Sulaiman Moola – Tafseer of Surah An Naml #05 The mysterious light
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other day in
our solar Eema knowing what all Al Hamdulillah
our humaneness shaytani R rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim, Salam
booty chromaffin The woman how Allah was Subhana Allah He robbed bill. I mean yeah Musa in and Allah Who lies is hiking Sadhak Allah who love Him so we concluded on the importance of taking care of those around you and a newbie in travel in Journey sensitive to his spouse dignified terminology respectful engagement. Yeah, you already know I'm an otaku Allahu Okoto cold and studied I learned to speak properly learn to speak properly and can mean a biller who alone will offer valuable hire and only yes Would you believe in Allah in the final day you're a true believer say a good word for Liverpool hire and say something good kind help empower. Motivate Your people only a smoke or be
silent. Don't refer to anyone in a derogatory way. Well, you know, luckily home as a team, no mother will be to those people or on those who attack the honor of people while I tell him his will and forsaken wallet and neighbors will bill alcohol don't give nasty derogatory terminologies to people.
So, in verse seven, Sedna Musala, in salatu, Salam reference his spouse with a plural form, and in the context of the Arabic language that is an expression of respect and dignity,
in the incident of Yusuf Alayhi Salatu was Salam, when the minister's wife made the last full advancements to say the use of a Salaam and of course, he then, you know, dash to the door, and then when they got to the door, and fire say Yida ha level Bob, they both found her husband at the door. The Quran refers to her husband as say it, say you a leader, a leader, which indicates responsibility, prominence and dignity in address as well. So I think it starts off a lot with the terminologies we use. It's easy to call your spouse, honey, lovey, gorgeous, handsome, baby angel, when things are hunky dory when things are going good. But when things are ugly, and things go pear
shaped, and things become unpleasant, which are bound to happen at that time, to what extent do we limit and how much do we harness our tongue? How much do we restrict ourselves? So may Allah subhanahu Huhtala. Grant us that character of referring and speaking to each other in a marital context, principally, but also parent to child teacher to student, sibling to sibling neighbor to neighbor with respectful and dignified terminology? I mean, Yara, Bella and Amin, okay, so now Musa is Salatu was Salam leaves, he verse seven, he told his spouse his consort, let me get something and come back and he leaves verse number eight Allah subhanaw taala tells us what happens for them and
so when he came there, to the perceived the fire to the perceived flame, and Jah when he came there, he assumed it to be you know, light bright fire and outwardly apparently that's what it appeared to be only to come and realize that this was a divine radiance and brilliance and if origins and this wasn't an ordinary common regular fire Furama and ya know, the ambo recomend fin not new there in passive module, it was called out it was proclaimed, it was announced, new DIA and Boo recomend fin Nari woman, how Lucha that blessing is the one who is in the fire, meaning in this light, which he assumed to be a fire, who's standing at that location, and bless it are those that are in the
priests sins and the surroundings of this light. Fatima and Jah knew the Ambu recomend visionary woman Hala was Subhan Allah He Rob bill and Amin.
So who is referred to in the light or the fire, fire in the sense perceived, perceived and light in the sense this is what it actually was. There is difference of opinion in the scholars of the seed, some say in the light refers to the mala Iike the angels that were present woman howler, ha and those that were
around that light refers to Musa alayhis salam, while others argue the direct opposite, that men finner in the light and in the fire refers to Musa alayhis salam, because he came to that actual location and when he got there then there was nothing like people or flame or fire or smoke, it was just this bright light that was there. So some say it was a dinner Musa who is referred to them in biannual Quran it is mentioned that this adaption of the expression knew the Ambu rica blessing blessing, you know, sacred blessings be upon was the kind of day Yeah, a kind of greeting. And it was a type of, you know, ons to relax musante Sir, I'm like somebody comes you will come in, come
in. As Salam aleikum, most welcome please. Marhaba come through. So so this was now the location the moment that save the musalla is salatu salam was going to be conferred. The greatest station in Buhari right in the beginning.
But all ye Imam Buhari speaks on the chapter of how revelation came to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam solid solid till geras at times the ringing of a bell at time it came in this situation, that situation, can you imagine the richness of this moment that say dinner, Musa alayhis salam is now going to be conferred with Prophet would. It's not an inauguration. It's not a graduation ceremony. It's not someone who's going to be knighted.
Or someone who's going to be sworn in. This is the greatest temptation that could be conferred on a human
well for Karateka Kurama is the greatest station that prophet would know. Okay, so Allah subhanaw taala says in verse number eight new deer it was called out Boudica blessing man The One Thing nah, who's in the flame in the fire or the light woman Hola. And those around either Musa alayhis, Salam in and the angels around or refers to the angels in and Musa alayhis salam around was Subhana Allah Hera, Bill I mean,
and Glory be to Allah Glory be to Allah, He is pure, he is free.
You know, he, the mind cannot comprehend love to drink will absorb whatever you drink will absorb, or who will look to Him for hobby, no I can Can Can, can can can see Allah and yet Allah sees everyone so Glory be to Allah, His majesty, His power, His mighty is great. Well Subhan Allah He rub bill I mean, then we move on to the next verse, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, in verse nine, yah Musa in know who and Allah Who lies ease will Hakeem Allah subhanho wa Taala then introduces and communicates to say, Musa alayhis salam, and then of course that makes him clean, and he becomes the Prophet of Allah.
Yah Musa. Oh Musa in the hood, and Allah hula Aziz will Hakeem, Verily I am Allah. You're not the hair stands on end, when you begin to process the richness of this dialogue. And the scholars say, this was not something heard by the ears alone. You know, when there's a moment of excitement and joy and ecstasy and jubilation, according to you, is like, the whole earth is shaking for you and moving for you. It's your moment. It's the day you get in married, it's the day you have been graduating, but for you, it's like even the sun is smiling. You know, even the birds are chirping, even the winds are whistling, everything according to you is playing out in that moment of
jubilation and ecstasy. Can you begin to imagine this year saved up Musa alayhis salam is listening his spouse is that the distance and this was heard not only by his ears, but literally by every organ and limb and of course this was a miracle. This was a miracle. Yeah Musa in who and Allah hula Aziz will Hakeem.
And then what does Allah subhanho wa Taala say to say the Musa alayhis salam in verse number 10.
What Lt. ISOC.
Oh Musa, drop your staff. Now we know in surah Taha Allah subhanaw taala asked him when I think it'd be a meanie KR Musa. And these are different expressions. And obviously the scholars say that all this was communicated, but in different chapters. Allah subhanahu wa taala made mention of different aspects of it. We're LT Assad. lt drop pasa your stuff? Almost a drop your stuff. First number 10 of chapter 27. So we're in the midst of this discussion that is happening. Why don't you take us up? Well, Amara, Ghana. John wala mod Baron, welcome you acted. So Musa alayhis salam obliged, and he dropped his staff. File Amara when
He observed that as though, that this staff was now moving swiftly, almost like a snake can AHA John.
So this is something for us to take note of your. Allah didn't say it was a John. So John in Arabic refers to
a small snake, a small snake, and Thor unban refers to a serpent, and highly attuned refers to a snake. So there's three words that have been used and the scholars say, how you attune, meaning that it was venomous. John known meaning it was swift in its movement. For abandon, it was huge in its size, and yet others have argued differently. And this is the beauty that when Sedna Musa is salatu salam dropped the staff when Allah instructed him. At that time, it became John noon, meaning it was small. That's the one explanation so it wasn't only Swift, it was small Kana as though it is a small snake and swift. And when he dropped it before Pharaoh for either here or abandoned mobian Then it
became like a huge,
you know, Snake and serpent. So the reconciliation between the different terms and expressions that the Quran had used, anyway, verse number 10, said Namo, Salah is Salatu was Salam dropsie staff, fella, Mara Welty, I suck. He dropped his staff.
And then suddenly, that zoo, it's moving. That does do like Allah says, In the Quran in surah Hiji. What are the harm
that you see in winter in autumn? When everything dries and withers away, and then comes spring and then comes summer and then comes rain? And then when the water comes down on the earth, then what happens to the earth? What are the Hermida for either Angelina Jolie Halima? Does that it's actually like it's moving meaning life came into it that does do this stuff is moving Kandahar John.
Will la mode the bearer? The Quran codes, the reaction of Musa alayhis salam, he turned on his back, he turned on his heels. When law mode Baron Willa Muir active and he did not even look behind. And that was an indication of fear. And this fear was taught Barry meaning natural and natural fear is not against the station of prophethood. So a prophet, experience is cold, a prophet experiences happy, sadness, fear, joy, these are human emotions. And it is the kindness of Allah that a prophet experiences these emotions so that we get direction in these emotions. How do you manage fear? How do you manage happiness? Because generally when a person is extremely happy, that's the time he can
become oblivious of Allah. And when a person is extremely sad depression can take you into into disbelief because the devil then exploits the moment and indoctrinates and says Well nothing is coming right in your life. You know what just abandon everything. So a newbie goes through these human emotions so we can get that guidance and direction in it. Okay, so that so it's moving Canada as though John it's a swift you know snake Wallah. He turns mud bear on his back well I'm you're active and he doesn't even look back. What does Allah subhanho wa Taala say? Yah Musa Allah to half Yamo Salah half of Musa don't fear in nila hafler de el muro, saloon. Verily the prophets do not
fear in my presence. Your lead, they are also means presence means at the time of revelation at the time of Revelation. They are so overwhelmed and mustard rock, this is in biannual Quran, they so consumed by the richness of the moment of revelation, that things that ordinarily bring fear to people, to average people would not bring fear to the Prophet, because of the richness of the moment. You know, sometimes, you, you, you in your glory, and it's really things happening, so good and great. So you're so consumed by that moment, that other things don't really affect you don't really affect you, because of the richness of that moment. So Allah subhanaw taala afford even gave
comfort to Musa alayhis salam Allah to have don't fear in ni la jolla half a day El Morro saloon. Verily the prophets do not fear in my presence and presence again as explained meaning in the time of revelation that they are so consumed by the richness of revelation
in verse
11 Allah subhanho wa Taala then says to Satana Musa alayhis salam, yes, the following people are to fear the following not to fear in lemon balama you don't need to fear, oh Musa, although this is a natural fear, and that's a common fear, but given the richness of the moment given the richness of the moment, even even even something of this nature should not bother you because of the richness of revelation
in lemon Voluma, but the one who commits a wrong who does a wrong who commits a crime so in Arabic you have is this not desired? And is this not in Qatar? In in Qatar, which is the more common opinion suggested here by the experts on the Quran? That it snapped off the subject it snapped off the subject, meaning with the exception and then you you reference something unrelated unrelated to that, yeah, unrelated John in Como Illa Hemara as in the Arabic grammar you you know learn the is this now when Katya
Ilam and vanarama almost a fear is not for you, you are a messenger and you are from amongst in the communal Aminian from the safeguarded ones. Fear is for the one in Lamin balama the one who does wrong meaning he commits wrong for such a person there is fear Yes, because Allah can strike you because you've done wrong Allah says the one who's who's committed to consuming interest for as a newbie has been mean Allah He was surely you've made war with Allah. So if you made one with Allah, where can you be safe? There's no place of safety for you. A person who is dealing in the forbidden and the Haram you're at war with Allah no place no one can give you amnesty in Surah two Rahman we
need your mashallah genuine insight in this document and for them in Qatar is somewhat you will have a different photo. Let them put on a inlab is Hold on. Oh the group of human and Jim if you can transcend the skies and go out of the atmosphere, then do it. Where can you escape? You can flee from a country elope from a place chained citizenship and you can hide but where do you hide from Allah? Everywhere you go, it is the terrain and the dominion and the rule of Allah subhanho wa taala. So Allah subhanaw taala says in verse 1111 vollum, the one who oppresses who does wrong,
he ought to hear, but they also look at the justice of Allah. Sama, bad della first Lambada so in for Indira Fudo Rahim if he then replaced his oppression with virtue, his vise with repentance, then let him know I am Most Forgiving and most Merciful. So yes, fear is for the sinner, because Allah can strike him and Allah can punish him because of his wrong but there too if he repents then let him know in some a bad della host number So in he replaces and substitutes he is wrong with virtual for in Nila Phu Rahim then Allah is Most forgiving. Some scholars say that this is this now it dissolved academic language I hope I can simplify that it is connected and associated to Sage now
Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam, that before Prophet would he had slipped up and it references the mistake of say that Musa alayhis salam where he had inadvertently killed this person, he had inadvertently killed this person assisting the victim of oppression. So this was something that was weighing heavy on the shoulders of Musa alayhis salam and bomber in the mind of Musa alayhis salam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him comfort in that regard as well. No need for you to feel all Musa from that snake or that serpent? Because Leia hafla Danielle mana saloon the prophets don't fear in my presence meaning at the time of Revelation, they are so overwhelmed that even natural things that
generally generate fear will not bother them in any way. And if you are concerned according to the concern, according to the one commentary about the mistake that you have made then surely you have asked forgiveness for it Tada rugby in the Volume Two NFC for verily philosopher Allah in the who who will have a photo Rahim Allah forgive me I slipped up and I gave him a blow which was fatal. So for such a person, there is total forgiveness and protection. Okay, the dialogue continues. The spouse is in anticipation. She is at a distance. Musa alayhis salam comes here, destiny takes a different turn completely in Nellie Makkah de la is that the PSA that and her cartilage is available
car did he leave you on this? Yep. When destiny is favorable, then the helpless become helpful. Musa say puto then who * lanais OG Milligan Naboo word? Asked Musa regarding the kindness of Allah. He went to receive a flame or Alive Ember and returned with profit would or Sunday Allahumma Salli ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa
As hobby here when hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen