Ahmed Hamed – What if its Your Last Ramadan?

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of treating "arive" days with dedication and focus, avoiding harming others, and remaining true to Islam. They stress the need for strong personal commitment and forgiveness, as well as the importance of not promoting the Quran and spending time with Allah. The importance of forgiveness and strong personal commitment is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah al Karim while he was happy a Jemaine Rosa Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem rubbished Rafi surgery were certainly Omri watlow, aka Dr. melissani yeska, who call him my beloved brothers and sisters Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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First of all, we praise Allah subhanahu wa tada we seek His help his support in all our matters, the matters of this dunya and the matters of an era and we send bs salutations and mercy upon the last of the prophets, the leader of all the messengers, Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam upon his companion upon his family, and upon all those who follow him up until the last day, my beloved brothers and sisters, as we are going through the last phase of Ramadan, the topic of my talk at this online conference, remarkable Ramadan 2021, organized by almenara Islamic Center, Dubai is what if

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this is your last Ramadan?

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My beloved brothers and sisters, Allah subhanahu wa taala gave this confirmation gave this news 1400 years ago

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and this is a reality.

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What Allah subhanaw taala mentioned in the Quran in surah Allah Imran surah number three is number 185. A lot of Syriza he says I will do Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Kowloon of su the cultural modes, a lot of Riza, he says, and reminds us that every soul shall taste death, every one of us, the rich and the poor, the old and the young, the male and the female, the Muslim and non Muslim, those who believe in Allah and those who do not believe in Allah, every one is going to taste jet. And the real recompense, the full justice will be done on the Day of Judgment. So those who were taken out from the help file, and those who were admitted in Jannah,

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they are the ones who attain success

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in this world is nothing but play an amusement, my beloved brothers and sisters, how true it is. The depth may be fallen upon us, any moment of our lives, and Subhanallah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us, and this comes as a powerful reminder for you and me and for everyone,

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especially in this global pandemic, where we are going through such a challenging time, that we are seeing our own loved ones passing away from this world. Every single day we see 1000s of people dying Subhan Allah, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he reminds us

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to remind, often the destroyer of pleasures.

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He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Remember often remember, frequently, the destroyer of pleasures, and what is the destroyer of pleasures? a remote, the death of my beloved brothers and sisters. The reality is, the death may be falling upon us any moment of our lives. And what is this Ramadan is our last Ramadan? How would you treat this Ramadan? If this is your last Ramadan? My beloved brothers and sisters, if you and I were told, if you

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When I got the message notification,

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that this Ramadan,

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these last days of Ramadan that are left are going to be the last days of Ramadan of your life. How would you consider these days of Ramadan? How would you

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treat these

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days left over in Ramadan? How would you deal with these days of Ramadan, these nights of Ramadan? My beloved brothers and sisters, I am sure that if you and I are wise enough, we would deal with these days, we would deal with these needs, we will deal and consider Ramadan as the best Ramadan of our lifetime. Because we are told that this could be our last Ramadan, as it was the last Ramadan for many people out there who died before Ramadan who died during Ramadan who died just yesterday, who died just last week who died just last hour. That was the last Ramadan of the life. So this could be our last Ramadan of our lives. How would we treat them as I said, if we are wise, if we are

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intelligent, if we are careful, if we are conscious, if we are really mindful, we would deal with these days, these nights of Ramadan as the best Ramadan ever of our lifetime, we would make sure that we deal and treat this with our utmost dedication, with absolute devotion, with full focus with absolute attention with clear goal to attain Allah Jenna, my beloved brothers and sisters, we would make sure if we were told that this is our last Ramadan, we would make sure that the deeds that we do are full of quality,

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we would make sure that we would accelerate we would increase the quantities of our good deeds because we are told, we are told that this could be our last Ramadan. And right after eight we are going to meet our hub, Allah subhanho wa Taala we would make sure that the quality of deeds would be absolutely high, we would not think about our dunya anymore, we would not think about the means of attaining the pleasures of this world anymore. We would make sure that every act of worship that we perform in this Ramadan is going to be of highest quality. The delivery of these deeds would be of absolute quality, we would make sure that we will maximize our good deeds because we are told we are

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reminded that this is our last Ramadan. My beloved brothers and sisters, let us engage ourselves with the same mindset with the same feeling with the same

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mindful efforts that this could be our last Ramadan. So as we perform so many deeds, which are so beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala in this month of Ramadan, if it was to be the last of our Ramadan, we would make sure that our Salah our Salah, would be of absolute quality, with full of shoe with absolute pleasure of meeting Allah subhanahu wa taala while we stand and as we know the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, when you stand up for Salah when you stand up for Salah,

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treat it consider it it could be your favorite Salah it could be your Salah, which is the last Salah it could be my last Salah as my last Salah. So how would we stand when I know that my time is going to be up right after this Salah. I would make sure that I would forget everything and I would stern

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Still, I would stand with all I would stand with absolute dedication and focus. diverting my absolute, you know, mind to Allah Subhana huhtala every to be that I would do will be of highest quality, every ruko that I do will be of absolute quality every day that I do will be of great quality, every soju that I do will be an absolute quality because I know for a fact that I could die right after my Salah. I know to have the mode the death is trucks. It's a reality. So if I were to assume that this Ramadan is my last Ramadan, I have to really focus and narrow down with my good deeds, how can I make these good deeds as the best deeds of my lifetime because those deeds would be

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my last deeds of this Ramadan I would not have an opportunity and a possibility to deliver these good deeds because this is my last Ramadan so Allah so this feeling this feeling and experience, this mindset would allow you would inspire and motivate you to deliver the best to Allah subhanho wa Taala so the nice term for Salah as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told Stan, as if it's your last Salah, so if my last Salah

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is going to be the best in sha Allah, my future will be bright, my beloved brothers and sisters. In the same way. If I and you were told that you have just few hours

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to read the Quran, to be with the Quran, in this dunya and after that, you are going to be taken away to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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tore up the Darshan Majeed

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to a Buddha and I mean, you and I would make sure that we forget everything and we will be with the Quran, reading the Quran reflecting upon the Quran, making sure that this Koran should stand up in favor of us, not against us. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us I will put on jet on luck, our Lake, the Quran, it could be in favor of you or against you. And of course it will be in favor for those who are the companions of the Quran. Those who made sure that they are attached with the Quran, with the message of the Quran with the essence of the Quran. For them, the Quran will be in favor and for those unfortunate ones who have not paid heed who did not pay

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attention to the marvelous speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Quran, it will be against them. My beloved brothers and sisters, Allah of galerija reminds us in the Quran, in Surah Al Furqan surah number 25. Iron number 30. A lot of Buddha records what's going to happen in the future? What would be the call of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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Allah who he reminds us what color rosu what color rosu And on that day, the messenger would say, you're a baby. Whoa, my lord in Nepal mitaka Zoo Ha. Khurana Maha Jura. These are the people certainly These are the people of nine oma, my own nations, my own community for whom I pray for whom I cried for whom I did everything that I could. These are the people who have migrated from the Quran. These are the people who had the Quran indirectness who had the Quran, writing them who bites who had the Quran right in their homes who had the Quran with with them in plenty, but they did not pay attention to the Quran. They did not read the Quran as it should be read. They did not believe

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in the Quran, as it should be believed. They did not understand the Quran as it should be understood. They did not understand the reflection of the Quran as it should be reflected. They did not practice the Quran is

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They should be practice. They did not promoted the Quran as it should be promoted, or Allah, or my Lord, these are the people who have migrated the Quran, may Allah bless their prevent us, protect us. And let us not be among those who have migrated with the Quran. And this would come, my beloved brothers and sisters, this mindset, this attention, this focus would come if you and I were to feel that this hour could be my last hour. So let me be prepared. And let me be with the Quran with the speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In my last moments of life, my beloved brothers and sisters, likewise, if you and I were to toll, you don't want to be informed, that this is my last fast.

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Imagine, tomorrow sounds sad, I will not able to do if I am told that this is your last fasting, this is your last fasting of your life. How would I make my fasting, I would make sure that I meet the objective of the fasting and that is

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cool. I would make sure that I would try to gain the consciousness of Allah boulerice, my beloved brothers and sisters, I would make sure that I reach out to the fruits of fasting because I know that tomorrow I'm not able to fast tomorrow how I have no possibility and no opportunity. So I'll make sure I will not harm my fasting any any, you know, in any way, shape or form. I would make sure that I would make my fasting the absolute good deed because for which Allah subhanho wa Taala he says that I will I will read I will reward fasting also all deeds of the sons of Adam for for them but CRM for fasting, Allah, Allah is he says this is for me, and I shall reward it. Allahu Akbar.

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What if this is your last fasting My beloved brothers and sisters, you would make sure that you sassed in the best way possible. Insha Allah like why is my beloved brothers and sisters, if you and I were told that this is your last Vicar last remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala while you are in this dunya you and I would make sure that we would utter intensely Illa Illa Allah, La ilaha illa Allah, La ilaha IL Allah, we would make sure that we will declare the unity, the exclusiveness the divinity of Allah subhanho wa Taala we would reiterate again and again that there is none worthy of worship, except Allah subhanho wa Taala and as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us, my

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beloved brothers and sisters

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kulula ilaha illa Allah to flee who, whoever says La ilaha IL Allah will succeed, what would be the level of those who c'est la ilaha illa Allah, whose words are La ilaha illa Allah while they die, may Allah Allah is give us this opportunity, and this possibility to utter these words, when we depart this world, my beloved brothers and sisters, like rise, what

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will be the level of your connection with Allah subhanho wa Taala in the form of da when you and I were told that this is going to be your last day

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after which you will not be having any more time? No more opportunity, no more possibility. This is going to be your last dude. How would you make dua to Allah subhanho wa Taala. If you and I were to be known that this is the last day of our lifetime, my beloved brothers and sisters, the level of focus, the level of dedication, the level of zeal, the level of yearning,

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The level of begging the level of asking Allah subhanho wa Taala would be extremely high. If I am told that this is going to be my last hurrah, I would ask Allah for Jenna, I would ask Allah for the protection of the hill fire. So my beloved brothers and sisters, let's call out to Allah. In that level, the quality of our drugs should be very high than the quantities of our drugs should be extremely high. My beloved brothers and sisters, a lot of reminders and calls out

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a lot of blazer he says, all mankind, what has diverted you, from your rub, the most generous,

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what made you forgetful about Allah, the Lord of the worlds, my beloved brothers and sisters, we try to forget our rozet and we try to run after risk. The one who is the provider, we fail to forget about him. And we try to remember that which is manifest, which is tangible, which is trivial, which is temporary. My beloved brothers and sisters, let's call out to Allah, make dua to Allah, Allah Riza. with absolute attention, with eagerness, with zeal, with absolute devotion, and call out to Allah, in the peak times of the Ramadan, the last part of the night, call out to Allah and the time of sahul. call out to Allah, at the time of iftaar. call out to Allah, at the time of traveling,

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call out to Allah, call out to Allah with sincere heart, call out to Allah to make dua for yourself, for your family, for your parents, for those who are alive, for those who have departed for those who are in challenging times, for those who are suffering, for those who are ease for those who are in hospitals, for those who are fighting with this pandemic COVID-19 for those who are struggling with some natural disasters, so those who are going through pain for those who are not having

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the opportunity to even break the fast with one date, call out to Allah. For everyone, my beloved brothers and sisters in this should be your mindset, as if this is your last day, the last opportunity of your day, my beloved brothers and sisters. Likewise, if this is our last Ramadan, we would make sure that we seek the forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala in the utmost highest manner. Allahu Akbar, my beloved brothers and sisters, we will make sure that we call out to Allah and seek His forgiveness, we will seek His forgiveness in a manner in a way that is absolutely powerful. We would remember every bad deed that we have done, we would remember the mercy of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala. We would remember that when we ask Allah for forgiveness, we remember Allah. He says, la doc not to me Rahmatullah Do not be hopeless in the mercy of Allah. We would say a lie you told us. You told us Yama. latok not to me Rahmatullah do not lose hope in the mercy of Allah. I have only one thing in my mind. Yeah, Allah. You will see your Allah have mercy on me, Allah. I know my deeds are not enough to get into Jana. I know I have humongous amount of sincere Allah. I know I have disobeyed you your love. I have huge shortcomings here Allah, but your Allah I also know that your mercy will prevail you angry Allah, I know you're robbed, that you are extremely merciful. I

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will call out to Allah especially in these last 10 days of Ramadan. I would call out to your your Allah, Allah I know for a fact that I might die during these last 10 days. So Allah, Allah whom are in the car for one

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Ni, O Allah, O Allah, you are an AR Fu, the one who forgives that who loves to forgive the one who wants to clean out our sins and who loves to clean out our sins who loves to wipe out all our sins. Yeah, Allah, forgive me.

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Forgive me, Your Man Have mercy on me or me. Your Rahim Have mercy on me. I would call out to Allah for utmost repentance. I would seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. In the day, I would seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala in the night, I would make sure that my calling to Allah would always attached with the sincere repentance to Allah subhanahu wa taala with the high hope in Allah as versiv with the fear of mine since Allahu Akbar, my beloved brothers and sisters, free men

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to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is what we would do. If we were to, we if we were told that this is my last Ramadan, I would sincerely seek the forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala I will go, I would go in the sujood I would pronounce my sujood and would say your love Forgive me. Your Allah forgive me, your Allah forgive me, forgive my parents, forgive my family, forgive my spouse, forgive my children, forgive my relatives, my neighbors, my friends, my neighborhood, my the whole of humanity or Allah, forgive us have mercy on us. If your mercy is not there, we would be lost in this world, we would be lost in the hereafter we would be lost. So Oh

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Allah, we ask for your mercy. We ask for your forgiveness. We ask for your repentance, your love, we repent to you with sincere heart with utmost desire, with absolute hope that you will forgive us, my beloved brothers and sisters. If you and I were told that this is my last Ramadan, how would you spend moments with Allah subhanho wa Taala if I were told that I have only few moments in after which I am going to die, and those moments I have to spend with Allah subhanho wa Taala I would spend with the absolute focus. I would not remember anyone in anything because I know for a fact that I'm going to leave everyone and everything. So what is the point of remembering every one and

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everything while I know that I'm going to be departed from this world, and I'm going to detach from this world and I'm going to leave everyone and everything from this world. So I would remember to give my utmost attention to the one who is always loving Allah subhanahu wa tada who is a someone who is Allah, Allah Riza. I would spend moments with Allah subhanho wa Taala I would look out especially in these 10 nights of Ramadan, I would look out for Layla to toggle. I would look out for this greatest of all night because I know for a fact that I may not. I may not Subhanallah going to witness. Last next Ramadan. I know for a fact that that might come any time, my beloved brothers and

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sisters 1000 months in fact better than 1000 months. That is the beauty of Laila talakad. How can I miss it? How can I even think of missing this little card for crying when I knew that this could be my last 10 nights of Ramadan of my life? Subhan Allah. So I would make sure that I spend moments with Allah. I would ask Allah to grant us Laila to because I would ask Allah to grant us the highest levels of Jenna. I would ask Allah Subhana huhtala protection from a non I would say you're a burner, Tina for dunya Hasina. wurfl irati Hasina, working either but not I would ask Allah for the highest levels of Jenna unfed those, I would ask him not for the forgiveness of all my sins, I would

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do everything possible to please Allah subhanho wa Taala because after which I may not be a

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live anymore to please Allah. Even if the person wants to please Allah after he dies, he will never be able to given this opportunity. So what if this is your last Ramadan, you would make sure that you would please Allah and depart from this world, you make sure that you show up your absolute self and you will show your absolute submission, your sincere submission to Allah subhanho wa Taala and you would become, you would become insha Allah we all wish we all pray to be among those about whom Allah subhanho wa Taala would say my beloved brothers and sisters,

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yet to hon Nussle, martoma in all you who reassured soul, the righteous will be told or re assured Sol nafcillin Mothma in the stages the momentum that they hold in the sight of Allah would be very high

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a year 200 Nussle motto my inner Allah Jose era Jerry Isla, Rob baikie, Raul via tomorrow be

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returned to your Lord law workable

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returned to your Lord when pleased and pleasing to Him. For the holy v birdie, and into my righteous servants, Allah subhanho wa Taala would say enter my righteous servants

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what the Holy janati in into my Jenna we wish and we pray Allah subhanho wa Taala to give us this state of ending, while a lot of bullier is is pleased with us, when Allah subhanaw taala consider us to be among those who are enough soul mohtarma in where a lot of binaries are, give us the good news of Jana, where Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us this absolute pleasure, that he is pleased with us and we are pleased with him. My beloved brothers and sisters, let us pray, let us wish let us ask Allah for the best ending because what matters is your end and we do not know when is our end. So let us treat every moment to be our end and consider those moments to be the best moments of of, of

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the of the lifetime. And let us spend those moments to please Allah subhanho wa Taala mobila beloved brothers and sisters, we ask Allah subhanahu wa taala for the ease of everyone, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala for the goodness for every one of us, we ask Allah to shower his choices to mercy upon us. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to relieve and to release everyone for from from suffering from pain from agony from this pandemic from all kinds of diseases from all kinds of challenges. We ask Allah subhana wa Taala to grant us the highest levels of Jenna. Being in the company of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and Sahaba radi Allahu Allah marine witnessing the face of Allah

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subhanho wa Taala

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Medina hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

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