Sajid Ahmed Umar – Seerah S01 E07 Part B – The Aspect Of Financial Independence

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The conversation between a former driver and his partner highlights the importance of financial freedom and helping people to live in a personal and financially rewarding life. The speakers emphasize the need for financial independence and teaching children about it. They also discuss the importance of shaping the world with sensitive signs and evidence, and encourage people to say "has" and "has not" to avoid confusion.
AI: Transcript ©
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From the lessons brothers and sisters that we learned from the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was a shepherd was, how humble he was. Today, how many of us would tell people what we used to do in the past that we know people would be? in Makkah, being a shepherd wasn't all that being a trader was that being someone who accompanied the caravans to Sherman came with the with the merchandise of the Romans and the other civilizations, this was this was praiseworthy, even in the history of America, Bob rhodiola, who and his father made him look after the candles, look at camels look at the character, Homer.

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Right, camels are different to sheep.

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Right, I have some friends that I studied with, and they come from what they know is the farmlands in Saudi Arabia, they have capitals, and SubhanAllah. One day he came very upset to class. And I said, What's wrong? It was this camel passed away. So attached he became his company because Allah, Allah, you don't know. We laughing here you don't know. You don't know. You know, like, with with with with the non Muslims, they have the relationship with their dogs and sometimes, you know, we don't understand it. Right. The lawyer. camels can be that camels have a lot of patience as well. They stubborn also. They stubborn and they patient as well. They take difficult they would stand

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difficulty. How do you think you think they call the ships of the desert for nothing? They walk distances without water, exposed to the heat?

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Well lie It's a mighty creation of Allah. And Allah brings our attention to it when he says a fella young guru Niall and ebk for wholecut that have you not looked at the camera, and how it had how it's been created? Have you not looked at it and recognize the loss of Hannah Who? In this camera and how it's been created. Omar was given the cameras. But Omar wanted to be a trader. He tried and dry going to his father, give me some gold coins. Let me go. But his father appointed his brother and said no, you have to be what the cameras on the outskirts of Macau looking after them on a pub. In fact, his father is reported to famously said that you have abilities your brother doesn't have.

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And your brother has abilities that you don't have.

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He has the abilities to trade. But he will fail disbelief. He looks after the cameras. And Omar Subhanallah some of the greatest management messages that have ever been said we're lucky if they existed in the management books today. They will be best sellers. Truly best sellers, not the ones that are best best sellers, because they are best sellers. I look at them and say doesn't have the quotes of Omar, how can you be a best seller? aroma he he said a famous statement that you know camels, when you work with them for a long time and you stay with them with for a long time. It grows you as a person Why? Because every camera is unique. They have their own temperaments. And it

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grows you as a manager leader for when you are able to fathom their different tendencies and different behavioral patterns, you are able to look after them as a team and take care of them as individuals. Allahu Akbar, oh, my look at that statement where you can look after them as a team and take care of them as individuals who can do that today.

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Who can do that today? That is amazing. Right? So what we discussing here is that trade was seen as something special.

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Taking care of animals wasn't seen to be all that but Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam probably said it proudly said it. They said even you Oh prophet of Allah. He said yes. This is how humble he was sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And yes, he was humble Allah, he was humble. Once a man came to him. And when he stood in front of him, he, he manifested signs of fear, He manifested signs of fear.

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I mean, imagine you standing, you feel Allah, and then you standing in front of a man who is the Messenger of Allah. Right? Allah The Lord of the worlds, the one whose punishment is severe, and is also the most forgiving, the Most Merciful here is a prophet of the King of kings and the Lord of the worlds, right. So naturally, he just became he was, he became scared he couldn't speak. So Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam as humble as he was, said to him, how when I calm down, take it easy. Take it easy. I have not but a son of a female that ate crowded, crowded,

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as I was called as Rahmatullah. hear him say, Does anyone know what it is? Yeah, but it dried meats outright salted meat like biltong would it be similar to build on

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You haven't eaten biltong Alright, in Africa we have halaal boo Tanga. So you know, where I this is what it is Kadena is, is salted meat which has been dried in the sun. Right? when i when i when i read the meaning of Khadija I thought of Gautama Allahu Allah. So this is what he said to him sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that I am not but the son of a female that he added, meaning I'm not the king. I'm not a king. He says, I'm not a king. This is what he said, I'm not a king, but a son of a female who expanded calm these nerves down humble was he Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he was the one who said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, that the one who is not kind and soft to the

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young and does not respect the elders is not from us. salallahu alayhi wasallam this is what he said. And we know how he was Salah when he was sitting with the young ones. He would make them feel special, make them feel important make them feel as if they are adults, not make them feel as children make them feel special.

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Once this this bed of this young boy passed away and he was upset Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam went to him and made the moment light said yeah, about Romeo. laughter and and he went to the young boy, and he said, Oh, Father foreman, these young boy. But just grind it up for him. You know? Yeah. Oh, man, my father is a little bit trying to make the moment light hearted for him. This was he sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And this is who we should be especially fathers, especially teachers, especially scholars, especially do add. Let the children feel that they have free range with you. When law hits okay. Better that's when they have an issue they come to you rather than

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going to the guidance teacher at school.

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Or somebody else was a stranger who carries values that you don't have value is different to the values you have instilled in your home and taught to kids. Right? Was this was Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. very humble. We also learned brothers and sisters the importance of being financially able. Where do we learn this from?

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Who knows the

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importance of being financially able. How do we learn this from the story?

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able as well as capable. We learned from the fact that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did this as a job. He says I used to receive a portion of a gold coins for taking care of the heads of the current

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financially able and capable. This is very important, my dear brothers and sisters, the importance of financial independence, especially for a day a propagator especially for an email. Well I, I have sadly, sadly, sadly come across some masajid Subhan Allah, they have a committee some members of the committee are engaged in some evil practice maybe Riba or something and because of that, the Imam cannot speak about it on the member. If he speaks about it, he's in trouble. He will be penalized or he will lose his job or something. Allah will mister at

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a time where

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the clergy

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is under the patronage of the laity you know the clergy and the lady. This is British English.

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The lady the lay man, the clergy the scholars.

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I heard you guys have holiday when is the Queen's Birthday? So I'm sure you you look after your English Heritage as well right.

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I don't think in the UK they have holidays when is the Queen's Birthday. So Australia must be really taking care of the English as well.

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We live in a time So hang Allah, when the clergy is under the patronage of the laity. This is a Misha killer this is a problem. This is a problem where you can't speak to your audience. Why? Because your audience is feeding you human nature is human nature. Alone Western financial independence is priority, especially for a day, especially for a dairy. As you know, I've trained to be a judge in Saudi Arabia, if you are appointed to be a judge. By the time you just appointed as a student, still, you might choose to do your master's degree. And then a PhD like I studied with the appointed judges will have benefited greatly from them. And I studied with them in our bachelor's

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degree. I saw the change in these people not change in terms of character, but they might have come with a car which backfired a bit. During the bachelors days, all of a sudden in the Masters days they're rolling in with brand new nice and petrels and land cruises and so on and so forth. Immediately, as soon as they pick the given financial independence. Why? Because as a judge in the courtroom they should never ever feel

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subdued by anyone who's in front of them

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is the duty of the state to ensure they have this independence.

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And I am a strong advocate that a day a propagator, and a man should not be under the patronage of any Masjid committee or, or the community.

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Sadly, the Muslim community haven't realized the importance of the Imam or the scholar. Otherwise they would be work. They would be endowments dedicated towards taking care of the scholar SubhanAllah. Today, if a scholar has a slightly nice car or a nice watch, where did he get it from?

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Allah Stan, you see his house? How did you get that house? How's it Billa? We should thank Allah, we should be happy.

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For those who are planning on treading the path of Islamic scholarship, always think about this for you to be an effective dairy.

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Make sure you rely only on Allah subhanho wa Taala and only on Allah. And yes, we only rely on Allah. But you know what I mean? Never make the means there's means and this tawakkol part of the record is taking the means never make a means for yourself, taking money from the community. Make sure if you are there our community that will still respect you when you tell them what they need to know. The duty of a scholar is to tell the people not what they want to know. But what they need to know. This is what the fuck he does. This is what the Mufti does. This is what the body does. This is what the day he does, he tells you what you need to know. And this was the tradition of Muhammad

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sallallahu alayhi. wasallam. never asked him for wealth, never was indebted to them in any way. He worked. This is part of his training, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah inspired him financial independence. We know when he married Khadija he met her through trade as well. He was trading for her he was earning a living, he wasn't under the hand of a human beings. So when he came to them with the message of La Ilaha, Illa, Allah, he would have to scratch his head a few times and say, should I shouldn't I, if I do, I will lose support, and so on. And so it's human nature. I told you the other day how you and I are built to survive, we built to survive, right? It's human nature.

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financial independence is key. And brothers and sisters, we can take this lesson further. And that is how we help other people as well. We should help them in a way that puts them back on their feet and not cripple them further.

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For those who are giving charity and we all should be given charity. And Mashallah, I have one of my team members here from National Soccer foundation. This is the message you help people in a way that makes them independent. This is my message to them, make sure we make people soccer players and not Zacatecas every year. If we have a case. Let's look after them in a way where tomorrow they are paying soccer, not taking soccer until the end of their life. Because it won't be like that. They take an amount now next year, it will be more natural, it will be more dependence increases with time. Dependence increases with time and you know, we get weaker illnesses come and so on and so

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forth. Right? Don't help people in a way that cripples them. If a person can't afford the school fees, don't say I'm going to take care of all your school for you say what's the shortfall. Let him feel some responsibility.

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If you're going to take home, pay the whole thing and make him oblivious to the importance of of the of the few dollars that he or she had with him or her what's going to happen. They're going to blow the money, spend it on something else and lose any form of responsibility when it comes to life and the responsibilities of life. We learn all this from our brothers and sisters. We learned this from here. We also learn from our brothers and sisters how to teach our children the importance of financial independence from a young age.

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In its context, I'm not saying how it's done now believe it or not Mashallah every parent teaches their children about financial independence from from a young age but in the wrong context, we say not at the expense of religion.

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Right. Some parents speak to their children about financial independence 90% of the time 10% 5% Deen another 5% maybe sports and something else

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should be the other way around. But the message should be there. And don't just tell them to do it.

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Give them responsibility. We discussed responsibility the other day, give them some task in the home and pay them doesn't matter that's part of the eternal via make them do it for free at times and sometimes give them a slightly more difficult task in the summers for example, and say if you complete the task, this is we will reward you will you will earn $10 $20 I don't know in Australia if it's not taxed in probably $20 a good is a good amount right? If you're taxing them maybe it's not you have to increase.

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Right. So what I'm saying is, this is how you teach them to appreciate to save money how to spend when you take them to the shop ask them how much does this cost Can you see? Right you buying this chocolate How much does it cost? If you eat a chocolate everyday How much would it cost you let them understand life for

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Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam understood it and Subhanallah he didn't even have a father and mother. Right? So Abu Talib was giving him good lessons. Abu Talib was nurturing him the right way.

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A way to be independent in terms of his character in terms of his behavior in terms of his finances, made him a decision maker. Salallahu alaihe wasallam.

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Before we end up today's discussion, my dear brothers and sisters, let's take one more incident very quickly. And tomorrow we have a longer session. And that is

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an important event that took place in Makkah before Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became a prophet. And there's many practical lessons that you and I can derive from that lesson.

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And we'll do that tomorrow. Before that there's one incident

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that's famous. It's disputed by some of the scholars of Howdy. But it's famous in the books have had in the books of Syrah is famous in the books of Sierra. And this is the story of Bahia. You've heard the story of by Hera, the monk, the Christian monk, but Hera, right? Was he a Christian monk or a Jewish monk, Christian monk.

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But here are some of the scholars of Hadith have disputed this incident? This narration given

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an issue in the chain this the Hadith which talks about this if my memory serves me right is in Suna, Timothy, Allahu Allah. Allah Cooley *, we will discuss it. It's famous in the books of Sierra and Chef Alberni or Hema hula he graded this hadith as acceptable. This is the hadith of behera. In this story, Abu Talib used to travel for trade.

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And we know from yesterday's session that he never ever left Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam behind so he took Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam with him and Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was around 12 years old. And on this journey, they happened or they when they when this journey used to happen, they would pass by this monk. And never ever did he give any importance to these caravans no forever. But on this particular occasion he did when the Sula sallallahu alayhi wasallam was with this caravan, he gave special attention he came out, he greeted the caravan invited them for a meal and started purposefully. And purposely looking at everybody that was in

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this caravan. When we say caravan we're not talking about the caravans you have today. Right? Which you hook to the back of your, your your vehicles. No, that's not the caravan. We're talking about a group of camels and, and a group of people and in the journey together to a place this was called collectively a caravan.

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So he purposely started

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checking out the people here and even they were surprised because this person never ever gave them the light of day. And now there's a meal on the table is showing special interest until he came to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he grabbed his hand and he said that this is a leader of mankind and jinn kind and he is the messenger of the Lord of the worlds and Allah will send him as a mercy to the world's law aka Christian monk

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So the Quraysh asked him how do you know this?

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So he said that you never left the space called acaba, you never left it, except that every tree and every stone frustrated. And this doesn't happen. Except when there's a messenger.

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It doesn't happen except when there is a message or a prophet.

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And later on, he witnessed the shade of trees expanding to cover Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And he explained this as well. And he also confirmed Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam being or being the person who will be the messenger by uncovering the seal of prophethood.

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Right, which was

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similar to an apple close to the left shoulder of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And according to the Hadith that I have read, it was surrounded by moles and it had few hairs on it. But no way have I come across that it had Allah and Rasool on it. As you see a lot of these plaques and souvenirs that come out and they have this this the writing of Allah and Muhammad in a space specific way and they say the seal of profit and nowhere in have I come across a low item. I've said not having knowledge of something doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but I have tried my best to search

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For any evidence to substantiate what we see on these products, where people write Allah Muhammad in a specific way they and then it's titled the seal of prophethood and I have not come across anything which says this. In fact, if that was the case, people would have accepted him sallallahu alayhi wasallam not So wouldn't it be more convincing? Allahu Allah, I haven't come across any narration we've said it what I have come across is that it was similar to an apple and

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or a pigeons egg. And it had mold or some molds around it and some hairs on it, but here are this monk uncovered this and he said, this is the seal or he he acknowledged and recognized this as the seal of prophethood.

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When this happened, but here

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started persuading this caravan, especially a Buddha he asked who is the guardian of this boy of what volume said I am. He started persuading him, you need to head back. You need to go back what I have noticed you heading to towards the Romans, they will notice it as well. And the end won't be good for this boy, how will come to him. And Abu Talib needed some convincing and then he was convinced and Abu Talib set the process for Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to go back to to Makkah to go back to Makkah now we have lessons, very few lessons but interesting lessons that you and I need to take heed of. Firstly, number one, we learn from this that the People of the Book knew

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about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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This is proof that the books were changed. Allah told us to change the books. How did I know this? This is he was considered to be a scholar from the corners. He wasn't a lay man. He was a scholar from amongst the scholars of the Christians. This is a scholar, bearing testimony giving witness to this man, this boy here being the best in the Prophet of Allah, He will be the Prophet of Allah. Right? How did he know this except that he was taught this? In that left behind by Isa and he Salam and that left behind by Musa alayhis salam, clearly, right? That's how he would only know this, you know, being sensitive to the signs that the stones are prostrating The trees are prostrating. Right

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the shade of the tree increases is telling them look, look at the shade increases. This is this is going to be the Messenger of God. A person cannot be sensitive to this unless he has previous knowledge. So we know from this, that the People of the Book knew about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And they denied him not based on ignorance, but based on knowledge and denial based on knowledge equals arrogance.

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When you deny something, and you know it to be true, that's arrogance. When somebody says Brother, you rock and you know that they're right, but your ego kicks in, right? What happens? And you say, No, I know. Listen, I don't want to talk about it.

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Right and so on and so forth. You choose to shut people down. Your ego comes into play instead of acknowledging and saying I'm sorry.

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Allah says way the hula hoop tequila

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receta bill is the first boo Johanna. Well Shall we had? Nam

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Subhana Allah. Allah says this people when you tell them via Allah, what happens? They become arrogant with regards to your statement.

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And they are sinful as a result and the ending is severe.

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Denying something when you know it to be true is arrogance. And that is where Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Levine is stuck Bureau and he bad that he will call color. What color bukem with the Rooney a sturdy black

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in the Levine is stuck be ruined. I mean, the bad at this do I mentioned in wirkkala book, waka Paula Buddha Rooney, this refers to duality bad. Do I have a bad and we can say do I miss Ella as well do eyes have two types brothers and sisters? Just so you know, there are in our Sharia. When the Quran says do it either refers to the day that you and I know when we raise our hands and make dua and supplicate and do I in the Quran also refers to all acts of worship, salah and anything that is the worship of Allah is also known as do this do i is known as do I and a bad and the first which is do I have supplicating is known as do I will miss Ella the dua of asking. Allah says these people

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who do who Allah says For those who deny the worship of Allah, Allah coltan, African fever, he doesn't call them road deniers of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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He called them African people why this is the lesson to you and I, that they deny while to knowing who Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam is whilst knowing this is from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the People of the Book denied Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was knowing it, if they denied we say to them, your priest, your scholar, but Hera gave clear testimony.

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Now, one other thing you need to know, is some of the deniers if, you know some people might say, well, maybe they don't know the story, or they don't believe it. No, they do. They do. This story of the Hera they do because in their books, they say

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that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam what he came with, he got it from here.

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They say he was taught and trained by who by them, but they don't know that Subhan Allah, this is actually just landing, that uppercut, you know, uppercut punch to them on themselves.

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Right? Instead of, instead of

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providing evidence against Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam by saying this, they are providing evidence against themselves, because you and I can say to them, all right, okay. All right. Let's say that he got it from mahira. Why don't you accept the message? If he got the message of your scholar? Why don't you accept the message?

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Why do you say Allah is three?

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Why do you say resize the Son of God? Why do you say that? When your scholar, as you say, taught Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? This is a rebuttal, right? They claim that he wasn't a prophet. The prophetic message that he had was from the hearer.

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We say if what you say is true, then why don't you listen to what he had to say if he got it from your own scholar. Listen to what he had to say. The fact that you deny that what's happening here you deny your own scholar and you deny the message what's happening.

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Allahu Allah who must and so these are a few lessons that we learn from the story of the hero and these are the lessons that I have for you all today. barakallahu li come everybody tomorrow. We have a very interesting event that took place before the Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam became a prophet it is something that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam praised after he also became a prophet. If there's something that he praised from jr helliya

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was the incident that we're going to discuss tomorrow What was it? You have to come tomorrow?

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And you have to join in tomorrow those who are watching via the camera, I love your for the sake of Allah. Everything correct said is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is perfect. And any mistakes are from myself and Shere Khan and I see colossal Hannah who attalus forgiveness Subhana Allah who will become these panicle Lama will become the kalasha to Allah, Allah. Hi land. Mr. Furukawa to blue lake wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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