Nouman Ali Khan – When We Fight Each Other

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is discussed, including the shift from preaching to praying and the importance of understanding the structure of the Quran. The importance of peace between believers is emphasized, along with the need for privacy and respect for prophets. The lack of proper education and language use can lead to negative comments on social media, and the potential consequences of lying to one's neighbors are discussed. The importance of finding the right words in conversations to make people feel the best is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al Hamdulillah he lives in Atlanta who want to start a new one it's tough. When he when he whenever the Billahi min truly unforeseen elements a year to Melina May, Allah, Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah, Allah Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah Allah. Allah Allah Allah when a shadow Mohammed Abdullah he Rasulullah sallallahu taala Buddha would even help you Hello Hola. Hola Dean equally working fabula he shahida for some Allahu alayhi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira on kathira I'm about in DC double la hadal Howdy, howdy Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in the short run Muddy Waters out to her in the desert in with our wakulla Allah Allah Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah azza wa jal who came by the Buddha to be let him initiate honor for Jim. We're in life attorney Minami Nakata lufa ously who Bina Houma in Baja embody the Homer Alan, cloud utility wi fi amarilla. For in fact at fastly who Bina whom I will oddly settle in La Jolla, sitting in a movie noona Horton fastly who may not awaken with the hula hula hula hormone. Probably shortly after he wears it silly Emily looked at me lasagna, Coco de la homotypic Narendra Modi de la ilaha illallah wa la jolla, Andromeda Latina, Amina Mohammed Oh, Saudi had what was COVID happy? What there was always something I mean, you know, but I mean,

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the subject that I've decided to talk to you about me take more than a single hookah and it belongs to an i O, or maybe even two of the Quran, these come from sulit gerat surah, number 49 of the Quran. And the is that I'm referring to our eyes number nine and 10. So sort of 49 is number nine, nine number 10.

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To give you a little bit of, you know, introductory commentary on what sort of gerat is, many of you do know and you know quite a few of you may not know what that song is about. It was given to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, at a time when the Treaty of Westphalia was already signed. So there were no more wars between the Muslims that were allowed to living in Medina, and the people of Makkah. And because there were no more treaties, or no more wars happening, in that time of peace.

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All the neighboring tribes were actually pretty impressed with Muslims and how much progress they had made. And word of a prophet. That is that has claimed victory even over the operation on multiple occasions spread. So the credibility of Islam spread even without the prophets. I said, I'm personally preaching Islam, because of the way Medina was carrying itself and the way the engagements had gone on with college. As a result of that, lots and lots of tribes foreign near, started bringing their representatives, the will food, basically their emissaries, the old word is emissaries, basic, you know, the way tribes worked back then. And even actually, many parts of the

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world now is the tribe leader, and the elders come, or representatives come, and they speak on behalf of everybody in the tribe. But you know, when we think in modern democracy, a vote is every individual has a vote. But in tribal life, every tribe has a vote. So when the leader of the tribe says, we're voting this way, everybody's voting that way, if the leader of the tribe converts to Islam, the whole tribe is going to convert to Islam. That's how tribal life is. They make collective decisions, they hand them into the, you know, the the pastors decisions over to the elders, or the tribal leaders. And when they make a decision, it applies to everybody you understand. And this also

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kind of gives you an idea of why it was so offensive for those tribes for the tribe of Quraysh. To take in that the prophets I sent him when he preached Islam was walking away from the religion of the tribe, because the tribe does everything together. So it's an ultimate act of disloyalty and disregard that you are following a different religion but we're not talking about that we're talking about the fact that these tribes came to want to talk to the prophets I said I'm and accept Islam. And once they accepted Islam, that would mean that entire tribe, by extension has accepted Islam, everybody would be told about Islam, and they would just enter into Islam. So this is a different

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wave of conversion to Islam, then people that were preached to people that were given the message of the Quran, people that were thought about it and went back and forth and then arrived at that conclusion, or had some miraculous experiences with the Prophet slicin um, and therefore came to Islam. This is not that this is a different wave of Islam, in the life of the Prophet. And in that time, near the conquest of Makkah, but not after before the conquest of Mecca, is when this was given to the prophets only Salaam and to the Muslims, because now the thing is, now, they were, you know, different kinds of Muslims and oversimplification of it will be there were true believers.

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There were people that have made all kinds of sacrifices for the profits, I send them for a law and they were willing to give everything up like their home, their livelihood, their well being, in some cases, their lives.

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They give all of that up because of their love of a lion, his messengers will alert them. Those are the moon isavuconazole beehoon. Sure, there are those that were

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hypocrites. They claimed to be with the Muslims, but their allegiances lie elsewhere, or they weren't quite sure about how much commitment they want to make, it was a daily negotiation for them, right. So what they said from their mouths, was not actually what they meant in their hearts. And this was a disease that has different degrees. So some people were extremely hypocritical. Some people had traces of hypocrisy in them. But nonetheless, that was another category of Muslims. And then another now a new category of Muslims is emerging. And this new category of Muslims is the majority of Muslims, because these tribes that are coming in and accepting Islam, each one of them

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is huge, right? So when a whole bunch of people accept Islam, they don't know anything about the religion, they don't know the details yet. I'm not just talking about they don't know how to pray, or they don't know a lot about Torah. They don't think like the Muslims do yet. They don't have the manners of the Muslims yet. They don't have the, you know, the way to talk to the Prophet slice on them or the way that family's supposed to be or the way they're supposed to think about the sky and the earth, the way they think about life and death, that thought process for them has not been transformed, because it's a tribal decision to become Muslim, right? So it wasn't really a personal

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decision, or a personal quest, that sort of thing. It was kind of Islam was handed to them. Right. And so in this context, what Allah decided to do is address all three groups, the the true believers that have been there from the beginning, the hypocrites, and also because they're, at least they were the disguise of Islam, right? So and we don't know who the hypocrite is. And sometimes somebody might even be a hypocrite and not know it themselves, that's possible to home later, Sharon. And then there's these new Muslims who don't know any, they just Muslim. They just accepted Islam. And so all of them have to be given instruction now, and they're not the same audience. So a lie reveal

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the surah. And it's very different from almost every other surah in the Quran is different. Because the audience of it is so different. Right? So it's a really cool study. So it's a lot it's a really interesting study in the Quran, on its own merit, especially when you understand that background actually, in my work on the Quran, so far I did spend in one of the schools that I did talk about in depth is sort of a lot. It's, it's the full description of its context, and a deep study of all of its eye out and stuff like that. I've done that in the past. But I thought that they know that series, which is hours and hours long, it's I mean, this sutra is only it's only 18. I odd. But I

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think that see that that lecture series would be maybe 10 hours or 12 hours or something like that. So 12 hours on at night, but obviously not everybody has time to go through that. But the lessons in it are so powerful and so relevant to you and me than I thought at least some of them should be pulled out in the format of a Hooda within you know, within the span of a half hour that I can share some of those things and remind myself of them and remind all of you have them also trauma. So the the thing that I want to talk to you about today, I said is number nine and 10, right, which is kind of almost past the middle of the surah. Here's what the is mean. And I'll give you a rough

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translation for now. We're in a tiny middle movement in Othello firstly hooba Houma and if two groups of believers, two groups from within the believing community fight each other, are ready to even kill one another. Firstly, arena homeland and make peace between them make reconciliation and reform between them for embodying the Houma Ohara and if one of them still rebels against the other crosses the line against the other, so called Lula De De De De la amarilla. Then fight the one that crossed the line for fight the one that became rebellious until it returns back to ls command, fighting fight and if they do come back, fall asleep kobina homerville Adam, then make peace between

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them again, with justice what accede to in this time, make sure that you're fair. In the law, you have almost 18 certainly Allah loves those who are fair, and make sure that justice is served. Then he says, in normal mode, we do not equal believers are nothing but brothers fastly hobin are awakened. So reconcile between your brother in

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law and be mindful of Allah, Allah Allah come to her moon so you can be shown loving, loving care from Allah. So that is number nine and 10 and there's lots to talk about an EIN number nine and 10. But in the first of these first what I want to do is I want to share with you one aspect of understanding the Quran that'll help us gain insight into number nine and 10. And that is the way that the Quran is organized and the way that Allah speaks is also miraculous. And it's also purposeful. So, if this is number nine, well the first eight IR to lead up to this, you understand this design number one, right number two or this is not the first thing that was said or the third

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third thing that is what are the four

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thing that was said, this is the ninth thing that said in this speech of Allah. And one way of thinking about speech is that it builds up, right? There's a way even when you're in school, you have like the introduction, the body and the conclusion in your essay, right? And so you go progressively to make a point. So there are some things that you and I needed to hear before we heard this. Right. One way of thinking about an iron doctrine is, what did Allah want me to know, before? Before I got to this, obviously, those of you that are following me on social media and know that I'm teaching sort of yussuf right now, you can start with iron number 83. You got to know what

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happened before, right? What did Allah want us to know, before we get here? And that's easy to understand in the context of a story. But actually, even in the context of a surah. You should think of a pseudo like that to what did Allah want me to know, before I got to this lesson over here, and this is how you get it. So the idea has value on its own Sure, when to believing two groups among believers fight each other and make peace between them and all of that that's all true and relevant, isn't it? But there's a build up to it. And let's first understand that build up, like what was said before, at least in summary, that leads up to this so we have a better insight into what thought

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process should already be in place. So we can deal with this instruction. The point that the point before I get into those IOD briefly, is that just because you're told to do something, doesn't mean that you're going to be able to do it.

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Or you're gonna have the will to do it, or you meet the right requirements to do it. Is it possible that somebody was given a task, and they're just not able to pull it off? Or they tried to pull it off? They tried to do it, but they messed up? Isn't that does not happen. So I'm going to sit here when two believing brothers groups of believers fight make peace between them all we tried, it didn't work.

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Is that possible? We tried to do what the ayah says it didn't work. Well, why didn't it work? Maybe there's some prerequisites, before we get to this instruction, that if we follow them or understood them, then we would have realized that making peace between brothers and delivering justice, all of that there are some other prerequisites that need to be in place. And once those are in place, then maybe we can implement this commandment of Allah right. So let's do that a little bit. Now you Hello Xena Amanullah Taka de manera de la hora de, what's up hula? hula has me on it. Those of you who believe don't put yourselves in front of a lion, His Messenger and be mindful of Allah lies all

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hearing all knowing first thing you need to know. Because we could talk about each eye on their own. But we're talking about it in context of building up to number nine, right, that's how I'm presenting this to you. So the first thing you need to know as a prerequisite. Think of it that way, is that when you and I have a disagreement with each other, then my feelings and your feelings matter as number two,

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you know, somebody comes to court, they want to defend themselves. And somebody else comes to court, they want to defend themselves, or somebody suing somebody else, or somebody making a case against somebody else, or there's a family get together. And one side is having an argument with the other. Everybody wants to present their side, or you have to pick a side, first thing you're told is, no matter what side you pick, you need to understand that the side that you can never walk away from is the sight of a lion, His Messenger sallallahu sallam. So if you find that your position, the things you're seeing are crossing of bounds that Allah set,

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then you got to let go. If you were going to use something in an argument that crosses the bounds of a line is messenger to win your case, you got to let go of that argument.

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If you realize that something's your side did goes against the lion, His Messenger, then you got to say that that's not what I stand by.

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So first of all, don't put yourselves your loyalties, your own interests, your selfishness, your agenda, your feelings, don't put them in front of a lion is messenger,

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that you need to understand that first. Before this is a fight about you and me and whoever else. Before this is an argument between anyone else you need to know that you are a slave of Allah. And your first objective is to stay within the bounds of Allah.

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Allah has set for you the bounds of the Prophet size and set for you the manners that he taught you in me, the teachings that he taught you the things that he prohibited, we're going to stay away from the things that he commanded we're going to stick to

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even in the course of this argument, and we will remember that there are slaves and we're slaves. Don't cross that line. That's number one. Yeah, you heard the nama ruleta federal swatter come focus Athena be, Don't raise your voice was above the prophets voice.

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Well attach Allah will call and don't call him casually with your loud voices, Kajaki regarding the way you call each other. And talk about our moto moto moto scharoun that your good deeds will be seized and you won't even know

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This is about respecting the prophets, I send them but in the context of what I'm trying to get at, what could we learn from this ayah. We learn from this ayah that sometimes, in the course of an argument, like, let's just say, it's not two groups of believers that are killing each other, let's say it's a husband and wife fighting each other.

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Let's say it's siblings fighting each other. Let's say your parents fighting each other. Let's say it's a parent and child fighting each other. And when you're in the middle of a fight, one person throws a Hadeeth in the other one's face. You know, the prophet SAW someone said something about people like you, you know, that had you know what you remind me of? You remind me of that story of that guy who went to *? You know that these? Let me look, let me Google it. Let me read it to you, because I think you need to hear it right now.

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So what could one person do, they could use something that the prophet SAW him said, and use it as you guys seen a ping pong paddle light, you turn it into what the what the Hadeeth is being put on a sticker on the ping pong paddle and then slap somebody in the face with it. That's what they're using it for. It's a weapon. Now, the Hadith of the Prophet size of them is a weapon in an argument now. So it's a I would argue that's abuse of sacred words. That's an abuse of the religion. You don't use prophetic teachings, or sacred teachings of Allah to win arguments. We've talked about that before. But what if you were on the receiving end of that somebody was using their religion to

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shame you to argue against you? Or to say something just obscene about you using the prophets words? The fact that they use the profits words placed on them, you could the shutdown will come to you and say, Oh, yeah, you gotta Honey, I'm gonna see I'm gonna look up three more of these for you.

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And then you start quoting back at them. You know what you're doing? Your arguments are louder than the actual voice of the profits lies on.

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You raise yourselves above the prophets voice. And if you heard the prophets words, and you said, Oh, yeah. Well, the prophet relationship isn't physically with us now. But his words are right. And when you know, those are his words, and you're gonna argue back and act like they are just some argument. Yes, the person may be misusing it. It's true. They're misusing it but who they quoted and who they cited. You have so much love man more than even love you have so much respect for you have so much regard for that this conversation is over. I won't say anything now that the prophets name is brought up.

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I have too much love and respect for my nebia Auntie Sato Salaam to continue this argument. I can't

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whatever you want to when you when it's okay. A lot of rosewater can focus on the B will not the Cerullo will and don't you call on Him casually? Oh, yeah. Well, if the profit was here, he would have

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he would have told you don't drag don't talk about the profits. I don't like you talking about someone else. You don't get to do that. And if you do do that, doesn't matter what argument you win you. You are the ultimate loser. And may Allah protect you and me from being the ultimate losers. What makes an ultimate loser and Tabitha Amal Kumar, and Tom Latta Sharon, all of your good deeds that you've ever done have now been multiplied by zero and you won't even realize it because of that one deed because of you not showing enough respect to the profit slice on what? That's not me saying it. That's a loss. Hang it.

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So be careful. You can feel a man I told him I've heard him good. And highlights and everything.

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Yeah, you want an argument? But you lost you lost in front of Allah. You lost all the goods you ever earned in your life.

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And you think you got a victory out of this? That's not a victory. won some lottery stolen emelina yo buena Swan de la silla, like a lithium ion Allahu Lubanga taqwa de homophone. Well, I do now the people who are able to lower and humble their voices before the prophets

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are who are the people, the kind of people whose hearts Allah himself has tested for taqwa?

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And they have forgiveness and they have great reward. What an amazing AI. How do you know if you have done or not?

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Like, how do you know is one of the places one of those places in the Quran where Allah says I can give you the litmus test? What's the litmus test? When you are facing something being attributed to the prophets? I saw them that you didn't want to hear

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that you could have answered back because you're really good at back answers. You're really good at comebacks. But you humble yourself, not to the person arguing with you, but you humble yourself. Just over the mention of the prophets. I saw them and you held yourself your tongue back, your eyes back, your facial expressions got humbled, because the prophets I sent on was talked about people that can show that kind of regard for their navionics AutoSum. These are people whose hearts Allah has himself tested and proven that they have Taqwa.

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They have a lot of consciousness.

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So next time you have yourself a question, Do I Do I have the or not? When we do a recollection of when something concerning the Prophet selection came up in your argument, and what's your response to that was or whether or not you you abused, I have used the words of the prophets I send them for our own personal and selfish reasons. Just to put somebody down.

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You can live in Santa Ana localu banda de Palma. Felton was around the millimeters from those people when I went home suburu Well, you know, do not come in with a napkin people who cannot what happened is these new Muslims, right I told you about those new Muslims and these people that had just accepted Islam. They don't know these manners. They don't know what a big deal the prophets lysozyme is. They don't know that the angel gibreel is bringing the Quran to him and what the what the grantor of the Quran is they haven't heard the sutras that have been revealed most of the Quran is already been revealed they haven't been exposed to any of this. They don't know the the help of the

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angels that descended they haven't seen the boulder been crushed in the Battle of azab. They haven't been with the prophet SAW them when he was starving in a cave. They haven't seen they don't know any of that stuff. They just became Muslim. So you're like you're like the profit right? Where's it? Where's this? didn't even say the province. And where's Muhammad live again?

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He's the Prophet right? And well Muslim you like what Salalah alayhi wa sallam, but they don't have that orientation yet.

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There's this new Muslim because of the tribe. And they haven't had basic Islamic orientation. They're basically not even at Islam one on one. So who's the who's the Prophet again? Yeah, we came here to accept that religion.

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And so his quarters because he didn't live in a mansion, right? The the the human being a lesson to be the king of guidance on this earth. Right, the deliverer of guidance on this earth lived in a in a in huts.

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Right. And we described his room as something that when he would lay on, he couldn't spread his legs all the way. The one on the wall would touch the other. And there's just you know, straw hat type, you know, a straw leaf type covering on the roof, that would leak in the rain, and mud walls, very mud, thin walls, and they come right outside his house. And so yeah, Mohammed, Elena, Mohammed come out, we want to talk to you because they were waiting for the prophets. I saw them. And he had certain hours that he would spend with each of the mothers of the believers. So he was resting, and it was his family time. And they they're like, we've been waiting, like 40 minutes. He's not here.

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So they want to call him so they come out. It's not soundproof doors, right? soundproof, this is just a hut. So they come outside of the prophets house place and I'm in this area, Mohammed, Mohammed come out, we want to talk to you.

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And Allah says, Don't call him like that those who call him like that. External, whom they are, you know, most of them don't even understand. What are the previous I already say? You call him like you call other people what will happen? All your good deeds will be taken away. And now these people don't know. We didn't know. So law says no, most of them don't understand. Well, in the home sobre la, la Cana highlanda. Home, had they been patient until he came out to meet with them, it would have been better for them. Will law for him and the less forgiving, all knowing what is Allah teaching us here? Sometimes people will cross a line. That's the kind of line Imagine if the long

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run who was there hearing someone say Yamamoto Jelena, they would have had a really big sore eye?

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Right? Nobody gets away talking to the prophet like that. And one of the you know, the older Sahaba around you understand, because they know what it means to show respect to the sort of Allah sallallahu sallam.

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But Allah says these people who crossed that line they if they were patient, it would have been better and less forgiving. Why is the love forgiving? Because they didn't know yet. What's the law teaching us sometimes there are Muslims who do some pretty

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pretty display some pretty bad manners, but some pretty terrible manners. But they did that because what they didn't know.

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They didn't know. And here you have the case of how dare you disrespect the prophet like that?

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Well, because I didn't know sorry. That's not good enough. We're gonna need your head. No, you're not gonna need Allah says forgive. This is okay. Why? Because they didn't know. In other words, sometimes conflicts can arise because people have disobeyed Allah. But the reason they disobeyed Allah or disregarded His Messenger seisen is because they didn't have the proper orientation.

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They did no better.

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Maybe Maybe we instead of blaming them for being disobedient to Atlantis messenger. We need to look back and say Did they get the proper education? Did we provide them every opportunity to learn their religion before we think that they're being disrespectful to their religion? Look, how does this apply to contemporary reality? So many places in the Muslim world forget the non Muslim world in the Muslim world, Islamic education, the basic education about who the Prophet

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Here's what the Quran actually says, is so pathetic. And it's so it's so disturbingly bad that you can be raised in a Muslim country, go to Muslim School, where Islam is an official part of the curriculum, and you can turn 18 years old, and you would have no reason why you should be loving your profit.

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And you have no idea what suitable gelato is. And you have no clue why you're Muslim, except that your parents are Muslim. This is a reality of many places in the Muslim world today. And when those young people turn to social media, and start saying all kinds of ridiculous things about the Quran, about the prophets, I send them they turn they start making all kinds of claims about, you know, their doubts in the religion and all of this stuff. We declare a cover on it Well, did you provide them the right kind of orientation before you saw ignorance come out of their mouth?

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Right, because these people they accepted tribe, they accepted Islam by tribe, right? Well, what do you find in the oma today, you have a lot of people that are Muslim because their family's Muslim. So they're Muslim by tribe, too. They don't know any better. We're not at war with people that don't know any better. We're not gonna fight people, they don't know any better, even though they've committed an offense. This is the kind of offense that would be very seriously punishable. It would be the Prophet say Salaam is the command, the commander in chief, forget the fact that he's even a prophet for a moment in ancient societies, when the king or the governor or the general of the

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military was spoken to inappropriately what happens to them?

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What happens today in a courtroom, if you speak to a judge and appropriately?

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What happens to them? Is it not an offense in many countries in the world, you know, insulting an officer, when someone has some, even some low level of authority, you have to show a certain kind of respect to them, yes or no. And here we're talking about the highest commanding respect a human being can have being the final messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And yet, when he was insulted in this way, talked about in this way, even then Allah said, well, that happened because they didn't know any better.

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Is this important to know, before we talk about Muslims fighting each other? Yeah, I think so. Because sometimes a lot of fights or a lot of conflicts exists, because one group just doesn't know any better. They weren't given the right kind of education. They weren't informed before they formulated this opinion.

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And we don't address the root cause, which is a lack of proper education, a lack of proper nourishment and enrichment. And then we complain, why are there these sicknesses arising when you don't feed good food, then you don't get to complain? Why does the person have diabetes or heart disease, because you didn't give them good food. That's what you're gonna get. Those two things are connected to each other. Anyhow. Wrapping up,

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you Hello, Dina Armando and Jacqueline fasciae Covina in Fifth Avenue, and to Cebu, Colombia Johanna to speak to me.

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Believers when a corrupt person or a corrupt source comes to you with any news and verify it. Because if you don't, it might happen, that you will strike a group of people ignorantly.

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And you will be ashamed of what you did later on.

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Don't take news from unverifiable sources. Also passive means first fisc actually means when a fruit goes bad, and the inside of it starts coming out. So you can see that it's bad. Yeah. So if you know that a certain person has already been lying before, especially then if you know that a certain person has already demonstrated some kind of corruption before.

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And that kind of a person is now making comments about somebody else. or giving you some kind of news. Or you've already noticed that this person has seems to have an agitation towards person XYZ, and then they bring you some news that is against the same person XYZ, you should take it with a grain of salt and say, No, I don't think I'm gonna verify it.

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I need to verify clearly explicitly that this claim is true. Well, you don't believe me know, unless had I'm not supposed to not nothing personal. It's the Quran, you know.

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Because I'm not going to, I don't care about your feelings when it comes to those words.

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Because I'd rather not offend. I'd rather offend you than offend Allah. Allah says, when a news or a news source that is known to have some kind of corruption comes to you with you know, with some kind of news, then verify it, because if you don't, you might strike a group of people, or you might strike some some folks with ignorance.

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And you'll be ashamed of what you did now could be you're ashamed of what you did in this life, and it could also be you're gonna be ashamed of what you did it on Judgement Day.

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Right, we want to avoid both.

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Why isn't it amazing that when you strike someone, you can strike someone with an arrow, you can strike somebody with a sword or a gun, you can strike somebody with a bomb.

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You can also like, like what happens in wars, and you can also strike somebody with your tongue.

00:30:17 --> 00:30:23

You can also strike somebody with the way you look at them, they use the punakha bsrem, you can make somebody fall with your the way you look at them.

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This is what the Quran describes. Because when you hear corrupt news, you can develop a false perception of someone.

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You can develop false opinions of someone,

00:30:36 --> 00:31:05

and to be whom I fall to the mean. Then he says, finally, this is by this was, by the way, I number six, and I wanted to read seven and eight to you. And in the next book by inshallah, we'll actually talk about nine and 10. Yeah, so let's read a little bit of seven in it and conclude this one. But what if you come at us with Allah, and you have better know that in your company is alleged messenger, and fecal rasulillah, though you are configured here in Middle America, and we're here to follow you in most decisions, you will all come under harm.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:22

You should know that among you as a lost profit, if you were if he were to go with the majority opinion, all of you would be harmed. What is it like telling us that sometimes when we have a conflict situation, the prophets wisdom has a solution.

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And it is also telling us that that solution is almost never popular.

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The majority wants to go a different way. And in fact, the majority wants to interpret the prophets words in a way that suits the majority his own opinion.

00:31:39 --> 00:31:45

When he was alive, some of them a layman mentioned the tendency that you're trying to get him to go your way.

00:31:46 --> 00:32:01

No, you to configure him in 11, if he were to follow you in most decision making, yes, Hola. I know what you just said. But think consider this, this, this, we really want you to do this, this this, right? So influence him to take the decision the way you want.

00:32:02 --> 00:32:11

The thing is, the profitsystem is not with us anymore. So what can we do? We can actually try to read into his words, not what they actually say, but what we want them to say.

00:32:12 --> 00:32:37

Right so we can influence him anymore. Or we can influence people and how they think about what he said to molded to our liking better. let's interpret the words of the Prophet slicin them in ways that suit us not for what they are, but for what may be a more of a you know, what would appeal to our feelings more. So what happens again, you put your feelings in front of a line is messenger. Isn't that what that is?

00:32:38 --> 00:32:43

So this this idea of misinterpretation is also addressed deliberate misinterpretation.

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So he says, if he were to follow you, in most decisions, all of you would be harmed when I came to LA Ababa in a coma man but Allah however, made this the face itself something beautiful to you, was a or made you some made something made it beloved to you, like you love holding on to your faith. You know what that means? That means if you have a tendency to interpret the prophets, clear words, in creative ways to suit your agenda, then you don't have a love of this faith.

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And the proof that you have love of this faith is that you are loyal to what's being said without the need to bend it to something else.

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we're lacking the La Habra, la Colima was enough to become he made that face beautiful in your hearts in other words was beautiful in your heart is not what your what your feelings want to do was beautiful in your heart is your loyalty to the province awesome. That's the most beautiful path for you. So you know who to become well Kara Haley cuckoo for our for our is young. And he made disbelief and corruption and disobedience, something disgusting in your hearts. So you don't get to say I love Allah. I love the profit slice. I'm so much I listen to so many machines. And I cry when I hear about his story. And man, it's so beautiful. And I love a muscle. I make so much law every

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day. But I obey. I just obey Him every day, though, because they understand because I love them so much aligned as a messenger. So I love them, but I openly disobeyed them. And I'm adamant about my disobedience to them. But you know, I love that Allah says no, because I made faith and your love your faith beautiful to you and your faith beloved to you. I also made disbelief, corruption and disobedience, something disgusting in your hearts. But you hate disobeying a law. You hate disobeying His Messenger. You don't just say I love Allah and His Messenger, but I also love disobeying them What can I do? And even if you don't say your actions say that, right? He says

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that's not possible because Allah Himself put that hatred. And if that's not the case, then that means there's something missing in the heart isn't there, then faith isn't as beautiful as you think it is.

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Then the mind isn't what you think it is.

00:34:58 --> 00:34:59

What you are what you find

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Beautiful. What you are drawn to and you want to where you're compelled to do is what is beautiful inside your heart.

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So we should we should find beauty in Allah's obedience. We should find ugliness and missing the prayer. You should feel hardship feel ugliness, I missed a prayer. How did I oversleep? You know? You should find beauty in choosing the heroine and you should find ugliness in the harem, not drawn to the heroine, not tempted by the hero, but ugliness. Allah doesn't like that so I can't like it.

00:35:36 --> 00:36:14

and have it what is Hello for me is what I like, I will I will mold my heart and I can't control my heart. But when you have faith, then Allah molds your heart in the right direction. When you show him the will. He strengthens your heart and crafts that to his liking. What Quranic macabre, when for suka when I see when I go home rashidun fidella mean Allah when Allah wa even Hakeem, that is a favor and favor from Allah. And it's a blessing from Allah. And Allah knows everything and is wise in every way is all wise. These are the IOD before the eyes of Muslims fighting.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:37

These are the thoughts about what happens inside of our hearts, aren't they? These are about the ethics of a Muslim. And when we have that inside deep love of the Prophet slicin them deep loyalty, those who love tourists will say Salaam and when that deep love is there. Then when we're dealing with Muslims fighting each other, it's a different kind of dealing.

00:36:38 --> 00:37:21

Then it's a different kind of fight and a different kind of dealing and shallow data and we'll talk about these two ions and what we can learn from them. barakallahu li walakum for Anakin when I finally what year, it was like you said I'm 111 worker that was salatu salam O Allah anybody livina stuff applesauce and Allah Mohammad Nabi Muhammad meanwhile early he also have a huge brain a lot more as origin that we can get him but an akula let him in a gym in Oklahoma. You gotta hurry saloon Allenby Yeah, evil Athena Amano. Salalah he was leaving to Lima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed k masala Tata Haemophilia elemi in Academy de Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Allah and

00:37:21 --> 00:37:39

Muhammad Ali Ibrahim, whether le Rahim Allah Hi, lemon hamidah Majeed about a la la de la Ilaha mobile and he will send you data about when and if I showed you a one cut one article like about all your little metal snare on solar in the solar tech and mini Nikita makuta

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