Nouman Ali Khan – Ramadan 2022 – The Religion of Your Father #28

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The discussion of the story of the beast being called the son of Jacob Ali and the holy Bible's significance to the culture of the West is discussed in a series of guest segments. The discussion touches on the historical significance of the story, including its historical significance to the culture of the West and its historical significance to the culture of the East. The discussion also touches on the historical significance of the story's significance to the culture of the West and its historical significance to the culture of the East.
AI: Transcript ©
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rubbish actually sorry we're silly unreliable Roxanne Melissa any of our colleagues will hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while early or saphenous vein, I'm about Salaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Tala Ricardo. Today we're going to discuss some heavy things in sha Allah, Allah Allah gives me clarity and speech to be able to communicate these lessons to you. Ibrahim Ali Salam is to bless we talked about, you know, struck with his right hand and destroyed the idols and they somehow got wind of it. So the part of the story that's been summarized here that was expanded upon elsewhere was, you know, we heard a young man talking about them, you call Lula who Ibrahim they

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call him a Rahim. You know, he's called Ibrahim. And then they called him and they questioned him. So that's been summarized here. What's been captured here is Balu. La he has a phone. They came to running towards him in a hurry. Zuffa is Astra, right? So they come, they come panting, running like stampeding, like a mob heading all towards him. So when they get to him, he's waiting for them. Instead of them questioning him in this passage, he's actually going to question them. And he says these words that have really remarkable echoes, are the Madonna Mata and a tune. Are you going to worship what you carve? So he asked this question, are you going to worship with you carve? You see,

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they're really offended by the district by the destruction of these idols. And obviously, they're the ones who carved them. But this question digs a lot deeper. Human beings fall in love with things they build, to the point where those things become an object of worship.

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Allah azza wa jal is the only one worthy of our worship.

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But let me tell you like when we say that Allah is Arab, then that means no, there is nothing that is loved more than Allah. There is nothing that is obeyed over the obedience to Allah, there is no one that is trusted more than Allah is trusted. There is no that is no goal is higher than the goal of pleasing, pleasing Allah. So there are implications for accepting Allah as my Arab as worship for worshiping Allah. But you know, sometimes somebody's business can become so dear to them, that they're thinking about their business, when they're awake. They're dreaming about their when they're sleeping, they're talking about their, their business, when they're having lunch, they're talking

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about it when they're on vacation. In fact, they get restless when they're on vacation, because they're still thinking about their business, their business becomes their entire being, right, it defines them, it completely consumes them. And in a psychological sense, it can even become an object of worship, that itself becomes an object of worship. So yes, human beings can be driven by a goal, an athlete can say, I want to win, you know, gold in the Olympics, and they're training hard every single day, and they're working towards that goal, and none of that is looked down upon, but there is a psychological limit, you know, to love of all other things. And above all of them is

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Allah's love, above all of them, you know, and if those things see, you see, this concept is described in social hudge. Allah says, Darro, fatale boo will not Lugu the one in pursuit, and the thing that is being pursued are both weak.

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So listen to those words. Again, the one in pursuit is the Taalib the thing that's being pursued is the Mutlu and they are both inherently weak. And that statement is very powerful. It actually illustrates that I'm only as strong as my pursuit. So you know, like if you if they interview these famous, successful people, and they say, Well, you know, this, this goal of mine it keeps me up at night and inspires me It drives me this that the other right so there's, there's there's the winning goal, or, you know, winning this championship or making this first million or whatever, there's a business school, there's an education goal, there's an athletic goal. That's the goal that drives

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you know, so

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very driven people, right? And Allah is saying in the statement, the most driven of us also, the thing, the goal that they're driving towards is weak in and of itself. And they themselves as a result are weak, because you can only be as strong as the thing that you're pursuing. The visual image I want you to keep in your mind is, you know, like mountain climbers, they throw a rope up with a hook, right, and then they they pull themselves up, right. But if they hooked on to something that is weak, then they've actually put themselves in a position of weakness, you understand they've become vulnerable. When you when you cling on to something that is strong, then you become strong.

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And the higher up, you throw your hook, that is the height that you can reach, you can't reach any further than that you understand. So like, the concept here, the first concept here that I want to illustrate is that we can have very strong goals in life, like I can have business goals, career goals, I can have financial goals, I can have family goals, I can have, you know, some some woman says, By the time I'm this, this age, I should have graduated college, and when I'm this age, I'll be married. And when I'm this age, I'll have a baby. And by this age, I'll have another couple of movies, inshallah they will be twins. And by this age, I'll be done with Hajj and by this age, she's

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got her whole, like, you know, age standards laid out, right? And then one thing doesn't happen, then another doesn't happen, then another doesn't happen, then another doesn't happen. And guess what happens? All hope is lost. All you know, all my plans have been ruined. Allah doesn't want me to be happy. Like you just fall into deep dire depression. The question I have to ask myself as a man or as a woman, is were those goals, those objectives? Were they my real object, really, in a sense of worship? Like was that my ultimate goal? If I can't get that? Done, I can't have contentment. And there's this there's depth to the statement? Well, the Allahu Arnhem will do and

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who Allah is pleased with them, they are pleased with him. Right? Because when Allah if Allah is pleased with me, and that's enough for me to be pleased with him, that's it, then everything else that I was going to get some contentment from some pleasure, from some sense of accomplishment from those things will come and they will go but I will still Allah will still be content with me. And I will still be content with Allah azza wa jal, right, and that that actually is a powerful, remarkable source of strength, our iman and Allah, things will come and they will go and our iman and Allah will remain. Our contentment with Allah will remain, you know, life life goals will come

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and they will they can. And I wanted to first talk to you about this in the context of our own life goals. Right? Because Allah doesn't, you know, many of you, you're, you're, you know, this is 2022. And obviously, we've we're slowly crawling out of, you know, this worldwide COVID situation. But even outside of that many of you, when you look back at the last five, 710 years, you so many of you look back and say I never imagined my life would be like this. Like a lot of things. I imagine what happened, never happened, or a lot of the terrible things I went through, I never imagined I would go through something like that. Like, you look back and you say, wow, it's it's been pretty messed

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up, you know, and you start getting depressed about all the bad things that have happened. And then you start making false projections about the things that are going to happen. Right. But you know what, all of those bad things that are that are weighing on me or weighing on you. Those are actually things we carved ourselves. I'm coming back to the words of Ibrahim alayhis salam Daboo Duna, nuttin, hey, don't you worship what you carve? Like those people worshipped idols, right? Well, we carve out goals for ourselves, we carve out an image for ourselves, we carve out, you know, aspirations for ourselves. And when they don't, when they fall apart, then we're up in arms. How can

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that be? How can that not be? But there's a scarier dimension of that beyond my personal life, and something for me to contemplate for myself and you to contemplate for yourselves. But in the in the religious sphere. And the sphere of servicing Allah is Dean. This kind of mentality can even enter the sphere of servicing Allah's Deen.

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Like, you know, imagine Alhamdulillah we live in a city where there are lots of big massages, and there are places in the world where commune Muslim communities are thriving, and people are building and things like that. Right. And we are in a position of blessing, right? There are places that are burning to the ground, there are places in the world and massages are being bulldozed. There are places in the world where people are getting arrested for making salah. Right, that's, that's a reality in different parts of the world. And here we are building bigger and bigger masajid and libraries and this and that and the other right so there's a there's an enormous blessing, right?

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But a person becomes blind to those blessings and says, hey, those guys, they raise a lot more for their fundraisers and we'll race for our fundraiser. Those people built a much bigger facility where how many people came to their program? How much? You know, you know what that is?

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Well, we are we all get together to worship Allah subhanaw taala that's why we're together whether one person worships Allah or million people worship Allah, it cannot increase the wealth of Allah in any way. He's Allah honey. Right? But you know what, when you start developing this false sense of accomplishment or competition, or you know, you get started getting depressed because some other cause that serves Allah is succeeding, and it's bothering you that they're succeeding. Or you know, what maybe the thing you've carved, that which was supposed to be for the worship of Allah itself has turned into an idol, scary thought. But that itself, it's on the label, it's a service to Allah

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and His Deen. But on the inside, it's just projecting your own ego, it's just projecting your own, you know, your own, or my community or my my group or my masjid or my this or my, that they're doing better than everybody else, and you're just comparing yourself to others. This is actually a very telling statement that Ibrahim Ali some of the young age, mentioned to his people when they came angry that their idols have been destroyed. Right. So if if you were working if you were serving Allah's Deen, if you're, for example, for example, if you became a dar, and we give you a secular example, I'm not religious, if you became a doctor, because you wanted to serve humanity, right?

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That's why you became a doctor because you just want to help people. And then you became good at your job, you became head of the hospital, you built your own clinics, you did all this stuff, right? And something happens, some dispute with a partner happens, some legal issue happens, you lose all you lose your job, you lose all your clinics, you lose everything, you still have your license, you're still a doctor. But all the money and the fame and the prestige and the business and all the social get all of that disappeared. Right? And now you're all of a sudden in depression, like I lost everything. Well, then you weren't clear by why you became a doctor to the UK, you

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became a doctor to help people, right? And you still have the ability to help people. You still have that. So you actually didn't lose anything. And maybe Allah puts people through that. So he can make sure they're clear that they're the original pure intentions they had, maybe they got corrupted along the way. And so what does Allah do? Sometimes he rips some of those idols off of you. And if you feel pain for the loss of those idols, it's a good thing because you're being cleansed. And then you realize, oh, I was, I was doing this for a different reason. Right? This is actually similar to what the two gardeners because this is about Schick, Ibrahim Ali Sam is talking about church. And

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this is what the two gardeners conversation is like, and so it will have the gardener that thought that his garden is going to stay here forever because Allah wants him to be happy in both lives. When he loses his garden. Allah takes his garden away. What does he do? He says, Yeah, later Neelam who should not be a Haida. If only I didn't do shake.

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Here he recognized as something that garden became an idol for him. That the wealth the business that stuff that became an object of worship for him without him even realizing it. And then what Allah ripped it away from him, that's when he realized it. So this statement is a very powerful one at that Buddha Martin he tune you worship what that which you yourselves carve? Are you is that your ultimate objective? Because, you know, worship is really what's the what's the ultimate highest thing in your life? What is the the highest goal in your life? Well, for us, it's Allah wa Nyla, BeagleBone Taha, so this, this has manifestations within the religious world, it has manifestations

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in your personal life. And that's manifestations in our culture, sometimes, we want to meet certain cultural standards, right? We want our son to be this much have this much money, or we need to buy a house in this this neighborhood, or when we have a wedding for our daughter, it should be in this kind of a hall and this kind of, you know, we need to make sure that very wedding videos look like this, and the flowers look like that. And you know, all of that. And if we don't do any of that we have failed as a because that was the ultimate goal. Like nothing was greater than that, you know, and then just obeying Allah along the way to get to that goal disobey Allah as much as you want,

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just so we get to that goal. Just so we get to that party, just so we get to have those same, you know, videos of people dancing and doing all kinds of stuff, and weddings and everybody you can't even tell whose wedding it is and what's going on. You can tell the difference between Muslim and non Muslim wedding. But this is our objective. This is this is the ultimate success, you know. And so this is a really powerful look in the mirror that Ibrahim Ali Salam offers to his people a taboo number 10 He don't wala halacha como Mata Malone and Allah created you and created all the things that you do. Everything that you've accomplished is also a creation of Allah and just like you can

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be taken away at a moment's notice. Allah the Halacha lota will hurt and he can take whatever you created away from you also. The thing that is a value is your your tithe to him, he pleased with you. Are you pleased with him? That's the only thing that will matter. Everything else is transient if my entire body this most valuable asset that I have. If this isn't mine, then why am I so clung on? So stuck on all the things that I think I own? You

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He says in the beginning of Quran and Bacara he says we're madrasa now who don't feel good from what we provided them they give I don't you don't give anything I don't give anything that's mine. He gave it to me and then I give like it's not mine to begin with. So he Ibrahim Ali some calls them out on this and he wants us to internalize it. And you know what they do in response when they hear that reality check. That reality check offends them so much our Lula who wound Jana and fall who who failed to him, build a monument for him build a building just for him, meaning build a giant fire. We learned before that there's a fire now we're learning it's not just a fire. They want to build an

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entire like, pyramid type whatever structure and build a giant flame and have a ritual and then burn him and what does it tell you? It tells you the truth teller, the one that speaks this Heart Truth is going to be you know, the object of a lot of rage in society. Because people that don't want to let go of their gods will hold on to their gods no matter what. They will worship those gods nowhere and they will burn anyone in their path. They will burn them so they you know they are ready to burn Ibrahim Ali son for alcohol filter him for our doobie he Kayden Fajr Allah homeless Falleen and Allah says they wanted to scheme against him. They intended to scheme against him, but we made them

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the lowest of the low, don't love us Faline we made them the lowest and this is perhaps Allah alluding to the next life. You know for my brother now who has fell outside feeling like he says elsewhere. So here in these ayat, notice that he used the word of Jehane. And geheime is one of the names of hellfire. And this is the nature of a materialist who thinks there's no other life than this. To them. The worst thing that can happen is somebody being burned or being killed in this life. That's the firt the worst that can happen is in this life, the best of it is in this life. The worst of it is in this life, there is no concept of the next life. That's why even a fire here when

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it's big enough, they can call it what ljm as you're famous for the next life is not for this life, you know, and by the way, it comes from Jehovah, which is the the stare of a predatorial animal like a lion before it pounces. When it looks at its prey, and it's about to kill, its pupils dilate and that paralyzing look in the eye of the predator. That's actually called your home and from it you get Jehane meaning of a flame that roars a flame that has a pounce on a flame that is paralyzing the terrifying. That's actually what's called the Jehane. So they wanted to create an example out of Ibrahim Ali salaam, they wanted to show that this this kind of thing will not be tolerated and we

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will celebrate our false gods and show them their true respect by making an entire festival out of burning him alive. They want Him to actually create an entire ritual out of burning him alive because it's not just oh just kill him. No build a giant fire though they're gonna actually get together and this is a whole project of destruction. You know, for Ibrahim Ali salaam, so they intended all of this and Allah made them the lowest and all Ibrahim Al Islam says after surviving this fire when it becomes cool, he says color in NIDA, Hibben LRB. So yeah, dini. I am heading to my master, he will guide me soon. Valuable in either ebony RBSA. Athena, what powerful words if like,

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there are a few words that you should really cling on to from the story of Ibrahim alayhis salam, this idea would be one of them. So to solve that, and number 99 Allah in NIDA, Hebron Illa Robbie saya Dini, I am heading to my master, I am going to my master, he will guide me, you know what that means? That means doesn't matter where I go, what I leave behind. And I'm not concerned about what I leave behind. I'm concerned about where I'm heading. He's leaving behind family, friends, safety society. He's leaving everything behind. But he's not thinking about what he's leaving behind. Other places and Quran. Allah highlights what he's leaving behind. Here. It's not just what you're leaving

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from, it's what you're going to. He says I'm going to my master and neither Hibben Ihlara be

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the rest is up to him. So yeah, Dean, He will guide me he will die if I'm doing right by him. And this is one of the hardest, toughest question that a human being likes to avoid deep inside themselves. This is an introspection does. This is about me looking inside myself. I can give you this talk but I have to at the end of this talk or during this talk before this talk I have to look inside myself. You have to look inside yourself only you can answer this question for yourself. There are things inside me that I know and there are things inside you that only you know that keep you from going towards Europe.

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There are things you know you shouldn't be doing things you know you should be doing there things you know that you need to make changes in and your new refuse that you're avoiding it. You're avoiding that conversation even with yourself. Right and when you verbalize this, what do you verbalize? I am going to my master. I'm going to overcome my reluctance. I'm going to overcome my hesitate my internal hesitation I

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I'm going to overcome my fear, I'm going to overcome even if for somebody who's suffering from it, I'm going to overcome my addiction. I'm going to overcome, you know, whatever, you know, blocks there are inside of me. I'm just going to say these words in me that he wouldn't allow to be I'm going to my master, I'm going to step over all of those things that are in my heart that are keeping me from obeying Allah. And when I do that, what am I going to do if I take that step? What's going to happen? I can't do it. I'm not strong enough. Well, maybe you're not strong enough. Maybe you need someone to go hold your hand and take you and that's actually why the next words are so

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important. So yeah, Dini, He will guide me He will take me there. I just have to you know, take that step and he'll take he'll do the rest it neither he wouldn't. LRB saya dini. And when you and I take that step, what's the next most important thing first we turn to Allah and ask for his guidance. And then what do we do? We do what Ibrahim Ali Salam does, or be heavily Minister Ali Hain master gave me the gift from among righteous people, meaning giving the gift of righteous people give me good people in my life. And this is actually implicitly saying give me good children. But it's not just reduced to good children. Because the word for children was emitted. Just humbly municipality in

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give me the gift of good children right that's all that's all it said. It's not rugby humbly to react and Mina Salah Hain give me children among the righteous are children that have righteousness, right? What is the return salah? But here, what are we asking Allah for when you and I decide to take a step towards Allah, then we beg Allah to put people in our life, to bring people in our life that will help us keep going in the right direction. Because you and I both know that it's easy to find people in your life that will pull you into the wrong direction. It's easy to just be caught up in a company that will take you away like it's the, you know, it's not that when a lot of B and I

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have been under a B is going away from my job. You know, there are people that will take you away from Allah. And we really want to be around people that are inherently good. And that's a gift from Allah. Now we're learning in this idea that Ibrahim alayhi salam recognizes that people are a gift from Allah, good people are a gift from Allah. You know, you can earn money, you can get nice car, you can get a nice house, those are things those things are actually easier. But good people in your life is way harder. Good people is way, way harder. And it's the Stories of the Prophets, particularly his story is evidence to that he has to leave every human being that he knows.

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Right because he can't find good people, has the use of every last one of them. And he says the only place I can find good people is if they come as a gift from Allah, Robbie Hubballi when I saw him, how did Allah answer this? Because you know, does that mean you and I have to go into the wilderness to find the gift from Allah. Well, Allah gave it made it easier for us. He actually took this dua, Ibrahim Ali Salam, and he turned it into a formula for the Muslim in the Quran. SOTL angebote, for example, which incidentally also mentioned Abraham, Ali, salaam, and etc. He says, Well, Latina Ahmed, why middle Saudi hottie the noodle? Heelan, Nahum, this Salim those who believe they do good,

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they do good deeds, we will absolutely in few inject them into the company of good people, guaranteed from Allah. If you decide to take a step towards Allah, that Allah will in fact guaranteed from himself, bring into your life good people.

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Now, by the way, that's not a guarantee that he will not bring bad people into your life also, you have to have the distinction, right? You have to you and I have to have the sense to know which people are a source of goodness for me, which people are a source of Taqwa for me which people are keeping me under Allah's protection. And under Allah's obedience, in which people being around them is keep getting me closer and closer and making making it easier and easier to disobey Allah it's becoming more and more tempting for me to disobey Allah because of that company. This is a this is a response I have to have in my the thought I have to have it myself. So Robbie Hubballi masala hain.

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And then by the way, he makes this dua and I listen to this, he makes this dua when he was a young man when he was, you know, escaped when he escaped from his village. Right. And the next I assess Ferber Sharona who we who live in Haleem, then we gave him the good news of a forbearing sensitive child. But Allah didn't give him that news immediately. He gave him that news way in his 80s. Let's see if we go by the Bible age, even the Quran describes as an old age, right? So he's going to have a smile at least the first child is going to have a smile or some way down the road in his old age. Now this is a big topic, the sacrifice which I'm going to be talking to you about tomorrow

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Inshallah, but I want to introduce some basic

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The preliminary concepts in this series, I don't want to go into too much detail, because I've talked about this stuff in a lot of detail before particularly about the sacrifice. So I want to give you the summarized version. Okay. Those of you that are interested in the detailed discussion on the sacrifice, and the comparison between the Bible's account and the Quran account, and why this is so important. This is a subject matter discussed in detail in ilm, Ron and Surah. Allah Imran and also in certain dakara when we get to the the change of the Qibla passage, but I'll say a couple of quick things that are, I think, important for you to understand. So in the Christian tradition, they

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all pretty much hold the view that the son that was to be sacrificed was Isaac, they call him Isaac, we call him as Huck. And he's right. And they actually don't consider a smile either. He said, a son of Abraham, they consider him Harlequin Salama, they consider him, you know, mandala, they consider him an illegitimate child of Abraham. Okay, so they believe that he was the child of a slave. And that's why he's an illegitimate child, so he doesn't actually count as a child. And then later on, they created an entire mythology around that child being cursed, meaning Ismail Ishmael, being cursed, and therefore his lineage is also cursed. And therefore anybody who claims to be a prophet

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from that lineage cannot ever be accepted. And this was their way of making sure that the chosen lineage is Isaac. And so if Isaac is chosen for the sacrifice, then the children of Isaac are blessed. And the children of Isaac, the title of Isaac is Jacob, Jacob has Joseph and all the Israelite prophets, right? So the Israelite legacy is blessed, because Isaac was chosen for the sacrifice and Ishmael doesn't even count Now the Bible says sacrifice your only son. The Bible's wording to this day is what sacrifice your only son. But the Bible also describes that this Mary was born before 14 years before so how is it the only son they had to reconcile right so they, they

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reconciled it by doing what? Well, only son means only legitimate son that was an illegitimate son. So they would rather make a hideous lie against Ibrahim Ali Salam, and call Ismail illegitimate, then actually acknowledged that the older the only son was Ismail Ali Salam. There's an entire book dedicated a remarkable book dedicated to this subject. It's been recently translated and added to in English also, I'll get you the name of the English version tomorrow, but the Arabic Book is used for a human who has the BA, the correct position and who was to be slaughtered. Now what happens this was the Jewish tradition that wanted to preserve Jewish specialness by saying that is Hawk was the

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son to be slaughtered some Muslims because we borrowed so much from Jewish sources. They also some of us don't also held the view that it's hard because the child being talked about that is to be slaughtered. There's a big problem with that though. The Bible itself on many occasions is calling Ismail Ibrahim son, not just like you know how they say oh, it doesn't really count for this and multiple times he's been called the sun, then the location where the sacrifice should happen is a valley of burnt rock. Listen carefully the location of the according to the Bible details. The Sacrifice is supposed to happen on in a valley of burnt rock. And even the English account of the

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Bible location is near Moriah Moria. And have you been for Rocky Rahim? Allah in his book showed the the Hebrew wording and so how they took Maura or Marwa and turn turn it into Maria, it's Safa and Marwa and Shiva and Maria is what they turned it into. And then they say this burnt Rock in Jerusalem. There are no burnt rocks in Jerusalem in a barren land. Where's the burnt rock valley with a barren land? That's Makkah? And is how can a slum was never in Makkah. Right. So there's ample evidence from actually early Jewish sources. Also, even some of the early Jewish scholarship recognize that as my son was the son to be sacrificed the Quranic evidence points in that direction.

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And then the, you know, scholarship scholarship points in this direction, all three and I'll be doing if I did a remarkable job compiling all of that. And then this has larger implications because a lot of what was said by the Jews was then taken up by evangelical Christians. And then in the Christian rhetoric, a lot of their rhetoric you know what they say oh, Islam is from the line of Ishmael and Ishmael you know, he was a cursed child. So Islam is the religion of the devil is all of this from where they started it from where from which child has to be sacrificed. Now Muslims have a very different view of this regardless, even though we know it was a smile Ali salaam which was to

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be sacrificed, that doesn't take anything away from the honor of his Huck.

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Like that for us. The you know, if Allah has chosen to favor someone in with with a favor or test someone with a test that does not take away the honor of someone else

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And we don't have the concept of a cursed lineage or a blessing lineage. We don't have that concept. We're all children of Adam and Eve from any human being that makes Toba has made Toba. You can't say oh, no, but you're from curse genetics. You can't make Toba. Jana is not for you, your your, you know, your your black blacklisted. We don't have this concept they do they actually have the concept of curse lineages. And theologically, they you know, it's an extension of even Adam Alayhis Salam, you know, his children are curse because he's coming on the earth as cursed, you know, and then a few people get blessed, but everybody else remains curse. And that's why this entire, you know,

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narrative of Jews versus Gentiles and all of that. But the Quran smashed all of it. Every human being is a child of Adam, every human being has been honored. Well, I've got Corona, Bernie, Adam. So this sacrifice story actually has major ramifications in even how religions around the world like Jewish and Christian religions and their new manifestations. And a lot of the political narratives, right, a lot of the politics that is injected into religion, a lot of it comes from this narrative. Right? So if you don't understand this story properly from the Quranic perspective, and it gives you it for those of you that have interactions with Jewish and Christian friends, this is actually a

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really interesting topic to discuss with them to bring out the biblical evidence is, which is why inshallah I'll share the reference to the book with you. It's been translated into English and I think PDFs are available online, that you can download. If you're interested. You can read up on yourselves that has major, major ramifications. And of course, look at it from a historical point of view. The Arabs, they don't know, you know, little Coleman mountains era about the Arabs of Makkah, the Quraysh. They haven't had a prophet for 1000s of years. Right. And we I mean, I told you the genealogy, who the other he said Instagram and Solihull, Instagram, or before Ibrahim and Shriver la

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Salaam is just a little bit after. Right? So there, this has been 1000s of years, they've had no prophets, right? Why are they sacrificing an animal in the name of Ibrahim Ali Salaam and this mela is even Prusa. This is a practice that existed for centuries and centuries and centuries. Where do they get it from? Why are they doing it? Right right there. You see, why are they celebrating Safa and Marwa a lot of what we learned in the Quran, the pagan version of that was already there, the Quran restored the original story, right, but there's no anthropological reason for them to have even the name Ibrahim Ali salaam, unless he was there. So there's actually some really interesting

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historical study associated with this, this concept. And it's a very interesting point to discuss with the people of the book, respectfully, but still discuss with the people of the book. So they see our point of view on this remarkable story. And, by the way, Ibrahim alayhi salam just said, Why do you worship that which you can remember? And then quickly, Allah moves to he gave him a child. And as soon as you give, gives them a child, he says, And when the child could be old enough that he could run around with him, Allah, He told his son, I see in my dream that I'm slaughtering you, you see what Allah did.

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You see what I was telling you before. It's not just idols that we carve, it's the thing that we put value in, in life that becomes an object of worship. And for an old man, what's more valuable than his child?

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Right? And when he gets to the age where he can turn around and cease turning into a young man, that's when Allah showed him the dream that he's sacrificing his son.

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You see what Allah did? Like the thing that has most value in your heart? Are you ready to give that before Allah azza wa jal?

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He asked much less from us. He's asking us lentil rebel rotten fecal matter hipbone you're not going to attain any goodness. If unless you spend some of what you love. Not all of what you love, some of what you love Minmatar hipbone not don't feel Kumar to have gone to the FICO minima to hipbone at some mercy from Allah. Allah didn't expect us to say sacrifice everything you love, and that's what how we'll know you love me, or you'll be good, no sacrifice out of some of the things that you love, give, give them up out of some of them, give them up and that's the mercy that Allah gave to us and ease that Allah gave to us. So with this background in mind, inshallah we'll delve into the

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sacrifice story BarakAllahu li Walakum. Quran Al Hakim, one of our Annual er Combi IRT was lacking cinematic Omar Abdullah Carla Ricardo

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