Nouman Ali Khan – Hikmah in the Quran Part 2/4

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the use of "active experience" in Islam, including the concept of death and the importance of parenting. They also touch on the concept of "active experience" and how it can be taught through the Bible. The segment emphasizes the need for positive thinking and the importance of learning and achieving spiritual wisdom through parenting.
AI: Transcript ©
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how do how are people consuming Islam now? How are we learning Islam? We're learning it from 32nd Tik Tok motivations, right? Get like, you know, Mufti Menk will say something or I'll say something or somebody else's say something and you're like, ah, motivated.

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And then you go back to D mode. I need a motive. Oh,

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you know, you know what this is, this is actually a lack of Heckman.

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This new short series is based on the findings of Dr. Socket has seen in his PhD thesis wisdom in the Quran, which was summarized and presented by iostat doorman in front of a live audience. The link to the full paper is in the description

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below, so that was Salam o ALLAH SubhanA. Allah, He was asked me, am I bad? So we're gonna start with early definitions of wisdom. This is just FYI. There are, you know, in the early Islam, in the first century, you can say, for the most part, Muslims, we're not giving you don't find any record of Muslims saying, Here's what hikma means. It seems like it was a natural understanding. And the earliest record we find is McCarthy liberals. So a man who died in the year 150 Or the in the Gregorian calendar six or 767. So pretty early, you know about the little bit after the first century, and Abdullah Rosa called Santa Annie, which is who died in 211. So you're realizing that

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it's been quite a while before some discussion about what hikma means is happening, at least a record of it. So let's see what these people had to say early on. About Heckman. This is Makati. He had four opinions. I'm going to translate them for you and family. Will Elmo, Wolfie Bowden Seok Pham, will Quran is he?

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He's saying

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the ability to understand something and to learn and to know something is actually hikma. So he's actually considering ECMO if you want to put it in simplest terms. The ability to think and understand something as hikma using your head, common sense, right and the and the acquisition of knowledge. That's what he calls ECMO. The second meaning of hikma he uses is Anwar prophethood because the Quran uses hikma for prophethood. Then he uses the word hekman. He says in some places in the Quran, Allah use it to describe previous books. So the injeel was called hikma for example, in the Quran, or for example, Allah says about Tao Darnay, Saranda Cebu he says, Allah gave him

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hikma. And finally, hikma is also sunnah, and this is an important one. What is sunnah mean? Let me ask you guys what is sunnah mean?

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Yes, the practice the normative practice of the prophets, Allah Allahu Allah, He was among the prophets habits, the prophets behaviors, the prophets patterns SallAllahu Sallam in his speech and his worship in his, you know, the way he walked into the home the way he sat the way he, you know, washed, etc. All of those things would be quantified as sunnah, right. But the word sunnah, in the early Islam years and the first couple of 100 years, the word sunnah meant three things. It meant three things and you guys are familiar with one of them. And one of them is the practice of the Prophet. So I saw them. That's one meaning of sunnah. Another meaning of sunnah was Islam itself,

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the whole religion, all of its rules. The entire thing was actually called what sunnah, actually, so it wasn't restricted to the prophets practice. The entire religion was actually called sunnah. Or it was another word for law also in that sense. So that was another word for law. So when people imagine in the first century, if somebody asked, Hey, so do you believe in the Sunnah? They weren't saying, Do you believe in the practice of the Prophet? It could also mean do you believe in Islam? That's what it could mean. Then there's a third meaning of the word so now which is really interesting. It's the way that Allah uses the word in the Quran. Also, sunnah means the way Allah

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does things throughout history also means the traditions of different societies. So the Sunnah of the Arabs, the Sunnah of the pharaohs, the Sunnah of the ancient Greeks, you know, the Sunnah of this tribe or the Sunnah of this family and also the Sunnah of Allah. You know what that means, though? Oh, the way the Arabs Cook is this way this is their sunnah in cooking. The Afghani is this is their son nine grilling the meat. Right? And this is Allah sunnah and how he deals with different nations. This is Allah sunnah for justice. So the Sunnah was used for, you know, not just for the poor

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offense. Listen, I'm not just for Islam, but also throughout history. So when he says McCartan says in the first couple of 100 centuries, or a couple of centuries, that this, this can refer to the Sunnah. What he could mean is the practice of the prophets place to them. But he could also mean learning lessons from history, or learning about how God dealt with different nations and thinking about that, and that will give you wisdom. So they had a very broad definition of what wisdom means. The other figure that I wanted to introduce you to is Abdullah Zakah saadani. And he quotes even earlier people Qatada, for example, who died shortly after the first century. His definition of

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hikma was the Quran and understanding the Quran. Another very early opinion was the intellect is hikma understanding is hokhmah was studied luminol, Columbian. Raiden the were very interesting, when you say good things that are that don't have anything to do with prophethood.

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So why is sayings right Why is saying that are not actually from Islam, or from Revelation, but they're just wise sayings. They're also hikma. And then of course Qatada later on also has an opinion on the hikma being the Quran, and the Sunnah, meaning the practice of the Prophet. So listen, this is really interesting, because early on what I'm trying to show you is early on Islamic history, when people thought about the word hikma, they thought about many things they thought about among those many things, was the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Salam, so it was not exclusive. It was one of many things that we used to think about. Okay, now, what happens really cool, something

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really cool in one of the ayat of surah Al Ahzab. If you don't know much about Eliza, I'll tell you a little bit. So it's Eliza talks a lot about the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, our mothers and his family life, the prophets family life, okay. And it's a unique place in the Quran where Allah talks to the our mothers directly he talks to the Mothers of the Believers directly. And part of that he says that you should obey what Allah has given you from His ayat when I Atilla he will Hekmati.

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I'll tell you something specifically about the IEA and sort of Allah. Allah says, Follow the Ayat of Allah and follow the wisdom. And you know, Qatada saw this and said, Oh, well, the wives of the Prophet, they were seeing the prophet in the house. They were seeing him wake up. They were seeing him eat, they were seeing him sleep. They were seeing him in his most intimate moments, in his most private moments. They were with him. So they saw a wisdom from the prophet that nobody else saw. Right, because that's not public information that's private home information behind closed doors. And so that's why Qatada in this particular Ira use hikma and described it as the Sunnah of the

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Prophet. Slice it Up because the Mothers of the Believers had special access to that dimension of wisdom. And of course, the prophets practice is wisdom. So here's the overview so far, the classical Mufasa rune did not seek a unified meaning for hikma. Instead, like McCartan, they used contextual information meaning how did Allah use hekman desire? How do you use it in that IRA? That's contextual information, okay, to choose from a range of possibilities, whichever seem to best fit the verse. So it wasn't like, Oh, now I know what hikma means. Every time I see Heckman, the Quran, it means exactly this. That is not how they used to think. Oh, hikma in this surah In this aisle

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means this. And it means something else over here. And it means something else over here. And it means something else over here. Which is very understandable. Let me put it in the stupidest example I can think of. So it's easy to for you to get when you say the word Cool, cool. You could be talking about a whole bunch of different things and use the word cool. It's not always referring to the same thing, isn't it? So it's, it's something admirable, but the thing that's admirable may refer to different things. Okay. Now, this is probably the most comprehensive summary, I'm grateful to sock him for putting this in his paper. He battled more hate is at the seed of the Quran. He

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collected all the different views from scholars that tried to define Hikmah in one place. So this is a collection of all the different opinions that have existed in early Islam of how people thought about Hikmah I'll translate this quickly for you. Just listen and listen to the diversity of views of Sharia law of Islam or biannual calm and the clarify clarifying the rules of Allah al hikma, sunnah. obiano Nebia shariah, it's the Sunnah, and it's how the Prophet explained the laws of Islam is also hikma. We'll call them Malik Abu Rosina. Hikmah to Alpha COVID. Deen and Monica Bula. Xin said hikma means understanding in the religion developing a good understanding of the religion and

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family lady who has said to you who were new roman Allah heeta Allah and it's

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To the understanding that beautifies the religion and it's a light from Allah in which you can walk, walk Allah Mujahidin hikma. Farmall Quran Mujahid says hikma means understanding the Quran, walk Allah Makati let me well MLP and McConnell says it's knowledge and it's acting on that knowledge. We discussed that one before, didn't we knowledge and acting on it. Then he says nya Kunal Raju Hakeem and Hatakeyama Ohama Hartridge Bahama. He says a person cannot be wise until they combine both of those things knowing and acting, and hook me well cowboy Lawson. It also means judging Hikmah means the ability to make the right judgments. While Keela muda ulama elimine Jihad Rasool it's also been

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said, that hikma is something that can never be known, except if it comes from the Prophet himself. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then it gets broad. So far, it sounds like it's the Quran, it's the Prophet. That's what hikmah is. Right? Now, you'll see a more broad definition called Luca Lima. 10. Wah vodka, anything you hear that gave you good advice is hikma. Your your mom gave you advice? Hey, listen, just apologize. Hey, listen, just talk to him. Do this do that. And that was good advice that helped you write that was Heckman. That wasn't Oh, give me the I amam.

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Where'd you get that from? Which book knowledge good advice is just follow it. Or it might even be your dentist told you you better start flossing. That's Hickman because it benefited you. So it did now the definition is getting broad. Okay. Oh, Rama, I wonder Hepcat and Kobe and Kobe. Anything that when you followed it, it took you to something dignified, and or kept you from going into something ugly prevented ugliness from your life. For here heck my attack Mahabharata one heck, Mohan al Kitab others people other people said heck, my hair just means the Quran itself meaning, you know, Allah says he teaches the book and the Wisdom. I meant mentioned that to you the book and

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the Wisdom. Some people said oh, the wisdom also means the book. He's just emphasizing it so that it's almost as if he teaches them the Book and wisdom from the book is that that's how they interpreted it. We'll call the Abu Jaffa Mohammed new yaku Colusa middle Cold War ratha fairland sahih Hanford wa hikmah. Any good thing you hear that leads to the right kind of action is hikma al hikma to jundo mingenew dilla. hikmah is one of and one of the armies from Allah's armies. You will see to her Allahu Allah, Allah kulula Griffin he sends these the armies into the hearts of those who know him had the Euro we have and how has your dunya until they stopped becoming impressed with the

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glitter of this world. So hikma means people don't fall for shallow things. Because they it's one of the things that protects your heart from becoming shallow. Right So an easy example so so we're not just reading something from several centuries ago, you can think about right now you posted something online about how you are you know, living a life of Sabah and Tawakkol because people like to post their spiritual status nowadays so that the angels because the angels don't check you, they now check your Facebook to see if you're in a state of suburb so you take a picture of yourself I don't know how you take a picture of yourself making dua but people do apparently.

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And then and when when the work call in Allah is all you have left. And then they they post that on their Instagram and they put a little I don't know why every every one of these videos or pictures and then these people's stories, they have the slow it's supposed to be Islamic music I think but it sounds like somebody's dying slowly.

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you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, so they'll put that up

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but now that you put up of course you put it up for the sake of Allah. Yeah.

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I love that you put that up, you keep checking how many? Like how many teary eyed round yellow faces did you get? How many hearts underneath it? How many mashallah, how about you know, your your entire your your, your perception of value is now associated with something so shallow? How many comments did I get? How many views did I get? How many thumbs up did I get? How many making so much dua for you? Did I get like I really want to people want to broadcast the state of their heart to the world. And this by the way. On a side note, he says hikma means that you don't get hypnotized by the glitter of this world. And one of the major kinds of glitter in the world today especially for the

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younger audiences here. You guys grew up and

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You don't even know a world that existed outside of social media. And social media is an amazing tool. It's an incredible tool. In fact, it revolutionized the world.

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But for many of you, you value yourself based on your virtual existence. Your entire definition of yourself comes from the filtered images you're putting on, and how people are acknowledging your existence online. And if you're not posting something, if you're not posting a picture of the slice of pizza that you're eating, that's somehow someone out there is going to cry tears, wondering what happened to that slice of pizza.

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You must contribute to the world. And this idea that I have to make my presence known. This obsession is leading you it's even shaping the way you think about Islam, to the point where I have to become an Islamic influencer, for the sake of Allah.

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I have nothing to say I've learned nothing, but I feel like you guys just follow Allah. Okay, for the sake of Allah.

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And this is, hikma, as you can see something that's fluff. It's worthless. It's just glitter. You know, it's temporary, and you don't get caught up in it. Like it doesn't attract you. It doesn't. You don't feel a void. You're not drawn to it. And that's, that's a pretty accurate description of HECM I would argue and he said it. This is one of the armies of God that he puts into the hearts of those who truly know until he removes from their hearts, the want of the glitter of worldly things. Pretty accurate, you know? And then he says Joaquina here water Allah Shia, Maha This is an important one. Put the it says hikma means putting things where they belong. Putting things in their

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rightful place Wilkie Wakita couldn't do Colin What's up a fella who anything any word any speech any any counsel that you must act on? What have you acquired Phil Heckman Kulu hamata Kariba all of these definitions of wisdom he says they're all very close to each other. were huge metal heavy Laquan Kolon but these are you can you can combine them into two main statements Allah Quran will AHA Sunnah the Quran and the Sunnah the Ananda MOBA Jana Lehmann, Bahama mineral Kitab because these are the ones that the Sunnah is the one that clarifies what's in the law. We'll move ahead on you would you would you hit calm and it helps you understand the laws of Allah. Now, we're about to

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make. I'm about to wrap this up. We're done with the definition part of hikma. The conclusion is two things. There's two kinds of Hikmah there's a hikma that comes from Allah. And there's a hikma that comes from inside you.

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There's a hikma you already have, and I'm going to explain the one that comes from Allah. I think everybody knows that's the Quran. That's revelation. That's the Sunnah of the Prophet Elijah. And we know that one. The Hikmah that comes from inside you is the one that I want to talk to you about a little bit because you're like, but I'm stupid. I have hokhmah and somebody even came to me didn't say they're stupid, they said, but how do you how are you supposed to get thigma? Here's the Quran is answer to that, actually. How are you supposed to get stronger? A stronger back? How are you supposed to get stronger legs? How are you supposed to get a stronger mind? How are you supposed to

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get stronger arms? How are you supposed to get better stamina? What are you supposed to do? Tell me?

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Eat eat right? How are you supposed to get better at mathematics practice? How are you supposed to get better at a sport, play more, learn more, exercise it but the font that your legs are already there. They're just not strong enough. But they're there. It's not like you have to create your legs. They're there. You just have to start using them now and start running and add the more you run, the stronger they'll get, the more stamina you will develop. Your lungs are already there. But they don't have good capacity. You get on a treadmill for three minutes. And you're

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right, but it's not like you don't have lungs, you have them. But you haven't exercised them so they haven't become what stronger. The Quranic argument will then be you will already have the basic wisdom inside you. But you just haven't made it what? Stronger. You haven't enabled it. You haven't activated it. You haven't put it to use anything Allah gives you when you don't use it, it becomes weaker. Allah gave me eyes. If I taped one of my eyes for six months, I can almost guarantee you I will be blind and that I use you don't lose you

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Don't use it, you lose it. Patients that are lying in bed in a coma for six months a year, they can't stand up after they get up. Because they have muscle atrophy. They haven't used that muscle. Allah has given me something inside me the ability to make good decisions. He's he already gave me that, but I haven't been using it. And the less I use it, the weaker that ability becomes. And then I start telling myself, I don't even have that ability. I don't have that ability. And one of the most amazing, shocking examples of that, that I see nowadays, is young people coming and telling me Assad say something to motivate me.

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I'll do a three hour lecture. And at the end of it, somebody will say I was tired. Can you just say something to motivate me, please?

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All this time I was making pakora what was that? What was I doing? All the subject more?

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But then I asked myself this question, when you say something to motivate me, or I need motivation, please give me something to and then you have all this like, Islamic? Well, how do how are people consuming Islam? Now? How are we learning Islam? We're learning it from 32nd Tick Tock motivations, right? Get like, you know, nifty bank will say something or I'll say something or somebody else's, say something and you're like, ah, motivated.

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And then you go back to D mode. I need a motive. Oh,

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you know, you know what this is? This is actually a lack of hikma. And why am I saying it's a lack of hikma. That means I'm not driven enough within myself. It says if I don't possess the ability to have strong will, somebody has to give me will, and push me forward. And unless they do, I can't move on my own. I'm incapable of my own. I need somebody else to inspire me. I need somebody else to push me. And I asked myself the question, when the when Allah talks about us how Boyka from the Quran, those young people in the cave?

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Who was there motivation? Like who was there? What did they say, Hey, man, I'm feeling really low right now is there? Anybody got a connection? Let me just watch some motivational videos, at least a tech talk or something as we go up, this mountain is getting pretty high. You know, what motivated them? Something inside them that's very powerful, was already there for them to be able to challenge their entire society. Even at a young age. This is not true.

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It's not like something that came from the heavens or they became prophets that were just regular young guys. That's who they were. But they were motivated. What I'm trying to tell you is it's actually a very empowering message in the Quran. That the fundamental hikma the fundamental wisdom, the fundamental nature, good nature, and the ability to do the right thing is already inside you. It's already inside you. I'll tell you something, also that I recently I've just become, I guess I become less filtered. I'm not as polite as I used to be. But that's helpful. I'm not rude. But I'm direct. So this young lady came to me I was in Germany, like, nobody came up to me after the

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program. And she said to me, we'll start.

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Why don't we talk about leadership for women, women should have leadership and you know, they should be given roles of leadership. And they have the right to have leadership too. And we don't discuss this and I was like, you're about my daughter's age. So I'm going to talk to you as if I'm talking to my own daughter. Is that okay with you? She says, yes, it's okay. I was like, you sure it's okay. Because I'm gonna talk to you. Like you're my daughter. When she said, Yes, it's okay. I was like, Okay. I know women around the world that are in leadership positions. I know women that learn, run multimillion dollar companies. I know women that have 10,000 employees. I know women that are

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helping feed 10s of 1000s of people around the world. I know women that are running orphanages, I know women that are running hospitals, I know women that are in government, I know women around and you know what they all have in common. They never talk about leadership, they just do it.

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So and this advice is goes for men and for women, you want to talk about or you want to do something.

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So you know what, the more and you you're talking about how important it is for you to have leadership right now, you will still be talking about this 10 years from now, until you learn to figure out what it is that you want to take the lead on and stop waiting for someone to open the door for you. So you can walk through it. If there's a mountain in front of you, and there's no road, learn to climb. That's what leadership is. You just you overcome obstacles. You don't care if there's a wall in front of you, you start digging or you start climbing. That's what you do. There's a mentality. There's nobody's coming to help you. You have the ability within yourself. You have

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that and so we have to develop a new set

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sense of strength. By the way. Speaking of this idea of Hekmati, heckler I told you comes from Hong Kong which is the jaw line. Remember, someone who has hikma actually has strength of will.

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They have strong willed when they've made up their mind about something, they've made it up. Now another example of where hikma has failed us lack of advice failed us, is people constantly questioned their intentions. Let's say they pray, but I'm not sure if I'm really praying for the sake of Allah or not. Why are you not sure? I don't know. Because, you know, your intention could go, why are your intentions so weak?

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When did your intention, you know, why did you come here? Well, I came here to learn something, but I'm not sure because I also laughed. So now did I come here? Because I enjoyed a joke, or did I come for the sake of Allah? Was I laughing for the sake of Allah? Was I laughing? Look for the sake of the dad jokes you made? I don't know that if Shut up.

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Stop torturing yourself. develop strength of will? Are you clear about why you're doing something? And once you do that, stop doubting yourself constantly. You're all you're this is actually an OCD we've developed in Islam. Constantly reinvestigate yourself as if your intentions are not sincere. By the way you will know when your intentions are not sincere. You will know that very, very well. You're not gonna have to say are my intentions is you? You're not gonna have to do that you'll know. You'll know something's messed up. You know, you're chasing clout. You're no, you're chasing views, you're chasing praise, you're chasing attention, you're chasing a rank, you will know it, you will

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just know it on your own. Anyhow, let's now conclude today's discussion. So we're going to talk about two profits, or one profit and one nonprofit, but they have something in common and I'm going to show it to you because from here on, we're not talking about hikma in theory, we're going to actually look at actual places in the Quran and discuss ECMO. So the first place we're going to look at is the story of that would add a Saddam and here's the place you can find it. Many of you have Quran apps on your phones. So you can open it up in sha Allah, I'll open it up to and I'll read it from here with you. Okay. So this is surah number 38. Solid and iron number 17. Okay.

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It's Medina Maya pollun was corrupt. Derrida would

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aid in no awam Be patient. The prophet is being told the patient over whatever they say to you. And remember Our servant Dowd, who had might, he had the one of great might, he kept coming back to Allah. Allahu Allah. And nasaka najiba Ma, who we subdued, we overpowered the mountains along with him, you Sabina Bella, she, well, a Schrock, they used to praise Allah the mountains used to praise Allah along with him in the night and in the morning time. What played I'm not sure. And the birds used to gather around for him called Luna who Awad they used to keep gum coming back towards him, which said that now Malika, who this is the part we're interested in now for this discussion, and we

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gate we strengthened his kingdom. Where are they now? Hold? hokhmah. And we gave him wisdom. Because our discussion is hikma, right? Allah says, We strengthened him, his kingdom and we gave him wisdom. Well, first of all, hip hop, and we gave him decisive speech, powerful speech, okay. Now, now that Allah has said, He has given him wisdom, he's going to tell us a story about him. And I'm not going to go into the details of that story. But I'll give you the gist. Now, the other is Saddam was in his quarters. And Allah says, attack another person, that the news of the arguing groups come to you, if the saw world may rub the doubt on a salon was a king. And kings live in castles. And the

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king's quarters are usually higher up inside the castle in the more secure area. And he was up in his quarters praying. And Murghab is the corner of the house where it's private, where you pray. And he turns around from the prayer. And he sees a bunch of people in you can imagine in his bedroom, there in his inner quarters. So you can imagine like in America, there's the White House, right? And the White House has extra layers of security. They've got snipers on the roof, and they've got security guards and dogs and they've got all this kind of stuff, right? And there's a presidential residence inside. And the President comes out of the bathroom and there's six guys sitting there.

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Hey, we got a question, Mr. President. Like, if somebody made it through all those layers of security, what does that mean?

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They're gonna kill you. That's what how can they get through all those layers of security and be inside your presidential bedroom? You understand? So he turns around and he sees these people if the Hulu Isla download. They came into the woods company in the back, Rob? Fuzzy I may know him he was terrified of them. He was shocked at what's going on here. Right? And by the way, the old days Salaam is not just a king. He's a military leader.

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and military leaders have enemies. And if they see someone just inside their private quarters, they know this is going to be an assassination attempt. So they say latter half has cost money. Bah bah, bah, bah, bah, bah. No, no, no, no, no, don't be afraid. We just have an issue. We just want you to give us your advice about it. I try to one of the ways I think about the stories in the Quran is I try to place myself in that situation.

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So I imagine I'm, you know, I finish here, and I go back to the hotel I'm staying at, and I go in the bathroom of the hotel, wash up, come out of the bathroom. And there's eight of us sitting on my bed. That I didn't get a chance to talk to you there but

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my cousin works at this hotel and

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we have a question. You said in one of your videos. Oh,

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I'm sorry, bro. Have

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you see how shocking that would be? And how, like right now I'm not thinking about whether or not to give you the right answer. I'm thinking about whether or not to kick you out of my room called the police are run.

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But the thing that fell on my own. Make yourselves comfortable guys. No, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. Yeah, yeah. Sit there. Yeah. No, put your shoes there. Yeah. I never liked that suitcase. Okay.

00:31:25 --> 00:32:08

So he says when I touched it, why dinner? Illa. So So they say, you know, could you judge between us? And don't? Don't give us a bad answer. Let's say to him. Now toasted. Don't don't give us a nonsense answer. And then they say, guide us to the right path. This is my brother. He owns 99 sheep. I only own one of them was Danny we'll call that Phil Nia. He says give me that one you have also well as any feel hip hop and he keeps yelling at me. He keeps intimidating me. He talks to me when the bullying way that Isaiah means to have power over someone. So he uses his power. 99 sheep means he's wealthier means he has more servants. He has more influence. And he uses that influence

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and talks down to me and says give me your sheep, man. Come on, what are you going to do with it? Just if you were good at the sheep business, you wouldn't have one. Okay. Just give it to me. It'll be better for you. And so he keeps bullying me by the way. Let me give you a new version of this. There's a because I just came from Buxton. So I saw this. There's people they build these housing complexes, housing communities, gated communities, right? Like, DHA is or whatever, right? And they'll they'll build like 5000 houses. And you're you're outside these communities with the gates and the security guards and the machine guns and you're in Pakistan. You know what that means?

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You're on the highway going this way. There's a guy on a bicycle going this way. There's a guy on a rickshaw going that way. There's a truck going this way. This is the highway. Right? But it's it's a it's truly a freeway. Right? Now, I understood the meaning of the word, Mark. So it's free. It's a freeway, and then you walk through those gates, and all of a sudden you're in California, the streets are clean. Everything's prim and proper. The roads are paved. People are observing traffic laws, there's malls, there's people who think they speak English. There's all kinds of stuff.

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I went to some of those restaurants just to hear what they think is English. Yarn. What the * ya what I love, I love it. I love it. It tastes better than the food.

00:33:44 --> 00:33:47

Anyway, back to the fraud, okay.

00:33:49 --> 00:34:03

Now what they do is they build these housing developments. And there's one guy who owns this old ugly little house in the middle. And he doesn't want to sell. He doesn't want to sell his property. So you know what they do? They build all around him.

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And he can't even get to his house.

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He there's no road, nothing he can't get there. You got a choice. You could just sell it. Because we're going to build them all there. We're going to build whatever they're, you know what that is you've got people that are very powerful. They have a lot of money. And then you have someone who owns something, but he doesn't have power.

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One has 99 the other just has one. One and the ones that have 99 can believe the one that has one. And that happens in Pakistan. That happens in America, that happens in Australia, that happens in Canada that happens in the United Kingdom and happens in Germany happens all over the world. You know, sometimes governments do this to citizens, right? Sometimes business partners do this to other business partners. Sometimes big business does it to small businesses, doesn't it? And so this is a scenario that happens in the world of business all the time. Now listen

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To the words of the Dalai Lama, I'll get to the point

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he says now Dalai salon says I'm only quoting a part of it that's relevant for our discussion what in that cathedral middle filata layer believe Barbu home Isla down

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actually a huge number of people that are mixed together in business relationships,

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they end up doing wrong to each other.

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Okay, and from the context, you can tell who does wrong to who the one who has more ends up doing wrong to the one who has less right and the one who has the power to intimidate and the bullying the other and this happen. Holika actually also means people that have lives connected to each other like family. Family, right? So in families, for example, there's the dad, and there he has six sons, right, and one of those sons is wealthier or more powerful or politically connected, and the other sons are not, or two of them are more connected, the other four are not. And when time comes for the inheritance, you can almost guess who's not going to get their share. Right? Because the ones that

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are connected are going to just take out the ones that are not connected or they're not gonna get anything, right. So this kind of thing plays out and Tao Darnay Salam says, a lot of times people that are mixed with each other, they end up doing wrong to each other. Okay, this statement that he makes, and then he says Illa Latina Armando middle Saudi Hartwell Cali Loma home, except for those who believe and do good deeds and how few they are, meaning, a sign of people who truly believe and do good deeds as they don't mess with business deals. Right. And he says how few they are. This statement of Dow think about it. This is Allah explaining what hikma looks like, Allah just said,

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Allah gave the old word, Heckman. Now people came to him and said, This is our case. And before he judges the case, he says, Listen, this happens a lot. But this idea that this happens, a lot, read a doubt get it from did he get it from Revelation, you think? Or did he get it from dealing with lots of cases.

00:37:09 --> 00:37:51

He dealt with lots and lots of cases. He's a ruler. He's head of bernisa EAN. He deals with them all the time. He sees many, many, many kids, he's a judge. If you talk to experienced judges, they've seen a lot of stuff. You know, some of the most insightful conversations I've had in my life are with military generals, and judges, and lawyers. You learn a lot from those people. Like I just tell them so what have you learned 50 years sitting on the bench? He goes, You can't learn that in a 30 minute conversation. I said, there's always a start. Let's begin. Give me something. Right. I learned a lot from people with that kind of experience. What is the Quran actually doing here? It's

00:37:51 --> 00:37:58

amazing. The Quran is saying life experience. life experience will teach you what

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wisdom and when Allah says Allah gave the old or the Instagram wisdom. Isn't that what he said? He's telling us, Allah gave doubt at a salon life experiences that taught him a lot about how people work, how society works, how business partners work, how families work. And that is actually part of the wisdom he's using to understand cases, to understand human behavior. You see what I'm saying? This is actually an incredible case of for wisdom. Now, before this, you might think wisdom is something that comes from Allah. Wisdom is something spiritual wisdom is something if you pray a lot, it will come to you, though, that's the spiritual meaning of wisdom that's there too, in the

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Quran. But in this passage, there's another dimension of wisdom, which we almost think is secular. It's not even religious and secular. What is it? His role as a judge? He's seen people do messed up things. And it's taught him a lot. It's taught him a lot. What does that do for a student of the Quran like myself? You know what that does? When I'm studying something in the Quran, I'm studying, for example, the there's ayat about divorce, we're going to talk about the art of divorce tomorrow a little bit, because they mentioned wisdom in them too.

00:39:18 --> 00:39:22

That's going to be a fun conversation. I'm going to leave right after that. But anyway.

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But the reason I brought that up, is when you look at the Ayat of or when you when you look at, you know, divorce cases.

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And you look at divorce judges and what they have to go through, they have to actually look at real life situations and learn from them. So when I'm studying the Ayat of divorce, I actually talked to divorce attorneys. I talked to marital counselors, I talked to psychologists, I talked to people that experienced divorces, right, because they have wisdom that I need to understand these ayat, what kind of wisdom do they have?

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life experience that is an acknowledged form of wisdom in the Quran itself. Through the example of Tao that is on the elderly, Saddam's wisdom is actually life experience. So what I'm saying that is, the Quran is very broad in its definition of wisdom. And we're gonna go through each one of those examples of wisdom highlights a new picture for wisdom. So your grandparents have a lot to teach you from their life experience. The elders in our community are banks of wisdom that nobody's utilizing. They What did you learn from your life? You know, and we were we're not taking advantage of that there are people in different professions that have learned so many things that I've seen so many

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things like I, I'll tell you one wisdom I learned I could never have known it. I met I met a general from the Navy. Okay. I won't name which Navy, but I met him and I was talking I was at the time I was studying Soto ramen.

00:40:58 --> 00:41:38

And and so to ramen, Allah mentions Brazil, Bahrain, el takia. And by now Omar was the CO liable here and right. He mentioned the two oceans, the two seas that meet, and he mentioned the pearls and the coral, right. And he mentioned the ships that sail the WHO gelato and one shout out to Phil, barnacle alum. And right after that, he mentioned lumen Aloha fan, everybody was gonna die. Everybody's gonna die. So he talked about the oceans. Then he talked about dying. And I always thought about, there must be something here that connects oceans with dying, so who better to ask that someone who spent their life on the ocean? So I asked his general, you spent your life at sea?

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Tell me about this idea. What do you think when you think of this island, he says, Listen, when a sailor leaves the dock, when the when the ship leaves the dock, and he's standing on the deck of a ship. There is not a day that the sailor wakes up that the first thought that he has, and the last thought that he has is not death, because you're looking at water. But the sailor is constantly looking at death. At any time, a tsunami can come, the ship can go bad, something can attack it, something can something a crack in the hole. So anything can happen, right? So they're actually looking at death, all that and I could never have imagined that there will be such a profound

00:42:19 --> 00:42:59

connection between the ocean and death. That's so intimate, unless I got that wisdom from someone who spent the light their life at sea and they can tell you very intimately like how these ayat are connected to each other. So that's actually one of the most important things that I wanted to give you guys today is the connection between wisdom and life experience that's been validated in the Quran. The second story, I don't know if we have time for it. Actually, I'll mention that one even more briefly. The second one is going to be spiritual wisdom, not life experience, wisdom, but what spiritual wisdom but not from not from the Quran, not from Revelation, not from prophethood. And

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that's the example of Lookman. Allah gave Lachman wisdom he says, but what was the wisdom that after contemplating the world after thinking about life, after becoming a parent, the wisdom that no one reached is you just have to be a grateful person, and discard Lilla you have to be a grateful person. Now, anyone who know anyone who's a parent knows is life easy or difficult.

00:43:24 --> 00:43:48

Life is difficult. Every stage of life comes with its own difficulties. Parenting comes with its own difficulties. As children age, every age of their life comes with its own set of difficulties. And one, when you think this was the hardest stage, the next stage comes on, you're like, No, this is the harder stage. Then when you're changing diapers are like Yola, how many diapers can this child produce?

00:43:49 --> 00:44:13

Right? I just want this to end. And that same parent who's dying, because the kid wakes up every two hours, and you think you need to burp them, or you need to clean your pool and all that stuff. 19 years later, I missed the days when I was changing diapers. You used to be so nice. Now I have to pull up with your nothing.

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New Trial, Lachman has not had an easy life, and that his life experience brought him to a spiritual conclusion. What's that spiritual conclusion, be grateful to Allah? And he says, and whoever can be grateful. What What a piece of wisdom. Whoever is grateful is actually grateful for who what does he say? Woman? Yeah, she called for a nap is Guru Li. Neff. See, whoever is grateful is actually grateful for their own benefit.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:55

It's incredible. If I can become a grateful person, I will learn to move on from the challenges of my life and I will not be stuck in them.

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

I won't be stuck in them. Something bad happened to me.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:07

But I don't relive it every day. I don't I'm not stuck in it. You know why? Because I decided to choose what instead

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gratitude, I am grateful that it's over. I'm grateful that I've gotten this far. I'm grateful that I passed this stage. Gratitude means that whatever happened in the past, you're looking at the positive side. If you're not looking at the positive side, you can't be grateful.

00:45:25 --> 00:46:03

It's impossible. And now that you're looking at the positive side, and, and whatever, even if bad stuff happened, you're choosing to look at the positive. Your outlook for the future becomes what? Positive? When you look at the back what happened in the past and you keep thinking about how terrible it was? And how horrible it was horrible, no doubt about it. It was horrible. But if you keep dwelling on that, what kind of mindset do you develop? Something so bad happened? There is no way something good will ever happen to me. Only bad things happen to me. Bad Things keep on happening to me. I don't even know what it is. It's your attitude because you don't have sugar

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because when you have sugar then you will be you will have the gratitude will benefit first and foremost yourself woman Yeshua in nama yes, good old enough to isn't that amazing wisdom. But this is spiritual wisdom. I would even argue this is psychological wisdom. The you don't people pay $350 an hour in America to go see a psychologist who will say you need some positive psychology.

00:46:28 --> 00:47:00

I couldn't just read through it Look, man, bro, like, gonna save me a lot of money and I would have got adjure right. And then so this first part of the suit, this wisdom is actually about how I should feel towards my experiences and how I should feel towards Allah. They're quickly the second part of wisdom and I'll end for today that I'll share with you for today is when Lookman are the Allah on who he tells his son, even the smallest thing? Allah will bring it out. No, no bad deed is too small.

00:47:01 --> 00:47:22

The bottom line I'm getting to the bottom, I'm not going word by word and linguistics. No bad deed is to what? Small, even if it's microscopic, inside a boulder, Allah will bring it out. Yeah, TB Allah. Allah is very delicate, Allah is very precise. Don't ever underestimate the power of your bad deeds.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:32

And by the way, by extension, don't underestimate the power of your word. Good deeds, don't think, oh, what's the point of this? I mean, I haven't done something. I mean, I'm not an influencer.

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I don't have millions following me. You know, study that passage yourself the eaiser. Here, you'll see something. He's telling his son to not make faces at people. He's telling his son to walk with humility.

00:47:50 --> 00:47:52

He's telling his son, you know,

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to be purposeful, when he goes somewhere,

00:47:57 --> 00:48:21

walks it through Machig. And he says he's telling his son to lower his voice. So he's telling his son to control his temper, to control his attitude. Right? To be to be purposeful in when he leaves the house, he should have a real purpose to live a meaningful, purposeful life. Most of these things. He's telling him to control his facial expressions. Now to say that cadenas don't swell your cheeks at people don't look at people like

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don't do that. Don't make faces that people do know most people don't most of us think these are big things are small things.

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These are small things. Hygiene is a big thing. Haram is a big thing. Some great act of worship is a big thing, making a face at somebody as smooth as Come on. And in this wisdom, what did he teach his son the smallest thing never to underestimate it. And then he makes a list of things people think are small, but they're actually huge. They're huge with Allah. How you walk, how you talk to people, your facial expressions, the way you use your voice, the tone of your voice with people in the uncut. Hola, Swati la SOTL. Hamid, what incredible wisdom and he learned this from this. This is the wisdom of the spiritual wisdom, but wisdom he learned without revelation. And by the way, you will

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meet people that are not Muslim that live by the advice of Lachman.

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Their kinds of people. They are gentle. They are purposeful, right? They don't talk down to others. You know, they look they don't raise their voice. They have these qualities. Where did they get these qualities from? Sometimes you're like, they don't even have Islam. How come they have these Islamic values? Because hikma is universal? And Allah can give it to whoever hokhmah is universal. So with that inshallah we conclude today's session BarakAllahu li Walakum Samadhi congratulate Allah recap.

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I hope you guys enjoyed that video clip. My team and I have been working tirelessly to try to create as many resources for Muslims to give them first steps in understanding the Quran all the way to the point

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where they can have a deep, profound understanding of the Quran. We are students of the Quran ourselves. And we want you to be students of the Quran alongside us. Join us for this journey on Vienna Where 1000s of hours of work have already been put in, and don't be intimidated. It's step by step by step. So you can make learning the Quran a part of your lifestyle. There's lots of stuff available on YouTube, but it's all over the place. If you want an organized approach to studying the Quran beginning to end for yourself, your kids, your family, and even among peers. That would be the way to go sign up for being a

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