Siraj Wahhaj – Changing Narrative About Islam

Siraj Wahhaj
AI: Summary © The future of Muslims in America is discussed, including a brief advertisement for a clothing line and a news show about a man who cried. The speakers emphasize the importance of fight against evil and support for American activism. They also discuss the origin of the term "naira" and the current president's actions shaping the country. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of support for organizations and activism.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Al Hamdulillah

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sugar wonder EULA Hill Allah Who were the hula shoe recolor

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or shadow under Muhammad Abdul Hora Salamabad

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brothers and sisters every one of you

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I am thankful to Allah the Almighty they have the privilege

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to dress you tonight for just a few minutes

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everyone is asking the question

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what will be the future of Muslims in America?

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What do you want it to be?

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What do you want the future of America to be N N? What are you prepared to do to make it to where you want it to be?

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Know who you are.

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You Muslim.

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You are a follower of Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam,

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you are a human being.

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You're special.

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I remember

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a few months ago,

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I'm in an airport in Atlanta, Georgia.

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And I'm going through security.

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And as I'm walking through security, I noticed there was a security man with a dog and the dog was smelling everybody.

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It even smelled me.

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And he's going around. And I'm watching

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and it came across

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an African American man.

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And that dog responded

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as if it smelled something

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animal smelling and it was making noise. And I knew that he found something.

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It was a white security guard.

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And therefore when the dog did that, I took out my social media

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I'm gonna check this out.

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And I'm waiting for the security men to come out and beat down that man and waiting and then got my I got my phone ready.

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And as I'm watching the man

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he started laughing

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and then he got out of line in the walk away.

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And I knew what happened.

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Every once in a while they put a plant

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to make sure that the dog is aware and active.

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And when I think about that,

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I think about what Allah said in Quran oh the the lay human a shade on the regime. olam Torah and Allah Sahara Allah come for summer YT YMF l all

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Don't you see that Allah has subjected for you everything in the heavens and the earth? Do you know that dogs have a sense of smelling? Over 100 million times more than human beings? This is the gift that Allah has given to man.

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My question is, what will be the future of America Han What do you want it to do? b b And what are you gonna do to do about it? What are you going to do?

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So brothers and sisters, I want us to take a moment to take a look at ourselves and who we are.

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Who are we?

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Can I be honest with you tonight?

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Can I be gonna be honest with you tonight?

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Last Sunday

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I'm hearing the news

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that the church

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and Egypt

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was blown up

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while people were worshipping

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and I cried.

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I cried for two reasons.

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Number one, I cried because they were human beings. They're worshipping God as they believed

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that God that they be

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Leave them

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made me cry that they would lose their lives to such violent means.

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And then I cried

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because people who did it claim to be Muslim.

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Now I am like the most of you. I am not a scholar of Islam, Sheikh Abdul Rahman Khan. You heard him earlier. He's a scholar. Sheikh, yes, your Kadri you're gonna hear him a little while. He's a scholar in Islam. I'm just a regular guy. I'm just like you. I walk the streets just like you. And you know what? I feel the same way you feel I talk to you. I listen to you. And you know what you're saying? No way.

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A Muslim did that. No way a Muslim did that. No way. A Muslim did that. And you know, you're so sincere and, and you know, you're so pure

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and so naive

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that you think that a Muslim couldn't do it?

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I quote my mother.

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She told me son,

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people are people.

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Is it possible that Muslims did it? Yes. Why?

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Because 1400 years ago,

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when the ALI Raja LAN was Khalifa.

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We have a group. They're known as Kurdish.

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These were Muslim extremist who fought against other Muslims who killed Muslims. Monday, I'm reading the newspaper, Christians butchered and slaughtered in Egypt.

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Frontline paid every newspaper Christian slotted

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fact of the matter is every day Muslims are slaughtered, and you never see a side Muslims slaughtered.

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Why is it?

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Why is it the standard that we want to rise the people against the Muslims, but when Muslims are slaughtered, nobody's saying anything. Muslims are slaughtered, slaughtered in in masters across the world. And every once in a while, you look at CNN, and you see a little scroll gone by Muslims killed in West Gen.

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So the question is, what are we going to do about it?

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Two things. I have two things to say. And I'm saving a couple of minutes and then I'm finish.

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What is our response?

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Some of you are saying that oh, man, I'm getting out of here. You know, when when the Trump was running for president?

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In the very beginning, we would joke, so yeah, you know, Trump become president. I'm getting my passport and I'm getting out of the country. And we were joking.

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And when he became president, we said, oh.

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An email from a friend of mine from Pakistan,

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to Brooklyn, Masjid Mecca, Jimmy

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told me with tears in his eyes. He said Imam 1/3 of my Jamaah left and went to either Canada or Pakistan.

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And this was before the present administration.

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Muslims are fleeing. Muslims are leaving America.

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I'm not telling you not to leave.

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I'm telling you, I'm not leaving.

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there is

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where I live.

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There's a Korean store that I go there every week to get one newspaper. Can't get that newspaper anywhere else.

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And whenever they see me coming, they get the newspaper and they give it to me been going there for years Korean store owned by Koreans, workers, Koreans.

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One day I go to the store to get my newspaper. And the worker said to me for the first time she spoke to me, she said, Where are you from?

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I said I'm from United States America. She said no, no, no. Will Will you really firm?

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I said America

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will your parents from America.

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She said what your dress your clothing. I said oh Muslim. She's our terrorism.

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She was joking.

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But still, he showed a mindset.

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What are we going to do?

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recommending to all of you don't go back home. This is your home. Stay here and fight. How do you fight?

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How do you fight?

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I said, yeah, yes, your cadre is a scholar.

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But we have Muslims in our ranks are real heroes.

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Can I tell you real heroes in our rinks?

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A Muslim sister named Linda Sarsour. sees a hero.

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She's teaching us how to fight back. I watched her in Phaser alley in New York City when they were demonstrating and they were arrested. And I was proud of them when they were being arrested, taken to jail because they were fighting. The people in this country America. They know how to fight back. They know how to organize. And Linda was part of a group of organizing women all over the world. She did it. She's one of us. She's one of us. And she's an activist. Almost Sulaiman is an activist. They know how to fight back. They wanted a way they need in they're not eating no rabbit meat. You know that mean? Later on explain what rabbit meat is. We from Brooklyn Linden me we from Brooklyn,

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Brooklyn don't eat no rabbit meat, Brooklyn know how to fight back. So therefore, you and I have to learn. You say you know what, understand how the system works. All these Republicans, you know, Dubba we're going to replace, we're going to repeal Obamacare. And the people in that district that got together

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and had these townhouse meetings. And when those Republican leaders Congressman stood up, the people told them what they wanted. And some of them changed their mind. They didn't change their mind because they changed spiritually. But they changed their mind because the people made them change the mind. These are people that are Americans and understand how to fight back. Muslims have to learn how to fight back.

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When go nowhere, being going nowhere. So one thing, the last thing I want to say is that I'm going to finish.

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Understand how the system works.

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Understand it. And once you understand how the system works, you use it for the good not only of yourself, but the good of rest of America like the African Americans did. We gotta fight back. Number two, number two.

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Number two,

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we must do what the Prophet said Alayhi salat wa salam.

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in Surah raka volumen Alnmouth lumen help your brother if he is oppressed or an oppressor and how you help him with his own presses stopping from his oppression. Muslims have to get out of the point.

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To think that we can condemn other Muslims. We will condemn other Muslims if other Muslims are wrong, whoever they are. We don't care. Because it's about Allah and His messenger. It's about following the Quran and the Sunnah. And I'll tell you why. I'll give you something that happened 1400 years ago, I want you to think about as I conclude,

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the Prophet peace and blessings be upon them.

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sent an expedition out

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and put a man among the end saw as the leader

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in told them to obey Him and to follow Him.

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And He went out

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on an expedition

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and Muslim, who the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him, told them to follow him. He's a Muslim, he got angry at them. And he asked them he invoked the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. He asked them that the Prophet say obey me. They said yes. He said, How are you to build a fire.

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So they built a fire.

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And then he said, I order you to go into the fire.

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And they were looking at one another.

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And they looked at the fire,

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some of them considered to go into the fire.

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One of them said that we followed the prophet to avoid the fire not to go into the fire. So the fire went out.

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And the anger of this man this end sod went away.

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And they came back to the Prophet and told them what happened. And let me tell you what the Prophet said peace and blessings be upon them. I give you three narrations one narration is

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Lautoka Lu mahalo Zhu Min.

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In the Tata filma roof

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had they gone in that fire? They would not have come out because obedience is only toward what is right. My Ira

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have what's known.

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low Dr. Lu Mahara Zhu Min ha ha yo mal piano in the metadata filma roof. had they gone into that fire they would not have come out until the Day of Judgment because obedience is only toward that which is right.

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And the third one is the spurious of the more

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low Dr. Lu Mercado Zhu minha

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in the metadata Phil maruf

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had they gone in that fire? They never would have come out because obedience is only toward that which is right what am I saying?

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There are people in the name of Islam are doing things that are so outrageous.

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I don't have to look to the Quran and see if it's okay to get in a car or truck and run over people. My fitrah my very nature tells me that this isn't right to do

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it Muslims must speak out against every kind of atrocity exists, but not only when Muslims do it. We have to be strong enough that even in our country our leaders are saying something that's wrong we have to stand up against it and we are against that anyone who does any injustice everywhere Muslims speak out against it. So now

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in my opinion, this is my opinion Don't get mad.

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I have supported every Muslim organization in America

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I love them Islamic Society of North America I love them care I love them Muslim legal fun love them mass love them man loved them Munna love them.

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My opinion that that organization that does the most is ignorant Islamic circle of North America.

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And I say this without prejudice.

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I say this without prejudice.

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If you want to fight back in a real practical way, support all your organizations. I need your help I see my daughter who just sitting there

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I need your help.

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Somewhere in this audience I think my wife is sister What do is she an audience

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if anyone has named my wife what do you please raise your hand let me see where she is is

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you see anybody Where Where can she stand up please?

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Where are you? Honey

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come up

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come on up.

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Yeah, come on up

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she's saying what in the heck is this man doing?

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And this is unrehearsed

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Yeah, come on up.

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Yeah, come on up

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can write this way

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by the way, she's very private person. This is killing her right now.

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This way

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what a wonderful woman.

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Now let me tell you

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let me tell you why.

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Let me tell you why I brought her up here. Two weeks ago.

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I was getting dressed Saturday.

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She said to me, what are you doing now?

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I said I'm going to

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it ignore. Ignore relief

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in Manhattan.

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In the Marriott Hotel, she said what is it? What is it for while you raise the money?

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I said a woman's shelter.

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And she's here here's a check she want me to check was $1,000 I didn't give her no sermons. And no Hadith. I didn't ask for it. She just gave me a check.

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The reasons he's here

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Today I'm gonna do something I never did before. I want you to have mercy on me right?

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She is a contributor a regular contributor to ignore

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what I'm going to give him a mic

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whatever she makes a commitment for ignor

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I'm going to make the same commitment and add $1

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I have no idea what you're going to say.

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Have mercy on me right

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felt like

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Masha Allah, I'd like to contribute $2,000 Masha Allah, thank you so much

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by the way, she already gave $2,000 at the luncheon

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so that's 2000 2000 For me that's 2002 1001 balance for me. 2004 $1,001

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to me

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I want to bring another person

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is Brother Ultimen Abdulkadir.

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Where are you? Open? Come

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You don't even know why you clap and why are you clapping? Why are you why are you clever?

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And tell you something about this man who who he is

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one of the most beloved brothers to me

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who is

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how many of you?

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I've been to your communities. Raise your hand. How many? Raise your hand. I've been to your committee booth. Man. Look around. Look around. Look at it. Right.

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You know why I'm able to do this. And travel. This is my assistant Altman of the car there. This is the one who hold it down. This is the one hold it down for me. Every weekend, every weekend in another city. Another country is this man who hold the masjid down. I love him. And without him I couldn't do what I do. This kind of people that we have

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now a maximum question. He's the NAIOP he's assistant and basically the people will accept me and him. I'm gonna give him the mic. And I want him to tell me how much does he recommend that the master taco mores for? ignem gone this is not rehearsed. He may say like you know $1 I have no idea but I'm gonna give him the mic.

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5000s 5000s

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Masha Allah, thank you so much.

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Thank you. Thank you so much. from Sudan. Man. Behold, awesome, man.

ICNA-MAS Convention

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