Sajid Ahmed Umar – Provisions for the Hereafter Series Part 13

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The importance of prioritizing success in religion, rethinking priorities, and creating a voice for oneself is emphasized in driving success in medical practice. The course teaches calmingness, calmness, and contentment, and provides insight into how Islam is used to the human experience and how it is used to the human experience. Regular events and events are essential for personal benefit, and the course provides insight into how Islam is used to the human experience and how it is used to the human experience.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu salam ala rasulillah who Allah Allah he was. He was a limiter steamin Catherine lamb dean

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of Mishra. He said recently Emery or Hello Dr. melissani, if Buhari all praises belongs to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We praise Him we seek his assistance and we seek His forgiveness and we seek refuge in Allah subhanho wa Taala from the evil of our souls and the adverse consequences of our deeds.

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Also of Allah subhanho wa Taala decrees guidance upon the man can misguided home serve Allah subhanho wa Taala decrease misguidance upon the man can guide and the peace of salutations be upon the final messenger Muhammad Ali Abdullah Saleh Ali He will send them I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship besides one Allah and that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger.

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My dear brothers and sisters Saraswathi Kumara to Lahore Baraka to welcome to our 13th lesson in the series provisions for the hereafter as we traverse through the summarized version of that and married provisions for the hereafter. A book written by Abraham online summarized by Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Abdul Wahab, Rahim Allah,

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brothers and sisters. In the past lessons, we started diving into the

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guidance of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam related to

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the prayer, the prayer is something you should all be reading and revising. As I said, it's a bit heavy at the moment. And the scope of this class does not include the different opinions. But nonetheless, it's good for you to read it and become enlightened as a result of it.

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And this class should not be a means I just want to remind everybody again, it shouldn't be a means for confusion or for you to doubt that which you have been taught by your scholars thus far.

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However, become enlightened by it, because the more we learn, the more sensitive we become, the more

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pleasant we become both to ourselves and other people, right? We don't we avoid becoming difficult with ourselves and with other people with regards to matters of religion. So there's also benefit and also the other benefit, no doubt is that you, you know, generate for yourself a good grasp of the book, and this is what knowledge entails knowledge requires patience. And it requires patience, because knowledge requires effort and effort is not usually an easy thing to,

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you know,

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to practice, right.

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But if we look at the son of Rasulullah, sallAllahu, alayhi wasallam. And even when we look at the Quran, we see that whenever I will, surely I speaks about knowledge, it's always synonymous with patience.

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And for our our workers here, you know that the same rule of thumb applies that if you want to work for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala, you have to be patient because greater effort is required greater effort is required. And one of the efforts that is required when seeking knowledge or working in the data is growing your Eman to a level in which by which you always know and remember that you are definitely getting paid for your work. And a pay far greater than any pay of this dunya. And that pays his his rewards that will benefit us, both in this world and the next. So developing your Eman to this level is important because this is what keeps you going. What happens

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is shame upon, you know, tries to effect a state of mind whereby

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we begin thinking and feeling that we're not benefiting. Why because he removes pain or he tries to remove patients from our life. So he attacks our sense of patients. And because we're not tangibly feeling, or you know, witnessing the fruits of our labor, we tend to forget that as a Muslim, we look at life not just to the grave, but to beyond the grave. So it's not that we're not getting the rewards now or not feeling the fruits of our labor now that we've lost, you know,

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everything No, that's not the case. The reality is we, you know, our there's still a long way to go in terms of our life, a long way to go in terms of our life. And that's the fact. Yes, in terms of the life of this dunya it's short, but in terms of our life as a whole there's a long way to go there's still the life of the grave, there's still the life of the DFP but there's still the everlasting life of gentlemen insha Allah places in general together me, right. So a person who is patient doesn't give up

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Doesn't feel the need to give up or doesn't become hyperventilated. Why? Because they know that look, I have been rewarded. And there's still time. Right? So when she upon attacks, patience, what happens is motivation is lost. Why? Because we say, Look, how are we benefiting? And this is the biggest thing, really, in my experience with our workers were students of knowledge, you know, when there's lack of motivation, I say to them, why do you lack motivation, when the work that you do is motivating in and of itself? Why is it that the first thing you want to give up is your work? Why is it the first thing that you want to give up or reduce? Is your your journey seeking knowledge? Why,

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why do you feel that this is other things are more of a priority over this other work that you do? Why? And clearly, it's a case of hairpin having attack this concept of patience in the life of this person, and then reaching the stage where they feel

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more desperate to apply themselves to that which brings about benefit now, that which will, you know, make me feel benefit now. And as a result, we give up the better for lesser or we reduce the better for lesser. And this was the case of the people before us Allah subhanho wa Taala that time and time again, tells us that the situation was a situation in which they became a victim of time, meaning they became attached to this dunya that's what happened to them and that's why they went astray. And I really advise everyone here to read a good book by Imam Abdullah Josie Rahim Allah I'm pretty sure it's translated in the English language by now. It's called to police a police

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If our note taker can just put it on the whiteboard, please I think it's just an idea. Happy to allow me Allah preserver to police a police is a good book for us to read because some have a lot. You know, the the man, he goes through so many different subtle,

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you know, areas

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by which he believes can deceive us so can align and when you read it, you'll actually start rethinking your life, you start thinking Hold on a second here, you know, I've always thought I am okay, I'm on a good way.

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I'm far from the deception of beliefs. But to handle a little Do you know is that in some areas of our lives, we actually live in the deception of a policeman, Allah protect us, right? Can I just request everybody to mute their microphones because there's a background noise coming into the classroom from somebody's house, Jacqueline O'Hara.

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So this is a good book for you to have on your shelf.

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My dear brothers and sisters and a good book for you to read

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a good book for you to read and revise and read it with the family as well. So how to live and even for students of knowledge. Even for scholars this there's so many points. I mean, one of the important pieces I came across

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the other day was

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I'm not sure who has the microphone, unmuted, I can actually, you know, the you hear the baby crying coming into the classroom, it's

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slightly disturbing for everybody.

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I don't mind your child crying at home, but you just need to mute your microphones everybody please does not allow here.

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So one of the points of imaginable Josie rahimullah that

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I came across was his statement related to the scholars. And he says that a scholar,

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you know, loses that credibility of a scholar with Allah subhanho wa Taala when

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that particular scholar

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begins to attach a love for position in

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his scholarship. And he goes forth and explains how love for position can come about in one scholarship. And he says that comes about when you become sad or disturbed by another scholar being given a platform rather than yourself. So Pamela, right. So he goes, you know, just that concern that you have? He says, this is an area that you should address immediately. Right? This is a hole in your firewall, I'm paraphrasing, I'm saying it i'm just giving an explanation. He didn't actually say hole in the firewall. But for those who understand the language of it, it's a hole in your firewall that SharePoint has penetrated you got to address it immediately. Right? He says this is a

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sometimes you might not even think it that you know this is an issue with my sincerity and my my seeking of knowledge for the sake of Allah. You know, sometimes you can push upon deceives you and says that no, it's okay.

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For you to feel like this because you feeling like this, because you know you want to race to Allah subhanho wa Taala and you wish to have the platform than the person. So have Allah This is a very subtle deception of Sherpa. Right? So it will Josie in his book, Tbilisi bliss, he's saying that no, this is not the case. This is not the case. The reality is that you need to check your intention. It's not the case that you Okay, having these feelings, the reality is there's a problem with your intention, because you should be happy. If a scholar has a position to teach you good. Because, you know, the world you want to create, which is being a means of guidance

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for the people is the same world that that particular scholar wants to create as well. So the work of that scholar is helping you see the world you wish to create, you know, and Josie Rahim Allah likens it to a doctor and says, you know, if a doctor cures somebody, then it's not completely you know, you can't comprehend another doctor feeling upset, that that person got cured. No, another doctor would be happy that the person got cured even if the cure or the or the success in terms of medical practice happened on upon the hands of another doctor. Right? But the reality is the cure happened. And this is what every doctor wants. So adequately *, I'm just giving you certain

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examples, my dear brothers and sisters because we're discussing how important it is to have patience when you seek knowledge. And as I said earlier, if we look at the sooner if we look at the Sharia, and the texts, the texts of the Sharia, we actually find that

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you know, if you ponder over the text you actually see the Shetty are telling you that listen, knowledge is not going to come to you easy. Knowledge is not going to come to you easy. Knowledge is going to come to you after great effort. Right after you. You you put in the hours, right? That's when knowledge is going to come to you. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said when Seneca Perry and whoever treads a path, seeking knowledge meltemi Sufi hilman seeking knowledge salla Allahu Allahu Bihari parallel Jana, Allah subhanho wa Taala will make his way to gender easy, not the first word men Celica parihaka. Whoever treads a path, right treading a path needs effort.

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That's the reality. It needs effort. Right? And the examples accomplice in the Sherry arm in today's talk is not about the importance of seeking knowledge. But nonetheless, it's worth the introduction. The other thing I wanted to discuss my dear brothers and sisters, before we move into our discussion about Salah is

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always related to what we're seeing in the world today, and the need for us to rethink our priorities. I think we've all been witnessing the news this week, and how countries are voting to

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go ahead and and, and, and go ahead with airstrikes in Raqqa. And, and these areas for the sake of rooting out terrorism. And, you know, many people have used about this, it's been hectic.

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on social media, it's been been hectic, in terms of my own emails, you know, people engaging me, everybody's looking for a response, everybody, you know, once checked, so and so to respond to get on his Facebook page, get on his Twitter page and write big things

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about the politics of today and the decisions of politicians today. And the reason why I'm saying we need to rethink our priorities, and I shared this on a reflection that I sent out last night on the telegram channel, inshallah, most of you are on that channel.

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And the reflection that I shared, was related to this particular point, rethinking our priorities because the bottom line today, my dear brothers and sisters is even if we go on Facebook and stick on messages,

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that message is not going to stop the planes flying, it's not going to stop the bombs falling. That's the reality. Right? I'm not saying we shouldn't speak out and offer guidance on social media, especially those who are working in the dry and they have people under them and they have

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you know, a following and and they have a people who take guidance from them. Yes, you must speak out. However, we must realize that it's more important to

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give more of our resources to those aspects that are considered proactive in our life and not reactionary. You know, the need to put out a post and message is more reactionary than proactive. I'm not saying we shouldn't have reactionary matters in our life, we should have reactionary matters in our life. However, those reactionary matches should only be in our life if being reactionary is from being proactive.

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You know, be reactionary is like medicine in my, in my view, we use it

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just as we use medication, we use it within the right dosage

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or using the right dosage for the right amount of time. Right? It's not normal if somebody is taking medication every day, this is this is an abnormal situation, may Allah subhanho wa Taala protect us, me.

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So what I'm trying to say is that it's more

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beneficial for us

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to fix ourselves, then commenting on

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the world situation today in our gatherings, in our discussions in groups, and so on and so forth. It's more better for us to develop a better sweater, develop a better way to increase our drama, give more charity,

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it's this is better for us, my dear brothers and sisters, right?

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It's better for us to do this than to spend all of our time discussing something that we have no role in changing. That's and that's a fact. And this is testimony to the weakness of the majority and weakness of us as individuals, right? We are not going to stop the bombs falling. We are not going to stop politicians misrepresenting us by going on social media, or signing petitions or walking in the streets. This is a fact. This is a reality. How many people have protested how many 1000s and hundreds of 1000s have gone out there. And things have still gone ahead. And the cries and shouts have fallen on deaf ears. This is a fact my dear brothers and sisters, we've we waste that

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whole day doing that when you could have created a greater impact by just becoming a better Muslim today. And the reason why I'm saying this, my dear brothers and sisters is we need to think long term. And we need to think about fixing the world 50 years from now and fixing the world 50 years from now. Or should I say we need to start creating a voice for ourselves. And that voice for ourselves might only come about in 50 years time. But the work related to creating a voice for ourselves starts today. starts today. Because Allah will not change our situation until we change our situation ourselves. And by Allah this old man ever fell into weakness except after leaving the

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will of Allah subhanho wa Taala and his Rasul. And this is a fact. This is a fact. This, we know even the Islamic empires they never fell until they began to bring about laws other than the laws of Allah subhanho wa Taala into the courts. Well, I can spend another few hours discussing this in terms of the historical transformation of of the Islamic judicial system. Right and, and and how codify laws of other civilizations became translated into the language of the Muslim empires them into Arabic into Turkish, and then became a big part of the implementation in judicial law, whereby courts began ruling by codified law of other civilizations, leaving the Quran in the center. And

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then Allah subhanho wa Taala cause weakness upon weakness upon weakness to fall upon them until

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the Empire cease to exist all together. So alive We must understand, we've got to go back to the basics before the grave My dear brothers and sisters, it's all good to shout, shout out, it's all good to put a Facebook message or Twitter message, and express our anger, and then go have a nice peaceful night's sleep, and take our family out for dinner. And this is what happens really, to be honest, if you contemplate it, you know, the ability to express is a means for both people have responsibility to be free of us. That's the reality. Because the moment you go out and march and you go out and express has, you know, you got it out of your system, you got it out of your chest,

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there's no need to rant anymore. I did what I did. Now I can go back to life. Right? But if a person says you know what I'm going to put in the real hours I'm going to do the real work, I am going to create a voice for the 50 years from now, by acknowledging that that work starts now. And that starts by bettering myself bettering my spouse bettering my family, bettering my siblings bettering my parents bettering my home and then my neighbor's home and then the next neighbor's home and then the neighborhood and then inshallah,

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the vicinity and then inshallah the town and then the city and then the country and then the neighboring countries and then the continent. A person who thinks this way is a person who will not love to sleep at night, and will love to wake up the next day. Because this person is a person that realizes that no matter how much I do, my situation is the case of so little done so much to do.

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you are constantly busy till the day you meet Allah subhanho wa Taala and that's how you leave. real impact my dear brothers and sisters today we reading a book of Abraham Allah, a book that was written centuries

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Centuries ago, right? Subhan Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah just wanted to share these things because as I said, the main idea from our time together, Disturbia is developing one another, especially for those who are that are workers. And I wanted to share this point because each and every one of you have people that report to you. You have organizations, you have conferences that you run, you have organizations that you, you run, right, it's important that you you know, this message. And look, I'm not saying that what I'm saying is, is is, is is everything, I'm here to learn from you as well, right. And as I said, in the telegram broadcast last night, please write to me, teach me inform me.

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And this is one of the other benefits I wanted to receive from our time together, that you grow me as a human being, and I grow you as a human being. We work together upon a bill and a taqwa we work together upon goodness and piety.

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And this is what love for the sake of Allah entails. And I'm hoping that your situation with me is one way you love me for the sake of Allah, as is my situation with you for indeed I love you for the sake of Allah. May Allah subhanahu Allah grant us the understanding, when Allah grant us patience, may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us wisdom. May Allah subhanho wa Taala you know, grant us the peace that is required now to really affect

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the creation of a better world tomorrow Allah He I'm the same like you I worry about my children I worry about. Well, I worry about my children. I know you worry about your children. I know we feel what we feel because we you know, I came across a person who actually said I don't want to have children. I said, Why? The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wants a big one law What? What world? Should I am I going to bring? Am I gonna be a means of bringing children into how? How will I know that? How will I be at peace knowing that this one human being that I love will have to face the world that the world is today and I was a means of this person's difficulty. So Pamela, I mean, you

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know, there's different forms of depression setting upon DOMA. No doubt be and this is what what weakness breeds weakness breeds this one swallow when you see oppression and you, you you can't change it when you when you see wrong and you can't change it when, when common sense is no more common. And you can't change it. I mean, any today we, you know, we talk about learning from history. Well, why we forget about learning from history. Today, people are not even learning from memories that are fresh in their minds. That's the that's the reality. It's not about learning from from things 100 years ago, 200 years ago, you know, five centuries ago, we're talking about learning

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from the last 10 years something, you know, the mistakes of the past 10 years, people are listening to I mean, even a 15 year old, a 14 year old can today tell you,

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you know, common sense which which which those who represent society do not see as common sense. I understand it, we feel frustration. And that's what I'm saying four different forms of depression are setting up on the map. But it's important that we remain proactive, true to the way of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. Why? Because when we have a man, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. And I'm not talking about the light of a train coming towards us.

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I mean, you know, this is another way of interpreting the light at the end of the tunnel. Somebody might say, well, I can see a light there. It could be a train coming towards you. That's that's a disaster. Right? But I'm talking about light at the end of the tunnel, meaning there's light

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of the outside of us in Sharla getting out of the tunnel and this is the reality of a moment of a believe I was attached to Allah subhanho wa Taala Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took 23 years before Makkah, before the idols were removed almost 23 years before the idols were removed from around the Kaaba, right the lesson from that is never lose hope in the mercy of Allah keep on doing good keep on being proactive keep on teaching good increase teaching good or law he you know one of my teachers happy the whole law may Allah preserve him. Share Jaffer Idris, happy to Allah. You know, his advice was, the more

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the more evil that people do, the more evil that people teach should inspire you to do more good should inspire you to become a better Muslim should inspire you to teach good if people teach bad you should increase your teaching of good

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because Allah subhanho wa Taala this Shetty teaches us to repel evil with goodness

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so Pamela, what what amazing advice or amazing advice so you know what my dear brothers and sisters if you in your organization's have one sitting a week, make you two sittings. Now, one sitting a week to to read from the Quran, read from the sun now share a lesson or bring in a share. Make it two times now this is the time when you increase right if you

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in your organization, if you have have set specific targets to have goodness that you want to achieve, this is the time for you to increase those targets. I'm not saying increase it in a way that causes hardship upon your organization. No, but even if you increase it by half a percent by 0.1%, make sure you increase it and tell Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah, this is my repenting of the evil that I saw this week. This is my way to help fix the evil that I saw this week, or the evil that Mr. De La ilaha illa Allah, this is the way my dear brothers and sisters May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding me apologies for taking some of your time. However, what was said

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needed to be said

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brothers and sisters, we began discussing the blessings of Sunnah and in our last session we said that Salah is a means for us to invoke Allah subhanho wa Taala. It helps us

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attain taqwa. And one of the last things we were discussing was, was that

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assala is a means of rewards both in this world and after world. And I decided for you and I in Surah Baqarah Ayah number 277. In which Allah subhanho wa Taala said

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in the levena am environmental study how to Aqaba sanata What was the catalyst for him? When a whole family him? What are we doing? I'm getting a message that says I can't hear the audio.

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Please just informed me immediately if the audio becomes an audible jackal O'Hara. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says indeed those who believe and do righteous deeds and establish the prayer and give zakah they will have the reward with the Lord and there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they give grief. So one of the benefits of Salah My dear brothers and sisters, is that it helps us in the hereafter also from the blessings of Allah is protection from shavon and we spent some time discussing the deception of sharepad area and Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says in Surah number five is number 91 in number theory to sharpen up Aveda Kumar

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philharmonie will may see the command decree law he already Salah fell into mentone. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says that she upon only wants to cause between you animosity and hatred, through alcohol and through gambling and shaper wants to avert you from the remembrance of Allah and avert you from the Sala. So will you not desist gambling and alcohol and all the evil of Shabbat. So I must have had who attended for those who ponder over this ayah tells us that she wants to bring about enmity and sadness in your life. How by making you engage in those activities that cause you to lose the remembrance of Allah forget to remember Allah and forget about the Sunnah. Right.

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in what do we understand from this, we understand that a person who constantly remembers Allah and a person who constantly observes the Salah, then this person helps himself by protecting himself or herself from SharePoint, because she wants you to do exactly the opposite. so that she can can take hold of you. Right. So what should you do repulsion upon by doing exactly what she upon does not want and that is to observe the sauna. And that is why we say from the benefits of sauna is to,

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or sorry, from the benefits of Santa is protection from SharePoint also from the benefits and blessings of Santa Maria brothers and sisters, his protection from immorality and wrongdoing, that we discussed this in an earlier setting when we introduced the topic of salah and Allah subhanho wa Taala in Surah number 29 ayah number 45. Allah says Luma Oh hiya la camino kita akima sana in a salata tell her an infection. What are the crolla he Akbar? Allah who does not own that recite Oh Mohammed, what has been revealed to you of the score? and establish the Sunnah. Establish the prayer. Indeed, the Sunnah prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is

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greater and Allah knows that which you do. Yes, indeed, the remembrance of Allah is greater. And as we said in other episodes, the Sunnah from before the sonetel after the Sunnah, is all about remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala for before the Salah, we have the end before the Sunnah we have the karma, this is all the remembrance of Allah and then the Salah from beginning to the end is all about remembering Allah, there is no point in the following way you are silent, even between movements, you are not silent why because you are saying Allahu Akbar semi Allah halimun hamidah right. So you are

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absolutely absolutely absolutely

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not silent. You are absolutely not silent My dear brothers and sisters, it's all about the remembrance of Allah and also after the Salah you have the car after Salah right? And even when you end the Salah you end it with the remembrance of Allah by saying As salam aleikum, wa rahmatullah salat, WA Alaykum wa rahmatullah. So, remembrance of Allah and Sunnah indeed, protect us from wrongdoing. And I'm not sure if I told you this. But Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the letter, that indeed this Allah, Allah didn't say in Salah 10 Allah didn't leave Salah here indefinite Allah didn't say just any Sunnah protects you from shavon and protects you from wrongdoing. Rather Allah

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subhana wa tada said enough salata that, indeed the Sunnah, thus Allah meaning the proper Salah that's done with all its pillars, all its conditions, all its recommended acts as well as with concentration, will you concentrate on what you read, you concentrate on what you say, this is the sutra that helps develop you that helps build you that helps take you out of Riba and interest that helps

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take you away from * that helps takes you away from music that helps takes you away from all that which is beloved to shape on it is this salad that helps me Allah subhanho wa Taala develop and grow our ability with our sauna. I mean, your brand name is Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us a manual, a training manual, right Allah subhanho wa Taala gives us an exercise five times a day that helps us beat shape and helps us beat evil. This is a wisdom from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And as we also said in the previous lesson, that Allah made it five times a day, not six, not seven, not four, because four would not be would not suffice and six would make us lose the sweetness of the worship.

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So Allah gave us five and will lie we know today how difficult it is for us to feel the sweetness of our Salah. Even in the five times daily Salah that we pray Allah who understand this is not an issue with the Salah. Rather it is an issue with the person observing the Sunnah Allah subhanho wa Taala forgive us and Allah subhanho wa Taala better as me, this fella also my dear brothers and sisters is a means of removing our sins. It's a means of Allah subhanho wa Taala forgiving us, right for us Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith which is in sale Buhari, that the five daily prayers and the Juma to another Juma is an explanation of the sins committed between those times. So

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as long as one is not guilty of major sins. So we learn from this, my dear brothers and sisters that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives the minuses that happened between the fudger prayer and the Zohar prayer and between the Zohar prayer and the answer to prayer and between the answer the prayer and the Missouri prayer, and between the Missouri pray and the Isha prayer and between the Isha prayer and the federal prayer we have

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a training exercise not only to help us again share a plan but an exercise to help us redeem ourselves after we call it La ilaha illa Allah and that is why when so have you made a mistake? And he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he and he he said that I wasn't modest with with with a female with a member of the opposite gender. Right? And I made mistakes and this is what I did. He didn't say he did adultery but he almost fell into adultery. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said did you pray the last prayer with us? That's what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, right? teaching us that if you prayed the last prayer with us properly, though it

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should be prayed then you are forgiven. inshallah, but for the major sins No. The major sins require Toba, require Toba adultery, Riba not being kind to your parents, the major sins, right? The cabanne these sins are only forgiven once you

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seek Toba seek repentance from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And repentance has its conditions and has its pillars. And we've discussed these pillars and conditions in previous lessons when it will have also in terms of expansion of since Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith in a Muslim, that whoever makes will do at home, and then walks to the house of Allah to perform one of the five prayers, every step he takes, wipes away a sin, and the next step raises his status with Allah, La ilaha illa Allah Who, who wouldn't want to go to the masjid Baraka navico every step you take, Allah forgives you a sin and every raising of the leg you do to take the next step. Allah

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gives you a raised rank in terms of you're here after this

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Allah Allah Allah, Allah Millikan, ham tambien Catherine Paiva Mubarak confy a lot of American hemp oil, aka sugar, Wallach Athena hesson Allahumma lekin hamdu kulu kulu ya ku ku ku Alinea to who was who who? Enter bad Enter Enter or enter Allah condition Casa de la ilaha illa Allah Indeed Allah subhanho wa Taala is the most deserving of the most special of praises. Well, we don't have an ability in and of itself ourselves to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala and hamdulillah Allah has taught us how to praise him in the best way and these are from the best praises that Allah subhanho wa Taala loves and hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen so these are a means that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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uses to forgive us for Allah subhanho wa Taala has made a means of our forgiveness, walking to the masjid as well as observing the different saltwater also another generation that teaches us that Salah is a means of our forgiveness is

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the statement of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam and reported by mammal Bukhari Rahim Allah and he did he says that the angels keep on asking Allah forgiveness for any one of you. As long as he is at the masala meaning at the praying prays and he does not break his booboo. They say, Oh ALLAH forgive him, Oh Allah, the merciful to him. So Pamela, you know, simply was waiting for the Imam to come. The angels are asking Allah to forgive us and they should teach us My dear brothers and sisters that we need to make our way to the masjid as soon as we hear the other. It shouldn't be that you go to the masjid as soon as you hear the Aqaba. And if you are working in your organization

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and you have a masala in your in your premises, and in that masala you observe Salah together, they let it not be a case where you stay in your office until you hear the outcome. As soon as you hear that as and get up. Make hoodoo and take your steps to the masala and observe what Allah makes easy for you to pray before.

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The main the compulsory prayer begins and then observe the compulsory prayer while smiling knowing that in all these minutes I've been here, a pure recreation the angels have been asking Allah subhanho wa Taala and begging Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive me, Allah He we spoke earlier about being smart, worshipping, smart, not just worshiping hard or lucky. This is a smart way to worship Allah. You know where it's you know you you work hard by asking Allah to forgive you and you work smart by making the angels ask Allah to forgive you. La ilaha illa Allah, you know, we talk about common sense here is common sense My dear brothers and sisters, how many of us follow common sense?

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mila subhanho wa Taala forgive us. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding I mean, ultimately our brothers and sisters

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when you begin the prayer, you actually ask Allah for forgiveness. So this is another reason why we say Salah is a means of forgiveness, because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said in a hadith which is acceptable, that when you begin the prayer,

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when you begin to pray after saying Allahu Akbar, you should say Oh, Allah put a great distance between me and my mistakes. A great distance as the distance you have made between the East and the West. Oh Allah cleanse me of my sins, as a white garment is is cleansed from foof Oh Allah wash away my sins, with water and with snow and with ice so Allah so this is one of the ways to begin the Sunnah. This is one of the ways to begin the saga by and by asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive you in such an eloquent way, also by the brothers and sisters. If you see a mean properly, then this is a means of one's previous sins being forgiven for a sort of loss and Allahu alayhi wa

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sallam said in a hadith which is found in both Sahil Bukhari and Sahih Muslim that when the Imam says I mean after reciting Surah Fatiha say I mean, because if you say mean at the same time as the Imam, sorry, if you say I mean at the same time, the angel say I mean, if you say I mean at the same time the angel say I mean, then all of your sins committed are wiped away. Right? That all your sins you have committed are wiped away Subhana Allah Subhana Allah right.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the understanding of life How many times have shed upon make us forget these wonderful narrations, these wonderful narrations that I will lie there's nobody who's truly intelligent

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who would leave Salah after listening to this hadith and and in particularly solid domestic links are like the best if somebody says let's pray here, let's pray with the email or ping in congregation rather, you know, pray by myself or pray in congregation. Nobody would

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would think twice my dear brothers and sisters say no let's pray and Jamar Let's pray together. Why? Because you know if our means match the the meaning of the angels will be forgiven.

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You know also, walking to the congregational prayer has so many benefits when

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we lost a partner who had a truly grant us the understanding also every time you make ruku and you make sujood your sins fall away for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith which is acceptable, when the worshiper stands up in prayer, all his sins are brought and placed upon his head and shoulders. So whenever he bows in prostrates, they fall from him.

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You know, like I feel like stopping the lesson right now I feel overwhelmed. And

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I feel the need to just you know, for us to just sit back and take a deep breath

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and just ponder over

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Allah blessings upon us.

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You know, and just taking this discussion to

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the earlier discussion that I shared when I spoke about you know, let us work towards creating a better world 50 years from now a world where the Muslims have a voice a world where the Muslims have a real you know, have real power to create positive change.

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And I told you why don't we start with Salah you know, some people, they laugh when you say Listen, why don't you pray your Salah better, they laugh, and they say is that all you can say? Is that all you can say? No, we need to be doing other things. Look, I don't deny we need to be doing other things. But don't you agree that the best thing and the most important thing and the one thing that deserves most of our time and our emotion and our our thoughts and our energies is Salah, is Sunnah isn't our sins a means of our our retrogression isn't, aren't we where we are because of our sins.

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Isn't the situation what it is because of our sins? And isn't the Salah the greatest way to to earn help from Allah and to have this disease? The sins that are blocking our progress? Isn't a solid gay just means towards having these sins removed? Well, you you can't speak enough about Santa.

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You can't speak enough about salah and don't belittle somebody telling you increase to and make Salah Some people say look, you know these comments make Salah Mexica, we've heard it it's it's old. It's we've been there. We've done that. Right. We've been there we've done that. You know, tell us something else. Tell us something else. Yeah, tell us something else we can do now. Go Priscilla. Go improve your

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code, improve your Salah. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was visited by a person and the person said teach me something of Prophet of Allah. He said Don't get angry. He said, okay, teach me something else. He said, Don't get angry. He said, teach me something else. He said Don't get angry. Subhan Allah.

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Allahu Allahu wa sallam, he's repeating the same advice. telling this as if he's telling this person you belittling this advice that I'm giving you trust me, not getting angry is super important. It's it's all of importance. It's a big matter in your life is heavy on your skills of good deeds, leaving anger. So, this is the same thing My dear brothers and sisters, you should share with those who might smoke who might be sarcastic when you tell them you know what? It's better than prayer. You know, somebody calls you up, brother. I'm very upset sister very upset. Why have you seen the news? I'm very upset. So you know, go go and observe your Sunnah and go and ask Allah for

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forgiveness for the weaknesses that we have with our Sunnah. And don't accept sarcasm from them or don't except them belittling this advice. You know, if they smoke, see, are you belittling that advice? And maybe send them a link to this lecture or maybe you yourself read these different durations that I'm sharing online. This is the best way we can speak. I you know, it's what law he the best way we can speak is by speaking the speech of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and all I'm doing in in our lesson today.

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point after point is sharing a hadith or sharing an ayah from the Quran. This is not from myself online. Allah subhanho wa Taala grandison understanding. Furthermore, every sujood we make is a means of us being forgiven. Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith in Sahih, Muslim make a lot of sujood because for every time you make a presentation to Allah, your rank is raised and your sin is forgiven.

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sitting between the sagittis is a means for us to ask Allah for forgiveness and a means for us to be forgiven. Because Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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taught us

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or in the sitting between the two such as we say, Oh my Lord, forgive me, right? We say Robic verily right. And the other things

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that we have been taught from the sooner that carry the meaning of seeking Allah subhanho wa Taala is forgiveness, right? Also the angels pray for our forgiveness after the Salah.

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As they pray for our forgiveness before the Salah when we wait for the Salah To begin, right? Because

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in a hadith in Sahih al Bukhari the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the angels will pray for you as long as you are in the same position that you just prayed in, and don't break your window. Right? And we shared this hadith earlier. Right? So after the prayer, don't be in a rush to get up and leave the masjid.

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Sit for as long as you can sit Yes, if you need to go somewhere and do something that's a different circumstance. But don't make it a habit where you make an excuse to do something. As soon as the prayer finishes, you make it a habit of yours to do so. Now, my dear brothers and sisters, right? Try your best to be conscious if somebody needs to call you and you say after Salah he says Just give me an exact time. Don't give him the minute that the man finishes. Give him five minutes after, if you can, if you have the time. Why? Because as you hear from this Hadith, the angels ask Allah to forgive us for as long as we remain seated after the Salah, and we engage in remembering Allah

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subhanho wa Taala also my dear brothers and sisters,

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after the Salah Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to say I stuck through law three times. What does Allah mean Oh Allah, I seek your forgiveness or Allah I seek your forgiveness, or Allah I seek your forgiveness. Right? And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever recites after every prayer Subhana Allah 33 times Alhamdulillah 33 times Allahu Akbar 33 times and completes the 100 with the statement, there is no god except Allah, He is one and he has no partner with him. He is the sovereignty and he is the praise and he is omnipotent. He will have all his sins pardoned even if they may be as large as the foam on the surface of the sea.

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So Pamela,

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and this narration is in Sahih Muslim

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like how long does it take for us My dear brothers and sisters to say so Pinilla hamdulillah Allah Akbar 33 times, like how long? How many minutes?

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We all love protect us from shavon and forgetfulness, and mean, and May Allah subhanho wa Taala guide us indeed whoever Allah guides them can misguide Allah He, if you are guided towards these come after Salah. Lo and understand that is because Allah wanted to forgive you. So he inspired you to take the means of forgiveness.

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We'll look at just the understanding. I mean,

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the prophets Allah Allahu Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also said that there are two qualities which no Muslim person attains but he will enter Paradise, and they are easy.

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But those who do earn them are few. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the five daily prayers, and after each prayer one of you glorifies Allah 10 times and then praises him 10 times, and then magnifies him meaning says Allahu Akbar 10 times. Right, which makes 150 on the tank and 1500 in the balance, and I saw the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam counting them on his hands. And when one of you retires to his bed, before he sleeps at night, he says to Pamela 33 times, and Alhamdulillah 33 times and Allahu Akbar 34 times that is 100 on the tank, and 1000 in the balance, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, so which one of you does 2500 bad

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deeds in a day and a night? And it was said, O Messenger of Allah, how can a person not persist in doing this quantity of of evil? And he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the shepherd comes to one of you and he is praying and says, Remember such and such, remember such and such, or he comes to him when he's in bed and makes him fall asleep. Right? So basically, this hadith is teaching us that sharepad attempts to make you forget remembering Allah, even while she in the prayer and even before you go to sleep. Why? Because HIPAA knows that Allah has blessed us with these of God if we do it, it kills chiffons day. It makes your day a worthless day, Shabbat might think he's winning because

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he made you do this sin and that sin and this sin and that sin and this sin and that sin Subhana Allah

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But then, before you end the day, you do this and Allah forgives you and nullifies the work of shapen. In an instance.

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This is how you defeat shaper, my dear brothers and sisters, by not losing hope in Allah by asking Allah for forgiveness by taking the means of forgiveness as taught to us by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this is how you slept hairpin in the face. Right? This is how you you belittle him. This

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is how you make him irrelevant. This is how the this is how you rebuke shaper.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala grant is the understanding now, at the beginning of the Hadith we had the statement after each prayer one says Subhana Allah 10 times and Alhamdulillah 10 times and Allahu Akbar 10 times, right?

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So is this a contradiction with the Hadith that tell us to do 33 times? No, it's not a contradiction. It's not a contradiction, because we have some durations that say, say, a supernova 33 times and have the last 33 times and Allahu Akbar 34 times, which makes it 100 some duration say you do it all 33 times, and then you say, La ilaha illAllah de la sharika, Nobuko hamdulillah coalition party.

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And then in this narration, you say Subhan, Allah 10 times and have the Latin times

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and Allahu Akbar 10 times.

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So there's no contradiction. Rather, the scholars tell us that these are different ways to remember Allah subhanho wa Taala, after the Salah.

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Right? And this a mercy from Allah. Why? Because if you only remember Allah subhanho wa Taala in one way, or one fashion, or one manner, then what happens is you become accustomed to remembering Allah like that, and you start losing concentration, it becomes like a robotic movement. And I'm sure you've experienced it, or you've seen, you've seen it with other people that they they do the vicar. It's like, it's like a robotic thing. Right? It's like, they finish the Salah, and the fingers start moving. And there's really no concentration, it's so fast, and the person that gets up and leaves, right. So the Sharia is telling us to assist ourselves in protecting our worship from becoming a

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norm Tao, by being dynamic, by being dynamic, in terms of the car that we offer, so that our consultation is always there. It's not a robotic movement, right?

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You make the decision at the time, and we do it in this way, this time. Let me do it in that way, that time and so on and so forth. It keeps you true, it keeps you sincere, it keeps you present. I hope this makes sense, my dear brothers and sisters,

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and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best.

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So these are the many narrations My dear brothers and sisters that teach us how we receive

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great blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala and the blessings of Allah. But in terms of tangible benefits are the tangible benefits to the prayer meaning benefits we can feel here and now.

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You know, not just a benefit, which we can fathom, and have a vision of, but are the tangible benefits to the Salah? And the answer to that question is yes, my dear brothers and sisters, they are tangible benefits to the seller as well. So we've gone through the spiritual benefits.

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And we've gone through the teachings of Rasulullah sallallahu, alayhi wasallam with regards to that, but there are also tangible benefits right of the Salah, such as for example, the Unity from the benefits of Salah is becoming an ohmmeter is more united. Because Allah subhanho wa Taala brings us together in our local Masjid or in a Masjid in general, five times a day. So we are able to be closer to each other and more united. And we are able to know who is sick for that day and go and visit him and meet him. And this brings up brings about more love. And because we meeting each other more often we are able to make love to each other. And this brings about more love.

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You know, today they say we live in an age of technology, everybody's connected. And I say no we more disconnected today than before. We more disconnected in the age of connection, then we were in the ages of low connections, let's be honest. or lie today you you would see your Muslim brother that you haven't seen for a year. And you wouldn't even hug him Why? Because you on some whatsapp group. And, you know, even though you don't chat to each other, you chat at each other. And you feel like you're connected to the person. So you meet him after one year and doesn't even cross your mind. That's fine. I haven't seen you in a year. I'm telling you this has this happens. And this has

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happened and I'm sure many of you here can relate and you can drop me a message in the box below. If I'm speaking sense, right. So this is why I'm saying we are more disconnected today than we are connected on the homestead. It's just a fact of life. Right?

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But the message it allows us to be truly connected because we connect with our bodies and souls at the same time together.

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Right. Our bodies and souls are together at the same time.

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So are we

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gives us that ability and thus from the tangible benefits of Salah is creating an atmosphere of more unity. And as we discussed, in fact, we didn't discuss it but I actually shared it in in, in another class that I teach on international radio every Friday,

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radio Islam International, we discussing the etiquettes of the seller. And one of the lessons I shared with them is how the seller increases unity because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, should I not show you a practice that if you are frequent with it, it will increase love between each other or between yourselves. And then he said,

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spread the Sallam between yourselves. So when you meet each other five times a day and you greet each other, at least more than once with the seller on that day, then you've strengthened the bond of unity and hamdulillah. Right? So from the tangible benefits of solid is unity, also from the tangible benefits of Salah is an ability to develop focus, to be focused. Yes, because Salah requires you to be a harsh air requires you to be content in the soil and to be content in the soil, you have to focus you have to focus on what you bring, you have to focus on the fact that you are standing in front of Allah, you have to focus on the fact that this is Salah, you have to focus on

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on your record on your sujood and the different ethika. Right. So if you can't be praying Sunnah, and at the same time writing a WhatsApp message

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Sorry, I said that, but the reason why I said that is because today we drive, and we are we typing messages, right? We drive and we on the mobile phone, you can't be in Santa Ana and speaking to your wife or speaking to your husband was speaking to your business manager.

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Right? Some of us are saying

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this is another word of the age long.

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A long time.

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Right? Today, people laugh, not by laughing. They laugh by saying long, right? I was chatting to somebody one day and I was saying some things and they were and they were telling me lol I'm not talking about typing on the telegram group or whatsapp group or via text message. Honestly, they were in front of me. And I was saying something and they said lol.

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So they actually laughing but not laughing. They laughing by a word saying lol well, why is this is the age we've

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This is the age you come in, you know? And and

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you know,

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it's become a verb today, they say, Oh, he's learning and she's learning. And that's a Lawler any.

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Anyway, we we digressing and sidetracking but

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we live in interesting times everything is interesting. So sonet brings about focus my dear brothers and sisters. It brings about focus. It helps us focus and we're lucky today we don't focus. You know, we don't we don't today in solid The phone is vibrating in your mind this thing who's calling me. Right? This is what happens. Right? We we talk to people once we talking to them, we on the phone, we type into somebody we don't focus on people, we don't focus on things.

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While I'm here today, you know, even a one hour lecture is too long. A 40 minute lecture is too long. A 20 minute lecture today is too long. Right? Look how many people are in class right now. And I knew it the moment we start sending detailed notes and sending the recordings to people in a systematic way. Mashallah, like the team is doing melody? What does that the team? I don't know what happened yesterday to the team, the

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three emails went out with different timings.

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It happens, right?

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But nonetheless, does that MIT May Allah bless them, they're doing great work. Look at the detailed notes that come to you brothers and sisters weekly. And even the recordings come to you weekly. I knew Once this happens, people will stop coming to class. Because that's it. People don't have the ability to to to focus. And everybody wants it as a fast food. Now why should I cook a meal that needs half an hour of my time? Let me just pass by the fast food place and get it in an instant. Right? And we want to seek it in like this as well. We want it fast food type of seeking knowledge. This is this is how we become we don't have focus. We need to develop a sense of focus and people

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tell me how do I become more focused in my life? Which book should I read? I start with your Salah, Salah teaches you focus.

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Salah teaches you focus. He teaches you to focus, right? Because you have to look down and you got to concentrate on the reading of the Imam Allah says according to festa Marula who I'll see to lambda come to him on that when the when the Quran is being recited don't just don't just give give the Quran you know give the Quran and at

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tend to have a listen to it. Don't just hear it, listen to it and pay attention to it or obviously to pay attention. Don't just be quiet daydreaming, be silent whilst focusing and giving attention to the recitation

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mode. So perhaps you immerse him You may be come from those engulfed by the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Subhana Allah. So Allah teaches us focus as Salah teaches us unity, also from the tangible benefits of Salah is that Salah teaches us calmness, it teaches us teaches us how to be you know come

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right because you can't be praying Salah you know, as if you didn't aerobics exercise, let's be honest, and we know that the man who walked into the masjid and prayed Salah, as if he was stretching

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to repeat the Salah.

01:00:55 --> 01:01:39

Right? And Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about the person who rushes in his or her Salah, that if this person's heart was calm and content, the bodily actions and features would be harmed would be common concern content as well. So Salah teaches us calmness because we have to become It teaches us how to drive on the speed limit. It teaches us how not to cut people on the road allow them to stand alone stand in the Muslim countries rahimullah everybody's cutting everybody on the road nobody you know it teaches us how to how not to cut into peep into a queue, but how to stand at the back of the queue. Because be collected be cool. It teaches us how not to

01:01:39 --> 01:01:51

react. Just now we were discussing should we be reactionary human beings will be proactive human beings. So law teaches us how to be proactive and not to react. Something happens because going through court in a car boy

01:01:53 --> 01:02:29

so Salah teaches us calmness and contentment because it can only be done properly in a common content way. Also from the tangible benefits of Salah is that Salah teaches us how to how to work in a team how to follow the leader and how to be a leader. Allahu Akbar It teaches us this five times a day Salah is giving us this training. Why? Because the Imam is the leader and the Imam has been told not to make the Salah so long that it affects the followers. He needs to be a leader. The man is told to to recite in an audible voice he needs to lead.

01:02:31 --> 01:03:00

Right and the Imam is taught how to be inspirational. The leader has to be inspirational Salah teaches us how to be inspirational leaders because the image recites the Quran, the most inspirational words anybody can can hear. So the followers are inspired behind the Imam and that's why my dear brothers and sisters when you lead your teams, leave them with the Quran. Leave them with the sinner because the Quran and the Sunnah is inspirational in and of itself.

01:03:01 --> 01:03:11

So Salah teaches us how to be amazing leaders how to lead a team because the Salah only allows us to speak inspirational speech

01:03:12 --> 01:03:22

and speech of Allah subhanho wa Taala had the most inspirational speech, right to recite the most inspirational speech. Apologies for the slip of the tongue.

01:03:23 --> 01:03:24


01:03:25 --> 01:04:08

Salah teaches us how to be amazing leaders and Salah teaches us how to be amazing followers that we shouldn't go and get ahead of our leaders, we should advise them but not abuse them, we should not belittle them. Because the Salah doesn't allow you to say I mean before the fact he has finished and doesn't does not allow you to go into the core before the event goes into the core does not allow you to go into sujood before the Imam goes into salute. So Pamela, look at that. Salah teaches us our positions in life. The leader is the leader and the leader enjoys priorities which the followers don't enjoy respect, respect the tiers of leadership, respect the positions in the organization,

01:04:09 --> 01:04:49

respect the positions in society. These are tangible benefits that fella teaches us as well. Well, why he The next time you want to do a training course in your company, make them praise Allah. That's the best training course you don't need to spend 1000s of dollars getting a professional trainer to come in and run training courses. Look, you must do that that's beneficial. Of course, there's benefits in it, no doubt. But you've lost the most important benefit if you haven't spoken about Salah in your training course. Because Salah is the practical daily exercise to help us revise the most amazing lessons that we would want to learn

01:04:50 --> 01:04:59

as human beings living on Earth. Allahu Akbar, Salah another tangible benefit, it teaches us not to speak over each other and it teaches us when to speak

01:05:00 --> 01:05:31

Because when the map is reciting, we have to pay attention and be silent. And listen, how many of us listen to people today, we stand in front of them, and we don't even listening to them. So that teaches us how to communicate effective communication skills. Right? It teaches us effective communication skills. Because the Salah doesn't allow us to speak when the man is reciting. And it doesn't allow us to see I mean, except after the fact he has finished then you see, I mean, he tells us our points when we can speak.

01:05:34 --> 01:05:41

So Pamela, also from the benefits of Salah, my dear brothers and sisters, is that Sara teaches us how to be dynamic

01:05:43 --> 01:05:44

and not static.

01:05:45 --> 01:05:51

It teaches us how to be dynamic in our day, that we shouldn't be doing the same thing every day all the time.

01:05:52 --> 01:05:56

It teaches us that we shouldn't go to work using the same route every time.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:26

Yes, we should have a rhythm in our life. And we should have certain things that are in routine. But not everything has to be upon a fixed routine. So the Salah teaches us to add spice to our lives. Why so that the thing that you're doing doesn't become boring. We don't have to sit and have a meeting every day. One day, get some treadmills in the office and let everybody walk on the treadmill whilst we have the meeting at a slow pace of course, why not? Let's do something different. Let's spice it up a little bit. Right? Right.

01:06:30 --> 01:06:52

So that teaches us to spice up our life so that you know why so that you don't become bored of what you're doing. And your life always remains fresh. And we learn this from how the you know our shediac teaches us to decide different things in our Salah. The Sharia doesn't say recite in a nickel coaster and well as Allahu Ahad in every Salah.

01:06:53 --> 01:06:56

Right right it doesn't

01:06:57 --> 01:07:36

it tells us to decide as much of the Quran as we can just now we discussed after the Salah the Attica there's different ways of doing it so you don't become bored and he doesn't you know, it's not a robotic kind of process. You worship allies a robot No, you worship ally in a dynamic way were you excited to all the time and and and because Allah knows us as human beings, right? So Salah teaches us to be dynamic. But Salah also teaches us that we need to have some static features in our day. There has to be things which are routine, and you shouldn't shift them here and there. Otherwise, you won't succeed with them. How does Allah teaches this by making Surah Fatiha something

01:07:36 --> 01:07:38

you have to read in every unit of prayer

01:07:40 --> 01:07:50

31 you have to read it in every unit of prayer. That's a static matter in our Salah. So we learn that in our life, we should have static matters and we should have dynamic matters.

01:07:51 --> 01:08:15

And we learn that we should be or we learned that our dynamic matters should be more than our static matters. Because in Salah only the Fatiha is static. Meaning in terms of the aesthetic matters, like the tech we're going into Roku coming out of Roku. But if you if you compare the static matters

01:08:17 --> 01:08:44

with you know with regards to the matches that are not static, you see this balance, you see this balance. So Salah teaches us that in our day, we should have static things that we do every day we never ever leave them out. We might have to do it at the same time, like our Salah or recitation of the Quran in our study and so on and so forth. But in the same breath we should have dynamic matters our day shouldn't be meaning the entire day shouldn't be the same as yesterday.

01:08:46 --> 01:08:48

That's basically what Salah is teaching us.

01:08:50 --> 01:08:56

Right? This is what Salah is teaching us also Salah teaches us from the tangible benefits of Salah,

01:08:57 --> 01:09:43

Salah teaches us that we should be or we should have or in terms of beings a dynamic. The Salah shows us this by giving us different positions of worship in the Salah. The solid doesn't say worship Allah only standing, worship Allah only bowing worship Allah only in salute, worship Allah only sitting no Salah says Allah to the Salah says worship Allah while standing then while bowing then while since then, while sitting, Allahu Akbar. So Salah is teaching us be dynamic, right? Even in how you how you do one thing be dynamic, you know, studying is one thing but there are different ways to study. Sometimes you can study by listening to audio. Sometimes you can study by working on

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a computer sometimes you can study with a textbook. Sometimes you can study in a group, so be dynamic in how you do it. Because this is better for your heart and your soul. And you know you living life and tasting life. So Sara teaches this as well teaches us this as well in how it shifts us from position to position

01:10:01 --> 01:10:10

So now also teaches us that in our day, we need to be active and we also need to rest. We need to be passive and we need to be active.

01:10:12 --> 01:10:23

Yes, how Salah gives us ruka or sorry, Salah gives us the standing after Rocco, and between the salute, the scholars say this is a period of rest,

01:10:24 --> 01:11:11

right? And then Salah gives us a sitting period between the two sujood the scholarship, this is a period of rest, Salah gives us a sitting period between two rakaats. So you pray to then you sit for a little bit, and then you stand up to pray another to this is a period of rest. So Salah is teaching us that in your day, make sure you have moments to rest. But Salah is teaching us that make sure you are more active than passive. Because if you look at the ratio of action in Salah it's more than the ratio of being passive or less active in your solid. So Salah teaches us You must sleep, you must rest. But don't make your whole day about sleeping and resting. And don't make 51% of your

01:11:11 --> 01:11:32

day about sleeping and resting. Unless you're in an abnormal circumstance, you know, hospital and so on and so forth. This is a different situation. But I think you get the gist of what I'm saying My dear brothers and sisters, right? You get the gist of what I'm saying. Right? That if you ponder the Salah is teaching us so many tangible things will lie that we can benefit in our day. Right

01:11:34 --> 01:11:37

Subhanallah I can go on and on but our time has come to an end.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:51

I'm also overwhelmed. Allah is this things here that Allah subhanho wa Taala has opened upon me in this lecture. However I did do a series of short lectures with the daily reminder

01:11:53 --> 01:12:06

they short four or five minute videos regarding what Salah teaches us and a lot of the points that I've shared that summarize there so if you just go to Salah t let me try and google it for you right now and see if I can find it

01:12:13 --> 01:12:30

Bismillah Yeah, if you google Salah teaches us and then right sided Omar there's a few videos that will come up I did about five or six videos but just in this Google Search I can already see three so if you just Google Salah teaches us

01:12:32 --> 01:12:33

you'll actually find it

01:12:34 --> 01:12:37

on brother he shared Mashallah is putting up

01:12:38 --> 01:12:53

the links for you. And actually have my dear brothers and sisters I really had a fun time with your in this lesson. all good things must come to an end I love you all for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to be pleased with us to accept from us.

01:12:55 --> 01:13:26

You know, like everything I shared with you is from the heart I don't mean to offend anybody or sound like I'm scolding anybody or you know, say anybody's wrong. Now what I'm doing when I share a perspective is not to say you're wrong but i'm i'm saying that just give yourself a chance to be wrong and perhaps just consider what's being said from the other end. Perhaps we may become better human beings and I reiterate, I'm here to learn from you all as well. So please feel free to write to me and and share with me advice and allow

01:13:27 --> 01:13:33

my knowledge to grow and my perceptions to grow. Indeed, Allah has tested me by you know,

01:13:34 --> 01:13:50

putting people out there who who look for my guidance. Well I consider this a test and asked you to make dua that Allah makes this test a blessing for me, by Allah subhanho wa Taala making me able and capable in being a means of good guidance for the ummah.

01:13:51 --> 01:14:04

You make that for me, as a communicator. Until next Saturday, my dear brothers and sisters May Allah subhanho wa Taala preserve us in his obedience, I mean, please send a message to the other attendees and tell them

01:14:05 --> 01:14:35

to attend tell them to attend and to prefer attending this lesson live to the other things that they doing? Yes, they can listen to the recordings and read the notes, but no doubt is beta Baraka in attending life had an island or some level or cinema or Baraka and and Amina Mohammed Allah, Allah, he might have a lot he will be having the supercritical lahoma will be having dica the shadow Allah Allah Allah Mr. Furukawa to blue lake Allah and Allah Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Explanation of the summarised version of Imam Ibn Qayyim AlJawziyyah’s famous book – Provisions for the hereafter

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