Omar Suleiman – Webinar Arrogance A Sign Of A Sick Heart

Omar Suleiman
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of pride and arrogance in relationships, emphasizing the need for humility and balancing these forms of pride with actual loss. They stress the importance of finding one's own clarity and consistency in life, educating attendees on service, and bringing others' opinions and experiences into one's decision-making. The speakers also emphasize the need to help people understand their actions and deeds, avoid accusations of bias, and stay true to their values.
AI: Transcript ©
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I want to thank you all for having me. Today, it's my honor to be with you all tonight

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to have such a focus group of sisters and handlers that are consistently meeting. And,

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you know, working on these on these different topics and things of that sorts of better themselves.

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I also want to point out that I did not write my own bio, not a fan of my own bio at all. I don't know why they put these files online, but a lot of times, I'm stuck with whatever is up there.

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But, you know, in essence, you know, the topic that we're talking about, for those of us that have taken, the classes that I've taught as a mother have been behind the scenes, we go into a lot of depth on this topic, which is the topic of pride and arrogance. And a lot of times, you know, whenever we talk about pride and arrogance, at least in the English language, it's, you know, the words are really just kind of interchangeable, but in the Arabic language, they're very specific. And in Islam, and in the sciences of test get very specific types of arrogance and pride

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that the Prophet for the lahardee was sort of warned us about so you have the mother of the mall, which is kibitz. Okay, which is pride. All right, the best definition of Cupid is pride, then you have hopefully just what we ask, which is love of prestige,

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a celebrity or prestige, love of prestige, what we ask is leadership, then you have a real, okay, Andrea is obviously the love of showing off with the act of showing off, then you have an urge, which is being self conceited, okay, or being amused by yourself being pleased, pleased with yourself. Now, going through the different, the different levels here. And obviously, because of the shortage of time, I can't really go into detail with each and every single one of them. But, you know, all of these different forms of pride are related to each other. Okay, they're all related to each other. And, you know, because for example, if a tunnel if a person is consistently involved

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with people, so you can basically go through each and every single one of these categories and you can see that one of the main problems one of the major issues is that a person is too involved with people's business. Okay, and when a person becomes too involved with people's business, and the person does not have enough time to themselves enough time of solitude and introspection, then they're going to fall into one of these diseases. So for example, kids have a full last life and I'm sad that whoever has an atom's worth of Cupid in his heart will not enter Paradise. And you know, one of the Sahaba said to the prophets, why some of the goddess of love a person loves to have nice

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clothes and nice shoes and the profit size for themselves in the woods and nice to have religion and Allah is beautiful and Allah loves beauty.

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And he said, but rather tip is to keep it as that would actually expel a person from Paradise is long enough robots are will have to belittle people to judge people. Okay? lameness is literally so it has an lump as in the labeling and judging, okay, or judging as a result of belittling that person not giving them their proper regard. So then, therefore, you pass a judgment upon them, and then

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rejecting the truth, and Amanda and then pay him or him a whole lot he said about this. He said that the reason why these two types of pride and arrogance actually expelled the person from Paradise actually would forbid a person from entering into paradise is because they're too sold rights to Allah Subhana Allah, which are legislation that has real

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legislation and judgment, only a law has the right to legislate. So who am I to deny the truth or to express my opinion on a matter when a lot of data has already expressed that opinion. So, in essence, the worst form of pride is intellectual pride. You know, the man has muscular human bodies. You know, intellectual pride is the hardest type of pride to solve and SOHCAHTOA we see people get carried away with their degrees and with their jargon and you know, and their ability to speak eloquently, and then all of a sudden you see them expressing opinions that contradict what Elon Musk

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have already spoken of last time.

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He tells us in the end that no one has the right to express an akuna Leatherman do not even have a choice in the matter, after a one is nothing just on a whim it was to them have expressed interest on the matter. So it's not just saying, you know, you know, I just believe in this and I just believe in that, but rather it's expressing an opinion here. After Allah and His Messenger slice, I'm not expressing an opinion on the matter. Okay, so this is a person who becomes overly impressed with his intellect overly impressed with his jargon, or is trying to escape commitments. Alright, so you know, if I can't live up to the standard, then I'm going to bring the standard down to meet to

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my level.

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Right. So if I can't live up to this, then you know what I'm going to change a ruling that's been there for 1400 years, because I can't live up to that ruling. And this is the worst form of pride and arrogance, you know, we don't even consider this arrogant sometimes. But this is the worst form of arrogance. Because look what you're saying to a loss of Hannah Montana. You know, you're saying that despite you creating, and despite you giving me an abode in this world, and giving me all of these blessings that you've given me, I'm not willing to do I'm not willing to do the basics that you've asked me to do. So I'm not not only am I going to, to not do it, you know, at the very, at

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the very least a person would admit, would admit faults and would admit imperfection on their part. Right. And that might be enough, you know, just to, at the very least admit guilt. And, you know, say, you know, I couldn't do it, I tried, you know, I need to get better, right? At the very least, you know, you could do that. But whenever not only are you you know, are you falling short, but you're not even willing to acknowledge that and you're bringing the bar down and saying this is where the bar is actually supposed to be. That is the greatest form of pride because that form of pride deals directly with a loss of Hannah Montana. It Oh, you're not expressing so humbleness is be

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lifting people. But total help is seeking to belittle Allah subhanaw taala denying the truth or expressing your opinion on a matter. After a lot of the messengers lie some have expressed their opinion on something is actually you're actually trying to belittle Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that's why that is absolutely You know, one letter one word, or an authentic hadith, to deny it or to say I don't agree with this or I think it means this after the profit slice of it. So what it means is you are trying is an attempt to belittle loss of kind of autonomy, no one tries to mark a loss or belittle a loss of data except to the law tells us and so

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you have your own law and the denominator, one is their own in the enforcer home, one is around, they tried to deceive a lot and those who believe and at the end of the day, they're only deceiving and deluding themselves because you're not going to hurt a loss.

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Okay, so it's very important, the greatest, the most important arrogance and pride that we have to shy away from to make sure that we don't have any

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connection with this one, we're actually trying to put ourselves in the position of a loss of Hannah horchata. So first and foremost, the way we approach the whole Amundson

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we should approach it with humility. That Yes, Oh Allah, I'm going to try. Okay, I will try to meet this, I'm going to humbly try. This is my humble effort of how to love the believer, despite doing much more than what everyone else around him is doing. You know, think about this, the believer does much more, you know, they're, they're strangers in their nature, they do much more than the people around them. Right. But they are more afraid of meeting a loss of data than the people around them. And that is humility. Okay, so a person who never praised a person who, you know, who does not do the basics.

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You know, that person has no fear of a loss of hope to have them doesn't care about meeting him and will openly mock the loss. But a person who does try to present everything that they can, those to a lot with humility, you know, like, I'm trying my best. And I hope a lot of His mercy will accept it, not because of how amazing my good deeds are, but out of his mercy will accept it. So if you can have humility with the Creator, you're not going to have humility with the creation, it's as simple as that. And that's why you'll find people that are arrogant with a lot of data, are arrogant with everybody else. Think about this, you know, atheists, you know, people that are agnostic people that

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mock the last panels out there, the most arrogant people in the world. They're arrogant, not just with a lot, but their actual, their actual, they're actually very prideful human beings in person. Right, you know, because if you if you can even be humble with the last 100,000, are you going to be humbled with the people? So anyway, that's the first one which is approaching the Scripture, and approaching a lot in the messengers from a lot of it was the balance of their stuff for us. The second part is that is lumps of nuts, putting down people, putting down people. So again, you're too involved with people's business. You constantly monitored people's business, you constantly see what

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everybody else is doing. And so naturally, you gain a hypocritical outward eyes rather than a sincere, inward looking eye. Okay. And it has been both talking about loss and animosity about Juanita and on the left and just looking at some of the signs that Allah subhanaw taala has abandoned an individual whenever he becomes visit with everybody else's business. So how are you going to be humbled? When you're constantly seeing everyone, fascia, everyone's public friends, on Facebook, on Twitter, whatever it is, when you're constantly following people monitoring people's business, when the only the only conversation in gatherings is talking about how everybody else is

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falling short, so naturally, you're going to start to see, you're going to start to see other people in a negative light. Right, hence, panela you know, it's one of the profit for life.

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So that interests me to sum in love

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Is that from the goodness of a person's lamb Taku melayani this is abandoning that which does not concern him, you know, you cannot perfect true submission unless you abandon that which does not, does not concern you. Unless you don't, you don't, you know, keep yourself indulged in that, because that is going to allow pride to seep in, and that's going to corrupt all of your good deeds. Right? So in essence, again, you're too involved with people's business. So you start to see the faults of the others, you start to belittle them naturally. Okay? Cuz you see how bad they are all the time. And naturally, you know, a Lost Planet, Allah has given us all the same, the same amount of time,

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right. And within a day, obviously, some of us will die earlier than others, but a loss of Hannah, which Allah has given us all the same amount of time in a day. All right, how you occupied that 24 hours, every hour that I use monitoring other people's business, I'm not doing what I called myself, I'm not monitoring myself, every hour that I waste in someone else's business means I'm not, I'm not focusing on myself, okay? So it's important to look at the time that you spend on other people's faults on other people's business so that you don't fall into that same problem. And it's kind of what as a result of that, not only will you start to look down upon people and belittle people, but

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your I will be extremely hypocritical. Okay, as the as the saying goes, a total catastrophe, if

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you see a small twig, in the eye of your brother, but you you don't see a huge treat in your own eye. Meaning what a person who has a lot of sins, but because they're looking at someone else's sin, and perhaps that sin of the other person is doing is more condemned in society, or is more looked down upon in the community because it has more of a public shameful, shameless nature to it. Okay, so perhaps I start to neglect my own sense because I see the other person so Alright, so the believer has vasila they look at themselves. There's introspection, I don't, I'm not looking at everybody else. So keep it again. So keep it can develop, because you're too involved in people's

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business. Okay, so react can also hopefully Django react salvia, which is so helpful, Django react with a level of celebrity and leadership. And the the is the practice of herbal jaggedly. So Sophia, is when you actually act upon that love that you develop for prestige, and for leadership, both of those things, in essence, you know, you develop a love for doing your good deeds publicly. And that praise that comes with it. Okay, so naturally, you're always getting praised for your good deeds, because you're always doing your good deeds publicly. So what have you left for a loss of talent with that. So again, you're spending too much time in the sight of the people and doing things for

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the sight of the people rather than for a loss kind of horchata alone. And again, you're too involved with people, okay, you're too involved with their opinions, you're too involved with what they think about you, you know, and somehow a lot of that the facade of the nuts, the corruption of the heart, and the soul that will come from not just having your actions rejected. Okay, because not, since you're making those people Gods besides the lost parents, because you're seeking their approval rather than a lost monetize approval, but you'll actually start to do things, you'll actually start to take positions and do things

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that are contrary to what Allah and the messenger spyphone has commanded, because they're not as popular.

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And they're not as they're not as praiseworthy in the public site, as you know, another stance or another, another action or another position, okay. And somehow that can actually lead you to the first form of kids, right, that could bring you to the double just given to the level of kids. Because, you know, what, if I develop an obsession, for people think about me, and in order to maintain people's love of me, I have to do certain things, but I'm going to do those things, even if they're against what a lot of them have, you know, against one has nothing just to lie to them have legislated. Okay, so react can lead to keep it to its manifestation, it can become a manifestation

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of keba. But again, you're looking for the people's approval. So kippot

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is that you're using your site to belittle people. Okay, so the little people, the is when you're using the site of people to motivate you rather than site of a wascana which odd, okay, again, both times you're too involved with people's business and their opinions. And then you have an urge, an urge, okay, which is whenever you become whenever you become abused by yourself, you know, these that you do, and so you're

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constantly remind yourself of those good deeds, these you constantly tell yourself about how great you are, and the profit place and I'm so loaded to the bone cache to alikum acromegalic and urge if you are not to sin

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I would fear for you something far worse than sin. And that's, that's whatever. And he said it twice on earth but Earth, earth, which comes from our job, right? Something amusing something that is strange, something that is, that is great, right and great and a unique way. Okay? So there it is, when you see yourself in that way to come from us by yourself, you see yourself as unique and you see yourself as as great you see yourself as as better than the people around you. Again, you know people's faults too much. So now your sight is on yourself, but your sight to yourself is dangerous, because you're looking for yourself and you're saying not shall I do this, but other people don't do

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You say hello. So again. So you look through Kibriya urge, it's a perverted way of looking at things and all in all of those different categories. Okay, but in essence, a person needs to develop a level of solitude, a person needs to develop a level of introspection, a person needs to have their own accountability, that the taking of themselves in order to progress in this manner. Right and Pamela, we see that loss,

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sincerity, can enter can cause a person to be entered into gender with nothing, you know, it was close to nothing in terms of the peace. You know, I mean, they haven't attained much they haven't done much. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam tells us, for example, about the men, who,

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at the time of his death, ordered that his body be burned to ashes. You know, cremation, in essence, why because he feared a loss of habitat, he knew that he didn't do much, and he feared a loss

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and a loss times other races that man on the day of judgment and asked him why did you do that? He says he has a patella and I was just afraid of you owe a lot and you know this. And also once I saw him suffer for a long time, a lot forgave him because of the action because of his because of the sincerity behind that action, even though that action is a major sin, because there was sincerity. So sincerity can cause a person with with very, very few deeds, very few deeds, to enter into paradise, and to be forgiven by a loss panelists and get the pride can cause 1000s of years of worship, as it did with the police 1000s of years of worship to go to complete and utter waste.

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Okay, you know, what will those 1000s of years 1000s of years of worship that at least had to his name? What would those 1000s of years of worship do for him on the day of judgment? Absolutely nothing? Zero, right, zero. Why? Because a little bit of pride spoils a lot of good deeds. Whereas a little bit of sincerity extols very, very few good deeds and make it magnifies. The blessings are very, very, very few good deeds. So trying to find a loss in your sincerity in your actions trying to look for you know, for sincerity in your actions and that takes introspection that takes contemplation that takes sitting down with myself and thinking, you know, is this for a lot? Is this

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for a lot? Is this for a lot? Is this for Allah reminding yourself? Is this for Allah? Is this for Allah? You know, ask yourself and this is this is the crux the essence of renewing your intention before every thought is not something that's spoken. Speaking as it has the opposite effect. We don't speak our intentions. Let's see, if you don't speak your intention. That's a form of arrogance. renewing your intentions is the thought process that you go through before you do any good deed. The reminder that you give yourself and the reminder that you give yourself is greater than any reminder you'll hear from anybody else. The reminder that there's an honest dialogue

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between you and yourself that leads to an exchange between you and Allah, Allah is greater than any hutzpah greater than any less than greater than any lecture you will hear the reminder of the self to the self because you know yourself better than anyone else knows you except the loss of Hannah horchata so it starts off so how do we start to remedy this

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you know, remedy all of these different forms of pride it's within three facets, three facets. So the first one is know yourself is to know yourself

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okay to learn about yourself and to know yourself

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and knowing yourself has within a different sub categories. So the first part of knowing yourself

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is to know your just to know the nature of your creation.

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Okay, know the nature of your creation. A lot of tunneling to Allah consistently reminds us in the plant where we came from, okay, where we came from. So last time I put the little internal maxima in a you say in holla mean no professing holla pavo patella, Suma Sebelius some, some annata who for some that is a Sha, Allah, a lot hundreds it reminds you that you know your mind he says put it on unsettlement acaba, how disbelieving

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And ungrateful men is you know, whether you know my color what caused them to disbelieve in ABC in Hanukkah, what was he created from in the first place? In NOFA. He was created from a dirty drop of fluid Chanukah, who Allah and Allah subhanaw taala created that drop of fluid so you didn't even come from that drop of fluid on your own a lot created the drop of fluid in the first place, and a lot proportion the drop of fluid. So you are not responsible for the drop of fluid being there, nor are you responsible for what the drop of fluid becomes a Lost Planet, Allah created it. So what proportions and then you know what you wouldn't have been able to get out of your mother's stomach

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had it not been for the miracle of a loss of Hannah tada de Deus. Allah made it easy for you. Eliminate a service is the past eliminate the past easy for you, and if not best, we'll get a lot of time. Besides that, Sabine in this ayah is referring to two things it's referring to the past literally the past as in how you exit your mother's stomach.

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And the second one, a lot of adults Allah is referring to the past as in Sabina as in the past of a lot, the past of Islam, the past of the past of worship. So in essence, you didn't get here spiritually except by Allah subhanaw taala nor did you get here physically except by Allah subhanaw taala Who do you think you are, you did not get to this level spiritually or physically except by the permission of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And no matter what level you reach from the UK, whenever a loss of data wants to take your life along will take your life and when and you will have no power.

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As far as where you go afterwards, however, you will end up in the grave some inertia and shut up and whenever Allah once either.

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Whenever Allah once he will bring you back, so you have no power over how you are brought back, nor can you decree when you will be brought back. So power look at how humbling This is a lost hunter tells us in the plan

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in sunny hain, Amina deputy lamb Jacqueline Shay, and

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you know, hasn't there come upon men at a time when he was not even something to be recognized? You know, how are people become proud because of their family names because of the racist because of what they think they've accomplished in life because of their degrees because of their titles. What were you, you know, 100 years ago?

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Nothing. Right. What was I 100 years ago? Absolutely nothing. And then even the way we were brought into existence was, well, you know, how I was from verticals from the jobs that you had. And that's why, you know, electricity cannot be allowed to dangle. He sent a letter to Kissel and he says, Would you like to capitalize on a law of authority for the voting majority? Won't you? Are you showing Kibler with a loss of data? Are you placing yourself on a higher level than a loss of data? Because typically comes from elevation Cabeus? Right, great, are you placing yourself on a higher level, the colossal kind of data, what God has done and Muslims are voting within and you came from

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the private place from the private part? From the place where urine is exceeded twice? You don't look how dirty you are, how to look where you came from. So to humble yourself and to remind yourself, well, where are you before so knowing yourself as in knowing your creation, okay, so bringing grounding yourself in terms of understanding your creation and where you came from. And then the second facet of that

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is to know your sins. Know your faults. Okay? So again, the inward looking eye, and introspection. And imagine that Josie akima Allah, He said that know that if people are impressed with you, then in reality, they are impressed with a lot of covering Have you had a lot of people are impressed with you, they're impressed with a lot of covering, they're not impressed with you for who you are, because they don't know you for who you are. They know the cover of a last panel in China, as given to you and I that but they don't know. I mean, they don't know how you are at night, they don't know how you are, when you're alone. They don't know how you are when you deal with certain people. They

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don't know how you are in your law. They don't know how you are no one knows how you are no one knows how I am, except for lots of hands on data. So lots of people are impressed with you. It's not because of who you are. It's because of what a las panatela has placed as adornment for you. The covering of the law has given for you. So recognizing your you know that you know what, I'm not that great, you know, even if people want to say even if people think I'm not that much. And then and then what that takes is to actually focus on enumerate your faults. So the other 30

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is to sit down and count his sins, reflect on all of the senses committed in this life. Friends how you know the sin that Savannah totally committed his entire lifetime or probably what we committed to in one day in terms of lowering our gaze

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and in terms of that length,

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In terms of backbiting, and, you know, the sins that Susanna soti, you know, committed, and he would become so frightened with himself sit there for hours. And Subhanallah we don't find one or at one fault of this person that his entire life, right? But that's introspection, focusing on your faults. So in essence, every time you happen to come across something that someone else you shouldn't be delving in other people's affairs anyway. Okay, when you see a fault of someone make dots, because I'll make that a lot guys up because I was so loved by So instead, when you make for someone to love someone, there's an angel that says, I mean, like, obviously, oh, well, I

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mean, and for you the same. So when you see someone who's falling short, and you've come across that you're aware of that fault, thank God for the person. So yeah, I love it. I love the good person. You know, she's a good person, I know her heart, I know what I know about her guide that person, you know, they're not like that they're better than that make your heart for that first, loss of habitat alone, Angel can make draft for you. Okay, so every time you see something bad in someone else, they immediately make draft for that person. And then remind yourself of a fault that they don't know about or a fault that you have, that they don't have. remind yourself of one of your faults.

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And then if someone else comes to you, and point something good in you, someone comes to you and tells you about how great something about you is or says something good about you. While that external conversation is taking place when someone is praising you, talk to yourself and remind yourself of yourself, remind yourself of a fault of yours. So focus on a fault of yours and remind yourself of that fault. And that would bring you back to your level. It's kind of like you know, a lot of a lot of times when someone praises you.

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And you know, the whole discussion of flattery is another story, you know, the prophets like hello.

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He said, We don't like coffee, or coffee, you know, you've broken the back neck of your brother.

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You know, when you flatter him too much, you know, we should be grateful we should thank people, which we shouldn't flatter people because we really could hurt their sincerity. But you know, just an advice. Honestly, when someone praises you don't respond back and say no, I'm not like that. And no, you don't know what you're talking about. Because if you do that, they're gonna praise you more.

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Right, it's gonna lead to more praise inadvertently, it's going to receive more praise. So when they do that, just put your head down and talk to yourself.

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You know, stay stuck for a while and tell yourself about the faults that you have remind yourself of the faults of yours that people don't know about. And then the last one is or whenever, you know, remind yourself of your lack of private good deeds

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and the mountains to Fianna Tony rahimullah. He said, every deed that I have manifested to the people, I do not count it as being anything to panela every deed that I've manifested for the people, I don't count it as being anything.

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Okay, so look at, you know, when people say, you know, muscle, for your good deeds, and things of that sort, remind yourself about, you know, how you're falling short on a private level. So that would cause you to increase on the private level. So again, reminding yourself of yourself, and this is, you know, again, it comes from interacting with people too much, getting too involved with people's business, getting too involved with people's opinions. As panelists, this is more about this is one of the Cupid issues to know yourself more than anything else on the issue Kibet.

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But, you know, one, one very quick tip

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is, you know, let your interaction with people always be in the capacity of service. Either you're serving them with a smile, either you're serving them with their good character with good manners, your lightning, you know, you're lighting up their day, you're making them feel better, you're giving them love, see how, right you're enjoying good and forbidding evil. And that's the spiritual service, if you will, you know, you know, giving someone a smile, and then physically serving people. You know, always be the person in the gathering that's physically serving people, always let your interaction with people be that you're holding the door for someone, you're, you're serving

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something, you're serving people because then then your interaction with the people is not being counterproductive, as it mostly is in terms of your sincerity, but it's actually being productive. You're actually bringing yourself down. Okay, so to constantly remind yourself and this was the etiquette of the Prophet's life send him although he didn't need them, because the prophets there is no fear on the prophets lie some of developing Cupid or something of that sort. He's malformed. He's infallible, but still the fact that the prophets lie Selim sat with the people. on the same level, he served the people I saw the aligner says he used to fix his own shoes, clean his own clothes, you

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know, he would take care of himself. Without the alarm on someone would come to visit. They wouldn't know which one amongst us is the profit slice on them. So they did look around for some time because he was sitting on the ground like everybody else he dressed like everybody else. Probably he didn't. He didn't make it a point to draw attention to themselves a little longer. It was from them. That's beautiful. That was that was the alignment says we wanted to make a mount for him.

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just you know, he refused a seat. So he wanted to, you know, take a build, you know, basically push a bunch of dirt into one place. So it become like a mound at least so that he would sit on that up a little bit elevated and he refused that either use a logical setup. So let your interaction with people always be in the capacity of service.

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So that's the first facet again, which is to know yourself the second one which is to know your Lord Jehovah tala to know a loss of Hannah Montana.

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And this is really what it boils down to in terms of non person knows a loss of animal its animal know themselves and the person will know themselves. Okay, that's a cool new Ken Levine and that's what the answer was paradise says do not be like a person who forgot a lot. And so they were lost count on it cause them to forget themselves. So when you know what loss penalty you'll accomplish the first one when you know your Lord, you have accomplished knowing yourself anyway. Okay? Why because you will come to understand that you know, what you'll think of all the favors Allah has done for you, all the good Allah has done for you,

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how helpless and dependent you are upon the last panel, which are and all of those are humbling factors. Okay, the things that one has let you go with. All right. And then so that's as far as the pride aspect. And then as far as the app is concerned, as far as showing off and things of that sort and manifesting your deeds to the public and developing that type of arrogance, you know, a lot palletizers whether the law

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and the mention of Allah is greater, whether they can lie or not, whether they cannot lie, a lie.

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And even above the law, and you know, you hear this at the end of every hopeful and things of that sort of political light equitable law that says that's not your mention of a law that's a lot of mention of you on a laments interview. So in essence, you're seeking the mention of a loss of Hannah Montana, has lost princesses and had difficulty

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on the last panel analysis from the colonial nuptse from under current is enough, see the cattle to hoof enough see whoever basement to the meter himself, I make mention of him to myself, on the kalanithi Mela info come to horsey mother entitlement or, and what makes mention of me to a group that I make mention of him to a greater group, okay, and in front of a greater group, female entitlement amongst the angels and things of that sort. So in essence, instead of seeking the praise of people seek the praise of a loss.

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And actually imagine the praise of a loss paddled out and look for that phrase of a loss pattern.

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Right and have confidence that allows parents as making mention of you, and as rewarding you whenever you do things, seeking His pleasure. And if you can start to know our last panel to develop that relationship with the last panel to handle that you won't care about the people. Right? If there are two people that are sitting in a room,

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one of them is of a much higher level and status. Okay, not just not just in a pompous way, but just in every way possible. One of them is far greater than the other. And you've you enjoy conversing with that person you love, you know that you benefit from conversing with that person, things of that sort, you know, you're always going to choose the one who is really have that high quality and high standards, right? In essence, Allah subhanaw taala is always with you, right? Obviously, not physically in that regard. But the point is, is that you always are having this choice between the last panel out of the sight of Allah and the side of the people. Okay, so, when you when you develop

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a relationship and an awareness of a loss of habitat as a companion, Bucky Mombasa dies of hope when hard, I had to get on my hands and that's when hope can have harlot no one knows and hunt will halt the creation and the Creator. And then chooses, chooses to do more than Allah chooses the or chooses to be dealt with by the creation rather than the creator chooses the site of the creation rather than the creator chooses the approval of the creation rather than the Creator. Right? Because he has a relationship with the Creator. So he knows himself, he knows his position, you automatically know your role. Okay, you automatically learn your own role whenever, you know a loss of Hannah horchata.

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And, you know, this didn't happen a long time.

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He said, you know, do not seek to be celebrated and lunia because that might deprive you of being celebrated in the RTR right, so even the mention of a loss of Hannah Montana on the Day of Judgment, you know, the mention of a lost contact in that crowd. You know, some people would have would have done everything for the sake of people and a lot of times I will say to them as as merited and Muslim ambassadors and authentic Hadees. Below would say to those people is heavily Latina Clinton to our own as a junior found zero health donor and

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you know, right

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To those people that you used to seek approval from in the dunya, and look to see if they have anything to give to you today that have nothing to give to you that day, they can't lie on foot on a camera while you're on your own. They don't. This is, of course on what should have been the gods and things of that sort that they would not, they can't help themselves. No, they can't help you, nor can they help themselves. And this also reveals should couldn't have done which is loving someone the way you should love a loss of habitat or working for the approval of someone the way you should be working for the approval of loss parents out, they won't be able to benefit you, nor will

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they be able to benefit themselves.

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So knowing your Lord is extremely crucial, and extremely important in that time. It's kind of like where does the time go, I'm already at the last five minutes six times to this before q&a. So the third one is to remember to

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why remember, that's because we all end up the same situation. So when you feel proud of yourself, when you feel a sense of pride, and a sense of superiority. Remember, that you will be decayed bones in this world. And the only thing that would have any form of nobility would be the soul. And if you haven't worked on beautifying the soul, then you would be a disgraced person at the time of death, you know, because the bones and the stature and the status all that will do nothing for you. At that point, the only thing that is

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noble is the soul at that point, okay, everyone will be equal. People have different, you know, people that are that have different levels of wealth, people that have different levels of, of fame and popularity, people that come from different races and backgrounds, whatever it is everyone is equal at that point. So, you know, remind yourself that you don't be little people and at the same time, so this is also a way of knowing yourself.

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You know, Calvin karate, Kevin karate was one of the close friends while I would have been optimized for him all the time.

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And one time he walked in on honorable Abdul Aziz after returning from a journey. And this was a time that amadablam disease became the halifa we know when amadablam disease became halifa

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he deprived themselves of many things. So he put aside much of this dunya and he hadn't seen almost for some time. So when he came to him, when he came to the house of Allah, he thought that this was actually just a slave of armor of God that it is He looks so different, you know,

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you know, some kind of law, you know, his hair look, you know, wasn't as as well oiled, unkempt as it used to be. His clothes were Shaggy, the house that he lives in is no longer a palace. It's a HUD house. And Kara was shocked and almost said to cap he says, so what are we just

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going to cover what caught us and

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he said a few things. This is that. He said, Imagine my body three days after death, right? Imagine going into the grave three days after that.

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What cut that and the body becomes the cable that would boot and it's chewed up by the insects. And he says, and he says, and that is the day that concerns me more. Right? Well, how do you know that's the that's the situation that I actually care about? How am I going to look them? You know, that's, that's what I'm focusing on. Right? So it doesn't matter how much you you can, what font you can put up in this world. But whenever you're in the grades, I mean, what's left? Everyone decays? Of course, we know except for the MBA, the show had that but I mean, everyone the case, right? You're going to be eaten up by worms. So how does the law See you at that point? Okay, so it's a reminder

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for yourself to remember that everything becomes worthless and wasted, including your own body. And then so what's important at that point is to focus on the common knifes what color, you know, honoring dignifying the soul and the self and how to love it's important to focus on how a last panel tada sees you. So it goes back to that same level of introspection that's how a lot you know, if you look at Alma Rico, probably a lot of time

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the day that he was dying

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his head and this is the most powerful man in the world. This is the

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most powerful man in the world and his head was in the lap of the son Abdullah and he says to Abdullah he says put my head in the dirt. So that last panel autonomy looked at me and feel pity for me. It's kind of a loaded Look at his servants and would feel pity for him. How to like cuz why, you know, that's, that's humility that's coming to allow with humility. That's the understanding of men. So although I did not I was the one who lowered himself for a lot last time Allah raises him and adoring him. Okay, so in essence, you know, in conclusion of this topic, you know, just taking the three things that we just talked about, as far as the facts

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aspects of battling pride and arrogance. You know, the idea here is that you need to know your you need to know yourself, you need to know a lot and you need to remember. Okay? Know yourself meaning your insignificance, your imperfections, know a lot meaning is perfection and his ultimate significance. And know that meaning the insignificance of this dunya and everything that it comes with. And that's why this is such a perfect

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equation here that it's not just us, right, knowing the law, knowing ourselves and knowing the dunya and how worthless it is everything that comes with it. So just a little bit of an action plan. And this is what's really important, you know, so basically, what we find from from the lives of the self is that the goal here is to find as do as much good as possible without being noticed by the people.

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And without becoming too amused by yourself. So that can be accomplished with two things. Number one, number one is private, walkabout and more Hasler sitting with yourself privately recognizing your sins and your faults. Number two, secret good deeds, secret good deeds, you want to do as much good as possible without getting noticed. Okay, secret good deeds.

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And so an action plan that I would give for you Just for tonight, for example, just try this out, choose a good deed to do tonight and secret and remind yourself how much Allah has done for you.

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Okay, so choose a good deed to do tonight and secret, whether it's some some sort of small amount of charity, it's something like gods, some, some fasting, something good, that sits between you and the last panel. And then after you do that, in order to protect yourself, remind yourself of your sins and remind yourself of how much Allah has done for you, even though you did not deserve it. Right. So and that way again, and this is especially, you know, I recognize that this is a sister's house. A lot of times, then this is an unfortunate reality on the community level, but you know, the sisters do not get the same amount of praise and recognition.

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You know, nor are they out on the front lines.

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You know, as much as as, and that's not because of any

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incapability or incapacity on the part of the sisters actually, the sisters are much more active, and much more energized and more determined to learn that the brothers usually but again, you know, just just because of culture, whatever it may be, the sisters don't have you know, that level of recognition and respect sometimes. It's kind of a lot. I mean, look at the recognition from the last panel Adana, more than anything else. And, you know, even just within itself, even though you know, a woman's function is not just to be a mother and a wife. It's not just not, but there's no doubt that you know, that the greatest reward is in motherhood, for example, you know, why? Because you're

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an institution at that point.

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And to power the mother might be unrecognized unappreciated. Let's Apollo, she's an institution at that point. The point is, is that don't belittle what Allah has given you to please Him that will be unappreciated by people but that will be appreciated by him Don't just look for the glamour don't look for the fluff you know look for what's going to please a loss

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and the things that can have maximum effect

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what are the problems by some said not belittle any the deed and focus on those things also in sha Allah so that you can you can

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do away with that arrogance and pride. And it is crucial as I said, Every single one of these forms of arrogance

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and pride

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includes an overindulgence

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an over indulgence and what is,

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you know, and what's going on in other people's lives. So our circles and our discussions and our gatherings should have nothing to do with the dealt with the shortcomings of everyone else, but rather, they should be focused on bettering ourselves and if you're not leaving that gathering a better person

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than in the gathering that you don't need to be in. Okay? If you're not leaving from a gathering and a better as a better person as a gathering, that you don't need to be in, okay? It's going to be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

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So inshallah tada we're going to go Of course, we're going to go ahead and take

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we'll take some questions inshallah tada I do want to mention though, just quickly if it's okay, I apologize I didn't get a chance to talk to the sisters before this but inshallah tada for those of you that know I do teach classes online.

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On the university level, Moscow University, but on a more on a routine level. With I left with Islamic learning Foundation, I left and one of the classes I'm going to be teaching soon will be a seminar in Houston inshallah tada in May, but it's very relevant to this topic, which is why I'm mentioning it here

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is about how to maintain any non rush a light it's the name of the class is actually maintaining a lifelong non rush.

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Because a lot of times after a class after a holiday, you start to fall short and you don't move forward. You don't get some progress on Charlottetown that's a class that I'll be teaching and it will be online inshallah. You could get more information on Facebook or you can get more information through eyelift. Texas org. And, you know, it'll be it's very much relevant to this topic into what you guys are doing also with Habibi hallows. nwlr Ward, you all, may Allah bless you in the door and you with the beauty of non blocking amin and tala tala, we'll go ahead, and I'll hand it back over to the moderator to see how we can take questions. So

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the first question that came in,

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it's about

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I'm paraphrasing for brevity, that people are working for the sake of a law but they're afraid that it might be taken,

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you know, taken as we are, or they get scared that people might think they're trying to show off. So the sisters asking, should we stop doing good work? Where what is how to strike a balance in doing good work and being afraid of fear?

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Coffee come? So I think that the answer to the question is that the greatest form of it is to leave a good deed.

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Because of fear of it, yeah, it's actually a greater the two reasons for that, that they said they said that one of them is that you know, people would see that you stopped and you say, Oh, I'm working on myself. So say, Mashallah, this person's being as I had not, so it can actually be a greater form of media. The other one is, at that point, you're showing off to the shape on you're letting the CEPA know that he can dictate your actions because its shape on who comes to you these whispers of insincerity and things of that sort. And that's why if a person finds themselves in, you know, feeling like they should keep on with the action, and they should battle with the intention,

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but you never abandon an action ever, never abandon a good deed.

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Because of that fear, because that's the worst situation to be in.

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So work on reforming the intention on open arms as evil Kamala said, if you're making salutes and Stefan comes to you and says you're only making surgery so that people can, can praise you, he said, to prolong your security even more, but as your public good deeds row your private deeds also has to grow to be an effective you know, counterpart

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you know, to those public good deeds, so your private deeds, you should try to increase that inshallah time. But don't give up to public good deeds. Absolutely. Not.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:49

Exactly. Black hair shape. There's another question very relevant to sisters, since this is a sister caulerpa.

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And this question comes from a sister, she says, I volunteer at my local Masjid and noticed that most girls who wear hijab, it's become an attitude of pride, a form of pride, I've noticed that they consider other girls who don't cover their hair, or rather even body lower and face towards them, and insult them. How can we remove this problem from the online become more accepting?

00:48:22 --> 00:48:56

I think that this topic is one that requires a lot of balance. Unfortunately, I see a lot of them balance when it comes to the topic of the job. So on one hand, yes, there's you do not want to judge sisters that don't want a job. You don't know their state before our last panel data and your state before our last data. However, on the other hand, the ruling on a job cannot be mistaken. It's been the same ruling for 1400 years. And it's only in modern times when we have these perverted interpretations that come out that people are saying, well, you don't have to cover the head and those types of things. So

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you know, so in essence, again, the idea here is that we have to find the balance between the two. Number one, it's very simple, at least thought he was better than other monies, because of his very bad because of his good deeds. That was what he actually meant when he said, Call up the Nana mahalo calm. And please use that as a cover up to say that you created me from firing him from birth, but what he actually thought was that he was better because of his good deeds. Okay, because of his worship and everything that he's put forward, and that's why he hated atomized them in the first place. Why is this guy get to come along and take all of this,

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all of this reverence, you know, and I've been worshipping you this entire time.

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So the idea here is that if your good deeds are making you belittle people and take you away from a loss penalty, that's a lot harder to be forgiven by a loss than a sin at least that person might be forgiven for their sin in recognition of their state before loss and on the other thing, so that's, that's for the person who's looking down upon the other and things of that sort and on the other side of that

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As far as acceptance is concerned, we have to accept people that they need, you know, everyone should come to Islam as they are. And as Islam is, so come to Islam as it is as you are. Islam cannot change for people, okay? People need to learn to change for Islam religion is perfect. And what that means, again, you know, for the for the individual

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Don't worry about what other people say about you. And don't worry what other people you know how other people look down upon you and things of that sort. It's about how a lot easier. Now, if a person does not wear he does that mean that they don't love alone? the messengers like someone but they're not beloved to the messenger slice on them? No, it doesn't mean that. I mean, when you're a novelty, a lot of times I know I was drinking alcohol, also and was getting drunk or Salafi. Philip said that he loves a lot in His Messenger, and Allah and His Messenger loved him, you know, Subhana Allah, and that's the person who's drinking alcohol. Right? I mean, that's, that's a, that's a great

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testimony from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So, you know, obviously, the idea here is that the action of not covering the house, whether it's the hair, whether its legs, whatever it may be, is certainly something that is not beloved to a lot of times is displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala. But we don't know the hearts of any individual. And we have to steer clear of that. And be very careful from that. Not to say not to pass judgment on anyone.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:40

Despite whatever they're doing. I mean, those who have told us I'm and David will be a lot of time on on Osama saw a person in the battlefield as he was an enemy. And then he said a shadow night.

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Just as the sun was about to kill him, and he killed them anyway. I mean, obviously, it seems like this guy spent his life fighting Islam just the last moment, he just said that she had to try to get out of debt. But the Prophet slicin was upset with him some, you know, he, he admonished him, it's all the time. Did you check his heart?

00:52:02 --> 00:52:29

So I mean, if that's for a person who's in the battlefield, actively fighting Islam? And what about a Muslim who's in the ranks of the Muslim trying, trying to do good, but, you know, maybe falling short in this regard, you know, so it's important for everyone to look to themselves and how they're falling short. That doesn't mean you don't give advice to those sisters. But if you give advice in a loving and beautiful way, and humility shows itself in the way that you talk to other people, and arrogance will translate into the way that she talks to other people also,

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allow them

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to facilitate once again, check.

00:52:38 --> 00:53:01

And there's a lot of sisters asking for advice, or pointers or tips on how to how to boil down this topic or how to teach their kids up, you know, or teenagers from suffering from Cambodia, or Oh, God, like how, how can we teach the kids about this topic? Do you have any insight. So

00:53:09 --> 00:53:25

the first thing was was the teaching of the kids is to involve them in service is to involve them in service, you don't do your kids a favor. When when You've spoiled them rotten and you shelter them from any form of from any form of adversity.

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You know, engage them in service, let them see people who are who are less than them in dunya. And let them serve people, teach your kids to be the ones that are always serving people don't think oh, my kids are better than everyone else. and things of that sort know, when you go to a gathering, teach your kids that your kids are the ones that are gonna be serving, take your kids to the most of the cleanup the most one day, take your kids to a park, you know, learn live your kids, lead by example, number one with your kids. And so I want to honor everyone, you know, should get together and should

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should engage in these actions that that truly bring down the self and then just remind them, you know, remind them, I'm telling you leading by example, humble parents usually have humble kids. That's one one slip out one attribute that you usually see.

00:54:13 --> 00:54:16

Then the kids from the parents are like that, you know, obviously there's

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just the natural teenager phase, you know, where, you know, where a kid thinks that they're better than everyone else. And you know, and has a high level of arrogance, but generally speaking, generally speaking, when a person shows humility, and when a person is a humble person, the kids adopt that same attitude and lifestyle. So, you know, lead by example, more than anything else and service service service.

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Fellow chair, we have so many questions to kind of know, but I'm assuming this will be the last one. It's the question is about when there's a group project going

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On, or, you know, when you're in the mosh pit board or when you're part of some committee, and you disagree with somebody, and sometimes, you know, gibberish kicks in that half of my suggestion wasn't taken, even though you think it was better, what is something you can do in that situation when people disagree with

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The main thing and disagreements is to never accuse the intention of the other person, you know, say that maybe that person misunderstood something, maybe that person sees something in a way that I'm not seeing, maybe they're noticing something that I that I'm not perhaps I'm wrong.

00:55:45 --> 00:56:03

And but again, never accused the intention. You know, a lot of times in these boards, discussions Oh, are in halleck, our power struggles and the muscles, whatever it is, oh, this person's only doing that. Because they want saying this person is always trying to be seen, that is actually sick. That comes right under lumping us.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:09

I think I posted this on Facebook a few days ago, right? That to judge someone's intention

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is to belittle them. And that's a form of sick that is charging them what, of course you're visiting a person when you say that person is only doing it for this, and that person is only doing it for that and that they wanted to do this and what they were really trying to do. And oh, they're always trying to do this. So avoid discussion of anyone's intention, recognize that recognize the other person, as a partner, as a brother, as a sister that's trying to reach the same goal as you and never allow that view to change. And if your views changing in that regard, then you need to withdraw yourself.

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So never allow yourself shavon will come to you and will tell you, oh, he's only doing it for this, he's only doing it for that you have to be able to try to tune those thoughts out, not entertain those thoughts. And, you know, hopefully, you know, with your attitude of, you know, towards the person towards the other person that you might have a discriminative look, you know, we're all trying to get to the same places that

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your effort I just see in this way. And you know, I'm not questioning

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anything that you do and things of that sort. Hopefully, you will foster a better environment, but brotherhood and sisterhood, Tao and others working together for righteousness and

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collective shake. I think that's all the time we have, I want to make sure that we stick to the time that we had discussed. So I just want to say just off the left here so much from everybody. We've had a lot of people sending you know, things are closer to you and hear from us. Because we're taking out the time and doing this for us and all of the sisters.

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asked a lot without Allah to cheese burger in your work. And to bless you and your family with the bestest help me, man. I mean,

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a lot of people have been asking that about the recording of this webinar. And yes, it will be posted online in a few days inshallah. So anybody who couldn't listen in or you missed something, until I would note there will be posted online. I just want to go over our official sponsor again, because I realized

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there was some disturbance in the beginning. So our official sponsor for this webinar was Islamic design house, the Canada branch. So do visit them on their website Islamic design forward slash Canada, and keep an eye out on our website. So easy for some special offers coming up with Islamic bank house, shake if you have any last words, go ahead. But other than that did that last year so much, once again for doing this

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to you for inviting me and having me today and for everyone who attended. My last words is not

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to be consistent with these 100 cars and everyone that's attending. Don't look to who the speaker is and don't look to what the topic is, you know, be consistent, you never know what point of benefit you will receive. So, consistency is a main is a very, very important factor and spiritual development and growth. So keep it up and shout out whether it's with Habibi, jalapenos or some other you know, classes and things of that sort. Just always have that level of consistency. And don't don't, you know, don't say it's the speakers this topic and I can't benefit from the speaker and I've already heard this topic. So focus on that and shalonda that will fade on to all of you for

00:59:36 --> 00:59:39

attending but most people for that want to

00:59:43 --> 00:59:53

get to that and I can't tell everybody who attended. We'll be in touch very soon. So our Facebook and our emails centrala Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi

00:59:55 --> 00:59:59

love Hello, Todd as always with you, right? Obviously not physically in that way.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:42

But the point is, is that you always are having this choice between the last panel or the site of a lot in the sight of the people. Okay? So, when you when you develop a relationship and an awareness of a loss of habitat as a human Lhasa dynamics of hope when I had it on my hands and it would help kind of harlot no one knows 100 wealth, creation and the creator and then chooses, chooses to do more, chooses the or chooses to be dealt with by the creation rather than the creator chooses the site of the creation rather than the creator chooses the approval of the creation rather than the Creator. Right? Because he has a relationship with the Creator, so he knows himself, he knows his

01:00:42 --> 01:00:52

position, you automatically know your role. Okay, you automatically learn your own role whenever, you know a loss of Hannah horchata. And, you know, this isn't happening.

01:00:57 --> 01:01:28

He said, you know, do not seek to be celebrated in dunya because that might deprive you of being celebrated in the alpha. Right, so even the mentionable loss of Hannah Montana on the Day of Judgment you know, the mention of a lost contact in that crowd you know, some people would have would have done everything for the sake of people and a lot of times I will say to them as merited and Muslim and authentic hadith. Below would say to those people is humble lol Edina Clinton to our own as a junior found zero health didn't and

01:01:30 --> 01:01:53

you know, run to those people that you used to seek approval from in the dunya and look to see if they have anything to give to you today that have nothing to give to you that day. They can't lay on Peranakan Well, what are you on your own? They don't this is of course talking about shirking the gods and things of that sort that they will not they can't help themselves No, they can't help you, nor can they help themselves. And this also reveals

01:01:54 --> 01:02:05

should couldn't have though it is loving someone the way you should love them awesome. Hannah Montana working for the approval of someone the way you should be working for the approval of last panelist, they won't be able to benefit you, nor will they be able to benefit themselves.

01:02:06 --> 01:02:20

So knowing your Lord is extremely crucial, and extremely important in that time. It's kind of like where does the time go, I'm already at the last five minutes expense to this before q&a. So the third one is to remember that

01:02:21 --> 01:02:22

the number

01:02:23 --> 01:02:54

why remember, that's because we all end up the same situation. So when you feel proud of yourself, when you feel a sense of pride, and a sense of superiority, remember, that you will be decayed bones in this world. And the only thing that would have any form of nobility would be the soul. And if you haven't worked on beautifying the soul, then you would be a disgraced person at the time of death, you know, because the bones of the statue and the status all that will do nothing for you. At that point, the only thing that is

01:02:55 --> 01:03:24

noble is the soul at that point, okay, everyone will be equal. People have different you know, people that are that have different levels of wealth, people that have different levels of, of fame and popularity, people that come from different races and backgrounds, whatever it is everyone is equal at that point. So, you know, remind yourself that you don't be little people and at the same time, so this is also a way of knowing yourself.

01:03:26 --> 01:03:33

You know, Calvin probably, Calvin karate was one of the close friends of mine would have been Abdelaziz walking all the time.

01:03:35 --> 01:03:45

And one time he walked in on Omar bin Abdulaziz after returning from a journey, and this was a time that I'm going to parameterize these became the halifa we know when amadablam disease became Khalifa.

01:03:46 --> 01:04:01

He deprived themselves of many things. So he put aside much of this dunya and he hadn't seen almost for some time. So when he came to him when he came to the house of armor, he thought that this was actually just a slave of armor of God that it is He looks so different, you know,

01:04:02 --> 01:04:21

you know, some kind of law, you know, his hair look, you know, wasn't as as well oiled, unkempt as it used to be. His clothes were Shaggy, the house that he lives in is no longer a palace. It's a HUD house. And Kara was shocked and almost said to cap he says at the salt water would just study

01:04:23 --> 01:04:34

into corporate jobs, and I cannot do it. He said if you think this is that, he said a notch in my body three days after death. Right? Imagine going into the grave three days after that's

01:04:36 --> 01:05:00

what death and the body becomes the cable that would boot and it's chewed up by the insects. And he says, and he says and that is the day that concerns me more. Right? Well, hello. Um, you know, that's the that's the situation that I actually care about. How am I going to look them you know, that's that's what I'm focusing on. Right? So it doesn't matter how much you you

01:05:00 --> 01:05:41

Can what what font you can put up in this world? But whenever you're in the grave, I mean, what's left? Everyone decays? Of course, we know except for the MBR. The show had that but I mean, everyone decays, right? You're gonna be eaten up by worms. So how does the law See you at that point? Okay, so it's a reminder for yourself to remember that everything becomes worthless and wasted, including your own body. And then so what's important at that point is to focus on the common knifes what Carla wrote, in honoring dignifying the soul, and the self, and how to love it's important to focus on how a last panel tada sees you. So it goes back to that same level of introspection. That's how a

01:05:41 --> 01:05:44

lot you know, if you look at Alma, probably a lot of

01:05:46 --> 01:05:47

the day that he was dying

01:05:48 --> 01:05:51

his head, and this is the most powerful man in the world. This is the

01:05:53 --> 01:06:20

most powerful man in the world. And his head was in the lap of the son Abdullah. And he says to Abdullah, he says, put my head in the dirt. So that Allah subhana wa, autonomy looked at me and feel pity for me, it's kind of low and look at his servants and would feel pity for him. How to Live because why, you know, that's, that's humility, that's coming to allow with humility. That's the understanding of men. So although I did not I was the one who lowered himself for a lot what

01:06:21 --> 01:06:56

raises him and adoring him. Okay, so in essence, you know, in conclusion of this topic, you know, just taking the things that we just talked about, as far as the facets of battling pride and arrogance, you know, the idea here is that you need to know your, you need to know yourself, you need to know a lot and you need to remember that. Okay, Know yourself, meaning your insignificance, your imperfections, know a lot meaning is perfection and his ultimate significance and know, the meaning the insignificance of this dunya and everything that it comes with, right. And that's why this is such a perfect

01:06:57 --> 01:07:20

equation here that it's not just us, right, knowing the law, knowing ourselves and knowing the dunya, and how worthless it is everything that comes with. So just a little bit of an action plan. And this is what's really important, you know, so basically, what we find from from the lives of the seller is that the goal here is to find as is to do as much good as possible without being noticed by the people.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:47

And without becoming too amused by yourself. So that can be accomplished with two things. Number one, number one is private, Malanga and more Hasler sitting with yourself privately recognizing your sins and your faults, number two, secret good deeds, secret good deeds, you want to do as much good as possible without getting noticed. Okay, secret good deeds.

01:07:49 --> 01:07:57

And so an action plan that I would give for you Just for tonight, for example, just try this out, choose a good deed to do tonight and secret and remind yourself how much a lot is done for you.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:34

Okay, so choose a good day to do tonight in secret, whether it's some some sort of small amount of charity, it's something like adds some some fasting, something good, that sits between you and the last panel. And then after you do that, in order to protect yourself, remind yourself of your sins and remind yourself with how much Allah has done for you, even though you did not deserve it. Right. So and that way again, and this is especially, you know, I recognize that this is a sister's house. A lot of times, then this is an unfortunate reality on a community level. But you know, the sisters do not get the same amount of praise and recognition.

01:08:35 --> 01:08:38

You know, nor are they out on the front lines.

01:08:40 --> 01:08:43

You know, as much as as her and that's not because of any

01:08:44 --> 01:09:24

incapability or incapacity on the part of the sisters actually, the sisters are much more active, and much more energized and more determined to learn that the brothers usually but again, you know, just just because of culture, whatever it may be, the sisters don't have you know, that that level of recognition and respect sometimes, but not a lot. I mean, look at the recognition from a last panel of data more than anything else. And, you know, even just within itself, even though you know, a woman's function is not just to be a mother and a wife. It's not just not but there's no doubt that you know that the greatest reward is in motherhood, for example, you know, why? Because you're

01:09:24 --> 01:09:26

an institution at that point.

01:09:27 --> 01:09:48

And to power the mother might be unrecognized and unappreciated. Let's palace, he's an institution at that point. The point is, is that don't belittle what Allah has given you. to please Him. That will be unappreciated by people, but that will be appreciated by him. Don't just look for the glamour don't look for the fluff. You know, look for what's going to please the last

01:09:49 --> 01:09:51

and the things that can have maximum effect.

01:09:52 --> 01:09:59

What are the poverty Some said not the little I need to do and focus on those things also and stuff like that.

01:10:00 --> 01:10:00

You can, you can

01:10:02 --> 01:10:08

do away with that arrogance and pride. And it is crucial as I said, Every single one of these ones of arrogance

01:10:09 --> 01:10:10

and pride

01:10:11 --> 01:10:13

includes an overindulgence

01:10:15 --> 01:10:32

and overindulgence and what is, you know, what's going on other people's lives. So our circles and our discussions in our gatherings should have nothing to do with the dealt with the shortcomings of everyone else, but rather they should be focused on bettering ourselves and if you're not leaving that gathering a better person,

01:10:34 --> 01:10:46

then in the gathering that you don't need to be in, okay? If you're not leaving from a gathering and a better as a better person as a gathering, that you don't need to be in, okay? It's going to be a source of regret on the Day of Judgment.

01:10:48 --> 01:10:51

So inshallah tada we're going to go Of course, we're going to go ahead and take

01:10:52 --> 01:11:04

we'll take some questions inshallah Tada. I do want to mention though, just quickly if it's okay, I apologize, I didn't get a chance to talk to the sisters before this, but inshallah tada for those of you that know, I do teach classes online

01:11:05 --> 01:11:23

on the university level, Muscat University, but on a more on an on a routine level. With I left with Islamic learning Foundation, I left and one of the classes I'm going to be teaching soon, it'll be a seminar in Houston inshallah tada in May, but it's very relevant to this topic, which is why I'm mentioning it here

01:11:24 --> 01:11:59

is about how to maintain any non rush a life it's the name of the class is actually maintaining a lifelong non rush because a lot of times after a class after a holiday, you start to fall short, and you don't move forward. You don't get some progress on Charlottetown that's a class that I'll be teaching and it'll be online inshallah, you could get more information on Facebook or you can get more information through eyelift. Texas, org. And, you know, it'll be it's very much relevant to this topic and to what you guys are doing also with Habibi hallows. Neela Ward, you all, may Allah bless you in the door and you with the beauty of non blocking I mean, and Allah tala will go ahead,

01:11:59 --> 01:12:04

and I'll hand it back over to the moderator to see how we can take questions that will heighten

01:12:07 --> 01:12:08

the first question that came in.

01:12:10 --> 01:12:11

It's about

01:12:12 --> 01:12:20

I'm paraphrasing for brevity, that people are working for the sake of a law, but they're afraid that it might be taken,

01:12:21 --> 01:12:37

you know, taken as real, or they get scared that people might think they're trying to show off. So the sisters asking, should we stop doing good work? Where what is how to strike a balance in doing good work and being afraid of fear?

01:12:44 --> 01:12:50

About a coffee come? So I think that the answer to the question is that the greatest form of it is to leave a good deed.

01:12:52 --> 01:13:26

Because of fear of it, yeah, it's actually a greater the two reasons for that, that they're not said they said that one of them is that you know, people would see that you stopped and you say, Oh, I'm working on myself so so much I love this person's because I had not so it can actually be a greater form of media. The other one is at that point, you're showing off to the shape on you're letting the shape on know that he can dictate your actions because its shape on who comes to you these whispers and of insincerity and things of that sort. And that's why if a person finds themselves in, you know, feeling, react, they should keep on with the action and they should battle with the intention.

01:13:27 --> 01:13:31

But you never abandon an action ever, never abandon a good deed.

01:13:32 --> 01:13:37

Because of that fear, because that's the worst situation to be in.

01:13:39 --> 01:14:00

So work on reforming the intention on open arms as evil Kamala said, if you're making sudduth and Stefan comes to you and says you're only making surgery so that people can, can praise you, he said, to prolong your security even more. But as your public good deeds row, your private deeds also has to grow to be an effective, you know, counterpart,

01:14:01 --> 01:14:09

you know, to those public good deeds. So private deeds, you should try to increase that and shot a lot of time. But don't give up to public good deeds. Absolutely not.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:20

Does that black hair shape? There's another question very relevant to sisters since this is a sister caulerpa.

01:14:21 --> 01:14:44

And this question comes from a sister She says, I volunteer at my local Masjid and noticed that most girls who wear hijab it's become an attitude of pride, a form of pride. I've noticed that the considered other girls who don't cover their hair or rather even body lower and face towards them and insult them. How can we remove this problem from the online become more accepting

01:14:50 --> 01:14:51

this top

01:14:53 --> 01:14:59

I think that this topic is one that requires a lot of balance. Unfortunately, a lot of them balance when it comes to the topic of a job.

01:15:01 --> 01:15:27

On one hand, yes, there's you do not want to judge sisters that don't want a job. You don't know their state before our last panel of data and your state before last. However, on the other hand, the ruling on hate job cannot be mistaken. It's been the same ruling for 1400 years. And it's only in modern times when we have these perverted interpretations that come out that people are saying, well, you don't have to cover the head and those types of things. So

01:15:29 --> 01:16:02

you know, so in essence, again, the idea here is that we have to find the balance between the two. Number one, it's very simple, at least thought he was better than other monies, because of his very bad because of his good deeds. That was what he actually meant when he said, holux anonymous government, when you use that as a cover up to say that you created me from firing him from hurt, but what he actually thought was that he was better because of his good deeds. Okay, because of his worship and everything that he's put forward. And that's why he hated atomized in the first place, why is this guy gets to come along and take all of this,

01:16:03 --> 01:16:07

all of this reverence, you know, and I've been worshipping you this entire time.

01:16:08 --> 01:16:48

So the idea here is that if your good deeds are making you belittle people and take you away from across Canada, that's a lot harder to be forgiven by loss of talent than a sin, at least that person might be forgiven for their sin and recognition of their state before lost count on the other thing, so that's, that's for the person who's looking down upon the other and things of that sort. And on the other side of that, as far as acceptance is concerned, we have to accept people that they need, you know, everyone should come to Islam as they are. And as Islam is, so come to Islam as it is, as you are. Islam cannot change for people, okay, people need to learn to change for Islam, religion is

01:16:48 --> 01:16:53

perfect. And what that means, again, you know, for the for the individual,

01:16:55 --> 01:17:31

don't worry about what other people say about you, and don't worry what other people you know, how other people look down upon you and things of that sort. It's about how a lot easier. Now, if a person does not wear he does does that means that they don't love along the messengers like them, or that they're not beloved to a lot the messenger slice on them? No, it doesn't mean that. I mean, when not a novelty, a lot of times I know, was drinking alcohol, also, and was getting drunk or so off, I should have said that he loves a lot in his messenger and a lot as much as you love him. You know, Subhan Allah, and that's a person who's drinking alcohol. Right? I mean, that's, that's a,

01:17:32 --> 01:17:59

that's a great testimony from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam. So, you know, obviously, the idea here is not the action of not covering the whole wrong, whether it's the hair, whether it's the legs, whatever it may be, is certainly something that is not beloved to a lot of times is displeasing to Allah. But we don't know the hearts of any individual and we have to steer clear of that. And be very careful from that. Not to say not to pass judgment on anyone

01:18:01 --> 01:18:32

despite whatever they're doing I mean, who else is on told us I'm and David will be alone, on on Osama saw a person in the battlefield as he was an enemy. And then he said a satellite Hello. Just as the sun was about to kill him, and he killed them anyway. I mean, obviously, it seems like this guy spent his life fighting Islam just the last moments, he just said that Shahada to try to get out of that. But the Prophet slicin was upset with himself. You know, he he admonished him. It's all hooked on police. Did you check his heart?

01:18:33 --> 01:19:00

So I mean, if that's for a person who's in the battlefield actively fighting Islam? And what about a Muslim who's in the ranks of the Muslim trying, trying to do good, but, you know, maybe falling short in this regard, you know, so it's important for everyone to look at themselves and how they're falling short. That doesn't mean you don't give advice to those sisters. But if you give advice in a loving and beautiful way, and humility shows itself and the way that you talk to other people, and arrogance will translate into the way that you talk to other people also

01:19:01 --> 01:19:02

allow them

01:19:06 --> 01:19:08

to sample accounts they can check.

01:19:09 --> 01:19:32

And there's a lot of sisters asking for advice or pointers or tips on how to how to boil down this topic or how to teach their kids up, you know, or teenagers from suffering from cable via or audio like how, how can we teach the kids about this topic? Do you have any insight? So

01:19:40 --> 01:19:56

the first thing was was the teaching of the kids is to involve them in service is to involve them in service you don't do your kids a favor when when you spoil them rotten and you shelter them from any form of from any form of adversity.

01:19:58 --> 01:20:00

You know, engage them in

01:20:00 --> 01:20:27

Service, let them see people who are who are less than them in dunya. And let them serve people, teach your kids to be the ones that are always serving people don't think oh, my kids are better than everyone else. and things of that sort know, when you go to a gathering, teach your kids that your kids are the ones that are going to be serving, take your kids to the most of the cleanup the most of one day, take your kids to a park, you know, learn live your kids, lead by example, number one, with your kids, and shall want to honor everyone, you know, should get together and should,

01:20:29 --> 01:20:43

should engage in these actions that that truly bring down the self and then just remind them, you know, remind them, I'm telling you leading by example, humble parents usually have humble kids. That's one one without one attribute that you usually see.

01:20:44 --> 01:20:47

The kids when the parents are like that, you know, obviously, there's

01:20:50 --> 01:21:15

just a natural teenager phase, you know, where, you know, where a kid thinks that they're better than everyone else. And you know, and has that high level of arrogance, but generally speaking, generally speaking, when a person shows humility, and when a person is a humble person, the kids adopt that same attitude and lifestyle. So, you know, lead by example, more than anything else, and service service service.

01:21:20 --> 01:21:51

is awful. Okay, we have so many questions to kind of know, but I'm assuming this will be the last one. It's, the question is about when there's a group project going on, or, you know, when you're in the midst of board, or when you're part of some committee, and you disagree with somebody. And sometimes, you know, given kicked in that half of my suggestion wasn't taken, even though you think it was better, what is something you can do in that situation when people disagree with you or you to people?

01:22:00 --> 01:22:15

The main thing and disagreements is to never accuse the intention of the other person, you know, say that maybe that person misunderstood something, maybe that person sees something in a way that I'm not seeing, maybe they're noticing something that I that I'm not, perhaps I'm wrong.

01:22:16 --> 01:22:20

And, but again, never accused the attention. You know, a lot of times when these board discussions

01:22:21 --> 01:22:34

are in halleck, our power struggles in the masses, whatever it is, oh, this person's only doing that, because they want saying this person is always trying to be seen, that is actually sick. That comes right under lumping us.

01:22:35 --> 01:22:39

I think I posted this on Facebook a few days ago, right? That to judge someone's intention

01:22:41 --> 01:23:11

is to belittle them. And that's a form of silk that is judging them. What but, of course, you're visiting a person when you say that person is only doing it for this, and that person is only doing it for that and that they wanted to do this and what they were really trying to do. And oh, they're always trying to do this. And so avoid discussion of anyone's intention, recognize that recognize the other person, as a partner, as a brother, as a sister that's trying to reach the same goal as you and never allow that view to change. And if your views changing in that regard, then you need to withdraw yourself.

01:23:13 --> 01:23:32

So never allow yourself shavon will come to you and will tell you, oh, he's only doing it for this, he's only doing it for that you have to be able to try to tune those thoughts out, not entertain those thoughts. And, you know, hopefully, you know, with your attitude of, you know, towards the person towards the other person that you might have a discriminative look, you know, we're all trying to get to the same place is that

01:23:33 --> 01:23:36

your effort I just see in this way. And you know, I'm not questioning

01:23:37 --> 01:23:47

anything that you do and things of that sort. Hopefully, you'll foster a better environment, but brotherhood and sisterhood and Tao and other people are working together for righteousness. And

01:23:55 --> 01:24:16

I think that's all the time we have, I want to make sure that we stick to the time that we had discussed. So I just want to say just off the last year so much from everybody, we've had a lot of people sending you know, things that are closer to you and hear from us at VBS because we're taking the time and doing this for us and all of the sisters

01:24:17 --> 01:24:18


01:24:19 --> 01:24:27

asked Allah, Allah to please work on your work and bless you and your family with the bestest help me, man. I mean,

01:24:28 --> 01:24:48

a lot of people have been asking that about the recording of this webinar and yes, it will be posted online in a few days inshallah. So anybody who couldn't listen in or you missed something, until I would note it will be posted online. I just want to go over our official sponsor again, because I realized

01:24:49 --> 01:24:59

there was some disturbance in the beginning. So our official sponsor for this webinar was Islamic design house, the Canada branch, so do visit them on their website Islamic design

01:25:00 --> 01:25:16

forward slash Canada and keep an eye out on our website to levy for some special offers coming up with Islamic science house shake if you have any last words go ahead. But other than I did that last year so much, once again for doing this

01:25:21 --> 01:25:45

LACMA Farren to you for inviting me and having me today and for everyone who attended. My last words of naskah is to be consistent with these hamacas and Sharla everyone that's attending, don't look to who the speaker is and don't look to what the topic is, you know, be consistent you never know what point of benefit you will receive. So, consistency is a main is a is a very, very important

01:25:46 --> 01:26:11

factor and spiritual development and growth. So keep it up and shout out whether it's with Habibi, jalapenos or some other you know classes and things of that sort. Just always have a level of consistency and don't Don't you know don't say it's the speakers this topic and I can't benefit from the speaker and I've already heard this topic so focus on that and challenges I cannot say them to all of you for attending but for people that want to live in a castle.

01:26:14 --> 01:26:24

Dr. I care to everybody who attended. We'll be in touch very soon. So our Facebook and our emails and trauma. A salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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