Sajid Ahmed Umar – Surah Yusuf 10 Yusuf Is Proven Innocent

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of being mindful of what comes to mind and avoiding negative consequences is emphasized in the Islam practice. The use of patient language in providing assistance and advice to patients, setting boundaries, and avoiding negative consequences is also emphasized. The use of "haron," "naught," and "ar permission" in relation to situation is discussed, as well as the importance of being patient and not giving up on one's expectations. The segment also touches on the strongest opinion on the use of "will" in relation to actions and qualities of people, and the importance of being true to oneself.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa sallahu wa salam ala nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi adjumani. Back, respected listeners, my dear elders and brothers media mothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. We just heard the recitation of the part, which we intend to continue, while doing the stuff here, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala. To make it easy for us, I am going to speed up a little bit. Unfortunately, we have left out so much already. And we might have to leave out a little bit more, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make it easy for us, I am pressed for time. Obviously, the surah, as we said, is a school, we cannot speak enough about it. So we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala, to open

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our minds to that which is beneficial and make him and we asked him to make us.

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We asked him to grant us the understanding, and grant us the ability to comprehend that which is intended. Yesterday, we stopped at the point where this wine Pura went to the king, and not only gave him the interpretation of the dream, but he also provided the solution now in amazement, and any King or any man in authority would be just even a headmaster in a school if his tea boy came to him with the solution to a major problem that he had, or even in the home, if the lowest in rank would come with a solution to a major problem. You would obviously be amazed in question, Where did you get this information from? And if you were told that so and so, Grant Oh, so and so gave me this

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information, you will say, let me see this person, can you please bring him to me? So the king, he was amazed at the epicness in the interpretation of the dream and the solution that came so he immediately commanded that Yusuf alayhi salatu salam be brought to him for the magic of a Rasul Allah, Allah Arabic, el Houma. bellone, Swati Letty, Atlanta, Adrian. So when this wine pora actually got to use of La salatu salam in said, good news. The king has requested you to come out of the prison he wants to see you. And who wouldn't jump at that opportunity, the opportunity to actually come out of the prison use Avada his salatu salam says

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that return to the king and tell him to ask what was the reality of the situation ask him to ask the women of the city what really transpired between him and then when they actually cut their hands.

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Moroni Swati allotey Katana at home in Nairobi, UK, the Hindu Allium Allah subhanho, wa Taala. My Arab is all knowledgeable of that, which they did. So this teaches us also that he didn't go out and start saying things about them that you know, go and tell the king to ask them what they did. They enticed me, they oppressed me. They got me into a situation and they put me against the wall, and then they are the ones after doing all this immoral activity. They oppressively jailed me when I was totally innocent. He didn't mention any of these things. Obviously, we discuss time and time again. He's just was in Allah subhanho wa Taala. As long as his relationship with Allah azza wa jal was

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intact, was totally intact, was totally in order. He didn't care about the wrist in his heart. That was what it was his relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is a lesson for us that we should really be worried about that which affects our relationship with Allah subhanho wa Taala when it comes to our wives, to our children, in our businesses, in anything and everything that we may do, we need to make sure that we stop and think and make sure that this thing that we are about to say, or this thing that we are about to do, is it beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala if it is, I will continue with it. If it's not I will refrain from it. Why? Because at the end of the day, the

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happiness and sadness of the people is not important. The happiness and happiness of Allah subhanho wa Taala is V criteria and Allah subhanho wa Taala angered me staying away from it is the criteria because Allah subhanho wa Taala we will all return so Yusuf alayhi salatu wa sallam doesn't say that Listen, this is what they did to me. He just says in Nairobi, bkt nanny that Allah subhanho wa Taala is all knowledgeable of what they did. Now, Yusuf alayhi salatu salam here, amazingly, denies to come out of the prison. And

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remember in the first circumstance, when he was approached by this wine poor, despite the circumstances, the wine Porter wasn't obliging to the request of use of Allahu salatu salam use of didn't sell can act selfish. He didn't say I'm not gonna tell you. He wasn't selfish. He didn't put a condition. He remember Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that I am

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amazed with use of AlLahi salatu salam, and his generosity and Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive him. Allah Allah He was someone was telling

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me that I'm amazed with the patience of use of it. So that was Allah and His generosity and Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive him. Why? Because when this person came for the interpretation of the dream, Yusuf alayhi salatu salam obliged, totally Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, If it was me, I wouldn't have helped them, I only would have helped them, after they put the condition that they would take me out of the prison. So Yusuf alayhi salatu salam showed his superior character and quality, he wasn't selfish, he solved the problem. Now here, he places a condition, he's being asked to come out of the prison. So the request that's being made is not in regards to

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anybody else. If it was in regards to anybody else, like the first circumstance, the king wanted to know the interpretation of this dream, he obliged. Now it's got to do with him. So if he doesn't oblige to the request, he's not being selfish. So, now, here, he sets a condition, he says, Look, I will not come out of the prison, until and unless we find out or you people actually set the record straight to actually what what transpired between myself and them, and the reason to why I am actually in this prison. So this is the, you know, this is something that one can help but be amazed, you know, the patience of use of it. So that was number two, the last one he was selling,

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acknowledged the aspect of use of either historical synonyms, patient and patients. So Yusuf Alayhi, salatu wa sallam, he has set a condition, we learn a thing from what use of adding salat wa salam just did. We learn many things, but we can't mention everything. Of course, Yusuf alayhi salatu salam shows us here that he had both types of patients. And if there are even if we are taught in Islam or the Anima have made clear to us that these patients will you have to be patient, Allah subhanho wa Taala tests, he tests you with difficulties, maybe, you know, you got married and the marriage didn't work out and you you know, it ended up unfortunately in a divorce. Obviously, for

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the ladies, this is very difficult. They go through depressions, they they suffer intense sadness. They, you know, and we have seen cases whereby they even stop eating, they go through this extreme depression, it affects their lifestyle, it affects the weight, it affects the way they carry on. So maybe I'll adjust them, they went through a divorce. Some people might lose their children, Allah subhanho wa Taala might kill somebody by taking away a beloved person. Allah subhanho wa Taala might test somebody by actually making a business venture go bad, so many things that Allah subhanaw taala can test and remember Allah subhanho wa Taala if he loves you, he will test you. Not that you should

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ask Allah subhana wa Taala to test you, but you should be patient when Allah subhana wa Taala does so when Allah believes that you will gel Allah Allah, when he trusts you, and you exercise patience, this is known as a Sabra meaning the patience when you have to be patient, and if there are even a circumstance where you have to be patient, and you exercise is patience, Yusuf Alayhi. Salatu was Salam throughout the whole story, throughout every circumstance, he was exercising this kind of patience, whereby he was patient, he had to be patient, Allah subhanho wa Taala, was testing him. He went through trials, tribulations, he went through so many circumstances, new to him, foreign to

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him, he's a young boy, he's growing up, he's learning, there's nobody to guide him, all the circumstances he went through, he put his trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And he was patient. Now he shows that he also possessed another type of patience. This type of patience is a patience where you choose to be patient over here, he's being told to come out of the prison. But he chooses to be patient. He says, Look, I want to remain patient here. So he's not being faced with a difficulty. In fact, this is this is assistance, we unifi men come out of the prison, the king wants to see you. But he chooses to be patient. So Pamela, so he possessed both types of patients. One way he had to

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be he passed with flying colors. And where he chose to be obviously he's choosing to be patient for a must have for benefits. Obviously, there's a reason and there's wisdom behind him actually saying, Listen, I choose to stay here for certain reasons. And and this those reasons I made, I won't come out so Yusuf alayhi salatu salam shows that in circumstances, he also had the ability whereby he could choose to be patient and survived. That was no problem at all. Um, I also teach us that when it comes to patience, we have three types of patients. Obviously, I just mentioned the two categories whereby you are forced to be and you are and when you are not supposed to be and you

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choose to be. That's two. That's two aspects. But there's also three sub categories we can say, and that is a cyber FIFA Atilla was so burfi Mattia Tila and the third aspect is a cyber, as we said, In times of difficulty

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So the first kind of patience taught to us by the AMA, and that obviously, whatever doctor might teach us, it just is not from, from the minds or from the ownselves, obviously from the Sharia and the Sharia teaches us this is patience, whereby you are patient in regards to your obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the five times daily Salawat the aspect of paying user kawatte being kind to the poor, involving yourself in activities that bring you closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala inviting towards good preventing from evil. This requires patience, especially when you have shavon working and antagonizing you from the other side. He doesn't want you to read Sala and we always say

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this. You know when it comes to watching a football match, which is 90 minutes, we can do it No problem. In fact, we'll make an environment out of it, put the surround sound speakers, make sure we get a whole lot of friends home, ask our wives to bring the different eats that they can and we make a proper occasion out of it and we have a good time. But when it comes to Salah, which is only a few minutes, it's extremely difficult. Why? Because you have shavon on the other side antagonizing you, however a believer knows that a Salah is the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's the gift which Allah subhanho wa Taala granted to the Ummah of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and despite

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shavon antagonizing him, he's going to be patient in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala and make sure that he or she renders the Salawat at any place at any time in any circumstance. So this requires patience. And in the same way in taking out from your assets, a percentage to pass on to the poor, this requires patience. So as a sub patient in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Then the second patience is your patience in staying away from that which Allah subhanho wa Taala told you you should stay away from so this is also difficult and requires patience. Why? Because in this circumstance, Shabbat doesn't antagonize you, he's pushing you. He pushes you and you enough's and everything he beautifies this harem he deceives you and makes you feel that there is benefit in it for you. And the only thing stopping you from doing it is because you know that Allah subhanho wa Taala has said that you can do it. So you stay away from drinking alcohol despite how beautiful it may seem. You stay away from the evil environments of discos and casinos the aspect of gambling of

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engaging in drugs of letting your children raise how they want even though this is pretty dress that is in the shop window and you may like it and it's it's so attractive to you and you feel my child has to wear this but you know that this dress is too revealing the only thing that stops you from getting it is your fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala you know you are a believer and Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't want for your child to dress in this manner. So you are patient by not buying that particular dress you are patient by not doing that certain harem you are patient in not consuming alcohol you are patient in that you don't gamble you are patient in making sure that Allah subhanho

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wa Taala in every circumstance is happy with you and you don't do anything to earn the anger of Allah subhanho wa Taala so this is also a type of patients who are patients in making sure that you stay away from all that which Allah subhanho wa Taala declared as haram and commanded us to stay away from and then the third type of patience obviously is patience when Allah subhanho wa Taala tests you with different difficulties, and you are patient in it. And you pass through the test as Yusuf alayhi salatu salam did

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and we did say philosophy and what Allah loves you he will test you Allah has mentioned to us that do you think it is enough for you to say that you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala will leave you Allah subhanho wa Taala tested all those before us he tested them via adding salat wa salam. This is the world this is not gender. If it was gender, we wouldn't suffer these depressions and these anxieties, we wouldn't suffer poverty, we wouldn't suffer from sadness and all those things that make people sad from the killings and the wars and operations etc. This is not gender respected element. But this is the world it is the testing ground. It is the land of agriculture, whereby you

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plant your crops and put the necessary phosphates in potassium and chemicals and fertilizers and make sure that you have strong crops to reap in the year after where Allah subhanho wa Taala will be entering you into gender May Allah subhanho wa Taala make us from amongst all those who enter gender and not just any gender, gender with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. I mean, so Yusuf Ali salatu salam showed us these characters or these qualities that he possessed.

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And I did say that he didn't go on, you know, a speaking race whereby he started just putting everything from himself that this is what they did to me and this is how they oppressed me and you know, something has to be done. As we get some people at every opportunity. If they feel somebody wronged them, we choose to go on and on about it and everybody that they see, they feel it appropriate that they tell them of the wrong that somebody did to them. And this is not important why Yusuf alayhi salatu salam says here, I don't have to say anything.

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Why in Arabic aid in Allium Allah subhanho wa Taala is knowledgeable of what they did. And we need to learn from the steps if somebody wrongs us Allah subhanho wa Taala is knowledgeable of what those people have done.

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Now, the sort of lesson 11 he was sent him at this point mentioned so this happened to me use for somebody Academy, Allah, Allah. He said the same thing in the first Hadith when he was talking about how Yusuf Ali salatu salam assisted him with the problem. Here he says, I am amazed with Yusuf alayhi salatu salam and the patient that he has exercised and that he has and the generosity that he has in Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive him. Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala will forgive him. Sheena, Rasul Allah Kentucky McCann, Isla de tomar

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if I was in his place, and then this wine Porter came to me and said, Listen, the king is telling you to get out of the prison, it is a chance for you You are free. If it was me, I would have rushed to the door. And I would have got out as quick as possible. So Pamela, when I can know who are the other, but he exercise patience and he said, and I will only come out until you know I received an apology until

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my name is cleared until the truth or the reality of the situation that transpired between myself and them is actually clarified. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he also acknowledges Yusuf alayhi salatu salam, a superior character and quality. So now the king says okay, he listens to what the wind Porter has to say the servants that listen use have said I'm not coming out until you do this thing here. So immediately he addresses the ladies of the city and he says palama heartbroken either our use of amnesty.

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The king said to the woman, what was your condition when you try to seduce us?

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What was the condition what was the reality of the situation? So what did they say? They immediately answered and look how they answered. They said passionately love. Allah subhanho wa Taala is perfect. Hash Allah Subhana Allah Allah such perfect words, they use this hashtag Allah subhanho wa Taala is perfect ma alumna Allah him in so we know no evil about Yusuf alayhi salatu salam, there's nothing there is no wrong that we could pick from him if you told us to study this person and pick out the slightest wrong that this person could have had. There's nothing for us to pick. We don't know any evil aspect of use of an innocent person. I mean, Allah subhanho wa Taala is perfect and

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only he can create a person with such beauty with such handsomeness both on the outside and the inside in that, as we said before use of it so that wassalam was chased. So the women here cry out, Yusuf alayhi salatu salam innocence, and this teaches us the reward of one who is patient. He didn't sacrifice any of his principles.

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He was patient. He had his heart with Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala nothing mattered to him as long as Allah was happy with him. And Allah subhanho wa Taala does not waste the reward of those who do good. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not waste the reward of those who are from the believers. And he Allah subhanho wa Taala makes use of it so that so sometimes patients actually pay off whereby they themselves are declaring Yusuf alayhi salatu salam, his innocence. And not only that, now we even hear that the main culprit who was the minister's wife, she is going to speak out, what does she say?

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Aziz, and has Hassan Huck, the wife of the Minister of Egypt said now the truth has become evident. The truth has become apparent. The bill the beans are spooked. So to say. So Pamela, she said Alana has hasn't had as much as she tried to keep it a secret. The beans I suppose. You we have unlocked use of adding salatu salam Why? Because she realized that he's not going to fall for our protein our plan, and he might spoil our name is lock him up and put him away. So he or she says, and a house hustle. And as we said, we know it's a colloquial statement whereby you saved the beans I spoke meaning the truth has come out as much as you try to hide it. Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon all

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Eva, the women who are present they spoke out and procedures of it so that was enough innocence, and she was left with no choice but to say the truth has become apparent. The truth has become evident. Then she says I know what to Who am FC. What in the whole Amina Swati La ilaha illAllah Luca Yusuf alayhi salatu salam here, you know, Allah subhanho wa Taala with all these protection with all his wisdom, Allah subhanho wa Taala here clears the name of use of Allah His Salatu was Salam here, the main culprit herself, the wife of the Minister of Egypt, says, I it was I, I am the one who sought to seduce Yusuf alayhi salatu salam, and indeed he is of the truth.

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I am the one who tried to seduce him. I am the liar. I am the one who oppressed him. I am the one who has done wrong. And he is totally innocent. He is totally truthful. So we see the reward of one who is patient. And how did the truth come out? It came out extremely easy. There was no big fuss, no big war, no big meaning law cases and lawsuits making, you know, a mountain out of I mean, this was a mountain this was a big, secure meaning that aspect of this valley so that was what I'm actually being jailed in a situation whereby he was innocent. This is a big issue. This is serious, but just about a Serato sample, testing Allah subhanho wa Taala saved everybody unnecessary aggro.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala, as we said, does not waste the meaning of Allah subhanho wa Taala does not waste those who are the good doers and those who believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhanho wa Taala does not waste the actions does not does not waste they do as does not waste the trust that they have in Allah subhanho wa Taala and the culprits themselves here, cry out the innocence of use of Allahu salatu salam. So she says the truth has become apparent and Yusuf alayhi salatu was Salam is from those are from amongst those who are truthful when she says that he Kellyanne. She continues and Neelam hoeveelheid when Allah Allah Al Qaeda, hi, Amy, this is so that

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my husband, who was her husband, the Minister of Egypt, this is so my husband knows that I did not betray him in his absence. And that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide the plan of those who betrayed

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This is what she says. Then she says, Why my ob ofc in the next Salah American bisou illa rahima be in Nairobi, Rahim. She continues and says, and I do not make myself innocence. I'm not trying to make myself innocent. Indeed, the soul is a persistent enjoying of evil, the soul is inclined to evil, the soul is inclined to all that which Allah subhanaw taala made Haram, the soul is inclined to all that which shavon makes beautiful. This is what she's saying I don't make myself innocent.

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I'm not trying to act as a, you know, as somebody who's free from sin in the nwsl, American bizu illa Mara Mara.

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And indeed, my lord is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful.

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So this is what she says. Now, just for beneficial purposes, there are three interpretations of these verses that I just mentioned, from the point of, or from the police or the IEA, where she says and has happened. Well, after that I know what to say and how sad that is synonymous and meaning that is in the amount of ingredients that she was the one who said it, because Allah subhanho wa Taala says politeama Aziz and Anna has Hassan, Allah subhanho wa Taala said that the minister of the minister's wife said that the truth has indeed become a pattern. So in regards to this story, I might have to agree that she is the one who actually spoke this. However after that,

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from when she says, or when or the eye of Allah subhanho wa Taala. delicately, Adam and Neelam.

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From that ayah that Allah have to see to have mentioned three interpretations, one interpretation, and this is the strongest one in Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best is that which I mentioned just now that she is the one who's speaking, she is the one who said all these things. I am the one who enticed him and seduced him. He is the one from amongst those who are truthful. This is so that my husband knows that I didn't betray him in his absence. She's telling her husband that look, despite all that I did, I didn't go the distance I didn't betray you in your absence when you were in play. So I'm just I'm just I'm, I'm actually making clear here that I didn't do anything behind your back

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when the law came in, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide the plan of the of the betrayers, and she is the one who's saying that I do not make myself innocent. So this is one interpretation, and this seems the strongest However, for beneficial purposes. I'll mention what some other animals have to see to have contributed these another interpretation whereby the statement Valley Kalia Allah and Nila Han, who believe the person who's saying this is actually Yusuf alayhi salatu salam, not the minister's wife. So use of it. So that was lovely saying, This is so my master,

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who was his master, the Minister of Egypt. So use of it in salatu salam is saying, This is so my master knows that I did not betray him,

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meaning in sleeping with his wife. This is so my master knows that I did not betray him in his absence, and that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide

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The plan of the details. So this is a second interpretation. The first interpretation is

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the minister's wife speaking. The second interpretation is use of Alan's salat wa salam speaking, this is the third interpretation. And in the third interpretation, it is mentioned that the wife of the Minister of Egypt is talking just as she did in the first situation I described. However, she's not talking about her husband, she's talking about use of alayhi salatu wa sallam, she's saying this

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delicately, I'm Angela Merkel, who believe this is so that use of Allah His salat wa salam knows that I didn't betray him while he was in the prison. I didn't go out spoiling his name, and saying that he did things which he didn't do while she was in the prison. lemahieu believe I didn't betray his trust in his absence, when the law Lady kadal her in and Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide the plan of the details, and then they say that it's useful. And then obviously, they continue on my opportunity. However, as I said, the strongest opinion is that

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out of the three, just as a recap, I hope I haven't confused anybody here. But this is for beneficial purposes. The three statements are in the first place. The wife of the minister is speaking about her husband that I didn't betray my husband whilst he was not present. The second interpretation is that

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use of Allahu salatu salam is saying that I didn't betray my master whilst he was absence.

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I didn't betray my master by engaging in any immoral act or activity with his wife while she was away. And the third interpretation is that the wife is speaking, but not about her husband's above Yusuf Ali salat wa salam. This is so that Yusuf Ali salatu salam knows that I didn't speak bad about him once he was in the prison and spoil his name. While he was in the prison. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. And I told you this is the power of Arabic language, more than one interpretation, you know that it's so deep. So Pamela, but obviously, the strongest view is the first one that I mentioned that the wife is actually speaking that I, this is so that my husband knows that I didn't

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betray him in his absence. Why do I feel, or in fact, the majority of dorama feel that this is the strongest opinion, this is because she's the one who said and has hassle. Remember, I said at the beginning, that we'll have to see in agreeance, that she is the one speaking here because Allah said it Morocco as is that the wife of the minister said and has hassle, Huck that now the truth has become apparent. So the context shows that she is the one who is speaking. So this is why this seems like the strongest opinion and Allah Subhana Allah knows best. And once again, we can't help but be astonished with the power in the Arabic language and the power in the revelation of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala. Now, a few points to mention.

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Here, the women

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actually cry out Yusuf alayhi salatu was Salam innocence, right? This teaches us that no matter how much bad

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we find in people, no matter how much bad qualities we find in people, you know, you look at somebody you think this person has this problem, that problem that problem, their problem and their problem. So there's so many bad points you can pull out of him or her, no matter what you can say about them, they will always be good qualities. Remember, they were bad in that they entice you suffering. So that was an mo they try to entice him, they tried to seduce him. However, over here, they are honest. And they saying that Yusuf alayhi salatu salam is perfect, meaning Allah is perfect, there is nothing that we could find in use of Allah. So that's awesome. There's no evil we

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could find in him. So we learned that no matter how many bad qualities a person can have, there has to be a few good qualities in them. And we learned this from here that look at these women. Despite the earlier actions here, they are truthful and a person who is trustworthy or a person who is actually truthful. That's a praiseworthy quality, that something praiseworthy, we can say about that person that this person is honest. So we learned that they also had good qualities in them. And this is in or we use this principle also in regards to our spouses. If a husband looks at his wife and he sees that she's got good qualities, you should concentrate on the I mean, sorry, if you feel that

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she's got bad qualities, he shouldn't concentrate on those bad qualities. She also has good qualities in her. So if you see bad qualities in her think of the good qualities that she has because definitely she would have more good qualities then she would have bet and Allah subhanho wa Taala is upon all knowledge about

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this is what we learn from this and I just want to mention something before continuing we spoke about one metal battery NFC in the next

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An American be sued. So Pamela, this ayah talks about the soul and the inclination that it has towards evil.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, and that's a marital issue, and those who study the Arabic language will know that Allah subhanho wa Taala is using the expressive form of the verb see local mobile law, Amar, Allah wasn't Allah, on the scale of Allah that means he is expressively

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is expressively placing this verb to us to give us an understanding of how much inclination the soul has towards even a Moroccan bishop. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says, what a man half of a farmer a beat when enough So anyhow, Allah subhanaw taala also mentioned then, over here, that a person who fears standing in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala on the Day of Judgment, and he puts an end to the evil inclinations that his soul has to its desires. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us when I've seen one so far Alabama furusawa, taqwa and the soul and that which it does, and Allah subhanho wa Taala says We inspired the aspects that are good for you to do and we also inspired to eat the aspects

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that are bad for it to do meaning we inspire to eat the do's and the don'ts. And then Allah subhanho wa Taala also mentioned regarding the nuptse I get to an Epson with my inner and this is meaning this is how Allah subhanho wa Taala calls out to the soul that is actually or the soul that lived his life in the obedience of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanaw taala says oh contempt nefs algeri ihlara return for Allah subhanho wa Taala Nadia timberlea in a state that Allah subhanho wa Taala is happy, almost panatela is pleased with you and you are pleased with Allah subhanho wa Taala

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So, the one I might have mentioned some have divided the aspect of the soul into two categories and some have divided divided into three Some have said that you have a good neffs which is enough that Allah subhanaw taala praises and some have said the sorry. So the first group if you if we categorize the knifes into two categories, you have the nuts which is good that Allah subhanho wa Taala praises and then you have the knifes which is bad, which Allah subhanho wa Taala doesn't praise and some Malema have actually divided into three categories where you have enough soon enough, enough American soup meaning the goodness and the badness, and then a third one and nutso

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lawanna the self reproaching laughs the self reproach enough that when you do something bad, it reproaches itself or whatever it does the self reproach moment and the one ama who said that knifes is divided into two categories. They said that knifes

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meaning the two categories and an American be sued the evilness and the goodness which is Yeah, you get to hand up some of mine. So you have nuts with my inner which is the good knifes and left American visa which is the badness and the knifes Loma is in between both of them or you can fit it into both categories, which is the goodness and the badness because this is a self reproaching Allah subhana wa Taala knows best what we need to learn from this respected elders and brothers that all of us have enough we have desires are sold, as opposed to what Allah says is inclined towards evil.

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We need to be from amongst those who self reproach ourselves, deny the sniffs we always have to put a stop to it. It wants to listen to music you say no. It wants to do heroin. You say no. You want to get your children go out to mix gathering to say no, you want to go to a mix gathering you say no everything that Allah subhanho wa Taala says is haram and you're not allowed to do and this next wants to do it you put a block to it. So no listening to music, no lying, no backbiting anything that Allah subhana wa Taala is made haram each time you put a block to it, you are self reproaching you enough's. And what happens is, you convert this knifes which is American B suit, you convert the

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soul which is inclined towards evil from a murder to me so what you get when you convert it to the left, which Allah subhanho wa Taala calls out at the time of death, that oh contentedness return to your Creator while in a state of happiness. So, this is what we have to learn from this that our neffs is inclined to evil and not just inclined, inclined to evil in a manner which you cannot comprehend. A Mirage can be so anything wrong, isn't it? You have to have patience with you enough and you have to antagonize your nerves and go against it and convert it to what enough's which is Ravi, which Allah subhanho wa Taala calls out at the time of death and says, Yeah, yeah.

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So this is a lesson for us in regards to the nuts and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us from amongst those who can actually work against our knifes and conduct ourselves in a manner that we are happy with Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah Subhana

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No attallah is happy with us.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala continues and says what parlane Malika Petunia be. So now Yusuf alayhi salatu was salam, his name is cleared. So the king says that wacol and Malika Tony B and before I say this, I think we're running out of time. So I just want to mention a point that has cropped up to mind before continuing with the proceeding inshallah we can, we can continue tomorrow's panel that you know, the time is just never enough. But I want to mention the aspect of this ayah whereby Allah subhanho wa Taala says or narrates.

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Those people are saying that we're that Allah Subhana Allah does not guide in Allah Allah decadal hinein Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide those who

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who cheat who are not honest Allah subhanho wa Taala does not guide the plan of the betrays.

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This ayah reminds me of the i o by Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Allah Allah usually for a minimum of city that Allah subhanho wa Taala does not make correct Allah subhanho wa Taala does not support the way of those who am obsidian. Those who commit wrong and fitna in the land. When I when you read this, I you can't help but think of this idea in our lives. The hominum obsidian sunette lakonia This is the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his creation respected elders and brothers before the time comes to an end, know and understand that in the law of sitting Allah subhanho wa Taala will not support the way of those who commit wrong and of those who cannot who who actually commit

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injustice. Anyone who does something with ulterior motives, you will tell them in the law of seeking a student who cheats maybe in his in his examinations we will tell him in the law loosely Who am I will sit in a person who shows one quality on the outside and yet something else on the inside you will tell him in Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not support the way of those who do wrong. And in the case of use of Allah salatu salam they did wrong to him. Allah subhanho wa Taala didn't support them. This is the way of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his creation and use of Allah His salatu salam came out unscathed, his patients paid off and all the all the evil that the

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wife of the minister did, and the women of the city what happened, it didn't pay off and they were actually exposed. So you should remember this I respected elders and brothers, the son of Allah subhanho wa Taala in his creation, Allah subhanho wa Taala does not support the way or those who do evil Our time has unfortunately come to an end. We ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant us the understanding, I apologize for the speed that we are going at. As I said we are pressed for time. If I did say anything wrong in this stuff, see if it is for myself and Siobhan and ask Allah subhanaw taala is forgiveness and everything correct in it is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanho

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wa Taala is perfect. Join me again tomorrow. Insha Allah sallallahu wasallam albaraka Nana Mohammed

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