Sajid Ahmed Umar – Dhul Hijjah Diaries 4 – Change your Doorstep! Listen In!

Sajid Ahmed Umar
AI: Summary © The hedge is a popular hedge that fulfilled Islam's command and is linked to its success. It describes the actions of its father, a woman who describes her as her father's sister, and the family's history of being a tree. The segment also touches on the importance of learning and acting to become more humble, and the historical significance of Islam's construction during the ADframe.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was so happy woman while president angst Allah subhanho wa Taala alone, and peace and salutations be upon the final messenger brothers and sisters in Islam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. And welcome to our fourth installment of our ledger diaries, the series dedicated to the special month. And the special days that we are in yesterday's episode, we began discussing points that prove how attached to the ledger is to the life of Ibrahim alayhis. Salam, and specifically the actions of the hedge and we know that this month houses the fourth pillar of Islam, the hedge yesterday we spoke

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about Safa and Marwa and we mentioned how it's Marinelli Salam was just two years of age, and the scholars of history, they mentioned that Ibrahim Alayhi Salam never just abandoned his family in that place. Rather, he fulfilled the command of Allah subhanho wa Taala and left Palestine with them and left them Yes, in the middle of nowhere as it was then it was just a valley with nothing besides two mountains, two mountains that we now know as safa and marwah. But this wasn't abandonment, this was fulfilling the command of Allah. He wasn't allowed to stay with them. This was part of the test. But he would come regularly, he would frequently travel up. And there's a famous story of how

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Ibrahim Alayhi Salam once came, and he reached the door of his mareel. And he knocked the door and this, the female opened the door who was understood to be the wife of his Mary Lally salon. And she Ibrahim Astor that way is married, and she said that he has gone hunting, right. And this is what he used to do. He was the man of the home. So the is to hunt for their food.

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So he asked her, how's everything and she began to complain about the difficulty of life and poor financial standing and weak material well being and so on and so forth. And then Ibrahim said, you know, do you have anything to you know, host me, so that I may be your guest? And she said, No, well, we have nothing. So Abraham and he said, I'm intended to leave back to his homeland where he was, you know, where he was

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settled. But before he did that, he told that that when his smile comes back, please tell him that that's such a you know, that a man came by and he said he should change his doorstep, he should change his doorstep. So if Martin comes back from his hunt, and he meets his wife and he asked his wife he was inspired to ask it in one visit me today. She goes, yes, this ban unknown man came, they said, Please describe him to me. So she described him

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to smile and because you know, Ibrahim frequented

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maca to visit his son is really smile understood from the description that this was my father. So he said to I did my father, meaning did he advise anything towards anything? And she said yes, he said, you know, you should change your doorstep. So it's Michael said that, oh, this was my father and he was instructing me to divorce you to, you know, to divorce you meaning is instructing me that you are not a suitable wife for me. And then, after some time passed, Ibrahima came back and he knocked the door and another woman opened and this was the new wife of his marriage, Elisa Lam. And he asked her what ways is married and she said he's gone hunting. And then he asked how's everything and even

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though everything was still the same, but she you know, sort of what we say in English nowadays, in colloquial slang, she picked it up, he said, everything is amazing, and everything is perfect. And, you know, he said, Do you have anything to host me so I can be a guest? And she you know, she was she answered in the affirmative. So Ibraheem alehissalaam excused himself and said, anyway, when a smile comes back, tell him to look after the doorstep, right? In Arabic, it's called the utter batavi. Look after his doorstep. So again, a smile comes home, he's inspired, you know that there must have been someone who visited so he asked his wife, she said, Yes. And she describes the

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visitor, his smile, understands who the visitor was. It was my It was his father. And he said, What did my father you know, what did he say? What did this visitor this old, wise man say? And she said that he said, You should look after your doorstep. So he smiled, smiled and said, This is my father. And he's told me to, you know, to look after you now,

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as we can see from the story and they are lessons in it, but we see from the story how grown up his family was, and obviously his family is known as the father of the Arabs. And his father Ibrahim was known as the father of the prophets. The father of the Arabs was a Samaritan why because this tribe of Judah whom once was passing through the area, they were also looking for,

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for water and they were from, you know, the the original Arabs. And they see these birds circling in the air and from their desert knowledge, they understood that they must be water nearby, so they dispatched

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a couple of companions

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Or a few companions to go and you know, try and find out what these birds are flying over and as the you know, navigate their way towards this area that the birds are circling over they find this well and they find this woman with a boy sitting by the well. So,

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it is it is said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned that hazard was a type of extrovert meaning she she liked company and she was she was lonely where she was. And this was the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala upon her, that Allah also blessed her with people that she could not interact with. So the men came by and said, Look, you know, we're looking for water, can we settle here with the water? So she said, Absolutely, you can set earlier but on one condition, and that condition is no one has access to the world. The world doesn't belong to anyone, no one has a monopoly over it. And they agreed to it. So they settle there. And slowly but surely, you know, they

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grew in the area and is married, Elisa married from them. Right and that is why our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam goes back to Ibrahim Alayhi Salam via his son is married to his Salah, and Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is an Arab as we know, all the other prophets go back to Abraham Ali Hassan via Abraham's other son is Huck. Right? The only profit that goes back to Brian is married and he Sam is our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so many years later, now his marriage is here. He settled here and Ibrahim comes back and tells him that Allah wants us to build this club. And it's immediately he answered the call of his father, you know, the big kind of

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attitude that or whatever you say I'm here, and they build the Kaaba praising Allah subhanho wa Taala. And you know, it's amazing brothers and sisters in Islam. Allah tells us this part in the Quran, this part of the story of Ibrahim, and he says why the other Pharaoh Ibrahim will cover them in LBT? Well, it's Mary Laura Bennett, Berman intercellular alum in Sorrento Baqarah. In the first Jews, Allah says that when Ibraheem alehissalaam raised the pillars of Allah's house, along with his son, and, you know, when they did this, they said, Oh our Lord, except from us, indeed you are all hearing the all knowing. Now this is amazing brothers and sisters in Islam, especially for those who

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are doing the hedging, even those who are not unhedged. There's lessons for all of us. But if you know someone on how to send them this lesson, perhaps it will amplify the hedge experience as well, that there's no one who can compete with Ibraheem alehissalaam in this in this act of worship, imagine who can build the cup, no one can build the car, there's only one car. So Ibrahim receives an instruction to build one car in a place at a time. Right? And this is the house of Allah. There's no one who can compete with him in this worship something like Salah we have people competing with us in Salah where people competing with us in charity, you know, in kindness to parents and good

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character people compete with us in all sorts of, of, you know, good deeds, but building a capital who no prophet can compete with Ibraheem alehissalaam but Subhana Allah what happens at the end does he jump up and down after he fulfills the command of Allah and, you know, arrogantly doing fist pumps and chest pumps and and you know, maybe screaming out some tech be us and look, you know, this is what I am and now to Allah, as soon as he finishes doing this act that no one can compete with him in, he say makes to Atala that all accept from me and my son, you are indeed or hearing of the praises we, we announced when we are building this caliber and and you are ready, we are the most

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annoying of our intentions and our actions. Right? I brothers and sisters in Islam. So what do we learn from this we learn from this that the right of Islam is to learn and the right of learning is to act. And the right of acting is to become more humble. After you act, you become more humble, and you worship Allah again. And we spoke about this with regards to the vicar. It's one act of worship that Allah commands us to after worship. It's worship after worship, worship after worship. After your worship of love, become humble. Don't become arrogant, because of your beard because of your hijab because of your job above your ankles. Don't do that. Become more humble, and feel blessed

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that Allah chose me and feel the need to thank him and seek forgiveness for your weakness and try your best to worship again. This is a great lesson from the life of Ibrahim during the days of Hajj from the actions of Hajj in the month of the hedger worship Allah and after you worship him become more humble and worship him again, don't become arrogant and ever feel that you are better for no one can compete with Ibraheem alehissalaam in building the caliber and not once did he ever feel better Rather, he has the level of acceptance I love you all for the sake of Allah until our next diary entry Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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