Sajid Ahmed Umar – Welcoming the 1st 10 days of Dhul Hijjah

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The transcript is a recording of a conversation between two speakers. Speaker 1 talks about the importance of planning ahead for events, including planning for events and staying ahead of potential events. They also discuss the importance of staying ahead of events and not giving up on one's plans. Speaker 2 provides an example of planning ahead for events, including the use of the word "the" to avoid confusion. They also mention the use of the word "the" to indicate plans and indicate that someone is taking the next step.], [The transcript discusses the importance of planning ahead for events, including the use of "the" to indicate plans and indicate a decision to wait for a decision to come. The transcript also mentions the use of "the" to indicate plans and decisions to wait for decisions. The transcript provides examples of how "the" is used to indicate plans and decisions to wait for decisions.], [The transcript discusses the use of "the" to indicate plans and decisions to wait for decisions,
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah He also he also limited slim and Catherine elomi Deen and my bad. Rubbish Ronnie sadri westerly Emery. While you look at me Lisa, Annie, Yahoo. Ali appraises below belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him and seek his assistance and guidance and we seek refuge in our Lord from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our actions. We testify that whomsoever Allah guides, men can misguide and whomsoever He was guides, then then can guide and we send salutations upon the final messenger, Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I bear witness that there is no one

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worthy of worship besides one Allah, and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is his, his messenger. My dearest brothers and elders in Islam, from the outset, asked Allah subhanho wa Taala, to accept our worship, to forgive our past and to inspire our future. I mean, your blood I mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He creates, and he is a Holic. And as he creates, he gives a special precedence and rank to parts of his creation, over other parts of his creation, he is the owner of everything in creation, thus does he create, and thus does he choose? Allah subhanho wa Taala. So Allah subhanho wa Taala, for example, he created mankind, and out of all of mankind, he raised in

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rank, his profits, his MBA early he was Salatu was salam, and gave them a rank and precedents and position above the rest of mankind. And as Allah subhanho wa Taala created his prophets, he chose from them, his messengers, his rustle, and he gave them a position and precedent and rank above all the other prophets of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And as Allah subhanho wa Taala raised his messengers above his profits, and profits above the rest of mankind. He chose from his messages

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a few and he raised them in rank, and gave them a station above the rest of the messages. And these few were given the title of oral Azmi Mina Rasul. The Prophet are the messengers of absolute resolve, new Allah His Salah,

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Musa alayhis, salam, Elisa, Elisa Lam, Ibrahim alayhi salam, and our messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he subhanho wa Taala created them and raised them and gave them a special rank above the rest of mankind. And from these five, Allah chose to, and he raised them in rank above the rest of those five, and he gave them the title of Cardinal law. And those two consisted of Ibrahim alayhis salam, the father of the prophets, and our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and from these two, Allah raised our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam above the rest, and he gave him a rank and station and title, that no other creation of Allah subhanho wa Taala possessed thus Allah

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gave him the station of being the final messenger and the seal of all prophets. And like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala, Allah created the angels, and he raised some angels higher in rank above other angels. So he created the angels, but he gave a special precedent and rank to gibreel Allah, his solemn and Mika, he and his Rafi he gave them a special rank over the rest of the other angels. And Allah subhanho wa Taala raised these three angels above the rest of angels, but then he raised one of them in rank above the rest of the angels. And that was gibreel alayhis salam, because Allah subhanho wa Taala chose him to be the messenger of that which gives life to the heart, he made him

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in charge of Revelation and revealing that which Allah subhanho wa Taala revealed to his messengers subhanho wa Taala. And like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala creates lands, he creates the earth and he creates

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it lands and he raises some pieces of land

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above other pieces of land and gives these pieces of land a station and rank and precedents that other lands do not have. So Allah subhanho wa Taala created the wealth created Earth, but he raised in rank the lands of Palestine, and the lands of Medina and the lands of Makkah. He raised these lands in rank, and he described these lands as blessed lands like this brothers and elders in Islam. Allah subhanho wa Taala created the months of the year, and he raised some months

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above other months and gave them a rank and status that other months didn't have. So Allah subhanho wa Taala gave a station and rank and precedents to the four sacred months the actual forum, Roger and ricotta and Boucher and Mahara and we are living through one of these sacred months over a period of sacred Manson's will hedgers will, will Canada and bullhead Jen Param are three sacred months that come together with Roger being a sacred month, existing by itself amidst the months. And then, above these months, Allah subhanho wa Taala raised the month of Ramadan, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about this month, say to Shahar Ramadan, that Ramadan is the best

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of all months. And like this, Allah subhanho wa Taala created the days of the week, and he raised the day of Joomla above the rest of the days and gave this day a special rank and precedents and status. And we discussed in the last few months that I did hear a virtue from the virtues of this day of Juma and one of these virtues is the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala made this day the best day upon which the sunrises of the lumen palette Allah He shrimps, Yama Juma, then Allah subhanho wa Taala created the nights of the year, and he gave a special station to the last 10 nights of Ramadan, and raised these nights above the rest of the nights of the year. And then as Allah created

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the last 10 nights of Ramadan, and gave these months a station and rank, he chose one night and made it the best Night Out of all the nights of the last 10 of Ramadan, and all the nights of the year. And that is known as later to the night of virtue and decree and power. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala he created the days of the year, and he raised in rank 10 days above the rest of the days of the year. And these days are known as the first 10 days of the hedger and as Allah created these 10 days and gave these 10 days, his rank and precedents and station, Allah chose one day and chose it to be the best day of the year that Allah subhanho wa Taala created and this is the 10th of the

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hedgehog according to the stronger opinion and inshallah we will touch on it just now. And some scholars say it is the ninth of the ninth being the day of arafah. So my dearest brothers and elders in Islam I share with you this introduction to appreciate the season of worship that Allah subhana wa Taala is bringing us into after a season of worship that Allah subhanho wa Taala took us out of he took us out of the month of Ramadan, and the last 10 nights of Ramadan, or the last 10 of Ramadan, which was a season of worship, but Allah is All Merciful. He brings to us the first 10 days of the hijab, a season of worship, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us life to witness those

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days. about

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these days, my dearest brothers and elders in Islam and before that, we remember the ayah in the Quran, in which Allah Subhana who Allah says, Allah who yolu Masha

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McCann, Allahu Allah, that Allah He creates what He wills and he chooses to give a rank and station to parts of his creation over others and no one has a decision in that process. This is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So these days that we are going into Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen them. And about these days the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to use them in Yemen, and Armando slowly foofy him. I have boo Illallah him in Haverhill, a militia, he said to his companions, Ravi Allahu anhu, admitting that there are no days on which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala than righteous deeds that are performed during these 10 days.

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This is a mighty statement. And it is a statement that brings our hearts into a form of acute focus because here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says there are no other days aside of these days, the same worship that you do in these days will never be like the same worship that you do outside of these days. And this statement grabbed the attention of the Sahaba Ravi Allahu anhu mydomaine. So they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for callooh jasola. They said, O Messenger of Allah wellen, Jihad woofie sebelah, even striving in the path of Allah because this was their way, the way of the Sahaba was the way of striving in the path of Allah and they knew the

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merits, that striving in the path of Allah held. So if they strove in the path of Allah, outside of these 10 days, are we saying that we have acts of worship that are more beloved to Allah, than the Jihad that we invested ourselves in outside of these days, our actions in these days better? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Well, she had to obey the law, even your jihad, in the path of Allah does not beat the actions that you do. The worship that you observe, that is done during these first 10 days of good hygiene. But then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam qualified his statement and said Ilayaraja hora giovinazzi he was a man he fell Amira, gentlemen,

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velyka Ba, he says, that not even jihad in the sake of for the sake of Allah is better and less in the case of a man who goes out and in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala with all of himself, meaning solely for the sake of Allah alone, with all of his money, he leaves nothing of this dounia behind, he goes out with everything, and he does not come back with anything meaning he has no way of witnessing the first 10 days of the ledger because he passed away in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So this narration My dearest brothers and elders in Islam really sets the tone for the season of worship, that is going to come to us in another generation in the narration of Ennis Ravi,

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Allah has a similar teaching, he narrates to us from the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam, in which he says, that there is no deed that is better before Allah, or more greatly rewarded, then a good deed done in the first 10 days of

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it was said, not even Jihad for the sake of Allah, he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, not even Jihad for the sake of Allah unless a man goes out himself for jihad, taking with him his wealth, and does not come back with anything. We also have further evidence about these first 10 days being important and that is in the form of Allah subhanho wa Taala, taking an oath by these 10 days. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala. In his book, he takes an oath by certain things, and there's several virtues as to why he does so subhanho wa Taala. And one of the virtues of doing so is to highlight to us how important this matter is to Allah.

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One of the reasons is also to grab our attention, but one of the virtues is to teach the Ummah, that this method that ally is taking an oath by, it means a lot to Allah. So Allah said, well,

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while I am a national, Allah took an oath by the dawn, and then by the 10 knights and the scholars of the sea, such as if an Abbess and others, Ravi Allahu anhu, murmuring, they say that these 10 nights that Allah subhanho wa Taala takes an oath by they refer to the first 10 days of the hedger. So, really beyond doubt, we have evidence that is certain, teaching us that the first 10 days of the hedger are special days, and it is a season of worship, and we need to prepare for these days, like we prepared for Ramadan. These are not days that we should take for granted. We need to be ready to consume these days from the moment Allah subhanho wa Taala brings these days to us and this was the

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way and manner of the pious predecessors before us, they would plan for the first 10 days of the hedger as they would plan for Ramadan. Before we go into some of the acts that we can, we should be aware of with regards to the first 10 days of bullhead. Jeff, one of the discussions between the scholars have with regards to these 10 days is which 10 days or better, the last 10 days of Ramadan, or the first 10 of the lecture, because these are both special days, and about them. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us a lot. Some scholars said the last 10 have to be better because these

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Hold layer two, and layer two other is better than 1000 months. Or they said that the best 10 are the first 10 days of the ledger because these days hold the date of arafa and hold the own hedge cover the greater day of hedge which

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we have evidence alluding to the fact that this refers to the 10th of Dhul hijjah. So these are two views of the scholars then came after them scholars who tried to study the evidences that each scholar gave to substantiate his view regarding which 10 is better. And even our job and family and others like him no matter how much money they came with a good middle ground, and they said that the last 10 days of Ramadan holds the best nights of the year, and the first 10 days of the hedgehog, they hold the best days of the year. And there's a difference between the night and the day. And this way, we join between the different evidences that teach us the merits of the last 10 of

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Ramadan, and the first 10 of the ledger. So the first 10 days of Google hedger constitute the best 10 days of the year, and the last 10 of Ramadan, constitute the best nights of the year. And this is a middle way and perhaps the most acceptable view and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best. With regards to the best day of the year I said to you that some of the scholars say that it is the ninth of the hijab, and others say that is it is the 10th and the stronger opinion and Allah knows best is that it is the 10th of the head.

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The best day of the year is the 10th of the hijab. Why? Because we have

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statements from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about this in one of the narrations. He says after a year in de la Yamuna, that the best day with Allah is the day of inertia. And the day of refers to the day that the slaughter takes place in and that is the 10th of Dhul hijjah. When, in another narration, we know that Allah subhanho wa Taala discusses the greatest day of Hajj, and in another narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described it as well to be the 10th day of the picture. Also, the scholars offer other reasons why the 10th is the best they say because on the ninth,

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Allah subhana wa, Allah forgives, and forgiveness entails clearing up the sins or clearing up the mess. But on the 10th day, Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards and rewards constitutes a form of polishing. So you clean the surface on the ninth and on the 10th you painted, right so it becomes more beautiful than it was before. If you have a surface and some impurity falls on that surface, and you remove the impurity, the surface is clean, but it's not as beautiful as when you paint over it, or you apply some fragrance to it. So the scalesia on the ninth Allah cleans our surfaces cleans our slates, right? But on the 10th Allah subhanho wa Taala rewards we know that they have eight is a

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day of jazza it is a day of reward. So on this day, Allah subhanho wa Taala freezes slaves from the Hellfire and Allah subhanho wa Taala fills the slates with good deeds with rewards for good deeds. So, here we have a form of polishing and polishing always constitutes that which is better. They also say that one of the reasons why the 10th is better than the ninth is because there are more acts of worship on the 10th such as spending the 19 was dead if this happens on the 10th of such as pelting the jamara. This happens on the 10th. Then power from the Kaaba, and then deciding between sofa and Moreau, and then the slaughtering of the animal and then the shaving of the head all these

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are forms of a bed, which we find concentrated on one day, the 10th of Dhul hijjah and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best from this brothers and elders in Islam. When it comes to the first 10 days of oral hygiene we asked the question What can we do to ensure that we take wholesale from these days then immediately we say that one of the best things you can do during these days is to go for Hajj. Mashallah, we have many from the community this year, going for hygiene, some have left already and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to ease the journey and the Hajj and to accept from them the journey and the pilgrimage. I mean, we all know except from those who performed the Hajj

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before And may Allah facilitate those who haven't done the hedge to attend the hedge in the future. I mean, so the hedge is the best act of worship that you can perform during these days. And with regards to the hedge

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We can't speak about it without discussing the Kaaba because Ibrahim alayhi salam, the Kaaba and the story of Hajj stems from his completion of building discover.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he tells us in his book was the Infinity bill Hajj to curry Jalla wa ala cultivo Maria Tina min Khalifa genomic. Allah says to Ibrahim, after he boots the Kaaba and proclaim the pilgrimage to mankind. Allah commanded Ibrahim to stand up on a high station and to announce the hedge to the people. So then Allah subhanho wa Taala said that they will come to you on foot and they will come to you mounted on animals and they will come to you through deep and distant mountain highways. So this was the commander of Allah subhanho wa Taala t Rahim Allah Salah emember carbery Rahim Allah. He says that even our best reports that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam said to Allah after Allah

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gave him this command, that Oh my Lord, how can I convey to the people with my voice will never reach them.

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So Allah subhanho wa Taala responded back and said believe Wiley and Bella, it is your job to convey and I will cause your conveyance to reach. This is what Allah subhanho wa Taala said to Brahim Allah, his Salah. So Ibrahim Alayhi Salam stood on a high station, and he announced and said, Oh, mankind, your Lord has established a house, this house which Ibrahim just built the Kaaba, so come to it, in pilgrimage. And when he did this, Allah subhanho wa Taala caused the mountains to become lowered, so that the voice would reach all the regions on Earth, including those who are in the wombs of their mothers. This is what we hear from even our best and even those who are yet to be

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born. This message reach them and brothers and elders in Islam. We live this reality today. Because we know about the pilgrimage we know about the hedge, we know how to observe the hedge and we see millions attending the hedge end. And that is why the believer goes to hedge announcing lab bake that here I am Allah the bake lamella bake. Here I am Allah meaning I'm answering the call of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam that you commanded him to make the call. And you promised that you would convey his call, that call has reached me and I am answering this call. So Hajj is the best act of worship that one can do during these days. Now for those who are not going for hedge and even for those

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going for hedge credit, sometimes it's difficult for those going for hedge to cover some of the other acts of worship. But Allah subhanho wa Taala is All Merciful. He doesn't leave a portion of his creation, astray without guidance, especially when they are about to enter a season of worship. So Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah teaches his messengers from Allahu alayhi wa sallam to teach the residents, those who will not be going for Hajj. And let's not forget that according to one of the views of the scholars, Hajj became compulsory in the sixth year after hedge, which means the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam performed hedge many years after it became compulsory, because Macau was

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blocked and the Muslims couldn't go and attend the hedge. So they knew that they were in a season of worship, what should they do? And what would they do? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shared with them from his guidance acts that they should not leave, or acts that they should be diligent with, especially during the first 10 days of the lecture. And the first of these acts is too fast, too fast. The 10 days of good hygiene when we say 10 we mean the first night, because you can't fast on the 10th The 10th is the day of eat so too fast. The first nine days of good hygiene we know from the lessons that you heard during Ramadan, that Allah subhanho wa Taala his reward for

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fasting is from the greatest of rewards, right? The rewards for fasting, actually a blank check. Right? Allah subhanho wa Taala says the fastest for me, why? Because my slave who was the who was the actually my slave leaves his food and his drink and his desires for my sake. So the fastest for me and I will report rewards the fast personally or I am the reward for the one who fasts which means that on the day of piano wherever your shortfall is, Allah subhanho wa Taala will bring out your fast and make it work for you on that day. So you enter not just any paradise, but a great paradise because Allah has a paradise for those who fasted, right? So fasting, especially during

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these days is something that we have to do because there's no better time.

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Remember what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that your act during these days are the best, the same act the same voluntary fast on any other day does not equate in terms of reward, and belovedness to Allah than the act done during these days. So we should try and fast the first nine days of the ledger, for those who can't fast the first nine, then fast every second day, in the first time. If this is difficult for you, then fast at least every Monday and Thursday, within the first nine of the ledger. And if you can't do that, then be sure to fast at least the night of the lecture, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that the one who first the ninth

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of guhagar, Allah will remove his minuses for two years or two years worth of minuses will be deleted of your slides as Allah deletes the slides of the judge on the day of arafa. For those who fast Allah will expiate the minuses for the previous year, and the upcoming year. This is amazing, an amazing reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala for just a small act, right? This is the reality of Allah being generous, and being Kareem that He rewards us with a mighty reward for a little effort. So even if you can't fast the nine Allah knows our circumstances and situations differ. Allah ensures that we have the nine that is one day in which we receive a mighty reward in terms of the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who needed even harlot robiola, and he narrates from his wife, that one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, used to fast on the first nine days of the hijab, and the day of Ashura, which is the 10th of Muharram, and the three days each month, meaning the 13th 14th and 15th, and he used to fast the Monday of the month, and two are the first Monday of the month and two Thursdays and this narration has been considered authentic and something attributed to one of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam another act of worship that

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we need to ensure we observe during these days is reciting the the meat and the delille and the takbeer in a great way, and in fact that the COVID of these days, covers the tallien and the meat when I say meat, I mean Alhamdulillah when I say Tallinn, I mean La la la la. When I say tech b i mean Allahu Akbar, right this is the Arabic language has a has a way of giving sentences in the name, like for example, we have for Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim. It's called Best mela and for example, the higher Allah salah and higher alfalah in the Arabic language, it's called Hey Allah, this is the Arabic language has the depths to give nouns to certain phrases. So when we say that

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means we mean Alhamdulillah This is a phrase when we say delille we mean La ilaha illa Allah, this is a phrase, when we say that could be we mean Allahu Akbar. Allah says Leah had woman after Allah who was Kuru smella heafy, a man who met Allah says, so that they may witness Allah benefits to them. And then they mentioned the name of Allah on the appointed days. Some of the scholars of the FSI have said that the appointed days here in this area in Surah Al Hajj refers to the first 10 days of good hedger. So Allah commands us to remember him during these first 10 and it was narrated from Abdullah Ibn Umar radi Allahu anhu man that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that there

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are no days that are greater before Allah, or in which good deeds are more beloved to him than these 10 days. So recite a great deal of the holy water could be with ashmead meaning recite in, manifestly, and in abundance. Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Allah and Alhamdulillah now

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during these 10 days, we have a Kabir of these 10 days, which we know as Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah him. This takbeer has two versions to it. It has it is a restricted version. And there's an open version, the open version refers to you reciting it. From the moment the first 10 days arrive, reciting it from the moment the first 10 days arrive until the 13th of

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these are the days for the step up. In fact, the scholars say there is no better Vicar of Allah aside of the Quran, then this could be why because this duck very specific to these days you can observe it outside of these days or outside of the days of eat. So, in this duck

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We have the Allahu Akbar. We have the Shangri La. And we have the La Ilaha Illa. And there's different versions of the stubbier. All of them are correct. One version is to say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illAllah Allahu Akbar.

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Another version is to say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. So you increase another Allahu Akbar at the end.

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This is also okay. It's been reported from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, or something established in the Sharia. We said

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takbeer is to say, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. So we have three, Allahu Akbar La ilaha illAllah, who Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah. So any version, you know suffices, be sure to repeat it. But also be sure to repeat it in a way that you understand it in a way that you develop from it. A lot of us do the current hamdulillah. But the question is, do we benefit from the vicar Vicar is not a means of just keeping the tongue moist with a recitation void of contemplation. The Vicar that benefits is the one that carries the greatest rewards. And that is the record that is food or coupled with contemplation. And some of the scholars say that this is the therapy Rafi

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brought him at his center. And that is why it has a presence especially during these days. Because when Allah told him, or revealed to him in a in a dream, to slaughter his son, this was something that is difficult for a human being. It's even more difficult for a father. It's even more difficult for a father who asked Allah for a child for decades. And then he only got it when he was 19 years old. But this is what a lot of you to him to see whether he had anything else in his heart other than Allah. And he proved in action, that he had only Allah in his heart, and everything else that he loved. He had it in his hands, but he only had Allah in his heart. But as he was going through

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the process, the steps of taking his son and walking with his son through the plains of what we call to the Minar, to the place of slaughter, and human nature is overtaking him. He was teaching himself of his place in front of Allah, so he would say Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater. Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater, greater than me greater than my son, greater than my desires. La ilaha illa Allah, there is no one worthy of worship besides Allah Allahu Akbar, he is greater will Illa heal him for him is all praise. Whatever he does, he does good. He was teaching himself Allah, his Salah, repeat repeating the takbeer teaching himself to ensure that human nature doesn't cause him to, to verge

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What Allah subhanho wa Taala commanded him to do, and in that instance, that was the straight path. Then as he meets the Shah pain, he tells them saying Allahu Akbar, Soto, Judge Pelton, see Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than what the shamans were telling him about human nature and about his son and about, you know, slaughtering your son being barbaric and so on and so forth. He slaughtered them. He stole them, remembering who commanded him and who is great. And then as he lays his son down, he sees what he sees. It has an effect on him. He teaches himself Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allah him when he sharpening the knife. Can you

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imagine what's going through his heart and what's going through his mind and what's going through his veins, but he keeps on teaching himself that Allah is greater than me, my desires, my son, that he takes the knife and he puts it on his on the neck of his son, and In the name of Allah saying, Allahu Akbar, that Allah is greater. He carries up the command knowing that this is what my lord who is greater than me, has told me to do. But Allah didn't make the nice cut. Because the knife only cuts with the will of Allah just like fire only burns with the will of Allah. When Ibrahim as a young boy, he was thrown into the fire. Allah commanded the fire to be cool, right ya know, Cooney,

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Baroda, wa salam, and Allah if Rahim, Allah commanded the fire to be cool and safe for Ibrahim. And the scholars have to say, If Allah just commanded the fire to be cool, without commanding the fire to be safe, then Ibrahim would have frozen in that position. Right? So nothing happened except with the will of Allah. So Allah you set the knife's ability to cut. And then Allah says wafaa, Dana will be dependent of him, instead of his son, we gave him an alternative. And that was varam. So this is the reality of the takbeer, mightier brothers and elders in Islam. And we need to use this especially in this day and age, with vise becoming rampant and people going through different

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circumstances and situations, whether financially whether economically, whether politically, whether socially, and so on, and

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so forth. This is the especially a season of worship a time for us to train our HELOC train your character, train your belief Some of us have, we have issues we have, we have character issues and this is normal, right? We're not created perfect. But this is the time to humble yourself. This is the time to train yourself to be humble to train yourself to become a submitted to the will of Allah because this is what Islam is to submit to the will of Allah in the moment you live in. This is what the Brahim was doing. So this Kabir is a means that as you repeat it throughout these days of Hajj, you say Allahu Akbar, you teach yourself that you are nothing in front of Allah. Yes, you have your

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ways. You have your views. You have your opinions you have today everyone, right? I feel this is what I feel. This is my view. This is my opinion, this is a chance to teach yourself that Allah is greater. And what he has revealed means more. As we discussed this whole issue of the sacrifice of Ibrahim alayhis salam, we come to the next act of worship, which is the old here and the old here is not the heading the heading is a sacrifice that a pilgrim does for those who are determined to Hajj appear on Hajj, then the sacrifice that you do, which is part of the Hajj, this is called l heavy. But the head the the sacrifice that those who are not performing had to do is known as the ATA, or

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better in our societies as the crow bang. This is one of the greatest acts of worship that we can do during these 10 days with regards to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and it's even better medic says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he snorted cappuccini amila Haney ochrony he slaughtered two

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RAMs, which had a white and black

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speckles on it. And he slaughtered them with his own hand. And he said Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater was putting his foot on the neck of the ramp. So to ensure that that the position where he was going to cut was stable, which means they would no further discomfort would happen to the animal and this teaches us how the Sahaba would watch exactly what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was doing that even in a narration like this, that give you a they would depict the exact action of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam in the narration of Abdullah ibn aroma, radi Allahu Allahu Allah, the Prophet sallallahu and he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stayed in

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Medina for 10 years, offering the sacrifice every year on the day of rate, right. So here we see that this is a stressor. In fact, in the Hanafi method, this is a big, it is something compulsory that everyone who is able has to do. In another narration of biodynamic, he says that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam shared out the sacrificial animals amongst his companions. So aucuba he got a sheep that was six months old only. Right? So he went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the six month old sheep. And he said, My sheep is only six months in age, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, offer it as a sacrifice. And the reason why this narration

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is mentioned is because here we see the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaching us that the odds here, number one is a great act of worship during these 10 days. Number two, there's rules and regulations about it. And the more you conform to the rules and regulations, the greater reward you will receive from the odd here. So one of the first rules, and this is one we all know is that the animal that is sacrificed should be from the anatomy, the loss is behemoth, Elena. So it has to be from the anatomy, it has to be from the camels, or from the cows, or a sheep or a goat, right. These are the only animals that are accepted in the world here. Secondly, there's a stipulated age that

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned before you're out here can be accepted, you can't just go to any animal, the animal must have reached the stipulated age. And in the sooner we find the age of mature or dimension of maturity being mentioned, except in a circumstance when you when you don't have that animal. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam allowed a gender, which is a six month old lamp. This is the exception, that if you don't have any animal of age, then from the lambs, you can choose a six month old lamp and this would suffice and the sooner list for us, the different ages for the different animals. This is

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we can discuss it quickly. In the case of camels. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the minimum age is five years old. For cattle for cows, it's two years old. For sheep. It's one year old, but if you don't have then you can slaughter a lamb of six months old. Also, the animals should be free of any default of any defect. When you choose the animal, it should be free of any defect and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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obvious defects defects that are noticeable, you should stay away from it such as the animal having a defect in one of its eyes. Or, for example, the animal showing symptoms of illness like having a fever, for example or not having an appetite to eat this is a sign that the animal is Ill also, he advised us against slaughtering animals that have obvious lameness, they have difficulty walking, and also animals that have weak bone, a weak bone marrow, right is known as emaciation. It's a condition that causes the animal to have weak bone marrow is the animal is of this nature, that this is not the animal that should be slaughtered. So these are some of the rules and regulations

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pertaining to the slaughter. One important mentioned since we're on this topic and since many are some get the slaughter done outside of the country that the observe the eat in,

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we have to ensure that the slaughter is done after the Eat, Pray is complete, Allah says for suddenly there have become unhappy. The scholars of the theater say Allah mentioned Salah before the sacrifice, so the sacrifice must happen first, then, sorry, the Salah must happen first, then the sacrifice and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also stipulated this in a narration in the Sunnah.

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And the scholars say that whoever sacrifices before they complete, they read Salah, then they need to sacrifice again, because that sacrifice is considered a sadaqa is not considered the sacrifice of food here. So bear this in mind, if you are sending your money outside of the country, and asking them to slaughter on your behalf, ensure that you inform them that they slaughter should be after you observe your eat, it could happen that they observe it eat a day before you and then after eat, they started the animal on your behalf, this is not counted. So you should inform them that your eat is delayed. And you do have until the 13th of the hedgehog for your sacrifice to happen.

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One of the things that the scholars mentioned about these days is that it's preferable and recommended for those who are sacrificing not to cut the nails or their hair

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and to mimic or resemble a person who is in the State of Israel. Right now the majority of the scholars say this is something recommended with Mr. Ashman having the view that this is compulsive, and whoever wants to slaughter they can't touch any anything from their from their skin can't remove any hair can't remove any nails until the slaughter is complete. Mr. Mohammed views this as compulsory but the majority of the role ama considered recommended. So this is something we should try and mimic. If Allah subhanho wa Taala makes it easy for us. Then brothers and elders in Islam, we have all the other acts of worship that we know, there's no limit to what you can do in these

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days. Whatever you do, no matter how big no matter how small, understand that you will be doing it in the best of days where the rewards for those acts are great. So you should make a list of what you can do. Right or when what you have done. That's how you prepare for these days. So not to

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revive it, right maybe you were doing it in Ramadan and it slipped a little bit, right The sooner. The sooner prayers around the federal prayers, revive it, waking up with the head you revive it, reading your Quran, maybe in Ramadan, you within half a juice after Ramadan, it went down to a quarter pick up again go to half. Or if you didn't half pick up again go to three quarters, right? Have a plan. Right? Whenever you plan for something great, something exciting you plan well like how we plan for holidays, like how we plan for the opening day of school, for example, how we plan

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our businesses and so on and so forth. This is Dr. Oz Allah, this is a business transaction with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So plan, make sure you write it down, you have a board, on your tablet on your device has a program that you might, you know, program related to the first 10 days of the ledger. And it's your program on how you're going to execute your strategy in ensuring that you take wholesale from this month, because brothers and elders in Islam. You and I both know that there were people who were with us last week, and we buried them right they're not with us this week. There's no guarantee that you will get another 10 days. Right. So this is not the time to take chances. This

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is not the time to be lazy, especially when it comes to you and your paradise because there's no greater assets that you have than paradise and Paradise is our asset and losses in the law. Hasta la mina and fusa home will be another homegirl Jana Allah has purchased your life and your money in exchange for general. Right so he gave you agenda and in exchange for it. He bought your life and your money. That's why you have to live how he wants and you have to spend the money how he wants because the transaction happened. So our greatest asset is gentlemen

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You don't want to be messing about with that great asset. Finally, brothers and elders in Islam.

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I want to share with you because we discussed how the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam spotted corruption. Among the highly acclaimed he started these two Rams it is narrated and when he did so he told the HR of the law and how to distribute the meat

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of these animals. And he walked out to do some other work. When he came back. He asked Alisha, how much of the how much meat remains, how much meat remains. And this is testimony to Ayesha and his selflessness as she loved giving sadaqa This is one of our greatest one of the acts that she focused on during the first 10 days of the head, Jan during her life, but especially during the first 10 days of the hedge. Right? So you told her how much remains. So she said to him, oh prophet of Allah, nothing remains except the shoulder of the animal and we know the shoulder has the least meat. Right? That the shoulder has the nice meaning I gave everything was excellent for the sake of Allah

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except the shoulder or cookies for us. Nothing remains except the shoulder. So he said to her sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Oh, I

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don't say nothing remains except to say everything remains except the shoulder. Right? Because what you gave to Allah that truly remains, except the shoulder that we will eat, and this won't remain. So what you deposit with Allah subhanho wa Taala This is what will truly remain. And I know today people say cash problems, this problem, okay, this ecocash ecocash is acceptable, right? But if you still feel that even ecocash is maybe there's a problem with the network, then there's different ways to do sadaqa it doesn't only have to be financial, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said

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he commanded the companions to give sadaqa so they said to him, from Allah, Majid, what about the one who doesn't have money? And what about the one who doesn't have money? So he said, Yeah, I'm a big fan fan,

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fan, Fan Fan, EFSA who he should work with his hands and earn the money. So he benefits himself, and then he can give sadaqa with the extra. Then they said, Okay, what if he doesn't have a job for me? He said, then he should go and help someone who is in need, and this would be a sudden,

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right? Then they said, okay, but what if he doesn't find someone in need, then he says, Then he should do good deeds, and he should stop himself from creating harm. He shouldn't work in a manner that brings harm to other people, you can help other people in the least don't harm them. So these are all lessons. these are these are all forms of, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, fine, this is when you act in a way you bite your tongue when you need to, because speaking will bring harm. There's no good in it. This is a sad, right? So look after all these forms of sadaqa. Because all our sadaqa remains, I end up with a story that one of our Messiah mentioned to us about

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a man from Egypt, who performed Hajj 30 times when the chef met him. And the chef asked him that, how did you manage with the situation in Egypt and so on and so forth? And they have a quota and

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restrictions? How did you manage to come up with the hedge 30 times?

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And this person said, dhf,

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I can't explain why don't have the certain answer, except for one matter that I think is the reason why Allah has given me this, because truly the years where I intend not to go for Hajj, but on the ninth of June, I find myself when something happens and I'm there. For the chef said what happened, he says, during my first Hajj after arafa we It was a tiring day, it was a hot day, we got onto the bus. And when I got onto the bus a bit late, when I got onto the bus, there was an old lady at the back. And she was complaining that her feet were hurting. And the way the bus was designed. It was designed in a way that the seats at the back had little legs.

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And it was for those who paid less. And the seats in the front had greater legroom for those who paid more. So she was asking for a seat in the front, and the organizers were refusing. So I sat on the bus and I could hear, you know, complaining and moaning and expressing a difficulty. So I got up and I went to her. And I said my dear mother, you take my seat, I'll sit here. And in response, she said, My dear son, may Allah bring you to our office.

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So Pamela, right. And this is a very telling thing, brothers and others in Islam because I'm ending on sadaqa and not bringing harm towards the people and bringing goodness to the lives of other people. The reality is, and as Addy robiola when he says in

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Law, nothing is nothing. Allah has kept two things hidden in two things. He's kept your knowledge of his happiness hidden after you worship. You don't know. He's kept that hidden, and he's kept your knowledge of his Olia hidden as well. This is what he said. And for many months I contemplated over this statement. Because why did you choose these two things to mention? How did he realize that these are the two hidden things? Surely there's other hidden things? Why is he highlighting these two hidden things. And over time, it dawned upon me that in the first instance, when he says Allah has kept your knowledge of his happiness hidden.

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The wisdom behind it is so that you keep on worshiping.

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You don't worship Allah and the scorecard system. If you worship Allah, and he told you that your worship was accepted, or told you that it wasn't accepted, you'll be marking scorecards, you'll be looking at how much profit you have that look, I've got assets here. I can, I can have a few days rest, right? This is human nature. So Allah keeps it hidden.

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So you don't know. So you were you wake up and the next day after you woke up the previous day, and you fast The next day, as you fasted the previous Ramadan, because you don't know. But this is not a punishment from Allah. As you can see, it's a mess. Right? By doing this, a wise helping us acquire for ourselves that religion. But also there's another reason and this donor to me years later.

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And that is the opportunity to worship Allah, through having good hope in Allah. This is another event. Do you have good thoughts about Allah? If Allah told you, your event is accepted, that was it. But if you worship Allah, and he doesn't tell you, it's accepted. Now you have a chance to have good hope in Allah that He has accepted. And this is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that no one should die except that they should die having good hope in Allah, that they will meet him on the day of pm and be pleased.

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And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Canada, you're used to love positivity. So through Allah not telling us or keeping our knowledge of his acceptance hidden. It gives us the chance to continue worshipping Him and then also to worship Him through having good hoping. So you prefetcher Allah rewards you and Allah He wants you for having good hoping that he accepted your future. Right. So this is one point, that and this is if you ponder over it, this is in relation, or this is between you and Allah. The second point when he says Allah has kept your knowledge of his Olia hidden.

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This is related to the effect. We have Coca Cola. That's the first statement, but for vocally bad. Imagine if you and I knew who the earlier of our we'd only have a few numbers in our mobile phone who needs the rest right? You only have a few friends on Facebook who don't need the rest. These are the only afula we have them. They make dua for us is done deal, right? So Allah keeps your knowledge of his Olia hidden

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so that you are not picky and choosey with the rights of the creation of Allah, you strive in being good to every human being.

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Because you never know. One day you might give your seat on the bus to one of those human beings and they will make dua for you. And it will be the opening of your dunya and akhira in an instant, right? This is this Masada case. So you should intend this when you intend to help someone intended to be a sada can ask and make it for the sake of Allah right and and when you intend to withhold harm from someone sometimes we help other people we know that they're going to be in a problem. So before they get into a problem, you know, jump into the situation and help and you don't have to tell them afterwards that a you are going to be in a big problem. Lucky this guy told me so I sorted

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it out for you. You don't have to say it's between you and Allah and that is a soccer coach you deposit it was Allah Subhana Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding I mean everything correct said is from Allah alone, and he's perfect in any mistakes or for myself and Shabbat and I seek His forgiveness to kind of level behind these Anaconda home or be handed nature to Allah Allah a land owner to boo la casa de la

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In this lecture conducted at Masjid Abbaas in Harare, Zimbabwe, Sh. Sajid Umar shares lessons and inspirations related to the season of worship known as the 1st 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah.

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