Hasan Ali – The New Generation

Hasan Ali
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the need for parents to demonstrate their faith in Islam and encourage their children to practice it. They also emphasize the importance of building up the language and structure of society to avoid cluttered individual activities. The speakers stress the need for parents to demonstrate their faith and encourage their children to practice Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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They, my brothers and sisters, we've got to wake up, right, there are families that are bringing their children up, and they're not teaching the back home language,

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you ended up teaching a second language,

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there are families who have, who are brought up an entire generation and the generation speaks, you know, one, one language only, maybe the English language, now, you have broken a massive part of your cultural ties, because of that, there are families who have brought up children who are completely dressed completely, you know, modified to this side of the world. Now, what will happen in 2030 years is already coming to to the surface, what will happen is, you are going to get children who will grow up in a generation to generations time, who will have nothing to do with the ties that that their parents had beforehand. So already people are, you know, already people what

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they're doing that they, you know, there's Mother's Day, Father's Day, there's people who give that great significance. And what that's doing is that it's making some Muslims, you know, it's not having on a large scale, but I'm talking about the crisis will only be there in 2030 years time, time. May Allah you know, save us from it. But already, they're giving preference to that, which means that the focus is going away from the day to day, Father's Day, and the day to day, Mother's Day, already, when a father has passed away a mother's passing people are thinking of the one year the one year commemoration, so they'll come after one year, they'll do some kind of function to

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remember that their parents, but and many of the apps, I want to be very clear with you many of the affluent, you know, people, Muslim affluent sort of backgrounds, they do this a lot more than the non affluent sort of backgrounds. So is this kind of a detachment to the prayers they're supposed to do on a daily basis, is moving to a yearly basis. So what happens afterwards? Well, these children are growing up, these children are growing up, we haven't seen anything of technology yet. You haven't seen anything.

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Allahu Allah, um, but I think, you know, this, this virtual sort of world of having technology, it could grow even more. And the crisis then will be that there'll be sucked more into, you know, the individual worlds, but away from the real parts of what needs to be done in a society and for for change. So how do we now how do we now do something that is different? Well, we need to go back to our roots, we need to go back to our roots, to avoid the clashes that we've got in many of these countries, we need a heavy influence with Islamic Studies, Islamic learning, we need the molding of the Islamic self. And the character that is very, very important is not you know, we've got it,

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we've got another big crisis that is around has been around us is that we've got parents who know Islam, who can tell you about Islam, but who don't practice Islam, the new generation, if that carries on, they will know bits and pieces of Islam, they can treat use them, but they may or may not necessarily fully practice at this time, the way our 13th century forefathers have given us Islam, we need to go back to those roots before the age of technology, before the age of industry, before the age of you know, steel and iron, or before the mining sort of era, we need to look at that and see what what are the values, their values were, that they these are the true values, the

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true values were that they were loyal to the family, the true values were that they that they put their time towards something that will be benefit to everybody, it's not benefit to themselves, but benefit to it to everyone.

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So the whole family unit is on or helping the society, the true values were that there are people who had a good time for religious devotion, that good time for religious devotion. I think that is very much breaking up where people have got you know, an hour here an hour there and so on but not a daily sort of routine to that religious devotion. That is that is breaking up. What we need is we need parents to seriously demonstrate to the children how they are spending religious time devoted to Allah and not sus not individual time devoted to the ps3, the the games queued in a box or the cube or whatever it is and the TV and the satellite and whatever else it is we need. We need to

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revert back to

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Once you revert back once once we can see that the focus is religion, religion, not not just culture, we're not we're not getting together because of culture, we don't want to get together because of this, you know, false sense of unity because everyone's can come together we are together. Now, we want Allah to Allah's words, and the messengers, Allah some words, to bring us together. So we need, we need time, family time together, and those family times should be around, building up the language, building up the structure of society, building up the things that keep us together, doing Talim in the house, or making things making an awareness that this is because of

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Allah and His messenger. So even to another, even as adults, you know, making sure that the drawers are there, the prayers are there, right, the little things, you know, they all need to be revived, in practice, not in knowledge only, in practice the Quran to our daily, right, how many individuals in the house are doing that, you know, revival of this, then once you've got the religion side of things, you know, you've got your good, you know, your circle of study your circle of reviving things, and less than the other side. So we need to lessen the influence of these TVs, lessen the influence of these other technologies around us, you know, have proper quality time together as a

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family when you've done that, and at the same time, our background sort of, for example, in education, we didn't have high aspiration, education,

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you know, to the families out there that are living in societies where you're living in, you know, normal sort of clustered societies. One of the advice I can give you just get out of there, right? The longer you stay inside there, if it's not you, your kids will be affected. I know kids of the last generation who are not affected by drugs. But their kids are affected by drugs, who was saved by their parents before like, would have been grandparents right now. Right, who was saved by them 20 years ago, but now there's no one to save them because of the way the structure is moving on. So we need high expectation in education. We need to get the best of education. I truly believe that

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but at the same time, not to compromise on the religious aspects. Not to kind of compromise any of that.

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