer to our minds. So perhaps this was the reason because immediately after she says, I slim to match with a man lillahi Rabbil aalameen I have accepted or submitted with Sulaiman, the 402, Allah subhanho wa Taala of the world. So the fact that she saw this body of water, but she didn't see the glass means that the is for me, what I can take from that is that there are certain situations and scenarios especially like in this life, we look at the world and you see everything around you. It's all created, you can see the effect of the quality of creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he has

00:32:00 --> 00:32:38

created you see the other the effects, but you won't see the Creator. He's hidden for now. You can't see him at all. They'll come a day when that will become clear for you. As soon as she steps onto the glass. And she realizes that it's there. She believes in Allah subhanho wa Taala. So for her Perhaps this was a lesson in realizing and it is said that he used to worship the sun you know, budget to Hong Kong is June at least Shamsi, they used to worship the sun, so they were worshiping that wish they could see now this became clear to her that you know, who created the sun in and of itself.

00:32:39 --> 00:32:45

This is something that I'm just you know, gathering from this, but Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

00:32:46 --> 00:33:08

learn best you mentioned such a powerful point and at the end of the day, as you mentioned, well as you touched on the most important thing when reading these verses, is to then you know, realize and to understand what was my purpose? Why did Allah create me who is Allah? What are his names? What does he want of me? And we have Milla your Eman increases?

00:33:09 --> 00:33:53

Absolutely, absolutely. Shekinah is anything else you'd like to mention, though Allah I think I think I've mentioned that the point. One point I'd like to mention quickly, I know it's a little bit late. But one point quickly, please read the story of the acts. Some of them have Assyrian mentioned that here. There's 11 different types of kalon or speech in those small sentences. And I'll just mention four. One of them says, Asuka Rahim Allah mentions in his tafsir he says the fish and it did four things. He says 11 things I mentioned four. He says Pilate *, this and calls out. Yeah, Johan normally. So the first thing is doing is it's calling out trades people. It's community. Yeah,

00:33:53 --> 00:34:04

you want to follow my surgeon, he then gives an order, you know, into into your houses, like women consult a man What do you notice? And it's telling it's giving them a you know, it's saying

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it's preventing them from doing something or telling them that make sure this doesn't happen to you. So make sure slay man and his army don't stamp on you? Well, homeless rule, and it's giving a reason is giving a reason for Sulaiman. alehissalaam, basically, you know, giving him an excuse to say that, you know, it's not that he wants to step on you. They are big army, you're very small, maybe they don't see you and they will go over you. I think that I found that very amazing what they mentioned 11 different types of speech we touched on for for those who want the rest, you can go back to the book of the series, we mentioned

00:34:43 --> 00:34:59

some kind of loss. That's a very interesting take on that whole situation. They then go to mention that from this we can learn that you know, when you call out to people, you know, you must be clear in your message. You must give a quick message. You must tell them if

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There's an immediate danger what's coming, you know, you tell them that this is the danger, you also give you a reasoning, you know, not just enter into the houses like that, the same way when you're addressing anybody else, you know, you tell them, you give them the command theory, you tell them, You know what, I want you to do this or do that. You tell them the dangers that may be approaching, you know, you have a child, for example, you say, you know, what, don't go out with so and so. And you tell them why you tell him the reasons maybe they on drugs, or maybe they have bad habits. Usually when you give a reason, it's more, you know, it's easier to accept. And then you also give

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her, you know, you mentioned why this person may be doing this, maybe they come from a place where the community is different to some difficulty, etc. So I think there's a lot of lessons we derive when in communication from this and

00:35:48 --> 00:36:03

Absolutely, absolutely. You know, that's so true. Sometimes we are most of the time, we need a reason for what's happening around us. And especially when children question at times, it becomes difficult to answer the questions, you know, sometimes they ask you very, you know,

00:36:05 --> 00:36:24

difficult questions where it's hard to answer in a child's understanding or within their understanding. So some panela this is something that we can really learn from, I think, not always just brushing them off and just leaving them saying, hey, you're a child, don't ask, you know, sometimes you need to give them that explanation and

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allow them to understand in their own way as well.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:39

Yes, especially where that reason is the sometimes there are certain things we you know, we don't really know the wisdom behind jefra Is there anything else you'd like to mention?

00:36:46 --> 00:37:09

I mean, we combat a lot of people Mashallah, tomorrow we move on to the 20th just getting to the last third of the last third of Ramadan, the last 10 nights. We ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to grant us own goodness and accept all our good deeds. I mean, inshallah we'll see you tomorrow. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. relic masala, like a rocket

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