Sajid Ahmed Umar – Stories of Al Kahf #09 – The Savior

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of the Sicht inrosha's name and the need for visual cages to protect against noise and chaos in society are discussed in a series of guest interviews. The speakers emphasize the importance of reading and practicing certain techniques to improve one's life, including following guidance and warning of severe punishment. The speakers also discuss the history and use of words like "has" and "has not" in the context of Islam, as it is often associated with false information. The importance of following guidance and warning of severe punishment is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh dear respected guests at home I hope you're well inshallah and welcome to another episode of stories from alkaff. Today we will be discussing the Savior so Angela, what is the Savior in sha Allah with us? We have chef Sajid on a salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa

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barakato. Tomorrow hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah. Aisha

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via social media could have hamdulillah hope the UK is treating your Shangri La praise belongs to Allah Allah is most kind hamdulillah by ecolo Hara. At the beginning of the series, we were discussing the significance of the first 10 and the last 10 is of Surah Al calf, and inshallah we'll be looking at those IR today inshallah and discussing them. However, before we get into that, I'd like to you know, discuss a few things that I've had on my mind. And you know, why is Surah Al calf known as Surah Al calf? What is the significance of the name surname?

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bearclaw vignola bless you good questions. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah. While early he was talking to a woman why Allah, all praises belongs to Allah and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger to our viewers as well as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. So

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elk calf obviously is named after the story of the seven speakers that took refuge in a calf but perhaps you intend by your question that why choose this name given this other stories. And,

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you know, this surah is, we've called it in our during our time together the weekly audit, we've called it the weekly manual for revival and empowerment.

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But another name that we can give the surah is the Savior. And that's how if you've opened today's

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program with save eight is the Savior and that's because the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam says that whoever reads the first 10 the last 10 will be protected from the Antichrist that the jack now

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a cave saves a cave is in a boat.

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Right gave a cave offers protection.

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And obviously, the greatest trial you can have is

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trialing religion

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when your faith is at stake, right? Because if you if you pass away a disbeliever, then what do you have? Right? So the first story talks about a group of people that went into a cave to protect the man, the man, the faith. So this cave was a savior.

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For them to die upon belief was everyone was dying upon disbelief. So it's if you know, the greatest trial is a trial of the trial that pushes you towards leaving your religion that no doubt that will save you should most definitely qualifies to be the name of a surah of a higher surah. And yes, we need caves, we need caves. Now look, I don't want the viewers to start saying that they you know Shaq series is telling us to build caves in our homes. And just now we'll get some brothers going home with rocks and cement, you know, uprooting the living room. And now I don't want to, that's not what I'm saying. But I'm saying in this day and age, we need metaphorical cages. What I mean by

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metaphorical cave, I mean, a place a place to be insulates from the noise around us.

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I call it the thinking they

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are thinking that we need thinking days, whereby on our diary, we list thinking day.

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And we detach ourselves from our families. We detach ourselves from social media, we maybe go to the mountains where there's no mobile networks, if we can't get off Wi Fi or have 3g or 4g, or whatever it is. And we just,

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you know, be in seclusion with ourselves. That's a metaphorical cave, right? Why? Because everyone has a natural disposition.

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That is calling them towards guidance.

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Everyone has it, that inner voice of guidance. But the noise of society is drowning out that voice, the chaos of misguidance should I say, is drowning out that voice? here today? You see people? I mean, some people some people say, Well, you know, I'm always by myself. You always have people by themselves. You have people by themselves, but they're not by themselves. They're either with the TV, flicking channels the whole time wasting time. Right? Maybe they watching permissible things, but it's still a waste of time. So you've distracted yourself with that. When that's finished, you finished clicking, there's nothing else for you to click. What do you do you get your

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Phone, you start clicking your phone, you're on the internet, you are on WhatsApp, you are on telegram you are on this app and that app and this social media application, that social media application. So you're not really having downtime. You're not really having alone time. And then you go to sleep and then you wake up and you're back in you back into the hustle and bustle of life, as we call it. So the case protects. And there has to be those thinking days where we sit down with ourselves and say, listen, Sajid, Omar, how is your relationship with Allah?

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How can you better? How are you as a son? How can you be a better son?

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How are you as a husband? How can you be a better husband? How are you as a father? How can I be a better father? How am I as an employee? How can I be a better employee? What can I do better? I had a few conversations this week or this month? How could I have handled those situations better?

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Right? I'm a citizen in the UK, how can I be a better citizen? How can I contribute more? can I do?

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You know, we call it Soraka, weekly audit, right? Where are we in, you know, creating for ourselves a metaphorical cave, downtime, contemplation to contemplate and develop, save ourselves? To save ourselves? Sometimes you just you know, moving in emotion, he just moving in emotion, you just, you know, and it's interesting, because we're talking about the first 10 in the last 10. And we will discuss this we Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us into account that, you know,

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Have you not seen the one who, who is who's doing a lot of nothing, but he thinks he's doing something?

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stealing a lot. He thinks he's busy, but it's a lot of nothing.

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It's a lot of nothing. Yes, it, let's even say it's considered, quote unquote, productivity in the realm of the life that we live in, but in the realm of the athletes consider nothing.

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only accept boonah and don't say no, no sooner. They think that they doing these amazing things, or like half the stuff in this cave, it protects you, it's your it's your time to shine, it's your place to go into and come out stronger and better.

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Like the people of the cave, they went in weakness when they came out, they were in a period of strength. 300 years late, everyone's upon belief, everyone's in a better situation than they were 300 years before. Right? It is the weekly audit.

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It is the manual of revival and empowerment. And it is the Savior. So this is what I can share regarding the cave and why it's called the candle. It's quite interesting to know that, especially with the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam going to cave here before being given Prophethood he would go there to confirm exactly what a point that's a good point. He also went to a cave. When he was doing that, during the migration, he went into a cave with a backhoe, right for protection, protecting his religion, protecting his life, when he went to the cave of here are where revelation revelation came to him in a cave. That's where inspirations happen when you by yourself and

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connecting to your natural disposition. That is where you get inspired. And that is where the ideas the great ideas come from.

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But today we don't even respect ourselves by giving ourselves a chance. We don't we you know, we don't visit ourselves. Can I if I could say

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when was the last time you visited yourself you visit your friends you visit social media you visit visit? When did you visit yourself to actually sit

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down he was telling me to go to the cave to take himself out of out of the chaos of misguidance the chaos of gambling, alcohol, interest, you know, treating women as commodities, he's to heal, he went into a cave to come out of the chaos of misguidance. So you could connect with the voice of guidance and naturally this position that's telling that look, you don't know how to worship Allah but you don't you know that this is not right. That for some guidance is guiding you. And Allah says Well, we're Jeddah Kabbalah and

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we found out some people translated in an incorrect way they say Allah is saying we found you misguided and then we guided you know, Allah is not saying that.

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Allah is saying, we found you not upon the guidance, complete guidance. And then we taught you how to pray salah and give us a cow taught you how to worship Allah as he wants to be worshiped, but it doesn't mean you are misguided, like those that we sent you to.

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Allah knows best chef, he touched on the jar earlier on in this segment of the show. Could you please, you know, tell me the relation as to why the jar is not mentioned. When surah calf is wrenching in congregations for example, whenever I hear about Surah Al calf I only hear about the four famous stories. Why isn't the tegile ever mentioned amongst those stories? Yeah, so it's a good question. That's true. There's truly no there's stories in sort of a story about the the

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the story of the hydrogen modules that appear after the jail, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did say that the first 10 verses in the last 10 protect you from the jack. What is the relationship to the jack? Well, we sat through four stories together. The first

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Story was a trial and tribulation of power. Then the second story tried interpretation of wealth, the third story, trial and tribulation of non knowledge for trial and tribulation of meanings. And that the job presents all these trials.

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That's really, that if you sort yourself out your paradigms, your thoughts, your beliefs, your thinking patterns, if you take the guidance from this life changing manual that you read weekly, when the gel comes, you won't be fazed by it. You won't be deceived by fake wealth, fake power and fake resources and fake knowledge with the digital presents. And the gel will appear with these resources in a fake way and deceive people into following him untestable disbelief

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right. So that is the relationship. Right? But as I said in earlier episodes is not just to read, just read it and that's it knows to read, memorize, revise, learn, understand, and then put into practice, a person who spends their life doing this with the surah weekly. When the trial and tribulation all these trials appear, they'll be able to see it as a person sees an enemy that he knows zero to curve is teaching you about an enemy. But if you don't learn it, you won't recognize it when he appears Subhan Allah

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Sharla from this small segment, we've learned that not only is it important to read the ayat of the Quran, but it's important to understand it contemplate on it, and then implement it within our lives of Han Allah does not come along later on at home and duck malarkey onto the show. shala. We will carry on to the segment after this short break. We hope to see all of you at home with us in sha Allah Salam or aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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salam aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh their respective viewers at home I hope you're all well after that short break inshallah to Allah we will be carrying on with stories from alkaff and today's episode is on the Savior Alhamdulillah lashes. Before the break we discussed the reason as to why you know sort of calf is named the Surah Al calf and the benefits that we can derive from that inshallah, we hopefully will by the will of Allah would like to start on the first eight well 10 eight, seeing as we covered the nine and 10. Previously we'll go through one to eight in sha Allah, okay, so Allah subhanaw taala starts with Alhamdulillah all praise due to Allah who revealed

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the Book to His seven and did not make it in any crookedness. Now, inshallah So, could you please Yes, so Allah subhanho wa Taala starts off by saying Alhamdulillah and Alhamdulillah is the same stat that we find the source of Fatiha Allah says Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil alameen and Alhamdulillah if you look at the makeup of the word in the Arabic language, it doesn't just mean Praise be to Allah means all praises belongs to Allah and belongs to Allah means that Allah is a Hamid and the most praised perpetually whether you praise Him or you don't praise Him or Remember to praise him or forget to praise him or don't want to praise him. Whatever your circumstance is,

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whatever your situation is, he is the old praise and all praises belong team is the owner of it from ever and is the owner of it forever. And that's a from his name is Mohammed. Right, the perpetually the praised when he's the most deserving of praise and is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, no doubt. You know, he is

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the most praised and all praises belong to him. subhanho wa Taala. Then he says hamdu lillahi ends Allah Allah is the one who revealed upon his life.

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Now Allah could have said NCL Al Kitab Allah.

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Allah could have said All praise belongs to Allah who revealed the Book to the slave. But Allah said Praise be to Allah who revealed upon his slave the book, so he brought his lay forward.

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He brought his slave forward, he mentioned the slave before the book.

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And this teaches us

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how praiseworthy, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is because the most praiseworthy is praising his prophet is honoring him by mentioning him first by bringing him forward this type of operation in terms of

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the sentence in the Quran is an operation that teaches us the nobility of something this doesn't take away anything from the Quran. Right? But Allah is highlighting the nobility of the Prophet Why? Because remember the corinthia busy testing him becoming detalied coming to tell him that a tell us about the stories which we want to prove if you're a prophet in here the Chinese are you saying this his situation is beyond any need to prove Allah the Most praises telling you is the Prophet chosen by allies our last prophet hamdulillah De Anza Allah Allah Abdi Hill kita operation understand the language they know that the panel and the fact that the

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Well, this word him being a slave comes before the Quran is is a rebuttal to our stance and our situation here. It's a refutation of our mischief here. Right? So and this is the reality of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as well, he is a slave, they calling him a madman, they calling him a magician, they calling him somebody who's a poet, they call him calling him somebody who separates between couples, and children and parents because his message, you know, sometimes the wife would enter Islam, sometimes the children would enter Islam and now in a family that is fighting, so they will call him all these things on passing. No, you know who he is. He's Abdullah.

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He's the slave of Allah. He's the servant of Allah and the slave of Allah, the worship of Allah and in other places in the Quran. Allah teaches us

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that is the ABD.

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here Allah says, Alhamdulilah De Anza Allah Allah, Abdel ki Tov, and then Allah subhanho wa Taala in another surah, say, Subhanallah, the SRB we

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all praise be to Allah Who, who made his slave and engage or experienced the night Jen from most of the Haram with luck this during the era and the Mirage, right? Amal subhanho wa Taala says, we're in quantum theory, remember and Zelda Allah, Idina, that if you have doubt about this revelation that we've revealed upon our slave, right, so and then Allah in another source is Lama karma ogbu law in Surah. Jin, right then when Abdullah stood up to give the message in who is Abdullah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so he's not a madman, he's Abdullah line, the surah starting by saying, you know, cut your mischief, stop wasting time. This is who he is. This is testimony by Allah. In

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the Quran, the words of Allah, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the seven people so you know, 777 you know it, it carries whatever meanings it carries, we say yes, but not when you're a servant of Allah. That's the most beautiful title you can have. And that's from the most beloved names to allies. What Abdullah, slave of Allah seven of Allah. When Allah says, Allah, Allah, Who religion by human, so that's what I say here that Allah subhana wa Taala is saying All praise belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala who revealed upon his slave, his servant, His Prophet, the book The Quran, by him and sorry,

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revealed upon the messenger, the Quran wollombi agenda wherever you are in it. There's no crookedness.

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The human, there's no crookedness, but it is upright and correct and steadfast in its messaging, meaning, the Quran is not a book that carries deviant messages. The Quran is not a book that encourages deviant practices. The Quran is not a book that encourages deviant beliefs. It's upright and straight and sound in everything that it says. When it's concise, like you said earlier, it's to the point to the point. Right? And it's, it's it's steadfast and correct, there's no misguidance in it, there's nothing for you to worry about. Follow it and don't question. You, these people who are who are initially receiving the revelation, who are the question they they they questioning the

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Prophet for questioning the beliefs of the forefathers, who are your forefathers?

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What do they know? This is the Quran message from Allah, there's nothing this you follow without questioning anything. Then I must say as a human, a human meaning it's upright. The some of the scholars say it means wollombi Allahu Allah wotja or lacking Jana Hoopa eema. Some of them express it like this, that Allah is saying that we didn't place we didn't place any crookedness in it, but we made it something upright and correct in and of itself. Why did Allah He will the Quran What does Allah say in the next verse, that he might give warning of severe punishment from him? And he gives good news to the believers who do good, that they shall have a good rule? Yes. So Allah says we, one

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of them, we have revealed the Quran for several reasons. One of the reasons why we revealed the Quran one of the objectives, why we revealed it, is to give a warning to those who are causing mischief.

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And this is general, everybody who's causing mischief and glad tidings to those

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who choose to be guided, who choose to be to be guided. So this is one of the reasons or the other reasons why the Quran was revealed Yes, so that we may ponder over its messages. Why so that we may receive the guidance. Why so that we may fall under the glad tidings given here in the Indian area number two. So,

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number three, number three, which teaches us that if we fall into the farm or become part of the family of guidance, we get glad tidings of a mighty paradise. Now, what does Allah say name, staying in it forever in reference to paradise? Yeah. So whoever goes to paradise will will reside there in forever. It's not temporary.

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But Allah is highlighting here, that that place is forever by default, teaching us that this place is temporary,

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that all this mischief you're doing is not going to last, too and all the pain you receiving because of the people of of mischief is not going to last the patient through it. Right? Okay.

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And even the next I are number four, Allah subhanaw taala states and warn those who say Allah has taken a son. Now, yes, this is a specific warning yes at earlier on in the second is Allah is giving a general warning to everyone who refuses to come upon the guidance. And here there's a specific warning to those who say Allah has taken a child. This is a warning to the Christians who say Jesus is the Son of God. This is a warning to the Jews who say Isaiah is the Son of God, this is a warning to the isolators who say the angels are the daughters of God.

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Right? So this is a warning to all of them. So a specific warning. Right? And obviously, we know the main message of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam is though he believes in one Allah don't have to be martyrs to Allah. Go ahead. They have no knowledge of it know what their father's a grievious word it is that comes out of their mouth. They speak nothing but Allah Yes, this is a correlation here is that at the beginning, Allah is saying he's the servant of Allah. He's not mad or anything. And he's telling you to worship Allah, but you people are and the Quran that he's he's teaching you from is a human is upright and steadfast and correct. But you choose to blind follow your

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forefathers that's what we said earlier, he Allah is saying that you busy following you following people who didn't know they just said what they said and took upon them practices and it became a norm. So why are you so why do you have so much allegiance to this? And Allah mentions the mouth? Yes. Right? Because meaning it's something you know, when you say he's just talking, he just speaks he's got no substance. You know what I'm saying? Right? So this is a it's like it's it's the type of imagery being created, right? That is saying things which came out of their mouth. You can't say it it stemmed out of any firm belief or any solid evidence. Interestingly enough, Allah Subhana Allah

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mentions the mouth the story of the people of the cave, Allah mentions that a lot covered the ears. There's relevance, relevance, because when you sleeping, what is the How do you think you wake up by sound, sound by sound so Allah says, We broke the ears, meaning we settle the ears, and they experienced that slump, but he Allah subhanho wa Taala is mentioning the mouth Obviously, I'm just mentioning the body parts in that that's the relevance, but Allah subhana wa Taala is saying what you people are following the ways of your forefathers is nothing but by lies, lies, statements that just come out of your mouth, you have no substance. It's not built on any solid belief any solid

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grounds anything substantial is just a statement. Unlike this Quran is the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala that is upright in and of itself.

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Chava will carry on and try get the next few hours in before we have to stop for the end of the show inshallah, then maybe you will kill yourself with grief soldering after them if they do not believe in this announcement. So is this due to them regretting not believing in the monotheistic religion after this idea is talking about Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. And we spoke about this in the earliest episodes in our series, when we said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't say insha Allah. When he when he was asked the questions, he said, I'll answer you tomorrow. But he didn't say if God wills so Allah didn't reveal him for a period of 15 days. And that period was a

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difficult period for the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam he became extremely sad. And also because he loved the meaning he wanted the salvation of these people. He wanted this salvation. It wasn't just he was doing our he was doing our with love and heart. And they're not listening to him. So it would burn him, it would hurt him, it would weigh down on him. So a lot of you as well as to calm him down. Are you going to, I'm going to cause yourself to to become destroyed because of the attitude of these people. What does Allah say about them? Surely we have made whatever is on the earth and embellishment for it, so that we may try them as to which of them is best in works. All

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right, excellent. Now that particular verse needs some time in sha Allah. Unfortunately chef we've run out of time, and hopefully we'll start the next episode. Starting with the iron number eight in sha Allah to Allah. I hope you at home have benefited a lot from this episode in particular, and I hope to see you again next week. Baden Ella, and I hope everything goes on inshallah. So aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato qualico. Sara la Baraka

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