Sajid Ahmed Umar – The Essence of Business & Trade in Islam

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The Sharia law provides a guide to learning about Sharia's identity and reduces harm, with a focus on balancing wealth and community. The law provides priority to the community and promotes exchange of wealth and sustainability. The speakers emphasize the importance of maintaining a positive attitude towards currency and negative impacts of actions on society.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdulillah behind me will be in a stream on a Sunday on a Sunday Mannahatta mandovi They'll be in a Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman, Kathira and Eli Hometeam a mother.

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As always, we begin in the name of Allah subhanho wa taala, our Creator, Master Sustainer Nourisher, the giver of life and the giver of death, we praise Him, we seek his blessings, we request his assistance and guidance, and we seek refuge in him from the evil of ourselves and the adverse consequences of our deeds. We testify that himself but he guides and can misguide. And whosoever he misguided and then can guide and we request praises and salutations upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I believe that there's no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is his messenger to our brothers in

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attendance salam ala hiya alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh may have us was peacemakers blessings many safety be upon you all and it's a real honor to be sitting with a home crowd. In a session such as this one, this will definitely be memorable. And from the outset, we

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take the guidance of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we see in the screens in front of us, he taught us of Allahu alayhi wa sallam that the one who cannot thank the people, then indeed, they will fail in thanking Allah subhanho wa taala. And the wisdom behind this narration you see in front of you, is the fact that thanking one another, or the thanks that we give to each other, this constitutes the lesser thanks. And if we fail with the lesser thanks, then we indeed will fail with the greater thanks and that is in thanking Allah subhanho wa taala. So from the outset, we extend a heartfelt gratitude to Uncle Ibrahim yourself for having a vision of this particular gathering

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taking place and also executing it. We have a title excerpt from you and your family and make it heavy on your skills. I mean, you haven't been I mean, I highlight that this session is is unique and will be memorable, because indeed it is with a home a home crowd. I've had these types of sessions in in different countries in different settings.

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In one setting, the net worth of the close group that I ran,

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this sort of chat with was around 2 billion US dollars. That was the net worth.

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But no doubt this will rain more memorable, because it is a home crowd indeed Allah subhanaw taala bless you all. And we always say Charity begins at home. But sometimes you don't find the opportunity to be charitable at home. And as I explained to Uncle Ibrahim, if there's an opportunity, then I will be there. It's not a sort of case of constant travel and neglecting

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the home audience. Or where charity should we should begin at it's just an opportunity finds itself in other in other places, and I pray that this is the beginning of more sessions such as this one, with also other scholars from our community in sha Allah.

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This was meant to be a chat but given that we do have some time, I thought I share some information in sha Allah to create some completeness to our session this afternoon. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sunnah was not only to tell people what they wanted to know, but also what they needed to know. When they went to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and asked him about the permissibility of using seawater, to perform ablution

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He not only informed them about the ruling regarding the usage of seawater, but he also told them the ruling regarding eating the fish of the sea. If the fish had passed away, they didn't ask about it. But he informed them some Allahu alayhi wa sallam the scholars have deduced from this as part of the training as a mufti, that it is, from the mandate of a person representing the Sharia and teaching it to others to be aware, not only about what people want to know, but also what they need to know, things that they would ask about, but it concerns them. And that way you forecast

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a circumstance of ensuring safety amongst the people that fall within the remit of a scholar. Because no doubt the scholars remit is to be evidence for the people of his community. And when the Scala teachers, then his words become evidence either for that community or against the community because that community won't have the excuse of being ignorant in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the day of pm and that is why seeking Islamic knowledge is a communal obligation that from every community, someone must go and seek that knowledge. And if nobody goes then the entire community is rendered sinful. But if one or a group go and come back and work within the company

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At then that lifts the obligation of seeking knowledge amongst the rest. So in terms of what I wish to share with you, I'll share with you begin later.

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This topic, to be honest, is a vast one, the topic of transactions in and of itself is a vast one. And that is because the Sharia

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has a real concern about how we transact about how we engage in trade. And the Sharia has this concern because as Insha Allah we have understood Islam isn't just a religion, but an entire way of life. And I think we've heard this statement before. But the statement rings true in every aspect. Islam is not just a system that applies to us in the masjid, or in terms of the pillars of Islam, but rather, it applies to us with the waking of every day in the steeping of every night and the breathing of every breath that we complete. Islam applies to every aspect of our life. And if we just ran a cursory study, through an Islamic jurisprudence book, you will see chapters pertaining to

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every facet of life, whether it's to do with worship,

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the pillars of Islam, whether it's to do with cleanliness, whether it's to do with family law, whether it's to do with transactionally law, financial law, whether it's to do with penal code, civil justice, medieval Islamic judiciary, and even morals, manners and etiquette, you find all these things mentioned in a simple flick publication. Why because these publications are based upon evidence from the Quran and the Sunnah. And the Quran and the Sunnah covers every aspect of our lives. So this is why Islam has a

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mandate in terms of how we buy and sell. Remember, Islam is the timeless

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religion and it's the law is timeless as well. It stems from a timeless book, the Quran, which is the final testament, and the timeless miracle, right? It is, the Sharia was revealed to be a guide up to the day of pm and that's why you won't find any contemporary matter whether it's to do with cryptocurrencies, whether it's to do with IVF, whether it's to do with

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surrogacy or any other contemporary matter, except that you will find these matters, having answers for them from an Islamic perspective, right, that the scholars will be enabled because of the nature of the Sharia, how Allah revealed the Sharia to be able to produce answers to these matters. And that is because the Sharia is unique in terms of its system as well, we have the Philippines and we have them with a year at the Sharia as the established methods. And it has the matters that are open to change, depending on place, and space and time. And those matters that are open to change depending on place and space and time. They are understood in light of the syllabus. So not only do

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you have room to maneuver, but you have room to maneuver within a framework, so that at the end of your maneuvering, what you produce is something Islamic as well. And the identity of Islam remains. And that is why even in the financial sphere today, you find many universities, non Muslim universities, and then Muslim specialists who are qualified in Islamic finance. The lecture on Islamic finance is blogs online run by non Muslims telling us about some of the key functions of murabaha and Modaraba, and Mushara. Can all these finance instruments that we find now, in Islamic financing, they are lecturing on it, they are educating people about it. In fact, they even show

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your auditors they will come and audit your your operation and tell you whether you quote unquote Sharia compliant, right because it's something clear. And it's something they recognize as having an identity, they haven't taken it and use it as an identity other than the identity of Islamic finance. And as such, we see the term applying. Like I said, the topic is vast, I will share with you just a little bit that I feel is from the core matters in sha Allah that we as a community should understand when it comes to money buying, selling trade and finance in Islam. Firstly, brothers and elders in Islam and respected scholars, when we look at the essence of the Sharia, and

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we see that it came predominantly to achieve two outcomes. I've listed those outcomes for you on screen no doubt, it came to achieve many outcomes but we can

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synthesize those those outcomes and summarize it in the form of two important outcomes that formulate the essence of the Sharia. The first outcome is what the scholars say, we'll add and masala who will take theory and the second outcome is tackling MFRC or immorality imitating the Sharia to Janet Lee totally the masala was a theory the Sharia I came to give birth to that which is beneficial to the self and the community and make it abundant. And the second thing that the Sharia I came to do it came to reduce harm upon the self and the community and eradicate it as well. And it will claim Rahim Allah He eloquently describes the show

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We're in an amazing paragraph when he says a shehryar to Medina Ha ha ha, Allah He come in one masala him little rebel a different manner she will map he says the Sharia is founded upon wisdom and personal and communal benefit. It's founded upon it

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to a person both in this life and the next. And then he goes on to say a Sharia to Kulu Kulu ha Rama, what kulula Masilela. What Kulu hikma? He says the Sharia in its entirety, all of it is justice. And all of it is mercy. And all of it is

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benefit. And all of it is wisdom. This is the reality of the Sharia. And that is why any rule that you find that goes against mercy, and benefit, and wisdom and injustice, then this is not from the Sharia, even if somebody tried to include it as part and parcel of the Sharia, based on some form of interpretation. Alright, so the Sharia has a clear identity, you will not find injustice and Islam, you will not find harm and Islam, you will not find the opposite of wisdom and Islam, it will never ever happen. And this has been tested not just by individuals, but communities and not just in one space of time. But throughout the test of time, this Sharia is over 1400 years old now. And nobody

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has managed to attribute any form of harm or oppression or neglect, or the opposite of wisdom to the Sharia. And thus we see even in terms of certain groups that carry out certain acts, under the name of Islam, we've seen Islamic scholarship in its entirety upon a consensus.

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describe those actions as not Islamic, we haven't seen so we haven't seen people who are responsible and knowledgeable. Yes, God has come in many shapes and forms today. We're talking about responsible and knowledgeable Islamic scholarship you will never find from any of them, who understand the Sharia, justify those actions that clearly go against the mandates of the Sharia. So this is the step the essence is for the Sharia to achieve these two things, and I share this with you so you understand as well, that when we talk about any fatwa, any ruling, pertaining to buying or selling, or the realm of finance, it's going to it has to fit within the remit of this identity that I've

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shared with you here. Does it give us to benefit and make it manifest not just personal benefit but community as well? And does it reduce harm and eradicated not just personal but communal as well. And this is an important aspect. Brothers and elders and scholars in Islam, the Sharia gives precedence to the community than the individual must not have to the am mocha dama anima Snehal house this is a principle found, in fact, that the benefit of the majority takes precedence over the benefit of a minority. And this is important as well, that sometimes as businessman, we look at things in isolation in terms of what works for me, or what works for business men as a whole, those

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who have been privileged by being given startup wealth, capital wealth, big venture capital, or they received some inheritance from Allah subhanahu tiarella. And then through timeshare pan makes you develop a sense of entitlement, that you deserve these concessions, because of your personal circumstance, void of looking at the impact of your actions or any concessions that apply to you to the wider community. So this is something to remember as well, that sometimes we do complain about certain fatawa. And we do complain about certain aspects of the Sharia, even in zecca, even with inheritance, but these complaints if we really are sincere with ourselves, we'll see that they stem

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from personal bias and a need for personal self gratification. And the Sharia is not interested about a person in the entirety but rather a community in the entirety. And these two mandates that I distilled the other mandates of the Sharia, I was in terms of the first light come from what I'm going to share with you now that when we look at the objectives of Revelation, and creation, we see that with regards to Revelation, Allah subhanahu Attallah describes the messenger and the Quran as a mercy and not to a group of people, but to mankind as a whole. If we look at the prophets before Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam they were sent to specific communities, the Gentiles, for

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example, as we find in the old the New

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Testament, and especially the New Testament, when we look in the final testament, the Quran, we see the Quran addressing the believers, we see the Quran addressing mankind as a whole. And to the extent that the scholars have a pseudo fake they have this a detailed discussion about the rules of Islam and disbelievers non Muslims, do these rules apply to them in the sense that they will be sinful

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with regards not following it? Right. And the scholars have a famous discussion and difference of opinion between themselves regarding this but the point is that the fact that the scholars of pseudo jurisprudence methodology discuss this topic to

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teaches us that the Sharia is a mercy to mankind at large. So with regards to Revelation, we see that revelation is in terms of the Islamic mandate. It's for all of humanity, not just for a group of people. And with regards to the objective of the Sharia with regards to the creation, the no doubt, it's based on preserving the identity of Aboudi. And the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. And this is something we have to understand, Brothers and Sisters in Islam. They're even in finance, the identity of worship and Obadiah and servitude and submission and being a slave to Allah exists. And we can see this in this verse I have in front of you on my HELOC, Origen novel in Delhi, Abu

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Allah subhanho wa taala. He says, he says, We haven't created mankind or Jin kind except to worship Allah. And subhanAllah.

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This is an eloquent verse, as are all the verses of the Quran, because Allah could have said, we created you to worship Allah. But he didn't say that. He said, we didn't create you except to worship Him.

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And we don't have time to go into the technicalities, but just to explain this to you.

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Even in the English language, there's a difference between these two statements. If I, if I said, Abdullah is standing, or I said there's nothing about Abdullah except that he is standing from a linguistic perspective, the meanings are different. You might think the meaning is the same. Abdullah is standing there's nothing about him, except that he's standing so it means he's standing. The meaning is the same. But no, there's a nuanced meaning. When we say there's nothing about him, except that he is standing in Arabic, this is known as hustle. Right in the English language. It's known as producing a statement that has a meaning that's closed. If I say Abdullah is standing, I

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can add to that statement in terms of meaning I can say he's standing and he's wearing a cap and he's wearing a blue shirt and he's wearing some thermals, I can add to that statement. But if I said there's nothing about Abdullah except that he's standing, then nothing else matters about Abdullah except one thing, the fact that he is standing, and thus Allah subhanahu atta Allah says warmer hello to Regina. Well, in Lilia Buddha, you are not created except to worship Allah, that nothing matters about your existence except his worship.

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And you have to understand this and understand it well, because when it comes to marriage worship exists. And I delivered a lecture about this in Harare a few weeks ago at an ICA took place and I highlighted this that your marriage is a sign from the signs of Allah, the aspect of booty exist in it, it's not just a mundane function of life, buying and selling as well is connected to this idea of Obaldia. It's not a mundane function of life, it is something that will either bring you closer to Allah and you will build Paradise because of it or it will take you further away from Allah and you will you will build your hand and because of so this is something that we need to understand

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that we should not disconnect the idea of trade, buying, selling, borrowing lending from this idea of the worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala in terms of the objectives of the Sharia law regarding traded trade and finance, then we can summarize and distill these mandates into two number one, self sufficiency and I have them on the slides in front of you. And number two, justice and why not we just said that the Sharia is built upon mercy and justice. So let's quickly inshallah going through these two ideas. Firstly when it comes to trade as we have said the Sharia wants to do it number one self sufficiency and number two justice, the establishment of self sufficiency and the establishment

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of justice This is what the Sharia wants the hadith of Abdullah bin mustard around the Allah who is in front of you, sorry, am I not? Is it not moving with us?

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Just let me know inshallah.

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Apologies for that inshallah. We'll get this nice to you. So you can have these evidences close to you inshallah. We'll look at the hadith of Abdullah when Mr. Ravi, Allah who I'm in front of you, he explains that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, or he would say, in his applications, Oh Allah, I asked you for guidance, righteousness, chastity, and self sufficiency. SubhanAllah. Right. So this proves to us that

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this idea of business is connected to servitude. It's connected to Allah subhanho wa taala. It's part and parcel of our faith if it wasn't, why would the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asked for guidance and in the same dua, the same sentence, the same phrase asked for self sufficiency Allah who made me as a local Buddha, with two tacos from Taco self righteousness and piety will ever this is chastity and Levina. This refers to self sufficiency for looking into the next generation generation of valuable value probably Allah one. He says that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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Oh ALLAH suffice me with your allowances against your prohibitions and make me independent by your favor of all those besides you Subhanallah This is a derived from the doors of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, a man who was tasked with removing idolatry from the face of this globe oppression from the face of this globe and replace it with to heat, the Oneness of Allah subhanho wa Taala and all of its mandates with this massive mighty task, he has time sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make dua, in the form of what you see in front of you, Allah Who McFeely Behala Lika and heroic Wilhelmine before predicament see works Pamela is asking Allah subhanahu Urla for Halal systems that

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make me become enriched and not dependent on people through Halal sustenance and make me a person yet Allah who is only dependent on you, meaning grant me the hand, that gives them the hand that receives but not at any cost upon a set identity, make me independent of the people and dependent on you not at any cost to Allah, but upon an identity. And that is the identity of our booty, the identity of the worship of one Allah subhanho wa Taala this should be a means for us to revise our intention. My dear brothers and elders understand because how many times do we leave home? And in our minds, we just going to work if I take you back to

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what my fellow octogenarian ill earlier when we spoke about you not being created except to worship Allah, which means you are going to work daily should be just for the sake the worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. And it is because we don't intend Allah's worship in that which we do. And this is a tragedy because this doesn't separate us from the disbelievers. Right. I've run sessions with, with entities in the Middle East, in, in Asia, Muslim entities, whenever I pitch a question to their CEOs to the board, why does this business exists? You always hear

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the vision, you always hear the mission statement, you always hear this idea of profit, right? We're here to make a profit. And my answer to them is pretty simple. That profit is a result of what you do shouldn't be the purpose for why you do it. There's a difference between result and purpose and we shouldn't conflate results for purpose. That is what the people who are not from the family of la ilaha illa. When a Muslim goes to the university, and I ask this question to many university goers, why are you in university? The common answer is to get a degree. Again, this is a result of going to university it shouldn't be the purpose for which you go to university, a believers purpose is always

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Allah subhanho wa taala. And when your purpose is Allah, then your work your study your gym time, your holiday, all this becomes a form of Revita Ilaria Bucha. Now you enter the realm of worshipping Allah subhanho wa taala. So that you benefit from the result of the work, which is the profit that you make, but also you live a day that's not confined to this life of the world of this world. You don't live a day that's confined to your life to the grave, but rather you live a day that you will benefit from both today and tomorrow, that you will benefit from the profit here. And when you go to January, you will see the trees that were planted for you because of your day at work, you will see

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the palace that Allah built for you because of your time at work, you will see the treasures that Allah dug for you because of your time at work or at the gym. How do you do this? By making Allah your purpose. And this is what all the rules of the Sharia are about brothers and others in Islam, to connect us to or Bodie to Allah subhanho wa Taala The purpose for our existence and the being who took us out of no existence, out of non existence and brought us into existence. And this is why you have to understand are servants of Allah, that this whole idea of trade and business is not an end in and of itself. It's a means to an end. And when we don't make Allah our purpose, we make

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everything we do the purpose, then we've made business and in and of itself, and we've only ourselves to blame. If you think you're going to build your agenda just by solder, and soccer and fasting and going for Hajj, then, you know, think about this logically as an accountant, or as a businessman, she lived for 60 to 70 years. How many of those years do you spend insulin? How many minutes in your day? Do you use worshipping Allah insulin? How many days in the year? Do you use fasting? How many times in your life? Do you go for Hajj? But how many hours do you spend sleeping? How many hours do you spend work? How many hours do you spend attending to the mundane activities of

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life? If building Jana was only connected to Salah and Zakka and reading the Quran and these ideas that we know as direct forms of worship, what what kind of gender will we find when we spend

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moments of the life that we live doing these activities and we spend

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majority of the moments of the life that we live doing the mundane activities of life that are necessary.

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This is the understanding of Aboudi the ability to build Jannah through direct acts of worship, and the ability to build Jannah through making mundane acts of life, a type of worship, yes, the intensity of growth will change. Because when you worship Allah through direct acts of worship, your rewards are greater and highly intensified, which means your growth of paradise are highly intensified as well. When you worship Allah through mundane activities of life, that you convert into an act of worship, the rewards are less, but nonetheless, you still rewarded and your gender is growing as well. And this is the statement of the scholars of our past when they used to say that

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whenever a slave is in the remembrance of Allah, then the angels are busy renovating the paradise. And when they come out of the remembrance of Allah, those angels take a rest and the angels of Allah don't need to take a break. I know we need to take a break just now I can already see the heads rolling, but the angels of Allah don't have to take a break. This is the reality of the angels of Allah. What is the remembrance of Allah mean? Just keeping your tongue moist, sitting in the masjid. When you make Allah your purpose for what you do, you are now in the remembrance of Allah, your time at university, you in the remembrance of Allah, your time at work you in the remembrance of Allah,

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and you start having a shifted paradigm, you start seeing yourself being a Jana builder, as opposed to a profit maker. And when your Agenda Builder, you stop being stressed about certain things that profit makers become stressed about. When you become Agenda Builder, you stop conflating issues as profit builders do.

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And you become a person that transcends the realm of yourself, and you become a person then there starts living a life that leads towards leaving a legacy and that's what a legacy people are about. Right? And even

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as businessman, Muslim businessman, we should ask ourselves this question that if we were to die today, what will the world Miss? What will the world miss if you were to expand?

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That's what we need to ask ourselves. What will the world Miss we're not talking about your employees at work because they'll have a job in sha Allah it will be inherited by the people and Allah has system carries on if you were alive in that business was meant to fail it will fail wasn't dependent on you.

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This idea of earning as well wasn't dependent on you. You can't say my family will miss me because I was providing risk. No. Your matters of sustenance are controlled in the heavens, but for summer it is cocoa mama to Allah says your sustenance is controlled in the heavens, not on Earth. Nothing that happens on Earth affects your sustenance because it's controlled somewhere else not even hyperinflation in Zimbabwe. What you meant to eat you will eat and you won't die until you eat the last grain of salt that Allah decreed for you to consume. As Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the local local distributor na Salaam has informed me in enough Salanter Motorhead that

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the stock mula Risca, that no soul from your own mouth will pass away until they consumed the last grain that Allah decreed for them to consume if they consumed it and lived on that have nothing to eat.

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This is Allah system, but you as a person, what will the world truly miss it not for moments in time, but what will they miss in terms of the span of time? We talked today about the giants of the Ummah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam no doubt, we miss him. The Sahaba raga Lavon oh my god, no doubt we miss them. Why do we miss them for profit? Do we miss a dramatic and because of the billions he left behind? In today's currency? They passed away leaving gold and silver coins real currency.

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Do we miss him for that? Don't miss him for that.

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But we miss him for what he did for Islam. And for the actions that he did that sha Allah three we are Muslims today. Do we miss Mousavi bin or mayor for the famous latest sandals that he would wear from Yemen and the latest crust that he would have from Syria and the latest merchandise that he would have from pleasure? No, we don't we miss him because of how he gave all that up for La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasul Allah, when you put Allah first, you never ever finished last. So we don't want to go too deep into this brothers and ultimately Islam, but I do want to put this in front of you before we go into the chapter Inshallah, that perhaps it provides for us this framework. If we

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look at this idea of self sufficiency, as well as the Herrera Rhodiola one, he mentioned Lisa Lavina and Catherine Atilla well i Kindle Athena Athena nefs. Pamela, we spoke about how to shift your paradigm differentiate between result and purpose. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he is teaching us to shift our paradigm differentiate between money and wealth. We conflate money for wealth as well. Brothers and Sisters in Islam. Wealth is a whole different matter. And money is a different matter. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam here say self sufficiency is not having many possessions.

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Wealth is not about having many

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decisions, but rather self sufficiency and wealth is having the richness of the soul contentment of the heart.

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It's not about quantity, it's about quality. It's not about heart. It's about smart.

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This is what the Sharia is about. And sometimes the businessman says yeah, how can we balance between business and tertiary as a business and the worship, I say, brothers, we don't need balance, we need an imbalance. That's what we need. We need an imbalance. The problem is we're using the wrong paradigm to understand balance and imbalance what this whole thing needs is to be flung upside down the kind of COVID situation with the world was thrown upside down and the reset button was pushed right it needs a reset button because we are living through a recession in thought, a recession in terms of our paradigms.

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And we have the timeless guidance of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with us now here this is a question that is commonly asked when I share this with some of the business communities is being wealthy a blessing or a curse? I use the term wealthy here because that's what they use. But they should rather use is being rich a blessing or a curse I think you understand being wealthy is only a blessing. If you're if you have the contentment of the soul in the heart is only a blessing. But they normally ask is being wealthy and I understand it to be rich a blessing or a curse? What do you guys think?

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Put this to the audience, get some participation and give my voice a break. What do you guys think is being rich? A blessing in Islam or a curse? From an Islamic perspective obviously

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can be both explained how can you be both?

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depends much

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depends what you do only

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and how you earn it. Excellent. Mashallah, Mashallah.

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And how you live with it? Excellent, excellent. So, this is a beautiful answer, because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us that Allah subhanho wa Taala will ask us certain questions on the day of PM, each realm or genre that we will be questioned about what I want question except money, to have two questions, how you earned it, and how you spent it. If you earned it in a halal way. It's not enough, Allah will question you on how you spent it. If you spent it in a halal way, it's not enough. Allah will ask you how you end it. And you passing that particular genre of questioning depends on you passing both these questions, the input question and the output question.

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And no doubt, if input is connected to output, then there's around in between, you only spend it properly if you're in between is correct as well, how you lived by it. When you become greedy, you could probably loan it with an interest based loan. You might have earned it in a halal way. But then what did you do? You grow it in a haram way. Growth in a haram way came from were some issues that you had in between.

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So you're absolutely right. Money isn't a blessing or a curse in and of itself. It depends on certain factors, how you end it and how you spend it, I want to share with you two is from surah. Two Tasha is number eight, and is number nine SubhanAllah. I share with you these two verses amongst many verses because if we look at it number eight, we see Allah subhanahu wa taala praising the MaHA Ji rule for the poverty. And when we look at verse number nine, we see Allah subhanho wa taala, praising the answer for their wealth for the riches. Why?

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Why? Because the muhajir who gave up the riches for the sake of Allah and left McCann went to Medina. And then unsalted who had wealth they gave up their wealth and shared it with the Maharaja rune for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So as we see here, being poor as well can be a blessing. If you pour in the right way, if you need in the right way, it happened for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. We talk about the haves and the have nots, and we always tend to down upon the have nots, but what if that have not, doesn't have because he did it to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and as he was looked down upon by the people of the land, but he was so famous with the angels of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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That's another paradigm shift that we need to have we spoke about many paradigm shifts, earlier, we discussed conflating result for purpose. Then we spoke about conflating

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money for Wells. Here's another aspect, this whole idea of conflating not have or being a not have for being a have

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to Pamela and here's the guidance of the Sharia, and that's why we can't discuss first of all pertaining to halal and haram before we connect back to our code of

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conduct back to La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah let's Bucha the discussion. And then we can deal with the halal and haram because Halal and Haram is merely a leaf on a

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trick and if we deal with it we dealing merely with

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a result of a symptom and that symptom is going to produce other matters that will need more results and where do we where do we stop?

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How many times do we give birth to problems in our minds and hearts? Because of our detachment between the idea of business and where it stems from La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul.

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Right, so this is the idea. So in these two verses, we see this, Allah praising the MaHA Ji rule for giving up the wealth for the sake of Allah and praising the unsolved for sharing their wealth for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala Inshallah, you can revise verse number eight in verse number nine of Surah, to Russia. And that is why brothers and elders in Islam, five out of the 10, who were promised gender before they passed away,

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were billionaires,

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five out of the 10, who were promised Jana, before they passed away were billionaires in today's currency. And this was after removing from their net wealth, what they gave in charity, and they used to give in charity.

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Right, they used to give in charity, some of them relative relative would come to them, and ask them for financial help. And they will tell them, Go between those two mountains and the land that you find is mine. It's yours now. That's how they would give charity.

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They could give wealth, not fearing poverty. And despite this, they passed away as billionaires in today's currency and they were promised gender before they passed away. They should teach us something that getting into those high realms of paradise doesn't need you to be stuck in the masjid.

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Doesn't need Hajj every year.

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It needs you to make Allah your purpose for your existence. Finding Allah and everything that you do. Allah gave us all different unique abilities. We look at the Sahaba the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was wasn't trying to make them all who fell off the Quran wasn't trying to make them oil. sheiks wasn't trying to send them all to their room or Medina. He wasn't Harlequin, Walid He was who He was used him in his element, but just empowered. So you were fighting for the wrong cause before doing for the sake of Allah and then he became known as the sort of Allah Muhammad even if he left everything in Makkah comes to Medina he has nothing his brother from the more from the

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answer who the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam paired him with asked him What do you want from my mouth? Tell me what you want I'll give you half half of whatever I have is yours. I have two farms you choose which one I'll give you one I'll keep one from my wives even choose. This is how they will giving up the world for the sake of Allah and entrepreneur even have smiles and says just pull any other souk show me where the marketplaces and then he goes to trade. And after some while he comes to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Prophet notices a mark on his clothes. Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says you have to determine what is that mark? He says it's an

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expensive it's because I got married hon Allah. He had enough to manage himself to pay them to get married. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told me to do the walima

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here in a photolemur as well. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made dua for his business venture. To the extent that he says, I never lifted up a rock, except I found Prophet.

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did the Prophet try and take him away from that skill set, he was killed in business. The only needs businessmen, but businessmen, brothers and elders in Islam with wealth, or money in the hands and not in the heart. Our problem is we have businessmen Subhanallah but Islam doesn't feel the impact. Why? Because the money is in the hands. Sorry, the money is in the heart. And they've kept Islam in their hands. Anything to do with Islam is is expendable. Find me the concession Find me the share who's going to help me justify this transaction, find me the share who's going to help me sleep comfortably at night? Because why? The money is in the hands. Sorry, the money is in the heart. And

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Allah is in the hands. These these are however on the Allahu Germaine who we speak about, they were who they were because they had Allah in their heart and their money in their hands.

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To Pamela, or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, when someone came from, from the desert and accepted Islam and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam gave him money. He goes back to his people. And he says, Oh, my people accept Islam. For indeed the Prophet gives money, a giving of a person who doesn't feel poverty. And remember, this is happening at a time of poverty. They were unlimited people. They weren't a business people.

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A few from them, but businessman, but when you have money in your hands and not in your heart, only Allah in your heart, everyone feels enriched by the money that you have. And they make dua for you to be rich. Why? Because they know that with your money in your hands and Allah in your heart, you are not a businessman of me, myself and I

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so who you are in my metabolisms. Pamela

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He mentioned a guest who comes in to measure the neighborhood.

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And he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have nothing. I need some food. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in front of the Sahaba, sends His

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servant to his wife's house and says, Tell her to send the food she has the she sends the servant back and says there's nothing, he sends the servant to the next wives house. Same reply, the next wife's house, same reply until the top is. The servant has completed the homes of the prophets of Allah, Allah He was sent, and there's no food so the prophets of Allah Allah He was selling Dentons to his companions. What does this teach?

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He was a leader by example. Not only did he lead from the, from the back, as he prepared the armies and strategize, but it was a leader from the front as well. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam, ultimate leadership.

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This companions are watching the interview.

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And then what does he do? After they saw him having nothing?

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They heard him telling them who from amongst you can make this guest of mine their guest. A man gets up from the family of El Medina and says I will do a message of ALLAH and he runs home quickly. With this guest. He leaves the guest outside he goes to his wife and he says to his wife, Glad tidings we have the guest of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who will be our guest today. So the wife says, we don't have food, except whatever literally is cooking, which will feed me, you and the kids. That's it.

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So he says to put the kids to bed,

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prepare the food, dim the lights, and serve the guests and let him eat. And we will act as if we eat.

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And the guest is fed and the guest leaves. The next day. He went to the masjid as he did, he wasn't going for some recognition. He wasn't going to you know, try and get some pat on the back some praise. I bought some community goodwill. I'm going to get some favors from the chef. Because I donated to this project. No, he went to the masjid as he would go, and the prophet before he could even greet the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, Allah was amazed by what you and your wife did last night.

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How much would you pay?

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My dear brother in our daily snap to have Allah amazed by give up your business problem.

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So this is what it's about wealth in our hands. Allah subhanahu Attallah in our hearts, further evidence of this

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this idea that I'm sharing with you, I'm gonna go through it pretty quickly. Now. Insha Allah exists in

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this further evidence in terms of what did we say? We said when it comes to finance the Sharia has two elements, what are those elements to create self sufficiency and number two justice. So we continue with self sufficiency.

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Firstly, number one, the undesirable nature of being the hand that receives this proves to us that the Sharia wants for self sufficiency,

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because it promotes the hand that gifts and it doesn't encourage the hand that receives it knows by design, they will be hands that require to receive but the Sharia doesn't promote via verses via instructions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to live your life void of taking the means. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sought refuge from poverty as we heard at the beginning of our presentation, why? Because not something encouraged. Right? And the Sharia is connected. It came from one perfect source you won't find Allah telling us something in the Quran and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam doing something else. He's seeking protection in Allah from poverty,

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because poverty is not something praiseworthy, but self sufficiency is and that is why trade is an idea acceptable, and from the elements that the Sharia wants us to meaning from the elements of the Sharia wants us to achieve this, this idea of self sufficiency also, the Sharia teaches us the undesirable nature of debt.

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Unfortunately, we live in a rigged, capitalist society

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built on debt, where even the tax rules support those who borrow. It's very unfortunate, right? But the almost Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam needs to discuss real alternatives they need to come together. And we see this in the west and other countries. And that is why Islamic finance is kicking off as an idea in these countries, governments are being lobbied even certain laws that are not favorable between commercial banks and Islamic banks are being lobbied against.

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Money is being put into this. The best Muslim minds are coming together in terms of lawyers and economists.

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We need this in our communities outside of the West as well, because the system that we described as being rigged is an oppressive one. And we spoke about how the Sharia does not come with anything that is oppressive. We got to understand that when we engage that system and give up to that system and believe that what can we do? We need to be part and parcel of it, then you are contributing to that systems growth.

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And a Muslim shouldn't be that person.

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Because the last bastion standing

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entity of guidance for the globe at large is the home of Muhammad Sallallahu. It was a prophet to come after. If this woman gives up what hope does society and the world have at large.

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Each and every one of you here, in some capacity, carry a portion of the legacy of the greatest messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his brethren from the embryonic mostrato. Send him why? Because after him some Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah didn't take his legacy and shifted to the shoulders of one man. There's no profit to come after. He's the final messenger. He's the CEO of all prophets. Allah shifted that legacy from the shoulders of one man and placed it on the collective shoulders of an entire ummah.

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And that's us. And that is why we were described in the Quran as being the best of all nations. Why are you the best? Is it privilege? Do you think it's some royalty? Do you think it's an honorary description? No, you're the best because you carry a responsibility that no nation before you carried. And if we choose to act in isolation, and not be united upon the mandates of this legacy, when we only harming the legacy, number one, we harming the world, feeling, the Mercy, the justice, the benefit,

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the wisdom of this legacy. And we're only making our children's life harder tomorrow, because we will not be able to shift this legacy to them, as we received it.

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If at every generation, mismanagement of this legacy is happening, what's going to happen at the next generation?

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And we need to think of this as businessman. I know you want me to talk about money, but I want to talk to you about how you raise your children as well. Do you raise them with this idea when it comes to money when you send them to get a degree? When it comes to business? By Allah, no business management degree in the world will tell them what I'm telling you right now.

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It will not tell them what you've been reading in the Quran since the beginning of your life.

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And you need to understand the impact of selfishness and not selflessness upon the legacy of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam the man you know don't want to eat on the day of care.

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And inshallah we'll meet him, but the question is how, when it comes to debt, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, The believer solely is kept in suspension due to his debts until his debt is paid.

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This is a statement of intent

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that we shouldn't borrow for the sake of borrowing.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself,

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never used to leave the Jenessa of a person who passed away without any security to cover his death. He would pray but not leave the Gentiles. You would tell someone else to leave that generous.

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That's a that's a nut. We spoke about the statement of intent. But sometimes we say that's a statement. What about practice? Well, that is a practice of intent.

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That if your Rasool was alive today, and you will loose when it came to borrowing.

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Death comes to us at any time.

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If you borrow, borrow with little diligence, if you borrow for the sake of borrowing, if you borrow because of greed,

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the Know and understand that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not have led your Genesis, had he been alive today.

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And putting the emotional aspect aside of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam because you will not come to us. But we know that we worship the Lord who is our higher lady lion with the EverLiving will never die. And he watches us and our actions and our transactions. And he will question us about it on the day of PM, and he's going to send that angel to receive our soul. How do you want that angel to receive yourself? Okay, so again, that being undesireable proves the premise that I'm sharing

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that the Sharia comes with laws related to business and finance to promote self sufficiency. Also, as we said, the whole idea of dua of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam against being impoverished, and to ask for independence, dependency on Allah and independence from the creation of Allah supports the premise as well.

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Promotion of the idea of exchange, this is a another piece of secondary evidence that supports my premise that Islam wants to create self sufficiency from its rules and regulations pertaining to business and finance. If we look over here, Brothers and Sisters in Islam or elders it Islam, Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah plication as well Subhanallah the surah is a Surah of finance, even though it doesn't scream out finance, but if you ponder over it, you see this. If you look at sort of hash Coronavirus, highlighted for you the part in blue, Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions the idea of sharing wealth and

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He goes on to say why he says so that it will not be a perpetual distribution amongst the rich from amongst you. The Sharia doesn't want money to circulate amongst the rich of society alone. It wants that money to circulate amongst every member of that society. And that's why the Chevy I shared vehicles for this, as you can see in front of you is that car is from those vehicles. Many people think the car is just to pull off Islam and the religious obligation by Allah, it isn't it's a financial system, the guy is a financial system as well. And you will find the strongest of Muslim economies. They were not built on just for profit activity. They were built on zecca. They were

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built on Oh calf, which are endowment, they were built on sadaqa, what you see in front of you, and then the other elements of prohibition of riba, those transactions and forms of trade, and money exchange, that causes wealth to come back to only a few people in society, when you lend with interest, what's going to happen, you taking money from one end of society and bringing it back to the other end of society, Allah doesn't want that. He wants his wealth that he left with us as a trust to be distributed, because the more of us that engage in real trade activity, the stronger the GDP.

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And the smaller the gap between the rich and the poor will be.

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And this will achieve moral appreciation, this idea of looking down upon people, so idea of greed, this idea of feeling privileged, this idea of being entitled, these are tools that shame on us to get to us when when we see the gap between the rich and the poor.

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right when this is the Western construct, so nothing to do with Islam, and Islam, the poor man's voice is heard, and the rich man's voice is heard today, they say, No, you better speak because you have respect. Why do you have respect because of your intellect, because of your service to the community was because of the bank balance that you have or the perception that people have of you that you're the mover and shaker because mashallah you have everything that money can buy, right. So, here we see the Sharia has what further objectives when it wants us to distribute this wealth

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Subhanallah and that and if we talk about Zika very quickly, it goes beyond this, because if you look at Zika if you look at the percentage that Allah wants you to give for holding wealth you find is 2.5%. But if you make that money work, what happens?

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What happens to the percentages? They reduce why when you put that money to work, you benefit in wider society.

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If you if you take money, buy a property rental property, do you pay on the value of the property or the value of the rental income?

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Why? Because that property is benefiting wider society.

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If you take that money invested in a business, do you pay zakat on the cost of the machinery the raw materials or raw materials a different discussion between the foci depending on what those raw materials entail, but in terms of the machinery and the the the the elements that manufacture that produced UPS account on it? Or do you pay circa on the income the profit that is made after one year as well? That that infrastructure creative

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you don't think of these things which things occur or Subhanallah This is the selfish nature everybody wants to shift to find them the way to keep the cycle with them. Brother You don't understand you're gonna get richer if you pay

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you're gonna get richer because you're gonna give people money will come by from your business in shop, or they'll buy from another business and that business will lead something you haven't the money will come back it's Allah's money that's in circulation. And you will only eat was meant for you to eat, but you're not going to eat you die leaving and you're those who inherit from you it

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is a paradigm shift. This is a whole different topic. But the idea is it promotes exchange of wealth, the Sharia wants money to be distributed, why it helps create self sufficiency. Also.

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We talk about work,

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or work find diamonds we find in Medina, for example, from the Sahaba were those who had properties or endowments that would produce wealth, and those that wealth the profits would be used to light up the streets of Medina the oil that would be needed for those lights, money from there would be used for that.

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This business that produces a profit it's a work that profit will be to feed the birds of Medina.

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Stuff selflessness putting Allah in your heart and when in your hands. Not this idea of entitlement. What will the government do for me, the government must read for me nobody is contributing the Islamic economy. It's not about just an entity. It's an it's an entity along with

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the elements of that entity and that's why you see a working viable relationship between the people and always the beta.

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It's always happy the people are happy to pay money into the beta male and the beta male is

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doing that which promotes the growth of that society.

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And that's why when Zika is used well, brothers and others and it's not we find some communities at the time of poverty Allah one, the Emile of the community would collect the sucker and send it to Omar Omar will say, why are you sending this occur here? This is for your community. And let's say we don't have any more people to give it. There's no poor people in our community. It's finished.

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And this is another thing that shows us how the Sharia wants wealth to circulate amongst everyone in society. Because when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stipulated Zeca, he said

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to her Dohmen agonia him, what was the Allah for Cara, him, you take it from their rich, and you give it to the poor, not the poor somewhere else? As a start? I know today we live in a global community and this causes away that need financial help, but we shouldn't forget the local need as well.

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And then the focal House to discuss sustainable ways of giving zakat should you spread your sucker among so many people that keeps them sufficient for a week or two or a month and then dependent or should you take all that wealth and give it to one person and that person gets cancelled off the list is a discussion between the fuqaha and a matter that scholars of the communities decide for the for the people based on their knowledge of, of the community and the needs of the community. But the point is, these discussions are there. Where did where did these discussions come from, in connection to what the Sharia wants to achieve from business and finance, which is self sufficiency.

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Finally, brothers and elders in Islam, let's talk about justice, because this is the second idea that the Sharia wants to

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bring about from our business and our trade. And that is just as part and parcel of Islam.

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Equitable justice, because justice is about equitability, not equality, equitable justice, and we can see in front of us

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an introduction to this idea of justice in the Sharia, but I shared with you points pertaining to this so we won't go into it deeply. And in terms of evidence, we hear this idea in the Quran every Friday, at the end of the hotbar in Allahu Allah. Allah commands you to many things, the first thing he commands you to eat was justice. Subhanallah the businessman in the masjid why? Because Allah said either new de la sala Timmy only Jumeirah when you hear the call on the day of Jumeirah, first of all, realize Aquila. Leave your business and go to the masjid attend the Juma weather will be live your business now the businessman in the masjid and how does the hook by and before they sent

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get sent back into the dunya in the La Jolla Marbella

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Allah commands you towards justice and that is why Strange is the affair of the businessman who comes to the Juma leaves the Jumeirah and then lend somebody money with interest

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or find somebody who can't pay and then give them tight time to pay back with a premium. Strangers they're afraid of that person.

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And yet they go home and say I pray tomorrow today but have you really prayed? This is the question we need to ask ourselves because attending the Juma our procession, it's not just about the mechanical function of going and coming brothers and elders in Islam. It's about the function of recalibration. Allah took you out of your world for a moment to recalibrate, because the world by design will calibrate you the other way will take you off center will take you to the right will take you to the left.

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So go to the drummer and get your weekly calibration.

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And that's why we have the hotbar

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we have the hotbar.

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The hook by is meant to have words of calibration.

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But we have the businessman today when it comes to the Jumar.

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If they attend, they attend late we missed the hook by that they'll understand for the hook by that they don't understand. Or sometimes they sitting at the back talking when the hook was going on.

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Or sometimes they even missed out of the hook by income on the salary.

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So we need to ask ourselves the question Are we about money or wealth?

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Because it's not about working hard. It's about working smart.

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It's not about money. It's about wealth. And wealth constitutes far more than money can ever do. By Allah we have people we have people who are so rich in terms of net money, I won't call it wealth, but so poor in terms of so poor in terms of

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so poor in terms of our Subhanallah right, we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to

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inspire us and to grant us the true understanding oppression brothers and elders in Islam is haram. Allah made it haram upon himself and he made it haram amongst us as well. And there is a when it comes to riba you will not find a statement of intent to any sin as you will find with riba not alcohol, not adultery. Subhanallah but riba Allah says whoever as you had have with Abdullah reciting earlier, Allah says,

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then will be held him in Allah

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when you

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on the dotted line, you are declaring war with Allah and His Rasul and who can win in a war with allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Why because that is oppression, that river is oppression, you sucking wealth from one segment of society, to your segment you making a segment of society servants to you slaves to you, Allah created them free from being enslaved by you. This is a system of oppression, the rich are getting rich, and that the rich got their money from where from Allah subhanho wa Taala

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system of oppression and so this is why riba has a severe instruction because of oppression is haram upon Allah, and he made it haram upon you, and then you oppress in your financial dealings. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, help your brother,

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help your brother, whether he's an oppressor or he is oppressed. So the people asked, Oh Allah, Oh, Allah is a messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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and we understand it is alright to help a person when he's oppressed. We understand what that means. But how do we help the oppressor?

01:01:05 --> 01:01:07

A prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said by preventing him from his oppression

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by preventing him from his oppression

01:01:12 --> 01:01:50

Subhanallah right. So we need to help each other when it comes to this. Inshallah those in attendance are free from this, but be the law the message can go to those who aren't, and I know have real cases in this community of people who easily lend with interest clauses and increase compound the interest as well all the types of interest that that were found in Jamelia, we find it present today and maybe we can discuss more about it because I was told that they are questions pertaining to a liberal funnel, we can discuss that inshallah during the q&a. Okay, what is the Sharia is vehicle for promoting justice and forbidding operation, we spoke about the Riba and

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anything that leads to riba right anything that leads to it. So, we find that the Sharia also forbids transactions that are dressed or dead that are that are dressed like transactions.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:25

In modern day capitalism, we have many financial instruments, many financial instruments at face value, they entail a transaction, but when you dig deeper you find they are debt instruments like report repurchase agreements, repurchase agreements, which by the way, capitalist, Reserve Bank central banks used to manage liquidity between them and the commercial banks. This is purely an interest.

01:02:26 --> 01:02:28

Instrument dressed as a second.

01:02:30 --> 01:02:32

The Sharia makes all that how the Sharia

01:02:33 --> 01:02:35

forbids you from making a profit

01:02:36 --> 01:02:48

before assumption of liability? Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam say on Harajuku tama, why did he say that? He said, an hierarchy with demand the right to make a profit

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is connected to the the very reality of you carrying the liability of that being sold first.

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And that's why he said do not sell what you don't know. Do not make a profit from that which is not with you.

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The Sharia creates responsibility. The Sharia wants me to buy a car, assume that car, bring it into my ownership, so that I have to deal with the daily stress of whether someone steals it, whether it breaks down, whether it runs whether it doesn't run, whether it's met in an accident. Once I assume that liability, I've paid the price necessary. Allah says Now you can sell it at a profit, that profit is a reward for you having carried the liability for all these days that you have the vehicle

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so the Sharia slows us down.

01:03:42 --> 01:03:58

We look at money markets, capital markets, derivatives, betting on price changes, with no interest in the asset. All this is far away from the guidance of the results of Allahu alayhi wa sallam and by Allah, we read this hadith, we don't even think about that. But if we look at these habits, honestly, it's our entire financial system.

01:04:00 --> 01:04:09

This principle 100 with the man read many times when people don't appreciate what what what is being said. And that's what the scholars have said, if you buy something

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you only allowed you can sell it for no profit before you receive it.

01:04:15 --> 01:04:21

Let's say I buy a car from Uncle Ibrahim in the cost that at his house, I can sell it for no profit before it enters my liability.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:26

But I can only sell it for a profit when I collect it and drive it from this place to my

01:04:28 --> 01:04:37

where did this where did this reveal it is in the books and we think okay, just the rule. Now the rule stems from a source and that source comes from a system

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so Riba and anything that leads to it, the Sharia 4.0 some transactions the Sharia forbids Allah made gambling haram. But then people started create doing gambling through business. So the Sharia forbade transactions that resemble a gamble. These are called zero sum transactions as we see in games

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theory cited by Western economists about three to four centuries ago. So they brought this idea of game theory into economics, that you have zero sum transactions, non zero sum transactions and positive transactions. Positive transactions are those transactions that give the profit and both parties can benefit. zero sum transactions as you see in front of you. These are transactions in which only one party can benefit during the transaction at the expense of the other party. They can't both wait for one person to win the other one has to lose.

01:05:29 --> 01:06:10

And that's why the Scholars have spoken about insurance. It resembles a gamble. Nobody buys insurance wanting to benefit from it. And if you look at the algorithms that insurance companies use, you can see this is a game of chance. The premiums are based on interpretation of events. Right? So if resembles a zero sum transaction, one party will win at the expense of the other always. And as a result, the Sharia forbids it. However, there's a nuanced discussion. Yeah, in today's day and age because the Sharia has forbidden or zero sum transactions. Based on the jurisprudence, technique of Mahabharata. Hurry, hurry, hurry, Matahari lady, you're using the Hajj

01:06:10 --> 01:06:16

as the scholar say that Allah subhanho wa taala. He forbids things in two ways. Either he makes something haram because it's haram in and of itself,

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like Riba and he makes something haram because of what it can lead, like zero sum transactions, and gambling. So things that are made haram because it can lead to something else. If there's an overwhelming need that consumes the community, the focal heart of that time has the ability through each jihad to come up with a concession

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and make something permissible as an exception to the rule and not as a rule. And so today, we see scholars saying that insurance is allowed as an exception, because the harm of not having it is greater than the harm of having it.

01:06:52 --> 01:06:54

Because of the system's rigged again today, as we see,

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everything's expensive because of insurance. In certain countries, if you don't have insurance, the chances of loss have far greater than if you do enter the contract. But that's not our discussion today. But just for you to understand zero sum transaction sabotaged by Sharia forbid sabotage, to promote justice, the Prophet said, You are forbidden from selling upon the sale of your brother, you are forbidden from renting upon the rental agreement of your brother, you are forbidden from bidding on top of the bid of your brother when when the when the auction is closed. So I go to Uncle Rahim. And I say listen, I want to buy your car, he says, No problem. It's $5,000. And we agreed and

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somebody else goes down to the parameters, I'll pay you six, cancel the deal with him and give me the car. So

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that is how

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that sabotage is haram.

01:07:43 --> 01:07:50

And if it went to an Islamic court, the transaction would be reversed. If it was proven in court, the Islamic judge would reverse that transaction.

01:07:52 --> 01:08:00

If I agree, a rental fee with you, and somebody else wants the property, and then they come to you say I'll pay you more consulted with him, and I'll give you more harm.

01:08:02 --> 01:08:05

That is haram that is a form of injustice. So the Sharia steps in

01:08:07 --> 01:08:15

the Sharia steps in the Sharia doesn't leave us to ourselves. Right. And same thing with rebar very quickly before we end because when it comes to Riba,

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we see that the Sharia has left no door open to personal consideration. Why? Because the Sharia knows the overwhelming harm that rebar transactions will create I'll give you I'll give you a story that economists use. They call this the story of the fallacy of composition, to make us understand how greedy capitalism is. They say once there was a village, and their currency was look, they survived off goat's milk. And a drought ensued. And many goats couldn't produce milk. So the leader of this village made an announcement that everyone who has a goat with milk, they should look their goat, and out of the jug of milk that they have, they should take one cup of milk and come and

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deposit it in a container in the middle of the village. The next day, that container will be distributed amongst those who don't have. Look.

01:09:08 --> 01:09:28

It's not entirely communism, but you could say it has some communist traits in it. The capitalists, if we can call them what they decided, or one guy he decided I'm a capitalist. You know, me myself and I I make money at the expense of I don't care who so what does he decide? He says I'm going to move my goat in the dark.

01:09:29 --> 01:09:39

And I'll take a cup of water and go to the container so people see that I went in through the cup of water inside it's fine. Water will mix with milk and nobody will know that it became skimmed look

01:09:41 --> 01:09:44

what happened the next day they opened the container or did they find

01:09:46 --> 01:09:50

only water? No, no no no, they only found water not one cup water full of water.

01:09:52 --> 01:09:52

What happened?

01:09:55 --> 01:10:00

One guy was a capitalist but he wasn't alone. Everyone was thinking selfish. You see the harm what happened?

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And when everyone does it, everybody's the same. You might say I have excess wealth. This other person doesn't have well, he wants to start a coffee shop, he wants to start a common business. He let him eat and let me eat, I give him the money, he benefits, he pays it back more I benefit, what's the problem?

01:10:16 --> 01:10:25

The problem is there. And also when you when it's multiplied. Why? Because to make real money, there's two elements that you need, you need time and you need effort.

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But when you learn people through riba debt grows with just one element, and that's time

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if I need time and money to make the money to pay you back, and what I owe you is growing as the second hand on the clock takes what's what's happening here. And then we multiply and multiply and multiply and multiply and multiply. Now what's happening, we creating a financial system, where debt growth is beating, actual wealth growth, will never be enough money to pay the debt. Because the money I need, I'm still need time. But this debt keeps growing. I'm always at a disadvantage. And thus you need the depression or the crash, the bubble to burst for the reset to happen.

01:11:05 --> 01:11:13

And then everyone is humped in it, except the rich as we saw in 2008. The rich paid up a few fines and received the bonuses and walked off

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and got the Beverly Hills properties.

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And millions were homeless. And more 10s of millions went into poverty and money that was created in plein air through riba because that is also about creating money since then, the Sharia doesn't want this. You see brothers and others in Islam before we go into the rebar discussion, and we just close this and we can go for tea and come back in sha Allah. The Sharia considers currency sterile,

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doesn't consider it productive.

01:11:44 --> 01:11:50

The Sharia considers currency as sterile, not productive money should not give birth to money.

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What should give birth to money is tradable assets and services.

01:12:00 --> 01:12:09

And to be honest, in economics, what are the calls, they call this the real sector? Because we have the financial sector and we have the real sector.

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What is What are they telling you they recognize that's the real sector. That's where money is made through trade. With the fake sector, financial sector, we make money

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from money. And the problem is when you make money from money, you take money as an asset. And assets are always consumed by supply and demand and what happens even today when you know this whole idea of forex, is Forex, halal, especially when we're talking about Forex trade through platforms. I'm not a supporter of it, even if it's a sport transaction. Because money shouldn't be tradable like this. We should exchange money as per need. We shouldn't make it a business. We're not doing money a favor. We're not doing the economy a favor. We're not doing the community a favor.

01:12:50 --> 01:13:14

And who controls the rates today? So what happens on the trading platforms? Right? But we'll leave that inshallah after q&a. I'm gonna stop here we realize that this is supposed to be a chat, but inshallah I should set the tone Inshallah, for the discussions to come. I think we can have maybe 10 minutes break, you are the host so you decide Insha Allah, and then we'll come back and have a q&a for about 15 minutes or so. Yeah, we can have

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a nice long session.

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