Sajid Ahmed Umar – Moments with the Qur’an #13

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of excessiveness in Islamic culture, including comparing it to money and prioritizing purchases. They also explore the lens of "the price of money" and emphasize the importance of spending in a way not at the expense of others. The speakers emphasize the need for people to manage money and pray for the future, with a message of praying for the future and making notes on the video for reference.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone welcome to episode number 13 moments with the Quran today we're going to do something different. We're going to continue with yesterday's I am number 31 from sudo to Iraq Why? Because we discussed yesterday how Allah warns us against excessiveness and questions naturally came about what constitutes excessiveness from an Islamic perspective. So I thought we dedicate today's lesson towards this important question now, the topic of excessiveness is multifaceted, but from a fifth perspective and to make the topic more palatable, perhaps we can look at it from four angles angle number one, by looking at the person himself or

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herself, right? And the amount of money they have meaning their financial standing and material well being, and then comparing that with that, which they just bought, do they need it? Or is it something they want? And then what is the price of that which they want, and so on and so forth. Right? So we know that money has relative value, what is a lot for someone is a little for someone else. So a rich man, for example, spending 1% of his wealth on something he wants and doesn't need is different to a poor person, for example, spending a 1% of his wealth on something that he wants and doesn't need. And we have an example that goes back to Omar Abdullah, who is even a bit dunia

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mentions in his book his love for men,

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which is related to correcting one's financial affairs. He mentions a report that goes back to the lipid format, in which he says my grandfather bought a cloak, cloak, right? For 16 silver coins and he passed by the law and when

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the second Caliph of Islam was in charge of the Muslim soldiers, he asked him that how much how much did this go costume? He said, 60 silver coins. He said, What is the amount of your total wealth? He said 1000 silver coins.

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One became angry with him and dealt with him right. Why? He says How can you buy a cloak for 60 silver coins when your total wealth is 1000 silver coins. This is excessiveness, this is from his half, right? If you needed it, you could have you could have dealt with your need buying a cloak that was much cheaper in price going extra was not a need. It was a want. And your want was excessive in light of the total wealth that you have. Right. So this was the scale that the second Caliph of Islam used Viola and the second angle that we can look at this matter from is looking at what is actually being spent on and that is from an Islamic perspective. Is it halal, or is it

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haram? Right? If it's haram even if a rich person purchases it, then this is excessiveness, no doubt. Okay. The third angle that we can look at it is based on the amount spent in respect to an item being bought. And when I say an item being bought, I mean a permissible item. Of course, because the second angle we discussed if something is haram, no matter how rich you are, is going to be excessive if you buy because it's forbidden for you to buy. But let's say there's something which is permissible for you to buy. And now this angle necessitates us looking at what you paid for it. Right. So something is worth $1, or one pound and a person pays 100 pounds, why they want to show

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off their buying power what they want to do just because they can even though this is excessive, irrespective of your financial standing or material well being you cannot buy a pen with one pound for 100 pounds. This is excessive, right? So from this angle, from an Islamic perspective, a person doing this especially if they're doing it to show off and show off the buying power. This is no doubt it's Robin, this is haram and forbidden in Islam. The fourth angle brothers and sisters in Islam would be for us to look at the matter based on priorities, right? Because we know that sometimes

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we have needs but these needs have different proximities in terms of what is the most important or the most priority. So sometimes you spend on something and less important than because of it. It causes you to lose lose out on doing something that that is more important. For example, a person buys an expensive meal, not a normal meal, an expensive meal and because of that, they fail to purchase the clothing they need to cover the hour to cover parts of the body that they need to cover. No doubt this is rough. And this is Mahara and this is forbidden, right? So these are the four angles and I pray that this shed some light there's one other thing I want to discuss because

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you know people do say this, like Abu Bakar Abubakar robiola and For example, He gave all his wealth for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So is this is rough in terms of spending in charitable causes or causes beloved to Allah subhanho wa Taala. The scholars say there's no interest in this. But however, this is not conditioned lis in my understanding from a fifth perspective, because even Abubakar robiola when he never did this without having the confidence that he could make the money needed before his family actually needed that which he's supposed to provide for them. And no doubt Then he put his trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this was how he was special than the rest.

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Right? That he he felt after loss of panaway data he had the ability but he put the stress in Allah subhanho wa Taala to the extent that he felt you know what everything is needed. Now I'm going to give everything

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Others put their trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala but they said half will give right? Because you just never know. So when it comes to spending in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala there's no access at all however

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we need to understand it in light of what I just said that it shouldn't be at the at the expense of you not doing something which is why Jeep upon you remember our discussion about priorities, right? So Abubakar, no, no, no doubt did this knowing that what was compulsory upon him in shaba he felt he had the skills to take care of that and he had trusted Allah subhanho wa Taala that he will manage inshallah. So this is a point now, is it totally free from excessiveness we say no, for example, somebody builds a machine, but then they want to import carpets from this country and that country why because any they want to do it and people will be amazed by it. We say no, the money is spending

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on the carpets could even though it's it's it's part of building the machine that this is part of spending in the heart of Allah subhanho wa Taala we say this part here excessiveness could enter

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this space here, right? Not the actual building of the machine but the type of carpet now that you're bringing in, especially if by doing so it's going to stop you from being a greater worship. For example, you buy expensive carpets and because of it you don't take care of your elderly parents and it's compulsory upon you to take care of them. That is a great tip. so here we can see that excessive excessiveness can come in from one angle because of you going extra in something less importance in terms of priority and because of it something greater in priority is lost and we understand this from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as we see in the midst of

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the books of Hadith eration reported by American shave and Avi and Jacques de amor even shaved from his father from his grandfather that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said kulu wa shabu, what are some Deku? Well, bezu mean Lady mahila in one is off. So this is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said give, eat, drink, give sadaqa and dress meanwhile at mahila tea without being extravagant while I serve and not being excessive. So sadaqa is something done for lots of people who were to add, but the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Don't be excessive in the scholars explained this connection, in light of what I've just said whereby you go overboard in one matter

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and because of it, you are unable to do a matter of greater importance and both these matters of course, are from the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala or matters attached to you doing it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala we've gone a little bit over today but I pray we've answered the question if it was a little quick, don't forget you can replay the video and make your notes at your own pace. I love you all for the sake of Allah. Until next time, ceramah daddy come to over again.

What is Excessivness (Israaf)
In this episode we discuss what entails being excessive from an Islamic perspective.
We also shed light on the concept of being excessive with regards to charitable causes.

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