Abu Taymiyyah – Part 9 The Wudhu Series From Zaad al Miaadh of Ibn Al Qayim
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So let's stand over, my brothers and my
sisters, on what al Madmah actually means.
And this is a word that we should
all be memorizing
as people who don't know the Arabic language
because it's something that reoccurs
quite often in the chapter about Tahara. Right?
My brothers and my sisters,
definition is.
It is
to move the water inside of
one's mouth.
Even if it is a little bit of
a movement
that takes place in one's mouth, that is
the bare minimum
that one must come with.
K? Anything more than that, taking it down
all the way down,
near your throat, okay? The mere fact that
you move it
in any part of your mouth,
that's the bare minimum. Anything more than that,
that is extra.
Okay? So,
my brothers and my sisters,
after an individual now has
washed his hands,
as we know through the hadith of birthmani
alaihfa'ana radiAllahu ta'ala Anhu which has given us
the description of the most complete of the
What did his iman say? After
that he rinsed his mouth and he did
this three times. That is the most complete,
of what an individual can do with regards
the rinsing of the mouth.
But here he says,
okay, that there was times when he only
did it once,
times that he did it twice and times
that he did it thrice.
Okay? The bare minimum is once. Anything more
than that
is the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi
wa sallam, and it is
more complete.
What is its ruling?
You know how early my brothers and my
sisters we spoke about how washing the face
is a pillar from the pillars of the
world? What
comes under that is
also the mother mother.
Not as an independent pillar, but it falls
under their face because your mouth is on
your face.
I didn't want to overly complicate it previously,
hence why I didn't mention it.
But now we know the 6 pillars, right?
And we've got that down,
Let's add a little bit here and there
in order for us to,
take the knowledge slowly, slowly,
and we can improvise on what we already
So we had the face,
and we have the mouth on the face
as well. So you have a group of
like Dahanabila
who state that rinsing the mouth
falls under this pillar as well of washing
the face because the mouth is part of
the face. And there's a number of evidences
that they use.
One of the evidences that they use is
the fact that the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa
sallam commanded
When you make wudu,
then come with rinsing the mouth.
And this is what
a commandment.
And we know, and we're going to teach
you guys a bit of a surfer here.
So make sure you write down this principle.
The base ruling of a commandment
is that the Asal is
that it is an obligation.
That's the base ruling of a commandment, that
it is an obligation.
And the way you know if something is
a commandment or not, you need to know
a little bit of Arabic.
You need to learn how to differentiate between
past tense, present tense, and also what
which is a commandment,
and that will clarify when looking through the
text what is a commandment, what is not.
This is the base ruling even though sometimes
you will find that even though there is
a commandment, it moves out of its base
ruling. But that's a discussion for another time.
But now we hear the Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi
Wasallam said,
Make sure you come with the Madmala,
rinsing of the mouth.
In these lines of poetry, we're given an
outline of how to know when something is
a commandment, the wordings, and whatever have you,
And we are told that the base ruling
is that it is wajib.
It is wajib, and you must come with
it if there is a commandment.
Also, what he spoke about here is,
That is to
sniff the water into the nose.
It is to sniff the water into the
Again, this has the same ruling as the
mother mother.
K. He has the same ruling as the
mother mother.
It is also part of this pillar,
and it falls under the first pillar which
is to wash the face because the nose
is on the face as well right?
So what is the definition of it? They
say, Jadbul
Ma Ifil Anf.
It is to sniff the water into the
Even if a little bit goes in, you
have come with the bare minimum.
Anything more than that,
you being exaggerative
by sniffing up all the way to the
top, it is a Sunnah, something that is
As the Messenger SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam said,
We were told in this hadith,
Go overboard.
When it comes to sniffing up the water
and making wudu, accept if you are what?
So it's something that the miss salaam alayhi
was recommended for you to bring it all
the way to the top. It's not the
bare minimum. The bare minimum is that the
water goes in even a little bit.
Even a little bit. And the reason why
they say it is mandatory, it is again
because the prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
he commanded it.
Like we mentioned earlier, the base ruling of
a commandment is that it is mandatory.
The Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, he said,
If you make wudu,
the commandment was made, as the Prophet sallallahu
alaihi wasallam used the lam ul amr. If
you don't understand, don't worry about it. It's
a bit technical now.
He commanded us to place the water into
the nose,
and then we were taught also to bring
it out.
Okay? So the in a nutshell and also
the which is to sift the water into
the nose, it is
an obligation
based on the hambile malhab.
Okay? And perhaps this is the stronger view
the wududu Prophet SAWA that was narrated to
you find that he always did it. Again,
this is another indication that shouldn't be left
And also you find that Aisha radiAllahu ta'ala
Anha, she said,
are from the things that you have to
come with. So you have a female companion.
Saying that it's from the things that are
And then he goes on to say, my
beloved brothers and sisters,
Messenger Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
used to connect
the mother mother and the eastern shahr together.
Okay? He would do it
with one handful like that by covering both
of them. So this is why he says,
okay. Fayahoodunisfaalgharfatili
1 isfaali anfihi.
Okay? Half of it would go into
his mouth,
and the other half,
okay, would go into his nose.
And he took this from the Hadith of
Ali ibn Abi Talib radiAllahu
ta'ala Anhu,
that he used to connect between the Madamalah
and also the Eastern shak.
When describing Sifatah Uthun Nabi Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam
He said
Okay. He ended up doing the and also
which is to sniff the water up from
the same handful,
That he did the mother mother with. And
the same one that he took the water
with, he did end up ended up doing
both of them.
Okay. So this is what the Prophet Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam did, and it is better to
do that than to actually separate between the
two. There is a narration that states the
narration of Abdullah ibn Zaidan
I saw the Messenger SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam separate
the rinsing of the mouth and also
the sniffing of the water into the nose
by taking 2 different handfuls.
Like, for example, doing this,
and then getting another one and putting in
the nose.
Masjid alaihi wa sama actually,
use one handful to do the mouth and
also to do the nose,
and this is better. If one didn't do
this, yes, it will though, it would still
be correct, but it is better for a
to use that one handful
to cover the mouth, and likewise the
nose. Then you also have my brothers and
my sisters, the
It is to take out the water.
What is the ruling of it?
Is it
obligatory? Is it not obligatory? It is a
If one left it off, his would still
be correct.
So an individual now uses his right hand
to put the water into his mouth and
then into his nose. Half into his mouth
and then half into his nose. What does
he do after that?
He uses his left hand,
to sniff it
back down.
And this makes all the more complete.
And this is a statement of Ibn Uqaym
he said,
He used to do Istin shak with his
right hand, and he would do Istin Thar
with his left