Sajid Ahmed Umar – Qur’an In Ramadan #4B – Beautifying Recitation

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of reading the Quran in a stylistic and eclectic manner, as it depicts singing. They stress the need to avoid over loud or too loud music in recitation and that proper recitation is crucial to achieve all rewards of the curriculum. The importance of practicing the rules and regulations of worship is emphasized, along with the necessity of reciting the Quran in a way that matches the acoustic sound of the music.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen are beginners studying while are doing a lot about living or salat wa salam ala Imam Amina or could Latina Muhammad Abdullah or al earlier Samuel carob a Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome back, everybody. Just before the break, we were discussing the importance of reading the Quran in a befitting manner, not in a hurried manner whereby we eat up all the words and we can't even hear the words that we're actually reciting. And with that, we can move on to yet another lesson. And that is the issue surrounding beautifying one's voice when reciting the Quran. This is also from the good manners Oh servants of

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Allah with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala that we beautify the Quran, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advice towards the end the Quran deserves from us even more our diligence in terms of reciting the Quran in a more beautified manner. Al Bara said that he heard the prophets of Allah who alayhi wa sallam recite with teen was a tune by the fig and the olive during the Isha prayer. And he said that I have never heard anyone with a more beautiful voice and never heard a better recitation than his Subhan Allah, Allah Allah. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that Allah has not heard anything as he has heard a prophet chant the Quran. And in the Hadith, it says

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yet Aruna will Quran and in fact, in another narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said lays Amina manlam eternalblue Quran that he is not from us who does not change the Quran meaning recited in a dignified, beautiful manner. In another narration, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said they you know, a sweat icon below Quran, beautify your voices with the Quran. Now, the self have stated that one should beautify their voice. And in fact, they explained it and said with a sense of sadness and contemplation, and the alumni have explained that the reason why they have said sadness is because a sad voice has the qualities of enticing one to contemplate and deliberate

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over the meanings in the Quran. But in general, the Quran should be recited with a beautiful and nice voice. Now, we have to qualify our statement here, right because now we have said that we should recite in a beautiful voice in the Sunnah we find the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying that he is not from us. That does not change the Quran, laser mean millimeter handable Quran we have to qualify the statement. Does this mean that we should recite the Quran in a manner that depicts one singing whereby we recited in a manner that we or the listener who's listening to the recitation feels that it is similar to musical accidentals for example, or semitones. For example,

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is this from the good manners and etiquettes with the Quran? Well in answer to that, this is not from the good manners and etiquette of the Quran. The Quran deserves to be recited in a manner that is befitting of the Quran, meaning it is the words of Allah subhanho wa taala. And the Quran has certain rules and regulations that govern how it should be recited and a believer should recite it within the boundaries of those rules and regulations. I'll call the Abuja Allah said, the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam obviously warned us against reciting the Quran in a manner that goes beyond the boundaries of reciting it. And what is meant by this, or who are those that are included in this

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particular warning. They are those who recite the Quran going to extremes in its recitation. Why? Because to ensure that the Quran matches a specific tones, or specific Kunes they end up adding letters such as adding for example, a bow and then Elif to the word Mohammed making it move hum add, for example, and I'm pretty sure some of you are giggling at home, listening to me recite this particular example but we find some people reciting the Quran in this manner to make sure that the recitation matches a specific Keune that they adopt when reciting the Quran. Now, this is haram. According to the majority of the dilemma, this is something which is not permissible. Ibn Taymiyyah

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said that the kind of tune which the scholars regard as mcru for reciting the Quran is that which involves shortening long letters, or lengthening short letters, or giving a vowel to a silent letter, or making a vowel letter silent in order to make it fit the rules of music. Right. So this is basically what I've said earlier, and this is an explanation of that in a little bit more detail. So in order to make it fit the rules of music, if that also involves changing the way the Quran should be recited and elongating the vowels, then it is harder, right? So this is something which we really need to pay attention to. And something which we need to give due diligence to. Alright, we

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need to beautify our voices when we decide

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Quran however, we should not recite the Quran in a manner as those who sing due for example, in a manner that matches musical charts. So we need to feel Allah subhanahu wa taala in this and give this particular aspect due diligence now, is it permissible to make an extra effort to add to one's natural voice and make the recitation even more beautiful? So basically, you have a natural voice when you speak. But when you recite the Quran, you add to that voice, you make it a bit lighter, you make it a bit deeper, you might be trying to imitate a certain party for example, is it permissible for one to do this? Is this considered

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singing and the singing that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has warned us against the singing that trilemma have said is haram. Is this the case? Are we allowed to do so? Are we not allowed to do so? Well? In answer to that, we are allowed to do so and yes, it is permissible as long as one does not deviate and change the Quran. To suit these musical semitones and end accidentals. As discussed earlier a question should we recite the Quran aloud or softly? Right so we've just been discussing

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that we should read the Quran in a slow manner, not in a hurried fashion. Then we discussed we should read the Quran in a beautified fashion with a beautiful voice. So should we recite the Quran aloud or in a soft manner which is better? Well some narrations if we look in the Sunnah, they encourage reciting the Quran aloud while other narrations discourage it. However, after looking at all the evidences holistically and reconciling between them,

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we can say that the answer to this particular question is explanatory, and we can explain it as follows. We say for a person who fears Ria, if a person fears that the recitation will be and become for other than Allah subhanho wa Taala than for this person, it is impermissible to recite the Quran aloud, right. Bearing in mind our first etiquette it is compulsory to have a glass and make our recitation solely for Allah complicity with each other. If a person does not fear, yeah, and the showing of then yes, it could be said that it is better for him to recite aloud. Why? Because when you recite aloud, as we discussed in other sessions, you use more energies. And when you use more

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energies, you deserve more rewards. And this is from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon us, however, our Sharia places a clause. Now what is this clause? I will surely I says that even if you are allowed to recite the Quran aloud, that can only be done on condition that you do not disturb other people. Maybe somebody's before observing their salah, maybe somebody is asleep, right? If your recitation is going to affect another person, then in this particular context, the Sharia says then it is impermissible for one to recite the Quran aloud SubhanAllah. How complete is our Sharia that our Sharia even takes care and takes into consideration the feelings and situations

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of other people? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam prevented us from disturbing other people, even with our recitation. So can you imagine how the Sharia is against disturbing other people in other matters which are not considered acts of worship, right? So if we cannot disturb people, worth worshiping Allah subhanho wa Taala then in the first place we should not disturb them in our daily activities Subhan Allah what a pure and bless it Sharia we have. So this is in reference to reciting the Quran aloud or soft so we've given you an answer which is explanatory, and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best a footnote for it to be said that someone is actually reciting

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the Quran and this comes up a lot that can I read the Quran just with my eyes, some people open the Quran and they just read with their eyes or for me to gain rewards do I have to read it while it's moving my lips and making sounds. So for it to be said that someone has actually recited the Quran, and for them to be or for them to actually qualify for attaining all the benefits and rewards on offer for a person who decides the Quran. One has to pronounce the words whilst moving the lips.

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So this is important, right for one to qualify for the rewards. Remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that a person who recites a letter, Allah subhanahu wa taala gives them a lesson. And it has n is equal to 10 rewards Subhanallah so to qualify, and put ourselves in the running to attain these manifest and bountiful rewards, it is important that we recite the Quran whilst pronouncing the words and whilst moving our lips and Allah subhanahu wa to Allah knows best and this is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Corrado, right, which is to recite, so recitation is only deemed recitation when it is heard. And Allah subhana what Allah knows best

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The etickets with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala and from the good manners is to continue reciting the Quran without breaking our recitation unnecessarily. Now, how many times have we seen? Or how many times have we ourselves done this whereby we reciting the Quran, our mobile phone rings, and immediately we stopped the recitation of the Quran and we answer our mobile call, and we busy ourselves with that call neglecting the Quran.

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And in fact the entire process broke our consultation with the Quran deep contemplation with the verses in the Quran, etc. So how many times have we practiced this Oh witness this this is from the bad manners with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. This is from the bad practices with the book of Allah subhanho wa taala. It is not appropriate and in fact, if we studied the lives of the salah of those before us, we understand that they never broke the recitation of the Quran except for something extremely important, such as spreading knowledge, for example, in terms of mobile calls, let's say the mobile call is from our mothers, for example, then this would be a valid excuse to

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discontinue the recitation of the Quran. However, if it is a general call, then we should prioritize and give the Quran its Duhok. Last but not least, from the etiquettes and good manners with the book of Allah subhanahu Attallah is to glorify Allah and seek refuge in Allah and to ask Allah when we are reciting specific verses in Sahih Muslim there is a narration reported by Khalifa that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam glorified Allah Almighty when He came across a verse of this be and when he came across a verse of asking he asked Allah subhanho wa Taala and when he came across a verse where refuge is sought, he would seek refuge in Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So this is from the

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Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and this is from the good manners with the Quran, Imam and never we mentioned that this is sunnah for the one reciting the book of Allah subhanahu Attallah, during the prayer and outside of the prayer, so this is something which we should do. And obviously we can only practice this when we understand that which the verse intends with this, dear listeners, sadly, but it's reality. We've come to the end of this very short series, discussing the manners, morals and etiquettes with the book of Allah subhanahu Attallah I pray it was beneficial. Please know and understand that the true fruits of all these lessons is in putting into practice

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that which we have learned. I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanahu Attallah everything correct is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and he is the most perfect any mistakes are from myself and Siobhan and I seek Allah subhanho wa Taala is forgiveness until we meet again Subhan Allah he will be having the he Subhana Allah Houma will be having DECA Nash Hello hola ilaha illa and Mr. Furukawa to booty Lake wa Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Ubercart kita Boon

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who la MOBA Roku, Leah de baru, Yeti, or any other camera Oh lol Al Bab.

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