Suleiman Hani – Unknown Legacies #01 – A Believing Man

Suleiman Hani
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the emotional impact of calling people to false accusations and the potential for false accusations to affect one's reputation. They also talk about a woman who claims to be from Iran and the importance of calling people to false accusations to avoid false accusations. The speaker describes a person who calls on people to be forgiven for their actions and causes annoying people to lose their jobs and become annoying. The speaker also describes a man called Homi Malley causing harm and is pressured to believe in Islam. The speaker goes on to describe how Homi is being pressured to believe in Islam and is eventually arrested and punished by the government. The speaker also discusses the split of the sea and the uncertainty of the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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This believing man used his position to speak truth to a tyrant to advise people to follow Musa alayhis salam. And you know it is upsetting for a person when you're trying to call people towards something good, and they're trying to call you towards their pathways of evil. He says why are for me Molly adoro? Camila Naja aduro Camila Naja, what are the ronin either now you're calling me towards the fire? How is it that I'm calling you towards something good. You're calling me towards something evil. In other words, I'm calling you to be forgiven by Allah. This is for your own sake, you are from my people. And I'm from amongst you.

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The most repeated story in the Quran is the story of Prophet Musa alayhis, Salam Moses. And it's interesting to see all the different experiences that he had. He was sent to the most wicked of people in history. He was sent to Iran, the pharaoh and Prophet Musa alayhis salam had to endure a lot throughout his experience. Something interesting takes place. Allah subhanaw taala informs us in the Quran about an individual who is unnamed. So his legacy is powerful, his reward is unimaginable. And Allah subhanaw taala highlighted this individual. And this was during the moment in which there was a conversation between this man, the believing man from the family or the people of fear and

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fear around himself. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us the story in sort of the whole affair. Verse 28. Onwards, the idea begins within the story begins with the following. While on the road, you may not mean early funeral owner yet to email a believing man from the people of Iran. Some scholars say he was in fact a relative or even the cousin of Iran. This person yet to more Imana was hiding his faith, out of fear. What did he say? A tough to lunar module and a whole lot of be Allah, are you going to kill a man musasa because he says Allah is my Lord. And then here he presents this believing man again, we don't know his name. He presents some persuasive reasons for not killing

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Mousavi Saddam and for considering his argument. So for example, he says we're conveying anatomy Robbie, come he has come to you with clear science from your Lord. And there were many signs that have taken place. And then he says, if he's lying, then the lie will affect him. It's on him. It's his loss. But if he's telling the truth, then a calamity will be flawless. And there were calamities that have been filled with people before them. And then he says Allah will not guide those who are transgressing and they are liars. Notice here and the story of this individual this believing that he keeps saying to His people Yeah, call me. Yeah, call me for example. Yeah, call me let qumola

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mold Kalia. Oh my people oh my people he's from amongst them. Sometimes one of the most impactful things you can do when you're advising someone is to call them with something that is close Oh my dear brother or my dear sister or my family or my community or my people and when you call upon them as such, it will have a greater emotional persuasive impact inshallah. He says well call me in the hall for it Camille Montana later on in the story. He says I fear for you a day in which people will be crying and calling out to one another. And he says there were people before us walk on Ludhiana yeah call me Toblerone equal Sabina Russia. He talks about the people from before the people of

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newer that people if the mood they were punished for attacking their messenger. And then he says, Oh my dear people, follow me I will show you I will lead you to the way of guidance. And then he says yeah, for me, my people in Namaha. The higher to dunya Mata, this life is an enjoyment it is a fleeting, quick illusion of pleasure. And then he says we're in the clean water here data. And the hereafter is the home of settlement. That's where you're heading. This believing man used his position to speak truth to a tyrant to advise people to follow Musa alayhis salam. And you know it is upsetting for a person when you're trying to call people towards something good. And they're

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trying to call you towards their pathways of evil. He says why are Homi Malley adoro Camila Naja aduro Camila Naja, whatever your own and he it and now you're calling me towards the fire? How is it that I'm calling you towards something good. You're calling me towards something evil. In other words, I'm calling you to be forgiven by Allah. This is for your own sake, you are from my people, and I'm from amongst you. And then at the very end, he says faceted guru and Mr. Polina come, you will remember what I say to you. I'm fast forwarding through the story. But most importantly, is to notice how he calls upon his people calls upon his people calls upon his people. He speaks directly

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to fit on, he challenges what's happening. He gives him a persuasive intellectual argument. And at the very end, he says to his people, you're going to remember what I said, you are going to remember what will follow will do Emerita ultimately, I entrust my affairs to Allah subhanaw taala. And then he says in the law, but so you don't believe in Allah subhanaw taala is all seeing of His servants. Firewall Tom who law who say it man Makoto, Allah saved him from their evil plans and their plots. And then a las Panatela tells us what half of you are if you're on a suit

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Other, and the evil punishment took the people off Iran. I want you to think about this believing that this man was a believer, he hid his faith for a while he started calling people towards the truth use his platform for something good. What are you doing with the platform that you have? What are you doing with the situations, the networks, the context of social media that you have? Are you utilizing that position? That blessing that privilege for something beneficial to call people towards something good to stop people from doing the wrong thing? Or are you wasting an opportunity? Are you wasting potential May Allah subhanaw taala make us grateful for every position, every

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platform, every opportunity that we have the people of fit on? The those who continue to follow fit around and ignore Prophet Musa the salam, they saw sign after sign after sign after sign, and all of these signs from Allah subhanaw taala, they rejected them due to their arrogance. Finally, they chase Musa Ali Salam and the few followers, the believers that were with him, they chase them, and they're basically trapped, you have the red sea behind you and the enemy in front of you. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us about the miracle that took place with the splitting of the sea. I want you to imagine seeing this yourself. Imagine you're watching as a third party. And you have a group of

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people with a messenger who showed them all the signs and proofs that they needed that this was truly a messenger of God, every miracle you can imagine, though, that was mentioned. Imagine you saw it as well. Now the sea is splitting. And he goes through that they're going through the split, see they're going through the Red Sea. And right behind them. You have Iran and the arrogance followers, those who are obeying fit on blindly

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choosing to pursue and kill.

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What kind of worldview how much arrogance must you have for you to see the sea splitting for a man who showed you that he was truly a messenger of God and still trying to chase him to kill him? How arrogant must a person be? May Allah subhanaw taala protect us. They chase down Musa Ali Salaam and the believers and of course they got out safely the believers and Madonna and his followers dropped his army drowned. And as he's drowning, then finally he tries to proclaim that he believes in the same Lord as Benny straw eat but by then it is truly May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us humility and allow us to accept the signs that are in our lives and the signs within us as well before it is

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too late. Accept the signs of change today because tomorrow is not guaranteed. And they lost the panel Tada. Forgive us for all of our shortcomings. Llama me

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