Sajid Ahmed Umar – In The Company Of Allah #3B Etiquettes Towards Allah’s Names
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Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah who Allah Allah He or sappy woman Wila Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Dear viewers, I welcome you back
to this episode after our short break and just before the break we were talking about some principles pertaining to the names and attributes of God Almighty. We said firstly, that they are totally free Yeah. Meaning we there's no room for anyone to exercise personal reasoning and make up names to give to God Almighty. And we cited as an example, that we shouldn't say that from the names of God Almighty is that he is the engineer even though Allah subhanho wa Taala is the creator of all in creation. But he didn't call himself that Subhana Haworth Allah so we do not give him that name. We are the names of Allah subhanho wa taala, that are beautiful. And that can only be God Almighty.
His names are the names which he subhanho wa Taala gave to himself also we said that from these principles is that we understand the name, the implications of the name, the attributes, the dimensions of the name, in the most elevated of ways without comparing them to the creation of God. Almighty. The next principle, brothers and sisters is that sometimes we see in the names of God Almighty, there's different variations of the same name. So for example, you have Aloha here, and then you have alpha. And then you have Aloha foo, right. And if you just contemplate over these names, Aloha,
Aloha Fu, I love you can see that they all have three common letters, and that is her and fat. And rah, rah, rah, rah, right. And this name in the Arabic language refers to covering something, covering something apparent or making the apparent hidden, right. And with regards to call to mighty names, we translate these names as the one who forgives because when a court Almighty forgives us, then he makes our apparent sin hidden, he hides it. Allah subhanho wa taala. Inshallah, we'll talk about this, when we come across these particular names. So this example of half an alpha and alpha four, they three different variations of names that share the same letters. And what the scholars
say that when we come across names that have different variations, we should count them as individual names, we don't say that alpha, alpha foo, and alpha is one name, rather, we say the three names, okay. So when a person, for example, wants to practice upon the Hadith, of the Prophet, salallahu, alayhi, wasallam, that indeed, God Almighty has 99 names, whoever looks after them will enter Paradise, then, and they want to collect for themselves 99 names, then the scholars say that alpha, alpha, alpha for alpha, these are three names. So you've got three in your set, you do not count it as one and then you have alpha alpha d, I looked at, for example, these are also three
variations of names that share the same letters are, and then then there, and then or Ah, but there are Ah, right. But when we count them, the scholars say that as a principle, when counting these different variations, we count them as individual names. Now, why? Why are we just trying to increase number than absolutely not for Indeed, God Almighty is perfect, but rather, because each of these names, even though they share the same,
there's a base that they share. The implication and meanings of these names are different, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. And this is the beauty of these names. And this is what we're going to try and bring about as we go through these names together. In fact, you know what, I can't help myself. So let me just share with you a little bit about alpha, alpha and alpha and alpha. So for example, when we look at Olafur, agafay refers to the one who forgives, it's the doer of something, right? Any word in the Arabic language that fits the scale, the letter scale fairy refers to the one doing something, right? The one doing something, if you say, it will say Muhammad ate the apple, then the
doer of the eating is Muhammad. Right? So he's the fact he's the doer of the act. So any name in the Arabic language that fits this? The scale fair and like a half here is the one who's doing it. So Allah is the One Who forgives, right? But then we have hyperbolized version or an intensified version, right. And this is
is present even in the English language. So Allah says alpha and this is on the scale Alpha ad, right these are from the intensified scales. And alpha food is alpha, which is another scale which is which which is the scale of hyperbolas ation or intensification. When Allah says Allah, how far is he saying he's the one who forgives? Yes and much more. Allah subhanho wa Taala is saying he's the one who forgives and continuously forgives. Even if you make the same mistake, as long as you tend back to Him, He will forgive you. Allahu Akbar, Allah. Right, right. So the the implication is far greater than the implication, or there's a different implication that we take from this name for
comparison to the implication we take from the first name alhaja. By now we have Aloha foo, what does allow for mean, is it same like alpha, if we say it encompasses the meaning of alpha and encompasses the name of alpha and even alpha, we say it encompasses encompasses the name of an alpha, as well as alpha. But when Allah says he's unhealthful, Allah is telling us that it's upon Allah to forgive.
Allahu Akbar. Right? Normally, the scholars say that anything that's upon the scale Alpha rule, it's, it's something that it's like, a job description. It's there to assist another process, right? Like for example, Waldo refers to the water used during wuhou. Right, which is purification. So water is used to purify. Right? So Allah is telling us that it is Allah who can purify you, when you need to be purified.
When you have physical impurity, you need water. But when you need to be purified spiritually, you need Allah subhanho wa Taala Allahu Akbar, this is a another implication we've taken that
you need Allah to purify you from your spiritual mess, you know, sometimes we, we, we fall and we slip. And we get to a stage where we've lost hope, but there's other people who fall and slip and they fall into a far deeper loss of hope known as despair. So the scholars say for those in despair, we say Allah is Allah,
Allahu Akbar, that irrespective of how you feel, right, if you want purification, you have no choice but to turn to Allah. Even if you feel shy, turn to Allah. Don't lose hope in the Mercy of Allah. Right? So Allah is there for us always. As long as we are breathing, it is a message for us to turn to Allah subhanho wa taala. So Allah is Allah, and Allah is Allah food. And Allah is also firm. And these are three names, even though they share the same base. And as you have seen, because of the implications, the employee the implication of the name, and the reality of the attribute of the name has a specific meaning has its own status, thus we count them as three and not as one.
I'm so excited just talking about those names. And I can't wait to speak about these again. When we take the discussion Aloha far and aloha food and aloha for Allah. How can a Muslim be sad? When Allah has these beautiful names? How can we be sad? Sometimes we see people sad, and we say How can you be sad when you're a Muslim? Islam has given you an unprecedented potential to be happy. And that is why acaba alayhis. Salam, he says, in the hula, assumere Rohilla, inland Komal cafe, that no one can lose hope in the Mercy of Allah except a disbeliever. I believe I can't believe that has these names, these beautiful names, these elevated names, they can never lose hope, they always turn
back to Allah subhanho wa Taala and redeem themselves, may Allah forgive us and grant us death. While he's pleased with us. I mean, from the principles with regards to these names, is a principle slightly opposite to what we discussed. Previously, we just said that if there's three names, or four names, or two names that share the same base, we count them as three or two or four, we don't count them as one. However, there are some names of God Almighty. There's some names of God Almighty, that
have to exist in Paris, thus we count them as one. Why? Because we name is only beautiful when it's together with another name. Right? Right. So for example, when we look into the names of God Almighty, we see that Allah subhanho wa Taala has named himself
Albert chef. So this concept of withholding if it exists by itself, it cannot be beautiful. And that cannot be from the beautiful nature.
Have Allah subhanho wa taala. Thus it has to exist with Alberto
that when you understand that sometimes Allah Almighty withholds and at the same time he is the one who is the most generous and the most giving you understand the beauty of the name withholding. Because it Allah is beautiful when he withholds because he's the one who never runs out. So hello and so thank you and I, sometimes we withholding because we don't have something the case with Allah subhanahu ATOD. So Allah is beautiful in His withholding because there's a divine wisdom behind why he has withheld. So you understand this concept of God Almighty, being withholding right, with divine wisdom in light of the name and bounce it the one who is generous and ever giving. And we
know that if the first of creation, till the last of creation, asked and asked to the lowest desire from the bounties of God Almighty and Allah subhanho wa Taala gave everybody better than what they asked, right? Gave them better than what they asked mankind and jinn kind all alike, this will not take out from the treasures of Allah except the amount taken out when you take a needle and dip it into the large ocean and remove that meter. The amount that is removed from that ocean is what absolutely nothing. Right? So Allah can give us and give us and give us an it won't remove anything from his treasures. Subhanahu wata and so when he withholds, it's not because he doesn't have
subhanho wa Taala rather Allah is Allah honey and we will discuss this name Bismillah he to Allah, rather, Allah subhanho wa Taala is beautiful in His withholding, because he is also
the one who is the most generous. So the completeness of one name is understood when it's attached to another name versus these names shouldn't be names that we separate. I pray that we've taken heed with regards to some of the lessons of this particular session. Sadly, our time has come to an end. I look forward to the next session until then As salam o alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
Allah Allah Allah Allah