Nouman Ali Khan – It’s No Big Deal or Is It

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the misunderstandings of words and actions used in religion, including "naive point" and "naive line," and the importance of respecting the Kaaba and uphold the word of Islam. They also touch on the use of "naive point" and "naive line" in Arabic literature and how they relate to religion. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding false statements and not giving personal information. They also stress the need to control one's behavior and avoid giving out personal information.
AI: Transcript ©
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Rubbish if you suddenly were silly Emily Ragnarok data melissani holy. Well lahoma Sabbath Nan de la under multiball La ilaha illallah wa lahoma Jimena Latina Amina, Amina Steinhardt, whatever Saville happy, whatever. So the sub manera benign. I mean, today I continue my series of hot buzz on the IR that were revealed in the case of eyeshadow, the Allahu taala. And how, and when I'm going to be to what I'm going to be talking to you about today, are is 1516. And hopefully we can get to 17 and 18. Also, inshallah,

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in this in these IR Eliza tell describes a scene. And in order to understand the scene, I'll try to paint a hypothetical situation for you, there are people in a gathering, it's like a, you know, Ramadan is coming. So it's like an ephod, or a second eat gathering. And there are people just sitting and socializing, eating and talking. And one of the people that isn't there, somebody decides that they want to talk about them, or they want to say something controversial about them. But they don't want to feel like they started talking, you know, badly about somebody and they started it and they don't want to incriminate themselves. So what they do is, it's kind of like, you

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know, throwing a spark into dry, dry wood, you just kind of throw a little bit of a spark and let the fire takeover on its own. So they kind of just kind of slip in. Hey, you anybody heard about Zainab and what's going on? Now, they just kind of throw in the name, and kind of see what's going on, but nothing more, hoping that somebody else will pick it up. And then the fire will begin and everybody's going to start talking. Right? So it's a very clever way of just dropping something cleverly with your tongue without incriminating yourself. But hoping that this will create a kind of gathering of you know, backbiting or talking about somebody that isn't there are saying unfortunate

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things about them that really, you wouldn't want those kinds of things being said about you or your own family member, but it's totally okay, if you're talking about somebody else. As a matter of fact, people that do that a lot. They start by saying, you know, I'm I'm you I'm someone who always minds, their own business, I hate talking about other people. And you know, I really just keep to myself, have you heard about? Or have you heard about it, like, the moment the conversation begins with I just like to keep to myself, or I never talk about other people, that means it's gonna go south, this is gonna go somewhere, you don't need to go. In any case, this is a clever use of the

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tongue. And Allah describes this scene with ithala. Kona, who be alzira Tico when you dropped it, and you know, de la te in Arabic is actually the third rule, which is that the pattern in the Arabic language suggests effort and craft. So very, in a very crafty and you know, conscious way, you dropped something with your tongues. Look at the language of Allah, you drop this with your tongues very carefully. And in a very crafty way. As if if somebody says, Hey, what are you trying to say? No, I'm not saying anything. So you can actually absolve yourself of any wrongdoing. But Allah says, I see what you're doing, I see the games you're playing. So it's not a coda hobby, I'll see netcom

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and then he ads with the una BE con Melissa can be here now that this is for the rest of the gathering. The rest of them are essentially dry wood. So once the spark is thrown, everybody just starts to hot. It's really unfortunate what's happened or this or that or the other people start seeing and not everybody wants to backlight not everybody wants to say something bad. But even when they say, you know, I've heard what's happened. I hope it isn't true.

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Even when you say that you've actually furthered something negative being said, as a matter of fact, I'm reminded of the case of oma you, she was a companion of the prophets lie Selim, she and her husband and she loved I shall have the Allahu Allah and when this rumors spread about ISIS, he was really heard about it. She was really bothered by what was being said about her. So she came to her husband. Obviously, when you're heard about something and you hear something terrible about someone, you don't want to believe it, and you don't believe it, but you feel the need to talk to someone. So she figures I'm just gonna go talk to my husband. So she went and talked to her husband and said,

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Samir Tamati Lofa Have you heard what's been said about Ayesha? Basically, now she's not trying to start a rumor. She's not someone who's slandering Isola Bella Juana, she has doesn't have any bad intentions. As a matter of fact, she's only bringing it up because it's hurt her so much. That's why she brought it up to her husband. And look at her husband's response now, was Alec AlKhateeb

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to you?

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He says yes. And that is the ultimate lie. Would you do something like that? My wife

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the things that have been said about her, would you do something like that? He just turned it around on her in a split second. And she's in shock. Like, why would you even say that? Why? Because even out of genuine concern. If you feel it's out of genuine concern that you're talking about someone even that is out of line. That is a form of carelessness. There are people who in a very crafty way want those kinds of conversations to happen.

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But even the rest of us who say How unfortunate, I hope it isn't true. If it is true, I hope they make it stiffer, etc, etc. This is unnecessary talk that didn't have to happen. And he put his wife in place immediately recognizing this isn't acceptable. So what does he say? Would you do something like that? As if, like, as if she's accusing her, and he's accusing her in return, but she was doing no such thing? So she says, law will lie. No, I swear to God, I would never I swear by a lie would never do such a thing. So she says for eyeshadow, what law heydo monkey I shall I swear by a lie is better than you are. So be quiet essentially be quiet. Don't say anything. Our response is actually

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silence. Our response to hearing something like that our first one previously inferred by told you London Mina will mean not to be unforeseen. karela How come the first moment you heard it? Your response wasn't to think better of your own selves and think better of believing men and believing women they should have thought better of their own people their own selves to now we're learning that the immediate response should have been silence that the you don't further that conversation in the UAE or in the Navy, you just don't do it. And so here, Allah azza wa jal says, some of you dropped it very craftily with your tongues the rest of you started running your mouth the way

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though, the old Arabic way of saying you started running your mouth carelessly is the coluna before he can, Melissa Lacombe hear exactly the ayah is words, then you started saying with your mouths, what you have no knowledge of? You started making conjecture that you have no knowledge of In other words, when enough people start talking, then you know what happens? Well, everybody's saying it it's got to be effect. What do you think everybody's wrong? And so we just start saying out of out of our own assumptions, and running our mouths I notice the I began with the word tongue. And now it moves to the word mouth. Right and because it started if alicona who B and C Nettie calm, and now

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with a coluna B of y e comm with your mouth. Why? Because the use of the tongue in old Arabic literature is something careful, creative, crafty, thoughtful, but your mouth is basically open even when you're not talking. Even when you're not thinking the idea of careless speech is captured in multiple una BE con. And that's even further by the expression Mar la sala can be here, what you have no actual knowledge of Were you there. Have you spoken to the people involved? Have you investigated? No, I just, you know, I just feel like I should, you know, I just feel no self feeling stuck feeling what a coluna, bf wahaca Melissa can be. Now, on top of all of that this conversations

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happening at a dinner table, you know, our culture's become so dirty Muslims, you know, we the appearances of Islam have become so much more important. And the manners of Islam have disappeared. And so what's happened is you're at an F bar, which is supposed to be an act of worship, and people are gathered and they're eating and they're celebrating that they worship to learn fasted all day, and they're eating together. And there's five of them at a table and one of them gets up to get some extra chicken and the other four are talking about him.

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And then he comes back soon welcome, good to have you back. And the other one goes unnoticed turn.

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Like the chicken isn't enough to flesh of your your brother needs to be added, you know, this has become normal. It's not even a big deal, to talk about others to think of others like that to size people up, you know, and men do it and women do it. And so now he says, what that sub una Hainan, you think such conversations are no big deal. You think it's very light just to say something? Well, who are in the law here are lien and as far as the law is concerned, it's massive. Its massive. Now, if you study the Quran, and you study what a lot of considers a big deal, like? What are major sins as far as a lie is concerned? You know, who knocked on in the lawn to Hulu monitor falloon It's a

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massive crime in a disgusting crime as far as the lies concerned that you say what you don't do. For example, hypocrisy is a big deal. shift is the hormone alim. When you commit, you know, associate partners with a law. It's a massive grand crime, a grand injustice woman, our theme here, Allah says, You and I just carelessly talking about somebody, which we think is nothing. It's just a comment. It's just a couple of words typed, it's just a conversation. I'm just saying, What's the big deal? Allah says, You don't think it's a big deal? Well, who are in the law here. And especially with a law, this is a massive, massive crime, this is not a small thing at all. And in order to help

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you appreciate I've spoken about this before, at one occasion or the other, but I want to remind you of something very powerful that a lot as he did in his wisdom, there are two kinds of revelation I want you to like think about this is going to take a little bit of brain juice from all of us. There's two kinds of basic revelation that came to prophets. It's directly the speech of Allah, the direct speech of Allah. And another kind of Revelation, the least form of Revelation is actually dreams. So true dreams also came to prophets. The highest form of Revelation is the word of a lie itself. And the

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The lowest form of Revelation, the least form of revelation are true dreams. Okay? And the prophet SAW Selim received both he received the Quran which is the word of Allah, and he received dreams. Now here's the thing. When it came to protecting the dignity of a fellow believer, Allah revealed Quran,

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Allah azza wa jal revealed the Quran

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and when it came to restoring the dignity of the Kaaba,

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the Kaaba. Allah didn't reveal the Quran, Allah revealed a dream to the prophets lie Selim Lacan, solokha la hora de la jolla, we'll hook that Allah we just sent a dream to the prophets, I said, and that turned out to be true that he will be entering a national harem. Now think about that. The sacredness and the value of the Kaaba, the the value and the respect that we have of the Kaaba is so high, and yet Allah to liberate the dignity of the Kaaba, reveal the truth of that to the prophets. I saw them in a dream, the lowest form of Revelation, and to restore the dignity of the fellow believer and actually our mother I shall be Allahu Allah Allah, Allah azza wa jal revealed I art of

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the Quran, the highest form of Revelation. This helps us understand even the words of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, which one time he turned to the Prophet return to the garba and said that the dignity of a believer is dearer to Allah than you. She turned to the Goblin and said that, you know, the Hermitage miny, moe and the Lahore Mata monkey. He said to the Kaaba, that the dignity of a believer is more sacred to Allah is more grand to Allah than your dignity. Now imagine I've said this to you before, how much respect do we show to the governor? When you will get the honor of being in the presence of the Kaaba? Would you ever imagine being disrespectful? Or being

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condescending, or making jokes about the house of Allah? Or I'm just saying, Would you ever even think of doing that you would be terrified at the idea. And yet, when it comes to your fellow believer, somebody else, it's so easy to just talk. And yet in our religion, this the dignity of the person sitting next to you in the masjid, the dignity of your friends, that immediate family, these are people in your circle, people you like people you don't like doesn't even matter. their dignity is more sacred to Allah than even the Kaaba. And so here, he says, what, after Buddha Hainan, WA, who are in the law here. And now so what should you have done? Okay, you're in this gathering, and

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somebody started, started throwing the spark and everybody else started running their mouth. Now you're in this gathering, what are you supposed to do? You've heard these out now? How are you supposed to respond? And so Allah azza wa jal says, well, Ola, it's Mr. tomo. Holton, how come the very moment you heard this kind of talk, the very moment you heard it, you didn't respond, you should have responded, how did you How should you have responded? Now you're Kulina an ethical dilemma Bahasa here, the Quran is telling us to be socially awkward. Here's how you're in this gathering, everybody's having a good time. Nobody seems to have a problem talking about somebody

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else. And you're in the middle of this gathering. And you hear this kind of talk, and you decide to uphold the word of Allah. And you get up in the middle of all of that gathering and repeat what Allah says, because Allah says, The woman's you heard it, how come you didn't say this? Which means I better say this. Now what is that? What is that he wants me to say? He says, My akuna Anita kendama be Haha, it isn't our place. It isn't appropriate for us to be talking about this. It is wrong, everyone, we shouldn't be having this conversation.

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Like you get up and you become the weird one. That is now telling people that are older than you people that are younger than you people that are more knowledgeable than you people that have bigger beards than you do people that have longer hair jobs than you do. You're talking to everybody and saying, This is wrong, we shouldn't be having this conversation.

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That's not an easy thing to do. Because before you speak up like that, you're like, what are people going to think of me? Are they going to think I'm some kind of moral authority? Are they going to pass judgment on me and it's so easy for them to talk about this person? If I say this, guess who they're going to talk about next? That's going to be me. So what should I do and this is the time to remember for law talk show homework shoni. Don't be afraid of people be afraid of me unless us allies extremely upset with the one who didn't get up and didn't become awkward, and didn't get up and say we can't be talking about this. I don't care if I was invited here as a guest. It doesn't

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matter. We should not be having this conversation. Maria kulana and Natasha, Nevada. Now there are two conversations for the rest of this for you to understand. There's a conversation you're having with people, you're in a gathering, you're surrounded by people, they're talking to you, you're talking to them. But this particular believer who has to get up and say this, understands that at the same time, there's another conversation happening, and that conversation is directly between themselves and Allah. And in the middle of that addressing that crowd, they turn towards Allah and they say some Hanukkah, the next wording of the ayah so Hanukkah, not Subhan Allah, you've heard

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Subhana Allah before. So panelizer

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When we declare the perfection of Allah,

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but when you say some Chanukah, you're not talking about Allah as perfection. Listen carefully. You're talking to Allah about His perfection. Not talking about him but talking to him. In the middle of talking to people saying we shouldn't be talking about this U turn two alliances of Chanukah you are way too perfect. Now let's understand why that is why immediately a switch and talk to Allah. Understand that in the Quran, whenever that is be of allies mentioned on the tongues of people Subhana Allah, the word Subhana Allah, or even when a law mentions is subhana wa Taala. This has mentioned when something is done, that undermines the perfection of Allah. When something is a

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crime against a law or somehow is less respect that Allah deserves or less reverence than the legislature deserves. Then the immediate words after that are so hard that must be the perfection of Allah, meaning this false thing has been attributed to Allah and Allah is way too perfect for such a thing to be attributed to him. So for example, when people do shitcan lessons of Hannah what Allah Allah Allah, Allah is way too perfect and way too far above what they say subhana wa Taala the angels questioned Allah when he created Adam alayhis salaam saying that he's gonna spill blood he's gonna cause corruption. And he said, I know what you don't know. And they felt maybe they crossed

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the line with Allah. So what did they say? Subhana Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah tala, you're way too perfect. No, no, we were not questioning the perfection of your knowledge. You're You're perfect. You're the perfect one somehow NACA. In other words, if you've crossed the line with Allah, then the words to say are so Chanukah, or Subhana. Allah. In this conversation, as I mentioned to you, people are talking not about Allah, they're talking about another person. They're talking about some person, you got up and said, according to the word of Allah, we shouldn't be talking about this. And then immediately you recognize that talking about a person like that isn't just a line you

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crossed, or isn't just an offense against that person. It's an offense against the law.

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And for which immediately I must beg a law's forgiveness, because I recognize that I have crossed something sacred against the law himself. So the Hanukkah, I turned to ally immediately, and you know what that does? I no longer fear who's offended in the audience, because I'm afraid I just offended a lot. So Chanukah has voted on having this is a horrible, slanderous accusation. This is unacceptable. In other words, not only do you try to silence everybody else now, by the way, just because you talk like that doesn't mean people become silent. It doesn't mean the conversation stops. Maybe you say these words and people say, Oh, look, she

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Oh, when did you study to see her? Mashallah, now you're going to preach us? What were you like last year? Weren't you the one making the same kinds of comments not only a month ago? Yeah. But then I heard

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things change. People change people make adjustments for the better. Your mistakes in the past, don't determine that you can stand up for the right thing in the future. You cannot be held back to your people trying to relegate you to your previous mistakes and say you are in no position to ever stand up for the right thing ever again. Don't let anybody do that for you. You what you and I are responsible to do the right thing and stand by the right thing, despite our own mistakes, despite our own flaws. Nobody when somebody stands up for the right thing, they're not declaring that they're perfect. You know, people shaitaan comes to them and says, Oh, so you're gonna talk you're

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all perfect. And you know what these words do? These words say that only allies perfect so Chanukah. So in you in you and I saying that we've actually acknowledged that you and I are imperfect. Even though I'm correcting what's going on here. I'm not saying I'm better than anybody else. I am guilty as you are. And so I pray Allah azza wa jal forgives us for crossing a line against him so proud

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of him. And if that wasn't enough, yeah, it will come Allah, Allah is counseling you lovingly allies counseling you in a way that penetrates your hearts. That's the idea of the word mozzarella. Now Eva means words that penetrate the heart, unless has alleged allies getting this point across to you in a way that will affect your feelings, it will affect your hearts and Uli Miss Lee Abaddon, that you better not repeat the likes of this mistake ever again. And Uli Miss Lee evident in quantum what meaning if in fact, your true believers, you know, when you look at it, it's important to compare not just what Allah says about different things, how he speaks about different crimes, the way he

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speaks about different crimes. I am hard pressed to find another sin in the Quran, where Allah azza wa jal mentions the sin mentions the mistake and then says I'm advising you This better not ever happen again.

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This is unique language in the Quran. You know it's unprecedented that a level speak like this. So this is again Allah reinforcing why we think

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sessions like these are no big deal. And yet with a law of war in the law he Aleem Uri, Luca moolah and EU limited he ever done You better not repeat the likes of this ever again allies counseling you. And then he adds a condition in quantum meaning that's the scariest part of these ions in quantum Meaning, if in fact you are truly believers, in other words, it will be easy for you to repeat something like this and forget this counsel, if there's something missing in your faith, if you're not really true believers, this will happen again, and again and again and again. But if there is in fact a man in you, if there is in fact faith in you faith in a lion, you then the way

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you cherish the dignity of your fellow believer, the way you talk about your fellow believer, and the way you don't tolerate talk about your fellow believer, that's going to change forever, because you've taken the last council to heart.

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And once Allah said all of this, he you know, one one, you know, hammer after another is dropped in these IOD and the last one to drop as part of this piece of the conversation that I will conclude my hotbar with is will you Beijing, hola hola, como la.

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And Allah clarifies the miraculous revelations to you.

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Allah clarifies them for your benefit, meaning Allah already done his part. Now someone says, but I didn't know. I had no idea I didn't, I really didn't think it was a big deal. Allah is absolved from your ignorance, a lot of saying, I clarified it, why didn't you seek out and learn? How come you didn't, you know, seek to isn't it's not that Allah was unclear. Allah has made it clear. And ally is knowledgeable and wise, we'll learn more. And even Hakeem, Allah knows when he clarified, so nobody gets to hide behind the excuse of ignorance anymore, because these ions have been revealed. If you and I don't take the time to learn, to understand what things we should avoid in life that

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are a big deal to Allah, then the crime isn't alive as the fault isn't on the last side model or the fault is on my side. Allah has already clarified up in Allahu la comunidad. Allah has made the IOD very clear to you. In other words, he better see application of this immediately. And Allah is knowledgeable, Allah knows the way you're going to apply this or not, you know, as I give these ayat about manners and how to treat people how to talk about people how to think about people, this is one of those big subjects. When I when I talk about that it's very common for Shetland to come to me and Shetland to come to you and say, I can think of someone who does this, I hope to hear this. I'm

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always thinking of someone else who needs this advice. But you and I really have to look at ourselves, in our anger. In our you know, in our moments of frustration, do we become people like this? Do we talk about people like this, even people that we feel deserve it? Even people that have made us upset, even people that are in the wrong? Is it okay, as far as our religion is concerned that we talk about people like that, that we think about people like that, we need to if someone is doing you continuous harm, and they're still doing you harm, if they're continuing to do that, the best you should do is ask a loss protection from people like that, that's actually going to benefit

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you. By talking about them. All you're doing is taking the good deeds you have and giving them to people you don't like to begin with. That's all you're doing. Don't put that debit on yourself, get some credit for yourself. This is why Allah says we'll be out of business, then unless he taught us to seek refuge from certain people. There may be people that that you think of them and all these criticisms come in your head, terrible people that have done horrible things to you, or there's continuing to do horrible things to you. People can be abusive, it's possible, but what should be our ethic around those people, don't give them what you the most valuable thing you have. Don't give

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them your good deeds. Don't listen, and those people are not worth you losing your faith. Those people are not worth you using your tongue in a bad way. They're not worth it. The darkness that will come inside you as a result is not worth it. Those people are not worth it. Those people should be made irrelevant. You know, I believe in a way which inshallah eventually I'll hold the program here we'll go through the entire story of what exactly happened, right. But the person who started the spark, who started this rumor was alive in a way. And you know, the one he hurt the most was I shall have the lohana and I shall be low and high did not speak his name.

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She knew it was him. She did not speak his name for 50 years.

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She didn't say a word about him. She was words were enough for her. When these ions came, she was relieved. The guy is still running around doing his work. He is still spewing his poison. It didn't affect her anymore, because he had buzz words. Because she knew now a law will deliver justice league

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Limit a min home maktabah minimalism. This is the promise of Allah, every one among them, whatever sin they earned of this whatever portion of sin they earn a level, make sure they get what they earned. That's a guarantee from Allah. So she doesn't need to go and seek justice. She doesn't need to say anything about anyone anymore. She doesn't need to shut down comes to her and says or comes to you and me and says, they talked about you, you should talk about them. No, no. Because then then what's the difference left between you and them?

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What's the difference between you and them?

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That we stopped believing in Allah justice. And this doesn't mean that you're forgiving anyone. Sometimes people aren't worthy of forgiveness. As a matter of fact, sometimes you give lectures to people about how you must forgive, you must forgive, you must forgive. 50 years later, our mother when she mentioned his name, she said, Hello, Carmen hallak, the one who died a while ago, I hope he dies over and over again, before he said his name. So she didn't forgive him. There may be people you don't want to forgive, it's possible as possible. But that still doesn't mean that you dirty your tongue with them. It still doesn't mean that. In fact, these are teaching us an ethical code,

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that whether you're the victim or you're the abuser for both of us, because the victim has no right to turn into an abuser. That's not okay either. And this is a very hard thing to live by to control our tongues, especially towards those we feel are worthy of our criticism, this thing moves very quickly, and it doesn't take much for it to move. Especially if you're in the habit of just whatever comes in your head. You just say it, you know, like the the poet used to say back in the day that my I wish my neck was a mile long

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so that the bad thought comes in his heart. Now the words are traveling from his neck, but he has time to put the brakes on and send them back before they get out. Because sometimes the bad thought comes and just you blurt it out and like I shouldn't have said that. It's too late, you know? But we we have to learn to control ourselves and what we can and cannot say, I pray that Allah azza wa jal gives us the strength of faith, to be able to control our tongues towards one another. May Allah azzawajal protect us from the evil of people. May Allah azza wa jal deliver to us relief in whatever way that we are, you know, that we are worthy of and beyond what we're worthy of Me allows will make

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us all recipients of his constant continuous protection and his mercy barakallahu li walakum feel cornered Hakeem when finally we are coming at him.

Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan divulges numerous details relating to the slander of Aisha RA specifically referring to verses 15, 16 and 17 revealed with reference to Aisha RA.

The end to these false rumors and the horrendous slander of Aisha RA came in the form of Allah’s intervention through verses and revelation to the Prophet ﷺ. The first section of Surah Nur is a firm declaration on the punishment that shall be meted out for slandering.

This story reasserts the honorable and high stature of Aisha RA. She is the mother of the believers and is pure, the daughter of the pure, and she is the wife of the Prophet ﷺ. Her purity and dignity has been verified by Allah SWT and one who does not uphold this is not from among the Muslims.


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