Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S4 E23 – Lessons from the Opening of Makkah #01

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The Prophet sallah alayhi wa sallam is the only way to grow one's level of taqwa and become a valued member of Islam. The importance of guidance from the Prophet sallday and the practical and pragmatic nature of Islam are emphasized. The importance of education and mindful behavior is emphasized, and the need for education and honesty in the Islamic culture is emphasized. The importance of being a woman and not being a husband is emphasized, and the need for education and honesty in the Islamic culture is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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wa Salatu was Salam ala Hotham in the beginning the Vienna Mohammed Ali he was so happy he was so limited Sleeman kathira and Elijah within my bad

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probably surgery surgery westerly Emory looked at me Lisa Annie, holy. We begin by praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we request praises and blessings upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to my brothers and sisters in Islam I greet you with the greetings of Islam with the greetings of peace with the greetings of the people of Paradise as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh me the Peace and blessings and may safety from Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah be upon you all, and welcome to our regular sessions Alhamdulillah during this blessed month of Ramadan, 1442 years after the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam from Mecca to Medina, and Episode Number 23, I

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believe of our series blast from the past

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blast from the past Syrah in the 21st century. This is season four brothers and sisters in Islam. And Alhambra. We're discussing the second phase of the Medina and period from the era of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Yesterday brothers and sisters in Islam.

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We ended off at a stage whereby the stage after that was going to be the pitstop sessions, our famous pitstop sessions, in which we discuss some of the lessons from the event that was just discussed. And in terms of the event that we just finished brothers and sisters in Islam, when it was in terms of our time together, it was the period just before

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the fat of maca, the opening of maca, and in particular, the Battle of motor and we discussed panela

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how or what a severe test that was, and the pivotal role of Khalid a little worried robiola while I'm in this particular battle and how he orchestrated the greatest retreat in the history of desert warfare. That's how it has been coined and described, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. At the end, he also corrected the Sahaba who in Medina by telling them that holiday Mill Valley didn't run away from the battlefield or the Muslims didn't run away from the battlefield but rather they returned to resume

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to resume the process a little bit later. Alright, because remember, we said when the Muslims came back, then the people of Medina went out and they were throwing sand on them, telling them how can you have a you know, run away from the battle and and we're going to touch more about this insha Allah when we get into the lessons, let's kick into our lesson. So there's many lessons brothers and sisters from the Battle of Mata and some have already been discussed or many rather have been discussed in previous events from the zero, but just if I can, if I may share with you the points that deserve mentioned even if it is a repetition, then Firstly, the breaking of the class system in

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practice is seen during this particular battle because remember, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he placed Zaid, who was his freed slave.

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He made him in charge of of the army before people like Jaffa, for example, his own cousin sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So if Islam was based on, you know, a tribal system, or a family system, or a class system, that no doubt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would have picked Java before he picked zayde. And don't forget Zaid was a slave and then he was freed by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So here we see clearly that Islam

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is colorblind. Its tribal blind, its class blind. It's only a yardstick for, for consideration is taqwa as Allah subhanho wa Taala set apart to be the yardstick for differentiating between

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people and the excellent so we don't judge based on color, based on ethnic background, based on language, and so on and so forth. It's all based on taqwa. As Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book in a Croma comb in the law, he attack on that indeed the most honorable of you with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is the one who is the most righteous, the most pious and we are in the month of taqwa that is what the month of Ramadan is, and we all competing with each other.

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To achieve taqwa and grow our levels of taqwa and none of us have a meter that shows our levels of taqwa brothers and sisters in Islam. So the reality is also we will never ever know whose deeds have been accepted, who is more righteous with Allah than the other will never ever know this. And we will only know on the day of pm and the day of gamma is not a day which you and I will will will judge things or have an opinion about about things rather it is Allah subhanho wa Taala who will be the ultimate judge. So that's the first stand stand out highlight. We discussed it before it deserves mentioned again also brothers and sisters in Islam. We spoke about this before any deserves

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mentioned again, it's all about tofik guidance, and the decree of Allah subhanho wa Taala it's not about the size of the enemies or about the skills and efficiency of your army. It's about tofik and guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala acceptance from Allah subhanho wa Taala help from Allah subhanho wa Taala like we said, we take the means, you know,

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practicing your skills, practicing how to shoot an arrow, how to throw a spear, they did all of this how to wrestle, how to practice you know, warfare,

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logistical matters how to think about things, playing different scenarios in their minds if this happened, this what could you you know, what one could do, if that happened from that experience, we learned that this is what can be done. All this is all well and good. And this is from taking the means, but ultimately, it's about what Allah subhanho wa Taala blessed the means only bless the means. And we spoke extensively about tawakkol in the episode, if it wasn't yesterday, then it was the day before. And

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also here we see Harley Davidson Waleed practicing tawakkol in the harlot even even in Walid, robiola and Harley Davidson Waleed, he took the means, right, he took the means to try and create

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you know, change the sense of understanding of the of the army on the other side and trick them into thinking that reinforcements had arrived and how he moved the people and how we made them stamp their feet hard and in the darkness of the night and bang the the metal and so on and so forth. Holiday nobody was taking the means. Right. So here we see the lesson of tawakkol. standing out again also brothers and sisters in Islam, like we said, Allah blessed Khalid's means hot leads means work because Allah blessed it. And again, this brings us back to this point that we're discussing, it's about tofik and guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Also brothers and sisters in Islam, we

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see that it is from Islam, to be pragmatic, to be practical. Islam is a very practical religion, its laws have been revealed in a way that is suitable to the vast majority. But then also in a way that takes care of the minority of cases because Islam is a practical religion. Right. So for example, if you traveling, don't fast, you can postpone the fast. If you feel that you can't fast, don't fast. If you sick, don't fast postpone the fast. In fact, if you fast you and you ill, and because of fasting, your illness gets worse, you'll be sinful. Right for females during the menses, Allah subhanho wa Taala permits them to pass that doesn't allow them to fast. Because when a woman's going

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through her cycle, her body undergoes changes, it's not a normal situation. So fasting will become difficult for them. So Allah subhanho wa Taala reveals an exception for them. This shows the practical, pragmatic, merciful, Justice based system that the Sharia or the laws of Islam are built upon. And like this, you can apply to all the rules if you if you lose, if using water is going to be harm you then this time of the dry revolution, right? With regards to the pilgrimage, it's only upon you to go if you can financially afford to, if you have the physical strength to if you have the financial ability without the physical strength you excused if you have the physical strength

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without the financial ability, you excused, the point is brothers and sisters in Islam. prac being pragmatic is from Islam. The middle way is from Islam, when we've discussed this throughout every season of blast from the past, right, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us

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that you know, be upon obedience to Allah to the best of your ability. If you can stand and pray stand if you can't sit in prayer, you can't sit lay down and pray. Right, but pray, right but where this flexibility the flexibility is applied,

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to allow you to achieve what is the greater benefit because no doubt praying is the greater benefit and you want to ensure that you achieved that benefit. However, if going through the default system, so that you can achieve it

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is difficult than the Sharia comes with alternatives. Right? Is that us? You saw Oh, lol Bedell, as the principal in Islamic jurisprudence states that if the default application cannot be implemented

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Then you revert to its substitute. Right? You reverted substitute. So how did you become a lead here so panel and it's fitrah Allah has created the human being and and then this was it wasn't like hardy Khalid used, you know evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to decide his approach. He did sure what the Sahaba no doubt. And then when he came back the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam confirmed that what he did was correct. So being pragmatic, is a big lesson that we take from this brothers and sisters in Islam. And also from a leadership perspective, they're also looking at your team looking at the capabilities looking what they can do looking what they equal at what they can't

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do in the month of Ramadan. What can they do when they fasting? What can't they do when they fasting, can we tweak the approach, you might have a contractual obligation towards achieving something being pragmatic means you might need to bring reinforcements, you might need to try and renegotiate the terms of the contract. This is all about you being a leader. This is all about you being a leader, right? If you are homeschooling, for example, and your children are fasting, you tweak the program to facilitate their fast the fact that they This is a little This is abnormal. So what can we do to recognize the reality of the team and be pragmatic within the framework of Islam

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and not going against the teachings of Islam? This is from Islam. Right. So sometimes we also set our goals in a way that creates negative anxiety and creates stress, unworthy stress. You we set our goals in a way that causes us to burn out because we don't take into consideration, you know, our norms, the certain things around us that govern what we can do and what we can't do. So this means that we setting our goals in a way that isn't pragmatic. And if we're doing it in a way that isn't pragmatic, then we're not following the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. So being pragmatic is one of the ways of the Quran and the Sunnah, uncondition that we don't do something forbidden. In

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fact, it was the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that whenever he was given two traces, he took the easier one he favored, he favored the easier choice of the two, he took the easier of the two options. This was this one, right? So in the same breath, brothers and sisters in Islam,

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don't go against the Quran and the sadhana but work within it and be pragmatic. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam confirmed that that is exactly what Holly did. In fact, you know, the sand that was thrown to him, and to the Muslims, it shouldn't have been done. Why? Because they actually follow the Sunnah in being pragmatic, as opposed to what people thought that they ran away from, from the people. And this is another lesson that we can take from those brothers and sisters in Islam, that sometimes you do something which is right, and people perceive it to be wrong, it doesn't mean what you did was wrong.

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It just needs people to be educated.

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Okay, now, I don't want us to hear this lesson and use it in the wrong way. Because Subhanallah when you talk on social media, people, what naturally what happens is you don't know who you're speaking to. I'm speaking to a screen, right? So I don't know who's on YouTube, who's on Facebook, who's on Twitter, who exactly is in clubhouse watching in, and then I share a lesson. And then we interpret that lesson to support

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a rule wrong

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practice of ours, this can happen, right? Many times a good lesson has been twisted, to support a false agenda. So don't get me wrong, brothers and sisters is um, sometimes we do the wrong thing. And people perceive us to have done the wrong thing. And we have done the wrong thing. But we think that we've done the right thing, and people are thinking we did the wrong thing, and they need to be educated. So don't take my lesson in the wrong way. In the second scenario, us we have to be educated. In the second scenario, we have to be educated. And you can see in this whole thing, you know, hardly this quiet. We don't have any voices in the Sierra that Khalid said this, or the Muslim

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said that when the when the dust was being thrown, but you can imagine that they went into a state of reflection, a state of contemplation that hold on Subhan Allah, this holds her back, we didn't think that we ran away from anything. And now it's been brought to our attention that we ran away. Did we do the right thing? Did we do the wrong thing? This is the right way of doing it until the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam stepped in and said, No, they did the right thing. Alright. Also brothers and sisters in Islam, we need to understand that we should judge people based on the endings. And we learned this about Khalid even Waleed himself, who was he before? And who was he,

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after he became a Muslim? Who was he before Islam? And who was he after Islam? Who was he before the Battle of Mata and who was he after, before the battle before becoming a Muslim, he was the enemy of Allah after the Battle of not that he was the sword of Allah Subhana Allah. So this teaches us that we should judge people based on the endings that you know, if people make a sincere change, they've sought forgiveness. They've rectified the ways they've mended their ways. It's not from the way of the Muslim to keep on reminding them of the past and keep doubting them because of their past. You got to move forward with the times the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't scold

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the Companions for choosing for choosing harlot.

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Right? He didn't go to tablet and say tabet How can you give Khalid the banner? Don't you know who he was before Islam? We don't

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See this brothers and sisters in Islam? Right The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who you can, you could say was proud of Sabbath, and what fabbi did and proud of college and what Khalid did. So we should, it's not easy, but we should try. And I know we live in a time where people don't give us If anything, they only cause us doubts Allah Stan, I know we live in that time, but we need to always calibrate ourselves and try and remain upon the center. Right? whilst whilst we shouldn't be naive, we also shouldn't be heavy handed on the other side, whereby we always doubt people, even though they've sincerely changed and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. Lastly, brothers and

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sisters, the last thing I want to share, I didn't think these lessons would take too long, because today's lesson is about the market. But

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as they say, time flies when you having fun, and these lessons are beneficial hamdulillah we are worshipping Allah subhanho wa Taala. The last thing I'm going to say is, you know, this battle of motor, it teaches us that.

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And this matters to the managers out there to the planners out there to the CEOs out there, to the charity leads out there, we need to remember that what constitutes a win, and a loss is not always the same.

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It's not always the same. You can't use the same parameters and idea to understand a win from a loss in every matter.

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Because someone might say, the Muslims lost out here, they went to avenge the death of the ambassador of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they they ended up running away, right, they retreated. So there was no not nothing happened. That they weren't they didn't avenge the death. And they came back to Medina having lost about 10 men, to somebody can look at it from this angle, but this is the wrong angle. Because if you think about it carefully,

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the knowledge that was gained from this trip, the experience that was gained from this trip, the knowledge and experience of the Muslims regarding the enemy. Now the next time they face the soldiers, they know what they about, they know what fear they have, they know that these armies come out to go back home, and we come out to return back to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they know the reality, this experience, you can put a value you can put money on it. This when you cannot. It's not tangible. You can't put some financial tangible physical value on it. Right, this is an invaluable

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lesson and win that they got from this in the same breath. The fear now that the Romans had for the most meaning

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visit the Byzantines had for the Muslims. They never had this before. Now it was there. Because when the Muslims charged them at dawn, and they thought reinforcements happened immediately the leaders became afraid and step back, and the army accordingly followed the leaders. So what's going to happen the next time they come into the battle? What do you think is going to happen? So you see, you have to think about you can't be pedantic in how you understand the win and lose and say oh win is a win or loss is a loss. There's no in between? No, this is they are nuanced circumstances, brothers and sisters in Islam. From the Muslims perspective, they became more experienced, they

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understood they they implemented pragmatism in warfare, they understood the enemy better than before. In fact, now the other tribes in the region also became more fearful of the Muslims, because who dare take on the Romans. And the Muslims just did it. Right. And Khalid has smashed nine swords, right? So they've they've taken big losses, right, and the Muslims, only 10 people have passed away. So in terms of people that the region, the region's view of you, it's changed. And in terms of the Byzantines view of you, it's changed. And people know that you're a phenomenal force, because you were only 3000 and Subhanallah, you did what you did. Okay, so these are some of the lessons that

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you know, the lesson I wanted to share, especially for those who lead organizations or lead home, like even with parents, sometimes we tell our children, you know, you failed the exam, and it's a loss and, and, and, and we forget to understand that recognize that the child worked hard, the child tried, it's part of life. In life, you fail, you get up and try again. But it's not all a loss, because in this process, they've won, they've got experience about the exam, they know how to now manage the anxiety better, they know how to study better, they know what their mistakes were, and then we help them learn from their mistakes and so on and so forth. So we need to we need to sort of

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become cultured brothers and sisters in Islam, especially in this competitive age that we are in. Okay, with that said, let's move on to the fetch of maca, maca and put three exclamation marks after it because the first half maca is really the highlight of the Sierra, amongst other highlights, but it's a standout highlight because remember, the other highlight was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the Muslims leaving Mecca, and how we felt at that time when we discussed it at the end of season two. It was it was it was emotional. It was difficult.

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It makes you speak about it like this Subhanallah but when you talk about the future of America, you speak about it like that.

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If I can, if I can describe it that way, so panela because this is testimony that the truth will always succeed. And this fact of Makkah, is really the truth, succeeding. Now let's go through some details very quickly. As always, we summarize and then we go into the lessons, we're going to need more than one episode for this. And the usual disclaimer still remains, be sure to go back to the books of Sierra and read it for yourself because I'm only picking I'm only picking snippets and highlights because I want to focus on those snippets and highlights in terms of the lessons that we can use today in the 21st century. So when was this Jenny about the mecca athea after his

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eight years after leaving MCC when did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam leave for

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leave for the strip towards Mecca with his men. I'm highlighting this first because we are in the month of Ramadan and he left in the month of Ramadan and some sources say it was the 10th of Ramadan was other say the actual opening happened on the 20th of Ramadan. And as we always say, they are these discrepancy date based discrepancies are not a big issue. Because there was no calendar system then. And they always based things towards or as in attachment to the closest major event. Okay, so this is Rama van Mater.

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And we fasting, we feel hungry, we feel thirsty, right? And we feel we need to cut down our work. We need to do less.

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But Subhan Allah, the Sahaba and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they did more. And for those who joined us in season three, we spoke about the Battle of better in the month of Ramadan. And here we have Fatima in the month of Ramadan, whilst fasting or the strategic planning everything and you'll see Subhanallah how meticulous the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam was all this is happening was people fasting and remember, they are not breaking fast like we do today upon you know with banquets in front of us may Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us I mean you're a blind amin and causes May Allah help us be from the thankful for we recognize Allah subhanho wa Taala his blessings

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upon us. I mean, you're up. Now why did this journey happen? Did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just say hello us? Look, let's just go and get my car back now. Enough is enough. It's time. No. But what happened? Something happened which goes back to alpha davia and the Treaty of alpha. And remember we said earlier today BIA was the opening of vodka before the opening of maca. How so? Well, the Quraysh broke the treaty.

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Some of the Quraysh went and broke the treaty.

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It wasn't all the heads of the Qureshi approving this, but some of them went and broke the treaty. How? Well remember we said one of the citations in the treaty was that the Muslims could enter into security treaties with anyone and the Quraysh could enter into security treaties with anyone and there's no issue here. Remember that? Excellent. What happens accordingly, the Jose air tribe, they entered into a security peace treaty with the Muslims and accordingly Boubacar they entered into a treaty with the coresh which means that if Balu Bakker attack, who's there and the Quraysh have been boubakeur attack who's there, then the treaty between the Muslims and the chorus has been violated.

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And the Muslims have a right to honor the treaty with the who's there and help the who's against the perpetrators.

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Now, I just summarized it quickly. Okay. But this is exactly what happened. This is what happened by Lou Barker. They attacked the Hosea tribe. And what the Horatio did the courage do some of the leaders secretly helped boubakeur how with horses with weapons and with some men, they thought you know what will secretly do it? This is treacherous brothers and sisters in Islam. This is not honoring your promises. This is not honoring your contract. Remember when when the Prophet came for the compensation or your hombre? They said, We know you to be a trustworthy person before Islam and after Islam and you sign that you won't bring these weapons. Why have you brought these weapons you

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can't enter Macau with these weapons. We don't expect you to go against your promise and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said I'm not going against my promise. The weapons will remain here and we'll enter MK, but look at them behind the scenes. They are instigating and orchestrating. This is the nature of who they were. And that's how we say time and time again brothers and sisters in Islam, Islam spread to bring people under the justice and mercy of Islam. The benefit of the justice and mercy of Islam was better than everything in anything these people will upon.

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Okay, so what happens? More than 20 people are killed from the hodza tribe. Now I'm urban Solomon who say he takes 40 of his people and he heads to Medina to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and you can imagine how emotional The scene is how cinematic The scene is, Chef Yusuf yesterday said when we discussed the Battle of motor that it was cinematic, you can imagine how cinematic This is

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He enters a price upon the Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam reciting verses of poetry explaining the harm that they received and pleading for the help of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. Now, for anyone who knows poetry or is attached to poetry irrespective of language, you know how poetry can can,

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you know, bring can give birth to emotions, and bring and wake people up. So they come into Medina with the scene. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says, You have indeed gained my help. That's part of the treaty. That's part of the treaty. We that's what we agreed, and Muslims are upon what they agree to. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. As always, he wanted to confirm things first. Again, this is consolidated throughout the Sierra mean lb Daya illan. Nia from the beginning until the end. And by the way, there's an amazing history book, in many volumes, written by a half with the bin Kathir.

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rahimullah, a famous scholar from our scholars,

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and much of what I share with you is from his, from his writings as well. It's called albida to only hire, the beginning and the end and he writes every everything based on the knowledge that he has about a meaning but based on the knowledge that he has regarding the beginning of time until the end of time. There are some portions of it translated into the English language, which you can check online for.

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So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he confirms the information. What happened? Did Balu Baqarah attack?

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How many men were killed X amount? Did the courage actually helped them? This is a very important point. Did they actually help them from behind the scenes? Yes, confirmed. Okay. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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moves ahead, accordingly now in a disputed narration. This is a disputed narration as an Amana, I highlight it. Allah knows best whether it actually happened or didn't happen is mentioned in some of the books of Sierra but it is disputed by some scholars. It is said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wrote to the polish.

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And he said to them, either you dissolve your treaty with Balu backer

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and you pay the blood money for the people that you helped kill.

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Or I will announce a resumption of war between us.

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Now, Gaza, ibn Abdullah, another leader from the leaders of the Quraysh, he felt that no, we cannot do this. Why? They say boubakeur, they are isolated like us. They follow the way of their forefathers like us, this whole deal, you know, this whole war, and this whole tension between us and the Muslims? Is they telling us to leave what our forefathers were upon. And that's why we fighting them boubakeur upon what our forefathers were upon. They worship idols like we do. If we forsake this treaty, who do Who else do we have?

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We need a new burqa. Okay. So his view was that they take the chances at war.

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Now, Abu sufian wasn't around.

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And he was from V seniors of the crash. And when this matter reached him, he he became angry. And he felt this was very foolish. This is a very foolish decision by carrozza. So he heads to Medina, to try and speak to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and to ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that can we enter new treaty? You know, these people? They didn't consult me. I wasn't part of this. I'm paraphrasing. I'm just imagining how it could have been. So let's enter a new treaty. I didn't even know that they helped Abubakar. I didn't know this happened. This was wrong from them and teachers from them.

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I acknowledged the mistake. Can we enter a new treaty and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did not give a time to Abu sufian. He didn't respond to him. Abu sufian didn't get an answer. He doesn't know. Is it a Yes. Is it a no. So he goes to the seniors of the Sahaba Abubakar Omar with man alley other seniors seeking help that come and speak to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intercede on my behalf. Let's not go down the path of war. You know, let's have a new treaty and he explains his situation. They shun him as well. They shun him as well. So now he's in Medina. He decides to go to his daughter, who is his daughter, our mother on Habiba the famous Habiba who taught us the

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Hadith, about the one who prays the sunon arowana tip, the one who prays the sooner

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they will get a house in Jannah The sooner it refers to the sooner Salah surrounding the compulsory Salah right the two before fudger the four before the two after the two after Maghrib

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The two after Aisha Habib, she taught it to us this narration she narrated from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and he said when the as soon as I heard this on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam I never, ever missed. These are our tips for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever does them, Allah will give them a house in general.

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This home Habiba many people don't know this is the daughter of Abu sufian

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Abu sufian, Ravi Allah and he became a Muslim after we will see insha Allah, I know many people think Abu sufian and you think Abu sufian but he became a Muslim Subhan Allah.

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And he will be in Jenna Subhana Allah. So he goes to visit his daughter on Habiba. Now, you know, it's her father. And um, Habiba, you must know.

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She did two migrations in season one or season two, we discussed the migration to Abyssinia right away. And I think we did mention we highlighted there was a group that went in from the Muslim Habiba. rajala one. So she accepted Islam early. And she didn't support her mother and father early.

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Right, and she migrated. And Abu sufian goes to visit her.

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Now remember, she didn't see her father for what? What's the count, say about? About 16 years. She hasn't seen a father for about 16 years.

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And he enters upon her home, and he goes to sit on a mattress. And when he tries to sit on the mattress, she kicks you moves the mattress away, she pushes it away. panela so he says to her, why did you do this? I don't know. Did you do this? Because I am too good for the mattress? Or is the mattress too good for me?

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Meaning Did you do it to me? Or did you do it to insult me?

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So she says, This is the matters of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and you are an impure? polytheist. You are an impure dirty idol worshiper. To Han Allah, she says to her father.

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So Sophia said, evil has before the nuisance you left me.

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So hi, Mama. There's lessons there brothers and sisters in Islam.

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You can imagine them now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam decided, as you can imagine that it was time to open MCE that time had come the way we're going to sort out this problem between the whorish the crash and and who there is we are going to free Mecca from idolatry and the oppression of the courage and the courage themselves because they are the ones who assisted boubakeur in this atrocity.

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Now, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam didn't just think about it like this in isolation. There's many things he thought about brothers and sisters in Islam, we remember we spoke about how phenomenal he was as a leader, you can imagine when he is making this decision for Makkah to be to be captured and opened, finally, and freed from idolatry. He thought, you know what, Medina, which is the city I traveled to, I migrated to is strong now. We don't have the treacherous tribes around Medina, by Luca, Luca Luca, Belo Kaurava para NaVi they all gone, right. They went to haber, haber has been dealt with as well. So we don't have that threat from the other side. Right. He's thinking

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after who they via the Quraysh became stagnant in the region. Why? Because we were doing that our they weren't doing anything. We were mixing with the people, the Muslims were trading and mixing and traveling and treaties were being signed. So people knew about the justice and mercy of Islam. And the courage was stagnant. They were doing nothing since her debut.

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So people are not going to, you know, create an issue with our arrival to Makkah, most likely, it will be a minority, and the majority will just say it is what it is. Let it be. Number three, the economy of Macau was getting poorer. Right? Because of the circumstances. And also because the remember in the in the Treaty of Abu Dhabi, the Quraysh said, Whoever runs away from us and comes to you. without the permission of his guardian, or her guardian, you have to send them back.

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Remember that? Well, people ran away from the crash and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said I can't accept you in Medina, I have a deal with them. So they didn't go back to Makkah. They went and settle somewhere in the middle.

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This is what they did. The wages that are somewhere in the middle. And whenever the quraishi caravans were coming through, they would attack those caravans and harm those caravans. So the trade of the Kurdish became affected negatively impacted. So their economy was weakened as well. But as for Medina, it was getting stronger. Remember after haber the Medina even came even more richer because the riches of Hebrew now belong to Medina.

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Right. And then as we said they will also treat is that the Muslims

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Had so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam strategically looked at everything and felt the time was ripe. There is no better time than now.

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And what does he do? He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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decides to make the move for brothers and sisters in Islam. You know, we've spoken at length of how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam takes the means, and how he keeps things a secret, because there's this hypocrites around and how he doesn't tell except the seniors and the Army goes out. And then when they come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has assess the situation, he gives details to the army of what's happening. And this was from taking the means to make sure that nothing is leaked. And, you know, because part of being successful in desert warfare was the surprise element. So he always Allahu alayhi wa sallam looked at the surprise element, but this time

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it was different brothers and sisters in Islam. This time, if you look at the books of Syrah, you see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam kept the matter between him and Allah, Abubakar, he didn't even tell Abubakar Ayesha, his own wife. He didn't even tell her. And it is mentioned that Abu Bakar and Ayesha and others would ask why should Allah and her particularly she would ask the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, she says I would ask him what's happening, Where we going? What's the plan? And he she got no answer from him.

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And this teaches you Subhanallah how obedient they were brothers and sisters in Islam,

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how obedient they were to the leader.

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Today, we live in a time whereby people clap for you. The more opposition you create towards the leader, if it's a wife in a home, she must have women's rights and oppose her husband. And they say that's a woman.

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I shadow the law. Now she's told nothing. And she's, she doesn't feel belittled or inferior, that she wasn't asked if it's in the workplace, who can stand up to the boss, if it's in the organization who can stand up to the leader.

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And then you see the whole democracy and parties and opposition parties. And every time even no matter how good one party is everything they do. The other party finds a hole and you find opposite. They bring it they they find the weak spot. They never ever clap hands for each other. No, no, no, no, they don't. You've seen it right? If you follow,

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you know, election time and debates and these parties and nobody mentions the good things that other person has done. And even if they done a good thing, and there's no bad thing, they look for the black spot, and that's all they speak about.

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Anyway, look at this hamburger lover emoji brain. They have no idea what's going on. But the Prophet said move. So they move. That's it. Now, to highlight this brothers and sisters in Islam. You know how many moved 10,000 people

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10,000 people were ready to go out with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam were to we don't know about what we don't know what's going to happen. We don't know. If you saw 10,000 people you'd say they must have been told that they were going to open maca. So they all rushed because Subhana Allah Finally, but no, it was a deep, deep secret. These people got ready and they moved and they became organized. Why?

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Call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is why

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call Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That is why he said it. That's it.

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That's the bottom line.

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And I leave you with that lesson for today. Okay, let's take a break here. inshallah This is part one of the opening of MCE. Tomorrow we will take part two, we have shared some lessons in between the narratives, but inshallah we also but do take note of the lessons I've shared in between the narrative just in case we don't have time to take a pit stop and galvanize and consolidate the lessons because Subhanallah Ramadan is heading to an end pretty fast. And we have much to discuss.

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We need to finish the fat marker and then the events after Makkah. And of course not to forget Subhana Allah, that what will be our sadness lesson and our hardest lesson, the passing away of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who will stop your brothers and sisters in Islam, where the Muslims are following the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam unreservedly. They don't know what's going on, but 10,000 have come together and 10,000 are ready to do anything. The messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam tells them to do this is episode number 23. Please join me again tomorrow for episode number 24. Part Two of the opening of Mecca of Mecca May Allah subhanho wa Taala accept

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from us I mean, you're a Brahmin may He forgive our past inspire our futures grant us the the honor of witnessing the night of power and decree and virtue. May Allah free us from the Hellfire and make our ending to the month of Ramadan stronger than our beginning and may He bless us to witness many

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Many more events and may He gather us together. So hon Allah insha Allah one day in this life, as he has gathered us here together via the internet waves and me he gathered us together in paradise. I mean Europa alameen until tomorrow May Allah preserve us in his obedience I mean as salaam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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