Shady Alsuleiman – How Prophets and Messengers dealt with hardships

Shady Alsuleiman
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet Muhammad Sallati wa charge is discussed, including his struggles with the pandemic, persecution, and the use of negative language. The struggles faced by different people, including the loss of family members and the use of Facebook and Instagram to promote the virus. The importance of testing and communicating with people is emphasized, as well as the need for people to be patient and stay strong in pursuing spiritual success. The speakers also encourage viewers to visit their YouTube channel and subscribe to their Facebook page.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Sayidina Javi Vina and my both Rama and Delilah Amin Muhammad Anwar Allah early he was Sofia Germain and obviously he's somebody who is somebody who Hello Dr. Melissa Ania Coco let I'm about I will praise you to Allah subhanaw taala

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and peace be upon Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are testify that there's no God except Allah and now testify that Muhammad is the prophet, the Messenger of Allah. My brothers and my sisters in Islam are welcome every single one of you again online on the human, my personal Facebook, live here from the una in which we continue with seeking knowledge and connecting ourselves to Allah subhanho wa taala, the book of Allah azza wa jal and the Prophet the Messenger of Allah. And tonight we have an interesting topic that we'll be talking about how the prophets and the messengers before the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam dealt with hardships. Now obviously the Prophet

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the leader of all the prophets and messengers, and he's the greatest human being to ever trade this earth sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and yes, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the greatest prophet and messenger. And we believe in that and we say that because Allah subhanaw taala made that very clear. However, the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a prophet like the rest of the prophets with the highest status. So the old prophets and messengers as Allah subhanaw taala says landofcoder Kobina at the minimum, we do not differentiate between one another, the old prophets and messengers, however, the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has the highest rank Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also says, I am the master of the children of Adam. So the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the greatest human being. And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu. wasallam is the greatest, greatest prophet and messenger that Allah subhanaw taala had sent. Now obviously, we've spoken about the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and last week we covered how the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam dealt with hardships Allah is Salatu was Salam. And the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam managed hardships. Allah is Salatu was Salam. And he said about himself sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the

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most tested people but Allah subhanho wa Taala or the close wants to Allah azza wa jal, the closer you are to Allah subhanaw taala the more tested you become but Allah azza wa jal that's Allah subhanaw taala is way that Allah subhanaw taala is path, the closer to Allah azza wa jal, the more tested you will be but Allah subhanaw taala and because of the Prophets and Messengers were the closest ones to Allah subhanho wa taala. And because of the that were the most tested ones, but Allah azza wa jal and because the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the closest one to Allah subhanaw taala he was the most tested human being but Allah, so even the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and he's the one that Allah subhanaw taala loved, and he's the one that Allah subhanaw taala prays, and he's the one that Allah subhanaw taala forgiven his sins, and he's the one that Allah subhanaw taala had promised, promised the Jannah and he's the one that Allah subhanaw taala promised the highest level of the Jannah he had a Salatu was Salam also encountered hardships, so you and I will encounter hardships. And as much as we encounter hardships. Those hardships will never be as hard as the hardships of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam in the RE sallallahu alayhi wa sallam faced it more than anyone else. And the prophets and messengers before the Prophet Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also faced it. They've also experienced a lot of hardships. And tonight insha Allah want to talk about some of the different hardships of different prophets and messengers that Allah subhanho wa Taala made and Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran, Nick and Iman Allah subhanaw taala tested, and Allah subhanaw taala sent over 124,000 Proper messenger. But Allah Allah mentioned 25 In the Holy Quran, so that there's not It's not that there's only 25 prophets and messengers, Allah subhanaw taala sent more than 124,000 Proper messenger, but Allah subhanaw taala only mentioned 25 And the Holy Quran

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and from amongst the prophets and messengers that Allah subhanaw taala mentions that they encountered hardships is Prophet no Hara is Salam. Now, obviously, I'm not going to be speaking about every single prophet, every single hardship that every single brother went through, because every single prophet and messenger that Allah subhanaw taala said, went through hardships that Allah subhanaw taala had his way. There's no other way that Allah has ye with the believers with the righteous believers with the close ones to Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala put them through the calamities, Allah put them through hardships. So I'm not going to be talking about every

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prophet and his hardship, but we are selecting the prophets and messengers and some of the hardships that they went through. And as much as we talk about the prophets and messengers and the hardships of the Prophets and Messengers went through, it's not with me, it's not when need the reality of the hardship. The they really went through, not only through the nominee, the hardship that they really went through and the hardship that they didn't really experience.

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So I prefer Nora Hannah is Salam is one of those prophets and messengers that Allah subhanho wa Taala might go through hardships. And one of the primary things that we can talk about the hardships that he went

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and through the prophet Nora Allah is Salam Kota Allah subhanaw taala not only 50s He did not live for 950 years, he caught Allah subhanaw taala for 950 years, which means he lived a lot longer than that. And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the in the Quran again him that he called his people to Allah subhanho wa Taala 950 is 1000 ye 1000 is minus 51,000 is minus 50. So not every 50 is calling to Allah subhanaw taala not under 50 is Allah is Salam encountering and experiencing many hardships from his own people, not 150 years of mockery from his own people, not 150 years of persecution from his own people. 950 is calling to Allah subhanaw taala and at the end, how many

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people embrace Islam, the maximum narration says 81 people.

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The maximum narration says that no Hara is Salam had 81 people following him some urgency we say 12 But can you imagine not under 50 is calling to Allah subhanaw taala. And then the end result is they only have 81 followers. That's a big hardship. That's not easy.

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950 is calling to Allah subhanaw taala and facing all the sorts of persecution injustice from his own people. And then it ends up within the 81 people that follows him and this is the maximum generation of generation so a lot less than that. So Prophet nahi Salam was from amongst those that encountered hardships. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions that and at the end he made

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he made the arm for his people, his people were receptive, so he made the on his people. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala put him and his followers in a lockdown Yes, they were locked down a lock that in an ark. And they were in the ACA seminars and saved for for for four months. Some of them even say 40 days, some of them say six months, some of them say a year. Some of them say more than that. Less than that. Yes, there were no lock them that were locked down in an argument that can't even see the sun from outside. And they were just sailing along the waves that Allah subhanaw taala had created and the floods that Allah subhanaw taala had made Subhanallah test. Yes, we're in a

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lockdown right now. But no one needs to love them. They know he said I went through at least you can go out and have a fresh air. You could breathe fresh air. At least you know exactly what you are. But can you imagine if you're in a closed

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Ark, just sailing in the waves sailing through the waves sailing in those floods you don't even know when it's gonna stop. You don't even know if you're gonna drown. And then if you're never gonna make it. That's not a test. That's a very hard test. And this test was upon her. It was upon no Hala he Salam and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada continues to test the prophets and messengers, and then Allah subhanaw taala tests Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam, yes, he was tested. He was tested severely and A salaam Allah subhanaw taala put him through the test so much further, he was thrown in the fire another lockdown, but this time Allah then in were in the fire. But Allah subhanaw taala predicted

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the Molnar the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, when he turned against his people because of worshipping someone beside Allah subhanho wa taala. So they plotted against him and they gathered against him and that assembled everyone and they incarcerated them until the three men cast him in the fire. And Allah Subhana Allah Allah commanded the fire Guney burden wa salam and Allah Ibrahim, be cool and peaceful upon Ibrahim and Ibrahim Allah. He said I was on a lockdown were in a fire. And some narration says that he went for about 14 days. Some marriages are longer than the other narration say less than that. But regardless, where was he he wasn't in his house. He wasn't in

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front of the TV. He wasn't on his device. He was in a fire that Allah subhanaw taala protected him from the fire burning him. And at the end of the day, Allah subhanaw taala saved him from the fire.

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But this is another test upon her upon the greatest prophet and messenger after Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah subhanaw taala tested him. And Allah subhanaw taala made him go through the tests, as we are going through a small test towards right now. During our time, it's a big massive test, but compare these tests to the test. And the tests that the prophets and messengers went through. And Ibrahim alayhis salam is one of those prophets and messengers that was in a lockdown in a fire. He tends towards his right it's a fire towards his left it's a fire in front of him. It's a fire behind them. It's a fire and Allah subhanaw taala preserved

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them in the fire until Allah subhanaw taala safeguarded him and took them out of the fire. Yeah, now don't get any better than wa salam and Allah Ibrahim. That's a very tough test, or Ibrahim alayhis salam, a multicam where Ibrahim alayhi salam will travel on mogra with his wife sada Allah salaam to Egypt and then the king of Egypt find out how beautiful sunrise then he wants to take her for himself. And Ibrahim alayhi salam is powerless.

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Besides the power of Allah he has powers in from the soldiers and the army of the king. So the only thing he told his wife depends on Allah subhanaw taala is Allah subhanaw taala once again protected her and Allah subhanaw taala protected him and Allah subhanaw taala reunited him with his wife. And on top of all that the king gave his wife a give her the Ibraheem Alehissalaam got Meritor but Subhanallah look at the sequence of hardships followed by wha ease, hardships followed by ease as Allah subhanaw taala made it easy upon no Allah is Allah Allah subhanaw taala on made it easy upon Ibrahim alayhi salam doesn't just stop ever he

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will Allah subhanho wa Taala will test Ibrahim Alayhi salaam with another test a test of lockdown Yes, a test of lockdown. Will Allah subhana wa Tada commands him to take his wife and newly born son is my aid. After he's been waiting for the child for about 100 years. They take him in the middle of nowhere in the middle of that valley called Mecca and leave him there and just walk away from them. That's not a test. That's a very hard test. That's an extreme test. He leaves his wife, he leaves his wife has on his newly born son, his man in the middle of nowhere, Allah then in the middle of nowhere, you turn towards the right and left and probably behind it. There's no one there to help

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you support your idea. And then he walks away and is what will say to him or Ibrahim did Allah subhana wa Tada command to do this after she asked him or Ibrahim, you live in a city with a bit of water and dice and Abraham just continues to walk over Brahim delivers him with a bit of water and data and Abraham continues to work and the third time she throws more Ibrahim did Allah command you deliver see that's when Abraham tender and said yes. She says she replies back and she says if that's the case, Allah subhanaw taala will never forget us.

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Allah will never neglect us. That's a test, test, a test, a test. And then Ibrahim alayhis salam,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Deloitte Ibrahim alayhi salam with the upbringing of his son Ismail prophet to be Ismail A righteous son,

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an upright son, a respectful son, and then after Ismaila is Salam had grown up and is now a fifth righteous prophet to be some Allah subhanaw taala commandment against slaughter him that I test. Allah was done the test that you and I are going through right now. And this test is upon you prophets. Messengers, like Ibrahim and Ismail. But Allah subhanaw taala, safeguarded him, Allah subhanaw taala preserved them protect them, Allah protect the bribe and Allah subhanaw taala protected this man on top of all this Allah subhanaw taala granted Ibrahim with another child is how Allah He Salam test, ever test of a test. And then we'll talk about the story of a uberta is Salam,

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another great prophet and messenger Allah subhanaw taala blessed with a lot of wealth, and Allah subhanaw taala blessed with a lot of children, and Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed him with many worldly matters. He was a prophet and messenger of Allah Subhana Allah and Allah subhanaw taala blessed him with a lot of wealth, health and children.

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health, wealth and children. He was fit, he was wealthy, he was one who was from amongst the richest people in his time. And he had a lot of children had seven boy seven girls.

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During one moment, Allah subhanaw taala took everything away from him. Allah subhana wa Tada took all his wealth, all his lands, or his gold or his silver, all his money. Now we're all gone. And not only that, ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada took all his children, for 10 of his children. Seven it was more than seven of his girls that were all gone. Not only that, but Allah subhanho wa Taala made him so ill that people didn't even want to go near him anymore.

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Are you about A salaam prophet, a messenger of Allah tested, tested in his world tested in his family and tested him his health. And right now we are going through a test Yes, it's a health crisis. It's a virus is an outbreak. But handler compare test to the test that Allah subhanaw taala put the Prophets and Messengers through that's I heard test. Imagine so wealthy now well, federal 14 children all gone so healthy. So Ill now the only one that stood by him the only one that was there for him was his wife. So I'm excited that you continue to enjoy this hardship for years and years and years. So here's what we'll say do you have ask Allah subhanaw taala to make it easier upon us?

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Ask Allah azza wa jal to elevate this hardship. So you have Allah Islam as his wife, how long do we live in luxury for she said, ATS so you Valerie said I've says it's only been 18 years and I'm too shy to ask Allah subhanaw taala to make things easier on us after nearly 18 years of hardship, when we experienced it is of luxury, but Patience, patience, and Allah subhanaw taala makes mention of the Quran Kareem

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What are you about a nerd out a bow and name is Sunil guru Antara Hamra him in when are you called upon Allah subhana wa Tada Oh Allah, the Ham had been falling upon me, and I've got no one else except to resort back to you and your other Most Merciful One.

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Well, I'm Todd hamre Haman and this is Rebecca Metzeler Dora we're under Hamra. Herman Oh ALLAH had been falling upon us hardship had before not upon us and the other must misophonia Allah. So Allah subhanho wa Taala took him out of this hardship. Allahu Akbar, this is a proper messenger. He talking about the lockdown and the social distancing is hard. Then talk about what are you by now you said, I went through those extreme social distancing. That's extreme hardship. And who's that you profit? Messenger, righteous man, just man, upright man, a man that Allah subhanaw taala guaranteed forgiveness in this world and paradise in the hereafter. That's a prophet I messenger and

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Allah subhanaw taala made them get through the hardships. But you know what, after hardship does wha there's an ace in the monastery usara after hardship, there's an ease Allah subhanaw taala always make an easy path for you and for everyone and I'm confident Shala will come out of this with an easy path and stronger with Allah subhanaw taala so you have either you Salam resorts to Allah subhanaw taala and asks Allah Azza wa ala to make it easy upon him. So Allah subhanaw taala took him out of the hachi, and then he became healthy again. And he became wealthy again. And not only that, Allah subhanaw taala gave him double the number of children they had and lost. You had seven boys

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and seven girls, Allah subhanaw taala gave him 14 Boys and 14 Girls, Allahu Akbar, amazing to Allah subhanaw taala gives and grants

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and then we'll move on to another prophet, Prophet Jacoba is Salam,

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proper Jacoba 12 children, and then his N sons conspire against his most beloved and favorite son, Yusuf alayhi salam, then conspire against him, and then his last is gone.

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Yes, I'm very upset. And you're very upset that we haven't seen our families. And we're very upset that we have seen our mothers and fathers wives in a friend's weapons and brothers and sisters. Yes, well, it's upsetting. But can you imagine the hardship and the tests that Jacoba Instagram went through when he lost his son completely and didn't even know anything about him, whereabouts on his son use of and whose use of Yahoo Finance they use him as a prophet to be. That's it disappeared. He's an children conspired against his own son. And the three minute oil and use of Allah is Salam went through the process, that Allah subhanaw taala it makes Prophets and Messengers go through

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hardship, and it was sold as a slave. And he was taken as a slave and was treated as a slave. And he grew up in a household of his master as a slave, Prophet and Messenger, Prophet and Messenger. SubhanAllah. And when we talk about slavery, we're talking about more of a servant, more of a servant where it was only a phase because prophets and messengers are originally free and continue to be free. But that's a different topic. And then Allah subhanaw taala produces Allah is set up through the tests, test after test, where he is accused of his innocence. He is accused of his honor, when his earn masters wife turns on him because he wanted to do the Haram with him and he

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said in May of Allah my god Allah, Allah subhanaw taala says his master and his masters wife conspire against him and he gets incarcerated the locked up for now crime they have committed test men in one another. Self isolation can play us elation, incarceration. Subhanallah and who's the that's not you and I that's proper use of renesola in gameplay oscillation now, where he gets locked up for years, sometimes the scholars say up to 30s and others say 14 is what he is not months, not days. He was in self oscillation, incarceration on lockup for years, ever was ever something that he did not do because he wanted to preserve his integrity. He refused to commit the Haram with the wife

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of his master, Allahu Akbar test of a test. But then what happened after that ease came? What was the AES Allah subhanaw taala took him out of the prison. And Allah subhanaw taala took him out of the prison with honor and integrity. And Allah Subhana Allah Allah made them to be the most powerful man in Egypt after he was an inmate after he was a prisoner. But what this went through the process of hardship, and we're talking about hardships, we're talking about how to use the prophets and messengers that went through severe hardships. We are going through hardships right now, but no one they were the prophets and messengers that went through, but because of their patience, their

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forbearance, their wisdom, their Taqwa their faith, that trust in Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala turned hardship to ease from being a prisoner to being the most powerful man during his time. Amazing, amazing. Subhan Allah

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And then we'll move to profit. Profit masala is set up another great prefer messenger of Allah that Allah subhanaw taala makes mention the Holy Quran so many times. Prophet Musa Allah He said, this great prophet will Allah subhanaw taala test him from the very beginning that he came into this world, his mother gives birth to him in in the secret because the army and Verona and his army were going around killing any child from Bani Israel. And then his mother puts him in a cast, or puts him in a chest and she throws him in, in the river of in the river of Egypt. No, no, no river Subhanallah from the very beginning who was born, can you imagine where every single other child and

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every single other baby is in the arms and been taken care of by his own mother and father and this child is in a test in the middle of a river. And then Allah subhanaw taala takes him to the enemy that his mother is trying to hide him away from test Subhanallah test, she hid away.

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Musa Allah is Salah, profound, she put them in a test, she let the river flow and the river took Musa alayhis salam to the man that his mother is trying to hide a boy from Subhan Allah test. And then most Allah Islam grows in which household if Iran is an enemy that night on Allah subhanaw taala will make Musa to go around to Allah subhanaw taala test. And then most Allah is salon grows up in a household of ROM and then he goes through another test where he pushes someone then he dies and then the word goes out that Musa Islam is killing the Egyptian Coptics. And then Subhanallah Musa alayhis salam flees, and he goes to nowhere. And along the journey, you hear about the amazing

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things where he just escapes. He's a fugitive to the people of Egypt, but he escapes from Egypt to get to Palestine. And that's where Allah subhanaw taala Makes an opening. But then what he's also again in self isolation, in self isolation to be away from his mother and sister and brother to be away from his family to be away from his own people for 1010 years. And they've got no idea what happened to Masada salaam, and he's got no idea what's happening to his mother and brothers and sisters. Self oscillation again. We're Musala is Sarah moved away from his family moved away from his mother for 10 years now contact Elisa, hamdullah Jana we can contact each other. Now you could

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hear me live just on your phone Musala instead, I was completely disconnected, completely self isolation, completely distancing himself from his own family of attorneys until that moment came when he returned back just to go and see his mother but Allah subhanaw taala gave him an opening. Allah granted him an opening what was the opening, he leaves us a nonprofit comes back as a prophet.

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He leaves Egypt as a fugitive and comes back as a messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. But after what after hardship, another self oscillation Subhanallah means completely disconnected from his mother and completely disconnected from his brothers and sisters. 10 years. Can you imagine how hard is that? 10 is how hard is it that you haven't seen your mother and father for the last few days, and you're preserving and you're making sure that you want to protect them and keep them safe. But at the end of the day, you still call them you still speak to them? The core you could see them on FaceTime. You could see them on Zoom, you could speak to them hear their voice or let's check up on

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them. But can you imagine musalla a set of attorneys has no idea what's going on with his mother and brothers and sisters and his mother has no idea what happened to Mozart, a salami was still laced, dead or alive. Taste Allah subhanaw taala puts us through the tests. And then on top of all these tests that Allah subhanaw taala put them through with Iran and then it finishes from Iran who the people are Benissa aid Subhan Allah Allah subhanaw taala displays and Allah subhanaw taala shows many slot in miracles, miracles, great miracles that appeared on the hands of Musa alayhis salam and then at the end, they say oh Musa, shall we should we go and find an order for us to worship? Allahu

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Akbar Subhan Allah, that's a test. That's a test where Allah subhanaw taala tested Musa after everything that Allah subhanaw taala made appear on the hands of Masada is Salah miracles, miracles that we saw with an eyes that saw the snake and the saw the hand that glows and they saw the river or the saw the sea splitting open and saving many Israel and destroying Brown. And then on top of all this, they come back to Musa they said I'm gonna say to him or Musa,

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shall we go and find? Shall we go and find someone or something for us to start worshipping? Let us create an order for us to start worshipping Allahu Akbar. That's a big test. That's a big test and then the bigger test comes when Allah subhanaw taala came as Masada. He said everybody is trying to enter the Promised Land and then they refuse so Allah subhanaw taala put them in self oscillation. What was it for ease of punishment, called the punishment of being lost the wandering punishment or insanity? Hoonah fill out 40s Allah

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Subhan Allah Allah made them last on Earth punishment, but then after that Allah subhanaw taala grant them opening.

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Allah subhanaw taala granted, yes, it was a punishment for them, but then the generation that came after him, Allah subhanaw taala grant opening. So Allah subhanaw taala tested the prophets and messengers, and Allah subhanaw taala continued to test the prophets and messengers, and ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada contingents can need to continue to test his servants as Allah subhanaw taala tested the Prophets and Messengers Allah subhanaw taala tested the disciples and the followers of the prophets and messengers, and it doesn't just stop Prophet, no prophet Ibrahim A prophet Yaqoob, a prophet, use of a prophet or you have a prophet Musa a test just continues and continues and

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continues with Prophet ye here and Prophet Zekeriya when they were chopped and killed, because of a calling to Allah subhanaw taala test, big test, Allahu Akbar. And then a Salah is Salam, where his own people will tell on him just because he's trying to save them. And then Allah subhana wa Tala elevates him to the heavens test, ever test ever test, and the test will continue. And it doesn't stop. It doesn't stop on the Prophets and Messengers. And it's not going to stop with us and it's not going to stop on the next generation. But at the end of the day, Allah subhanaw taala tissue and want to see how to react.

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What do we do? How strong are we? And that's what we learn from the prophets and messengers in their reaction, and the way they dealt with the tests and trials. And the way they managed, thus tough times. It was only for Allah subhanaw taala and connecting themselves to Allah azza wa jal and resorting resorting back to Allah subhanaw taala. Were there any doubt? Without any there? My brothers or my sisters having a paper asking this question why is Allah doing this to us? People are questioning Allah, why are we doing this to us? We then deserve the Prophets and Messengers then deserve either the prophets and messengers that deserve

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these tests, but Allah subhanaw taala put Allah azza wa jal put them through the test. And Allah subhanaw taala continue to put the rest of the prophets and messengers and those that Allah subhanaw taala loves through the tests, we have no right to ask the question, why is Allah doing this to us? The only thing that we should be asking you Allah, what do you want from us? Then ask Rob, why are you doing this to me? Ask her Allah, what do you want from me? And Allah subhanaw taala wants you to be patient, while bestiaries Sabreen glad tidings to the patient wants, this is what Allah subhanaw taala wants from me.

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That's what Allah subhanaw taala wants to see from me, for you to be forbearance for you to be wise for you to be calm, and for you to be patient, by patient for whom, for Allah subhanaw taala on patient for Allah, your patient for Allah to please Allah until we met Allah subhanho wa taala. That's what we learn from the prophets and messengers. They were very patient, extremely patient with everything they had encountered in the face that were very patient Subhanallah I just mentioned few stories about some prophets and messengers, by every single Prophet Messenger went through hardship.

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Every single provider messenger encountered hardship. Every single provider messenger went through calamities,

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whether a calamity or hardship, in their wealth, in their health, with their family, with the people in their Dawa. It's part of the way of Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala continue make you go through hardships until Allah subhanaw taala strengthens you and Allah subhanaw taala empowers you with the Imam and then you die forgiven and face Allah subhanaw taala forgiven with Eman Subhan, Allah is Allah subhanaw taala this is through that. And if there's anyone that we should be looking up to is the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem there are no one that we should be following the other prophets and messengers, the other ones that Allah subhanaw taala makes mentioned the Holy Quran

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Allah can Latina head Allah subhanahu Moqtada the others that Allah subhanaw taala had gotten FOLLOW the guidance, the guidance of who of the prophets and messengers, the goddess of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the others that Allah subhanaw taala makes mention the Holy Quran for us to look up to them and follow their footpath follow their guidance, the Stories of the Prophets and Messengers in the Quran, Allah Kareem are not being told in the Quran and in for the purpose of us just entertaining ourselves and listening to their stories. But the purpose of the stories are for us to take them as examples. And right now, we're in dire need in taking them as

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examples, especially with what we're going through. And yes, it's awesome to have my brother, my sister in Islam, but no one knew what the prophets and messengers went through nowhere near it. We just gave you examples compare what we are going through right now to what the prophets and messengers in the past run through, nowhere near it, but there was strong and Allah made them stronger. And that will say connected to Allah subhanaw taala that Allah subhanaw taala made an opening after the hardship than when and if you look into every single prophet and messenger, every single Prophet, Messenger that went through hardship, Allah subhanaw taala followed that with an eye

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meaning, and I'm saying right now, if we are, if we are so faithful and we have our trust in Allah subhanaw taala Allah subhanaw taala make an opening after this hardship that we are going through in the Molosser Yusra after hardship there's an ease in Israel and Allah subhanaw taala reiterates and Allah subhanaw taala confirms that the after hattrick there's an ease I'm gonna I'm gonna have Tom says the after to hardships is indeed and is this indeed and is we are going through some hardships and handleless from Allah subhanaw taala we just resort back to Allah azza wa jal

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we surrender to Allah subhanho wa Taala because we are muslims at the end of the day. And what makes us to be muslims now because a Muhammad Muhammad Muhammad Fatah Maharaja or Khadija, I'm a Muslim because I surrender to Allah or surrender to the will of Allah or surrender to the Command of Allah or surrender to Allah subhanaw taala decreed and then ask a question and say, Why is this happening to me? No. We then asked that question as believers we never asked that question. Why is this happening to me? Allah subhanaw taala wanted it to happen. Allah subhanaw taala had decreed for it to happen. When you need to ask your Allah What do you want to do? And Allah subhanaw taala wants

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you to be patient and get closer to him. And the month of Ramadan is about two weeks from now. So the month of Ramadan should be an opportunity for us to reconnect ourselves to Allah subhanho wa Taala make this is Ramadan, a unique Ramadan that you're going to feel a closer relationship with Allah subhanaw taala not less people are stressed and saying I'm looking forward to the month of Ramadan because I want to get closer to Allah subhanaw taala want to worship Allah azza wa jal month of Ramadan I feel that spiritual uplifting in the month of Ramadan Ifeoma Amen strong in the month of Ramadan I'm afraid that we're gonna lose this this year. No, if you want to lose it this year you

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lose it this year. But if you don't want to lose it this you're not going to lose it the see if you want to gain at this in Uganda DC if you want it to be stronger than previous these will be stronger than the previous is it goes back to you.

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Hey, you want to make it to me? How are you going to do it? So my brothers and my sisters stay strong? Have you trust in Allah subhanaw taala they are a true believer depend on Allah azza wa jal and follow the path of the Prophets and Messengers. Well I can Latina head Allah, for Buddha home today, the others that Allah subhanaw taala had got it, follow the guidance. And maybe this is a good opportunity for us to go home, go to YouTube channel, Islamic media, and hamdulillah just recently, we've just finished the Stories of the Prophets and Messengers in which we've spoken about the stories of each prophet and messenger in details we just went through we just skimmed through it

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so quickly talking about some events that took place during the times of the Prophets and Messengers by insha. Allah if you go to our YouTube channel, you'll find a series of the Stories of the Prophets and Messengers in details for each prophet and messenger. This is an opportunity for you to learn more about the prophets and messengers of Allah subhanaw taala take it as an opportunity for you to get to know those prophets and messengers that Allah subhanaw taala had made to be the greatest examples for mankind and the other greatest role models that are the greatest examples, the heroes for us to look up to and for us to follow the other heroes that we want our children to be

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looking after and to follow. In particular our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam brothers and sisters May Allah subhanaw taala make it is upon us So may Allah reward you thank you very much exactly Malachite for being with us online and inshallah we look forward to your company every single Thursday at 7:30pm in the LA heeta Allah and inshallah tomorrow 1:30pm Live will be delivering the spiritual uplifting talks tomorrow 1:30pm here from the UMN Sydney time um Allah azza wa jal make it easy upon us oh am Allah azza wa jal reunite us once again to be together in worshipping Allah subhanaw taala learning more about Allah azza wa jal May Allah subhanaw taala make

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it easy upon us all salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Every Muslim dreams to be

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Jenna, Jenna should be pies versus destined me. Jenna, Jenna Jenna

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