Sajid Ahmed Umar – Dhul-Hijjah Diaries 3 – Safa & Marwa Are Both Much More Than A Run!

Sajid Ahmed Umar

AI: Summary ©

The host of a video discusses the history and importance of Islam, including the birth of Abraham pressure pressure and the creation of the Kaaba by obtain the right to his wife. They also discuss the difficulties of being a mother to a child during the COVID-19 pandemic and the importance of trusting oneself to make decisions. The speaker gives a lesson on hedging for future events and advises the audience to trust themselves and not give up.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While early he was sotheby woman Euler. Well praise belongs to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah and praises and salutations v upon the final messenger Muhammad Abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh everyone and welcome to our third installment of our villager, diaries. Now in previous episodes, we spoke about the virtues of the hedgehog, we spoke about

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a relationship between the first 10 days of the hedgehog and the last 10 days of Ramadan. And also we mentioned that one of the reasons why it will hijack and its first 10 days or so virtuous is because it houses the fourth pillar of Islam known as the Hajj. Now, if this was the only reason why the first 10 days, you know, were considered so important and, you know, the first 10 days are chosen by Allah subhanho wa Taala because it has the hij then this was enough as a virtue, right. Aside of all the other wonderful virtues that were shared, in the first two episodes, this virtue alone would suffice to qualify the first 10 days to be the you know, from the greatest days or the

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greatest days of the year. Now, the Hajj brothers and sisters in Islam is synonymous with a Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam has many actions of the Hajj that are linked to Ibrahim alayhis salam and for those of you who are unhedged, then this is inshallah, a lesson that will help amplify your experience there. And for those who are not unhedged, then please benefit from what I'm going to say and share it with those who are on Hajj so that they experience can be amplified, as well. Allah subhanho wa Taala bless you all. So Abraham alayhi salam, he boots, the Kaaba, then he left his family there, his wife, hi, john. And his new born is my Elisa Lam. And he said that the command to

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take his man there was given on this matter, it was around the age of two. Now, the age of two, you know, for those who are parents, you would appreciate this even more, you know, the age of two is the age when you know, your child really becomes exciting, in the sense that there's a level of independence that the child has, they're not sleeping as much. It's not a case of just, you know, eat and sleep, eat and sleep as they do in their formative early years. Now they are interacting, they're playing they're latching on to words that we say they might be saying, Mama, they might be saying Baba, this is the hardest time to, you know, detach yourself from your child. And you know,

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parents who go on journeys, business trips, for example. And they, they leave their two year old at home, they leave with a heavy heart and they can't wait to get back. Abraham Ali Salam was commanded to go and leave his wife and his two year old son, his only son in the middle of nowhere, right at that point when his marine was now you know, the most exciting to be with or he was providing the most exciting periods. So you can imagine what the hedge means when we understand this particular point. Because it's my being where he was after the commander of Allah subhanho wa Taala was really the backdrop behind then the Kaaba being built by Ibrahim alayhis salam and his son is married Elisa

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Lam, when he's married and Islam was much older. Right now, before this command to build the Kaaba happened. There was

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you know, there was a few tests that we know of in relation to this family. The first test was the provisions of hajah coming to an end, so she is there in the middle of nowhere, with full trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala we have no details of her ever complaining, you know about Allah subhanho wa Taala she's patient, but now she sees that the provisions that she has is coming to an end. And that means that you know, her child's provisions will will come to an end because

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you know, for a mother to produce milk she needs to eat and milk is is the food of

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the child and even at that age when the child is eating now we have in a real situation with the provisions are depleted, and there's nothing around them. Besides two mountains amount known as Safa and known as miroir. As we know of these two mountains today, there's nothing else there's no carrabba there's no civilization, there's no water, there's absolutely nothing. Right. And

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the mother here feels the burden of being a mother to a child and you know, no mother wants to see her child in difficulty. So she gets up and she takes the means that's what she does. He doesn't complain about Allah. She knows that sustenance is from Allah subhanho wa Taala and it is only for her to take the means. That's what

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She has to do, she has to do her part. The rest is for Allah subhanho wa Taala. To do, she will not worry about that which is with Allah, she will only worry about that which is with her. So she runs up this mountain. And she looks right, she looks left she thinks maybe I'll see a caravan, people passing and I can borrow some I can take some provisions from them, I can get some provisions from them. But she sees nothing. So she looks across, she sees the other mountain on the other end. So immediately she runs down, making sure she can have her eyes on her child, even though she knows there's no one there. No one's passed by there. No one can be there. But it's a mother's instinct,

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right? You want to make sure you have line of sight with your child because that's the coolness of your heart. And as she's walking now or hustling herself, towards the next mountain Mandala, she has to enter this valley, because there's a valley in between the two mountains. And as she goes in, she loses sight of her child. So she rushes through the valley, not complaining about Allah subhanho wa Taala. But with full faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala. And she gets out of the valley and can see her son again. And that brings her heart to you know, to contentment. And she continues her way to the next mountain, she climbs up, she sees nothing, she comes back, she has to enter the valley, she

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rushes to the valley again. And she does this until she's on the seventh round. She's not giving up, she's putting her trust in Allah, if he needs to be, you know, if 14 rounds are required, if 21 rounds are required, I'm gonna keep on going up and down climbing this mountain looking for the sustenance that Allah has, for me and my child, because it's for a lot to provide is just for me to act. And on the seventh round, she hears a sound as she's getting up Morrow. She turns around, she sees the angel standing by her son. Now, no doubt, this is something you know, this is this is from the unseen. Right? And she's a mother, she's worried for her child. And she sees this angel tapping

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the ground in the narration in the sun. There's a hadith about this,

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that the narrator has a bit of a doubt whether the tapping was done with the wings of the angel or the heel of the angel. Right. So both these things I mentioned in the narration. And from the point where the tapping took place, what is that the gushing out the ground and she sees the water immediately she sees you know the sustenance she sees this help from Allah subhanho wa Taala and this water starts to flow. She doesn't know how you know long this word is going to go. It's going to, you know, spring out for so she immediately with a mother's instinct rushes towards it, she has no containers with her, she starts gathering the sand around this water and, you know, trying to

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ensure that she can collect as much as she can from the water before it flows away. But Subhan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala left the actions of hedger to decide whether the Zamzam would be a well or a flowing river today. Right. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he did the storytime with his companions, he said, we all have mercy on her job on her job, sorry, on her job. We all have mercy on her job. Right? Why? If she didn't gather the sand around the water, when it was springing forth, it wouldn't be a well today but rather a free flowing lake. So Pamela, Pamela, in any case, I leave you with this lesson. And for those who aren't hedging for those who will go

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for ombre in the future, go for hedge in the future. Then take from the diaries of the hedger, the importance of putting your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala never ever losing hope, focusing on what Allah told you to do, and leaving a lot to do that which he said he will do. And when you live your life for that kind of circle and trust, great things happen. For law he great things happen. The sums and wealth has blessed Water, water in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said will be whatever we wish it to be. If you drink it with the intention of it being food it will be food. If you drink it with the intention of it being water, it will be water, if you drink it with the

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intention of it being medicine will be medicine. And it's a world that miraculously has existed for centuries and will continue to exist until Allah wills for it takes a Subhan Allah that is the greatness that happens when you put your trust in Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Take heed, take guidance, take inspiration from the story and love you for the sake of Allah. Shaolin upcoming diaries we'll talk a little bit more about the hedge and its relationship to the first 10 days of the hedger and the month of the hedger barakallahu li calm Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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