What Motivates You

Suleiman Hani


Channel: Suleiman Hani

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The title MSI (M emotional state) relates to the title Google and was created by Google. The speakers discuss actions of Congress during the protests and the emotions of those who missed them. They emphasize the importance of learning from actions and experiences to make them stronger and stress the need for reliance on the speaker's actions to make them stronger. The speakers also discuss the importance of belief in Islam and trusting Him for hardship and opportunities. The speakers emphasize the need for lifelong lessons and a focus on "will tree" to describe experiences to achieve profitability. They also discuss the importance of comfort in Islam, the desire for a match with Islam, and the need for psychologically achieving profitability.

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If Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards regret for sin this much. Imagine how much Allah subhanaw taala reward regret for missing out on a good deed. They were those that cried out of sadness because they couldn't worship Allah subhanaw taala in the way that they know is a lofty way, but Subhanallah due to the circumstances the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala that took place, but it shows their desire and their wherewithal and their allegiance and their trust. This life compared to the next is not a drop of water compared to an ocean of eternity. Choose your pleasures very cautiously, because some will backfire and be a source of pain, and some will end up being a source of eternal relief and

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eternal bliss as Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh everyone welcome back to Quran 30 for 30 the question from yesterday. There is another name for SUTA Toba which specifically refers to its exposing what is the other name for students of Toba that their element mentioned so please do answer below inshallah. reminder before we get started to please donate to your pain but then Nikita Allah we know we're in that middle part of Ramadan where people kind of slow down but every night as an opportunity inshallah time we hope that you will see the benefit and the value of your pain and your own personal life and continue to invest in it busy nights and and of course download the eBook

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follow along in sha Allah to Allah and Allah we're joined of course as always by Chef Abdullah duro, have you the hula and Chef Sulaiman honey to Allah Welcome.

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Good to have you, man.

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I know. It's different, right? It's very different.

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You're one of the few people who actually gets this technology, right. Some people like always have tech issues. We're doing things.

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Always having issues getting started, you know, not having a lot of I mean, sexually man Hamdulillah. What's your official role within McGraw by the way, Director of Academic Director of Academic Affairs, obviously candelabra, I mean, has been a serious contributor, scholar at Yakunin and Hamdulillah. We've benefited from your works.

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I've known you for the longest at Hamdulillah. We were just talking about your first book was 114 ways to memorize the Quran

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114 tips to memorize the Quran from the novel I mean, very beneficial. Look, you just had this book that came out. He didn't ask me to plug this but I offered. But it's really a beautiful book. And it's actually on certain Hadith. And how many lessons shift from sorts of Hadith the 120 discussion questions with every I have pretty much you have a way to internalize it, think about it really do to the Buddha in practice.

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120 ayat, sorry ways to internalize. So it did Hadith, which is honestly one of my favorites it was.

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So I'm really looking forward to reading this, especially the scenes when Eliza mentions the believers going forth. May Allah make us amongst those who move forward with our light Ilana, I mean, so please do check out the book control. It's called the iron healing and all the proceeds go to All right.

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So please do check it out. We'll put it in the comments, inshallah. And go to the link with the night data. So with that being the night out, and we'll go ahead and get started.

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So hello, I'm in a very particular part of sorts of Toba and it's a very beautiful part of sorts of Toba and it's the 92nd verse but I want to take you all back to just 10 When Allah subhanaw taala mentions and we we spoke about this

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those who are wicked running away from the angels are trying to run away from the angels and the angels are literally descending upon them. Y'all do reborn I will do How about All right, punching them as they take their souls beating their faces beating their backs, and saying to them was quite adorable. How do you taste the torment of the burning and Allah says that it is said to them that he can be mad at them at a decom one Allah Khalifa be bogged down in a beat. That is because of what your hands have earned. So this is the reward for what your hands have earned and Allah is never unjust to his creation. It's how I move on to this. Just in verse 92, of sorta Tober Allah Subhana

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Allah says, well, Allah Allah Allah Dena, Edina Toka, Lita, Hamina home Coulter, la dee doo, Camino komati to one lower our, you know, home turf field or Mina demaree has an allergy to biofuel corn, Allah azza wa jal mentions, there is no blame upon them. Yeah rasool Allah, who came to you and they were unable to go forward, they had nothing to spend, and they had no capacity to have any mounts provided for them to go forth and the cause of Allah with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and when the prophets lysozyme said, I have nothing to carry you. They turned away from the prophets, I imagine their sadness is captured in

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ran over missing out on a good deal like Allah tells us about that moment. Their eyes are overflowing with tears of grief that they had nothing to contribute. Look how sincere they must have been Subhan Allah that Allah testifies to not just the outward but the inward, right that the inward was the purest expression of regret that they wish they could go out with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now answer to Toba, which is more famous for of course, another group of people. And there are multiple groups of people covered but another story of the companions. And verse 118, Allah azza wa jal says while a fella 30, Lilina Khalifa, right those those three people who remained

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behind and Elijah didn't mentioned the feeling the sentiment as well had to either walk into it, he will or will be Morocco, but that it was as if the earth was consuming them. I mean, despite its vastness, they felt like they were being suffocated by the Earth despite its vastness, while Nakatani him and foster home, while London and La manager mean Allah that they thought that there was no escape, escape, no refuge from Allah subhanaw taala or they knew there was no refuge from Allah except to him. But Allah Subhana Allah mentions, of course, that he turned towards them for metabo it via tubal that he turned towards them, so that they may turn towards him and Allahu Attila

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would whine, and Verily Allah subhanaw taala alone as the acceptor of repentance and Most Merciful, so you're capturing these groups of people right? Now compare the group of people that wanted to go out for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala, but did not have the means. And Allah Subhana Allah Allah praising them, to those who Allah subhanaw taala is saying you are being compensated for the evil deeds that you actually put forward. This is nothing but a desert, nothing but a compensation for the actual evil deeds that you put forward and hear Allah Subhana Allah saying, and I have not failed to record the good deeds that you could not put forward for the sincere believers. And so you

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hear here you have in a Madonna vignettes encapsulated, that barely actions are backed by intention. But here's what I really want you to sit with, you know, in this previous Jews, this is the reward for what you did, and this Jews, this is the reward for what you couldn't do. And then you have those three people that are regretting what they did not do. So you really have all of the the entire spectrum of emotion in regards to deeds, but here's what I want you to sit with.

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If Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards regret for sin this much. Imagine how much Allah subhanaw taala reward regret for missing out on a good deed. And that's why when no claim Rahim Allah mentions that a sin that brings you back to Allah Subhana Allah is better than a good deed that takes you away. Look how Allah subhanaw taala praises these people, for their emotions for their intentions, in the case of one group, because they couldn't do good in the case of another group because they regretted the sin that they had committed. And so in conclusion, for those who had no excuse and stay behind Allah subhanaw taala promised repentance and for those who had an excuse, and couldn't go forward,

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Allah subhanaw taala promised the full reward and in that is the Mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala encapsulated May Allah azza wa jal allow us to be amongst those who receive His mercy and who turned towards him. In all of our states Allah I mean, Chicago la

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misma was Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was he woman what up? Um, but I do want you to speak about Musa alayhis salam and his message that he gave to the people there was something in particular, amongst the many things that Musa alayhis salam said, which is revelation from Allah subhanaw taala inspiration from Allah subhanho wa Taala never forget that in reading the stories of the Prophet is that which makes our hearts firm and makes us firm in our faith because we see their struggle and understanding that the struggle was something that was real, it happened in history, and also that this is a lesson for us to try to embody particularly with our faith and the actions

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of our heart to hearts towards Allah. Allah subhanho wa Taala as we know what what happened with Musa alayhis salam was with her own and her own testing Musa and bringing the magician's to try to counter Musa and the revelation that Allah Allah gave to Musa and the miracles that Allah subhanaw taala gave Musa but Musa overpowered them. I want to mention something that happened during this time because in the very beginning Allah subhanaw taala showed that there were those that did not ultimately believe in Musa wasn't a lot of them and some even scholars mentioned that it was the elders amongst him that did not believe in Him. When Allah subhanaw taala mentioned is the statement

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of Musa alayhis salam when he turns to the people, and he says if there are the blemishes on our gene and chapter units, verse number 84. He says we'll call him Musa Yeah, call me In Kuntum Amman to Billahi for IE to what kilo? In Kuntum Muslimeen. He says, all my people if you believe in Allah and are truly me

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sums in place your reliance on him alone. I want to kind of dive into this verse because the first thing Musa says, Yeah, call me all my people. So he's calling the same people that were around for their own, and that were around his, the type of media he tried to use, and the type of manipulation that he used, and the oppression that he used the tyrant eat through his power and his strength, but Musa alayhis salam, still being Latif, being nice, being honorable says, oh my people, he's calling them to this righteous, good message, and he's not giving up on them. He says, Yeah, call me my people. If you believe in Allah, if you truly believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala In Kuntum M and

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tomb, if you are those that have belief, it's interesting to hear how he uses the federal majority, the present tense form here to show the importance of it. If you are those that believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala am and Tim Billa. For ie he took a clue, then upon him, put your trust in Him, as Sheikh Omar mentioned that those are the people that end they cry because they were hesitant. They were those that cried out of sadness, because they couldn't worship Allah subhanaw taala in the way that they know is a lofty way, but Subhanallah due to the circumstances, the color of Allah subhanho wa Taala that took place, but it shows their desire, and their wherewithal and their allegiance and

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their trust. So here when Musa said upon Allah is the one that you trust in. But then he says in couldn't tomb, mostly mean. And it's interesting here that he says if you are those that are the mostly mean, mostly mean here, meaning that you are the ones that have the baseline belief, but also you have that belief that is recommended and that is obligatory for you to reach this level, to where if you see a tyrant in front of you, and that he is threatening your life. You're trusting in the one and you're amongst the few Some scholars say it was the youth that made the statement that that Musa was speaking to and that accepted his statement and they said that we trusted Allah

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subhanho wa Taala they trusted him. But the Islam here looking at the meaning of Islam and some scholars mentioned it's this lovely love it or hate, it is submission to Allah subhana wa Tada and surrender with unification in your belief, you believe in the Oneness of Allah subhana wa Tada. And that belief serves as the anchor, and the motivation to trust in Him in times of hardship, and times where things and things that are in front of you look impossible, where you look as the as the one that will be defeated. You trust in Him as they trusted in Musa as they trusted in him trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala and trust it and Moses that he was the one that carried the message, the

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result. And as some mentioned, it was the elders that were trying to call the youth back, as he mentioned that because the elders live life, they live this lavish life or they live the life of their own. And they they were in fear of their lives, because they live life. And some say they were they were trusted. They love the dunya they love the situation that they were in. They didn't want to feel uncomfortable. And that's very important. When we look at the lives of the prophets. They may call you to something Something may come to you in your life and you know, it's the truth, but it's uncomfortable. And Moses on a Salam was calling them to submit themselves to Allah, not to him,

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but to Allah by following him, when you see in front of you this tyrant that is calling people to that which is not beneficial for their app, you know. So in this beautiful verse, we see Musa alayhis salam, a very important example of trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala because you trust in Him, anything is possible whether you know it, perceive it or not, because you trust in the one that created and put everything in front of you. And that is the ultimate form of belief in Allah subhanho wa Taala So may Allah Subhana Allah make us and then we're talking in that trust in Him in secret and an open radical orfeome

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does that mean that we've handled all sorts of salam ala Rasulillah while earlier he was talking me he wanted to order the the verse that I want to cover as i a 38 of Surah kotoba is one of the most powerful reminders in the Quran. If you were to apply it to your context and your situatedness Surah toe right away. As you know, it's a very heavy Surah it's the only Surah that does not begin with a batsman and there are reasons for that. But if you think about this particular idea and everything you've heard up to this point, ask yourself as you break it down, ask yourself how you can apply it in the in the moments that you're in right now. It begins with at nine references. It begins with

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the IU Alladhina amanu at nine times in the Quran. Oh you who believe there's a greater emphasis pay attention. Malecon? What is the matter with you? Think of this as a lot reprimanding, reprimanding who representing a group of people at a time in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gathered 30,000 Plus believers to go out and for the expedition of taboo and to face what was considered one of the superpowers of the region, the Roman Byzantine Empire. When you think of the Roman Byzantine Empire and location of taboo

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Look at the time that this took place in at the end of the Medina and Sita. You have a lot of people amongst the 30,000 you have a lot of people who are on other parts of the spectrum of faith and you have amongst the Muslims hypocrites as well. So you heard up to this point there are different groups of people. Allah subhanaw taala is reprimanding pay attention to the one who's receiving Malcolm either clean black woman, funeral FISA be the law he can tune in and out. If it is said to you go out in the path of Allah subhanaw taala there's a command here, go out in the path of Allah subhanaw taala that you cling to the earth. I'll break down what this means in a moment in sha

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Allah. Not only to mill hayati dunya Amina Clara, are you satisfied with this life over the next are you choosing this life over the afterlife, thermo metallic piety dunya Filati. Luckily, the life of this world compared to the next life, it's insignificant, it has no value whatsoever in terms of the raw, the comfort, and the materialism you can possibly pursue in this world. Let's go back to the beginning. Allah Subhan Allah has reprimanding those who came up with excuses, and this is the 38th I have the surah after already laying out in the first part of the surah how evil these people are that are going to face do you have to defend yourselves, there is no other alternative. There is no

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other option. It's a command from Allah subhanaw taala, based on his wisdom, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did his part, there are going to be sincere people who really want to go and as you heard already, they can't go they can afford to go and they are generally sad. They wish they could partake. They wish they could be amongst those who submit to the Command of Allah subhanaw taala. In this case, some stayed back. Some came up with excuses. And of course you had amongst the Muslims you had the hypocrites. When it is said to do such and such go out in the path of Allah follow the Command of Allah, you cling to the earth. And when you think of itself called

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Tomb, you might think of why would someone cling to something other than the command of a line, you can think of so many reasons. It's a long day, in the summer, the heat of the sun, so people were afraid. And there's there's a real risk to their lives, of course, so your life, the very thing you hold to be precious is at risk. It's also at the time that the dates were ready to be produced and to be consumed. And so there is an economic financial reason. It's also very far compared to other expeditions that took place and most importantly, it is the Roman Byzantine Empire. So some people are just thinking about the advancements of the military, the might, these are the Romans were

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talking about. You want us to just go out and let go of our families and our wives and our children. And of course, there is an application of this idea there's a context we don't want to remove it from that context, but we want to take lifelong lessons inshallah Tada, the concept of cultural even linguistically, a very heavy word on the tongue, that you cling to something, it is a type of attachment. It's funny to think of your desires, as many of the scholars that have CFC eel out can be your show what your personal habits if the culture Milan old can refer to your hopes, your To Do lists, your dreams, your goals, the things that you say I want to do, but eventually the line of

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death will cut you off from what's ahead. It's inevitable. The question is, what are you doing until that line emerges? It can also mean as admin Josie Rahim Allah said to your actual physical home your residence, sometimes people look at their brothers and sisters, under occupation, in different lines in different places, concentration camps, in wars, and they say, You know what, they have it really bad, they're very likely to leave this world before me. And the reality is you could leave this world before them. The reality is anything can affect you where you are, you're not guaranteed safety in your health, you're not guaranteed safety politically, you're not guaranteed any of these

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things in this world. So to choose to disobey Allah subhanaw taala and attach yourself to a dunya. If the quality material of your home, your country, your physical space, at the expense of the afterlife, you are choosing something that is essentially foolish as Allah subhanaw taala tells us not only to bid higher to dunya menial Alfredo, this life compared to the next is not a drop of water compared to an ocean of eternity. Choose your pleasures very cautiously, because some will backfire and be a source of pain, and some will end up being a source of eternal relief and eternal bliss. If I had to summarize it in two words or three words, I would say embrace positive

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discomfort. Embrace positive discomfort in the path of Allah subhanaw taala you won't find regret with that. If you neglect it, you will find regret May Allah subhanaw taala grant us sincerity and also embrace the positive discomfort that leads to that eternal reward alumni me.

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Hello, there's so much here about the connection between comfort and complacency, comfort and complacency. And you've got to imagine that this is very appealing to everyone, right? Like when you get to a place where you feel stable, comfortable. Anything that could disrupt that is, you know, usually not worth it. Unless I have to be forced out of that comfort zone.

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I'm not really willing to embrace that discomfort. And so there has to be sort of an incentive where you believe in something greater but in the case of, I think what brings us all back together? Well, I'm no Imelda. I mean, Allah hee, hee la la. Right? So the people that were left behind, they came to realize that there was no refuge from Allah except back to him that the comfort is actually found in Allah subhanaw taala in the Command of Allah subhanaw taala. In the case of the hypocrites, they tried to appeal to that mindset, what did they say? Let him feel awful how like it's hot outside. It's hot outside, it's going to be a really uncomfortable journey. You know, and the man who

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backbite it cabling medical the a lot of times that my other than general the line has stood up to right and the journey on the Prophet slicin was out with the companions. He said, what he said, you know, he got held back cab got held back because he was getting too comfortable. He must have been distracted by Michelle all these gardens, you know, has and you know, it looked in the closet, he had a lot of nice clothes, he looked outside the alignment, nice gardens and said, You know, it's probably not worth it. So there is an appeal that's being made a direct appeal to comfort and Third Culture middle adult, like he beautifully said, it has different connotations in the case of newer

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headaches around with his son. So are we gonna jump? Right? Let me let me stand on this mountain. Yeah, I'll see when he may not, it's gonna protect me from the water. This is where I feel most comfortable. This is where I feel the most stability and the stability was actually causing his drowning. This the cause of is drowning. In this situation, the comfort was actually the cause of their destruction. And for us, I think that it's really important you know that it comes back to incentive. The prophets of Allah when he was on one of the most powerful things that you really learned from the Sierra is that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah took away. These are the low on who

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would embrace them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was in discomfort. And Allah took away a bouteille who would protect him. But Allah replaced that with Quran and it were the prophets I said, I'm found a different embrace now, right? If you think about it, you know, the embrace of Djibouti it is Saddam sent him so the lie salon seeking the comfort of the embrace of these will be a lot of time at home. But now the prophets lie some misses up right now. The comforts in the Quran the comforts in following command of Allah subhanaw taala.

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But you don't really believe that initially, right? Like initially, you're kind of like, of course, in the case of the prophets, like some is different. I'm talking about us, right where it's like, man, like, this looks like a tough journey.

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Thanks, Chuck. I'll bring it back to you converted to Islam, like hesitation. No, yeah, yes. Really, really uncomfortable. But you know, it's funny. It reminds me one of my friends, you know, he always says, Man, I just want to go to heaven. I get that was great. He kept it very simple. And what what you mentioned with him would have consent, but let him fulfill her. What does the law say right after that?

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To her, Ron, like you're thinking about this dunya. Okay. What about the Africa? And it's so beautiful, so eloquent. They're talking about heat, which heat? Are you really afraid of the heat of this dunya the heat or the hellfire? So when it comes to converting to Islam, when thinking about life, man, I have to pray five times a day, every day of my life. You have to be responsible. It has to be a point of time in your life. You say, Okay, what really matters? Do I want to go to heaven? Do I believe in heaven? Do I want to go there? What am I willing to do for? Right? So it's really that comfortability, and it's so beautiful faculty feel old, because heavy is tequila and Arabic.

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Like what weighs you down? Really what is your anchor that holds you down, that you're willing to give up everything for it? Right. And that's what's so beautiful that when you cling to the tangible things of this life, and you forget the intangible, you forget the next life, you see throughout the son of the process, and he's always reminding the Companions about Allah. The next life, the rewarding Jana deployments, the totally winter, he reminding people, enticing people and wanting people to save time, but she run one of the Iran. He's congratulating people, and he's wanting people. And that's what is so important about the Muslim because the purpose of life for the Muslim

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is transcendent. It is something that goes beyond this life. Rather, everything you do in this life, is a form of gratitude for the one that created life. So the purpose Oh, life is not only things in this life, that's why it's so beautiful in that, in that in certain sorts of totally, because there's so many answers, even when we're talking about when they were, you know, giving sadaqa you know, when Abu Bakr gave all his wealth,

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having the opportunity just to read that story, and you see how the Companions would want to know how they him at any given moment, they're remembering the outcome and the remembrance of the actor is what manipulated or not manipulated or influenced them to give up anything in this dunya and that's what it takes to reach that level. So pardon me law makers from just beautiful

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shell you'd like is this example years ago, I started going to the gym and undergrad commercial

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Have properly Yes. Worked out for a good couple months. And then we had a friend who said, I want to join you guys. I said, All right, come with us. He's like, just tell me what to do. Literally like we said, okay, my friend who was with me was more proficient. So he told me, these are your goals. These are things you want to work towards. He talked to him for a while, then he's like, Alright, let's start with a bicep curls. So he's his goal, I think was like, eventually he wanted to get like 5050 pounds or something. Anyways, he started first set, and he's like, Guys, this hurts. Like, what do you think we did over? He's like, Yeah, there has to be a better way. He's he sees themselves

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like very intelligence, there has to be like a better way, a shortcut. And my friend told him the mantra, everyone knows no pain, no gain, he's like, so if you don't embrace that discomfort, you can't possibly get to the next level. Of course, I That's why I said early, positive discomfort because we're not justifying every kind of discomfort out there rather, some things everyone everyone strives, but some things have a return, and they are worth it. And so people get up in the morning hours all the time, a lot of CEOs get up and they talk about how they make billions or manage companies getting up early, but it's it's completely cut off from the purpose of life. So if

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you're sacrificing your sacrifice has to be worth it. If you're embracing discomfort, it has to be worth it, and know why it's worth it and keep reminding yourself, it's remarkable to think there are some aspects of Islam that are mentioned just once or twice in the entire Quran. But when it comes to the afterlife, and the motivation we are in need of psychologically almost half dimensions it hundreds of times, because we are in need of it. So if we cut ourselves off from the Quran, and those daily reminders, we're essentially cutting ourselves off from the thing that will help us to detach to stop being weighed back alone, there's something about the eye or chef or the tomb, you

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are pleased with the life of this world. So Alas, parents are blaming the hypocrites of Medina, or the tomb you are pleased with the life of this world. And what are the prophets lifetime promise the sincere believers of Medina the onslaught when they came to Mecca, look, we're going to embrace all this discomfort. All of our alliances are going to be broken, people are going to come for our next we're going to lose all of our money. We're losing everything from this dunya to take you in O messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, what do we get in return? Janna province, Einstein did not give them any worldly promises. Even though if you think about the long run, the gain of Medina was

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huge, even from pure worldly perspective becomes a world class city with the profit slice. Right? The unsalted go on to become legends, right? Of course, many of them were martyred, and they suffered many difficulties. But those that live some of them really found comfort in the dunya. We sense in the worldly sense after the death of the Prophet's life under the province Isom wasn't giving them any of those promises. You get Jana, when they're coming back from Mecca, and they're worried because they see the spoils of war going to some of the recent converts in Mecca. And the profit slice that I mentioned to them the very famous story that you know, they go back with the

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animals and the spoils and you go back with the profit slice them as your share, they use the same word. All Lina We are pleased with the Prophets lie, some is our share. We're pleased with the Janna are pleased with paradise. We're pleased with the profit as our share several mornings. So it goes back to what really pleases you what really pleases you and there's a natural pleasure. But there's also that divine pleasure you know, that you seek which starts to become, I think it takes you from a place of seeking safety, to seeking Sakina to truly seeking tranquility sanctuary, like in the Quran seeking sanctuary, in the life of the Prophet's life and in what exists of agenda and you

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know, that that promise from Allah subhanaw taala May Allah as was that allow us to realize that promise a lot. He reminded me of, I think a a 111 is in the launch that he didn't want me to be in that I'm in Jenna, step using words of transactions that people are used to in this world because it's all material, financial, economic back and forth. Allah has purchased from the believers, their lives, your whole life is for loss of data and your wealth. In exchange for Paradise. It's very straightforward transaction Subhanallah it's just that idea of you're dealing with a lot here you're not dealing with with human beings, more horrible. So it's a pseudo Subhanallah of a lot of

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transaction. much about you know how we turn to Allah subhanaw taala and we have to know what we're seeking in order to endure what we are enduring for his sake, but the night Tana is like a fish yesterday man. Talked about the gym. I think y'all need to have a match like a jujitsu. Yeah, he said, let's go. He said, let's go. Oh, he's gonna grapple Alright, so this is gonna take Jacob de la back. My last pants I bless both of you. We'll see you all tomorrow. But nah, son, I'm already coming to LA Hey,