Nouman Ali Khan – The Exact Same Deed; Sometimes Good, Sometimes Evil

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The Prophet Muhammad sallahu Alayhi wa sallam is a political figure and should be led by local leaders. The negative impact of recent events, such as the loss of thousands of people and the devaluation of the population, on politics and national security is also discussed. The importance of permission in Islam is emphasized, and practicing wisdom and avoiding generalizations is emphasized. The rise of the " Islamist movement" in modern times is highlighted, and the need for diverse perspectives in evaluating situations and providing advice on how to handle them is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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Hamdulillahi holofil Buju liminal Adam wotja I didn't know the mean of Gollum are mostly just subliminal from all crypto, but he had another financial guru who added masa EBk Manish Gupta who I didn't

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want to suddenly fully healed occur on the show affiliation we will neural will Kitab will come will come out in the beginning I will heighten so you do one or the other. Unless you Bashara be here is something nobody was 30 He brought him or Alayhis Salam Hina currently offer a debate Allah Hill Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he hailed Omen, a Latina BarakAllahu beam catheter nurse a lot of women whom will Zhang and hamdulillah Allahu Alem. Yet Allah then with me Aquila, who shall consider milk while I'm your color? What do you mean a truly what can people with Akira? When hamdulillah Hilary Angela and Aberdeen indicator but when on the agenda who will hamdulillah Latina

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who want to start you know who want to start a funeral? Why don't we know we want to talk about why he went Ruby let him surely and fusina woman say Molina when yeah the Hello fella mobila woman up lil fella had the era when a shadow Allah ilaha illallah wa who la sharika wanna to show you under Mohammed Abdullah he was solo of Salah hula Jota ilevel who the demon the yoga hero who either did equally he waka Fabula he Shahida for some Allahu Allah He was seldom at the Sleeman Kathira and cathedra and my bad stuff and Hadith he Kitab Allah, what have you, have you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were in Nashua and moody.

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Were in Nakula Maharajah setting with

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Bakula Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah azza wa jal Kitab al Karim Allah bIllahi min ash shaytaan of regime in Malmo new Villa He will surely he will either karuma who Anna Emery in German and let me add who had tested in Alladhina esta if you don't wanna you can let me know and I believe you are solely for the locally publisher any him further limit sheet I mean whom was still fella whom Allah in Allah ha ha foot over him from behind his salary. Yesterday everyone looked at me Listen He called me nearby the mean. In today's football inshallah I would like to do a short comparison between two ayat of the Quran one belonging to Surah to noon, and the other belonging to Surah to toe but these are all

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about Suraj that were revealed to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when he was in Medina, and just a little bit of background will help us understand this comparison and some lessons we can take with us for our lives. The first thing I think I'd like to remind myself of all of you have is the prophets of Allah, where it was salam was playing many different roles when he was in Medina. So he's, of course the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam, that's his primary role. But additionally, he's also now the counselor for an entire community. He's also their advisor, people that have a family issue or a dispute among themselves. In Medina, they all come running to the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. When there's a there's a judgment issue, there's a financial dispute of some kind, there's a loan that has not been paid off or something like that. They're also coming to the Prophet of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam because he's essentially become the governor of Medina. But at the same time, he added insult to a Salam is also serving as the general the commanding general of the Muslim mentalistic military. And that's also a very different role. The military role is very different from a civilian role. So he's, of course, a husband and he's not to salaam, he's, he's a father. He's a friend. He's also a community leader. He's also a judge. He's

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also a counselor. He's also the religious leader, the Prophet of Allah. He's also adding sotto salaam, all of these roles, and he's also the commanding military general of the Muslim military. So he's playing, he's wearing many hats at the same time. And he has to perform all of those roles at the same time. And then on top of all of that, there are complications because Medina is a complicated place. Macau was simple movement and caffeine was two groups that said, it's that simple. When you get to Medina, you've got people that are believing in him that have come along with him, the more * rune, there are people that Alladhina Tabo Dharawal. Iman, the ones who

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opened up their homes and their faith, and welcome the comers, the migrants, the unsolved, and then there are those who see this as a problem like, Who is this foreigner coming to our city and now he's the governor of our city. I mean, if we were going to have leadership, it should be local leadership. We don't want some foreigner running us and you know, the Arabs back in the day, they're very tribal people. So if they want leadership, they want a leader from inside their own tribe. It should be from also hundreds or something. Why is he coming from the outside and he gets to be the leader? And on top of that, not only is he the leader, the closest people to him? Are the Mahajan

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old they're also from Makkah, they're not from Medina, because the unsoldered new Muslims and the closest to the prophets of Allah, why do you say

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Those are the ones that have done the most sacrifice. Right. So and those are the people from Makkah. So they see this as a as a political problem, how can we just okay, fine, he's the Prophet I get it. But why should we just accept his leadership like that? And it should, we should have some say to, we were important to this is our city after all, we're the ones that are sponsoring them. Were the ones that are financially supporting them, were doing all the sacrifices, etc, etc. So there were some people who even though they accepted Islam, they had some of these sentiments inside them. They had these feelings inside them that this is, after all, our city, I don't know, we're

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spending all the money. And when we go to war, most of the people that die on the battlefield are our people, because we're providing the majority of the manpower. Right? It's all expense. Where's the benefit? What are we getting? We're just and as soon as he came, all these other tribes are starting to become our enemy, too. And MK are the biggest influencer in the region. They've become our enemy. They're coming after us now. So this is bad for our politics is bad for our economics is bad for us socially. This, this is a this is a stir. So and Medina is not just one group of people, right? They're Jewish tribes. Also, there are the large tribes of Osen Hazaragi. And between them,

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some of them have become Muslim, for sincere reasons. Others have become Muslim because well, you know, I guess he's the governor. Okay, fine. I'll join Islam too. But they don't have a really long a strong commitment to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and in private conversations, they're not that serious. They're not taking him that seriously. Also, what we what we have to know is that the way we think about government now, right, and when somebody joins the military, they put a uniform on, right. And if they if their commanding officer gives them a command, they cannot disobey that command. It's it's actually insubordination. And there can be court martialed for insubordination,

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they have to report for duty. And that's true of any military in the world, right. But the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam when he comes to Medina, and he becomes the leader, but he's still it's not an official government. It's not the way we think about governments now, even though I'm calling him the governor of Medina, I think it's up to us. It's not exactly like this. It's actually a voluntary, military, all this all the Companions, the ones who came with him, and the ones who accepted Islam in Medina, the Assad, all of them are essentially volunteers. None of them are on payroll. None of them are being supported financially. None of them have to report for duty or

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anything like that, right. And so what happens even, for example, in the Battle of butter, the first major battle that everybody here knows about was actually there was a call for volunteers to join the military. And then what happens in Orford is even more strange at the Battle of

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about a third of the army planned on joining them, and then right at the right moment, turning their back. So it would demoralize the military right before they go into battle. So they were already down 123. So there was about three times the size of the Muslim forces that were coming from the other side. But now when a third of the left about 700, left now than their one to four, right, and all of your strategy, where are you going to situate your soldiers? How are you going to manage the situation? How are you going to choke? What are the choke points against the enemy, all of that had to be redesigned, because the mafia who is left at the right moment, they could have just not come

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along to begin with, it would have been easier. But they waited until the last minute. So this, and I'm telling you all of this, because if you walk away from the battlefield today, if there's a soldier in any military in the world, and there's a battle, they're going for war, and in the middle of the positioning of the soldiers to 300 of them walk back, what is going to happen to those soldiers. They are going to be court martialed, they may even be the they may even be charged with treason, that even may be punishable by death. All of that is standard military procedure that can be considered espionage. You tried to hurt the military from within their loyalties can be

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questioned, isn't it? But after offered and the losses the Muslims suffered, it occurred. When the next time the Prophet salallahu Salam is standing on the member and giving a football you have to understand that after all heard because the prophets I saw them was almost killed and offered. And he suffered several injuries actually to his face. In fact, even an arrows reportedly pierced through his jaw. So this is not a recovery. This is not an injury you recover from immediately. A couple of his teeth have been lost. He had to be plastered on his face. So the next time he's standing in front of the Muslims giving a goodbye nice photo Salaam. You can see the injuries on his

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face. And there are people sitting in the masjid among those who walked away from the battlefield. They're sitting there among the others and there are those who left their position in the among the archers they're also sitting there and the ayat are coming and talking on Enron, for example, and certainly south for example, the ayat are coming and talking about the hippo

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critics and it's talking about those who left their position and those who showed weakness, etc, different categories of people, but nobody's being punished. Nobody's actually being tased, you're gonna get detained, you're going to get court martialed, you're going to get, you know executed. None of that is happening. Why? Because it's not the same structure of the military that we think of as the military structure today. The reason I wanted to give you all of this introduction is for you and I to understand something about the nature of what was happening in Medina. In Medina, the prophets, I saw them commanded the Sahaba with the rule of Samana altara. Now we hear and we obey,

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he was commending them, but they were all volunteering. They were absolutely loyal to the Prophet station, because they believed him to be the Prophet of Allah, at least. But it's not like if they didn't get up and go with him that somebody could tell them, Hey, why aren't you coming? There's no government, there's no there's no enforcement of any kind. It's not all that different from you choosing to come here to pray salatu Juma, you made a choice to come here and nobody can stop you from coming. If you stayed home, or you stayed at work, and you never came, that's a decision you made you made the decision to obey Allah and His Messenger By coming here and praying your Salah,

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right. So now, having said all of that, now the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking the Companions sometimes asked in Medina, because there are different situations. And sometimes there are some tribes that are trying to attack. Sometimes the McCanns are making some moves and making some secret negotiations and the prophets of Salaam has to Tet, send small groups of companions to go figure out, find out what they're doing. Go Scout, go on a scouting mission, take a small regiment of soldiers and go do this or do that task. So he's assigning people to go on the small missions, not just battles on the small missions. But these people, they have a family,

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they have homes, they have, you know, they have other obligations. They're not just sitting there waiting for the prophets like Selim to instruct them. They have other obligations. Somebody has a sick old mother, somebody has children, somebody has to take care of the farm right? And now he's being told go out and go figure out what's going on in that position or that position. Right? Think about those people and then understand the I'm about to share with you. This is again in Surah Noor Allah says in nama Muna, Latina Amanullah he was truly true believers are only are those that actually believe in Allah and His Messenger sincerely, what is that count? Who Allah Amerind Jeremy

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and if they are with him on any joint expedition, if they join him on any collective task together, they've been given an assignment lumea who had died yesterday? No, they wouldn't walk away from it. They wouldn't leave until they sought his permission. They wouldn't leave until they sought his permission. So does a volunteer you know, if you're if you're at work and you want to leave work early, you got to ask your boss, because it's going to affect your your job security. You understand if you're if you're in school, and you want to be released early, you better get permission from the principal's office or whatever, right? A soldier has to get official permission to get off duty. But

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the Sahaba they don't actually have to ask permission because they are what their their volunteers. But even though they are volunteers, they recognize the seriousness of this discipline that they signed up for. So they never leave without asking for permission and Allah, Allah. Allah says, this idea that this is a sign of how seriously they take their Iman that even though there's no authority over them physical authority over them, their Eman tells them I'm not going to leave until I asked permission. And then Allah says in the United States, the new neck hula, it can Latina you will be new Nabila. He was Saudi, those no doubt that are asking for your permission. Those are the people

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who believe in Allah and His messenger. The fact that you're asking your permission is actually a sign of how seriously they take this is not some extracurricular activity for them. There's not just an extra good that they're doing. They take it very seriously and they wouldn't budge from their place until they asked your permission for events that the new candy bar we showed him all of this is what I for interest.

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Him and if they were to ask you permission when they do come and ask your permission for some personal situation they have to deal with then the Lehman shit I mean home, then give permission to whoever you want among them. So the profits they should have is being told you still have the final decision. You're the Commander in Chief, you're the in charge, you can give some some permission some you can say no, I really need you. So I'm gonna you can hold them back was still filled Allahu Allah and ask Allah for their forgiveness. Now why why would Allah add ask Allah for their forgiveness because the one who came and asked for permission permission? You understood Allah you

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asked us to go on this expedition, but my mother is sick right now. Can I go take care of her instead? Is that would that be okay? And the prophesy son says that's fine. You can stay with your mom, but he still feels guilty. He feels guilty that I didn't go on

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mission with Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam. So Allah gives him an extra gift. Not only does he say this person has really Iman, but then to get rid of that guilt, he says, No, I'll give you an extra gift, the messenger himself Salallahu Alaihe Salam will make it harder for you. The messenger himself will pray for you. So he feels a comfort inside of his heart and even though so Allah is making dua for me and then Allah says in Allah has our photo he certainly Allah is extremely forgiving, always loving and caring. So this is also kind of a word of mouth Farah at the end because of the nose as if Allah is promising people like that Allah will forgive. So this was a

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brief summary of the 62nd I have so little note, but now let's go to another place in the Quran surah Toba where we seem to be getting almost the opposite message so listen carefully. Ly yesterday local arena you will be noon Abdullah he will Yeoman

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and Yuja he will be unwell him or unforeseen. Wala Halima, mata ki those who believe in Allah and the Last Day will never ask your permission. When they're told to go struggle if they are to go struggle in a in the path of Allah with their money in their selves. They would never ask them from it. So the other if we just read the fact that they asked permission is a sign of their Eman. Now we're reading through the Toba, anybody who really has faith that they were asked to go meet jihad in Allah's path in with their money in themselves, they would never ask permission anyway. Seems like an opposite message. Now listen again. He says in them is that Enoch Alladhina, Allah, Allah,

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He will your will. By the way, the only people asking you permission are the ones who don't believe in Allah and don't believe in the last day, what type of home and their hearts are filled with doubt, for Humphrey Arabia, him you don't, and they are in their doubts, they keep going back and forth. opposite message, I just spent 15 minutes explaining to you the fact that they ask permission is a sign that they have faith. And now also the Toba. The fact that they asked permission is a sign that they have no faith. That how can that be? How does that make any sense. So this is this is the reconciliation, the two very different situations that I want to explain to you. But before I

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explain them to you, I'm going to give you an analogy to make this a little bit better. Many of you are in business, maybe you run a store, maybe you run your manager restaurant, or you have some kind of a business where you need your employees in certain seasons, more than other seasons. There's low season and there's high season right. So for example, for you know, if somebody's working in the mall or something during like Thanksgiving holidays, or new year's sales and all that stuff, they need their employees on full deck. I remember in when I was in high school, I used to work at a clothing store. And things used to be easy until December. And in December, you gotta get to the

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store, even though it opens at 10am, you got to get there at 6am, you got to unpack all the new boxes, put all the clothes up all this other stuff, and the store will stay open extra late hours, and then you got to stay extra late hours to clean up for the next day. And it's like almost like a 24 hour shift. When when it's sales season, right. And so sometimes there's an emergency situation where you really need your best employees, you need them. And even if they have a good excuse, like at that time, for example, if I was the if I was the best employee for my manager, right? And I said, Hey, tomorrow, I know, it's like the big sales day. It's Black Friday, right? But

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I need to take a day off. I'm having a little anxiety. I'm a little triggered by Black Friday. So I'm just gonna take a day off. What's my, what's my manager gonna say? Listen. And by the way, if another employee comes, who's actually not very good, he's lazy anyway. And he says, Hey, can I have tomorrow off the muscles? Why don't you take the whole week off? You can go. Because who's the who's the boss can give permission to the lousy employee, because he's a liability anyway. You understand? And the best employee is gonna say, Listen, I need you. I'm sorry, I know you have your situation, but I need you because I can't give you time off right now. You understand? Because and by the way,

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the good employees gonna start feeling like, Wow, that guy doesn't do any work and he gets a week off. And I do all the work and I don't even get a day off. But the reality of it is he's not getting a day off because he's more valued, you understand. So now with that background in mind, what happened in sort of Toba? In pseudo Toba, the Muslims were about to face the challenge they've never faced before. First of all, so Toba came after Macau was conquered. Not before Macau was conquered after Macau was conquered. Now that Mecca has been conquered. Actually, the Muslims are an official government. Up until the conquest of Makkah, I explained to you what that look like. But now this is

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an official government that is going to issue orders and punishments also. And now that they've conquered

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Makkah in the letters have been sent to the Roman and Persian empires, the Romans have been offended by the letter sent by the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and they're amassing a military force of about 100,000. Reportedly, that's coming for the Muslims. They're coming for they're coming for us. And they want to annihilate Islam, the Roman Empire. I mean, there's one thing to go after Quraysh, which is a tribe in Arabia, this is a different ballgame. You're going after the mightiest empire on the planet, you understand that instead of you going after them, they're coming after you. Now, this is what you call the time of a draft. This was an emergency. No longer were the Muslims being asked

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to volunteer. Every believer was told if you're capable of age, you're joining the military. This is a state of emergency, by the way, the United States, you know, in our in our constitutional framework, we also have the provision for the draft, don't worry if there need be. And if the time comes, and there's there's need for overwhelming force to repel against an enemy. The young men can be drafted. You know, they can be drafted into the military. So this was actually a draft that was called for in Surah Tober. No longer was there room for not responding, not dealing with in fact, you know, the mafia who did so much messed up stuff before the hypocrites and no consequences. But

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after Super Toba, they have to answer for what they do. They better come and ask for permission. But everybody knew this is the biggest emergency in the history of, of the sila, like this is the greatest emergency. And here Allah said, people who even bother to ask you for permission. These are the kinds of people that never believed in this cause anyway, because they if they understood the series, and everybody understands the seriousness of the of the moment, in this moment, asking permission is proof that you have no faith in this moment. So under more normal circumstances, if you need to go at least you should ask for permission that shows that you take the discipline

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seriously. But now what there's another there's the hyper emergency, and everybody's support, actually, you can't even leave without asking for permission. In fact, even the hypocrites were coming in asking for permission and so the villa even they were coming in asking for permission and something like what I described to you already happened, I have a hypocrite came to the Prophet SAW Salem and said yes, we're going towards you know, to battle the Romans, but you know, there's too many beautiful women on the way it's just going to be hard for me, you know, get distracted, so it's better for my faith. If I just say stay. You know, in Medina, it's easier for me, you know, so I

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won't be in fitna. This is what he said is the only way that Sydney give me permission don't put me in fitness in the Quran.

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And Allah says Allah for Infinity Sokoto, or aren't they already in fitna already fallen? What and that kind of a person who is going to make that kind of a lame excuse, I can pretty much guarantee you, he's not going to be an asset on the battlefield, that's gonna be the first person who turns his back and runs. That's gonna be the first person who loses the most important position on the battlefield. Right? So the what is the prophet do? Are they sotto Salam, he gives him permission? He says, oh, you know if you can stay, and any intelligent general would have made the same decision, why would I kept this loser and get him to join the battlefield? This is going to create a problem.

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In fact, on the way he's probably going to talk to other soldiers. What are we doing here? Man, we should, I don't even know I got signed up and he's going to destroy the morale of other soldiers is gonna create a bigger problem, you know?

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you know, so Allah says, no kind of physical, you know, the Kabbalah, if they would have created more problems for you, they would have run their horses up and down, Hey, man, you really want to go? If you really want to do this, that's what they would have done. So they got held back, but what am I why am I telling you this? Because in fact, now it was mandatory. If you do if you if you're not going to go, you better go ask for permission. This is completely different than what happened before. So now when it's mandatory to ask for permission, the people who wanted to squeak away and kind of escape from their responsibilities, or what is what Islam wanted from them, those were the

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people that were called out people that are coming and asking your permission. They don't have any belief in this cause anyway, they don't believe that. Anyway, I'll compare this to what happened in for example, butter, or even what happened in Ohio. When the prophets I seldom asked because the unsalted were the majority force. So if we're going to go into battle, we can go without the Medina and since it's not the Medina's war, technically it's the Merkins war. It's not our war. So when the prophets I should have asked you wanted to see the Ma Jun got right up and said we're with you. But the prophet session was waiting for the, for the Ansari to speak up. Like are they going to show

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that they're ready? Right and they

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woke up and they, they show that they're ready. So what are the what did we learn from this comparison? First thing we learned is the Quran so beautifully, it doesn't pass the same judgment on the same exact action. In both situations, somebody sought permission and sort of to notice somebody sought permission and so to talk about somebody sought permission, but when somebody sought permission and sue to know that it was a sign that they have faith. And so the Toba when somebody sought permission, it was a sign that they have no faith. And so it teaches us something about the wisdom of the Quran. Allah is not just judging our actions. Allah is judging our actions based on

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the situation based on the environment, based on your sincerity based on your courage. You can't just say, well, it's not haram asking permission, I ask permission, what's the big deal?

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The deed is not giving you a black and white, it's not giving you a black and white. This applies even inside of our own families. There's times where your your dad needs you. Your mother needs you. Your spouse needs the absolute it's an emergency they need you. You know, there's a there's a death in the family and everybody's being called Yeah, I don't want to deal with my cousins. I just, it bothers me right now. So I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna not show up. This is the time for you to show up. I know. Nobody cares about your discomfort. This is the time it's a death in the family. It's an emergency. You know. So there are times where the same exact thing is excusable even

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commendable, it's a good thing. And other times the same exact thing is questioned by Allah and actually a sign of hypocrisy. This is a demand in the Quran, that every believer actually exercise wisdom. We have to exercise wisdom in every decision that we make. Are we are we taking the responsible road? Are we doing what Allah actually would want us to do in this situation? are we hiding behind a simple fatwa? Because like people like to hide behind Fatah or it's not haram to seek permission

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is not haram to do this. You get any situation, you get yourself a fatwa. And it doesn't matter what the situation is, you want to get the same exact answer. And this is this is a disease that the OMA has fallen into, as we got away further and further away from the Quran. You know, hikma wisdom has many facets. One of the one of the dimensions of wisdom is that you can see the difference between different situations. You can see the difference between different situations, when a judge is a judge, and let's say let's say he's a divorce judge, right? He sees one case, and he sees another case, then 10 years later, he's seen 1000 cases. But every case, if he's a wise judge, or she's a

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wise judge, what do they have to do? They have to look at every case as unique. They cannot say, oh, here we go. Again, I've seen this before. No, you have it. You can't judge this from a previous case, because this is a unique individual, they have their own story. They have their own background, you cannot come with your presumptions. That's a wise judge, because they're giving every case a unique opportunity. They're not presupposing. Now, look at what happens with us. We you have a question about some, if someone does this, if they do that, General, brother, is it? Is it haram sometimes to disobey your husband? Or is it haram sometimes to disobey your mother?

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You know, ask the question in the most general way possible, in the most generic way possible, and somebody will say, Oh, you're good. In some situations, it may be. Okay, that's it. Now I'm going to use this and use this in the most unwise possible way. Because somebody told me, It's okay. They don't know anything about my situation. They don't know anything about what I did, or what the other person is doing, or what the full circle story is. But I'm gonna misuse it anyway. I want this is what we've become just seek a fatwa from somewhere, but general language, what do you say about someone who does this, this, this, this this? And then you just want to ask, you just can you give

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me an answer? And when people come and ask me questions like that, I say, I don't have an answer for you. Why not? I thought your study is fun. I was like, exactly why. That's exactly why I don't have an answer. Because I studied Islam. Because that's not how Islam works. You can't just give generalizations. I don't know anything about your specific situation, then they're like, I'm willing to tell you the whole story. Well, that's your version of the story. Then there's another person and they've got their entire story. What would a judge do? A judge would actually look at the entire case, from every perspective before they say this is the Islamic answer. This is the answer, right?

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But what do we want? We want to give somebody our version of the story and say, no, no, I'm telling the truth. I got you. You're telling the truth, but you also have feelings. You also have your own perspective. You know, that this is this is the this is the kind of wisdom that we're missing. This is the kind of wisdom that the Quran highlights in situations like these, the same exact act can be a good thing, and the same exact act can be a bad thing, depending on the context. And if you don't understand the context, you will think the Quran is saying to opposite things Subhan Allah, may Allah azza wa jal makers and people of wisdom and people that seek wisdom from Allah's book and the

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00:30:00 --> 00:30:13

messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and may Allah make us from those who don't make quick judgments for ourselves and for others without understanding the requirements of wisdom BarakAllahu li Walakum Quranic Hakim whenever any way you can be it will be called Hakeem.

00:30:20 --> 00:30:31

hamdu Lillahi wa wa salatu salam ala anybody who lives in Austin Hello applauding him or hurt him in the beginning Mohammed Amin, Le he also here to Marion call Allah azza wa jal cricketer because getting by the

00:30:32 --> 00:31:04

Ministry of Energy in Allah Amina Ikeda who saloon I'm in the beat. Yeah, you're looking at Hammond Osamu Allah He was a limiter sliema Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed Salah al Rahim Ali Baba haemophilia Alameen in the middle Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad Ali Mohammed coma Baraka Anna Rahim Ibrahim Al Al Amin in the hematoma G Allah Allah Allah in a lot more than I do with accent when you take it in quarterback when under pressure you will make up all of the Corolla he Akbar Allahu yeah and then when Mike was down a peninsula in a solid mechanical meaning

00:31:14 --> 00:31:14


00:31:31 --> 00:31:32

Solea AlphaGo

00:31:34 --> 00:31:34

about how other

00:31:39 --> 00:31:40

stuff came

00:31:45 --> 00:31:46


00:31:56 --> 00:32:22

Alhamdulillah Europe belied I mean Rama AMI Maliki young me Dean he cannot remove the way he can stay standing in the Nasima WHO'S STEPPING email see Rob and levena and I'm tiny him wade in Malibu behind him when a ball Lee in

00:32:33 --> 00:32:46

chord or a boon Allah who messed up or Mutata as 01244 for that axe and whatever she

00:32:47 --> 00:32:55

whatever she moved in and nothing let me go to I do own

00:32:56 --> 00:32:56


00:32:59 --> 00:33:01

heritage dunya

00:33:03 --> 00:33:04

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00:33:06 --> 00:33:09

hire don't waffle

00:33:10 --> 00:33:15

while uncomfy Herma tester he

00:33:16 --> 00:33:26

fusheng co Maula co Murphy Matt and that will own Missoula I'm in North food in wahi

00:33:28 --> 00:33:28


00:33:35 --> 00:33:38

semi I'm Amen Hamidah

00:33:41 --> 00:33:42


00:33:49 --> 00:33:50


00:33:55 --> 00:33:57

Allah lot like

00:34:05 --> 00:34:07

a mall

00:34:10 --> 00:34:37

and hamdulillah here have been any you know, manual Rahimi, Maliki young woman, the Buddha what kind of stabbing is Dino sloth one of them was stepping email Seema up on leadin and highly him while eating Malibu behind me him while I'm more lean

00:34:39 --> 00:34:41


00:34:44 --> 00:34:46

when lastly in

00:34:47 --> 00:34:59

Santa Fe hosting in levena Manu, in Len Medina man who saw the hand in water well, we'll be looking

00:35:00 --> 00:35:02

Up P waterwell. So be slubbed

00:35:04 --> 00:35:04


00:35:13 --> 00:35:15

sent me I love who the men Hamidah

00:35:18 --> 00:35:20

Allah along

00:35:27 --> 00:35:28


00:35:33 --> 00:35:35


00:35:42 --> 00:35:44


00:36:23 --> 00:36:32

sell more Ira income more metal more a seller more iron kumara metal law

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