Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S01 E08 Part A – An Important Pact- ‘Hifl Al Fudhul’

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The host of a series introduces episode eight of their series and discusses the importance of witnessing the night of power and learning about the de complexion of worship. They also discuss the concept of "health alpha" and its significance in Arabic language. The speakers emphasize the importance of worship, avoiding oppression, and practicing Moore's Law, emphasizing the need for everyone to be aware of Moore's Law and practicing it. They also mention the historical context of the movie "centenals of joy" and its significance to the filming of the movie.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira Elijah Medina Medina bad. Allah whom Allah and Milena lm lm Tina in La cantera Alamo Hakeem Allahumma alumna Marian foreigner when foreigner Bhima Alam tena was eaten Ironman watermelon Dr. Karim Allahumma inanda also becoming an ultimate lion for a woman called Villa Yahshua. Enough Scylla touchbar amin any letter Dima?

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Rubbish rashly sadri SLE Emery melissani fo Kohli long my name.

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My dear brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I welcome you all to episode eight of our series, a blast from the past Siraj in the 21st century. SubhanAllah How time flies we are already on episode eight and we are about to welcome the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Friday night the last 10 nights begin. So tomorrow night is the last night and then

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the last 10 nights of Ramadan begin the nights in which you and I have been asked to be diligent and search for the night of power. May Allah subhanho wa Taala

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blessed us to witness the night of power and bless us to witness the great rewards that the night of power carries. I mean indeed only Allah subhanho wa Taala can bless us with this gift and bless us with the ability to witness this gift. I mean your Bellamy brothers and sisters yesterday we learned several lessons we learned all praises belong to Allah He gives us the strength and the abilities to learn and it is Allah who increases our knowledge. We learned

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about Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the fact that he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was the shepherd.

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And we learned about the Hera the monk, the Hera the monk and Rasul Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his encounter with him and we also learned

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the wisdoms behind Allah subhanho wa Taala inspiring the MBR Allahu wa Salatu was salam to be shepherds. This is part of their training to be messengers, and we learn the importance of financial independence and several other lessons one of the standout food points from yesterday, was that do

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this term do I in the Quran, can refer to

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three things Firstly, it can refer to Dr. Oz application. Secondly refers to any act of worship. And thirdly, it can refer to both both supplication and any act of worship, your Salah is

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any form of goodness is

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says in his book, and we discussed this is the de wirkkala Rob buku. The only asked ajibola calm and you're up has said,

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observe do

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and I will answer you do. Then Allah says in the levina, you're stuck be Runa and Reba, that he indeed those who are arrogant with regards to my worship, this God is say the fact that aligned the second idea, mentioned worship. This is a lesson two for us, that do I in the first idea refers to both supplication as well as

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everything that's considered worship, everything that's considered worship, right. So do I. This is an important point for you to know, in many cases refers to supplication when when somebody says can you make dua for me or you ask someone to make dua for you or you actually say you're going to make dua, Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, the fasting person has done that goes unanswered, right? This is supplication. But do in the Sharia can also mean all forms of worship. And we know this from the context of the if this was a standard food point. And I wanted to revise that point with you Just in case.

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We didn't catch that particular lesson fully.

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Today, my dear brothers and sisters, we want to discuss a lesson and this is the or one incident from the life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is the only incident that we will discuss.

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And that is an incident known as health, alpha dual health alpha. I want you to remember this in the Arabic language health alpha, you will understand what it means when

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We run through what it represents shelf alpha mu.

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What is this incident about? During the early years of Rasulullah, sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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there was a pact called shelf alpha. So now you know it's a pact. What does this pact about? We'll come to see insha Allah. The story behind this pact is that a man from zombied zombied. In Yemen,

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he came to Mecca for business and we've heard this time and time again. In previous episodes, people would visit mecca for business it was, it was the waterhole as we can say, right because of the Kaaba and Zamzam. caravans would stop in Mecca. So he came from Yemen. And we know Yemen is a distance from Mecca. He came for trade. What happened when he came for trade, his merchandise was sold to a man by the name of allows eBay.

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This man

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this man promised to pay for the merchandise he didn't pay immediately.

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But then

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he refused to pay and defaulted on payment. And he said he won't pay. So basically, he usurped this merchandise. He oppressed this person, especially since he's a foreigner. He's a foreigner. What's he going to do? I am with my people. I am with my tribe. Right? And this tribe comes from a clan that Well, no, this person is a foreigner all the way from Yemen. What's he going to do? Right here just go back empty handed. It's a win for me.

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This was wrong. But this is what he did. So this person here, this person that came from Serbia, Yemen, what did he do? He

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went up to a public or went and assumed a public platform. And this public platform was in the form of a mountain known as Jebel, a bit Kobe's and he started yelling out on the top of his voice to the Quran. He started shouting, I am oppressed in your land.

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Are you people going to stand up for my rights? Or will you allow this oppression to take place in your land? Right, and he spoke some emotional words. He spoke some emotional words, he basically

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yelled out a cry.

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So when this happened, people inquired What's going on? And it became apparent to the seniors that his property has been usurped. His merchandise has been taken unfairly.

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One of our one of ours has defaulted on payment, and has oppressed this person. So what happened was a group, a group from the clans of the Quraysh, decided to come together Banu Hashim, Zahara Banu team, they came together, they had a meeting, they came together to meet, let's discuss, let's discuss this incident. And where did they meet, they met in the home of a person that was considered to be just, and

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they came to an agreement that under our watch, we will never ever allow oppression to take place. This is what they did. Was this good or bad? This was good. This was good. They said under their watch, they will never ever allow oppression to take place and they took an oath. That's why it's called health.

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to higher level they today. They they took an oath, they promised each other that this is the agreement. Right? This is our agreement. We will stand together

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and prevent oppression you know like now you have in the world the NATO's and you have different countries that come together and they put they put the the military might together. Right. Right. So this was the same, this was similar. They put their the clout that their clans had the united the clout of these clans that together we will not allow this oppression to take place and they together went to the house of allows even while and they retrieve the merchandise and they returned it to its rightful owner right now Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a young boy at the time and he says my uncle's took me with them to this particular meeting.

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And the meeting was held in the house of Abdullah Heba, Diane, who was a generous man at the time, and an advocate for human rights and advocate for the protection of other people. These people existed

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And it's important that we discuss this because whenever we think of the courage, we think

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the worst, we think there was this is praiseworthy. This is praiseworthy and that's why I told you yesterday, this is a mighty lesson we will take today. Because even Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if something like this happened after I became a prophet, I would have gone to LA acaba Allahu Akbar, right? This was mighty. And we learn about people such as Abdullah hubungi at the end of the live bunch at the end and advocate for human rights and advocate for counter oppression.

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These people existed

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Rasulullah sallallahu wasallam goes on to say I witness in the house of Abdullah and Jetta and a pact made that I wouldn't have exchanged for the choices

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and best herds,

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you know, one of the most precious wealth was

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certain types of head certain types of cattle, certain types of as he says, I would not have exchanged me going, I wouldn't have exchanged

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this pact.

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For the choices type of has meaning for any amount of money. This is what he's saying. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying he's saying so dear to me. What happened? What the courage did before Prophethood what they did to me, I would never ever exchange it for anything else. This was amazing. This was praiseworthy. And I want you to take note of how Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is choosing his words. Who is he praising these isolators? Not so the isolators. But look at his words, he says I would not have exchanged what they did. For the best of hurts. The best of hearts, the most expensive of cattle, the most expensive of animals, I would not have exchanged it.

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He's talking about these isolators sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. There's a reason why I'm highlighting these things. There are certain lessons here My dear brothers and sisters. Now

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what are the lessons? This is simply in a nutshell what helpful football is? What are the lessons, many lessons from them? Firstly, remember we spoke about

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giving your children responsibility. Remember that giving your children responsibility. These people are saying or Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is saying this happened. I was young and I was taken to it. This is the first lesson. He was taken to this mighty meeting that took place between mighty representatives of mighty tribes. You and I would say this is not a place for the young to go and kick a soccer ball. Right? Go and play your PlayStation. Go do something else. No, he was taken. Allah inspired them to take him. Look at the training Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam received a look at his how mature he was he had to be looked at the experiences he had re

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experiences sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the first point is, it is beneficial brothers and sisters to take your children

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to appointments that you consider appointments of responsibility, obviously, provided they've been brought up in such a way that they know when it's time to sit and remain silent. Because that's the nature of the environment. We're not saying bring them over and let them run have no, right. But you train them enough to know that this is a particular gathering. And this gathering requires silence. So please sit next to me Let them witness. It's good for their tarbiyah it's good for the upbringing. It's good for them to see what their father their hero, their guardian their hero is up to and they will remember it when they older. Like Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam did. He was

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just over 12 and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best. But the historians it might have been just above 12 This is the I mean, in this day and age, what do we consider 12 year olds as what?

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Right? But then No, they were considered to be becoming

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they were considered to be becoming we know that even armor of the Allahu anhu.

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During one of the battles he went to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and sought permission to participate he says I was 1414 seeking permission to participate because they were part of the fabric of society. Yes, they played and they had a childhood but at the same time they were part of the fabric of society. They knew what the elders were up to they knew what they what had what they had to become. They knew the future that the hands would have to hold right and this is the if you look at even you know the the mighty beast of the jungle. Take the lions for example. Take the predators for example. What do they do?

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With the young, the Allah, Allah has inspired the young to practice fighting and so on and so forth. And sometimes you see, they play fight, right to learn skills. And sometimes you see the mother instigating, instigating this giving them responsibility from young, picking them up moving them into view of the hunter, and so on and so forth. Right? But probably witness these things when we watch certain documentaries, which grows our email in Allah subhanho wa Taala, and our belief and our offer Allah subhanho wa Taala as well. So this is the first lesson. We also learn from this particular lesson, my dear brothers and sisters, the importance of being just the importance of

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being just even when there is a case between us and our enemies. And even if we are in a situation where we have to bear testimony, and the testimony goes against someone you and I love.

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It will work against the people we love.

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We learn from the story how to be just where do we learn this from? Firstly, the practice of the kurush against their own in returning the merchandise to its rightful owner. Secondly, from the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as a prophet is praising the idle ages for something good which they did. This is from being just this is from being just and this is from the teachings of the Shetty are my dear brothers and sisters Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would mention the band. And also, if they had good he would mention the good. Was he not the one who said in too late with me my mcherry my luck. I have not been sent except to perfect, the most noble of

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characters whose characters, the characters of the courage. He's acknowledging that yes, they are isolators the majority is bad, but they have amazing qualities that I've been sent to complete. SubhanAllah isn't this from being just in speech? This is from being just in speech, that whenever

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we speak, once we recognize the bad and the negatives, we recognize the positives. And the first justice we learn is to be just even if it involves

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our own people. someone we know a friend has made a mistake. He's oppressed somebody, a family member, a tribesmen,

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your child, your spouse, your parents, speak the truth for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and this was the way of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it's not strange, my dear brothers and sisters that this was his way Why? Because we know his character was the Quran. eyeshadow, the Allahu Allah. When she was asked about the character of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she said, Can a hula qu Al Quran? His character was the Quran. And Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches this to us in the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, yeah.

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Manu kulu Amina is a shoe

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lose anyone? Robbie e horni yen over IP

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law Oh labby Hema violated

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dealu we're in

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LA Hi, can I be mad meluna hobby.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh you who have believed and oh you who believe be persistently standing firm injustice, a witness for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or your parents or your relatives, whether one is rich, or whether one is poor. Allah is more wealthy, have both so far are not personal inclination. Less you will not be just

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and if you distort your testimony, or refuse to give it then Indeed Allah is Ever with what you do acquainted. Allah knows everything that you

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and Allah knows everything that you hide, and Allah knows everything that you edit and change.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala also says in his book, Allah Subhana, WA, tada commands us by saying,

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Yeah, you have levena Amadou kulu mean Allah he shuhada a bill Akash Allah

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says oh you have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah.

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Witness witnesses in justice Allah says Wallah you remain necom Shanna Coleman and Shana Anna Coleman, Allah alerta Dino Dino, who Accra booty Taka, Allahu Akbar. Allah says, What Allah in Allah hubiera muy muy Thai. Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Oh, you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses injustice, and do not let the hatred of people prevent you from being just

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take heed my dear brothers and sisters, especially when we see what's happening in the Muslim world, and certain injustice is taking place.

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And how we speak Allah says, Let not the hatred of a people prevent you from being just a dealu be just who Acropolis taqwa This is nearer to righteousness. And this is the month of taqwa. This is where we strive to gain taqwa Allah says being just is from taqwa. Allah says what? Allah and fear the punishment of Allah, be God conscious of Allah. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what you do, right? So this is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his character was the Quran. And here the Quran speaks Subhan Allah. In fact, when we look at the sooner we see once a Jew came to the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wasallam, a Jew, a non Muslim, and he tells the Prophet sallallahu alayhi

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wa sallam, he says, that you Muslims also have schilke Lau,

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a Jew is telling Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the Muslims have shared. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam waited to hear what he had to say. Right? This is the character of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So the Jew says, you Muslims you say you say whatever Allah wills and you will you also take us by the camera.

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So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took this on board. He took it on board and he advised the oma and he told the oma to say what have been Kava and he told the oma to say Masha Allah mash it. In the first statement that you say is you you say Masha Allah a woman shit. In the second statement was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam corrected it by saying, say Masha Allah some shit. Don't say what kick out what and put in there some.

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So, this Jew said that you Muslims you take an oath by the carpet This is

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to the prophets Allah because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam forbade us

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from taking an oath by anything other than Allah men. Can you mean Billa? Will yo mill ask him? fairly cool hi Ron. olio Smith. Right.

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And in another Hadith, folio, folio lift Billa, right Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says whoever believes in Allah the last day should say a good word, or do you mean silence? But the Hadith that I intended, another Hadith came out and hamdulillah we benefit from it. The Hadith that I intended, is that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a person who takes an oath, he should only take an oath by Allah remain silent. And he says women have a bill at law he's

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the one who takes an oath by any other than Allah. Then he has practiced this belief.

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For sure.

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And today, we need to correct a practice practice right we see it some of the youth I swear by my mother, I swear by my Father, we hear this the you'd say?

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Not so. Our gentlemen he has had it. This is what happens. Something happens in school. Did you take it because I swear on my mother's life on my mother's life. I swear by my grandparents grave, I didn't do it. This is wrong. We have to teach our youth in fact we have another evil brothers and sisters that we must mentioned when we discussed this

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folia halophila

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we have another evil

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which is people think for example, fingers crossed this is what people say Muslims I've heard Muslims say this touchwood touchwood and Fingers crossed. Allah He I've heard Muslim say this. They don't know what they say.

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Hello, understand? He says everything okay? To say touchwood everything's okay. So let's hope it works to say Fingers crossed. It works. Do you know what you're saying? What is Fingers crossed mean? It you base

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It's referencing Jesus Christ being crucified on the cross. And touchwood refers to what I've been told, the crosses that people would wear around their necks was made out of wood. And for to avert any difficulty people would hold the wood would hold the cross, which is made out of wood touchwood. And Muslims need to be aware Subhanallah these words shouldn't come out of Muslims life, my mouth, my dear brothers and sisters, we need to be aware. And we need to educate people when they say this, that this is wrong. This is wrong. You shouldn't say this. seek forgiveness from Allah. Yes, if you're ignorant and you didn't know, then it's not a you're not sinful, but you you are sinful for

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not finding out you are sinful for literally leaving yourself prone to accepting practices such as these, leaving your aqeedah your your your knowledge of Islamic belief so weak, we have a responsibility. This is from the knowledge that every Muslim needs to know this is not from the knowledge that is specific to the scholars, you must understand this. Yes, yes. When when the scholars say seeking knowledge is part of the key fire. It's a it's a common communal obligation, meaning if certain elements in society go and learn it obligation is lifted off, lifted off the rest, they referring to a segment of knowledge, because knowledge is of two types, knowledge which

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every Muslim has to know. And that is compulsory upon every Muslim is not a community or communal obligation. It's compulsory upon everybody. And then we have

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knowledge, which suffices if members of the community go in and learn it like the allameh whereby the layman or the lady can go to them to the scholars or the clergy and seek clarity when they need that knowledge. That's fine. But there's certain knowledge which is compulsory on all of us. This is from that knowledge, my dear brothers and sisters, if you don't learn it, you sinful you sinful. Yes, you might say, I didn't know. So I'm forgiven. I'm excused. You're excused but insha Allah but you sinful for not making the effort seek forgiveness for that as well. And this should inspire us brothers and sisters to really really really,

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you know, make it a point in our lives to go and study Islamic theology properly, at least the basics that which we need to know I'm not talking about the the the the extended matters, like refutations and so on and so forth. Yes, that can remain what the squat is, but that which keeps you found keeps you founded upon the straight path

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and keeps your practices sound as well. You have to notice. This is a footnote for today. By the way. We have to have our footnotes every day

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