Mufti Menk – Ramadan 2011 – Stories of the Prophets – Day 06

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			Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
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			smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam O Allah Muhammad Ali Al
amin Nabina. Muhammad you know Allah Allah He was happy he may know by
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			All praise is due to Allah subhanho wa Taala blessings and salutations upon Muhammad sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam We ask Allah subhanahu wa Jalla to bless him and all his companions. And we ask
Allah subhanahu wa Jalla, to grant us all goodness to accept us in this month of Ramadan.
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			As we see it is a sacrifice, and we keep repeating that it is a sacrifice, but we are prepared to
sacrifice for the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala. For indeed he is our Creator, our maker, the
one who created us, the one who made us for him, we dedicate our entire lives. For him, we are ready
to put our heads on the ground. And we do so so many times a day solely for the one who made us the
one whom we are going to return to, we would never put our heads on the ground for any being besides
Allah subhanho wa Taala.
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			Yesterday we heard the story of Shiva and his Salatu was Salam this evening, I'd like to move to the
story of Idris alayhi salatu was Salam known as Enoc May peace be upon him in the English language?
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			Where exactly does he fit in? The majority of the historians say that he was one of the great
grandchildren of Adam alayhis Salatu was salam, meaning from the progeny, the seventh generation of
Adam and Eve is Salatu was Salam. However, there are some historians who make mention of the fact
that he may be from amongst the children of Jacob and from amongst Vanessa, meaning the
grandchildren, the progeny of Jacob, and the people of Musa alayhis Salatu was Salam. However, we
will stick to this opinion, as the majority of the scholars have made mention of it.
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			So when are the matter is salatu salam was 840 years old. This is when he was born. One might ask
where do we get all these details from? It's very interesting, we need to know it, we should know
that Islamic history is divided into two categories. That which is from the time of the Prophet
sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, to now. And what happened after the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and at
his time, and all the way to now that we are not allowed to take from our looky tab or the people of
the book, we're not allowed to take it at all. In fact, we have to take it be snad, which means
every story that is narrated to us, we need to know who brought the story where it came from, what
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			is the chain of narrators, from the person speaking right to the source of the story. If there is a
single individual in that chain, that is shady, that is dodgy to use that way, that is known as a
liar, that is lying because he says, I've heard from someone and that person passed away before this
one was even born, then we know that they are lying. If that is the case, we reject that. Even if it
is Islamic history, we don't want that story. But when it comes to the history before Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wasallam. I have explained in the first session here, that there is something
known as Israeli, Israeli at the narrations of the People of the Book, what the Torah holds, what
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			the Bible, the Old Testament holds, and the stories that have been brought from those people. And
they these are divided into three categories. It's important that we repeat these three categories,
those that Islam or the Sherry, I came and rejected them, those narrations we reject them. For
example, some came with the story of the Prophet lot, and loot Allah is Salatu was Salam. And they
mentioned that he was a sinful man we rejected because in Islam, we believe that is not true. He was
a pure individual, the best of his time. So we reject that. And we reject anything that Islam has
rejected, even though it may we may have heard it from others.
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			Then we have those narrations that have come that Islam has confirmed. We find them within the
Quran. I give you an example. The fact that Eve May Allah subhanahu wa jal has peace be upon her. A
wa alayhi salatu salam was created from Adam, we hear that in the Quran in two places in the Quran,
Allah makes mention of it in Surah two, as well as in Surah Nisa. So what the Sharia has confirmed,
we take it through because Islam has confirmed it. And there is the third category which is the bulk
of it. Islam has not spoken about it neither confirming nor rejecting. With that, we do exactly the
same. We will hear it we will understand it we will draw a lesson from it, but we neither we do not
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			need it to be Muslims. But if we can use that in order to underline
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			And then we hit. At the same time we neither accept no reject. So we do not reject it. But we say
after we mentioned the story, we say what Allahu Allah. Allah knows best. May Allah Subhana Allah
Allah grant us understanding. So Shiva is salatu salam is not mentioned in the Quran. We spoke about
Israel led wire that Islam has neither rejected no confirmed. The same applies. Idris Allah is
Salatu was Salam. They say he was born when Adam alayhis salam was 840 years old that we got from
the Israel led wire.
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			And then they say that he was a man who was told he was very good looking. He was very calm. He had
a full grown beard Subhana Allah. And he spoke very, very clearly. When he spoke, he was calm. When
he walked he lowered his gaze and looked on the ground. And he was a very collected individual, calm
and collected. And he used to ponder and reflect. And he used to advise with so much goodness, that
was Idris alayhi salatu salam. So what does the Quran make mention of this prophet? There are only
two verses that we find in the Quran regarding the Prophet Idris alayhi salatu salam.
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			Firstly, Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about him in Surah Maryam one corofin kita BDD.
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			And make mentioned in the book of the prophet Idris in ahuka, Nelson de Pon.
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			Indeed, he was very truthful, and he was a prophet. So this now we know confirmed, he was truthful,
and he was a prophet, the quality of truthfulness. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala says, war of America
can And
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			indeed We raised him a very, very high status. We raised him to a very high level, this is what the
Quran says in Santa Maria. So, if you look at the mufa serien, they make mention of the meaning of a
high level if I were to ask you someone is raised on a higher level, what would you say? You would
say that spiritually they are elevated. So the same with Idris Allah is salatu wa sallam, he was
elevated to a very high level by Allah in that he was granted new Buddha and he was praised by Allah
and he is mentioned in the Quran that is a high level. In fact, in another place, Allah subhanho wa
Taala says, What is ma Isla de zawada kiefel three names together it's my Idris and then keep him
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			Allah peace be upon them.
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			Nina sabi
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			mattina Medina, in
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			all three of them were very patient. So this is another quality of Idris he was very patient. And
Allah says, and we have granted them from our mercy, we have made them enter into our mercy we have
we have put them within our mercy. So there is another quality Allah has had mercy on them. And
Allah Subhana Allah Allah says couldn't Lumina Salah him, they were all pious people good people.
Salah means a pious person. So these are the qualities of Idris Allah is salat wa salam we know. And
this is definitely a very high status. However, we have a very interesting israa LED wire and
narration of the people of the book, which we say well, Allahu Allah, Allah knows best. But it's
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			interesting to mention it because most books of the year have made mention of this beautiful
incident. They say Idris Ali Salim, he was told by Allah subhanho wa Taala. That Oh Idris, from
those who have followed you, anyone who does good deeds, at the end of the day, you will have all
those good deeds doubled for yourself.
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			That is something amazing. This is a status. Imagine others do good deeds, and you're getting the
reward of it doubled.
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			So he was very happy. And he knew that his death was approaching. So he had a friend from the
angels. And he spoke to this friend. He says, you know, Allah has promised me this reward. And I'd
like to amass a lot of reward before I go. So why don't you speak to the angel of death? Let's see
what he has to say to say, Look, just try and see if you can seek permission to prolong a little
bit. So the angel says, look, that is a matter that is decreed by Allah subhanho wa Taala. However,
there's no harm in trying, come, you ride on my wing and let's go
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			Subhana Allah. So he wrote on the wing,
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			and he was taken up to the heavens, he crossed the first heaven, He crossed the second heaven, He
crossed the third heaven. When he got to the fourth Heaven, Allah had instructed the angel of death
to take the soul of Idris alayhis salam on the fourth heaven and the angel of death will
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			was following the instruction of Allah but obviously did not know what was about to happen when he
got to the fourth heaven he seen Idris they're
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			amazing. When he seen Idris there, the question was posed that look.
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			I would like to extend and so on. He says, look, Allah has already instructed me to take your room
away. Is it okay? He says, Well, if that's the case, it's fine. So it is narrated what Allahu Allah
Allah knows best that his room was taken away whilst he was still in the fourth heaven. And
Rasulullah Salallahu alaihe salam confirms in Sahih al Bukhari in an authentic Malaysian that when
he went up for me, Raj, he met Idris Ali Salam in the fourth heaven.
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			So that is a confirmed duration that we know it's actually here raising as we say, may Allah
subhanho wa Taala. Grant us understanding that is as much as we know about the life of Idris AlLahi
salatu wa sallam, and this is why some of them of Assyrian say when Allah says he raised him to a
high level he is speaking of literally, Allah took him up physically to the top, and then his soul
was taken there. Let's move on to the next prophet who is known as the first prophet sent to mankind
that large sent to the globe at large. We all know that Adam alayhis salam was a messenger and his
son chief and Idris and these people were part of the family of no Halle Salatu was Salam but they
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			were sent to remind their own families it was one family no had a Salam. I remember telling you a
few days ago that how was he a messenger? He began reminding his children after they were born in
the grew up that look, this is what happened to me. And this is what happened when this is what
happened when shavonne refuse to prostrate to me and so on. So be careful. So the idea is Rasulullah
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, kana, Burkina adamawa. No Asha to Quran, Allah towhee. Between
Adam, may peace be upon him and Noah, Noah May peace be upon him. They were 10 generations or a
karma can be translated as generation or it can be translated as a century. So there was a certain
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			period of time, let's say, if it was a century, they were 10 centuries, all the people were on
Islam. They were until they did not associate partners with Allah subhanho wa Taala. What is the
meaning of this narration? It's a correct narration. It means that for 1000 years, there was no
shield. Between Adam and Noah, there was much more than 1000 years but there were 1000 years in
which there was no shield. There was no association of partners with Allah. And after 1000 years, it
crept in so Allah subhanho wa Taala sent Noah May peace be upon him as the first prophet to those
who are engaged in chic
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			to mankind at large and Chirac was in them. Now how did this association of partnership come about?
We need to know what the Quran says we need to know the authentic narrations from the Quran, Allah
subhanho wa Taala makes mention of it, let us mention it in story form. Then we will read the verse
a little bit later on inshallah, where shapen came to the children later on, you see, they had
transgressed as we heard the family of carbene. And those people shoot Allah His Salaam was sent to
and in fact, those people who Idris was sent to, they had transgressed. They were committing lots
and lots of sin, but they were not associating partners with Allah.
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			Their acts of worship was solely for their maker. They knew that they had a maker, and they only
owed all their worship to that maker, however, they were sending here sending their adultery was
being committed so many other sins were being committed. And as time passed, shapen came to them.
They had certain pious people from amongst them. If you look at Seurat, no, you will find the names
of these pious people. Allah subhanho wa Taala has named them what then Sua, Yahoo's yoke, and nessa
these are five names mentioned in the Quran. They were pious people shapen came to the the people of
that time and said, Look, these are pious people who are reminding you to do good. They are very
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			good people, they have reminded you to do good. Now that they've died, just make a small statue to
remind you of their message. So every time you see the statue, you will be able to remember that
this person used to remind us of good and you will do the good. So it was beautify. They saw nothing
wrong in that they created statues. And each one was named after one of these pious people. And
every time they came in, they saw these statues. They were very happy. It reminded them to do good
and they began to do good. Now shavon is very patient, he's got a plan, he sews the seat and he goes
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			So he waited for that generation to pass when that generation passed and people
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			God why exactly they had made those statues. He went to the next generation and said, you know, your
forefathers, you don't know what they used to do. They used to worship these idols. These are
statues, this is what brought them goodness. And he came to them, how did he call them? Listen very
carefully. He said, whenever they saw these idols, they worship the idols. So they became good
people. And goodness came in their direction. Look at how he's twisting the words. Part is true part
is not true. When they saw these statues, they never used to worship them. But they were reminded
they used to do good. So a person would go to the statue, come back and give a charity Wow, that was
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			good. A person would go to the statue, come back and be be well behaved. That was good. So shaitan
says, Don't you see the statue used to help them to become good. So you need to prostrate to these
statues in order to become even better. So this is when she started. This is the first association
of partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala. What we learned today, up to now as sophisticated as
men has become, we have technology, we have the Bluetooth, we have Wi Fi. Very soon we will be
having yellow teeth and green tea.
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			But we still have people who worship stones, who think that that brings them goodness, who worship
trees, who worship various other objects, who worship creatures of Allah subhanho wa Taala and think
that these things are going to bring us goodness, they are people who worship animals thinking that
these animals are going to bring us goodness, Allah subhanho wa Taala he becomes very, very angry
with this association of partnership with Allah subhanho wa Taala. So it is very strange how man's
brain has developed to the degree that he has technology of the highest, most baffling level, mind
boggling, but at the same time, he worship a stone Hello Akbar. And he'll go and bow down to a cow,
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			Allahu Akbar. And he'll go and bow down to a tree and he'll go and bow down to another human being
who also needs the loo just like him, Allahu Akbar. It's a fact. And I've mentioned the West thing,
because this needs to make us think Allah has given us the brain. If you have a belly problem, they
have it too. How do we worship human beings in the lab, Tata Muhammad sallallahu alayhi, wa sallam,
lucre, Janice many badly bad Illa bad that you don't believe that? Allah has sent Muhammad
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to remove people
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			from worshipping other worshipers to worshiping the Lord of all the worshipers. Subhana Allah. So we
don't worship other worshipers. People began to worship Isa, they began to worship the others at
this particular stage. They were worshipping these five idols, so no hallelujah salatu salam was
sent when he was sent. Very very interestingly Allah makes mention of it. In fact his name or should
I say not the name but mention of new Allah His salat wa salam is in 20 different sutras of the
Quran. 20 different sutras of the Quran, he has a very lofty level. You see, all the messages are
not of the same level Allah says in the Quran till go solo.
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			Mama min
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			mama Whoa.
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			those messages, we have raised some above the others.
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			Some of them we have spoken to low Akbar.
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			And Allah has raised the levels. So they were five who had the highest, they were the most resolute
and they endured the most for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Who were these five? Right at the
top Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Subhana Allah has granted him that status highest of all
messengers and of all creatures have been all healthy, or commercially,
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			the highest of creation, and the most honored of all the messengers is Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi
wa sallam
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			love to read through his biography. Not only will it bring tears to the eyes, but if we are not
shaken. How can we claim to be believers, Allah Subhana Allah, Allah grant us that opportunity and
that acceptance, to feel in our hearts the urge and the need to go through the biography of the most
beloved creature that existed sallallahu alayhi wasallam so he was at the top. Then we had Ibrahim
alayhi salatu was Salam knew Allah is Salam. Musa alayhis salam and the ISA Allah is Allah. These
five names are found in the Quran. Allah calls them all as mi minahasa li these
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			Whether resolute from amongst the messengers of a different level,
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			what is amin and NaVi? namita
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			wamena EVO Hema mousai 70 mobium Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of the five there that we
have taken the strong covenant from you or Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam we know him well
Ibrahima wa Moosa ye 70 million. Allahu Akbar. So those are the five that were the highest. So Allah
subhanho wa Taala makes mention of him
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			very beautifully in Surah. Allah, Allah says, and it's always very direct, Allah says lapada autosol
nano Han Ella Kami.
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			Kami Budo la Monaco. Ella.
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			And remember, we sent a note to his people. So he said to them directly, oh my people, worship Allah
alone. You have no diety besides Allah subhanho wa Taala nobody will be of worship besides Allah
subhanho wa Taala.
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			So the first message of all the messengers was calling towards though he calling towards the oneness
of Allah subhanho wa Taala calling towards leaving the Association of partnership with that maker
and that creator. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says,
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			he told his people in me, aha kumada biomin army, I fear over you. The punishment of that day, the
great day, I fear that a punishment will overtake you in another place. He says, I fear that a very
painful torment will overtake you. So they are listening to this man. He's saying worship one Allah,
and I fear that punishment is overtaking you.
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			They did not want to listen. They wanted to carry on in their ways. So look what they says.
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			Call alma omeo call me Nana caffee Bala le mubi. The Chiefs from amongst the people who were who was
talking, Allah says Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah meaning the chiefs, those who had authority those who
had power those who had wealth, those who had respect in society, they spoke they said, You are a
stray Bala one word. This man is a stray Don't listen to him.
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			He answered. Call I am Kalia. Camila is Habibullah Allah, wa rasuluh Bella and me. He said, Oh my
people, I am not a stray. I am a messenger from the Lord of the worlds obelisco Kumari Salah to be I
am only conveying to you the messages of my own club.
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			And I am giving you advice naseeha sound advice I am delivering to you so don't hold it against me.
Don't call me a madman way what I am saying and if it makes sense, and it will definitely make sense
if you are ready to ponder over it, then follow it.
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			So a few people started following him who very few, after so many years, one person
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			after so many years, another person. So Panama
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			and yet he was in the beat of Allah subhanho wa Taala and the rest of them, they followed the
haughty they followed those who had money, they followed those who had authority. They followed
those who had dignity in society, and they had given dignity to those who had material wealth. Why
do we say this? Because Allah speaks about it in the Quran. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says this,
Allah says in Surah good, Allah says, Allah Allah Allah Allah vena cava whom you call me, man,
arancha illa Mashallah meet Nana, those haughty those who are high, those who are in control, they
had controlled all the people and they told no Hello Hey salatu salam, we see you as a human being
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			just like us. We see you as a human being just like us what happens in our lives and listen, we grow
from it. When someone reminds us to say, brother, this is wrong. Say look at yourself. Who are you?
Who do you think you are?
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			I had one youngster Tell me Even my father doesn't tell me that.
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			Well bring him will tell him as well. Now Allah subhanho wa Taala openers open our doors just as
well. You told me it doesn't say now we know that he also needs a bit of advice. May Allah make us
parents who are role models for our own children.
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			That's a powerful
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			May Allah make us parents who are the role models of our own children.
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			So they told him you are just a human being like us, or a man or rocket tobacco and look at those
who are following you look at them. Inland larina whom are on in
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			other words from amongst us. They've got no material standing.
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			at all, nobody respects them in society, they are foolish. They haven't even thought before they
followed you. They don't even know what's about to come in their direction, as though they are
threatening to boycott these people imagine.
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			So who followed those who are downtrodden? And this is why, when Abu sufian or the Allahu anhu.
Before he was a Muslim, he had gone to Hercules, the Romans. And Hercules asked him a question he
asked him
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			about Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He says, what type of people are following him? The rich
or the poor? He said, Well, most of his followers are the poor. He says, Well, that is all the
messages, it has happened to them quite similar. Look, herculis is confirming that those who are
downtrodden and not so wealthy, they are quicker to accept the truth than those who are high. And
those who are wealthy, Allahu Akbar. We are fortunate we are muslimeen we hope and pray that the
more we get in terms of wealth, the more down to earth we are, the quicker we surrender to Allah
subhanho wa Taala command. May Allah open our doors of goodness, May He grant us pure sustenance
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			that bring us that brings us closer to him and not sustenance that will drive us further away.
People normally say that this man was a good man now that he's seen money, he's changed. I usually
say no, money doesn't change you all it does. It gives you now the opportunity to show the true
colors of who you always were. Because if you had bad qualities, they were hidden when you have a
boss, you need to say yes. Okay. He says be here at eight, no five to eight. Okay, but the day you
got more money than him you say what five to eight you met. I'm going to come at 11
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			now open our doors, because now you know you have a standing. So it only gave you the opportunity to
show your true colors. Those who have good prior to wealth, they are still good even after they've
got that wealth. Now Allah keep us in that way.
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			So this was the excuse. They said, we see these people are or weak. Woman Allah kumala in
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			conga dB, we don't see any virtue for you over us. In fact, we consider you liars. You are a liar.
What virtue Do you have over us? You just like us, you've got eyes and ears and hands and everything
just like us. You are a human being there is no virtue. This was the excuse of the people of no
honor. His Salatu was Salam. So Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of that in solitude. And this
is why
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			he told his people yeah comi Ri
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			call to Allah.
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			Be Oh my people listen, listen very carefully. What if Allah has granted me science, clear proof,
clear evidence? Are you going to consider it was tiny Amata Minna de
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			la COMM And what if Allah has given me mercy and has had mercy upon me?
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			which you are blinded from? You cannot see.
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			What do we learn from this Allahu Akbar. Sometimes because of our evil deeds, we become blinded to
the right straight path. This is why I mentioned the other day that one of the greatest acts of
worship is Toba, to ask Allah forgiveness, to search in your life, where you are going astray and
wrong. And to constantly ask Allah for forgiveness, because when you ask Allah forgiveness, there is
no hope that you will see the light. You know, one day there was a brother who told me regarding a
certain problem, he says, at least now there's light at the end of the tunnel. I said brother, they
haven't yet seen the tunnel. Forget about the light law. Well open our doors. Really, sometimes
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			people haven't even seen the tunnel. Once we get to the tunnel, then there'll be light at the end
inshallah, that if you haven't seen the tunnel where we will probably hit to the oceans. Love Akbar.
Allah opened our doors.
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			So Allah subhanho wa Taala says about niaouli salatu salam that he says, What if Allah has mercy is
blocked from you? What if unless Mercy is blocked from you? You need to open your eyes and see what
i'm saying turn to Allah. So his people continue to argue. They argued again with him. What did they
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			Well, y'all call me In fact, he said again to his people. One more point, why are calling me
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			an O Kumara Hema in Nigeria.
00:29:48 --> 00:29:49
			Oh my people.
00:29:50 --> 00:29:56
			I'm not going to ask any recompense from you. I don't want money for what I am teaching you. I don't
want any wealth.
00:29:57 --> 00:29:59
			For what I am teaching you and from this
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			We learn straight point, whenever there are those calling us towards goodness, the spiritual
leaders, if they fall under the employ of someone they are less effective than those who do not fall
under the employee of someone that is a general rule. unless they've been given authority, which is
very rare, you find that they are always tapered down by those who pay them. And this is why no
Allah is Allah made it very clear. I not only don't get a salary from you, but I don't want it. I'm
not asking you for a penny or a cent my reward is with Allah subhanho wa Taala. And this is why he
could say whatever he wanted to, he did the truth. He didn't mind and he knew he had the assistance
00:30:41 --> 00:31:15
			of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they told him Okay, we ready to accept they had a private meeting,
they said we ready to accept on condition that you see those who have followed you, they all
porpoise, we're going to come and sit with those poppers and everybody's going to look at us and
say, Look, the top and the bottom, they are now mixing, that's not gonna happen. So get rid of them,
tell them that you guys you move out, we got some more important people who are coming to accept the
guidance. Now the same was uttered by the co founder of Croatia Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
And here he is being told that that happened from the time of Noah. So what did know la salatu salam
00:31:15 --> 00:31:15
00:31:19 --> 00:31:32
			de la Vina man Oh, I'm never going to chase those who have believed I can't chase them. Allah
subhanho wa Taala knows their level and Allah subhanho wa Taala knows their condition. I am not
going to chase them at all.
00:31:34 --> 00:31:39
			He says Why are comi may also Ronnie mean a lie
00:31:40 --> 00:31:42
			to him if Allah tala
00:31:43 --> 00:31:56
			all my people, if I chased him away, who is going to help me when Allah zaroff and anger descends on
me, who is going to assist me against Allah subhanho wa Taala if I chase away the believers
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			and there are other beautiful verses in the Quran, where Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of
what no had a Salaam said. He said, These people appear to be low in terms of worldly standings, but
you don't know their hearts. You don't know their hearts.
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			This is why sometimes
00:32:20 --> 00:32:33
			we feel the piety in those who are poor, very, very poor. Sometimes we see people and I have
witnessed people in some of the most remote areas of Africa. We entered one area,
00:32:35 --> 00:32:47
			very, very remote area at the time of arson. And we were looking for Muslims. And we were going
through literally having parked the motor vehicle in one corner, one side and we were walking
through the bush and we noticed a
00:32:48 --> 00:33:11
			we noticed these, there was a field with a lot of plantation on it. maize was planted and it was
quite high the height of a man. And as we walked through it thinking that now there's no one. It was
the time of awesome. We heard Sami Allahu leemon hamidah and they were at least two 300 people
reading salah and they had all come up and we were they were We were lucky I had to weep when I'd
seen that.
00:33:13 --> 00:33:51
			And I told myself, these are the Olia Allah, these are the friends of Allah. They for water, they go
to the river, which is five kilometers away with buckets, but they are happy come time for us.
Nobody is there to tell them a salah and you find all of them quietly on the ground normal Salah No,
nothing on the ground, somehow holy man hamidah you know the sights. I felt like I was such a weak
Muslim, looking at these people whom who have endured so much and they are happily worshipping Allah
subhanho wa Taala Where are we? It reminded me immediately of a verse that I need to share with you.
Allah says Allah subhanho wa Taala
00:33:53 --> 00:33:55
			Yeah, Vina man oh man.
00:33:57 --> 00:34:00
			coma Dini for some fire in
00:34:02 --> 00:34:10
			your home, boom, are you a *? Allahu Akbar Oh, you who believe. If whosoever is going to turn
away from this deal.
00:34:11 --> 00:34:16
			Then remember, Allah will bring other people whom he will love and they will love him even more.
00:34:17 --> 00:34:22
			So let's not turn away. When we don't read Salah there are 10 other people who are reading Salah.
00:34:23 --> 00:34:39
			Recently, in many countries, there are women who have removed their hijab because of the pressure of
the globe. So by removing the job, I normally say My dear sister, if you have removed it, there are
10 others somewhere else who have done it.
00:34:40 --> 00:34:59
			So it's not a lost loss. It's your loss for every person who thinks they have now removed the cover
or removed the dress code that Allah has ordained. Allah says, Don't worry, we flick you off. You
know what we will show you on the day of judgment as a result. There were 10 others who don't love
Akbar, you want to miss your Salah.
00:35:00 --> 00:35:04
			There are 10 other people in the remote regions of Vietnam who will start their Salah.
00:35:06 --> 00:35:43
			But we don't know we are our minds are too small. We don't understand that realize. So no Holly
Salam said these people, they are pious Allah knows their heart. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows the
condition of their hearts, I'm not going to chase them away in order to facilitate for you and for
you to come another thing if he had chased him away and these people did come, that was one
condition, sometime later, they would have made another condition and the third condition so a
person who wants to attack you on one front, don't think that he's not going to attack you from all
the other fronts. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us a deep understanding. Remember these stories
00:35:43 --> 00:35:59
			are mentioned in the Quran for us to derive lesson from it was not needed to make mention of the
previous stories. So much so that in this story of knowing when Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
was mentioning this story to the co founder of Croatia and to the muslimeen
00:36:01 --> 00:36:01
			Do you know what
00:36:03 --> 00:36:12
			they doubted? They said no, this man is speaking things which are fabricated. So Allah says in the
Quran, whilst in the midst of the story of no Allah is
00:36:13 --> 00:36:15
			a miracle yaku Lunesta.
00:36:17 --> 00:36:22
			Are they saying that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has fabricated this, they don't know.
00:36:24 --> 00:36:30
			Enough to file a Rami very
00:36:33 --> 00:36:38
			to G Mo, O Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tell them
00:36:40 --> 00:36:56
			if I have fabricated this, I am going to get the sin of it. And I'm not going to hold the sin of
what you people are doing. So way what I'm saying. This is an example. It is a story of a previous
nation confirmed by revelation without a speck of doubt.
00:36:57 --> 00:37:07
			So Allah subhanho wa Taala speaks about new Allah His Salatu was Salam in Surah to Shara as well
corlew milaca tabernacle Allah
00:37:09 --> 00:37:15
			call me man can Oh yeah, man on in his boom in
00:37:21 --> 00:37:24
			mini Inanna.
00:37:25 --> 00:37:43
			Maybe he had a response for everything they said. He had a response for everything they said. Allah
makes mention of it here. They say, should we believe in you when all these useless people have
accepted your message? There is a difference between us and then kick them out. He says oh my
00:37:44 --> 00:37:52
			I don't know their hearts. Allah subhanho wa Taala knows their deeds and their hearts. How can I
block goodness from them solely because they they don't have much materialy
00:37:54 --> 00:38:05
			Allahu Akbar, I am a warner. I will warn clearly and this warning will come. Now they got upset.
They were upset. They started for how many years did this last?
00:38:06 --> 00:38:24
			Not 10 years, not 100 years. Not 200 years, not 300 years no more. Look what Allah Subhana Allah
Allah says. Allah tada our cell nano Han Isla comi Filipina, Fie him LFSR nothing fancy.
00:38:26 --> 00:38:43
			And we sent Noah Noah May peace be upon him to his people. He dwelled within them, calling them
towards goodness for 1000 years less 50 which means 950 years. He spoke to them. He called them.
00:38:44 --> 00:39:08
			He instructed them. He tried with them. He answered all their questions. Now they started getting
frustrated. A few 100 years down the line. They started frustrating Noah alayhi salatu was Salam up
to now it was a discussion. It was a debate. Now they wanted to begin to threaten the inland
Tanzania. Oh, that's akuna nominal narrow. jomi when they say oh no.
00:39:10 --> 00:39:21
			Keep quiet. If you're not going to keep quiet, we're gonna stone you to death. Look at these
threats. Look at these threats. If you don't keep quiet, we are going to stone you lavaca
00:39:23 --> 00:39:43
			salatu wa salam do. He knew Allah was with him? Not a day did he raise his hands to say Allah
destroy them? He kept on saying Yala guide my people. Allah guide my people. Allah guide these
people. He kept on saying he was patient. He was patient for a long, long time.
00:39:44 --> 00:39:53
			And Allah subhanho wa Taala makes mention of how patient he was with these people. Even though they
they started calling him names.
00:39:56 --> 00:39:59
			They said this man is mad is mental
00:40:00 --> 00:40:38
			junoon and they said, This man is possessed. He has a gym in him, leave him for some time he will
come normal. He's got a problem. He's got a gym. Imagine they are speaking from the very beginning
in Hawaii in La Jolla OBE gene. This is a man who has a gene, he has a gene in him. That's why he's
telling you to do things. He's stupid, because Can't he see we have the money, let him do a business
deal or two with us. And we'll be able to make him rich and wealthy and he'll be able to enjoy life
just as we are. But he's stupid. He'll understand. Leave him on one side and don't associate with
him and you see what will happen up to today.
00:40:40 --> 00:40:44
			Our business partners can destroy our Dean if they are not on D.
00:40:46 --> 00:40:47
			Remember this carefully.
00:40:48 --> 00:41:03
			If we have a man and we're making so much money through him, don't allow him to control your
religion. Never. Don't allow him to change your mind regarding Allah. Don't drop your guard when it
comes to him. You can drop him when it comes to Allah.
00:41:04 --> 00:41:43
			And this is what we have seen. Those who fear Allah subhanho wa Taala when they are engaged in
business deals and making money through somebody. If they drop that person when that person begins
to come between them and Allah, they have achieved happiness and contentment and they die in a
condition of Eman. Whereas when it comes to a person who has compromised the deen of Allah subhanho
wa Taala and they have engaged in injustice what happens today? A man is rich, we know him so we
side with him. Sometimes you get a scholar of Islam Allah protect us all shapen comes to the
scholars sometimes as well. And you find there is a dispute. One side is a rich man the other side
00:41:43 --> 00:42:29
			is a poor men come the scholar. He says no men, either. Look, I can't involve here number one,
that's the sweetest way out. Or he will say You know what? I think he is right. pointing at Who? La
Akbar. May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep us upon justice. Not only scholars in our families,
sometimes we perpetrate grave injustice, solely because of wealth. Allahu Akbar. Now we standing on
a pedestal. May Allah subhanho wa Taala open our doors. And May He grant us a deep understanding.
With no hallahan salatu wa sallam, he told his people as the verse is in solitude, while Ah, voila,
coup de coeur de casa
00:42:36 --> 00:42:37
			de Malik.
00:42:51 --> 00:42:53
			in me,
00:42:56 --> 00:43:00
			oh my people, I am not telling you that I am an angel.
00:43:01 --> 00:43:22
			And I am not telling you that I own the treasures of the earth. And I am not saying that by
following me you will become loaded. A lot of people think hey, you know what, I'm a good Muslim.
Why am I not making money? Well, Allah didn't promise you that if you're a good Muslim, you will
become as rich as Bill Gates. No, he didn't promise that. But when you're a good Muslim, you achieve
contentment of the heart.
00:43:24 --> 00:43:45
			A good Muslim who has 50 rounds in his pocket is far better than a sinner who has 5 million in his
pocket. And believe me, he will sleep in a far more blissful sleep if I can use that word, and he
will probably snore. Whereas the other one is busy putting in all the pills, and still he can't
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			And they know this is why all sleeping pills are very expensive.
00:43:51 --> 00:44:11
			They know that those who need them have money. La Akbar Allah subhanho wa Taala safeguard us from
all forms of sickness. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala grant sleep to those who are suffering of
insomnia. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala open all our doors of goodness and kindness, good health
may grant cure to those who are ill and sick. And may He have mercy to those who are suffering on
the globe today.
00:44:12 --> 00:44:25
			So he says, Oh my people, I'm not promising you, you're going to get big wealth. And I don't know
the unseen so don't come and ask me what's behind the wall. And don't come and ask me what are these
people going to have tomorrow? I am not claiming to know the unseen
00:44:27 --> 00:44:53
			and all my people not only do I not claim to know the unseen but don't think that I am going to
chase away those whom your eyes look down upon. Going back to the same point look at how many times
it's repeated in the Quran, where Allah speaks about how the downtrodden the messengers were
instructed to kick them out. Allah says I'm not going to do that. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala
speaks about how
00:44:54 --> 00:44:59
			they call him mad surah to come up. It rhymes very, very well. The surah is
00:45:00 --> 00:45:05
			Powerful Allah says, Can cabela como
00:45:07 --> 00:45:15
			una vaca Luma. Juno was DG. They have belied the Prophet knew before.
00:45:17 --> 00:45:18
			And they have
00:45:19 --> 00:45:46
			rejected the message of one of our worshipers. Allah calls him a *. Allah says apadana, meaning
my worshiper, my worshiper, they have belied. Wakanda Majnoon and they call him mad was beautiful.
And they rebuked him, they swore him, they mocked Him, they tortured him, they engage in all forms
of evil, but he was still saying, Oh Allah guide my people.
00:45:51 --> 00:45:57
			When they came a time, when Allah subhanho wa Taala says, it was the final straw.
00:45:58 --> 00:46:04
			These people came to know how to use a lamb and they said, ya know, this is good.
00:46:05 --> 00:46:06
			Oh, ya know.
00:46:08 --> 00:46:09
00:46:12 --> 00:46:13
			Tina Bhima.
00:46:22 --> 00:46:39
			They said, Oh, no, you have debated with us, you have argued with us. And you have prolonged that
debate promising us that some punishment is going to come to us some punishment is going to come to
us You kept saying that bring that punishment. We want it now if you are truthful, come let's see.
00:46:40 --> 00:46:41
00:46:43 --> 00:46:44
			they're asking for the punishment.
00:46:46 --> 00:46:49
			May Allah protect us whenever we are reminded in the masjid.
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			Usually the miracle of Allah, and believe me, I've seen this almost all the time, the miracle of
Allah. Whenever there is an alum speaking in the front, and we are being reminded it will apply to
many of us as though he is speaking about us and he knows us.
00:47:11 --> 00:47:15
			But he doesn't know you and it is Allah communicating directly to your heart.
00:47:17 --> 00:47:22
			Many people have come to me and they've told me look today you spoke about this. Did someone tell
you I had this problem?
00:47:25 --> 00:47:54
			Not at all. A lot of nose you have the problem. So he made something feel within you. Let me go and
sit there. So when you sat there masaba Columbia, Coolio. What got to you was never ever meant to
miss you. So Panama, if it got to your ears, Allah made you make an effort to come and listen to it.
Then allows me to ask you, didn't we send a wallet to you? Do you remember that day you felt he was
talking to you while I was talking to you? subhanak Holic. Amazing that is Allah.
00:47:55 --> 00:48:16
			So they told me Hey, Sam, you know what you have done so much. And you've argued and you've debated
now we want to see what this punishment is? So no Holly Sam, although he was so patient for many,
many years, many, many years. 950 years? Do you know what happened? Finally he raised his hands.
00:48:18 --> 00:48:48
			Now when saint raises his hands, remember, those who are friends of Allah have a lot of patience, a
lot of patience, when you harm them, when you trouble them, when you spread rumors about them when
you you know create problems for them. When you make their life difficult when you block them. When
you stop them, they will be patient, they will continue making dua for your goodness, your guidance.
But patience has a limit. Remember that everybody has stopped at a point no Nabhi has just carried
on and on until he was destroyed. No.
00:48:49 --> 00:49:04
			Every nubby has had a limit when he called out to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So no Allah He Salaam
raised his hands, and he made a dua, and I just want to share with you one verse. Tomorrow we will
continue with what the DA was and what happened as a result. But today,
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			there is a verse that brings tears to the eyes.
00:49:09 --> 00:49:28
			Allah subhanho wa Taala says, speaking about no had a solemn that he went through so much he went
through so much turbulence, so much suburb that only a handful of people accepted his message in 950
years. Imagine the narration makes mention of 11 people
00:49:29 --> 00:49:36
			in 50 years 1111 and there is another narration that makes mention of the maximum
00:49:37 --> 00:49:41
			80 people. So let us take the maximum.
00:49:42 --> 00:49:59
			If we say 80 people in 950 years, you can work it out in 100 years. How many 102 Allahu Akbar Allahu
Akbar. So after that patience, and during, he raises his hands, Allah says Allah
00:50:03 --> 00:50:42
			mela Mooji moon mohalla salam called out to us we responded immediately to our worship Lo Lo Akbar.
We are the best of those who respond Allah says. So if any one of us has endured a lot, remember the
day you raise your hands, it will come immediately. It will come straight. This is why the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says it took me that long for inna hola Sabina. ouabain Allah Hey job,
be careful of you are made against you buy the one whom you have oppressed, because there is no
barrier between the dua and Allah subhanho wa Taala
00:50:44 --> 00:51:05
			so if you have wronged someone you are doomed if they have to raise their hands. May Allah subhanho
wa Taala open our doors. Tomorrow we will listen to the dua that was responded immediately by Allah
subhanho wa Taala until we meet insha Allah sallallahu wasallam albaraka Allah, Mohammed so kind of
like the Hyundai Santa Coloma de Hamdi Ganesha de la ilaha illa De Luca to boiling