Sajid Umar – Lessons for the Resident not Performing Hajj Part 1

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The upcoming return of Islam is a celebratory one for the upcoming month, with the hope of creating peace and happiness for the people. The speaker discusses the history and importance of the Prophet sallahu Alayhi wa Taala, including the use of hedges and the fallacy of the concept of composition. The importance of learning from hedge hedges is emphasized, and the conversation touches on the negative impact of the community practice of borrowing money and causing harm. The segment also discusses the history and importance of the title of "The holy eye" in science and philosophy, as it is designed to boost one's intellectuality and workforce.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen ob Hina sterlin on a suddenly want to sell him Allah has been Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Elijah Medina Marburg, Allah Houma, la Mulana in lantana. In the current Allah Allah Hakeem Allahumma aluminum and

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lm tena was in Manoir, mln er Kareem.

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All praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who said, well federal, well a national,

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all praises belong to Him. Thus we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala

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and we seek Allah subhanho wa Taala LS assistance and we seek Allah subhanho wa Taala as guidance and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evils of our souls, and the adverse consequences of our deeds. Whomsoever Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the man can misguide him, and also of Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon, then men can guide him

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and peace and salutations be upon our final messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said, Ma'am in a Yemen alarma lasala houfy hin a hub boo Illallah minha Hill am Alicia

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peace and salutations be upon him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who said there are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Then these 10 days

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oh seven of Allah. No Children of Adam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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My dear brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers

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By Allah, No words can describe my happiness at being present with you all. in Qatar once again.

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Allahu Akbar.

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If we recall, during my last visit on the last day, I made it to Allah subhanho wa Taala that Allah subhanho wa Taala re unite us again in this world before uniting us in the hereafter. And indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala answered that sooner rather than later. And thus, from the outset, it must be said Alhamdulillah Hillel, he had no he had lahmacun Elena de la jolla and had an Allah that all praises belonged to Allah subhanho wa Taala, who guided us to this. And if it wasn't for the guidance of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then this blessed opportunity would not have occurred and would not have come about and from the outset, asked Allah subhanho wa Taala as we did the last time to

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bless our time together, and to make it a means of worship, and to accept our worship. I mean, and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make this a gathering, surrounded by angels, and the gathering that has not come together except for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and the gathering that hears a good word, and follows it, as well as a gathering that is forgiven upon our departure. I mean, Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon what Eva also from the outset, I would like to extend my hand of gratitude to for now for its efforts, Masha Allah subhanaw taala in making our time together over the next few days, a reality a reality we rely heavily on loss of Hannah who Allah

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preserve us all in his obedience, I mean, and May Allah subhanahu Allah bless their efforts and Masha Allah. For those who follow the efforts of this organization and Institute we see that Masha Allah Allah has blessed them with activeness and proactiveness. So we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to bless the efforts, as well as the efforts of everyone involved in allowing the strip to be a reality. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to keep them a shining emblem of productiveness and proactive

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serverless over the inhabitants of this land and the world.

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But your brothers and sisters, our series together is a very emotional one.

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It's a very emotional one for me. More so for several reasons for several reasons, one of them being that during our time together over the next three or four days, we will spend our time celebrating the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam, for Hajj truly is an encapsulation of his life. Allah, Allah May Allah subhanahu wa ala Grant has genda with him. I mean, we all know subhanho wa Taala also except the hedge of all the who judge this year and the hedge of the judge of previous years. And for those who are yet to perform hajj, may Allah subhanho wa Taala send your calling sooner rather than later. And for those who have performed Hajj before, we have also kind of who Allah decree another chance.

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I mean, indeed, our hearts here and to be in Makkah, near the Kaabah our hearts yearn to be in the sacred places of Mina, and which Delhi for our hearts here to be on, especially on the day of arafa a day where Allah subhanho wa Taala free so many from the Hellfire, Allahu Akbar, Allah subhanho wa Taala except from us and grant us those opportunities. I mean, my dear brothers and sisters,

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after Ibrahim Alayhi Salam built the Kaaba, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah commanded him

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala said

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well as in fin see Bill had to carry Jalla wa ala kalibo marry me qulified gene army,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah tells us in Surah Al Hajj, his command, Ibrahim Alayhi, salam, Allah subhanho wa Taala said and proclaim the pilgrimage among mankind proclaim the pilgrimage among mankind. And this teaches us that this action, or this command towards Hajj is not something specific to Islam, or, more correctly, the Omar Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wasallam, because Islam generally, Islam generally encompasses

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all those who accept the will of Allah Subhana, who Allah in the moment that they live in. We have the specific meaning of Islam, and we have the general meaning of Islam. The general meaning of Islam

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encompasses all those who

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followed the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the moment that they lived in.

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So those who followed the message of Musa alayhis salam, and died upon that message before he said, he said, lamb came, they were Muslims, and those who accepted the message of Isa alaihe salam, and died upon that message before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam came, they were Muslims, and those who accepted the message of Isa and he said,

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and then,

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so Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam accepted his message and died upon that then they too were Muslims. This is the general meaning of Islam. Islam refers to Islam, to submit to the will of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the moment that you live in. So this dictates that this person is a Muslim. But then we have the specific Islam as our LMR. What Allahu Allah him, taught us, and this refers to those who declared the oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and accepted the prophecy of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they accepted his prophecy. This is the specific Islam, such as yourself and myself, may Allah subhanho wa Taala cause us to die as Muslims as no means as

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believers. I mean,

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and this is why

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some of the scholars record that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he actually observed Hajj before he became a prophet. He used to perform hajj, they did that with regards to the number of hedges he performed. Once they agree after he became a prophet, he only observed one hedge and inshallah we'll be taking lessons from that hedge. There's an entire Hadith in Sahih Muslim, which is famously known as the hadith of Jagger.

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And this heady describes the headdress

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from beginning till

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it was hoped that we would discuss this hadith in detail, but to discuss the head of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the fic and the wisdoms from it, it needs a lot of time, but inshallah we'll take a portion from it. And as we have seen in the topics of our series together, we will discuss the lessons from the final kotoba of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or the hotbar that was done during the farewell hedge of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam or the hedge that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam observed after he became a prophet So, the scholars say he observed Hajj before Islam, and he was different to the koresh, in that he observed it according

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to the teachings of Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam, the Quraysh they tweaked the Hajj

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and this is what they would do, because they would utilize the intellect over instruction in Revelation and that's why they went astray. Right? So we know that they would circumambulate the Kaaba, cloudless without clouds. Why? Because they said the Kaaba is sacred. And these clouds

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manufactured by mankind, and made by mankind,

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prone to error and filth. And our bodies are given to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right with regards to the Kaaba, they were very particular. That's why remember, there was a great war that was about to break out before Bahama sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a prophet was this Kava? Do you remember that when they decided you know what we need to renovate the Kava. But we have to use super pure wealth for this. We can't use wealth, which was a key word from gambling and acute through Riba so have a look, they knew that there was evils in the river. They knew why, because they didn't want to use that money for the Kava, but they were deeply engaged in it. Right. They would deeply engage

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in it, we know very well, the Quraysh. They would lend you money with interest. And if you couldn't pay back, they would delay it with interest as well. Right, Riba and Islam came to wage war against that act. Because Islam is all encompassing. Islam, the laws of Islam are amazing, really. And I don't know if there's if there are any economists here, or those who specialize in Treasury. If they are you would really appreciate how dynamic the laws of Islam Our lives are lucky that when Islam made Zakah compulsory, it wasn't just an obligation and a pillar of Islam. zeca is a financial system. And I was explaining this to our brothers and sisters in Dubai, a few days ago or a few

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weeks ago. Zakah is not just an obligation, we think we have to pay the car. It's a pillar of Islam. Yes, it's a pillar of Islam. But it's even more than a pillar of Islam. It's a financial system. And when Allah subhanho wa Taala made Riba Haram, it wasn't just an Islamic obligation, but it also was a financial system. Because the economists talk about a concept known as the fallacy of composition, or the fallacy of the comments. Right, which is if two people practice and act,

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then they could be benefit, and they may be benefit. But if the entire community practice that act,

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they will be communal harm.

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They will be comprehensive harm. So this is Reba. Reba, if two people practice it. Yes, there'll be benefit between them. Whereas the person who needs money can borrow money. He can't get money from anywhere else so he can borrow and the person who's lending he will have an increase to his money. If these two practices alone is fine. But when the community practice it all together, there's a problem because we all interlinked, and there's going to be a creation of something at a rate which necessitates harm. Now, they give us an as an example. I know I'm coming off a little bit but it's come off a little bit. So when we come in, we even more excited inshallah.

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They say one day, in one village, there was a shortage of MOOC. So the chief of that village, he erected a big jug in the middle of the village. And he told everybody

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because the village they have cows and goats, so obviously, there is look so he told everybody that when you

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attained the mood from your animals, then each one of you have to take a glass of milk and pour it into this jug

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each one of you just want glass

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Right, you might gain a jug of milk a day, just take one glass and pour it into this jug, right? Because if everybody pours a glass of milk into the jug, they'll be milk reserves, milk reserves. But one clever person said, you know what I'll do I will go deposit my glass at night when it's dark. And what I will do is I will deposit a glass of water, who's going to know it's dark, I deposit a glass of water.

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So the next day when they woke up, and they went to look into the jug, they found a jug of water

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or a jug of milk. Why? Because everybody thought like him. Everybody thought will deposit a glass of water who will know? So when everyone did it together? Was there benefit or harm? There was harm, but if one person did it, would they be harmed? No, because if some one person dropped a glass of water in a jug of milk, you wouldn't even know that there's water there. So yes, he would have benefited that he would have still had his jug. And the jug would have still be the jug of milk. So they would have been camino benefit. Right. So we see how when we look at the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala, we see how comprehensive they are. And that, if our weak intellect seems to,

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meaning seems incompatible with the law of Allah subhanho wa Taala, then we should not try and tweak the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala because that leads to destruction that leads to destruction. When the whole community practice Riba

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that leads to debt creation, at a rate far faster than wealth creation.

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And when debt creation is faster than wealth creation, how are you going to pay the debt? There's no wealth to pay for it. Right? So can you see how convenient harm is spreading? Right, and that's why societies crash. So this was the Quraysh they said Look, how can we observe power this way?

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Right, with clothes manufactured by us, which have fulfilled impurities, right. And even though they knew rebar was Haram, they would not use money gained from it for the Kava and the huge war was going to break up because they built the Kava, they renovated the Kava, right, they renovated it, but because they didn't have enough wealth, it was renovated as we see today, the original Kava booth by Ibrahim Alayhi. Salam is not as we see today, the original carrabba had two doors. The original carrabba was inclusive of the curve, the semicircle you find in front of the Kaaba today, which is always full of people observing their Salah, and we always try to go and observe Salah so

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we can gain those reports off of observing salloway

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inside the cover, isn't it because this was the original structure as built by Ibraheem alehissalaam so they didn't have enough money. So that portion was left as it was, and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam wanted to renovate it, according to the oil of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam but he told he told me I shall have the level and height and said that it wasn't that these people were new to Islam.

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I would have returned the Kava to the way it was at the time of Ibrahim alayhis salam meaning if they if they imagine, had grown, remember when the Muslims overtook Mecca, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forgave them. Right? They accepted Islam but they accepted Islam. Because there was there was a notion that they had to write and this is the wisdom of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam not to do something that cause turbulence in the hearts right just like how Allah subhanho wa Taala for 13 years never revealed,

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quote unquote, in today's day in terms right never revealed to the Sahaba until they went to Medina alcohol became Haram in Medina, Salah Abu and so on and so forth. As a care and fasting was prescribed in in Medina, and Salah as we know it today was prescribed in Medina, right with the wazoo and so on and so forth. Right Allah subhanho wa Taala in his wisdom left time for the man to build. So when the man builds

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and you become a person who automatically places your Eman in front of your apple in front of your brain, right you place your your belief in front of what your brain says Now it's time to review because whether they make sense or not, you have EMA and belief. And that will necessitate Islam and Islam which is to submit to the will of Allah. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the great teacher, may Allah gathers with him in Jannah. He said, this is wisdom that these people are not ready to accept this this will cause turbulence and affect the Islam so leave it as it is. leave it as it is. So coming back to the original point, the Quran tweak the Hajj. Also

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And remember we were discussing how the hedge is not specific to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It was an instruction from Ibrahim alayhis salam, Ibrahim alayhi salam, the father of the MBA. He was the father of the MBA. Why? Because he's from the progeny of new Allahu Salah.

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And all the prophets after him are from the descendants of his two sons, his heart

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and it's very rarely his Salah. Some of the scholars of the theory say Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed Ibrahim Alayhi Salam

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ala alihi salam when he was 19 years old, and some say 95 and blessed him with his half when he was 100 years old and some give a different finger but it was around this particular this is what they say around these fingers when it wasn't like how we have now birth certificates and registration centers and hospitals Masha Allah and the name is placed and the mother's name and father's name and father's profession and mother's professional Mashallah there's no way we can forget our our date of birth, or doubt our date of birth, they can't say with regards to the date of birth of chef so and so or brother so and so the scholars have different upon two opinions. Now, because it's it's

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documented, it's documented. But the point is when Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed Ibrahim was these two boys. Allah blessed Ibrahim, with the gift that every prophet to come, will come from the progeny of his two boys. Thus every prophet yaku and Yusuf and so on and so forth. They are from the progeny of Itzhak

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Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is the exception for his from the project of is married Allah, his Salah, and that's why they call is my ala alihi salam, the father of the Arabs, because Ibrahim Alayhi Salam left her job and left his marine cellar in the barren land today known as Mecca. And civilization started there. And this is Marian is known as the father of the Arabs. So, Ibrahim pronounced the Hajj

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and the Quran, tweaked it. The Quran said that, you know what, how can we stand on the earth on the day of alpha? How can this be arafa is not part of the Hara.

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It's outside of the home.

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Right? And this is how it is today. We know that our office is situated outside of the boundary of the Heron.

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So they said that what we will do is tweak the hatch will edit it will revamp it, as some of the youth will say today

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we will stand on was deliver on the ninth of the ledger. Why because deliever is in the harem is in the remit of the hero. Right? And that's why those scholars who say that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam observed Hajj before Islam before he became a prophet. They say that he used to stand on earth on the ninth of the ledger by himself by himself, and some of them document how he met one person from the Quran standing there.

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And they discussed how standing there was from the waves of Ibrahim alayhi salam, right. And I know I'm sidetracking here, but this is an important point for you all brothers and sisters, that today when we live in the world of science and philosophy, right, and philosophy existed for a long time. Right? We find that the scientists say that you and I we're a product of nature.

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And the philosophers say that we are a product of nature. Right? This is what they say is what they say. The philosopher say you're a product of your environment. While it's designed to say you're a product of your DNA.

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Right? But if we look at Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He grew up amidst the people who drank alcohol admits the people who circumambulated the Kava Wilds naked, admits the people who buried their daughters alive, admits the people who engaged in Riba it was the age of of ignorance and darkness.

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But he never practiced these practices amongst the people who would tweak the Hajj. But he never practiced these practices, Allahu Akbar, which teaches us what that we are a product of our core self.

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There's a inner voice that we have

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this voice of reason that's governed by our Islam and Eamon, there is this inner voice, and we should be a product of that voice. Really. Sometimes we don't hear that voice as some people say. And I say the reason why you don't hear that voice is because the outside noise is so loud. You can't hear it.

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Sometimes you have to switch off your mobile phone

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and switch off your computer and your social networking sites

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and contemplate

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like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would do were in the cave of Hira. He didn't know how to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala. But he knew that these people are not upon

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the correct way. And he was trying to listen to that inner voice find that inner voice go to a place which is quiet from the noise of shirk, and the noise of Haram in some

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way. soprano who Allah blesses with guidance and a true ability to be a product of our Eman and Islam. The true Eman and through Islam. I mean, I mean, so these are many lessons sometimes we say in talks we need to have a break but we don't have to get up and go out for a break we can have something known as an intellectual break and intellectual break that we we bring in footnotes as I like to call them into the talk right before coming back in so that our intellectuality has a break and refresh to listen to some more. We all got some kind of way to Allah bless our our understandings and May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us energies. I know you've been working the

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whole day, and Mashallah, you've come and I'm truly honored Barcalounger. So Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah commanded Ibrahim to proclaim this hedge. And

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says that once you make the call, they will come to thee on foot, as well as mounted on every kind of lean camel through deep and distant mountain ways. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded Ibrahim alayhi salam to announce this pilgrimage. And by the way, another footnote, if you allow something that just popped up in my mind, many times we hear when we go for Hajj, something called the walking Hajj.

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Have you heard that? Walking had said you should instead of using the bus and now we have trains you should walk? Right? And many people are asked that which is the better hedge? Is it better for me to walk? Or is it better for me to use the air conditioned bus?

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Which is more rewarding? Has this question not happened to you?

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Some yes, some still have to go for hedge. Right? This is a common question. Because we go in groups and some people in the group I build the walking hedge. And when we go for hedge we so charged up, it's the fifth pillar of Islam. And we want to be as perfect as possible and gain as many rewards as possible. So what do we want to do? We want to make sure that nobody else beats so if they're doing a walking hedge you want to find out about this walking hedge. Right? And to be honest, this question or the answer to this question has been discussed by the scholars before us, whether it's better to walk or whether it's better to ride

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and they actually use this

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as evidence those who say it's better to walk. They use it as evidence that Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah said they will come to the on foot

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and mounted on every kind of lean camera or animal, right? So they say Allah subhanho wa Taala said foot before animal

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and they understand from this that walking is better than writing. This is what they say Rahmatullah here.

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However, the other scholars who say no, this is not the case, they say Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he observed his Hajj whilst on his mount.

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Right. And there is no better way than to follow the Sunnah of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the other say look Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was of mercy to mankind. So he observed it on his mount to be merciful upon us. So that we would not think we have to observe hedge walking because this is difficult. Anyway, the discussion goes on and on in a nutshell, in a nutshell, the preferred opinion and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best is that the best thing for you is to observe hedge in a way that grants you the greatest.

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The greatest contentment allows you to be phenomenal, in minutes, and phenomena in arafa, and phenomena in was Delica and phenomena at the Kaaba and so on and so forth. If being phenomenal requires you to be on the bus, then that's the better hedge for you.

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Right because some people say look, I am not at that level of fitness, and I'm not used to this climb but being on the bus helps me remain fresh. For when I get to the next place during the places of hedge if that is better for you than that is more rewarding for you in Sharla. Why? Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as Israel

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was never given two options which were both Hillel except that he chose the easier one, the easier one and Allah subhanahu Allah knows best. So Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to announce the pilgrimage to mankind and call them to perform the Hajj.

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And this was one of the wisdoms behind allows command to Ibrahim to build the house now. Remember povery Akhmatova, LA, he has a report in his tafsir. And for those of us who want to revise it, depending on the printer that you have, you can revise volume 18 I have it as page 605 to 607. He says that even a bass and others report that when Allah commanded Ibrahim Alayhi Salam Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said to Allah subhanahu, WA to Allah, that Allah How can I convey this message to the people when my voice is limited?

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It will not reach them.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala told him Bella, who la el Bella that conveys the message and it's upon me to carry out the greater conveyance.

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So they say that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam stood up

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and said, Oh, mankind, your Lord has established a house. So come and observe the pilgrimage.

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And it is said that the mountains lowered themselves so Pamela so that his voice would reach all the regions of the earth, and those who are still in their mother's wombs, and those that were in the father's loins, wood here, the core. The response then came from everyone in the cities, and everyone in the desert, and everyone in the countryside, and those whom Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed will make the pilgrimage until the Day of Judgment Allah Allahu Akbar, for those who have performed Hajj when you when we listen to this narration Have you been a bass or the Allahu? And how special do you feel? So Pamela that indeed hedges are calling. It's a calling that when you go you

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are answering the call of Ibrahim, and who promised to convey that call of Ibrahim to us, of loss of Hannah who attack Allahu Akbar, we have a grant of the understanding. So this brothers and sisters is the fifth pillar of Islam in a nutshell,

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a pillar, which is a great act of worship, which Allah subhanho wa Taala decreed to exist in the best days of the year. The first 10 days of the ledger.

This Lecture ‘Lessons for the Resident not performing Hajj’ is part of the lecture series titled ‘The Hajj – A Message for Mankind’ presented by Sheikh Sajid Ahmed Umar at Fanar, Qatar – UAE.

In this Lecture, Sheikh Sajid highlights the blessing of Allah Almighty that is afforded upon the person that is a resident, and has not undertaken the journey of Allah.

Sheikh Sajid offers advice as to the different actions that may be performed by the resident during these special ten days of dhul-hijjah and having a strong intention to continue with these deeds throughout our lives .

Part 1 from the ‘Lessons for the Resident not performing Hajj’ deals with The command of Allah Almighty to Ibrahim (as) to proclaim the Hajj. 

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