Said Rageah – Make Your Child Love The Masjid

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The importance of learning from history and building a massage for seniors is emphasized, along with the negative impact of older children on society. The speakers emphasize the need to educate children on COVID-19 behaviors and values, while highlighting boundaries for them to pursue. The importance of rewarding children for their behavior and activities, setting boundaries, and highlighting negative language in order to avoid embarrassment and loss of family. The speakers also emphasize the need to teach children the proper COVID-19 behaviors and behaviors to avoid future problems and emphasize the importance of rewarding children for their behavior and activities.
AI: Summary ©
no matter who want to study you know who wants to start a funeral
when they're older we learn Himanshu rhodium fusina woman's Tia Marina
Maria de la who Elmo
woman yoga Lil forenza g de la hora de and murshida
in la ma Hua Hua Sheree Kala
wash Edwin no Mohammed Abu hora Soto
yeah you're Latina Amara takoma Hakata
Mouton. illa Anta Muslim moon
Yeah, you are NASA tokoto como la de Hanako minutes in wahida
wahana caminhada xojo ha Xhosa.
Robert Herman humare john and Kathy Ron one is
gonna be he won our ham
in aloha Canada cammarata Eva
law how old and study the
useless law Kuma American
rasuna hufa Falls and
me calama wha
wha Hayden Huggy, Huggy. Mohammed bin Salman lahari, salaam,
washer Rajamouli Masha to ha waka
waka La la la, la.
In every city,
every community
you will notice and you will see them
involved in doubling massage.
very eager to build the best.
The greatest the biggest Masjid in town.
In the city of Toronto, we have almost 80,000 kids
in the city of months of of Ottawa, at the same time, we're building about six massages, brand new massage, grow up.
But at the same time
our children hate to come to the massage.
So for whom are we building this massage
and the children who are the future of the oma
if they don't want to come to the massage
unless there's a special event
they don't want to come to the massage.
Have you ever asked yourself
why the children not sitting in the masjid
in the halaqa in the lecture, in every mercy that you go to the event kids are outside running around
or causing a damage to the mischief or chasing one another in the hallway or bothering the neighbors. They not in the masjid. Then why are we building the massage
our building for ourselves?
For the seniors?
No, we're not.
We should build a massage for them not for us, our Islam and in our heart established.
I will not fear the
than a casual never Muslim would come
down in my heart concerning my deep
About my children, the children, the Muslims, as soon as they step out of the house,
someone will tell them, whatever you believe is true is not true.
So what should we do?
How should we bring these children to the massage?
What is the problem? Why the children do not have that connection to the house of Allah?
See the Messenger of Allah and say, Hello, how are you a Muslim?
He says,
good news.
Every child
is born in the state
of Florida, in neat state, pure
for others
who say their father, their parents, the parents of that child, you have ridden
they will make him moody
or they will make him Christian.
Or they will make that child.
Sad sabians Omar juicy. Omar goes, Oh, whatever religion that they follow.
Now the question is,
what is the fault of that child?
When did we do wrong to the point that the child does not want to come to the must is not then is us
is not the child the child is born with the hate in his heart for the massage
over the height of a lecture. The child was born in a natural state. Loving hate has no evil in his heart has no evil force in his mind. Pure.
But he was us.
The people who commit the crime us not then
see, we are approaching the whole issue from the wrong angle.
When the child is 15, or 13, or 14, we bring into the measure, learn how to resize searches and set with the little kids sometimes
he doesn't want to do that.
She doesn't want to do that.
They don't want to be embarrassed.
So how should we correct this?
Number one, let's start from the root.
Let's start
from the first day that they were born.
will also
shift says
who ever teach his child
to say that you know in the law, a law would not hold him accountable for anything that he did.
If you teach your child
how to say the
law, a law will not hold you accountable for your deeds He will forgive you.
In law.
He said teach your children the first thing that you teach your child
should be like
he said as soon as they learn how to
teach them.
When your children start to speak the first word that comes out of their mouth
concerned how they die.
Don't worry about the way that they will die as when they have.
One of these have tried to teach us
they tried to teach us the first thing that we should teach our children is the athlete is he is the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala
as a matter of fact,
we teach him the other way around.
We tell them if you like a lot more panache.
If you lie,
Allah will punish you.
If you don't do what I tell you as a parent
If you don't listen to me, I will never be happy with you and you will be drawn.
When you tell that little child will punish you, or throw you in Hellfire, that alone will never be happy with you what kind of religion that child would have with Allah subhanho wa Taala
that a person
that a person will not at all he will in this life, Allah.
You want him to be a moment. You want him to be a child that loves a lot, but we teaching them to hate Allah subhanho wa Taala
it should be the other way around.
It shouldn't be with gentleness,
with Rama.
If you do this, if you listen to me, along where we watch
this a chocolate engine
there are ponies in general there are a lot of things that you will enjoy in general, then you will know what Jenna is.
You know, look at no and he said
he called his son to Allah subhanho wa Taala
and his son became a cat did not believe in his a law in a line his father.
And Allah said, giving us the picture where you agree with him.
Wanna know?
Now the ownership
and the waves are everywhere. Unknown cause his son at this particular moment?
Oh, my son, Erica Myrna girl on the ball get on the ship.
Oh my son. He didn't say Ya see, or disobedient child of mine You are doing anyway once you get on.
He said oh my son
the way we approach our children
is absolutely unacceptable.
The messenger over law is a child or a young man normally sorted nakara he used to say you can co sit next to me you have a sort of Bukhara
he was a to atmosphere and achieve of don't get near me unit a boy you have sort of
come and be among my group special group in the group.
The approach is completely different.
So the first thing that we should teach our children is the correct COVID COVID understanding of the loss of Hanover
we teach them and we let them go around.
You see them celebrating birthdays. You see them in part of the Christmas song in the public school. You see them you buy the gift give them gifts during the Christmas event.
And then we want them to be the one Why?
Your child should have special relationship with Allah.
I also mentioned a story that is very unique with a child
a baby
and the teacher gave them or gave all of his students his class candy.
And you told them
hide it where no one can see it.
So one of the kids who went under the bed
he digs a little hole and he buried his candy that others for the top of the tree of a tree
and everybody came back the next day to report to the teacher what they did and how they Mashallah did a good job of hiding the candy except one little one
for the teacher said if
I just tell my son you couldn't do what they did.
And he said oh my teach. You told me to hide Well, no one can see our under the bed and I realized a nice watch.
I tried to hide it in a box I realized a lice watch. So there is no no way that I can hide this candy except that Allah will see it so why bother you if
you hide you show me how to hide it from Allah.
He says you are blessed child. And that child was mm
hmm a shocking
look from day one. His mother
taught him that a lot is watching you, I'm not watching you. You can be sitting in the living room, you could be doing I'm not watching a lot is the one who's gonna watch you and it's gonna be, you're gonna be answerable to Allah.
We did not teach at our church, we thought by just leaving them, going them out, go as going and bring bread to the fan for the family that will take care of the church, now online
now, how should we teach our children to look the massage?
you as a parent, you start this process very early,
very early
and has a word for saying what hobbies are here.
In this the grandchildren, the Messenger of a law,
the date of a sudden, and they start eating. So the messenger overlord gently open their mouth. And he said taking the data out of their mouth smiling at them. And he said,
Obama alinta Didn't you know that sort of stuff for us?
And what would you do if your child does something wrong? We will grab and smack the hands and say don't do this or go to your room. But the messenger took that opportunity as a golden opportunity to teach this child what is highlight for them and what is the
We Are The family of the Rasul Allah Al Bayt, therefore sacrificed for us. So you when you teach in your child, is that from the beginning, from a young age with everything, tell them this is what Allah says. This is what the Messenger of Allah says.
a child
is eating, she was eating a tomatoes
and her mother said eat this tomato she didn't want to eat a tomato
and the child because her mother and her father teach her that everything is in the Quran and the Sunnah the child she said, she said tomatoes is the Hara according sahadi
she became a give her fatwa and she said is hot on E tomatoes in Buhari she learned from the parents that everything that you do you have to refer back to the Minister she didn't know lying is haram therefore she fabricated howdy does it tomatoes is haram for children to eat.
Even even though the act itself was incorrect, for for that child to have the sense that if I refer back to a lot of His Messenger, what happened validity, it's a step four.
So you teach your child from first second
things that will encourage the child to come to the masjid unlock the message.
Perhaps, for instance,
your child you bring in your child to Salatu Juma
what hurts you
ever you come to the man before Salatin Juma or the day before
and he said My child is coming to salata Juma tomorrow, I want him to love the most
are one, bring the child to you.
And I want you to give the gift that he wants. And here's the gift.
So what did he do here? What did you do?
As a father or as a mother?
You came to the memory and you said I want the child to know to think
that Mashallah email was so happy with me that I came to Salatin Juma and when I came, he gave me a gift.
He gave me a gift.
How many times have that child come back? How many Juma would you think he will come back?
He will never message him
because he thinks a Panama minister gave me a gift.
He gave me a gift.
I was so impressed with one of the parents so impressed. And I must say she shocked me.
The parents said
my child wants to get a job.
He wants to get a job. Or she wants to get a job.
And I want my child to go out and work for Kufa.
I don't.
So what should we do? She said our pay you hire my child for
our painting.
I will pay them at the end of the week. And the child will come to the masjid, doing work for the masjid, praying five daily prayers in the masjid when he's at the masjid, you know, doing everything thinking that he's worth and he is worth per unit paying him and paying.
Because if I say to him, take this money and don't do anything, he was just used misuse the money, but now the things that he is earning this money with his own swag, and he is or she is
now, that person, parents,
a metal sheet metal should be given to that purse.
Because she realized or he realized, or both parents realize that I can stop my child to go to work to the outside, so our pay for my child. But at the same time, he will learn that in the halaqaat he will pray with the congregation, he will learn slamming behavior, it will be no girls or boys in the same setting. They would he would live slunk environment and his job.
Now how many of the parents who are complaining about their children took such a positive step towards a bringing the children connecting their children to the massage
net to maneuvers.
And this is what is needed.
When the child thing I'm making things that I'm making money, but at the same time I'm maintaining my Deen he would definitely sit and learn and listen and improve.
Number three,
you reward your child.
You reward your child when they do something. There's something that Pakistani Indian parents used to do. And I used to laugh when I heard this. But now I understand they are very wise people when they did this.
And that is when the child wants to memorize.
They have something called Bismillah potty.
This will upon what is the child when he says Bismillah This is the beginning of the Quran, everybody staff
who will go to the gym or we will rent a hall. Everybody's invited. There's this huge feast and gift for the child because he said Bismillah imagine Bismillah a journey
that began with Bismillah now imagine when you memorize the Jews, they throw another party for
10 years or bigger party 20 Alo Aqua he finished
his a different event.
Now that is an excellent way of encouraging your child encourage your child to exit.
So when your child comes to the foreign school, you should give him or her a gift. When they sit in the halaqaat you should give him or her a gift. You should try to encourage them
to maintain that Islamic desire they have buy in giving them more and more and different variety and different things that the child will say Subhanallah I love them. Because every time I go to the masjid, I gain more I get more
people happy to see me they are very happy to see me when I go to the mercy of Allah martyrs mama stuff. Hero Enola hallway.
And hamdulillah
Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim so you didn't know whenever you know Mohammed was early, he was so heavy, he added my
brothers and sisters.
You do not know how many time a parents set in front of me saying My child is not practicing.
Or my child is not a Muslim and I don't know him it's not a Muslim or not.
Or my child became Christians or Jehovah Witness.
And Subhanallah when a new Muslim accepted within we establish and we accomplished and we conquered Canada and hamdulillah and we're doing powerful down but we don't realize one comes from this door. 50 gold from the other 50 of them go from the other end.
We don't realize that
so many parents of children became critical many Muslim kids became Christian and Jehovah Witness. The only one that ever real as far
Our most Muslim kid who became a Yahoo idiot every other minute every other day became an eyewitness them
Now, the next set of things is what the massage needs to do one make the massage place of entertainment for the church
not a place that you pray Be quiet don't get up no in the masala there must be a certain etiquette but the message is also must have some things that will attract the children make them enjoy themselves why they here
number two
everyone in the Muslim staff, board members of the community when they see a child in the midst issue welcome that.
They can correct they can spoil the child when the child is doing something haram or something wrong. But they always should meet the children with smile.
You go from Hamlet to outside and you see this little children that are girls and you meet two little girls one of them wearing hijab, the other one's not wearing hijab, you welcome them when you say Salaam Alaikum just before you leave just before you leave, and you turn it back to them, say to the one who was wearing Hijab wonderful hijab I love your hijab a ceremony
the other one even though you treated them both equally. The other ones she will feel that she's missing something you didn't say stuff for the law you're in the midst you know when you go to Johanna you don't want to cover your hair your center now just say to the one was a job you were wonderful
that one will say Masha Allah I have a job, she will maintain a job, the other one will say I did not get the same compliment. Therefore I must put a job. So next time, when this man sees me, or this brother, the sister sees me, they will say something about my hijab.
So everybody in the community must participate in this way of attracting Muslim children to the massage.
This is for all
we all have to educate our children
about the massage, fugly massage. And that massage is the house of the last panel with Anna, you go to your friend's house, there's no toys, there's games, there's something that you can do. Now, imagine when you come to the house of a law
you have to respect the house of a law and you work at such a such and such and you will enjoy yourself.
And this will Allah loves most when you educate them and you encourage them on law you will see them loving the house of some of the parents. They bring the children to the message as a babysitting something.
Get off my car every two hours.
This is what it is. This is not right. So yeah, if What if you learn we have outside forces try to take * our children one after another. And we're doing good job giving them our children handing them over our children through the way we approach them. And through the way we talk to them and the things that we don't provide for them. So let us change let's turn the table and let the massages be a center that would attract EMP would attract children, three, four years old. If he doesn't cry when you take him out of the message, you're doing something wrong. If the child is crying when you say I'm taking it to the masjid, you definitely doing something wrong. Definitely.
You're doing something wrong. This assistant is Allah Hi. She teach here. She teach the children every day, Monday through Thursday, nine, nine o'clock, till one o'clock. For me to take my son India's in out of the school out of the mustard is a Jihad festival in LA. He has to cry he had I have to say I have something else at home. I have something for you. I'll play with you. That is the only time because the system is teaching them must use a place of fun place that you can learn. Please I admit a lot of what she's doing.
She's doing for this is the type of teachings that we want. This is the relationship that we want our children to have them a set of holy matters Moustafa foster Pharaoh, a Llama
Llama Muslim.
Brothers and sisters. They're two brothers who have been killed. Actually three brothers who have been shot. One of them two of them died and one is in critical condition their parents
asking us to make our suit. So please make
what is the fall of that child?
When did we do wrong to the point that the child does not want to come to the must? Is not then is us
it's not the child the child is born with the hate in his heart for the massage
over the lecture, the child was born in a natural state, loving hate, has no even in his heart has no evil force in his mind. Pure
but he was us.
The people who commit the crime us not then
see, we are approaching the whole issue from the wrong angle.
When a child is 15, or 13, or 14, we bring into the measure, learn how to resize Sora chill fattier and set with the little kids sometimes.
He doesn't want to do that.
She doesn't want to do that.
They don't want to be embarrassed.
So how should we correct this?
Number one, let's start from the root.
Let's start
from the first day that they were born.
Ayesha said of the Allahu Allah will also
she's says,
who ever teach his child
to say that in the law, a law will not hold him accountable for anything that he did.
If you teach your child
how to say the cleaning man, that
alone will not hold you accountable for your deeds, he will forgive you.
In law.
He said teach your children the first thing that you teach your child
should be like
he said as soon as they learn how to
teach them.
When your children start to speak, the first word that comes out of their mouth should be
concerned how they died.
Don't worry about the way that they will die as when they have.
One of these have tried to teach us
they tried to teach us the first thing that we should teach our children is the athlete as he is the love of Allah subhanho wa Taala.
As a matter of fact,
we teach him the other way around.
We tell them if you lie a lot will punish.
If you lie,
Allah will punish you.
If you don't do what I tell you as a parent, Allah will take you to jahannam
if you don't listen to me, Allah will never be happy with you and you will be drawn in line jahannam belay, when you tell that little child will punish you. That alone was brilliant Hellfire, that alone will never be happy with you what kind of religion that child would have with Allah subhanho wa Taala
here with this like a lot.
You want him to be a moment. You want him to be a child that loves a lot, but we teaching them to hate Allah subhanho wa Taala
it should be the other way around.
It should be with gentleness,
with Rama.
If you do this, if you listen to me a lot when we watch
this a chocolate in general.
There are ponies in general. There are a lot of things that you will enjoy in general, then you will love what
you know you
No. And he said
he called his son to Allah subhanho wa Taala
and his son became a cat did not believe in his a law in a line his father.
And Allah said, giving us the picture where you see him
know the ownership
and the waves are everywhere unknown cause his son at this particular moment.
Oh, my son, Erica Myrna girl on the ball get on the ship.
Oh my son. He didn't say Ya see, or disobedient child of mine, you are doing anyway? Why don't you just get on?
He said, Oh my son.
The way we approach our children
is absolutely unacceptable.
The Messenger of Allah
is a child or a young man normally Surat Al Baqarah. He used to say you can co sit next to me, you have a sort of Bukhara
He will say to me and achieve and don't get near me, you are a boy, you have sort of
kamandi among my group, special group in the group.
The approach is completely different.
So the first thing that we should teach our children is the correct COVID COVID understand of a loss of Hanover.
we teach them and we let them go around.
You see them celebrating birthdays. You see them in part of the Christmas song in the public school. You see them you buy the gift, give them gifts during the Christmas event.
And then we want them to be the one Why?
Your child should have special relationship with Allah.
I also mentioned a story that is very unique with a child
a baby
and the teacher gave them the or gave all the students class candy.
And you told them
hiding where no one can see it.
So one of the kids he went under the bed
he digs a little hole and he buried his candy that others put on the top of the tree of a tree
and everybody came back the next day to report to the teacher what they did and how they Mashallah did a good job hiding the candy except to one little one.
For our other teacher said, I eboni
I just tell my son, you couldn't do what they did.
And he said oh my teach. You told me to hide when no one can see. I went under the bed and I realized a lice watch.
I tried to hide it in a box I realized a lice watch. So there is no no way that I can hide this and except that Allah will see it so whenever you if
you hide you show me how to hide it from Allah.
He says you are blessed child. And that child was
in a shocking
look. From day one. His mother taught him that Allah is watching you, I'm not watching you. You can be sitting there living, you can be doing I'm not watching a lot is the one who's gonna watch you and it's gonna be you're gonna be answerable to Allah.
We did not teach at our church. We thought by just leaving them, going them out, got us going and bring bread to the fan for the family that will take care of the church now online.
Now, how should we teach our children to look the massage?
You as a parent, you start this process very early,
very early
and has a word for saying what have you done so here
in this is the grandchildren the messenger of a law.
They grew up date, all of a soda and they start eating. So the messenger overlords gently open their mouth, and he said taking the data out of their mouth smiling at them.
He said, in
Arma, alimta Didn't you know that sort of I still hadn't for us.
And what would you and I do if your child does something wrong, we will grab and smack the hands and say don't do this, or go to your room. But the Messenger of Allah took that opportunity as a golden opportunity to teach this child, what is halal for them and what is not.
We are the family of the Rasul Allah, Allah date, therefore certifies the Hara for us. So you when you teach in your child is there from the beginning from a young age, but with everything, tell them this is what Allah said. This is what the Messenger of Allah says.
a child
is eating, she was eating a tomato.
And her mother said, eat this tomato she didn't want to eat a tomato
and the child because your mother and your father teach her that everything is in the Quran and the Sunnah. The child she said, she said tomatoes is the heroine according to her body.
She became a give her fatwa and she said it's hard on T tomatoes in Buhari she learned from the parents that everything that you do you have to refer back to the Minister she didn't know lying is haram therefore she fabricated howdy does it tomatoes is haram for children to eat.
Even even though the act itself was incorrect, for for that child to have the sense that if I refer back to a lot of His Messenger, what happened validity, it's a step four.
So you teach your child from first second
things that would encourage the child to come to the masjid and love them.
Perhaps, for instance,
your child you bring in your child to Salatu Juma
what hurts you
as you come to the Imam before salata Juma or the day before
and he said, My child is coming to salata Juma tomorrow, I want him to love the most
are one, bring the child to you.
And I want you to give the gift that he wants. And here's the gift.
So what did he do here? What did you do?
As a father or as a mother?
You came to the meme and he said, I want the child to know to think
that Mashallah the email was so happy with me that I came to Salatu Juma and when I came, he gave me a gift.
He gave me a gift.
How many times have that child come back? How many Juma would you think he will come back?
He will never message him.
Because he thinks a Panama minister gave me a gift.
He gave me a gift.
I was so impressed with one of the parents so impressed. And I must say, she shocked me.
The parents said,
my child
wants to get a job.
He wants to get a job. Or she wants to get a job.
And I want my child to go out and work for Kufa.
I don't.
So what should we do? She said, our pay you hire my child for
our pay.
I will pay them at the end of the week. And the child will come to the masjid, doing work for the masjid, praying five daily prayers in the masjid when he's at the masjid, you know, doing everything, thinking that he's working on his words per unit paying him. I'm paying.
Because if I say to him, take this money and don't do anything, he was just used misuse the money, but now the things that he is burning this money with his own sweat, and he is or she is
now that person now parents,
a metal shielded metal should be given to that purse.
Because she realized or he realized or both parents realize that I can't stop my child to go to work to the outside. So I will pay for my child. But at the same time, he will learn instead in the halaqaat he will pray with the congregation. He will learn slamming behavior. There will be no girls or boys in the same setting. They would he would live slung environment and his job.
Now how many of the parents who are complaining about their children took such a positive step towards a bringing the children connecting their children to the massage
net to maneuvers.
And this is what is needed.
When the child thing I'm making things that I'm making money, but at the same time, I'm maintaining my Deen, he would definitely sit and learn and listen and improve.
Number three,
you reward your child.
You reward your child when they do something. There's something that Pakistani Indian parents used to do. And I used to laugh when I heard this. But now I understand they are very wise people when they did this.
And that is when the child wants to memorize.
They have something called Bismillah party.
This will upon what is the Chow when he says Bismillah This is the beginning of the Quran, everybody staff
who will go to the gym or we will run a hall, everybody's invited. There's just a huge feast and gift for the child because he said Bismillah imagine Bismillah a journey
that began with Bismillah now imagine when you're memorizing Jews, they throw another party for
10 years or bigger party 20 alone, he finished up there
is a different event.
Now that is excellent way of encouraging, encouraging exit.
So when your child comes to the foreign school, you should give him or her a gift. When they sit in the halaqaat you should give him or her a gift. You should try to encourage them
to maintain that Islamic desire that they have by in giving them more and more and different variety and different things that the child will say Subhan Allah, I love them. Because every time I go to the masjid, I gain more I get more
people happy to see me they are very happy to see me when I go to the Muslim or kilometers mama stuff for Mostafa logical pasta hero in Nola foldaway.
Alhamdulillah wa
Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim, so you didn't know when the Vietnam hammock was early, he was so happy he added my
brothers and sisters.
You do not know how many time a parent sat in front of me saying My child is not practicing.
Or my child is not a Muslim and I don't know it's not a Muslim or not.
Or my child became Christians or Jehovah Witness.
And Subhan Allah when a new Muslim accepted some wisdom within establish, and we accomplished and we conquered Canada and hamdulillah and we do in powerful doubt. But we don't realize one comes from this door 50 gold from the other 50 of them go from the other end.
We don't realize that
so many parents or children became Christian so many Muslim kids became Christian and Jehovah Witness the only one that ever really sat with his Muslim kid who became a yahoodi yet every other minute every other after they became and I witnessed them
Now, the next set of things is what the massage needs to do. One make the massage place of entertainment for the child
not a place that you pray Be quiet don't move get up no in the masala there must be a certain etiquette. But the message is also must have some things that will attract the children make them enjoy themselves why they here
number two,
everyone in the staff, board members of the community when they see a child in the mess they should welcome that child.
They can correct they can score the child when the child is doing something haram or something wrong. But they always should meet the children with smile.
You go from Hana to outside and you see this little children that are girls and you meet two little girls
One of them wearing hijab, the other one's not wearing hijab, you welcome them. You say Salaam Alaikum, just before you leave just before you leave, and you turn your back to them, say to the one who was wearing hijab, wonderful hijab, I love you.
The other one, even though you treated them both equally, the other ones she will feel that she's missing something you didn't say it's tough for the law, you're in the middle. You know, when you go into Johanna, you don't want to cover your hair, you're a sinner. Now just say to the one was a job, you were wonderful
that one will say Masha Allah have a job, she will maintain a job, the other one will say I did not get the same compliment. Therefore I must put a job. So next time, when this man sees me, or this brother, the sister sees me, they will say something about my hijab.
So everybody in the community must participate in this way of attracting Muslim children to the massage.
This is for all,
we all have to educate our children about the massage froglet massage. And that massage is the house of a last panel with Anna, you go to your friend's house, there's no toys, there's games, there's something that you can do. Now imagine when you come to the house of a law
you have to respect the house of a law and you will get such a such and such and you will enjoy yourself.
And this will Allah loves most when you educate them and encourage them will law you will see them loving the house of some of the parents. They bring the children to the message as a babysitting something.
Get off my car every two hours.
This is what it is. This is not right. So yeah, if What if we learn we have outside forces try to take * our children one after another. And we doing good job giving them our children handing them over our children through the way we approach them. And through the way we talk to them and the things that we don't provide for them. So let us change let's turn the table and let the massages be a center that would attract EMP would attract children, three, four years old. If he doesn't cry when you take him out of the message, you're doing something wrong. If the child is crying when you say I'm taking it to the masjid, you definitely doing something wrong. Definitely. You're doing
something wrong. This assistant is Allah Hi. She tips here. She teach the children every day, Monday to Thursday, nine, nine o'clock, till one o'clock. For me to take my son India's in out of the school out of the mustard is a geography civilian. He has to he has to I have to say I have something else at home. I have something for you. I'll play with you. That is the only time because the system is teaching them must is a place of fun place that you can learn plays an alarm Russia's doing for free. She's doing for this is the type of teachings that we want. This is the relationship that we want our children to have them such a holy matters most AppFolio local foster guru, Lama,
Lama, Muslim and
Buddhist brothers and sisters there are two brothers who have been killed. Actually three brothers who have been shot one of them two of them died and one is in critical condition. Their parents asking us to make them in the hours to do so please make a draft for them with Zuckerman law. Hi.