Nouman Ali Khan – Surat Al-Baqarah – Part 49

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of Arabic language and its cultural significance, including the construction of houses and the use of "what" in Arabic. They stress the importance of acceptance and embracing one's own limitations and beliefs, as well as the need for individuals to find ways to be present in the culture. The speakers also emphasize the importance of practicing the hurting actions of Islam and bringing out the message of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world. Support our [email protected] there's ba y y i n H dot o RG

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What is your found Ebola he mukava I mean LBT Why is my

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taco bell mean? In Africa and semi lightly published it suddenly were silly MD. Dr. melissani od for hamdu Lillah wa salatu salam, O Allah, Allah he was he he went in from Ubud once again abuna Somalia como rahmatullah wa barakato. Today inshallah, the intention is to go over the following if this is number 127, in which allows the wizard is going to describe the actual building of the Qibla which or that's how it's commonly phrased and we'll dig into the language a little bit and realize there's something more going on here than simply building the eyebrow give you a rough translation of the ayah first, what is your father Abraham will cover in a minute wait, when Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was

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raising the foundations out of the house or from the house mineral bait you can say from literally or you can say as part of the house okay well it's my along with him smiley dismayed as before also sees also a fight is also the Dewar, but notice that he's mentioned much later. And this rhetorically suggests that the primary architect is Ibrahim and secondarily is made as helping along right they're not mentioned together like that is mentioned all the way at the end, to kind of suggest that he's also playing a role, but not the primary one on Bonanza combat Minda in semi realism. This is actually the beauty of Quran from the literary sense, it's very difficult to

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understand for English literature students, it's the sentence became, began, Ibrahim was building the or raising the foundations of the house along with a smile. And all of a sudden there's a quote, and the quote is from them. Renata Cobell been inducted into Sumerian master except from us, you are the all hearing all knowing there's no warning in between. As they were raising the foundations they prayed and said comma, quotation mark. Master except for it's not like that. It just switches straight to the quote itself, right? So in the Quran, like the literature, you're used to doesn't have quotation marks, and it doesn't have commas and punctuation. So how does this How is this

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supposed to work? This is actually a pretty neat literary feature called lt fat. And if that means you are talking about something, and all of a sudden you just change gears, switch subjects, or take somebody to a different scene altogether. It's very hard to understand when you're reading a book, but it's very easy to understand when you're listening to a story, or actually nowadays when people are watching the movie, it happens all the time. 10 years ago, when I was walking down the street, next thing you know, there, the camera turns black and white and somebody's walking down the street. They already take you to that scene. Right? And you're supposed to understand Yeah, now from here,

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it's just picking up on to that scene. What Quran does in its narrative is a transform. It transports us into the scenes. It just takes you there without warning. So it started with Ibrahim Alayhi. Salaam was raising these foundations. And you're thinking, this is a lesson from history about something that happened 1000s of years ago, and all of a sudden, you're right, they're standing next to them, and you can hear them pray. I'm fanatical Ballymena indicated to me as though you were just made the audience into this. That's the other beauty of the word is here in the beginning, when and this Some might say that, you know, this is for what's called if, and remember

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when you know, but here also if what it does is it actually brings to account or forces you to just visualize something and that's why with the word is for Arabic students, the word is occurs with either the past tense or the present tense, you could say it's an alpha, or you could say if you're Pharaoh either way is fine. And it actually still means the past tense when you use the word is whatever verb you use. Thereafter, it doesn't matter. The meaning is still past tense. But then what's the difference between saying is Rafa, and if you're Pharaoh, like, Why use the present tense anyway, if the meaning is going to come out to be the past tense, the present tense is used in this

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way to make a scene come to life, to make it even though it happened in the past, you want to feel like it's happening right now. This is the alpha. So it actually revitalizes the scene. When Allah azza wa jal says that the suggestion seems to be that the house of Allah was always there. That's the thing that I wanted to highlight to you that the house of Allah has always been there even before Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, raised the walls of the Kaaba, the foundations of it were always there Allah revealed to him to go to the location that was always supposed to be and that's why sort of Talia and Ron, were going to unlock the secret when Allah says in the elevator with the added nurse,

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then the DB backup, the first house built for humanity was at a

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Location of bucha, which seems that even some have even extrapolated from that Allah knows best that it was even from other artists around. The first house built was actually the Kaaba, way back when, and then climate change or whatever happened and it's buried under the desert. Nobody, nobody lives there. So it's completely uninhabited. And then a lot of reveals to him, Abraham is to go there, and to dig up those foundations and start building from those foundations up. It's interesting, Allah didn't tell Ibrahim tell us about Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam, that he built the foundations that he raised the foundations raising something means it's already there and you're raising it right? So

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that's the implication that's inside the word, your Pharaoh the word collide. Some have interpreted to mean it means walls. And so they say no, he is the one who built it because it means walls also in Arabic. I would disagree with that interpretation only because a law specifically uses color in the Quran in the meaning of foundations like for for the law when Yana hominem kawaii, for example, a lot attacked, you know, certain destinations that were destroyed, unless there's a lot of attack their buildings from their foundations. This is a pretty amazing thing to say. Because in any building, if there's a war nowadays, and in ancient times when there's a war and buildings are under

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attack, then what is attacked or the windows what is attacked, or the walls what is attacked as the ceiling. What you cannot attack is the foundation. You can't that's actually and by the way, when there is a danger, where do people go? They go down underground, that's the most secure part of any building. Allah says, When I attack, I start with the foundation at Allahu woonona home in Al kawari sohar Allah, where are you going to go when he goes to the most secure part of the building? So anyway, so that the Quranic usage does seem to be about foundations. The other thing is, you know, the meaning of the word covered in the Arabic is actually comes from tadokoro. You may have heard of

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Garuda in your prayer, right? Well, this when you sit, and it's actually used that way, it's the imagery for where the rest of the building sits, while it sits on is the foundation. So first you settle or seed the foundation, and then the rest of the building is built on top of that. And that's why even the verb because foundations are always underground, right? That's why they say, you know what, gods are a paddle. Hahaha, they actually use the verb of cada to dig. Because obviously foundations have to be dug, so it doesn't really have the meaning of wall, it actually does carry the meaning of foundation. And that's what's being used here. The other interesting thing about this

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word is that a large agenda is describing something not just physical. And that's the beauty of the Quran. It'll describe something like tangible and also describe something intangible. There's this duality and meaning here, there's a jazzy meaning here. Ibrahim Alayhi Salam was laying down the foundations of the house not just physically, bricks and cement and all of that. He's actually laying down the spiritual foundations of this house, along with his son is married. So there's the foundations of the religion are being laid down. It's not just a building that's being put together, but the spirit of it is also being put together. And that spirit is being put together with father

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and son and they together turn to Allah and make this incredible, incredible God. Then, of course, some of notice the the use of the word Rafa in your file of rahima

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elbaite. See, what cron does sometimes is that it takes certain words and it brings them together.

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And then you'll notice that in other places in Quran, Allah will take those same words and bring them together again. And then some other places will bring them together again and these words, you would never think they have anything to do with each other. But Allah keeps hinting at they do they have something to do with each other. And the two words I'd like to share with you here are refer and wait. Cebu teen as in Allahu Anh tofa. And then here, where is your Pharaoh Ibrahim al Khawaja min elevate, raising and the house they have to they have something to do with each other these two words that you would otherwise think are unrelated to each other, raising the verb to raise and the

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house but they seem to have a correlation with each other. As a matter of fact, the houses are built to a raised dimension of Allah. And when someone makes Vicar of Allah, Allah raises their mentioned with his angels, and they are rising above the sins that they have done. And they are coming closer and closer to a large origin. So there's this imagery of not just a building coming up and foundations coming up, but people coming up as a result. You are you know, you and I get dirty and muddied with sin. And then we go to Alan's house and that's actually the reason we go to any of us houses even this much to there any machine around the world but especially the you know, the harem,

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you go there you put your head on the ground and there's something that's just being cleaned off of you. It's it's the the dirt is falling off of you and being you're being elevated, you know, so that's kind of the the implied language and the imagery that's inside. What is your photo of Rahim al Khawaja Min elbaite.

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Then this door itself robina Taco Bell Mina in the seminar lighting, such a such a heavy door, because here you have Ibrahim Alayhi Salam having built the greatest construction project in human history. like nobody gets more reward for building something, then this man building this right now. And we already said that this is after he passed some of the most difficult tests. And yet he's worried if this maybe this wasn't good enough.

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And he has a prophet who's already been told in Nigeria locally nassima, which is, by the way, both a blessing and a test we talked about that is building this and he's worried if this is not good enough, Rob Burnett,

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Master accept from us. Now the verb in Arabic is actually xml equiwinner accept from us. The compiler is the default Allah form. It's the mobile of form the hyperbolized formula completely accept just, you know, there's something there's one thing to accept. And there's another to wholly accept, completely accept. Like, for instance, somebody gets accepted into a college, barely.

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And somebody gets a full scholarship and they get like, the president of the university gets hands a helicopter to pick them up or something silly. Like

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it's different. There's degrees of acceptance. There's degrees of you know, being welcomed. He's not asking Yala I know. It's not very good. Just take whatever, just barely accept this. Boss Guardiola like, you know, let me just pass let me just not fail. He's actually asking a lot Li except holy.

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This is a contradiction I'd like to explain to you It's so beautiful. On the one hand, the believer the human being recognizes that nothing they do is perfect. My will do was not perfect. My prayer was not perfect. My record is not perfect does does is not perfect. You know, my attention when I'm listening to karate is not perfect. Nothing I do is perfect. My relationships aren't perfect. The way I take care of my parents is not. imperfection is just what we are. That's just what we are. And yet you're asking a lot to accept with the word a couple as though everything is what? Perfect, like flawless. How Who are you to ask a lot except give you a perfect score, you know, you didn't get a

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perfect score. This is the mercy of Allah and the humility of the believer all at once. Yeah, Allah I am far from perfect. I am far from perfect, but you you give a lot of extra credit.

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You can turn this into a perfect score. You know? So we ask Allah have the highest of acceptance, the highest form of acceptance, even though we know we have far too many shortcomings. This is not a compliment, no matter except from us. Notice also this is the first time he's using national

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mean now. Everything before he said woman Gloria, Tina, no. He said well, venturia t semi Sure. What about my children? There was the word my that was there before. But now all of a sudden, he's turning to a larger wizard and he's saying except from us. This is actually Ibraheem alehissalaam this genius captured in such beautiful subtle, subtle words. You when the conversation began. Ibrahim Elisa labs first concern was his children unless had not wrongdoers. Then he spoke again and said yeah, Allah, okay, fine. Whoever among my children believe. Allah said no, even the disbeliever I'll, I'll hook him up. I'll give him good stuff. So Mata who Allah Subhanallah mercy.

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And so he's been answered a couple of times already now. And now, him Elisa Lam's wizened up and said, Well, if a couple of my children if you My children are going to be wrongdoers, and allies not guaranteeing everybody,

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at least now, let me ask Allah instead of asking a lot for my children, let me just include this boy over here,

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as though we are praying together, and not even asked for him, just asked for the work that I know is already accepted.

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What's he doing? He's doing his work building the karma, according to His revelation. Clearly this is accepted.

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But he and he is supposed to be accepted from him. He includes his son and says, I've been at Taco Bell, and it's some automatic Ellucian I'm sure some of them commented that as he was saying, robina Taco Bell midnight, they weren't saying it together. It was Ibrahim Ali said I'm saying it and the son saying I mean, I mean, like the kid was kind of following a longest parallelism and you know, furthering the dollar accepting or joining into the door of his father sabaneta cabal Mina in the counter similarly, also, it seems to suggest that as they were building it, they kept on saying it like they didn't make this violence. Construction doesn't happen in you know, a minute it takes time

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and throughout this construction, their chant their prayer, is this Daria Allah accept from us except from us, except from us, in naka msme earn him. No doubt you you

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Are the ultimate here the all knowing this is the foundation of our religion.

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It's really the spiritual foundation of our religion. There are intellectual foundations of our faith. There are practical foundations of our faith. There are spiritual foundations of our faith. I would argue that as this house was being built, we have been given the spiritual foundations of our faith. What do you think about when you think about the Kaaba? You know what you're supposed to think about? You're supposed to think about the fact that Allah will accept and allow listens, and Allah knows. And only he knows, nobody listens like he does. And nobody knows like he does. And Allah is worth talking to, you cannot abandon talking to Allah. Y'all likes, I've made lots of

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mistakes. I've messed up quite a bit in my life, yada. But I'm here, just accept me for what I am. Just accept me. And just please listen to my plea in NACA into semirara. Learning. This is another part of the spiritual foundation for every single believer whether they're extremely religious, not religious at all, they've been sitting, they've been missing prayers, I've been drinking, they've been all kinds of stuff. They've been in all kinds of sin, and they're so addicted to their sin, they don't even know how to stop. Even those people.

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Those people can also just one day just turn to Allah and say, Allah, I messed up just except for me. I'm ready. But they can't do that. You know, a lot of people when they're insane, you know what they do? They don't like talking to a lot.

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They're afraid.

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They get really afraid. chevonne comes and actually one of the first things he does is he gets you to stop talking to a lot.

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Just you hear things about religion and things, but you in your own moments will not converse with.

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The thought that comes in your head is why would he listen to me? I've messed up so bad. What face Can I take before him? Like who am I to talk to him? I I deserve no right. I have no right to be in conversation with a lot. And this dog is it's the crushes all of it. I must I'm not perfect. I'm not. But except from us anyway. Y'all know, blah, blah, blah.

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And then Allah will never shut his ears off. You know, in our human relationships. There are people that you disappoint. You can disappoint your father, your mother, you can disappoint your spouse, your siblings, business partners, friends, you can disappoint people, you can disappoint you, okay, a leader can disappoint his community community can disappoint a leader happens. prophets were disappointed by their followers that happened.

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And when that happens, you

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don't want to talk to that person again.

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I don't want to hear anything you have to say.

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Is that happened? Or no, when you're disappointed, you just don't want to hear from this person. Or you've disappointed someone and they don't want to hear from you. I can't begin to tell you how many places I've been to across the world where people have come up to me and said this, and this happened between me and my parents and my mother will not talk to me.

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She's disown me, my father won't talk to me. I call they don't return the call, they hang up to hear My voice and they hang up. It's been years I've been trying I don't know what to do.

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Like there are people who genuinely love you. And even they can shut you out completely. Our only experience with relationships is with people.

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And we assume that's how all relationships work, even the relationship we have with a lot.

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And so we assume if people can shut us out. And people by the way, people are very good at sending you to * to

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you, we're gonna burn for this. A lot will never forgive you. You heard these things. A lot will never forgive you. You know, you're just, you know, stuff for the law, you're the worst kind of went off.

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You know, there's an ayah about people like you.

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There's a hadith about people like you.

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Allah does not condemn you to * a lot doesn't give up. And by the way, if Allah gave up on you, you wouldn't be breathing.

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If Allah has given up on someone, there's no reason for them to be alive anymore. The fact that you're breathing means Allah hasn't given up on you. People give up on you. And people even assume the place of a lie and say, No, no, not only am I angry at you, on my authority, Allah is angry at YouTube.

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And they'll invoke God and God's anger on you.

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This is the highest form of blasphemy.

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You and I turned before Allah people won't accept you. It's fine. People don't accept you just turn before a lot of unethical by minute. You're the one who listens. In NACA, enter semi Alani. Later on this conversation is going to get completed because later on a level say okay.

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I listen

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to you listen.

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He's gonna ask a very simple question.

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When do you listen?

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And he it's, it's amazing. It's not like others. Don't assume it's like others. For others. They'll say, I'm not gonna listen to you because you don't listen to me.

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Allah doesn't do that. Allah says, I'm going to give you everything. I'll answer your prayers.

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But just it'd be nice if you answered too.

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He's not gonna make it a condition until you answer me. I shall not answer you. Nope, nope. Even sinners, even even rebels. Even people that are immersed in the worst of deeds, Allah still gives them it is, Allah still gives them health, Allah still gives them opportunity. Allah gives them the car that they drive to the heroine place.

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He gives them that

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a lot could just paralyze them when he wants to. Now go ahead, rebel, have fun.

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Or you want a party, huh? Are you going to party without your legs? You like that? You learned your lesson yet? Hello doesn't do that. Once you go, keeps on giving. You are awesome.

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Okay, so this is this is actually why I say that this is a spiritual foundation of our faith. And I'm gonna Taco Bell mean in the context. And this is for the people that are so far away from Allah, and people that are very, very close to Allah, all of them. And I mentioned this, how this applies to people that have gone far away. But I also like to mention how this applies to people that have not gone far away. People that are serving religion, people that are volunteering at a machine people that are memorizing put on studying the the their students have, you know, Islam, and they're, you know, they're studying Sharia and faith and whatever. And they're teaching their

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community and they're all these good deeds, there are people that are doing good do humanitarian work, that will work, whatever work they're doing. Those people, you know, what happens sometimes with them, the worst thing is they forget that they have to ask Allah for acceptance. Like they assume it's acceptable.

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I'm already doing a lot of work.

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And the nobody comes out and says it. That's the crazy thing. Nobody comes on and says, Yeah, I'm doing a lot of great Islamic work.

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Nobody says that. And nobody directly thinks that either. There are some litmus tests if you are thinking this or not. When you look at other people and the work that they're doing, and you look down on it, just in your mind, like you they think they're serving Islam,

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like that, that actually subconsciously means you think you are the ultimate gift to humanity.

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You're, you know, irreplaceable,

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and people need to listen to you. And people need to follow you. Because you represent the truth. You represent the ultimate service to the

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there's a humility even for the one building the Kaaba.

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Even though maybe this isn't good enough Yama just accepted without with all of its shortcomings. Our service to allez Deen is an honor Allah gave us he allows you and me to be servants. He allows that there's so many people that are so much smarter than we are so much better well spoken than we are so much more talented than we are that did not give this honor to

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and yours You and I supposed to remain humble Yella, let us do right by this honor. Whatever little we can do just accept it from us. Just accept it for and we have to maintain that humility because Willa hill or lean, people will come and people will go and there are going to be people under the ground and the dean will go on. This Dean doesn't need you and me. It doesn't need me.

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It doesn't need the scholars of this oma it doesn't need the youth leaders. It doesn't need the speakers. It doesn't need the, you know, it doesn't need anybody.

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A lot can bring with COVID are hurryin, you can just bring another nation altogether. So melaku onsala, calm, they won't be like you, I'll just replace you. He doesn't need you. You know, we need him. We need to recognize that. That the religion of Allah is not in our need. We are in its need. We are in need, and that attitude can disappear very quickly. A sense of entitlement can come very quickly. Who's got who's gonna do it if I don't do it?

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Once you develop that attitude, that there's no diff, very little difference between you and the police.

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Very little difference. He felt entitled.

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Here's the thing that baffles me the most about uglies is

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he wasn't going to make any money.

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What was he gonna get?

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If the angels did such that, not to Adam, and anything, all it was was recognition.

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This entire mess just for recognition, no wealth, no power, no nothing.

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Just recognition. And on top of that, it's not even political recognition or social recognition or,

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nope, it's religious recognition.

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It's a religious position, Khalifa for Allah. That's what it is. shaitaan will enter into the space into the religious space. And there are people that are going to be serving the deen and they're going to be worshipping their ego. When I've been at Taco Bell midnight in the counter semiology this is actually at the heart of what we bring before Allah azza wa jal. And so he then continues from By the way, as he goes to the next I want to share with you a Hadith of the prophets. I said I'm so beautiful.

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I know that what to be Ibrahim rubbish

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Raisa, the prophet of Islam says, I am the prayer of my father Ibrahim. And I am the good news given by Isa.

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Two things. He only mentioned to prophets in this hadith. He says I am the prayer of my father Ibrahim and I am the good news given by Isa. Why is that important? That's important because this entire legacy began with Abraham.

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And when it began with Ibrahim alayhis salam, Allah gave prophet after prophet after prophet after prophet after prophet to money, he,

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he gave it to his Hawk was a prophet. He was a prophet Yusuf was a prophet. And then there's a llama, halakha Nebula and abune Prophethood. continues continues continues among the children of Ibrahim from the other line, all the way to Isa.

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It ended these are the s&m he mentioned where this began on that side and all the way where it ends with Lisa they set up and when Lisa Lisa is the last of them center Vanessa in

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this is not a moment to be sad for Vanessa. Oh, we don't get any more.

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We're just that's it for us, which the Arabs turn now.

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As a Salamis What did you use wish Raisa good news given by Isa

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there's actually reason to celebrate that the final the finally that Dr. Ibrahim Ali Salaam is about to be fulfilled. And so on the other side is Rasulullah sallallahu sallam. So he says I am the daughter of my father Ibrahim. Look at how the Prophet defines himself. This is actually one of the ways in the Prophet is he says Adam is the motion of the sentence Anna, this is who I am.

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You know It is one thing to say I am the I Am the result of the DA you know I am the answer to the DA he says I am the DA

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I ended up my father Ibrahim, look at how he defines himself affiliated with his father. Ibrahim alayhis salam, this is the point I was making last time. And then on the other side, labouchere Artesia, Han Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Muslim and Enoch. They're both building their kabe Brahim and this modular building or raising now the foundations of the Kaaba. And they ask Allah, Allah maintain us keep us Muslim before you. You know what that means? Keep us in submission before you will get a lot of good in our past. Yeah, let's just keep us that way.

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It's not there already Muslim. Why does this thing make us Muslim or keep us Muslim? is Allah Muslim is Muslim veiny is suggesting Allah just because I've done a lot of good in my past doesn't mean I'm guaranteed to do good tomorrow.

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We are looking to keep me in submission.

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shaitan can come at any time. He can doesn't matter how much you know, how much you worship? How many have you done? How many times you've prayed? How much Quran you've memorized? How many jazz art you have? How much have you said none of that matters, you're still human. And your submission to Allah will always be challenged. It will always be challenged.

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there on the because always remember when I try to give you this this kind of does. I'm trying to show you where it applies to us. And there are really at the end of the day two extremes. There are people in between. There are two extremes inside the oma today. There are people that are Alhamdulillah very practicing.

00:28:29 --> 00:29:08

And there are people that are very far away from the two extremes. And these words are not for one group or the other. They're for both for both of those groups. On the one hand, people that are practicing don't become relaxed that you know, you're going to remain in submission. Yeah, like keep me keep me good, though. I'm trying to do good. Yeah, like keep me in submission. And by the way, Islam, the idea of submitting yourself necessarily means humility, surrender cannot be done without humility. Yola, keep me humble, is already automatically included. You don't have to actually mentioned talador separately, humility separately, when you set up an agenda Muslim, any luck.

00:29:08 --> 00:29:19

Humility is already included. You know, that's what Eliza will teach us here. On the other side, though, you have people that are very far from the mean. And then they have a moment of goodness,

00:29:21 --> 00:29:26

terrible moment where they feel connected to a lot they prayed after a long time, they showed up for a job or something.

00:29:27 --> 00:29:33

This is like a lifeline for them because you know, in the back of their head, you know what they're thinking? Yeah, I'm good today, but it is Friday night later.

00:29:35 --> 00:29:35

You know,

00:29:37 --> 00:29:38

it is the weekend.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:59

Back to normal. They're thinking to themselves, I'm gonna, I'm gonna resort back to what I used to be. Yeah, I've had this good moment, but it's not gonna last. I'm gonna mess up again, and allows me just gives them a banal agenda, mostly maynila the words of our father Abraham and his son a smile together. They they reverberate throughout history throughout our consciousness.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:31

You know, and so yeah, just keep me Muslim. Just give me the strength to remain in submission. I've had this moment where I found the submission. Yeah, like can you keep it strong? Can you keep it going? This is what I've been eligible honestly maniac. Woman the reality now omata Muslim metallic and out of our children out of our future offsprings. At least one Omar, one group that remains Muslim before you, I'd like to show you the, the transition here, because the hiccup inside these words are just, they're baffling. They're just to me, they're just mind blowing.

00:30:33 --> 00:30:41

When a person is living in this life, and they've made mistakes, and they're, you know, they're trying to come back to a large region, all they can think about is themselves.

00:30:43 --> 00:30:51

I want to make a step forward, I want to ask Allah for forgiveness, I want to become a better person I want to, you know, come back to the deen. That's, that's their only concern.

00:30:52 --> 00:31:02

And as soon as they come into this Deen, and they come, they they find even a little bit of peace, you know what they realize, life is really short. And I just haven't done enough good.

00:31:04 --> 00:31:13

And I don't want to stand in front of a law not having done enough good. And the only way I'll have a chance, a real chance is if I leave a good behind that lives longer than I do.

00:31:15 --> 00:31:17

This The only way I don't have another time.

00:31:19 --> 00:31:27

So I want to fix myself, but I know fixing myself is just, it's good. But I want to I want a better insurance policy.

00:31:28 --> 00:31:30

What's that insurance policy,

00:31:31 --> 00:32:18

or project progeny, our future generations, woman to re Athena omata Muslim metalock and out of our future lineages, some Omar some group that will remain Muslim before you somebody who will remain Muslim. Just the beauty that Allah has created in our religion of this concept of sadaqa jariya you know, of charity that continues that lives longer than you. There are people who like, you know, I think sometimes about my ancestors. And I know for a fact my ancestors are Buddhist, like six, seven generations ago, they're Buddhists. And somebody became Muslim, some some guy accepted Islam and, you know, he changed he fought his family or got kicked out or whatever happened with him.

00:32:19 --> 00:32:38

And he brought neither heilala to his household, and then to his children, and two children and two children and then down to to myself and then inshallah from me to my kids and from them to their kids, right. But whatever good they do, whenever good, I do whatever good my parents have done or my grandparents have done, that one young man who took Shahada

00:32:39 --> 00:33:04

you know, it's just piling into his account, and he might not he might have lived five who knows you live 10 years after that? Five years a year after that? Who knows? And yet his good just carries on among his children. woman's will Ria Tina omata Muslim attack. The other really beautiful thing I'd like to add here is with the Rahim Allah salam, Allah extended the concept of Korea, the Ria means lineage offspring.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:08

But Allah says to the entire Muslim, oma, he's your father

00:33:09 --> 00:33:24

is he biologically our father, all of us? know, there are people that are of Oriental descent, there are people that are of African descent, there are people that are of, you know, South Asian descent, and he's not biologically genetically the father of all of them. He's not.

00:33:25 --> 00:33:30

And yet a lot transcends genetics, and says he is your father.

00:33:32 --> 00:33:36

In other words, fatherhood is now a spiritual thing when it comes to Ibraheem alehissalaam.

00:33:37 --> 00:34:17

And as a result, if fatherhood is a spiritual thing, then offerings are also a spiritual thing. The it goes both ways. It's been extended beyond just your genes, the area that you the future generations of us all together, you know, the good that we leave behind, not just for our immediate family, and that they are our priority. But beyond that, what we leave behind for the woman that isn't even our ethnicity that don't even come from the same background. Woman, the Ria Tina omata, Muslim metallic, but of course, the primary here, their intention is that some our children should remain Muslim here because, you know, they're building this Kaaba, and it's not in a fun climate.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:27

It's not exactly a nice place to live. And you know, what happens when you're living in a place that's not easy to live in? future generations? They stay there, they move out.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:41

They move out. He's making draw, you're lucky some of them here just these remain in submission to you they keep serving this house. We're building this house but what's the point of this house gets abandoned? You know? Woman Maria, Tina Amata. Muslim metalmark.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:49

Well, arena Manasa gonna show us our and by the way, I can't go on that quickly. I need to say one more thing here.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:54

The idea of building a machine.

00:34:55 --> 00:34:59

We hear at fundraisers all the time. This is for our future generations.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:03

I've heard it, right. And then the big checks are signed.

00:35:04 --> 00:35:06

Because this is for our future generations.

00:35:07 --> 00:35:13

How I can't tell you how many beautiful beautiful machines I've been to across America and Canada, different places that are just empty,

00:35:15 --> 00:35:28

empty. We built the buildings, we raised the foundations, but we raised only one kind of foundation, just a physical foundation. We didn't raise the spiritual foundation inside those homes. Our kids don't want to be there.

00:35:29 --> 00:35:48

Something has to be done. Like, you know what you when you study abroad, you have to study them carefully. If you want to understand how to bring the next generation and fulfill this though, it's not just the dog. The man had a strategy. Like one of them, for example, is Fela Bella who Surya I just read it I was like, why is this in the Quran?

00:35:50 --> 00:35:55

When he reached old enough when his son his smile was old enough to run around with him. Brian says,

00:35:56 --> 00:36:00

Why did it not say when he was old enough to run around with it? I couldn't just look around, say when he was older,

00:36:02 --> 00:36:03

I would get the point across.

00:36:04 --> 00:36:08

He's a father that's very active in the life of life of his children.

00:36:09 --> 00:36:14

And that same kid is the one helping with the construction project. What does that mean about bringing our kids to the mission?

00:36:16 --> 00:36:22

Building a bond with this place, running around with our kids doing stuff with them.

00:36:23 --> 00:36:44

That's the religion of Ibrahim Ali Salaam. You don't just have children and assume they're gonna grow into Islam. They will get it from their father, that the role has to be there that active role in the lives of our children. It has to has to be there that allows God to allow all of us to be responsible fathers in the spirit of Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam.

00:36:46 --> 00:37:28

So he says what means re re Athena omoton Muslim Metallica out of our offspring and oma a nation that has direction that submits itself before you while arena manasi Cana I'll try to translate easy for you first, you know and show us our rituals. The word nusach in Arabic I'll read some of my notes to you for the word nusach. It's actually in Arabic Allah a Ba ba ba ba cu matakohe Reba de la Mata Allah, The word nusach is used or no SC with a sukoon in the middle is used for any act of worship, any act of obedience, anything that brings you close to Allah. When he says Alina Manasa Cana, one of its meanings is show us how to worship you show us what it means to obey you show us

00:37:28 --> 00:37:40

how do we get closer to you, I don't know how to get close to you show you show me. You show me what nusach are. And by the way, in that we are learning something, you cannot learn how to get close to a law on your own.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:50

You can find a lot but you want the hula hula Zilla, you want to find a way closer and closer and closer to him. You gotta let Allah teach you.

00:37:51 --> 00:38:08

And allow only teaches through revelation. You can't make this stuff up. I don't spend time in my doodles bashing people or criticizing people that do different kinds of practices. But I will tell you something. From a practical point of view, this is the this is part of the prayer of Abraham Artesia. Now,

00:38:09 --> 00:38:16

there are people who claim that if you want to get close to a lot, do this, and they'll come up with a prescription,

00:38:17 --> 00:38:21

read this many times, then go around in a circle, then, you know,

00:38:22 --> 00:38:36

open and close your fridge and don't eat whatever they come up with. You know, pretty soon there's gonna be like a video game version of this, I'm pretty sure Square Square r1, hold l two, and then make three times and

00:38:40 --> 00:38:41

the problem with all of this is,

00:38:42 --> 00:38:51

these are if somebody says, How do I get rid of this spiritual problem? Or how do I get close to a law? That's matter of it? Is that a problem of the scene or the unseen?

00:38:52 --> 00:38:52

What's the unseen?

00:38:54 --> 00:39:01

Only Allah, His angels, and his authorized messengers have access to how the unseen works.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:07

That's what he gave access to. Now there are some people who claim they have access to the unseen.

00:39:09 --> 00:39:17

They do. And they say Allah has showed me in a dream or live shall be while I was awake, as soon as I finished my hallucinogen that

00:39:19 --> 00:39:29

this is what I must do. And I've met people like this. I've literally met people like this, that claim that they have access to the unseen and all of it like

00:39:30 --> 00:39:34

why would a lie no Quran say well Makana la Julio, Dr. Kumar, LA.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:38

Allah will never be one to give you access to the unseen.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:48

Now should I believe you, Uncle, uncle Haim or what alleges

00:39:50 --> 00:39:53

and is a low will not be one to give you access to the unseen

00:39:54 --> 00:40:00

he won't. Yes, you can have a true dream. You can have alarm. You can have inspiration from

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

Allah, but instructions on how to do and what to do. That's what I messengers for and he kind of did his job pretty good

00:40:08 --> 00:40:16

to the perfection actually, at the moment to Allah calamity. I perfected my favor upon you. When something is perfect it doesn't need additions.

00:40:17 --> 00:40:19

That's what's called perfect.

00:40:21 --> 00:40:37

Nobody's perfect in so many things but spiritually you need some amendments and no, no, I'm pretty sure you don't. The prophets are pretty awesome. They got it. And our messenger Quran, I'm pretty sure it's perfect.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:39

Instead of,

00:40:40 --> 00:40:51

you know, our lamb, Yaki him Chronos the question, and not Angela, la Calcutta, la isn't enough for them that we've sent a book down. Why do they want something more?

00:40:52 --> 00:40:56

Why do they want to come up with other stuff, we come up with no sock of our own.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:00

We come up with rituals practices of our own.

00:41:01 --> 00:41:09

Ibrahim alayhis salam was far more spiritual than you and me, or anyone who's offering you their access to the unseen

00:41:11 --> 00:41:53

and he turns to Alliance has it now. manasi cannot show us our rituals. We can do this ourselves. You need to show us there's a humility here. That is a part of the legacy of our father Ibraheem alehissalaam nusach also means and New Silk or New Silk, or nice misaka. The seeker rather, is at the beehive of Tila and nosaka dum. Show us also how to perform sacrifices. The word is appointed word here because for I don't know if I mentioned this to you before but in Jewish tradition, because do you have to so many out of the Jews, right? in Jewish tradition, the Israelites, their foremost form of worship was sacrifice.

00:41:54 --> 00:42:02

That's actually their primary form of worship or sacrifice. It I would even argue it comes before Salah to them. The sacrifice,

00:42:03 --> 00:42:08

Ibrahim Alayhi Salaam is being talked about. And Abraham is telling Allah show us our sacrifices.

00:42:10 --> 00:42:43

And the word monastic, it's interesting it come from it can come from ransack or mansik, if it comes from men second, could be a Muslim, too, which means rituals, show us our rituals, and even our sacrificial rituals. But if it comes from man secrets of love, which means show us the places and the times, we're supposed to do our sacrifices. Sure, the places show us the places and the times to perform our rituals. This is all going to be very pointed, because for the Israelites, they believe that the sun to be slaughtered was is hock they don't believe it was a spine.

00:42:44 --> 00:42:52

And so the son to be slaughtered was his heart. And of course, that sacrifice was going to take place somewhere in Jerusalem somewhere else.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:03

And now this dryer is coming up and the question arises, and the Quran will prove very, you know, very convincingly that actually the sun to be slaughtered was in fact a smile on Islam.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:18

And the Arabs have been sacrificing an animal in the name of Ibrahim and his smile, even though they became pagan. For 1000s of years. fulfilling this arena Manasa Cana, they this one succeed alive.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:43

And so allies already kind of telling the Jewish community, remember the prayer of your father, where he said, show us how to perform our rituals. Yeah, that was over here when he was building this house. Where do you think the rituals happened? This house and if the rituals happened near this house, which son was it? Because this hack was never here? Who was there? as well? It was here so which sensor was to be slaughtered? This one.

00:43:44 --> 00:43:58

Like all of it ties back to a smile on a set up from the Islamic texts. And actually, it can be argued even from the Jewish texts. Well, I'm Yamanashi Cana mo Tabitha Tina Amitabha. Tina, show us our places of worship.

00:43:59 --> 00:44:03

Yeah, Alicia was where we should worship, how we should worship.

00:44:04 --> 00:44:09

No, so by the way, again, figurative language in a second so because Salah who will not want to

00:44:11 --> 00:44:52

show us the way to purify ourselves. monastic is actually nasaka to wash to purify. Show us the way to wash ourselves and cleanse ourselves. So beautiful. Well, Elina, manasi Cana so first he says, you know, in the, in the beginning, make us both Muslim. Then he says make Yala among our future generations, at least some groups should remain Muslim, then it gives back comes back to themselves and says And for us, at least show us what rituals we should perform. I need hamanasi kana how do we purify ourselves? This is actually a tuxedo which is a Muslim maniac. How do we become Muslim to you? We're going to do the right rituals. We're going to do the right sacrifices. Our Islam is going

00:44:52 --> 00:45:00

to be at its core. One of the core pieces of Islam is what rituals were supposed to perform. How do you perform the Salah? How do you make the little How do you

00:45:00 --> 00:45:26

You sacrifice the animal? How do you perform Hajj? these rituals are important. You know, in modern ethics and spirituality, people say, I'm, I'm religious, no, I'm spiritual, but not religious. You heard of this one. I'm spiritual, but not religious. You know what that means rituals are, you know, they're not for me, I just feel like I can talk to God, or a higher power, electricity or whatever. You know.

00:45:27 --> 00:45:38

I just feel like I can talk to a higher power. I don't have to bind myself to rituals. And now Muslims who are Muslim, not not someone who's seeking religion. Muslims are saying Yeah, rituals, you know, didn't really mean anything.

00:45:39 --> 00:45:55

You know, I it's really the philosophy of Islam and the inner meanings that matter. I would argue, the legacy of Ibrahim are the same as a humility Yala. Show me what to do. That will bring me close to you. Because I don't know how to do it.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:09

There's this philosophical journey of Ibrahim alayhi salam, and he could have just stopped there and said, Well, I found there's one Allah. Now I'm spiritually connected to him. So I'm good. Because I don't need rituals. That's like, primitive.

00:46:10 --> 00:46:26

He found he finds Allah philosophically. And then he begs to Allah to show him what rituals must be for performed to keep himself pure. And that is actually in my next session, I will share with you how purification is actually the ultimate goal of Islam.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:45

Like if you were to try to understand what Abraham Ellison's legacy is about how this law even culminates in one arena, manasi gonna show us how we can purify ourselves the rituals that will purify us, well, Elena, and accept our Toba By the way, when when your Toba is accepted, what happens to your sins.

00:46:46 --> 00:46:51

They're purified and good is you know, it's replaced with good.

00:46:52 --> 00:47:14

The, the entire thing is actually about purification. So we're gonna have to look at purification carefully. What does it mean to have purification? You know, and because it is the key to understanding the legacy of Ibrahim Ali Salaam. Anyway, so what are you gonna see Kanawa to Ballina and accept our Toba? By the way, he's asking a lot to write show me what to do.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:19

We remember the story of the Jews, did they ask a lot of show them what to do?

00:47:20 --> 00:47:28

There's a story in which they asked and someone remember what story it was what they asked, What who did what should we do? And it was about sacrifice to the cow.

00:47:29 --> 00:47:31

They asked to write, hey, what color cow?

00:47:33 --> 00:47:34

Still confused.

00:47:35 --> 00:47:35

You know,

00:47:37 --> 00:47:45

they asked multiple times. And now a lot takes them back to Abraham and says, How dare you might make a mockery out of sacrifice.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:52

When your father asked for it like this, and begged, show us what to do.

00:47:53 --> 00:48:13

The moment you were told, you should have done it. If out of nothing else I'd have regard for the legacy of your father. Well, I mean, I'm agnostic, and then as soon as he does it, what does he do? He makes Toba. But to Paulina, you people, instead of begging Allah for forgiveness, you are making it even more angry. You're doing the opposite of Toba?

00:48:14 --> 00:48:25

You know, that's what you know. So that the contrast here that's being painted is that you people have nothing to do with Abraham anymore. You can't claim him anymore.

00:48:26 --> 00:48:40

Look at you and look at him. That's the that's the comment that's being made here. But Elena in NACA and Ottawa, Brahim, you are ultimately the one who accepts doba always Forgiving and Merciful. How does this apply to us as the last thing I'd like to leave you with

00:48:41 --> 00:48:51

people that have been insane and have been away from Allah, if they have a chance to go back to Allah, if they get a chance to go to Hajj, drop everything, go to Hajj.

00:48:52 --> 00:48:54

Perform the rituals, Allah taught you.

00:48:55 --> 00:49:00

bag a lot of forgive you and a level exceptions over and over again.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:11

You'll find a new beginning. If you cannot go to Hajj, at least come back to the rituals you can perform right now the prayer more important than anything else, the prayer

00:49:13 --> 00:49:21

and the second thing you know, Alice has a famous Halawa, what and what artistica means right now, just give us a card, you can give us a castanheira money.

00:49:23 --> 00:49:26

So, turn fix yourself with a law and then make clean money,

00:49:28 --> 00:49:59

make clean money and then spend charity you can do that everything else will sort itself out. Because I think that a lot of what's at the core of famous Salawat these are the monastic our daily life. That's the monastic community. And then of course the ultimate lonsec is where or when sick is when we go to Hajj and just come before Allah leaving everything behind. But to Elena in the answer to our email as always, and accept our tober and this is this is actually now we're we're still very much in the thick of the DA iv rahima a serum you have from the very beginning. You know

00:50:00 --> 00:50:34

asking that they should be Muslim and their children should have something of Islam and then the rituals and now we're going to see yet another dog from him. And that dog deserves discussion just by itself. It's probably one of the heaviest out of the Quran and that I would argue this is if somebody understand that understands this next year, they understand kind of the vision of Islam itself. So it's really that that heavy, I without exaggeration, I would argue that there are some pivotal places in the Quran, that really they cast light on all of Quran and the cast light of on all of Islam and this is one of those places. So inshallah what I hope to do some justice to that is

00:50:34 --> 00:50:39

after this break Baraka lovely Welcome to carotid hacking, when I finally we are committed to ethical hacking.

00:50:41 --> 00:50:54

Our mission is to spread awareness of the message and divine beauty of Quran across the world. Support our [email protected] that's ba y y i n H dot o RG

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan delves into Ayat 127 of Surah Al Baqarah. Here what is discussed is the actual building of the Ka’bah and there is something more going on than just mere building of the Ka’bah.

The foundations of the House of Allah was always there even before Ibrahim AS was assigned the task of building the walls of the Ka’bah. The meaning of the word – Qawaid – is illustrated beautifully and makes for an interesting and comprehensive listening.

“Our Lord, accept [this] from us. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing.”

This Dua is the spiritual foundation of our faith. Imperfections is what we are and yet we want Allah to accept all our shortcomings which demonstrates our humility and hence, we ask Allah the highest degree of acceptance despite our misdeeds and sins. We implore Allah to listen to our pleas whatever state we may be in. 

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