Riad Ouarzazi – Ramadhan Reflections Ep 05 How To Live 24 Hours In Ramadhan Part 3

Riad Ouarzazi
AI: Summary © The god worthy of sleep is the most important aspect of Islam, and pmla is a way to sleep with the intention of waking up in the middle of the night and then taking a nap. The importance of being happy and mindful of one's thoughts and feelings is emphasized, as well as tips for staying ahead during the upcoming month ofFinancial. The speaker gives advice on ways to avoid being late, stay true to Islam, and activate one's weight. It is also emphasized the importance of honoring parents in a visit to the Memorial of Islam, being careful of one's behavior, and uphold ties of kinship.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's mercy

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plus see

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah My dear viewers, brothers and sisters, ladies and gentlemen, as salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. This is your host rather zazzy and we're still talking about 24 hours in Ramadan.

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We talked about you know, from day and from morning until evening, how one should conduct his life or his day or her day in Ramadan. So, we talked about now you're, you're getting ready to go to sleep, you're getting ready to go to bed, you go and make Moodle perform your Moodle and then you decide item colisee you may want to recite solid robotic robotic lady, where the human condition coded. Why because the Prophet It is such a slim says that it is and many, many other but not it is in fact according to the Hadith reported by a hakam and Ashima the very strong Hadith that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam says that this solid mark, it will sort of mark it will accompany you in

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your grave, it will accompany you in your grave it is that solar if you were to recite it it will prevent you inshallah tada from entering Hellfire and this is if you were to recite that before you go to sleep so and then you sleep with the intention of

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pm length

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This is the intention Now you may want to do the intention of course you have the intention of like you're going too fast and that intention is is automatically built in you have to alter it and you don't have to utter it because it's built in you're gonna wake up for so hot anyways right so what you want to wake up first of all for just wake up first of all for the sake of of eating not you wake up for a hug because you're going too fast. So that's what I'm saying the near the intention is automatically built in you know as you're going to go to sleep and wake up for for so hot. So again the intention is that I'm going to wake up as a whole and not only that, but I'm going to wake up

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4pm late inshallah tada to perform some prayers, the night prayer. Why the night prayer.

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The night pray ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters is really as the Prophet our system says inside Muslim and Buhari that it is the most bit of Salah in the sight of Allah after the mandatory prayers. After the mandatory prayers, the Sultan Li epsilon in Allah subhanho wa Taala the most bit of Santa to Allah subhana wa tada after the mandatory prayers is the night prayer, why a loss of house and it comes down in a way that befits His Majesty, as reported and narrated by homosexuality. reported by Muslim and Bahar is a very sound that Allah subhanaw taala comes down in the in the luster of the night. He comes down in a way that benefits His Majesty.

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How does he come down he comes down in a way that befits His Majesty. And then he looks upon His servants. And then he says Who are those who are seeking forgiveness, I shall forgive them. Those who are making the heart shall grant them whatever they asked for those who are asking me for anything, I shall grant them whatever they're asking for those are making that I shall grant this application, those who are seeking forgiveness, I shall forgive them. So it is in fact, like the icing on the cake. The icing of the cake, you know on the cake is really that that salata lay the pmla the, you know, this is the thing that really may soften your heart, as our hearts have become

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so rockin. If you want something to soften your heart, try pmla the prophets have never used to Miss pmla the only time that he missed pmla or the night prayer is when he in fact was sick, or is salatu salam. He used to love praying at night when everybody's asleep, and then you wake up

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and you go, Makoto and you stand before Allah subhana wa tada and pray, asking him or asking for forgiveness and asking him to graduate with the highest level of agenda, inshallah tada the family. So how do you go to sleep with that intention?

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Making the, you know, somehow allowed him to La La Jolla and then Allahu Akbar Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah.

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And then the prophet Isaiah says it says in this very beautiful Hadith in practices in in Muslim and mojari remember this hadith. He says, mentor Amina lady, Whosoever wakes up in the middle of the night

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But provided that you have you know, you slept with Moodle.

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Mentor Amina lelee, Whosoever wakes up in the middle of the night, and then he says, Shadow Allah, Allah. Allah, Allah, Allah Mohammed Abdullah sudo Alhamdulillah Subhana Allah, Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Hola, hola, quwata illa Allah. So Allah, Allah homophily of Allah.

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The Prophet Allah says, Whosoever wakes up in the middle of the night,

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let's say you're sleeping and then maybe your blanket falls and then wakes you up or some or maybe your spouse pushes you or you know, something that happens in any way wakes you up. And then you say, eyeshadow Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Mohammed Abdullah solo, that you're bearing witness, that there is no god worthy of worship, but Allah Mohammed is His Messenger. And then you say, 100, Allah Subhan Allah, that Allah, Allahu Akbar, Allah La quwata illa Allah, and then you make any

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election and so you do have the Prophet essences for Ada karma fatawa for Salah to be lazzaretto if you stand up and make one pray, your prayer shall be accepted. Allah

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is this only llamada No, this is in fact at all times.

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But it is beautiful when it when you do in Ramadan. So let's say you were you know, you wake up in the middle of the night and then you decide this inshallah Allah Subhana Allah will grant your da so here it is, you know you have your maybe

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your time watch or clock on alarm. I know some people have difficulties waking up in the middle of in the middle of the night. So you can you know, you can do certain things, there are a lot of things that you can do, maybe have an alarm, don't put it next to you put it a little far so that you can wake up when it rings so that you can actually wake up and walk and turn it off. Or have another one somewhere else have somebody call you have your friends you know, maybe you and your wife or your and your spouse, your husband or your brother your sisters or have friends you know try to do things so that you can wake up early.

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So you wake up for pmla and then you before

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then you go and do your support. Why should you In fact, support is different than breaking your fast breaking your fast we said that you have to have them into breaking your fast but with regard to the support the Prophet says make it try to make it as late as you can. As late as you can.

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Have your soul and then get ready to go to the masjid to pray salata inside the machine and that is 24 hours from day and evening

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or from in fact from from morning till next morning. That's 24 hours. So now ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters, I want to share with you some quick tips and Ramadan maybe about 50 or so tips. You know how to benefit from Ramadan. So the first step ladies and gentlemen is the very first step is Oculus and near in the

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Oculus near the law you have to have sincere intention to fast this month of Ramadan sincerely for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada

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quick, you know tips inshallah, right, so first and foremost, Alyssa Nia de la. Number two, you have to be so happy that Ramadan has come. Why because you're the believer. The prophet of Islam needs to be so happy when other mother needs to come. So be happy. Be be pm Ramadan, OBC and Ramadan be so happy. It is okay to be happy. I think. In fact you have to be happy. This is Ramadan, it should be so happy. And this is a very commendable happiness. Also number three repentance we talked about repentance and why you should repent to Allah subhana wa tada

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so repent to Allah subhana wa tada to start this blessed month, you know, to work on this blessed month with

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Greek your friends, your brothers, your sisters, your family with the coming of Ramadan, there's some people some Hello I have this customized, you know, emails and text messages. And then when the coming of Ramadan, they just, you know, send it, you know, to all the address book or maybe they just send it to all their friends in their in the contact list. I would prefer that you pick up the phone and call me really.

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Why don't you do that with your family? Would you parents, would your friends, pick up the phone if they're far away and call them and greet them with the coming of Ramadan

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with your friends,

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but if you can at least maybe send the message customized with their names to them make into Africa.

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This is another quick tip

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Java how to how to

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use some etiquettes of

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young some etiquettes of fasting there's lots of etiquettes of fasting let's maybe the for instance when you first see the heel and

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the toe when you first see the sighting of the moon there is that the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is to say aloha aina will will be incredible man the Prophet awesome is to make this beautiful go out whenever he used to see the office site the moon so you could do that inshallah tada if you if this is the Sunnah of the Prophet It is sad to see them that you before you go to sleep. You have this Nia which like I said, it's built in, you know of fasting the the month of Ramadan, that you again reckon your fasting has been the breaking of the fast. This is an etiquette and the Sunnah of the prophet of Islam also, you know,

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not expediting the whole meaning that you have to leave your home until, until until the almost the time of added which is another Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that you do the Salawat inside the masjid, these are all some of the etiquettes of Ramadan.

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If you if you

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fast Ramadan, remember fast in Ramadan and standing up and in praise in the month of Ramadan, you will be amongst the Shahada, and you will be amongst the city clean, the truthful ones in sha Allah Hi, Tara. This is the intention. I want to be amongst those truthful ones that Allah describes in the end. Also, another advice, you know, and tip in this blessed month of Ramadan, as an S segregate, you know, isolate yourself from you know, from you know, with lots of people and whatnot, why because you're busy with the with, you know, coming close to Allah Subhana who was the head so you want really in fact to spend as much time as you can with yourself with your family and trying

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to, you know, advise yourself and be in a bag at all times. In fact, if you just you know, intermingling with people in fact, it's something that you want to stay as much from as you can, especially in the month of Ramadan. Also, another etiquette is think of the blessings that God has blessed you with.

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Allah has blessed you with so many blessings, you're able to break your fast, you're able Masha Allah, Allah to fast and able to break your fast, unable to eat and drink that other people actually have the filler. They don't have that luxury, or law. So think of these blessings of Allah Subhana Allah has blessed you with do not, do not undermine or underestimate any any good deeds that you can do in Ramadan.

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Remember, fast in Ramadan and standing up and in praise in the month of Ramadan, you will be amongst the Shahada and you will be amongst the city clean, the truthful ones in sha Allah Whoa, Tara, this is the intention. I want to be amongst those truthful ones that Allah describes in the end. Also, another advice you know, and tip in this blessed month of Ramadan as an S segregate you know, isolate yourself from you know, from you know, with lots of people and whatnot why because you're busy with the with you know, coming close to Allah subhanahu wa Tada. So you want really in fact to spend as much time as you can with yourself with your family and trying to you know, advise yourself

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and be in a bad at all times. In fact, if you just you know, intermingling with people in fact, it's something that you want to stay as much from as you can, especially in the month of Ramadan. Also, another etiquette is think of the blessings that Lazarus has blessed you with.

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Allah has received so many blessings, you're able to break your fast, you're able Masha Allah, Allah to fast and able to break your fast, unable to eat and drink that other people actually have the filler. They don't have that luxury, or law. So think of these blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has blessed you would do not, do not undermine or underestimate any any good deed that you can do in a MOBA. Even even a smile in the face of your brother or sister in the face of your wife of your spouse of your kids. Do not underestimate any good deeds that you may do. as trivial as again, like I said, they have a date, that's all you can afford. And then maybe you can help someone break their

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fast with that date. So try to do as many good deeds as you can in Ramadan. Be careful

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Have you listen your tongue and what you utter and what you speak in Ramadan what you talk about in Ramadan Be careful of this of this of this listen for the sonic effort masala Be careful of of your site and what you look at in Ramadan Be careful of what you listen to in Ramadan Be careful remember it's an exercise it's a school we call it the Ramadan in school or this Ramadan ik school because it will prepare you to live your life in shallow data in accordance with the commands of Allah subhanaw taala after Ramadan so it's definitely a school

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if you want to be friend, befriend those who are you know pious righteous so that they can help you come closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala befriend the pious befriend the the truthful ones inshallah tada different the righteous people and righteous sisters and brothers in sha Allah hota Let your heart also fast in Ramadan, not only your your organs, but like I said, you know, your heart has to also fast by coming closer and pondering about the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala ask Allah subhana wa Taala to save you from Hellfire every day and every night in Ramadan, every day and every night as Allah subhanho wa Taala to prevent you from etrian Hellfire, ask Allah Subhana Allah to

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make you amongst those who will be saved from the torment of Hellfire in Ramadan,

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revived sooner in Ramadan, revive as many students as you can and stay away from the beta. This is the time to try to revive the student of the Prophet Ali's of Salaam

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in Ramadan,

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try to break to try to help people break the fast in Ramadan as much as you can. And to me

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if you can, but try to do it in sha Allah who tada even if let's say a cup of water, that's all you can afford a cup of water before somebody breaks his fast you're gonna give him a glass of water just please could you break your festival this glass of water that's all I can afford.

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So try to do that or if you can maybe invite some friends and whatnot sometimes. And shoutout to Allah do that. So with the intention to get the other in sha Allah who to

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try in Ramadan to enjoin, good and forbid evil, abominable mouth when the honeymoon card would hikma in Ramadan.

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Remember what I said would hikma with wisdom? in joining good forbidding evil. There was a man in fact by the name of blah Hebrew Adam, listen, Ibrahim no Adham came to him a Jewish man and he tries to provoke him. And he says Abraham, who's cleaner, who's pure your beard or my dog's tail,

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my dog's tail which is pure, which is cleaner, your beard or my dog's tail. Let's try to provoke him. But look at it that way the hikma the wisdom of Adam, Adam says if my beard makes it to Jenna.

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Of course my beard is better than your dog's tail. But if your dog's tail makes it and I don't make it the gender your dog's skin is better than me.

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The Jewish says will lie this is nothing but the luck that matters of the NBA of the prophets. And He impressed he stepped on the spot.

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With Hickman, if you want to enjoin good and forbid evil.

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Be careful.

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Try to visit you with your relationship with your parents in llamada.

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Your parents ever work on McCormack? You father, your mother, try to you know, honor them in this visit month of Ramadan, to make the effort them in this visit the month of Ramadan, to support them to serve them in this visit the month of Ramadan, if they're alive, if they're dead, I pray that Allah subhanho wa Taala forgives them and shower His mercy upon them. Get closer to serving your parents in and grab this opportunity as the prophet Isaiah Selim says it's important, you know, by Muslim

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when the Prophet was climbing the member and then he said, I mean, I mean, I mean, and then the Sahaba they came to me so why, you know, he said, you know, you were climbing the gnomon button then you said I mean, I mean, I mean, and, and one of the I mean, he says that Jubilee came to me and he says, Let his nose be done to dust. Yeah, and he will be a loser.

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a loser who is this loser who witnesses his parents, one of them or both. And then he does not benefit from their benediction. He does not benefit from their blessings to antigen now.

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Let his nose be be be you know, run in dust.

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This man so again, get close and try to serve your parents and support your parents in this lesson.

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month of Ramadan, also your neighbors This is the best time to get to inshallah Tada, especially if you live in a non Muslim country to try to break that ice and go and greet your neighbors and maybe you can bring some switcheroo or something to them and then greet them and talk to them about Ramadan, Ramadan, the motto of fasting and this is a time in fact to give them power.

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This is an opportunity to give the power to your neighbors you know from time enough to this is the best reporting in fact to maybe get like I said, Get some you know, some sweets or whatnot. And then go and visit your neighbors and greet them and share something with them.

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Especially like I said, if you live in a non Muslim country, also set up in Ramadan.

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The tie your the the tie of kingship, uphold the tie of kinship, especially in the month of Ramadan, your uncle, your aunts, uncles, call them, try to go and visit them if they're close by If not, call them on the phone, if they're alive and go and visit them try to uphold the ties of kinship with your kinship in Charlotte Allah and His best month of Ramadan. Do not argue, don't argue, stay away from arguing, you know, especially in the month of Ramadan.

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Don't argue much if somebody wants to argue a llama in the sign. I am fasting. I've got no time to argue with you. If somebody wants to argue why because you're fasting, you'll always you know constantly in the members of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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do lots of recitation of the Quran in Ramadan. Lots of elicitation of the Quran. And I said if you're fluent in Arabic, you have to at least the site and if not once, twice, maybe three times or more

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in the format of under the time of Ramadan, trying to do lots of recitation of the Quran in Ramadan, try to do your prayers in Jamaica in Ramadan. five daily prayers, especially first Anisha in Ramadan, you know inside the masjid. Why? Because he's Ramadan, you want to get as much blessings as you can try to do lots of pmla in Ramadan, the night prayer and with long canoes, long long cord long suit in your pmla This is the Sunnah of the Prophet alayhi salatu was Salam if there is a measure whereby you cannot find your heart Don't go to that measure go somewhere else What do I mean by a measure that by cannot find your heart try to go to some place some measure where you can find

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do some who sure if there's this measure that all your friends in on a lot of people go there and then by the time you just go and just you know you don't find yourself in it. You just love people talking and whatnot and laughing and you know people are not taking advantage of of Ramadan. So go somewhere else when you can find your heart or you can in fact you know, concentrate and relax in that particular mission.

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make lots of the heart in Ramadan. make lots of in Ramadan. Also do lots of fun in Ramadan. Lots of fun. Also if you can do a has an ombre Allah I mean, particularly no oma in Ramadan, that is the best. If you don't online Ramadan, the prophet assistances as if you have done Umrah or Hajj with the Prophet Mohammed Elissa to Salah yesterday, you know if you have this opportunity, don't miss it. Do an ombre in Llama

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Llama ma ma

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ma ma ma

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