Nouman Ali Khan – Reflections On Surah YASEEN – Part 04

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The Quran is a powerful message that shaping people's perception of the world. The title of the Quran is important to understand the history and the importance of the three audiences, including those who are most likely to benefit from it. The use of "slamamm" in shaping people to think about the world is also discussed, along with the need for validation from Allah and clear communication from media outlets. messengers are a means of revenge, and the Profit System is utilized to try to convince people to believe they are the ones who have been sent towards them. The message is supposed to be supernatural and is being delivered by a messenger, with the need for validation from Allah and clear communication from media outlets.
AI: Transcript ©
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From here on is going to talk. It's a long passage, he's going to talk about the ongoings of a nation that came before a town some town,

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to whom Allah sent a number of messengers, I will give some introductory comments that are important for you to understand the rest of the story. So we don't get caught up in these details later on. But there's one outstanding thing from the last conversation part one, here's what it is. Remember, I told you how Allah, you know, the truth became clear to them. And after that they're there their hearing was, or they're there, there's a wall in front of them, while behind them, collar on them, etc, etc. They're blocked from the truth entirely. Just make sure you understand that Allah never does that until people make up their mind, to reject the truth, even after knowing it.

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Allah never blocks the path to truth for someone who had no idea. So you'll notice in passage, one, Allah did say that their ancestors were never warned, and they are unaware, you remember that? For him off, he didn't.

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He did not block them.

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But after the truth law could have

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a 13 found, the truth became absolutely clear the word was absolutely manifest to them, they still refuse to believe. Now that's a crime that should be punished in this world. And the next, and the punishment in this world is that they get no access to thinking properly anymore. They refuse to think when they had the chance. And they made up their mind. Actually, they did think and they didn't come to the right conclusion, but still didn't live up to it. Fine. Have it your way. Now you don't get to think about it. That's the worst punishment in this world. So that's just the clarity about clarification about the previous passage. The second thing about about now is how the Quran

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talks about history. By the way, has history been alluded to already in section one that we should learn from history where women healthy hymns are done behind them, there is a wall if there was no wall behind them, they would have learned from what is behind them, they would have thought about what is behind them which is history. So now we're going to learn one of those lessons, the lessons from history.

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But the way the Koran approaches history, Allah does not tell us names of places, except very few like Mr.

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Allah does not tell us names of many individuals. You're going to see no names mentioned. Now. He's just going to call them people who were sent.

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Allah does not mentioned dates, chronologies, he doesn't mention them.

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The Quran is the perfect word of Allah perfectly tight, yes or no. So if Allah wanted, could he have mentioned all of those things? Yes, he chose not to. And he also chose that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the best move for sale of all of them have a serene the best experience of the Quran ever could have been who the prophet SAW Islam, nobody will explain the Quran better than him. He decided not to tell us the names of these towns, the names of these people, the villages, the dates, the chronologies, nothing. You know what that means? But that's not the point.

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That's just not the point. Not in the Quran.

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But you know, what happens to us, when we start studying this stuff? We like all the information we like all the details. We especially like the details that Allah did not mention.

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And we love those details so much. We stopped paying attention to what am I did mention.

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It's a tragedy in the study of the Quran. So when I studied for the, for example, this passage, give them an example Muslim lahoma salon striking example for them was how about Korea? The people of the town, the town? The question arises, what? Which town is this new jersey?

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Where is this?

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Where is this town? And so in our history, you find many, many, many scholars and opinions about this was a town called adelphia. This was a town over here, this was a town over there, this is over here. If that was important, who would have mentioned it a lot. If this was important, he would have at least said go find out which one it was.

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He did it. That is all a distraction. That isn't the point. We have to make the Quran Supreme. What it makes important we make important what it dismisses, we dismiss that's how we submit to the Quran. That's how we submit to the word of Allah our thought process needs to submit to the word of Allah. There are things that are insignificant and they should remain as such. They can be interesting academic exercises, but they don't change the priority. And the Quran came to give us the right kinds of priority. It's not just a book where you just want to collect information. Information isn't the point. It's thinking the right way getting guidance, processing the things

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things things in the correct fashion. So now let's begin.

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So Alice has given them an example. When an example is given it is so you can benefit to you can understand better

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I'd like to remind you that in the previous passage, there are three audiences.

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There are three audiences, there is the Prophet himself, or Lisa Tucson. So the example is going to benefit him in some way. Keep this in mind.

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Another audience is the disbelievers.

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So this, this example will comment on them in some way.

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But there's also a third audience in the first passage, who's that?

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The one lone, unknown who, believer somewhere out there, we don't even know it just fears a lie in the unseen, the unseen. That one, that believer will find inspiration in this passage somewhere.

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So those three audiences are going to learn lessons each of them for themselves in this history. law would begin,

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blah, blah, blah, home method as hobble Korea,

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the town give them example of the town. How did Allah describe courage he described as the nation.

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He described him as a nation, and everybody knows who they are. And still Allah made them unknown, like you're insignificant, a nation, and nobody knows what this town is. But instead of saying a town, he called it, the town because this example is more significant than you people.

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See what Allah made important and unimportant, just by using Algeria, is just one more saloon when those who were sent came to it, I want you to think about my language, it's going to be hard to explain, but I'll try to make it easy.

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Give the example of the people of the town when messengers came to it.

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People of the town when messengers came to it, what is it?

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The town, I was expecting a lot to say, give the example of the people of the town when messengers came to them. Yes. But instead of coming to them, Allah says they came to it. What's the difference? Does it make a difference? Absolutely, it does. If you came to them, then all the only concern you have is, then if you came to it,

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that town will be around for generations.

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They will not be around for generations. But what should be around for generations. The town messengers come so they can give guidance to the people in front of them, and through them, their children and their children and their children and their children. They are concerned with the much larger audience the longer ramifications of that law. So they don't just think about the short term. If they only thought about the short term, it would have said they came to them, but unless has no they came to it. They want this town to survive. messengers don't come to destroy towns.

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messengers come to sustain towns.

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These towns were already on the verge of destruction. They had already people think when messengers come Allah destroys towns. That's how our formula works in our head, that is immature. Mess nations were already about to be destroyed because of their sins. messengers came as a last hope fix yourself. They didn't come to destroy they came to fix. And then people start blaming the messengers, because of you we got destroyed actually, you are heading down terminal cancer road all on your own.

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You are heading down that road all on your own. The messengers are actually an act of mercy, which has already been established in Tenzin and Azizi or Rahim, they're the messenger supposed to be a mercy. Now.

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These three audiences I already told you about how is this town is supposed to be significant and there's concern for the next generation. Now look at the world more saloon

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and more so if Jara helmore saloon just like in akademin l mursaleen. The same word, isn't it?

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When that when I discussed that second, I told you the Prophet is being told sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that he is part of a brotherhood, you remember that? And now the exact same word is being used again, to remind the prophets I said and you are part of a brotherhood that have gone gone down the straight path before now why don't you take inspiration from your brothers?

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So now I told you there are three audiences and the first of them is who the profits lies on them. And now he's already paying extra attention and it's more relevant to him now because this is his people. This is his team, his brotherhood and most alone if

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he must name when we sent to to them.

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Wait, Allah sent two messengers to one town

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for cause the boohooman then they called both of them a liar.

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For us, there's gonna be fairly thin can be reinforced with a third. Now unless and how many messengers to one town, three, three messengers, one town.

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You know, who should be giving the first club

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Who should be giving the main speech?

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You know, who should be the final speaker? There's three of them, you know? So you know what the one who goes first should be less popular than the more and then you go to the most popular speaker at the end? You know, there should be some kind of hierarchy. No,

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no, they see each other as reinforcements of each other. They're not in competition with each other. When you call people to Allah, you're not in competition with anybody else. You're only in cooperation with everybody else.

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Isn't that an important lesson to learn?

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And messengers are not small personalities, messengers are big personalities in one little town, how many big personalities? Three, there's room for three.

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Which means you're not that big of a personality. I'm not that big. Of course. Now there's room for more.

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We need to understand something about calling people to Allah.

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Even messengers need help.

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Who do I think I am? You think you are? You have to be able to accept help.

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Then understand that there was never any jealousy between them all there was was cooperation. And then

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the question arises, what would a third one do? The two couldn't do?

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Two of them tried didn't work. And the third one, Allah says, I reinforced with a third. Then they all said we have been sent towards you. We are the ones to the heavens, and especially towards all of you. They joined in one voice, so two became three. The question is, what's the point? The point is support.

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People even messengers need support. The two were lonely and a lot wanted to reinforce them and reinforce the mission, empower the mission. That's why he was the word I says now. So even messengers need what? support now in history, messengers were supported by other messengers, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam does not have that luxury, why not?

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Why can't he be supported by another messenger?

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Because he's the last one. But then when he hears this, he's thinking, what about my support? But that's already been answered, because of lost support. You know the word as as now, even if you don't know Arabic is now what name of allah came from the same root. Tenzin Aziz Rahim, Allah has already given the Prophet support with his own words, where messengers have to come to give support, my message comes in gives you support he has given him Quran that is more powerful than any messenger could have been. And he saw Salam. So now that's that's their support. But that was his support for kalu in a Lake Como saloon.

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Now, the other the last point about this ayah that I want to make is that, you know, the,

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the fact that there were three of them, three of them, and nobody listened,

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is actually not depressing to the province. Listen, if there's only one of me, there were three of them and they still didn't listen.

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Actually, it's the other way around.

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The fact of the matter is now the Profit System is really able to understand that when people have a wall in front of them, and a wall behind them, and covers on top, doesn't matter how much you give them. They won't listen, even if one town gets three messengers. It don't make a difference. The proposition is now becoming clear through this lesson, that his job for some people is just impossible. They just won't listen. What we call in or do need Howdy.

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Chordoma anthem in our showroom with Luna,

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the people responded, when they when they told them we are the ones that have been sent towards you. You are nothing but just flesh and bones like we are Bashar Al Bashir in Arabic comes from bisher Vishal means skin. Your skin is just like mine. What makes you special? Omar nanomachine are the incredibly merciful did not send anything.

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Not at all. What are you talking about? He sends a message and then to magnetically bone. You all or nothing but you're doing nothing but making lies. All you people, all the three of you do is make lies. Please stop this lying business. In other words, now they're being ridiculed and called liars. You know, in the beginning of the surah, Allah validated the prophets I saw them and told them no doubt you are a messenger you are from among the messengers, because people considered him a liar. And now it's spelled out in the past you're not alone. You are not the first one to be called a liar. Even three together with the same exact message were called liars all together. Now let's dig

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into this if this You're nothing but a human being like us. What's the point of saying that? The message is supposed to be supernatural coming from the skies. So somebody complains if the message is so super awesome coming from the intergalactic space, then how come the person delivering the message doesn't have intergalactic powers?

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Why don't you give us an angel or somebody with superpowers or something? Because if it's a super message, there should be a superman type character.

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To deliver that message,

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by the way, this is what they do with Jesus.

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Make him more than human.

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Right? So the message should be accepted because he's more than human. This is what they did with the mythology of Superman. He's come from another planet with a message of peace.

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He gets his power from the sun. And he flows like this.

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Oh, Jesus he.

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Right? That's what he does.

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So, play on the word son, by the way, like son, you know?

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So the idea that the messenger himself has to be supernatural, you know what the Quran his response to that is,

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if a messenger if Allah sent an angel,

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if Allah center gene or something, to give you a message, you would have said, How are we supposed to follow this? This is relevant for angels.

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Obviously, an angel can do it. How am I supposed to do it?

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And then Muslims turn this around and make the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, almost like an angel and say, Yeah, but that was the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that was the Prophet that this is just me. I can't do that stuff. Who do you think I am comparing me to the pro I'm not comparing you to the province I sent him but he came. So it could be followed electrodes a human being so it could be followed. Not so he cannot be followed. You see the appraising the prophets lie. Selim has a place. But if you praise Him to the point where you make him beyond human, then you won't be able to follow him anymore. And he Sato Salam.

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That's why it has to be set. Now, the other thing is, when they said, You are nothing but a person just like we are just flesh and bones skin just like we are. That's not exactly true, is it? He's not exactly like them is he? In the beginning of the surah, Allah did explain that he is from the ones that are sent upon a straight path what makes him different from others. Number one, that he's on a straight path. Number two, that he's not speaking on his own behalf. These are two things that make him different from this entire society. Actually, the prophet himself was told in pseudocode gohealth

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and nama Anna Bashara, mythical kalinda and Abu Bashar omis nukem tell them I'm just a person just like you.

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But there's a difference. You have a layer that revelation has come to, there is a difference. They're not willing to acknowledge that difference. Now, I need you to understand also,

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that in the previous ayah, Allah said, as with anything,

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what the Buddha does does not remind you of what name of Allah.

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Okay, when you remember the word Aziz, which if you remember then zielen Aziza Rahim but how many names of Allah were in that ayah and as these are received, look at this next IO Ma and da da, da, da ma Neumann Shea, which name came up,

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which is related to which name? So I was reviewing Tenzin Aziza Rahim in the story

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is reinforcing ideas. He's building it over again. So now he's this they say, a rough man did not send anything at all.

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Why would they say that? I will say Earth man didn't send one say Allah didn't send anything at all. Why did you say the incredibly merciful? Didn't say send anything at all? As a matter of fact, this is sarcasm. This one you keep calling a rough man.

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What did he send? Yeah, this is supposed to be Merci. It's a joke to them. So the speaking about mine in a joking fashion. On Angela Vinci anatomy logically wound you people. You're just all you're doing is lying, please.

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Now I hear the last point I want to make in this 14th I think it's the 14th or the 50,000 is

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something about bosses.

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I hate bosses.

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You have bosses to you don't have to tell me. I know.

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Human beings don't like being told what to do. I don't like it when my teacher gives me homework in third grade.

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I don't like it. I don't like it when the cop tells me to pull over.

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I don't like it when the government tells me to pay tax when the county tells me to pay property tax.

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I don't like it.

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I don't like it when the doctor tells me to take my medicine on time.

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I don't like it.

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I don't like it anywhere. I don't even like it when the lady tells me to put my seatbelt on and the airplane over by tray table. Have you put it up?

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We don't like being told what to do.

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We don't like it human being so Who are you to tell me?

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You're just like me.

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Even in small things, siblings, siblings. Hey, could you give me that? Get it yourself.

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You're not the boss of me. I didn't stop it's what you say and then.

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So then if that's human nature, we cannot accept we don't like authority. This is not a Muslim, non Muslim thing. This is a human thing we don't like

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You guys are playing basketball someone comes. It says really late.

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hater uncle, dusty avantco

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if that's our nature, then when a messenger comes,

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a messenger is not asking you to obey Him in small things. A messenger if you accept him,

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he's going to dictate everything you do in life, isn't he?

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He's going to tell you how to sleep, how to wake up what to say what not to say when to pray, when not to pray, what to do, what not to do, how to get married, how to get divorced.

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What you do when you when you live, what should you do when you when you're dead? How should you be buried? How should you think about your ancestors? Not only what you say he should, he's gonna tell you what to think. He's gonna tell you what to love. He's gonna tell you what to hate, isn't he?

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That's a lot of authority. Human beings don't like what? I don't like authority. So they say, You're just a person. How can I accept your authority? How are you any better than me? Excuse me, I need my freedom. You're not the boss of me.

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And that's not a new thing. Some some teenager didn't come up with that one. It's always been there.

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It's always been.

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It's a knock on the Quran.

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a lot of people are lying, please.

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This entire idea, this notion of a messenger having a higher truth puts the messenger in a different pedestal. And human beings don't like other human beings on a pedestal.

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We can accept them.

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This was the reason for his rejection. They respond. And the way they respond is so epic. Barlow, they said Robin is our master. In fact, he knows in a coma, more saloon that we truly are the ones sent towards you.

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Whether you know it or not, or you accept it or not, who already knows it.

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Among others, we don't need validation from you we get validation from Allah is that a review of something we already learned? That he doesn't a messenger doesn't need validation from people he gets validation from Allah did that come before? When Coronel Hakeem in NACA, the middle masala now that's being reinforced. Even these messengers knew that their validation comes from Allah, this is review review for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi salam and by the way, now they've been rejected already. They've been told you're liars. So this the next time they respond, this is the second time you find the words in a Lake Como saloon, but this time you find is that a child

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And now he's out

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of the baby. Babies are cute. Okay. In a comb. Most babies are cute.

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Hope that doesn't mean it's mean but I have six kids. I can say some kids come out looking 90 years old. They do

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you supposed to say Mashallah. Not to be rude.

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That kid just got offended.

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Like, really? Come on cue. I got last one. Mm hm.

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told my wife

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What happened here?

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And then the kid got cute later. I was like, okay, you're okay now. Okay. Cuz they, you know, it's like a prune that. It's like, you know how grapes turn into prunes. But it's actually the other way they prune turns into a grape. It's the other way. I could talk like that. It's completely fine. And you're free to be offended. That's okay, too, because I don't live here. Okay, so.

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So, what I was saying was, they don't just say we are messengers to you they say we truly are messengers to you love most of them. You notice alarm is there that wasn't there before. And that's because now they're refuting them. And they're engaged in debate, things are getting heated. And the heat of the argument is being captured in the lab and now electron learners alone are Marlena Elon bunnahabhain. There's our only responsibility. There's no responsibility on us at all except clear communication.

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The messengers are saying, no responsibility falls on our shoulders except clear communication. Now, what does that mean? That means they're on a, they have one task and one task alone is to communicate to stay on the straight path and say what even some might find offensive, but say it anyway. Even if it gets them in more trouble and more trouble and more trouble. They have to stick to it because that is their job. And they cannot waver from those words. They have to say them clearly and openly. They cannot fluctuate. Has that been something already taught in the surah? Allah sirata Mr. Team, you see how the Quran is tight.

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How it reviews its concepts, how it reinforces.

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Allah said in the beginning the Quran is well lit, is one of the things I want to show you here is how these ideas

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They keep reinforcing themselves and building on top of each other. So now this The second is that you know that sobre la buena Fernando give you that you're not in charge of us we can't stop. We have an obligation on us we have a duty upon ourselves to deliver clearly communicate clearly. Where did that duty come from? It came from the fact that they are more saline they have been sent with a mission, which was something taught previously as well. salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Thanks for watching these videos. If you'd like to continue to support Ron weekly, please click the link in this video.

Part 4/12 – The Messengers

This episode explains ayahs numbered 13-17 from Surah Ya-Sin in a great detail. The explanation includes how Allah gives an example of the people of the town who refused to believe, although three messengers were sent to them, why Prophet SAW wasn’t provided support in the form of another messenger, how the people rejected the message and the response of those Prophets to their people.

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