Sajid Ahmed Umar – The Role of Shaytan in Breaking the Family Unit #06

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the concept of the MAC MAC and its relation to family members. They introduce hedge and family members' hedge and family members' hedge series, as well as hedge and family members' hedge and family members' hedge series. The shava is a means to break a bond and ensure everyone is on the same page. The shava is also important in breaking a Muslim family home and creating "molehill trees."
AI: Transcript ©
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Love, love.

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Love, love, love, love.

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Love R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah who are either early or sahbihi Omen wala who begin In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala we praise Him and we request praises blessings and salutations upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to my dear brothers and sisters in Islam Salaam, Allah Allah Kumara to whoever catches me is Peace and blessings and safety be upon y'all and I welcome you all to episode number six of our short little hedger series together dedicated towards the hedge and the family and common foundations between them both. For today's episode, brothers and sisters, in Islam, I want to zoom into the concept of the Jamaat

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during Hajj and draw a parallel from this concept, and tie it along to the family, and more importantly, a successful, productive, transformative family. We know brothers and sisters, and it's now that the idea of the Jamaat stems from Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and him walking into Mena with his Muslim Allah He Salam doing everything in his capacity to follow through the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala related to slaughtering his married alayhis salam. And as he was making this journey, remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala as they walked this journey that to us is very short today but back then was very long and given what Abraham had to do, it was definitely much longer

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than it should have been.

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He was remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala right through every flat path through every hilltop training himself to Allah subhanho wa Taala first Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar vanilla Hill hunting Allah Akbar. Allah is greater, Allah is greater there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah, I don't worship my desires. I don't worship my fancies. I don't worship my wounds. La ilaha illallah wa Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater than me. My desire, my son, my wombs, my fancy, Allahu Akbar, Allah Hill, Hamed, Allah is greater and for him his own praise. He is the owner of all praise, right? So he's training himself Ibrahim Alayhi.

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Salaam is training himself. And Sherpa no doubt is watching the circumstances situation and thinking what a mighty what a mighty opposition Ibrahim Alayhi Salam entails socially upon sends reinforcements right because the fancies and whims and desires of man which one can manipulate via the Corinne, right, there's the screen that always pushes us towards evil wasn't working. So he sends these shapes in and the sheer pain come to him at three different intervals at intervals that you and I understand to be the place of the jamaats to date at these three places, and each devil was assigned to a sway Ibrahim alayhis salaam, off the path of obedience, right? That's what the

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devil His job is. And the devil can use piety if it helps you miss being righteous and pious, right? Because it's from piety. To preserve life is from piety, to look after your child is from piety to give your life up.

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To save your child is righteous thing to do, that you preserve your child's life, even if it means there's a chance of you being harmed. And you can only imagine what kind of ideas the sheer pain we're presenting to Ibrahim, but no doubt, all of this meant a lack of righteousness and piety if it meant going against a direct command from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And Ibrahim understood this Allah His salam, and he stoned these jamara he stone these shouting, so each one of them he stone them with seven pebbles, throwing them at throwing these pebbles at the shopping announcing Allahu Akbar, Allah is greater Allah is greater Allah is greater than what you telling me and what he was putting

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to me and so on and so forth, and he defeated them. Now today we have the concept of the Jamaat, which gives us a chance to mimic and act beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala from the life of Ibrahim alayhis salam, and many people when I'm on Hajj, I do advise

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the group of people that are around me to really develop a sense of meaning behind the act don't just go and throw stones at a at a stone

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wall right before it was a pillar and now it's a wall, but try and bring Ibrahim situation as close as possible to yours and my situation you and I we have since today since that defeat us, right? So if we could ponder over those sins and attach it to a pebble

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and go to that place and pelted because that is a day where she upon is being humiliated greatly because she knows why the oma is doing what they do.

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He's remembering and made to remember over the course of the days with every stone that is thrown, what he felt when he brought him earlier. He said, I'm defeated him, right. So if we take a sin, attach it to a pebble, with the sincere intention to leave that sin behind in the pit at the gym arroz.

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And this inshallah would be a means of assisting ourselves when we go back home against falling into that sin again, and we throw that sin into that putting my is greater, Allah is greater than the desires that push me to follow that sin.

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Right. So this is an idea. Now I want to take this idea into the family unit, how can the family unit benefit from this good brothers and sisters in Islam, whenever we see turbulence in the family, a lot of the times really, it's petty, and it's shaved down that is fueling fires at the sight of the husband, at the sight of the wife at the sight of the parents at the sight of the children making a mountain out of a molehill creating a circumstance that slowly but surely becomes untenable and unsustainable, but it didn't have to get there. And then we know sometimes it ends in a paddock, a divorce happens, the husband artists it and then he's in regret. And then he's looking for a fatwa

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to help

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you know sort of delete this event like to make as if this event didn't happen. And the spark and statement of divorce didn't stem from him.

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Apply the same rationale here or the same understanding towards a parent when they get upset with the child and the child not listening to the parent. And then turbulence excuse between the tear of the parents and the T of the children within the family siblings as well. Right. Mountains out of molehills we see blood brothers and sisters fighting because of inheritance matters before inheritance matters because father or mother did this to one child and didn't do it to another child and allowing one too few. The concept of hatred within us and make us feel as if a parent was unfair. Our parents were not fair to us. And they favored another child when that wasn't the case

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and the story of use of Allah He Salam and his brothers, the stories and far away from us brothers and sisters in Islam. So the concept of the Jamaat and how it can assist the family unit brothers and sisters in Islam is in this idea that we recognize a plan for who shavon is, and we take him as an enemy as Allah told us to Allah says in the shavon, there let Kumar do one factor he or she upon to you is an enemy. So you are commanded to take shape upon as an enemy. Take him as an enemy, and recognize his whispers recognize his plots, in your speech, in your actions in how you think and how you feel and ask yourself before you speak, especially during a conflict in the home, am I speaking

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to defend me support myself? Where am I speaking to raise the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala? Is my anger here for the sake of Allah? is me being upset here for the sake of Allah? Or is it for the sake of myself, because if you are angry for the sake of Allah natural, this boundaries that govern your anger, and you being upset, and the actions that stem from you, and the words that emanate from you, and so on and so forth, right, so we need to bring this idea into the household and take this insert inspiration from the reality of the heights that so many times Subhanallah shaitaan is a means of breaking this bond, the bond that Allah placed

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between the husband and the wife and the parents and the children. And by the way, brothers and sisters in Islam, Shere Khan is the happiest, the happiest, the happiest and extremely proud. In fact, he's proud of the Sharpie when they succeed in breaking up a Muslim family home. So it has Take heed brothers and sisters in Islam and ponder over the Hajj during the days of Hajj, let us ponder over the life of Ibrahim Alayhi Salam and the family of Hajj and the days of Hajj and draw parallels and understand what we need to do to ensure that we come out of the days of the edge, as a stronger family, as individuals and as a unit altogether I love you all for the sake of Allah and

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till next time Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Love, love

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Allah, Allah Allah

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