Nouman Ali Khan – The Wisdom of Prophet Suleimans Dua

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The Quran, Nolan Nolan, is a reference to a long day of work and the end of a long day of work. The title is also associated with the time between the time of the day when Nolan's work is complete and the time when he is finished. The importance of learning and pushing for one's own growth is emphasized, along with the need to prioritize one's success over others and acknowledge the challenges of others' success. The speaker also discusses the need to spread one's work and encourage others to do the same.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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Vina shaytani r Rajim

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kita buen

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Illa in Cabo Bella Cornelia de PUE de Walia Tata cara

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de Suleiman any metal malabu in

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publish actually sorry, were silly Emily, that I'm in Cali but hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa salam O Allah Ashraf al anbiya wa Sallim wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ashbury.

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So we let him initiate phonology, cholera believably milk lamb really had him embody in the Antelope Valley suddenly we're silly Emily Lachlan, Dr. Millis, Ania poco de manera behind me

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once again, everyone.

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This is our final session for amazed by the Quran. And I'm making I'm hoping that allowes always accepts this effort from all of us and all all of you for attending. And that allows those that increases our relationship with the book of Allah and brings us closer and closer to him and accepts this every second that we've spent here as an act of worship and service to him.

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What I want to share with you in this session in sha Allah is that of Solomon Allah He said understand is very unique in the Quran, because at first glance, it seems like he's asking for something very materialistic. Of course, you know that we ask a lot, there's always a lot but not enough Indonesia has Santa Santa, Okinawa now, we ask Allah for good in this world and good in the next. When we set up an antenna for dunya Hassan our philosophy has Allah in this particular he says color a bit fillies and master Forgive me. Well, Hadley Malkin and grant me Give me the gift of Kingdom, Lion bokeelia human body, that is not befitting anyone that comes after me. Give me a kind

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of kingdom that nobody should have after me, roughly speaking, in the country, and then in the country will have You're the one who repeatedly gives grant gifts. So now, in this draw, it's very interesting. It's like he's asking Allah, Allah give me stuff kingdom that nobody after me will ever have. Now that seems extremely materialistic. And it seems very unbecoming of, you know, the dollar, the kinds of dollars you read from profits. And so this is something that really has to be tackled, and really understood at its core. And I struggled with understanding this route for some time, because I was very moved by this. And very inspired by this, though, and I had a lot of crazy

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thoughts about this law. But I needed to validate them by studying and seeing if there's anybody in Islamic history that had the crazy thoughts that I did, too. And quite a few, quite a few, before Sharon actually wrote similar things that were already on my mind, and that when I got to discuss it with some of my teachers and mentors, they came to some very similar conclusions. But in order to understand this law, the first thing to understand is where it's placed. And that's why the first session of this this day that I had the opportunity to cover with you, I gave you a structural overview of sort of side in which one of its sections. The third section was dedicated to legacies

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of profits, but it's not just talking about profits, it's specifically talking to profits, as an inspiration, total total loss of a lump sum number one, and number two, in the context of people that refuse to remember Allah, because the entire one of the anchors in the sewer that keeps coming back is remembering a lot you remember, well, I'm the vicar. Right so and the prophet SAW, Selim is now going to be given role models, not only ones who remembered a lot throughout everything in every circumstance, but also ones that are going to be an inspiration for him on how to remind others of Allah. Now, when we talk about this abstract concept of remembering a lot, this is where I want to

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begin, what does it mean to remember a law or to engage in remembrance, that one of the things I alluded to in my previous talk was remembrance is not just limited to remembrance of Allah. It's also remembering the right thing to do. remembering our role models, remembering their struggles, taking inspiration from them, remembering the gifts of Allah, it's not it, you know, remembering what the gifts of people that have done to us like remembering the favors of your mom when you're about to get angry at her. Just remembering the right thing at the right time. This is also a kind of victory. So the Quran is not just Vicar of Allah, it's also wicked, through that of other things

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that you're going to need reminders that you and I need constantly have different kinds of things. Now, having said that, usually when you and I think of liquor, we think of somebody sitting in

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Doing the car, they're reciting either to speak or they're reciting Koran and they're praying. They're engaged in some kind of worship and this this is the context in which you and I think about Vicar and we're going to broaden our horizon. In this session, we're going to think about the Quran much more broader terms as inspired by these Ayat of the Quran. This is now going to start with the story of Solomon adding his salon, which by the way, interestingly enough, comes right after the following Ayah kita. One Enza nahu la cama Bara con, Leah de baru, Aya T, a book that we have sent down to you that is full of continual and increasing blessings, it keeps on giving you more and more

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and more and more, the idea of the Kitab being robotic, is that when we recite the Quran and ponder over the Quran, it is actually going to give us more benefits. And it will open up more doors of its wisdom than it did the last time you read it. Hence, Leah double it. So they continually reflect and ponder deeply into its ayat. In other words, the process of reflecting on the Koran will never come to an end until the day of judgment, nobody will come along and say, I have extracted everything there was to be extracted from the Koran, that is not going to happen. Because it is by definition, Mubarak, it continues to give more and more and more than, than what is expected. So there is no

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such thing as under estimating the Quran, there's never going to be a point in my life where I'll say that sort of, I already studied it. I'm already done with that I already finished this, you know, this, this just or this section, or this story in the Quran, I already know everything there is to know about it never going to happen. There's always going to be there always going to be things that you and I are going to discover about this book. And this is the humility You and I have to have towards the Quran. This yada yada yada it it supersedes it's not superseded upon it imposes, it's not imposed upon. And we have to bring I have to bring you have to bring that attitude to the

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brawn. It's not like any other book, you can master other books. You can master other books, you can't master the Quran. The Quran masters you, you don't you don't master the Quran, you humble yourself and I humble myself before I was word. So now with this introduction, which is about the Quran itself, he says the Wi Fi so they reflect ponder deeply into his IR when he attacked Kara, Baba and people of sound minds, people who deeply like to think that they make an effort to really remember, this is the introductory IR before we get into the story of Solomon and his Salaam, who's the son of who you remember from the last time, son of that would which is the previous passage. So

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between that passage in this passage is this is about to occur and reflect deeply as if a lie is saying, before you engage the story of Solomon know that, to understand it, you're going to have to think very deeply. And you're going to have to do a lot of review and reiteration and think through and think through and think through, before you arrive at what Allah wants you to arrive at. It's not just going to come without effort, Willy at avocado, via Wi Fi, these are these are not easy things. Reflection doesn't just happen when you're just sitting there and just reciting casually, it requires you to leave other thoughts behind and just engage yourself in the book of Allah. And

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that's before I get into this, these I art and by the way, I'm gonna so stick to my time watch. It's gonna be awesome.

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I was so good. But my time.

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Before I get into these, I do want to share with you one of the most valuable things I learned from a writer. I mean, I sent him a whole lot. He wrote an order book called my buddy, Ron, he wrote something in there that struck me, I read this maybe 12 years ago, and it's been in my head since he said he gave this analogy about the attitude we're supposed to have towards the Koran when we study it. And he the analogy he gave is, if I were to tell you that I have buried $5 in the backyard 10 feet deep.

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Here's a shovel.

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The effort it takes to dig 10 feet is not worthwhile.

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$5 but if I were to tell you, I've buried $5 million 10 feet deep, you know what, let's make it interesting. 20 feet deep,

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then the effort is totally worth it, you're gonna be exhausted, you're gonna have died. But you know what, even when you're three, three feet into it, and you feel like you're not making any progress. You remind yourself what this is worth.

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And you get back in it. And your family's saying take a break. No, no, I'll take a break when I'll take a break. When your body can't take any more and you collapse. And as soon as you wake up, you don't think about food, you think about digging again, because you know what the effort is worth. In other words, human beings apply effort. By nature we apply we exhaust ourselves when we know something is worth it.

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And so he made the argument that if somebody doesn't have time to reflect on the Quran, maybe they just don't internally, they haven't internalized what it's worth. They just haven't internalized what it's worth. Because if they did, they drop other things, and they'd make time to reflect it wouldn't be a casual endeavor for them. It would be something totally worth it. And actually the reflection on the Quran, Allah Kulusuk follow the cost and it's not just

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There's a treasure that lies underneath which it does, it certainly does. But as a matter of fact, people who don't reflect on the coronella complaints, they have their own locks placed on them, it's a very serious matter to double in the karate Sonic casual thing. It's not something for the scholars to do, or for some group of people to do that, you know, the rest of us are off the hook, they can do the reflections for us, as a matter of fact of the book, the idea of pondering over the Quran learning its meanings, learning the basic meanings, you know, studying it to see or something like that, but then your own engagement with the book, your heart and soul engrossed in the Word of

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Allah, that is something Allah wanted for every single human being, this is one of the things that makes our religion beautiful, is that we actually don't have intermediaries between us and Allah, Allah speaks directly to every single believer. Right? And he didn't impose on us, this artificial hierarchy, that, you know, unless you do this, this, this and this, you cannot engage with the book of Allah. No, he opened this book to all of humanity. As a matter of fact, he invited all of humanity to reflect on it. And unfortunately, we've got a culture in which we confuse learning from reflection, right, there's a bare minimum, every Muslim should try and learn. Right, and there's

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some some things first,

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if you're in your own reflections, if you don't learn, you can't reflect. So you're on a constant journey to learn. But this unfortunate kind of attitude and until you become a chef, you shouldn't even think about the Quran. This is this is a disservice to the book of Allah. This is not what the intent ever was. There were plenty of people in our history and even from the Sahaba generation who were not very knowledgeable in the Koran. They knew very little Quran, but whatever they learned, they knew they pondered over, they reflected over it, they constantly mulled over, this is something that deserves our time. And this is not just an intellectual exercise, the Quran makes it very clear

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hearts get locked. It's a spiritual exercise to ponder over what am I seeing is a spiritual exercise, and it will open up your heart. Now, having said all of that, what will happen now lidoda Sulaiman, we gave the gift to download, we granted him the gift of Solomon. So why is saying by the testimony without a doubt, especially given the things that he had done, and the way that he had carried himself. And we already learned that he became a better and better judge in the previous passage, even though I didn't go through the whole thing. Allah decides to give him the gift him in particular, of Solomon that's captured in the language of the mix is brought a little bit earlier.

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And so from it, the prophet is being taught some a lot more. And he said that the way he's carrying himself a level, make sure that his legacy will be continued, that will carry on just like we gave to those who did we give Solomon now about Solomon, and he said, I'm near Milan, what an incredible slave. This is very important, folks. Allah did not say netland levy. And he doesn't normally praise profits in this way. It's like a unique praise that Allah gave very rarely does this kind of praise given what an incredible slave near Muslims

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in the hood, and a while also is actually from it was hard to pronounce. But in Arabic is someone who comes back.

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Yo Dooku, they say his heart comes back. Our job is called skeletal mobile, ah, the one who keeps coming back to Allah repeatedly over and over and over again. In the introduction to Solomon, we're learning two things in the Quran. Here. We're learning two things. One, that he's an incredible slave. He's not just a slave nitmiluk What an amazing slave of Allah. Allah is proud of the slave of his number one. Number two, that his quality that makes him a really amazing slave is he keeps his heart keeps turning back to a lot over and over and over and over again. This is a constant practice this form of Arabic a web

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Wahab which was named Wahab comes, Allah gives gifts over and over again hubbas the guy who makes bread over and over again the maker is called the hubbas. Of course fast is someone who keeps making you know who chops up meaning the butcher over and over again. So here I have someone who keeps turning back to Allah continually and repeatedly he does so this is going to be important because there are certain things said about Solomon and Islam which are found interesting and we respect those opinions that I actually never they never said like I didn't find them convincing because of the language of the eye. The eye itself explicitly never said what was said about Solomon Allison,

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nor is there any particular like authenticated narration of the sword but it certainly is found in you know, Israelite literature blue slot illustrations, so we'll get into that story because all of that will lead into that door that I started with. We have to have that background in learning the LA he will actually a soft soft out to God amazing. It by the evening time or as the evening is about to set in. She is used typically in Arabic for the time between us and modern. Day setting this coming to a close around that time when the day is coming to a close out this time. This time of day is associated with the end of your work day. In other words, you started your work early in

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the day you've been exhausting yourself and now this is the time between Muslim and Alicia where your day your workday is finally coming to a close and by the way to this day in

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most parts of the world, when is there the worst traffic?

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I see. You get in traffic and also and you're stuck in traffic until Monday.

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Right? The worst traffic jams are at that time because people are heading home from a long day of work, right? So this is describing the end of a long day of work. And at that long day of work, of course, Solomon a lot we know he was given a great kingdom. So he's got several Governmental Affairs to take care of, he's got a massive Empire to take care of. He's got huge issues, internal issues, external issues, civil issues and domestic issues. And then on top of that, war issues and other other matters to deal with, it's not an easy job that he has to handle on top of that he's a prophet so he's got spiritual matters to take care of for his entire community, not only administrative

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governmental matters, so slavery assumes carrying quite a load. It's not an easy responsibility that this man is carrying. And now it's the end of his day. So I'm thinking by the end of his day, he's gonna get finally a chance to what relax This is gonna be his rig. I don't know he can do a little bit of Vicar.

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Right. Allah says at this point what was presented to him a Sofie natural Jia the soften lacunae in laminal Hale whether for Salah D for Allah sallallahu COVID. I wish I could physically demonstrate this to you, but I don't have four legs. And I'm not about to get on fours. But you know, horses that are very active. They're called soften. And they're called soften because by definition soften is actually it stands on three legs, not for one of its legs. I'll do a little demonstration. So one of his legs is up.

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Like it's kind of like

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doing the thing.

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It's like pumping, ready to ready to go. And it's actually a show of loyalty to its master when it poses like that. These are Safi not so they're not just any horses. These are classy Ferrari horses. Okay, that's captured inside the word Safi not and then they say what will come in? contributions will come in Allah Matisse. effetti Adana, Allah karami Aslan for us was the finale, oh my god. So epic. He says this sign that it's on three legs, and it's kind of pumping its leg and tapping its leg, it actually suggests how swift the horses and how what it comes from Elite branding, you know, because this kind of posturing. They do this for expensive horses. Typical horses just stand on four

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legs, but the ones that are taught to posture properly, the ones that are bred in expensive readings and have higher class readings, that sort of thing. You know, they're the ones that do this kind of posturing. So it's illustrating that these are some really exotic horses that he's got that have been presented to him. Then on top of that, what was nice is that they're very, they're amicable. In other words, they're loyal horses. They're not wild horses, they're ready to serve their master. So now the first word we presented is It's evening time or it's almost evening. It's almost Monday, and he's being presented these horses these beautiful horses, and the second description of these horses

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algea jumbo Jawaharlal Forrest joda in the fossa, our navassa They say the word Jawad or jihad is used here. The second quality of them is for very elegant, graceful, beautiful horses. So they're like shiny and like, Wow, that's a horse. You know, Giada to come, he comes over to Georgia to be good at something in Arabic, for me comes the word j, you may have heard Jay had good or reciting something properly or smoothly Tajweed. And then seating things very defined, cut the horse, the legs and the muscles of the horses are very well cut and defined. So these are really really nice horses that are now being presented to him. By the way these saffronart algae add from the

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description in the language. It's already clear. These are battle horses. Because they are cut up, they're muscular they're ready to run. And now they're being presented to him for inspection. What is still a man's job. What did I already tell you? What is his job, and he's around. He's a prophet. He's a ruler. He's a ruler of a massive expensive Empire. He's been exhausted the entire day. The day is coming to an end. And now the cavalry By the way, Solomon Ellison's army includes all kinds of animals, and all kinds of things. You guys already know this from other places in the Koran. But now the cavalry is being brought in and he's going to check it's going to bring prison it's being

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presented to him is being brought to him, you should inspect it yourself. Man, I got other things to do. Can somebody else do this part?

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Let's look at some goals and he wants to check them himself. He wants to look at the horses himself for car now this is the part that the interpretation that's commonly given I will share with you first and then I will tell you that I completely disagree with it with all due respect and share with you what I find far more convincing. And you can make up your own mind. I do not impose my convictions on you but I don't hide them either. Okay, so at first let's just see how it's typically translated or understood for Carlos therefore when he saw the horses he said in the Taco Bell Hi, Ted, I certainly have fallen in love with the love of good and the good is used in Arabic many times

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for horses like the ultimate good for the Arabs with horses. Right so the language here in the Quran suggesting that when he sees these epic glamorous horses

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He says, I have fallen in love with the love of good. It's almost like this king who's got a car lot full of Ferraris, and all of them. You know, he's like, Yeah, I love this good stuff. I love I love my horsepower, you know,

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and victory rugby. But out of love of this good of mine, he's checking on the horses. It has this love has taken me away from mentioning or remembering my master.

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So the story goes that's attributed here is that he was taking care of his horses. And he was so busy with these horses. That and what time was it? By the way? I forget. Its answer time and you're taking care of the horses before you know it what shows up. Nothing shows up. He doesn't even realize he's still in the barn taking care of the horses, mother passes, he looks outside salaat is slow time is over. And he says my love of good kept me from remembering my master. So he missed Salah. So he massala that's the interpretation, one of the interpretations offered for this head that a lot will hinge up until it disappeared into the into the unseen and behind the barrier. Which

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barrier here suggests some say it disappeared behind the barrier means the sun disappeared behind the barrier of the horizon. Okay, and it being feminine tallada. So which means mother came in went, right? Does the Quran say the sun disappeared? No, it says it disappeared. That's what it says it disappeared.

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So now when he experienced this,

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he got upset. And he said we'll do her Alia, bring them back to me. Bring the horses back to me. And it could be that he did this as an act of Toba because now he feels that he's missed the salaah. So he has to give some kind of cathartic. Some even say that, you know, in previous nations when you missed a prayer or when you did a sin of any kind like a shortcoming, then the way to make up for it is to sacrifice. Right. So he called the horses back for De Fuca must have bisutti Well, Anak so he started means to begin to he begin begin to pass over them must you guys know must make must over socks and must over the the hands and things like that over the head muscle over the head. So he

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starts passing over them over bisutti over their legs, or the thigh muscles and Atlanta. And the next he starts passing over them. So some add the interpretation here that what he what he means by passing over them is he took a knife and he passed it over them. He went in, he chopped them legs, and he cut those next.

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So he basically slaughtered those animals. And then the discussion follows in much the year that he slaughtered them as an act of sadaqa. Of course, when you slaughter these animals, you're going to give them in charity and so on and so forth. Right? So that's what he's going to do.

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Now, before we go any further, I'll share with you why I disagree with this. And these were my own thoughts until I read Razi and it was almost entirely echoed in one of the Razzie mentions all the opinions and mentions at the end what he thinks, and I find it highly convincing because I was already kind of convinced of it.

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So here's what it is. First and foremost, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is being given role models in remembering because this surah steam altogether is remembering.

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So it defies the idea that allows messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is going to be given a role model who himself forgot what?

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The prayer. That's the first problem here. The second problem here seems to be

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that the word that this messenger is from the legacy of doubt.

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And doubt Allah Islam, we know, was someone who kept coming back to a line making himself that's already been described. And he's a continuation of that legacy. So he's been trained well by his father.

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And so let's as we gave him the Legacy The Legacy was carried on by the son. Why would this doesn't seem like a very good carrying on, the legacy of the prayer was missed over something like what horses is a bigger problem was even mentioned is later on. Suleiman will be given even a bigger kingdom, not just horses, Allah will give him the wind alone will give him gins that can dive in deep into the oceans, Allah will give him all kinds of resources that are way beyond the resources that are what horses so if the horses were enough to distract him,

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then there should be far more distraction now you understand like that, it won't add up. But then there's another problem and then simply solved.

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He says actually, the word I mean I'm basically not be I have fallen in love with the love of good here's where things get really to me inspirational. I have fallen in love with the love of good here means that Allah has given me these incredible horses, these beautiful well bred muscular, agile horses as resources to do good. Allah has given me good things so I can do good things with them. So higher actually in the Arabic language and in the Quran suggests two things. It suggests good material things, and it actually also means good deeds. hyenas used for good things and good deeds. Now there's a duality of meaning. I love to do good deeds, but in order to do more

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Good deeds, you need more good material resources. I'll give you a personal example. I've been teaching Arabic for a very long time, when I didn't have the resources, I was teaching it in my living room. And there were a few of my friends from the neighborhood used to come. And I used to teach them on a dry erase board. It was good.

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But now 15 years later, the organization that I started on my laptop has some more resources. I'm still teaching some Arabic and Quran. But because of those resources has the good spread further. It has, when you have more resources, then you're able to do more what more good. Now the problem is, when you are looking at higher in one dimension, I want more material good.

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I want more material good. This is what a lot of people live for. By the way, I want a nicer car. I want a better house, I want nicer clothes, and it stops there. This is what I want. All of those things totally cool. want them no problem, but want them so you can do what

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way more good. want them so you can do it. There's a bigger good at play here. When he is checking on these horses. By the way, he's actually preparing a cavalry that will take on the charge of defending the lands of the believers, taking on the violent aggressors. Take doing a less task fee civilian law. In other words, these horses and taking care of these horses, which seems like a material task is actually inspired by him wanting to do good for the sake of Allah. So the word I'm here is I am I love taking care of this good stuff. Inspired by the remembrance of my master. It doesn't take me away from remembering Allah, it actually reminds me more of remembering Allah, Allah

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has changed our view of accessing material good in the world, in this ayah you do not have to be afraid of the material. You have to put it to work. You don't work for it, it works for you. A lot of people work for money. A lot of people work for wealth, but no wealth should work for us. Wealth should be used for us. Some people came and asked me, you know,

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has given me different trials in life. Everybody has weaknesses. But I'll tell you one thing about the law gave me as a gift was like famous not a weakness for me. Alhamdulillah I have many other weaknesses as my parents, they'll tell you, there's a long list, who really long my mom could write a book on it.

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But fame is not one of them. You know, I'm the same guy as I was when I was in the living room teaching on a dry erase board, I practice in the same guy. And it's problematic sometimes because I'm abrupt and weird. And people see me on YouTube and they think there's the spiritual person or something. I don't know what video you've seen that came across the spiritual because I virtually make a fool of myself every other video so I don't know, somebody's cutting those fun parts out or something. And they come and they want me to pet their children's heads and like, you know, take a blessing selfies or their phone doesn't crack or something. I don't know.

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I just am Why am I make silly jokes and you know, say Haha, I'm so disappointed.

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Welcome to the club, you know,

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you know, but the reason the reason I'm bringing this up is fame to me is actually just, it's not something you work for is something that works for you. And in this case, it should work for the dean like if Allah has given me fame, I should put it to work for him

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use it to do something good. It's not a goal. It's a means to a much bigger goal. The hate itself. These horses are not the goal. They may be beautiful horses are beautiful. And they were defined with a lot of beauty. It's not like an ugly horses. You know, they're really nice horses Porsche horses. No, they're really nice horses. He sees the in them a means to a much bigger end. And all of that is inspired by the fact that a lot sometimes gives you and me talent, ability, money, opportunity, you know investment he gives us these things, he gives us strength. He gives us creativity and that creativity is supposed to be used for something much bigger. This is what sir

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Mrs. Ramses and so he says I love taking care of these horses inspired by the fact that using them I will be remembering my rod.

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And when when he's going to do that, and Vicki Robbie had that a lot it will jog the interpretation there changes again until they disappeared into the unseen. In other words, he said to the horses mush March, and he's gonna because horses are tested by what making them run. So he gets the horses to run off and he sees them

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disappear and a lot of the thought pattern suggests and that's why the Sun is Also lesser likely because a lot of that would have been the word Tabata is when two or more parties are involved. So horses are racing each other and together, they're disappearing out into the horizon. And the evening time is coming. So the horses have

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got off. It's like a race. And as they've gone off, he says bring them back, I want to see which one of them is tired. Which one of them is doing well, but who do I bring them back to me for toffee Thomas, and then he starts now how do you check on a horse, I mean, I don't know much about horses. But we do have a few barns near where I live. Because I live in Texas and really have barns and gun stores, we have gun stores.

00:30:25 --> 00:30:26

It's amazing.

00:30:27 --> 00:30:28

You know,

00:30:29 --> 00:30:31

I don't go to a gun store.

00:30:32 --> 00:30:35

looking the way I do but anyway, so So

00:30:37 --> 00:30:40

already got a badass or go in the mountains to deliver supplies, like

00:30:41 --> 00:30:43

everyone to a gun store anytime soon.

00:30:44 --> 00:30:46

Anyway, so

00:30:47 --> 00:31:14

now he brings horses back, you know what you you kind of you pat them on the neck. Right, this is the Anak and you kind of pet their legs, and you rub their legs because the legs are the ones that get tired. They do all the work. There's someone who checks on horses and those horses. That's what they do. So he starts patting them on their legs and their and their neck. He's literally taking care of these horses alive is teaching us when a leg gives you resources, I'll let him do good stuff you should watch, take care of it.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:16

Take care of it.

00:31:17 --> 00:31:26

Because you're going to do use this to spread his word. You're going to use this to serve this Deen, whatever resources Allah has given you, you take care of them.

00:31:28 --> 00:31:31

If you do all of your Dharma on your iPad, keep it clean.

00:31:32 --> 00:31:35

Because that's what you do for you use it for less work.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:38

If Allah has given you the ability to speak,

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to maybe teach, and be you teach some friends in college, maybe you teach some people at home, dress your best.

00:31:46 --> 00:32:12

Because you have to be your best when you do the Lord's work. Allah didn't give him like, you know, broken down old horses like Buick horses, he gave him Ferrari horses. And he took care of them. And he checked on them. Now here's the other part of this. I already started by telling you he's a king. He's a ruler, he's a prophet. He's got a massive, expensive Empire. He's got internal and external issues to deal with the king, the kingdom, sorry, my son has a very complex problem.

00:32:13 --> 00:32:47

So this should be a micro task that is not befitting him, he should get some servant to do this for him. Just make sure it gets done, isn't it. But he realizes something. No matter how big he gets, there are some things that he just still wants to have his hands directly on. He doesn't want to lose sight of who he is. He doesn't want to lose sight of the fact that no task is insignificant. He wants to leave himself as a role model for his followers because he's also a prophet, and for a profit serving Allah is never beneath him.

00:32:48 --> 00:33:26

You know, it's like the CEO saying that's the Secretary's job. I'm not going to do that. No, no, no, no. Are the Imam saying that's the janitors job vacuuming the mustard that I'm not going to do that. That's beneath me. I my job is to give the hook by and I'm going to leave. I got the VIP tasks you have you got the Lord and tasks right. In this ayah. What we're learning is that Solomon Edison given the status that Allah had given him, he did not actually make a distinction between the smallest of tasks and the biggest of them. You learned this about cinnabar Elisa on multiple occasions. You know how big his army is, right? And it's got birds it's got, you know, in birds, if

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you ever seen birds flock There are countless, literally countless, and you find a place in the Koran. He sees the flock of birds 1000s and number of different species is Malley law.

00:33:37 --> 00:33:39

I don't see how God knows the bird by name.

00:33:41 --> 00:33:46

How does he know this bird by name? And how does he know this one bird is missing.

00:33:48 --> 00:33:55

Do you understand how meticulous his leadership is? That he checked on this one bird that came late? One bird.

00:33:57 --> 00:33:58

I teach class.

00:34:00 --> 00:34:16

I have an IQ of 60 students for nine months i'd 60 students by the time you're done with three months, you know every one of them. You know where they sit? You know who's absent or not absent. But you know some of them. They the you only recognize them because they ask dumb questions.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:20

They ask questions from two days ago.

00:34:22 --> 00:34:59

So when you're expecting it about seven minutes into the classic question, and you don't get it and you say Hey, where's me not like you know, you only notice them after you will have an expectation but slim hands on. He saw his insight. His view of his flock has fallen. It's incredible. And so what we're learning here is that you're You and I are never too big for the little things. We're never too important for the little things. There's nothing no such thing is insignificant. There's no such thing as an insignificant test if it's important. padding on the neck of a horse and padding its leg is important enough to be put in the Koran as an IR Come on.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:32

That's a pretty big deal. That's a way that's that's a legit way of teaching that don't belittle the tasks that you do. You know, sometimes you're involved in work for the dean, like you're working for an Islamic organization, a Dharma organization and Islamic school. There are lots of people that help put this program together. For instance, I'm standing here on the stage with the mic behind me. But there are people that are running cameras, there are people running logistics, there are people checking emails that are people answering questions, there are people running security, they do all these people, and you guys don't see them. You guys just see the guy with the lights on them. But

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you know what, what they do is not any more or less insignificant than me. It's all one team. It's all one group of people. And to Allah, they're all on stage.

00:35:43 --> 00:36:07

Like to you I'm on stage, but to Allah, they're all on saying that actually to Allah, some of the people that are in the back babysitting children may be far more valuable than me. Because that's how Allah gives value. No task is insignificant. Oh, there, I'm just a volunteer. No, no, no, you're a volunteer. That's a big deal. You understand, there's a significance being given to these resources. Now let's move on.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:27

So these horses disappear. He Pat's them, and now we're learning that's only one item, at least what we learn now the days the day is over. And when the day is over, what you'll expect from any normal human being is they're going to be exhausted, they're going to be completely overwhelmed. I mean, imagine the amount of pressure this man has on him.

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And so I'll offer you the interpretation of the next I what I find most convincing, instead of going through all of the opinions, what occurred fatahna, Solomon, we thoroughly tested, Solomon, Solomon was tested on every front. And he said, Well, Elena, Allah could see he just had a

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literal translation we threw on his throne or his chair, we through a body that looks almost like it's lifeless.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:35

The interpretation I find most most convincing is literally that a lot as I went through Him on His throne, and he's so exhausted, that he can't even get on. He's so burnt out by the work that he has to do. Allah has given him an incredible amount of resources. And he's so enthusiastic about taking care of the smallest task, to the biggest task. And that's just humanly really difficult to pull off. That's just way too much responsibility for one person, to the point where he's just collapsing. He can't even stand up. He's just thrown on his chair. And as he's, you know, lies there. By the way, when you're that exhausted, and you're in a position of leadership, that's when

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you start complaining and go in a bad mood.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:40

I'm so tired. I don't have any good help.

00:37:41 --> 00:38:01

Nobody even helps with the horses. I've got this front over here. I've got a civil war going on over there. I've got this general who's got this problem, got this got that. And nobody's taking care of business. instead of complaining, what does he do? He got he like he's on this year. And then he repented. He came back to Allah, you know, this is the difference between decent people and indecent people.

00:38:03 --> 00:38:09

You have to understand this lesson before we go on. Because this is all working up to that door, that one door that I want to get to.

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What is the difference between decent people and in decent people, I'll tell you the example of decent students and in decent students, that's my favorite way to do this.

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A decent student and an indecent student both take the same test.

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They both fail.

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They both failed.

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The decent student comes up and says

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I should have done my homework. I should have been reviewing from a week, I had these questions. And I got lazy. And I didn't ask and I didn't seek the extra help. And I crammed and I tried to study two hours before the exam. And that's why I failed.

00:38:47 --> 00:38:51

The indecent student comes up and says, you know, this curriculum

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is very complicated.

00:38:57 --> 00:39:02

Also, the hours are very inconvenient. I mean, my father starts at 9am.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:07

You know, and you guys start at 8am, which is like the 100th time.

00:39:08 --> 00:39:09

You know,

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also where I'm sitting in the class is very inconvenient, because there's a really skinny guy on this side, a really fat guy on this side. And it's just awkward for me and

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you know, also and also and it's Texas, it's really hot and also, sometimes you just, you're really boring, and that's why I can't pay attention and also and also and also and also and also

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they both failed. One of them comes forward and says what

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was my fault? The other one comes forward and says what?

00:39:43 --> 00:39:53

It's the entire universe is fault. The only one not at fault is me. Everything else was wrong. You understand? I'll give you another example of decent and decent people to understand this.

00:39:54 --> 00:40:00

You did your very best. You did your very best. You put

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every ounce of effort in for example, putting a program together.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:21

Right? You made you, you did the advertising, you did the marketing, you did the logistics, you did the paperwork, you did this, you did the every every dot was you cross, every T was crossed, every, you know, I was dotted, every single detail was taken care of. And yet the program got canceled.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:23

It didn't work out.

00:40:25 --> 00:40:27

decent people, who do they blame?

00:40:28 --> 00:40:35

Even though they did everything right, you know who they're going to blame? themselves. I must not have done something right.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:39

They blame themselves in these people.

00:40:41 --> 00:40:42

Everybody else?

00:40:43 --> 00:40:55

This will Mr. Ali Salaam, exhausted. And if he's exhausted, he's thinking if I'm so exhausted, I won't be able to do other work. There's other and by the way, people like that. They don't end the day and say thank god, there's nothing more to do.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:01

People like that when they lie down in bed or sit back on their chair, what are they thinking about?

00:41:02 --> 00:41:24

The 80,000 other things that did not get done, isn't it. And now they don't have to have the he doesn't even have the energy to get up and get those things done. So at this point, he's feeling incapable and yet he realizes he acknowledges something about himself. It must be something wrong with me that Allah didn't give me the energy to be able to do this. So he starts repenting to Allah.

00:41:25 --> 00:41:32

And then he says to Allah, this is the Dharma. This is not that this session is about color of Bill fairly busy headmaster, forgive me.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:39

Forgive me for what? He did everything right. He exhausted himself in a less service.

00:41:40 --> 00:42:06

This is the attitude of someone who will serve as Dean inspired by the Prophet salallahu alaihe, salam, you and I, whatever we do, to help make the world a better place. Whatever contribution you make, it's not going to be perfect, because we're human beings. He's not asking forgiveness necessarily for sin. He's asking forgiveness that has good may not have been good enough. So big difference, guys. Big difference.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:20

You know, this is the same reason that you have Ibrahim alayhis salam, after passing all of his tests and building the Kaaba saying to Ballina except our Toba Toba for what building the Kaaba.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:34

That's a good thing. But maybe I didn't put the brick just right. Maybe I didn't do this, right. Maybe there was something missing. It's a law's house. After all, a lot of pressure. Maybe I wasn't perfect, except my job except our dog.

00:42:35 --> 00:42:43

We're going to do good things. And instead of patting ourselves on the back, we're going to do good things and say Allah, forgive the shortcomings, even in the good things that we did.

00:42:44 --> 00:42:49

I have to hold myself and you have to hold yourself, those of you that are still awake,

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right? might come up to me because you feel bad for me and come up and say, Oh, stop, that was really nice.

00:42:57 --> 00:43:24

And even if you say that was really nice, or you don't say it, whether everybody said that was really great, or Nobody said it, I have to ask Allah for forgiveness, because I know it could have been better. I have to know I could have held myself to a higher standard. This is what people have to push themselves to. They have to keep pushing themselves. They don't have to be perfect. They don't have to be the best. But they certainly have to be better. They have to keep pushing themselves to be better. Master, forgive me.

00:43:25 --> 00:44:06

Then he says, Well, hopefully volken and then give me the gift of a kingdom. La Jambo Haley, I had a member de Yala, give me the gift of a kingdom that is not becoming a doesn't fit anyone that comes after me. Yeah, by the way, work in Arabic has a couple of meanings. It means kingdom. It actually also means godlike capability. Yeah, like give me the capability that nobody after me will have Why? Because I have more resources. Right now I have more more at my disposal, I have more ability to do more good than anyone has ever had. I've got this incredible opportunity, I just don't have the energy, the capability to take care of all of this and put it to use what good is having, you know,

00:44:06 --> 00:44:46

this amazing machine, but you don't have the strength to operate it. You're aligning the strength and capability to operate this machinery. So give me the energy to make full use of the resources that you've given me, give me the power to do that. And he also recognizes because he is he's a ruler, and he is a politician too. Along with being a prophet, he realizes that when that much power is in the hands of a human being. When that much power comes into the hands of a human being, then power corrupts and absolute power corrupts. Absolutely. So you're like even though you are going to give me a lot of these resources, I am not hoping that these resources continue and you pass it down

00:44:46 --> 00:45:00

to somebody else, because in the wrong hands, those same resources will produce all kinds of corruption on the earth, the same machinery that's going to be used for good, those same horses that are going to be used to serve a good cause can also be used to spread evil

00:45:00 --> 00:45:01

On the earth true or no?

00:45:02 --> 00:45:25

So yeah, Allah I'm ready. I'm fully aware of the fact that power by itself is no good. Higher in one of its meanings, material good is no good hide only when it's going to come along with someone who will put it to good use. That's when it's good. Science by itself is no good. Science kills people. Science produces nuclear bombs, chemical weapons.

00:45:26 --> 00:45:56

But science in the right hands can produce cures, science in the right hands can produce agriculture that that generations haven't seen in certain lands. So he recognizes this and says, Yeah, Allah give me because he's a prophet. Give me something that has that's not going to be given after me. And he recognizes the corruption that's spreading in his land. He doesn't want anybody else to have this because he doesn't see anybody else capable of handling it. It's similar to zecharia salam who says, you know, what, in the heck to No idea.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:05

He I fear the ones who are going to take over after they're not qualified. They're just not going to be able to handle it. It's gonna go bad.

00:46:06 --> 00:46:12

So he says, Yeah, love fit me to this, then the other meaning of this that I want to emphasize and shout out and I'm near my clothes.

00:46:14 --> 00:46:15

And that is it Yala.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:30

I want a kingdom that is suited to my capabilities. Give me the resources that match my talents. Meaning jambalaya, Mohini, I had in mind body means basically customized my kingdom to me.

00:46:31 --> 00:46:41

What I'm capable of handling Yala, don't give me resources that are beyond my capability. Don't make other people feel bad that I had this stuff and I couldn't put it to work.

00:46:42 --> 00:47:08

I you need to give me things that I can actually handle. I asked her forgiveness that I'm not capable of more, but give me what is within my capacity within my capability lie on the helia human body. You're the one who keeps on giving gifts over and over and over again, this is an incredible draw in which you and I are learning to ask something from Allah, Allah, you and I will each of us would ask you Allah, you have given me certain talents, certain opportunity, you have given me certain capability.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:11

You have given me certain wealth.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:18

Now allow Give me the strength, the will the moral will the spiritual strength to put this stuff to good use

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in a way that is fitted perfectly for me, you know what that also tells you, the good that I'm going to do, I cannot compare with the good that you're going to do. What Allah gave you is not the same as what Allah gave me. And so the way you're going to put your goodness to work is not the way that I will put my goodness to work. And there is no comparison. It's not for anybody else. It's for you. leyenda helia hadn't been radical.

00:47:43 --> 00:47:44


00:47:46 --> 00:48:00

other than me, it's not for anybody else. I'm just asking for myself. We're learning in this law that we don't ask Allah for things that other people have. We ask Allah for things that are best for ourselves. Don't live a life of comparison.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:05

Don't live a life of comparison. Get a lot of give you what is right for you.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:17

Well, that's a tomato ma Ba ba ba ba kumala don't wish for things that Allah has given other people preferences over you. And sometimes it gives other people things that he doesn't give you.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:25

But you will have to ask a law firm within what he has given you. Give me something that I can put to work like nobody's business

00:48:26 --> 00:48:37

is so powerful. It's so so beautiful. In this incredible passage, we're learning to break something. You know, I don't like this attitude at all. I think it's poisonous.

00:48:38 --> 00:48:42

The poisonous thing is, I don't want dunia I just want them.

00:48:43 --> 00:49:03

Where did you get this idea? I don't want any I just want them. And what does that even mean? Well, I just want to do something for the camera. I just want to pray I don't is when he was doing Vicar. What was his Vicar? padding on horses and watching them race? That was a spiritual exercise for him, was it not?

00:49:04 --> 00:49:12

What are we learning? We're learning that engaging in this world and excelling in this world for the right reasons is the

00:49:13 --> 00:49:30

engaging in this world. One of the most inspirational places in the Quran that I can't get over is even the the idea of dating the idea of loans the longest ayah in the Quran, business transactions, business transactions, you don't get more materialistic than business transactions people.

00:49:31 --> 00:50:00

And yet the guy who knows how to write the loan contract for the actor Memorandum of law, he should write based on what Allah taught him. A lie didn't teach him he learned how to write business contracts from the people who taught him how to write business contracts. And he's not a Spiritual Education. It's an education and finance and accounting. And Allah calls it a law taught him the same verbiage that's used for the law teaching the Quran, Allah Allah Allah. He gave nobility to even someone who learned business transaction

00:50:01 --> 00:50:38

as something spiritual if it's done for the right reasons, we don't separate worldly life from spiritual life in this Islam. We don't we submit our worldly life to a higher goal. We excel in this worldly life for a higher goal. Your career should mean something more than just putting food on your table. Your out your educational aspirations, the young people that are sitting here, what is your life going to be worth? What do you want to do with your life? Oh, I like photography. Why do you like photography? What are you going to do with photography you get like photography, but have a vision have a purpose that is high.

00:50:40 --> 00:50:41

I kind of like it or

00:50:45 --> 00:50:52

not good enough. Give me something real. produce something, have a vision for something.

00:50:53 --> 00:51:03

Ask a lot of give you give you a capability to actualize your strength, your kit, you know your talents. And so having said this, I want to tell you what Allah did for him.

00:51:05 --> 00:51:07

He says for sahana lahori

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we subdued the wind for him.

00:51:12 --> 00:51:52

The gv Emery v that flows, whenever he commands, he tells the when to flow, it flows Aroha on softly and swiftly Hey, through a sub, whichever specific direction he wants it to go. Not only does he have an army, he also has a Navy. When the Navy when you have a Navy, you have these major ships, and back then they don't have engines. So how do they ship? How does the ship sail with the sails right. And if the wind is going in the wrong direction, it's much harder to sail, he can actually tell the wind 45 degrees due north. And it's going to go exactly where it wants him to go. And then he reaches a point where they want to fish.

00:51:53 --> 00:52:02

And the waters are turbulent and the waters are turbulent because of the wind. He can just tell the wind to what stop we're parking here and he can turn the middle of the ocean into a parking lot.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:39

And other ships stop calmly because the winds have stopped. And when he does this, unless has not only given power over the wind, what shall Thien devils, not Jin Hee you shall team meeting evil gins that otherwise would have been rebellious against him, he gave him power over shell theme that he could take them out in the middle of the ocean, and then make them die for him and collect pearls and whatever treasures from the bottom of the ocean. And of course, it's convenient for him to send them down there because the ships are parked up there that's already been captured in the wind. So but but not in Rojas will have lost Kula but not in

00:52:41 --> 00:53:00

all kinds of construction is being done because of these general resources. And they're diving deep and finding all kinds of treasures while are hurrying. And by the way, some gyms didn't want to cooperate. And the other ones bokhara Nina Bill philospher, they're chained up. So anybody who doesn't want to play ball with Islam gets locked up.

00:53:01 --> 00:53:37

He's got all kinds of resources. And then Allah describes at the end of it all has atangana This is our gift. This is our grant from none. Give it to whoever you want, use it freely. Don't be cheap with it. Now we're learning that when Allah gives you resources, you don't hold them back and say, No, we need to conserve it for the next 10 years. Follow him, give, give grant when you see opportunity to do good, invest in people invest in resources, invest in institutions, we keep thinking about saving, saving, saving. Allah says no, you need to think about spending spending spending, I'm giving you you spend,

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spend, oh, I'm sick, or you can hold back to if you want. If you see that there's something you spent in and you invested is not producing as much good as you thought, pull back and invest in something else. Put the resources in something else, but the manpower and something else. You decide what works and what doesn't work. And by the way, in this Allah is telling us that sometimes you will invest ourselves in something and it will be successful. Other times we will learn that it wasn't successful, and that's okay. You have to invest in something else, then you don't give up. Well, I tried before and I failed. So why give and then hold back sometimes behind a facade, but

00:54:16 --> 00:54:19

don't audit yourself. In other words, don't hold back and say oh no, I've done enough I think

00:54:21 --> 00:54:58

No, there's never enough you keep going. You keep going. And when we have this attitude, if a luck and submit the winds and the ocean and the shell team for Solomon Harrison, I am telling you Allah gives resources beyond your imagination. Resources are not a problem for a lot wealth, his net wealth and resources and capability physical capability will never be a problem for this oma, it will never ever be a problem for this oma. The only problem for this amount will be its willpower to do the right thing. That's the only problem that's going to be there. one half of one meaning of hate is the material good. The other meaning of hate is the goodwill and the good deeds. That's

00:54:58 --> 00:55:00

where the problem lies for this moment.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

Are our intention to do good,

00:55:02 --> 00:55:21

our will and our drive to do good when you have that you watch the wealth and the resources just come, it'll just come because you didn't want it, you wanted the good, that was just a stepping stone to get to the good. That's all it was. And when Allah sees that in you, he opens the doors of risk. We're in Allahu la zolfo.

00:55:23 --> 00:55:56

Oh, and he has a very beautiful place with us. You know, he has this beautiful By the way, if you look at Solomon Islands, and I'm only in the worldly sense, if you know nothing about his spiritual life, you know nothing about him being a prophet, and you just look at him, somebody walks by and season, he sees a magnificent King with gorgeous horses and an endless Navy. And like ridiculous looking, scary looking things. I think they're gender something, you know, birds, he sees a person who has the best of worldly life. Wouldn't you see that? And you know what we think sometimes we think if you have the best worldly life, you won't have the good.

00:55:58 --> 00:56:03

If you have good things in this life, probably chances are you won't get good things in Caracas for poor people.

00:56:04 --> 00:56:05

You know.

00:56:06 --> 00:56:12

And this concept is corrupted, oxidized for people who don't have dunya in their heart. It has nothing to do with what you have in your hand.

00:56:13 --> 00:56:22

There are some people who have no worldly gains in their hand. But world materialism is seeped inside their heart. Even if they're completely bankrupt, there are still people of dunya.

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And then there are people who are trillionaires billionaires. But they have no ounce of it where

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and their heart and their heart is just desire to do more good. That's all.

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That's all they care about.

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And those people are people of Arkansas, they can have the best of this life and the next, because they don't care for the rest of this life. That was just a means to an end. That's all it was for them. And so this is the grant of Allied he will have a host number up and much more beautiful a place to go back to after all of that allows origin ventures this, I leave you with the following this surah and the sequencing of it I talked to you about before. But the sequencing of profits also

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immediately followed after this is a ubani.

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evaluation is almost exactly the opposite of silly Mona Lisa y

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has no control over his family in not even over his physical body. Sometimes Allah will give you endless resources, other times a level of give you zero resources, he won't even give you the resources of your own body.

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Some people will be tested with a lot of material good. And other people will be tested with absolutely no material good. Nothing.

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And yet both of them, both of them look at the language of a large village. By the end when Allah describes it

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in an analysis, he also has great status with us.

00:57:46 --> 00:58:05

He also enjoys this high status, so Panama. So it's not that your measure with a lie is determined by how much he gave you in this world. Because you might get confused. If you only study the story of Solomon, you say, Well, if Allah really wanted me to do good, he would have given me a lot of good resources. And that's how I know Allah likes me, well know he loves a YouTube.

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So Allah gives tests, sometimes with good and sometimes with harm.

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You have to navigate both of those tests and prove yourself to Allah because through both of them, for both of them, these were just a means to an end, the difficulty is a means to something higher. And the ease is means to something higher. When the difficulty and the the ease when they become your end. That's when you lose sight of what this event is about Subhanallah I particularly moved by this door as I leave you guys, because I honestly think that we need we need an inspired young generation that is going to take this message of the Quran, and it's going to bring its light to every career, every career. Some of you are going to go into the medical profession. Some of you

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will be architects, some of you will be engineers. Some of you will be historians, political scientists, anthropologists, I don't know media, people, animation people, they're going to be all kinds of crazy people. But whatever you are, you're going to excel in it, you're going to have your Sofie notl g od, you're going to have your Ferrari horses ready to run in every one of those fields. And you're going to do them because you have a higher purpose. You want that career to mean something more than just money. You want it to be mean something much, much bigger. And you want to show the excellence of Islam and the fact that you can live a life of Vicar no matter what career

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you do, no matter what path you take, you will still live a life of the good and you will not forget allows origin and you will exhaust your resources until they depart into the sunset. And still you'll want to give more and more and more. And even if you do have a setback, it won't stop you from giving. You will make smart decisions. You'll learn from your mistakes and you'll keep on moving forward. This is what the human needs right now.

00:59:46 --> 00:59:59

This is what it needs. And this was the inspiration given to those who Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that you know whatever resources are at your disposal more or less. You work with them and you exhaust them to their maximum. You put them to work.

01:00:01 --> 01:00:40

Famous or locally for loans and loans are just one part. Now you can live alone Epson levels are simply translated Allah does not burden anyone except to their capacity. Allah does not burden anyone except to their capacity. Except the problem linguistically is that would have been if the Iowas lie you can live alone Epson in that BBC hive, the bat was there, I would have no problem translating. Allah does not burden a person except to their capacity by removing the bar. What Allah did is a kind of teleSUR, which means something drastically different and powerful. What it means then is Allah does not test or does not burden the person except with their own potential. Listen to

01:00:40 --> 01:00:47

what I'm saying, again, Allah does not burden a person except with their own What? potential Wait a second.

01:00:48 --> 01:00:54

That means I got an ad on a test. But I had the potential to get 100

01:00:56 --> 01:00:59

Allah will ask me why. How come you didn't go for the 100?

01:01:00 --> 01:01:24

Just because you had the you were good, it was good enough to get by mediocrity you were just getting by. And that was good enough. No, Allah will test you with your excellence with the maximum potential you have you and I will have to constantly ask ourselves, what more could I accomplish? What more could I accomplish? What more can I accomplish, and the only thing you're going to have to fear is your own and your your, your delusional fear that you're not capable.

01:01:25 --> 01:01:40

You are capable, you are capable and not burden you with capability. A lot burden you with amazing potential. And you're gonna keep pushing that potential over and over and over again, testing it, because until you test it, you don't know what your potential is. You just don't know.

01:01:41 --> 01:01:45

I push myself You have to push yourself you have to put milestones on yourself.

01:01:46 --> 01:01:51

My my next target is I want to know, Hebrew in a year.

01:01:52 --> 01:02:10

I want to know, I'm going to study it. Because I want to do some research into the Bible, the Hebrew Bible for myself. I mean, I could just go ask a rabbi, but I want to sit with the rabbi, show him the verse in the Hebrew Bible as a translators, because I got my own translation, what you got,

01:02:12 --> 01:02:12

you know,

01:02:13 --> 01:02:17

I don't know if I can do it. But I'm gonna push my potential

01:02:18 --> 01:02:46

set goals for yourself. And push yourself not luxuriously hard goals for yourself. You know, in your, in your spiritual life, memorizing Quran, in your prayer, in your, in your dietary habits, everything, you have to excel in everything, Muslims have to excel in everything. So the man in a salon could not be doing what he does, if he wasn't in great shape. If he was eating, like, you know, rice and like, oily food all day, he would not be taking care of battle horses.

01:02:49 --> 01:03:12

If he wasn't doing exercise and seeing fit, like, you don't do what he does, you don't know you don't do what the prophets do if they're not in great shape, physically, you know, spiritually, intellectually, we have to push ourselves on every front every front. That's part of what Alexa expects from us. That's what I want to see in this generation in Charlottetown. There's people that just other a few other human beings look at them and say, Wow, they're good at everything.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:51

These guys are just good at everything. I want to be like them. Mila zildjian inspire all of us to excel in everything that we do, based on his beautiful book allows them to continue to grow us in our love and admiration. And our understanding of this book, I'd like to thank all of you for your participation, I want to give a special round of applause to the organizers of this program that helped us I don't know if they want to be named, but I really want to thank them and offer them the kind of stress effort, sleepless nights that went into putting this program together from the team on our end in Vienna and here in Singapore is absolutely breathtaking. I am so humbled by their

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effort. And I'm so grateful to them, as all of us should be in trauma. That's the first thing I want to share with you.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:33

This the second quick thing that I want to share with you and trauma is just a recommendation for the rest of you Look, my I've cut down my travel quite a bit. I know it doesn't seem very convincing when I'm standing in Singapore, but I have cut down my travel pretty significantly. And the reason I've done that is because I believe that most of the work that I do, I need to just make these resources available to you. So when I travel, I'm able to do less work. When I don't travel, I'm actually able to do more work and most of my work, you have access to it online, right? And I'm trying to produce more and more clear on steady resources that can inshallah help you help non

01:04:33 --> 01:05:00

Muslims help families help children in sha Allah, along with my colleagues. And if you'd like to support that effort, I'd like you to participate in being a TV if you if you guys don't have a membership of via TV, get one but you get a membership. If you can't afford a membership. Just click on gift and get it for free. I don't care, but be part of it. Because every time somebody benefits from the good that we do a lot gives us more. He gives us more capability. He gives us more blessings and we're able

01:05:00 --> 01:05:17

to do more and I've seen it happen, I've seen it happen I want to get to a point where inshallah tada Bina Institute has Quranic Arabic programs for an education for young people, you know, in the Islamic education, history education being offered all over the Muslim world, or actually all over the planet, why not? We can take it over.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:53

No problem. And if people like you are going to support us, and you're going to be our ambassadors, look if you if you are honestly if you guys believe in our work, I believe in my work I do. On the one hand, I acknowledge that I have many mistakes, and you know, our team, they could always do better, but I believe in the work that we do, and I believe that if a larger vision was to take my soul tonight I have a case to make y'all I did something good. I did something good y'all let just give me like one person benefited over there somewhere. Just give me that one award and I'll be fine. inshallah, but you know, what, we have a potential all of you can be like part of that adult

01:05:53 --> 01:06:24

Analytica family. The one who points to something good is like the one who gets the reward of doing it. Right. When you spread the word about this resource about being a TV that not only are you benefiting, you're benefiting others and every every time they benefit, you're benefiting and as a result, we're benefiting and we're just inshallah tada spreading this beautiful beautiful book as it deserves to be spread. Hopefully we can do some justice to this book and some justice to this incredible, incredible, incredible Dean, thank you so much for your attendance. I'm so very grateful to all of you. You guys are gonna be my doors will open and some articles

In his reinterpretation of the unique duaa of Prophet Suleiman in Surat Saad, Nouman Ali Khan opens new vistas into our understanding of the value of our engagement in this world. At first glance, Suleiman’s duaa for a kingdom that is not befitting anyone after him seems materialistic, but in fact he is asking for the capability to do more good for the sake of Allah. As Muslims we must take a strong cue from this noble prophet. Excelling in this world for the right reasons is in itself, an act of worship. We do not separate worldly life from spiritual life in Islam, but we must shake off the delusional fear that we’re not capable, and submit this life (our career, education) to a higher goal. When our heart is in the right place, Allah will give us resources beyond the imagination.

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