Get To Know – 05 Surah Al-Kahf

Quran Weekly
AI: Summary © The "hasn't been met" portions of the title of the 18th rule are organized into four sermons, with the first being a passage and the second a story. The serones are the ones who are at risk of starving to death or getting caught, and the story is a touraround of a passage and a story. The importance of understanding the meaning of materialism and avoiding misunderstandings is emphasized, along with reciting the Prophet's advice on materiality and making a reflection on one's life.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi ladee and Allah Allah Allah Al Kitab Allah May Allah

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publisher Li MD, Dr. Melissa Sania Oliva hamdulillah salat wa salam O Allah, Allah, Allah Allah he was at age nine. So mama bear salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Everyone today, I'm sure inshallah I hope to, for myself and for all of you to get to know a little bit about so let's have the 18th rule of the Quran. I'll start with the famous narration about it, and a bit of that, and then the diesel locomotives from Paul Mahaffey, the Asha, I didn't mean nobody should have been the john narrated Buddha, the prophets I should have said whoever memorized 10 IOD from the beginning of SoTL calf has been protected from the fitna from the trial or from the jail himself from the false

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messiah himself. And besides Rodrigo de la tala and who and an abyssal Islam called mancora suta coffee with Zuma, about Allahumma nudie Medina Giamatti and Audrey says, Whoever recited photograph on the day of Friday, it lights up for him, it creates a light for him. That is that lasts from one Friday to the next Mabinogion will attain what lasts between the two Fridays. This surah is of course, meant to protect us from one of the greatest trials that is going to afflict humanity that the prophets I saw them himself warned about the surah itself alludes to that great trial as essentially then we don't have a terrible war that is coming of divine proportions milodon who and

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to congratulate believers that their their good deeds are not going to be put to waste. It is a profound sutra very uniquely organized, I'll tell you a little bit about that. Most commonly, it is known that the soul is divided into four stories, it's a little bit more complicated than that. It's actually four passages and four stories. And so the way I'd like you to think about just kind of organized, the subject matter of the soul of yourself, is that you can think of it of two in two halves. Okay, so the first half of the solar is a passage which is kind of like a sermon from Allah, teaching us about the the temporary nature of this life, followed by the first story, followed by

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another sermon, followed by another story. So there are two elements in the sola sermons, and stories. sermon means a collection of art that are teaching you about a profound reality, like the temporary nature of this world, or what judgment is going to look like, or what kinds of people are going to be success and what kinds of people are going to be failures. These are all sermons. And then there are stories like the people of the cave, the gardener's, there's a story about Musashi, salaams journeys are, these are stories, but the way that it's organized like I said, two halves, and the first half you get sermon, followed by story, followed by sermon, followed by story. So what

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sermon do you get the nature of materialism and how we're not supposed to get locked up into the beauty of this world in Atlanta either of the Xena De La Nina Bella Hama, Hama Salama when Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah Hassan Julissa, we've taken everything in this world and just made it into beautification, so that we can test them who is better in terms of deed. So that's, that's the first sermon, followed immediately by the profound story of young people who survived throughout the most difficult trials and held on to their faith. All they knew was that there's one God and he only he should be worshipped and alone miraculously aided them throughout the ages, allowing them to sleep

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for several years, several 100 years, even for you know, in the in the midst of a cave when nobody else knew and then he woke them up to the stories very famous. So that's your first sermon and your first story. The thing I want to share with you about this first half, is that the sermons are related to each other. inshallah, in a more detailed discussion, you'll see my lectures on certain cuff. There, you'll see that the first sermon, and the second sermon are actually they complete each other, and the stories complete each other. So this is the first story, the story of the people of the cave. The second story is going to be about two gardeners. One of them has a lot of wealth, he's

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got a great deal of gardens and rivers flowing in between, he's got multiple properties to gardens, actually, and they produce at 100% capacity. You know, a lot of women who shave a lot of fingers left like that a grape falls out of place kind of thing. And the other guy is so insignificant in his assets, his neighbor, that his assets aren't even mentioned in the Quran, right? And one of them kind of talks down to the other one and teaches him a lesson by removing all of his assets and his entire garden is just flipped upside down. Now, what's amazing about these two stories, I told you, the story of the cave and the story of the gardener's is on the one hand, you underestimate what

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young people with no material resources are capable of. And so you think you know, materialism

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isn't just loving money and loving wealth and loving status. materialism is the idea that you only believe in material resources as capable of providing aid. Like the only thing that's at your disposal is actual physically seen material resources, unless shatters that on the one hand, by us under estimating what young people can be capable of. If they're going to hide out in a cave, how long are they going to survive, they're going to starve to death or come back and get caught. Those are the only two options. And yet Allah dis defies material science, breaks bends the laws of nature for these young men and saves them right so we shouldn't underestimate what a law can do. And how

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material is the material world itself is in submission to Allah, on the other hand, is not under estimating. Its overestimating the wealthy gardener over estimates the value of what he has learned, the Buddha has he Avada This is never gonna go away. Don't underestimate or overestimate the value of material Good luck and take it away at any time. So if you have nothing, don't think you have nothing, you still have a lot. And if you have everything, don't think you have everything, I can take all of that away. So you understand that you never had anything to begin with. And Nadella. He waited nightly. Hello, john. So that's how these two stories and the two passages are actually

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connected to each other. And that's how they're organized passage story passage story. In the second half of the surah. It's a different kind of organization, what you get is passage, story one, story two, and then passage seip SSP. It's like a cemetery kind of organization. And here in the beginning that the first passage and this last passage, and the second half of the surah are both dedicated to the Day of Judgment. They're both about resurrection. They're both about what true truths are going to manifest on that day. And they're both very powerful, profound passages, with multiple links to each other. If you study those carefully, you'll see that they're very closely linked to each other.

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And what you get in the middle are two more stories. Those are the stories of Musashi Salaam, and say that, but he goes on a journey to learn, and he makes three stops. And then you get a story of vocal mane, who goes around the world. And he also makes three stops. So there are parallels between the story of Musa and the story of Canaan. Also, they also you know, they both traverse and they both travel and they both solve problems or try to solve problems. Here, there's another contrast. And the first two stories, the contrast was overestimating or underestimating in the case of the youth and overestimating in the case of the gardener. Here, Allah teaches us something else, he

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teaches us about a man Musa alayhis salaam who wants to establish he's all about justice. And so they'll come in, they want to do the right thing. Both of these people, they want to do the right thing. But one of them is completely powerless to change the situation around him, he cannot do the right thing, because he's been instructed, you cannot say a word you cannot criticize. So when the ship is being wrecked, or damaged, or when a boy is killed right in front of your eyes, or you have to do hard work and put some a wall up and you're not compensated for it. You cannot say a word that's clear injustice. On the other hand, you have done cullinane, who has who sees injustice and

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fixes it, he solves problems, wherever he goes, people come to him with a problem, and he solves it. What allows contrast in here is sometimes you have the power to do things materially. And sometimes you don't, sometimes there's a larger play at work, there's a larger plan at work. And believers have to understand that sometimes they will have material resources at their disposal. And other times they will not have material resources at their disposal to be able to do the right thing to be able to execute justice. And there's always more we're going to be caught in between, you know, either of these two situations. And in doing so, in summing all of these stories up. What Allah has

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given us in this amazing surah is really our approach to worldly life. You know, it's having power is not a blessing, not having it is not a blessing when you have it, use it the right way. When you don't have it understand that you know, that you have, you still have much to do, you still have much to learn. And there's a reason why you don't have it. When you have material when you have no resources, there may be a grand plan, like the youth a level age anyway. And when you have a lot of material resources, money, media, power, reputation, etc, etc. None of that means anything I can take that away whenever he wants. So our reliance at the end of this sort of falls entirely on

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Allah, the idea of the child, wrap it up with this, the idea of the child is actually someone who produces materially physically worldly, incredible things. He can make crop grow, but no crop grows. He can travel at paces, nobody can travel, he can bring a dead person back to life and make it look like he's brought that person back to life. He's doing these amazing worldly materialistic things, and people are mesmerized by it and fall into worship of him. The believers are told this sutra will keep you in check because after the surah you are not mesmerized by what you see. You're you understand that there's a reality that you see. And there's a much, much more powerful reality that

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you and I don't see and don't perceive. And that is that is the power of Allah azza wa jal that's always at play, that we shouldn't rely on what we see. We should rely on the one who cannot see Allah azza wa jal. With that I conclude an overview of this profound and beautiful sutra. Try and recite it every Friday. It's very, very

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Good for you. Once again, I've said it in a previous session. recitation of Sula is great. The intention, the intended advice from the Prophet's life Hello is actually to recite with pondering with reflection. May Allah make us a people a reflection on his Quran barakallahu li walakum wa salaamu Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Episode 5 – Surah Al-Kahf – Nouman Ali Khan

June 10, 2016

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