Saad Tasleem – The Crisis Of Knowledge

Saad Tasleem
AI: Summary © The crisis of knowledge and the "monkey flu" are discussed as factors contributing to the "monkey flu." The speakers emphasize the need for people to be held accountable and share their own experiences. The challenges of living in a society where everyone is challenged and trying to achieve success are also discussed. The importance of finding one's own person and finding one's own path to knowledge is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Thanks for sharing your story with us. I also

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want to say thank you for being here.

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also mentioned in the

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Reply there.

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I'm sure you said this, but it's kind of hard to see who's sitting, so I'm just gonna assume the best.

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So, the topic I have for me is really thinking about

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the title into this topic. And actually, just a little while ago, asked one of the one of my friends, and I said, you know, the topic is, I said, What is the topic?

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But I just want to see your perception of the title of this, the title, or the topic, as you saw is called

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the crisis of knowledge. So my first question

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on the crisis of knowledge, is there really a crisis? And can we say we're living in a period now, where we can say that we're going to different prices? And I can honestly, I was able to come to the conclusion right now, what are we going through some growing pains? Are we going through issues, without a doubt. And I can tell you, someone who spent a certain amount of money on my life at that time in my life, actually studied Islam full time, and being gone for about six to seven years, and then coming back to America and seeing how the landscape has changed. I can tell you, we're living in a very different time than maybe a decade, or decade and a half ago. And I think our perception

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of knowledge has changed as well. I remember when I left to go study at the University of Medina, there was this, this this drive amongst the young people to go out and to dedicate their lives to seeking No. And I just feel like for whatever reason, or reason is, just, as I said, these are growing pains, right? We're living in the age of the internet, we're living in the age of information. So the natural conclusion, the natural response to that we will, why do I need to seek knowledge? Why can you take time out of my day? Why don't you take time out of my life? To go specifically seek knowledge? I mean, let's be real here. We have knowledge on our phone. If we have

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a question, we have an issue. We just don't get up. But you know, what?

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spoke about the importance and the merits and the blessings of seeking knowledge. It wasn't meant for just a specific time period.

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That guy was Metallica is meant for every generation that will come until the Day of Resurrection. So you know what, as a Muslim is not okay for us to say, you know what Islamic knowledge or seeking is not acknowledged is no longer relevant for us. When Allah says

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that it is only and only the scholars who truly are conscious of a law. That's not something we just don't criticize. You know what that made it come true at a certain time, but now have the internet's now I can just search for my hands. When the profits of the longer I think we're setting them said

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that the superiority of a scholar or a worshipper is like my superiority

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over the least of you, can you imagine the least of

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the least of the people

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and to save the scholar has a marriage, a read over a worshipper. We're not talking about somebody who we may categorize or say that they're a sinful person. I'm not talking about that person. The problem is on the one hand

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As an avid a worshipper, the man or woman, or the person who spends their days and nights worshiping and most of the time, their days and nights dedicated to God. A lot of prophets have told us that a Snowbird is superior worshipper, just like is a superior, just like I have a marriage over the recent view, when the problem is that a lot of it was central told us that the person who seeks knowledge that everything in creation, all of us creation seeks forgiveness for that person, that he doesn't expire. It doesn't go away, no matter what you're living in. And by the way, technological advancement we're going through, no matter how much knowledge or information there is around us,

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still a person who seeks knowledge, in whatever condition evaluates their intention, that reading information is asking forgiveness from this person, the Prophet told us, even the fish in the ocean, the efficient deceived, are spending their time seeking forgiveness for this person.

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And then I would ask you,

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as a person, what is our goal in life?

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And the answer to that? Yeah, it's it's using it as we shape.

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Our whole life is what a lot to attain.

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Talking to the white senator said, let me set up a

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better person insurance, a path goes down a path in search of knowledge,

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that makes the path to paradise, easy.

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And you want to talk about crisis. Let me tell you the real deal crisis that we're going through today.

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And that is a crisis of spirituality.

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And that's a crisis of faith. And I know even sitting here in this room today,

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there are those amongst us who may be questioning our stuff. There may be those amongst us, who may be questioning what we ascribe to as the purpose of our life to worship.

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And you know what,

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one of the answers to that crisis of spirituality, or one of the reasons why we're going through that crisis of spirituality is because we have become disconnected from knowledge. And the army is that we're living in the age of information. We're living in the age of knowledge. So we are suffering, our spirituality is suffering. And no one has said

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that it is only the scholars who truly, truly are conscious of a law.

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That tells us that the type of connection that a scholar will have

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a person who has the knowledge of law, there's going to be a person who doesn't have that knowledge.

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You can pray and pray and pray and fast and so on, so forth.

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But that connection, if we want it to be solidified,

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then it has to be through knowledge. That is,

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in his collection of authentic it, which we know is

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the second most authentic book after the bottom.

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He has a whole chapter titled

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that knowledge precedes knowledge comes before speech at an auction.

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And you know, you just apply that title to the times that we are living in.

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And it is a process.

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It is a problem.

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We simply think about how much we do and how much we save on a daily basis without having proper knowledge of those matters.

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increases. When we know when we understand that we have these devices on us, where we're constantly connected to other people around the world. We have an audience which is unlimited. And every time something happens in the world,

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every time there's a new scan going on under whatever current event happening in the world. Our first response is not letting me go see what the professionals have to say about this. If it's an Islamic better than the Star Wars, if it's a political matter, they know who's more qualified.

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In political matters, if it's activism, there is loads for qualified activism.

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Our first response says, You know what, I just have to have a reaction to this. I just have to say something. And so we end up saying things, which, you know, like, I don't even know what's gonna happen five years from now, or four years from now or two years backward for the next year, when we look back at the stuff that we're posting online, what's gonna happen? Are we gonna be happy with the stuff that we said.

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And I can say, no social media, when it comes to the online world. We don't know what this picture looks like. We're babies. We don't know what this adulthood in social media will be called or posted.

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Because this is all good jobs.

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But you know what, you sound ugly, we do have principles. And from those principles is to not speak without knowledge. And those principles, actually love knowledge. And those principles

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are telling us

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and the one who believes in a wall.

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And the last day, the one thing,

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you believe that you're going to be held accountable

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as part of our faith,

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belief system, that everything that comes out everything that we say everything that we do one day,

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we're gonna have to answer that.

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If you believe in the law, and you believe that there's a final thing in which you will be questioned, you will be asked to be held responsible for the outcome of what came out of your mouth, they say not which is good, or remain silent.

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This is one of those candy that I'm sure most people have heard this. I'm sure most people have heard this multiple times.

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But how many of us can honestly say, whether it be in our everyday life when it comes to talking to people,

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or social media? That before we say something? Before we speak, we ask ourselves? Is this open interest?

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Do I have nominal sum of money talking about you, I have knowledge of what I'm saying.

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That will change the way we try

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to change the way that not only we learn, but also the way we disseminate information, because information is out there. But what do we do with that information? You know, we're living in this really weird time now that I experienced this firsthand, talking to young people, and seeing their reaction to Islamic knowledge and manpower, culture changing and evolving, and so on and so forth. And unfortunately,

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what I see a lot of times are two extreme stances.

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And both of them important knowledge. So one of the stances is, you know, anything that seems foreign or strange to us, it's bad. It's wrong. It's not okay.

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Then often, you know, either misco data record or out of context.

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For example,

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you open a window, whoever imitates the peoples from them, right? This is oftentimes quoted to say, if you want a non Muslim, then you're not really Muslim.

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That's one extreme stance.

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That's the extreme stance and hashtag how long comes, right? Hashtag fight, what happens?

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Do you tend to talk before you know,

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super Muslim houses?

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Right, they learn certain such how they learn certain things growing up, and they think that is the end goal would be all knowledge.

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And so now this needs to be disseminated amongst people. And that really, really isn't a problem, or a problem of the times that we're living in. That is one of the problems of having so much information at our fingertips.

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We just want to absolutely understand the question was

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asked the people who have knowledge of understanding or people will remember it, if you don't know. Basically, the slab tells us a lot tells us go to those people who are qualified, and we turn around and we're like, Yo, what's up?

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Right, and what happens? You know, a lot of times

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We're in in the morning rush, we just need an immediate answer. And so Google a problem, we're Google our issue. What is the ruling regarding

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that sometimes out of everything that shows up on Google, maybe one of them is the answers are much bigger, maybe one. And we're just so happy that there is some instruments.

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That may be that, except things of that nature, we take that answer, at the cost of of its credibility.

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What was the last time you check? The source of that? was last time we went in and said, Yeah, I'm not going to a software here. I'm just, I'm just googling it. And who gave this answer on?

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Are they qualified?

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Do they have any starting to free up some time, because you don't want to treat a profession like that?

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We will roll up into into a doctor's office, and the doctor is like, you know what you need, you need surgery, and I'm gonna perform surgery on you. And you're like, Okay, cool. What's your qualification? And he goes, Yeah, you know, I read some articles online. Right? about a couple of books. And so, you know, I don't want to

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cut you off, right? Take a little thing out whatever, like I

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would any of us be okay with?

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Absolutely not, are crazy on how

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we treat our dogs. Like, that.

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Doesn't matter, Cooper was saying whatever. He did ability to distinguish

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scholars from non scholars, and this is one of the issue is the pump water issue that we're dealing with? In the past? This wasn't that much of a problem. Right? Just like today, we don't have too much of a problem distinguishing real doctors from my class, right? Because all we have to do is hit three. Where did you get your medical degree from Ghana?

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And the answer is yes. Like, okay, they may or may not be the best qualified. And that's how

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the scholars were known. He will know that these people so this, these people are studies. They've dedicated their lives to studies.

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And they're different than anyone else. But what's what's happening today? Right, sometimes our Judge of some of the qualified or not, is simply how popular they are.

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And I know some people

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don't want to hear me say that. Just because somebody is popular doesn't mean qualified.

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Except that a doctor.

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Doctor off, is he popular? Yeah.

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But it says the crazy stuff out there. Some great things you've said. He said, we know that. And that's sort of like yeah, I'm not kidding you. Hopefully you notice, by the way.

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A lot of stuff he says.

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once again, the same condition doesn't apply. Right? If somebody is popular, like yeah, they probably know what you're talking about. So we're going to talk about we cannot or right we have difficulty distinguishing between real Islamic knowledge sometimes qualified somebody spent spent time studying and somebody just

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and yeah, you know what now when I

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look at this issue, it is a crisis. It is a crisis when a lot of us

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acknowledges has almost become just a form of entertainment.

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You know, we can say that like I kind of

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can't be like on the inside. I'm like,

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that's not cool. I remember talking to another public speaker.

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And we're like, you know, as time goes on, people want their knowledge to be more and more entertaining.

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he's not he's not somebody that you're particularly entertaining. So

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are they qualified? Are they given out to either like,

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do I have fun listening to them? And we were talking about a speeding ticket like is there going to be a day where literally like the speeders gonna walk off and be like, lights and like backup dancers.

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Like, what's what's going on here? Where are we?

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Right? Where knowledge is no longer about knowledge is just about being entertaining.

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And sometimes that's how we trade off. Right? It's just another form of entertainment.

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Right? Where we left videos on YouTube knowledge is there everywhere. But how is it working learning? Do we actually, for example, apply online?

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You know, the companions of the Prophet says that they were scared.

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Because they knew that a loved one responsible for all the stuff that they learned, and they never acted upon

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some of the competitors in the

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until they can say, you know what, I learned this, I learned this verse.

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And I've applied it to my life.

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sometimes, you know,

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I hear your people say things like, yeah, that talk was good is okay. But I've already heard those before.

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Like, I heard a totally cool story, but I started this older style, tell the same story.

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If that's the case,

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then you should move forward. This is the second time, the same time hearing the story. And that means you're responsible, even more for it is even more of a responsibility. And that is why my brothers and sisters,

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I think the road forward

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is that we have to go

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we have to take it seriously again.

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And at that point, everything changes. Because we can we can look at it through that lens, then, there are so many advantages for us. I remember when I started my journey to study to study, there were so few resources in America, I remember how I wish

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there was like two people,

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or one person giving full time classes that I'm talking about in the DMV, DC, Maryland area, right back then you couldn't find somebody who's doing regular classes,

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or honor to see it or indeed, or whatever it may be just couldn't, you couldn't do anything. And that's why my generation people, like, you know, from my time, a lot of us, we were forced to go overseas, you think we wanted to leave and go to a different society and a different culture and, you know, readjust your life and leave your family and so on and so forth.

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And a lot of times, it was a dreamy picture of what it is to go abroad and study stuff. You know, what the world is.

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Just like, there's challenges in America, every society and culture has challenges as well. There's no perfect society out there, no matter what other culture or society can go to, they have their pros and their cons as well.

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And I know some people have like this rosy picture of you know, whether you know, or, you know, us how better some University is like, you know, you just go out there and you just like sit outside and you just like soak in.

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Right? It's like the feel of spirituality, like it just comes over you that's not

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seeking, seeking self acknowledge is endless days of learning and learning and learning, and challenges and trials.

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And difficulties.

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You know, the property size, everybody's asked who's tested the most severe,

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who goes to the most hardships, he said, the profits

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and then he was asked Okay, after that

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you go through the most hardships. And he said,

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he said men, the most likely them and then the closer you are

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the more

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then it goes to them and it goes to them. And the first thing I said that the prophets they don't really behind and he wrote,

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you know what their inheritance is?

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Their inherited people who seek knowledge are inherited from the prophets. And likewise, fire scholars say that anybody who goes down the path of knowledge, yes, they have a very, very high ranking. And yes, there are immeasurable blessings and mountains I love to give to this person, but also the title hardships that you see that you

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Have these people go through a lot of competitive imagine, and I know a lot of you because like, people will come up on stage or at the conference or whatever.

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They're popular, they used to be on stage right now, whatever, 100,000 followers on this and that, it's like, yeah, I wish I could do that. I wish I had a specific people things. But I wish I could be someone's own person. And I guarantee you, every single scholar, every one of these public figures who comes up here today, on this stage, every one of them has challenges and trials that you don't know about.

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Because it's a hard path, that path of knowledge is a difficult path.

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But the blessings, again, as I say, as well, are, are innumerable. And that is why I don't expect that every single person here, you know what, I'm going to drop whatever I'm studying right now, when he was studying stuff. That's not necessarily something has to be doesn't have to be an all or nothing. I don't expect everyone sitting here to go become a scholar.

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Right? All right, two expectations are, there's two things I'm

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going to give you. Number one, I'm asking that really be 1%.

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Maybe 2% of this room actually goes into

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full time.

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Just like somebody won't be deciding to become a doctor or a lawyer, whatever it may be.

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This the second view

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is that there has to be a connection with knowledge in your life.

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Because that's our path.

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Our path to a lot is through the knowledge of the law. If you feel like your spirituality is suffering, if you feel like you're having difficulties worshiping the law, if you feel like you're going through a crisis of faith, then one of the ways to fix stuff is to see yourself, one of the ways to get closer to the wall is to see

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that there is no one worthy of worship except knowledge. Right, your knowledge is your access to

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after the obligatory deeds, there is nothing better that you can do than to seek Islamic knowledge.

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What I'm not saying, once again, I don't expect you to know scholar

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is that you have some time to

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be consistent, regular connection, we're not talking about conferences, I'm not talking about Hey, so and so who's coming to my city, I'm going to go attend your talk. And that's, that's great. And by the way,

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your speakers, I think that's right, I have a thought that instead of doing something else, you're learning something

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that's great. Never discourage anyone from doing them. So you could do that. Keep doing that.

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For example, do it in a measured way.

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If you're gonna memorize the wrong, a measured way TV series approach towards it. If you want to know the life of the Prophet,

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you don't know

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the facts here and there all the time. Let's talk here about my sentiment, and I'll talk to you about the opposite.

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Pick up a book and

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pick up his biography

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and read it. And then think of a book that's a little bit more advanced. And I'm gonna pick up a book and a little bit more advanced than that. If you want to study the series, no need to read the lectures here, which is fine, like I said.

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But if you want to have a real connection with knowledge,

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then start at the beginning.

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Learn the meanings of the wall, circle

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and go through them

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and make notes for yourself.

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This is a 2017 by 2018 Java job.

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Right? By getting the 2018 I want to have at least read one of the biographies.

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I want to have read maybe via email

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I want to at least one of the

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section with

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some real, measurable

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devices with knowledge that is beneficial

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to make Islamic knowledge, a light, a guiding light for us on the Day of Judgment, as he

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was told by his teacher, that the knowledge applies light on

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the knowledge gap

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is light. And so what happened was

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that it is troubling trying and difficult times that one of the places that returned to you

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through the knowledge of

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machine learning

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