Nouman Ali Khan – The Qurans Universal Message

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of the Quran in various media outlets, including those of the Christian and Muslim community. The title of the Quran is a means to convey the message of Islam to audiences, and it is often used to address non- Islam needs. The importance of treating others with proper respect and caution, being aware of laws and regulations when dealing with Muslims outside of Islam, and showing proper physical appearance is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the need for strong physical appearance and respect for women and their bodies, and emphasize the importance of honoring women and showing respect for their worth.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rubbish it suddenly were silly Emily was Luke data melissani of kuqali Allahumma sabitha and del monte de la ilaha illallah wa la Medina Mina, Latina amanu Aminu slowly hurt whatever So Bill Huck whatever se sobre me near la me from

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the Quran is remarkable for many reasons. And one of them is that on several occasions Allah azza wa jal talks to multiple audiences at the same time. There's a famous axiom in the Arabic language, hollywood nos Allah country rucola him talk to people at their level. So if I'm talking to children, I'll speak differently if I'm talking to adults, I'll speak differently. If I was speaking to a group of women, what pertains to them is different. If I'm talking to a group of college students, it's something else. So you have to look at the circumstance you're in and then address an audience. And Allah azzawajal actually does this very often. In many places in the Quran, Allah is talking to

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a very particular audience. And it's important to know which audience he's speaking to otherwise you might misunderstand the intent of the speech. But then there are other places in the Quran, where Allah azza wa jal speaks to every audience. He's speaking to men. He's speaking to women, he's speaking to children. He's speaking to adults, he's speaking to believers and he's speaking to disbelievers. He's being an A Jews, Christians, atheists, machico, Hindus, Buddhists, you name it, and the Muslims, the strongest of them and the weakest of them, like something applies to everyone.

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And what's generally understood is that when those who lost a lot more insulin was given the Quran in Makkah,

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that the audience of that was everyone because the Muslims were a very small minority and the purpose the fundamental purpose of the revelation of Quran was the non Muslim audience. Allows origin revealed the Quran as a means of Dawa to them also to to invite them to the message of Islam. So you don't find much of Yeah, you Hello Nina Amano, something specific to the believers in early revelation, much two thirds of the Quran you basically find a larger way that either speaking to all of humanity or saying things like yeah, you Hannah's towards the end of certain has in other places and that's how the address of the Quran is and then generally it's understood that when the prophets

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later moves to Medina

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that the Muslims have now formed an organized community now they are not under oppression they're not some you know scared minority that's hiding away somewhere but they're actually in a position of governance. There are legitimate entity now considered legitimate entity by the other parties that are there.

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You know, they're not like Allah compares them to what Finn when used to think of the Israelites showed me that alone, this riff raff, that's nothing, they're just gonna disappear. They're no big deal. It wasn't like that. in Medina, Medina, we were now a legitimate recognized entity. Actually, even the fact that the governance the governance of Medina, was in the hands of Rasulullah, sallAllahu wasallam, even though there was a bigger Jewish and Christian community, actually a much bigger Jewish community that was already there. And it's important to note on the side, by the way, that the Muslims were still in population, a minority compared to the population of Medina, the

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Muslims were still a minority. But regardless, now you find a recurrence in the Quran, Allah Sandhya. You have Latina among those of you who believe those of you who believe those of you who believe in other words, Allah is now directly addressing the Muslim community. And on occasion, Allah will address the People of the Book, also the Jewish and Christian communities, he'll say things like Yeah, but he is Salafi of Kuru, Kuru, near materiality and radical Mia Al Kitab. Allah Shea, so you will find those addresses too. But what's very rare, is that Allah will combine all of them in Medina. in Medina, either Ally's addressing this group or he's addressing that group. A

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combined address was more commonly found in Makkah. But on a rare occasion in pseudo Nyssa, Allah azza wa jal actually addresses all of humanity. Every community there is the mushroom pool of maca, the Jewish and Christian communities, the Muslim community and a message that is relevant to each and every one of them. It applies to every one of them and each one of them because they are different audiences think about this differently. And this is the declaration of Allah as I did in the beginning of surah. Nisa. Yeah, you heard us it Sakura Bakula? The holla talkin meanness in wahida bahala caminho jaha Baba salmon humare Jalan casilando Nisa, taco la la de de Luna, he will

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have him in the LA Cana la community. But you could argue that when the Muslims are an organized community, the message that they have to take to everybody else, first of all live by for themselves and then take to everybody else is the opening I have sold on this.

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Now that the universal message what is it that the Muslims are about and it's remarkable that because it includes all these audiences? So littleness is a very long surah What do you find inside certain is that Allah will give instructions to the Muslims about about inheritance and how to live as a family. Allah is going to talk about the internal problems of the Muslims. The munafo in about 60 is dedicated to the monastic

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Khun Allah is actually going to deal with the people of the book and Sultan Nisha also inside community problems outside problems all of them combined in one surah and that sort of tonisha. Now what is this ayah about? First of all, yeah, yohannes humanity people, all people, it dacorum bircham be conscious of your master, become aware, be recognize the presence of your Master itakura back home. So the Muslims are being told to have Taqwa. And the non Muslims are being told to have that law. They're being told to be aware of a law also, and not just have a God, but someone who over oversees them, someone who has authority over them. Muslims are not the authority. Christians

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are not the authority. Human beings are not the authority, Allah is the authority. And just like you and I observe the authority of a traffic light, we observe the authority of the IRS, when we're filing our taxes, we observe the authority of entities bigger than ourselves. humanity's being, first of all invited to recognize the authority of a supreme master of all it Dakota mbaku. And then the interesting thing here is now we are now big, even though religiously, we're all different. The first thing Allah says, Why should all of you get the same exact instruction? What do you have in common with everybody else, and let the halaqa come enough sinuata

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the one who created you out of one single person,

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I am very different from a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu or an atheist, I'm very different culturally, I'm very different religiously, my outlook is different. But one thing I have in common is he's or he or she is a child of Adam, and so am I. That can change our skin color may be different. Our language accents may be different. The countries of our origin may be different. Our religious outlook may be different, but one thing doesn't change. They are a child of Adam, and so am I. And so when I'm dealing with them, this is important consideration. Now, what is Allah done in this in this phrase, many things, I just want to highlight a few of them for you. What is Allah done

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when I deal with another human being? When I deal with a Muslim or a non Muslim, a friend, a co worker, anybody, even someone who hates Islam, and we when you deal with anyone, who are you actually dealing with? You are dealing with someone who belongs to Allah,

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you're dealing with someone who belongs to a let me give you a simple example to help you understand what I'm trying to say. When you're outside and you're heading to your car. And you lean against your car, or you tap on your car or you sit on the back of your car, it's your car. You can do whatever you want. But you're not going to sit on somebody else's car.

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Because he is gonna come and say, Excuse me, that's my car. What are you doing? It belongs to me. You have to treat it with a certain care, because it doesn't belong to you. When you and I deal with each other. We're not just dealing with a person. We're dealing with someone who belongs to Allah azza wa jal. And you have to be careful when you deal with something that belongs to Allah. You have to be cautious. That taqwa of Allah isn't just our relationship with Allah. The taqwa of Allah is also there when we deal with each other. Because we're dealing with something that's the milkier of Allah, this, this one has a rub. You can't just talk to them any way you want. Let me give you

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another example, not just of a car, you deal with your children a certain way you can talk to them a certain way if they didn't do their homework, you can get upset with them. If they broke something, you can give them a little scolding. You can you can feed them what you like. You can you can you know, take them where you like but you can't treat other somebody else's child the same way. You're in the park, you start yelling at somebody else's kid, there's gonna be a problem. Excuse me, that's my child. Who are you? Why How do you think you can deal with in this way? We understand the idea that when someone is some, somebody else's responsibility, you have to actually show proper Corum,

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decorum respect regard. We forget that when we deal with each other. We've we think we're dealing with just another person. So we can speak how we want to act how we want, raise our voice, however we want, raise our hands, in some cases, however we want. And we forget that the one in front of us is actually the property of Allah. And Allah azza wa jal deals with them. Actually, by the end of this ayah, Allah says in the La Casa La cumbre Kiba or we'll get to that at the end. The word repeat is incredible. It's a really beautiful word. You know, but I want to remind you that this kind of dealing, when we deal with each other, it's easy outside. When you go to a restaurant and you deal

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with the waiter nicely, or you go to the airport and you're dealing with the staff nicely or security nicely, that's easy. When you're inside your home, when I'm inside my home, and I have to deal with family.

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We forget about a lot

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inside a home inside a bedroom inside the living room people can turn into fit on

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you know their Little Kingdom and they can speak how they want do what they want, you know become as arrogant as they want. Act like they own somebody else. Controls

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Somebody else, dictate everything on somebody else. Even control whether they can laugh or cry, you know? And how can we assume that we have this kind of authority and we don't. We have to have Taqwa. itakura, Bakula, the whole document of sin vida, then Allah says wahala caminhao jaha.

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Speaking of that one person meaning other mothers around from that one person, Allah created his spouse. So Allah azza wa jal is now describing he could have just said He created you from,

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from a man and a woman. He could have said that he didn't say that. He's very specific, when he tells humanity, He created you from one person and out of that one person, he created he extracted from that one, or that one person, another person, another creation, and that is woman.

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She is an extension of ourselves, our mothers or wives, our daughters, our sisters, they are actually a part of who we are. They came from us. And when they came from us, what Allah azza wa jal is describing to us, is that our harshness with them is going to turn into our harshness against our own selves mohalla caminhada

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this idea of xojo also xojo actually used it is used in the Arabic language when two things not only are they part of a pair, but one is incomplete without the other. The night and the day are so Jane in the Quran. The night in the day or so Jane the sun and the moon are so Jane and

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Jana Lila hora is a no so he made them to

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the idea that I actually there are parts of my personality that I need. My spouse for. My spouse has parts of her personality she needs me for we need each other. This is actually something that we have to acknowledge that Allah azza wa jal did not make us independent. We can't just be on our own. We have a need for the other. We depend. We are our very existence started with our mothers who saw herself as OGE. We are we were born independence to each other and relying on one another. So there is no room for arrogance. There is no room for I own anybody else. And there's no room for it. Well holla come in has an agenda and then Allah azza wa jal describes robots. I mean, who mows the yard

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and gets Ilan, when is he spread out from both of them from that man or that woman, many men and many women, meaning you got here because of that original pair.

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This is extremely important to understand that Allah azza wa jal is describing the relationship of Adam and however, Solomon, Allah, Hema, and he's using that as a model for every other pair that's going to exist.

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all of humanity must go back to that same married couple, the man who was 11 Halima, and what does it lead us? Allah says very little things about them. But what does he say? He says, was gone, and I was able to

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settle down, find peace, you and your spouse in general, that's what he told about the money system, and our mother, right? The idea of finding tranquility and peace in your spouse, the idea of you not being angry around your spouse. And that goes for the women too, not just the men, that you you know, every time the man walks in, you have a list of complaints ready to go. And you'd like to, you know, speak, you know, lay them out in as loud of volume as possible and as quickly as possible. You know, and on the other hand, the man has had a hard day at work, and he can't yell back at his boss, because he's going to get fired. So he's going to keep all the anger charged up, until he walks into

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the house, and then he can release. This is not Sakina This is not sukoon, ozcan and tawassul. It's not just live, it's actually fine peace, be at peace, you're supposed to be each other's question. You're supposed to be each other's even live as live as clothing is something you don't put it on. If it's not comfortable, and you don't put it on. If it's not, you know, if it's not right, and you don't put it on. If it's not, it's not gonna protect you from the outside. If it's raining, you'll dress differently. If it's snowing, you'll dress differently. If it's hot, you'll dress differently. For every occasion, there's a button for every occasion your spouse is your new boss. This is

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already from the very beginning how there's supposed to be a dependency between the spouses. But then moving forward. And this is the part that I wanted to highlight for all of you. What de la la de tassa aluna be.

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Be careful about Allah. Be aware of Allah, in whose name you make demands on each other. And use a particular one of the tequila to have the word alone. When you make demands on each other. When you're yelling at each other arguing with each other, you're making a case and somebody says, well, law II,

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the user last name, and they asked something. Box 19 is a lucky person. And then they say something. Allah says watch it, the ones name you use. When you make these kinds of arguments and you make demands from each other. And you make cases against each other. Be careful of whom you're speaking. It's not so easy and casual for you to just use a last name so many people when they

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get into an argument as a local judge you I pray Allah gives you justice. Oh, easy, easy.

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Where did you go from your little argument about whatever, some money, some some family issue and now you're bringing a line to it. Do you know when a law punishes it goes forever. You know when the law punishes when that that fire when that fire will be generated for for disbelievers and a level throw people into that fire that's hotter than any fire we've ever experienced. You really wish that overs on someone over and over an argument about some small thing that will be today and won't be tomorrow. And you're ready to throw people in there unless punishment a local currency will level punish you. Be careful. There are this become so casual in our families there are I've met so many

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young young children and that have become one when they're teenagers. They're traumatized because their parents, you know what they told them every time. Don't talk back a lot will be very angry Allah is gonna punish you, I pray that Allah gets you

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their entire Muslim cultures where the children grew up here and you're gonna burn in * for what you've done. Allah is gonna throw you in jail for what you've done, who are you to call on allies, the judge for throwing anybody anywhere. Like we have a guarantee of gender. Now we get to throw other people in China. Be careful. Don't watch out for Allah who's new, whose name you use to call on each other. And to make demands on each other. Watch it Don't Don't be abusive with a last name.

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And then when he does this, he adds something that I did not expect. And that actually was a little time I have left in the hood by one a highlight just as part. taqwa of Allah, big being cautious of Allah being careful about Allah, not disobeying allies all over the Quran over 200 times Allah talks about the taqwa of Allah.

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This unique place Allah says what de la gente de Luna v one or Hama,

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this one word addition changes everything changes everything.

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Some argue this is out of

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some argue this is a kind of bayaan or HTML. What that means I'll explain. Be careful about Allah.

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That is to say, especially careful when you deal with any relationship that involves the womb, the stomach of the mother

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taqwa of Allah, taqwa of the ohana tube of Ruby.

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In other words, you cannot have Taqwa of Allah. If you don't have Taqwa of Allah.

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Not possible. They go hand in hand they're married to finally they come on one on top of the other. You know how in the English language you say IE That is to say, one duck was already mentioned. Yeah, you had nashotah Cora como la de Hanukkah komanoff sinuata. That's still one ayah and now he says have Taqwa of Allah, you make demands on each other using his name. And by the way have Taqwa of Allah Han. So let's explain what that means. The wombs of the mother, the belly of the mother, by you by mentioning the stomach of a pregnant woman, I love hum, that's what it literally that is in Simple English. It's the stomach of a pregnant woman.

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Ally's mentioning at least three people

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allies mentioning the father implicitly because you can't get pregnant without a father. Allies mentioning the child because that's what's in the womb. And allies mentioning the woman, isn't he? There are three people that are included. Now. The really every relationship that is formed because of this pregnancy, you better be very careful about you better have duck law of it. You better be very, you know, cautious and protective of it. What does that mean? That actually first and foremost means because it begins with the woman herself. The honor we're supposed to show our mothers

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the respect and regard we're supposed to show to our mother and you know, in our religion, what standing she has, you know, many of you have already heard that this raw ham of ham is the plural of the word raw ham in the Arabic language. And the lamb is found in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in a hadith in which Allah speaks. And Allah speaks to the Torah he speaks to the stomach of a pregnant the stomach itself, the womb itself. And what does he say to her son made to me?

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I named you with my own name, Allah, his name is Allah Rahman r Rahim. Allah name the stomach of the woman, or him.

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There's not something small. This is something we have to be very careful about. So let's begin with that because there's a few things to talk about here. The woman herself

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when your wife is expecting,

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calling names, allowing your in laws to insult which happens when the wife gives birth to a daughter saying

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we knew we shouldn't get married in this family, you all you give us as girls. When you do these things, then you don't just you're not just insulting some girl.

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You're not just insult allowing your wife to be insulted.

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You're actually really disregarding the taqwa of Allah.

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You You violated what to call or harm, you've violated the first I absolutely saw.

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This Oh, by the way includes you can't you know the institution of marriage is how you can legitimately become pregnant. all of humanity by this is being told to respect the institution of marriage. Be careful about marriage itself, because without marriage, you can't have our harm. Now we're in a free society where our harm exists outside of marriage. But and our youth, the omos, youth are being raised in a time where sexuality is a, this is a normal thing. Marriage is actually very formal, very complicated, you have to have lots and lots and lots of negotiations between families and extended tribes, even federal governments, it feels like sometimes before you can get

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married, so but I'll having a relationship with some girl in college, or high school or even Middle School easy.

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That's just all way too easy, making friends with somebody on social media and then sparking a relationship with all that all too easy. guarding your eyes, from all the things that are appealing to a young man or a young woman is very hard now, because it's all accessible, which means we're not careful about it anymore. We're not careful about it anymore. We're not capable of what the caller harm.

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If we're going to fix this problem, on the one hand, we have to respect the mother. The other hand, we and if your wife is a mother, or she's expecting, etc, you have to have extra care extra caution.

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The on the other hand, we have to actually take care and protect the institution of marriage. I know young men and women in our community that are 2627, sometimes 3035 years old, can't get married.

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Actually, I changed that they can get married, they won't be allowed to get married, because of the absurd expectations of their parents the volume that their parents are doing. The loan that their extended families doing, you have four or five siblings. There's a proposal for the youngest daughter. No, no, no, no, no, first the eldest one, then number two, then number three, then you get number four, you can't just do number four, who decided this rule? Who came up with this idea that you you abide by, like it's the law of Allah. When there is a an option for a child for a young woman to get married? we impose our own rules that have nothing to do with a law or his messenger or

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common sense. Nothing to do with it. And do you think those emotions go away those temptations go away? These young people are doing what they're going to do. They just you just don't know about it anymore.

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And even if they don't do anything, is it going on in their head or their emotions running wild, even you parents that are that are listening to this. You went through this at a certain age. And it's far more difficult than it for them than it was ever for you. The fitna, in front of them is much, much bigger. Don't put barriers to allow our young sons and our young daughters to get married if a good proposal comes your way. And they say no, do don't have nursery.

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Don't be picky. Learn from Musashi Salaam story. Musa alayhis. Salam came and the father proposed in Meridian.

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And who did he propose to? He proposed to the first good guy that walked through the door. Why? Because the girl liked him. Good enough. He's honest, good enough. He seems strong, good enough. He's homeless. He doesn't have a job.

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He has nothing and he's run away from home for wanting for murder.

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But you know, he has three good qualities. He's strong, he's honest, and the girl likes them. Good enough for me. character was more important than anything else. Now we look at everything else. The last thing we look at is what character when you're forcing, you're on the other end when you're forcing your daughters and your sons to get married. When you're forcing them to marry someone they don't want to marry. That is also a violation of the tough love Aloha. That is also explicitly wrong. Be careful when you when you emotionally psychologically torture your daughter and say marry your cousin, marry your cousin marry your cousin and marry this one. Nobody's gonna want you. Now

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this finally his proposal has come you better accepted when you put this kind of pressure on your daughter and she doesn't want to get married and you make force her emotionally force her blackmailer to get married. Then if this was brought total su de la Salallahu alaihe salam and it was a woman came and said my dad, my parents made me get married. I didn't want to marry him. And asylum considered that marriage battle nullified, doesn't even count. You brought her into a relationship that's not even legitimate to begin with what cool or harm

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we have to have Taqwa of our harm. The regard for the mother protecting the institution of marriage, encouraging early marriage, not forcing people into marriage. All of it is inside with the color hum. All of it. And then on top of that, it's addressing the woman to

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You after all carry or how many of you as a young woman, or even a married woman or an unmarried woman, have the potential of burying a child, the most sacred responsibility from which all of humanity began. You have to have respect for your body. You have to have respect for your integrity, you're not just a copy of someone else, you have to be cautious of what Allah has given you. You don't want to lug gives you a you have something very valuable with you. If you had a huge amount of money would, you'd be afraid to leave the house. I don't know if I should leave with this much cash. If you have extremely expensive jewelry, you don't just leave it lying around and leave the door

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unlocked and you make sure the doors are locked. When you have something valuable, your caution your care becomes an extra. The woman is being told you have to

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you have to be more a more a person of color than anyone else. You have to be closer to Allah than anyone else. And that's why half a lot on the line. We might have Ebola, the guard what is unseen by what Allah decreed to be guarded. Women are being given a special instruction to have Taqwa. So we are being told to honor women and when women are being told to honor themselves and to show respect to themselves. We are now in a you know, it's it's a disaster. It's a catastrophe. I don't think honestly, I don't think the crisis of the oma is political. I don't believe that. I don't believe the crisis of the omens economic. I think the crisis of the oma is actually psychological,

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emotional, spiritual. That's what our crisis is. Our young daughters have no respect for themselves. They have low self esteem. We don't even teach them how to stand up with with pride and with at the same time, humility at the same time with pride of Islam, to honor themselves. So many of our Muslim families. When a woman dresses when one one family member starts covering up, everybody else has a heart attack. What are you doing you becoming extreme?

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You're gonna you're gonna dress like that to the party.

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We can't go with you. What do you look like that? These are conversations not happening in non Muslim homes, where somebody's converted to Islam, and now they're being made fun of these are conversations happening inside Muslim homes, fathers refusing to talk to their daughters, because they started wearing Hijab

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1000s of them, that maybe some in this audience, refusing to talk to their daughters because they started covering and respecting their own home.

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This is the reality of the oma today. So when a lot begins, yeah, you handed us You see, it doesn't just apply to non Muslims. We don't have to have a line anymore because we don't have to cover him anymore. This is what this means. What the law lady does he want or harm,

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or harm. These wounds, these relationships of the womb have to be guarded. Everything about them have to be guarded. And what does Allah say at the end of it all? And this is where I have to conclude.

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Allah azza wa jal says in namaha karna hai lokomotiva. No doubt about it. Allah has always been the lokibot over your lack of in Arabic, this back of the neck, like all the answers for Cora Coubertin. Raka is here, the back of the neck or Akiva is someone back in the day, they used to use it for a shepherd also.

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Because shepherds, sometimes they can't take care of sheep. And the thing that happens with sheep is they're not very intelligent animals, they go at the edge of a cliff. And they keep, you know, mowing on the grass until one of their legs slips and they're off the cliff. So what the shepherd does is it grabs them by the back of the neck and pulls them back.

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He's over them because he grabs them from where the back of the neck

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the animal that is being controlled like that, that is completely humbled by its master. Because when you get somebody to grab someone from the back of the neck, that kind of a grabbing is an expression of the ultimate authority. Actually, the only other time you see that kind of an expression among human beings is either some kid is in really big trouble in like a shower or something and some dad's like, Oh, this kid is in trouble. Or you see it in prisons, the prison warden or the you know, the security guards in prison or grabbing the soldier, the the the prisoner like that and throwing them in the cell is the expression of slavery or ultimate, ultimately being

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overpowered by Allah azzawajal. Allah says Allah has always had control over your neck.

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Always you think you're free? You think you get away with what you're doing? I let you do it. I don't let you sense my presence. But I've always been there have always been an op. A translated Allah has been ever watchful over you. I wanted to go a step further and help you understand what is it that Allah is saying so I know what Allah he could grab that neck and twisted whenever he wants. He could put you in me and check whenever he wants, he lets it go. But that doesn't mean that his control isn't there. It doesn't mean that he's not in charge. It doesn't mean that you and I got away with it. This is the opening of salata. Nyssa this is where it begins.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:24

And by the way, once you realize that, notice, I'll just say one last thing to you, in the next ayah, because this was about harm, right? The very next ayah is about orphans were utterly uttama Amala. home. Why? Why is the next time about orphans of the of the many reasons, just one I'd like to share with you. orphans are people that have lost that connection of the womb,

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they've lost their parents, their home, that was supposed to take care of a child, because the child is supposed to be taken care of by father and mother, the children that have lost their father and mother and becoming a team. Now they don't have them anymore. They don't have that relationship anymore, who's going to care for them, like somebody would care for your child, Eliza just says, Now that you understand how serious or harm are, you will absolutely take care of things within your own family. And now you will go out of your way to see those from whom that mercy has been taken away, who are going through the trust that the trial of being a team, and you're going to go out of your

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way and take care of them.

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You know, what that suggests that suggests that we've already taken responsibility, and we're already doing right by who is inside of our family? Who will whoever's inside? This is the message of our religion. All human beings are one, we're not superior to one another. We're supposed to be having a relationship of mercy and caution with each other. When we deal with each other. We cannot possibly give humanity the message of Islam if they don't see that even within us.

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If you and I can't even do that inside of our family, if we can't do that inside of our own community, what message Are we going to give to the rest of humanity? What are you going to hand them a flyer and that's it.

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That's it. This Dean is lived, as it is not just talked about. It's lived. It's a living example of faith. And so living example of the taqwa of Allah. And that's why I wanted to share this with you we hear all the time have Taqwa of Allah have Taqwa of Allah have Taqwa of Allah. Here in this ayah. Allah is telling us if you really want to show people what taqwa of Allah looks like show taqwa of Allah Han

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shows and then humanity will see these people are different. They're not like anybody else. Look at how they respect their mothers. Look at how they respect their spouses. Look at how they respect their children. Look at how they take care of orphans. Look at how they dignified themselves and they're going to see that in this religion isn't just us coming to a law, but in this religion, we are actually honoring humanity as it should be honored. May Allah azza wa jal make us living examples of this beautiful Deen and allow the teachings of his book to enter into our hearts And may Allah overlook the many shortcomings that we've had, and being able to live up to his book

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barakallahu li walakum philcare Arnage Hakeem when finally we are coming out with the critiki

00:32:49 --> 00:33:00

hamdu lillahi Wa Wa Salatu was Salam O Allah de Latina stauffacher Susana Allah of Lillehammer Houghton in the beam, Mohammed amin while he was here in La Jolla.

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nakoda him in a regime in Nevada Magna Carta who is a Luna Allenby, Latina amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Taslima Allahumma salli ala Muhammad Ali Mohamed gamma salata, Allah Rahim, Ali Ibrahim in naka hamidah Majid Allahumma barik ala Muhammad in WA Ali Mohammed comma Baraka Allah Ibrahim Ali Ibrahim al al amin in naka de Madrid, de la rahima como la it duckula in the La Jolla mobility with a son when he is in Cordoba, Vienna and infection he will welcome well adekola he will La Jolla la Mata Sneha now aka Salah

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan gives a thought-provoking lecture on the universal message of the Book of Allah – the Noble Qur’an by using the opening Ayah of Surah An-Nisa which is by far one of the many testaments to the universal message of the Qur’an.

Addressing humanity, Allah commands people, both Muslims, and non-Muslims, to be conscious and aware of their Master, the One who created them from a single soul. By emphasizing that the entire human race has descended from Adam AS, Allah is stressing our common humanity despite our superficial differences. Hence, it is of immense significance that we realize that we are dealing with the property of Allah and so we must be cautious, specifically with women.

Allah links Taqwa (awareness and consciousness of Him) directly to all relationships of the womb, which also means that we should not evoke Allah’s name casually during domestic disputes. We must also protect the institution of marriage and if we want to set an example for real Taqwa, then we are obliged to primarily honor our own families and humanity as a whole. 

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