Nouman Ali Khan – Explanation Of Surah Al-Fatihah 3of4

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The segment discusses various topics related to the Arabic language, including its use for emotions and language skills. It emphasizes the importance of using the Arabic language for information and emotions, keeping things simple, and explaining words. The speakers also mention the use of " Hyundai" in Arabic for " Hyundai" and the need for " Hyundai" in the Arabic language to be considered the perfect word. The conflict between " hummed only" and " hummed only" belongs to Allah, and the importance of the Quran journey is offered for a free trial.
AI: Transcript ©
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A few other things, there's a more generalized a longer session, I'm going to take my time with them, we'll do some other stuff. But hopefully if you you know, sleep through the rest of it, at least, you'll walk out saying that.

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So the Hatim starts his hotbar and he says in Alhamdulillah

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but the Fatiha does not say you don't say it's been de Haan. Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen you know, you don't do that. You Say what? Alhamdulillah the Hadith says in Alhamdulillah but you Say what? Alhamdulillah so anyone know what that means?

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Yeah, indeed for sure. For sure. So let's just translate it. For sure. hound is for Allah, You with me? For sure. Hum this formula and there's no Quran say for sure hum this for Allah. No, no. kuranda says hummed is for Allah. The question arises if the Quran is so perfect and hungry, so important, then you should give it more importance. And how do you give something more importance? You add enough so instead of just saying how did this for Allah you should be saying definitely hung this for a light so much more powerful, isn't it? So how come the Quran did not use the more powerful in Alhamdulillah? What's the benefit of not using it? There's so many other places you find in Allah

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foto Rahim

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in the la hora de cuatro Mateen you find a lot emphasizing but how can we doesn't say in Alhamdulillah we say Hakeem says it How come Quran doesn't say so let's try to understand that in order to figure this out. It's very easy actually. I will give you another you know English lesson not English lesson linguistics lesson but it's super easy. It's not like nouns and verbs you don't have to have a PhD like last time.

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So now

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in order to understand this, know that there are two kinds of sentences.

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sentences that are the purpose is information. Sentences whose purpose is what information and sentences whose purpose is emotion,

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either information or what emotion like how body or injury or the linguists call it but who cares? Either information or what emotion the program starts after Margaret, what is that information or emotion

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information? Oh my god.

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emotion. USB, some sentences are the purpose of it is to what communicate information. Other sentences the purpose is what communicate. Now when you communicate information, it could be right and it could be wrong.

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is not the case program starts after a moment of No Actually it starts after HR. information could be right and it could be wrong. But when someone says awesome, you can say incorrect. It's not right or wrong. Because it's just an emotion you understand? Oh man. There's no true false. It's just oh man. You got it. Now let's go back to Fatiha. Alhamdulillah Hamed belongs to Allah. Tell me if this sentence is information or emotion

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think about it and tell me

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is this sentence communicating information?

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savaria or is it an shaiya? What do you think?

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emotion? So if somebody says hey, praise belongs to someone else, and I say no, actually praise belongs to Allah, what did I just do?

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I informed him so I used Alhamdulillah as a sentence to communicate information. But when I asked the question is a noun is is held a noun or a verb, and you raise your hand correctly, even though it was shaking. And then I said it is a noun you had.

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At that time when you said Alhamdulillah was that a information? Or was that emotion?

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That was emotion. In other words, what I'm trying to tell you is you can use Alhamdulillah for information

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and you can use it for emotion. It's flexible. Yes. When a when a scholar is teaching Alhamdulillah he's using it for information.

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When you're standing in salon crying when you said Alhamdulillah then you are using it for what? emotion. Now here's the thing in the Arabic language as a principal when you use enough for sure.

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For sure. When you say that then you are saying the information that is coming is definitely correct, isn't it?

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That's when you say for sure. So when you use the word in, then you are guaranteeing that your sentence that's coming is what

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sentence, informational sentence. It's not an emotive sentence. It's not an emotional sentence, you understand? by not using it now, what does Allah do? Allah keeps Alhamdulillah something that is informational. And he keeps it as something that is also emotions, both Korea and in Sharia hadn't been in Alhamdulilah for grammar geeks over here. It would have just been covered here, it wouldn't have been in Sharia. Okay, so that's the benefit of not using in Alhamdulilah. But now there's a couple other quick things that I want to get to you.

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Then there is the matter of aid, which we just had you guys have it for like two months. I think

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it's still going on, you know?

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Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illAllah Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Finish it.

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What is the hellhound way? Well, I thought it was a hamdulillah al hamdu Lillah. What do we do? We reversed it and what did we turn it into? nilla he and he flipped it around? Yes. Now, that should mean the same thing. praise belongs or belongs to Allah, or to Allah who belongs Yes. It seems to be the same thing except in Arabic it makes a difference. In Arabic it makes a difference. When you reverse it like that. There's a meaning that is added. And the meaning that is added for keeping things simple, the meaning that is added is the word only the technical term is a list the sauce, for who cares, right now it adds the meaning only. In other words, when you say lilla Hill hummed,

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it actually means hummed only belongs to Allah.

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When you say Alhamdulillah it means hummed belongs to Allah. When you say Lila hand It means what Tell me again. Hand only belongs to Allah, you with me.

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And the question arises, which is more powerful.

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You should say hummed only belongs to Allah. Isn't that more powerful. But if you just say Hamza belongs to Allah, that's pretty regular. It's common, it's not something special out of the way. And so why not the Quran? Why wouldn't the Quran use lilla? Hill? Hum, do Rob, Rob Bell al amin? Why use al hamdu? lillahi Rabbil alameen? What's the difference? And even and especially if you could get an extra meaning out of it, which is what hunt only belongs to Allah, you know, why am I asking these questions? Because you've heard maybe since childhood that the Quran is the perfect word of Allah, every word is exactly where it's supposed to be. You cannot move a single word from its place. What

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about let's ask some of these questions then? Because you can't move it from this place. But I thought in Arabic, you could say Alhamdulillah and you could say what? The lion Hamden, how come How can you say that and you can just say our stuff that Allah don't ask those questions. No, no, no, a lot asked us to explore and to appreciate. And to realize this is the perfect word of Allah. So we have to ask these questions, and I'm not the first one. This is the these questions are being asked for a very long time. They're being asked for a very long time. And the more you ask these questions, the more you realize it's so perfect, man. It's so perfect. So now, the thing is lilla

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hellhound What does it mean again, remind me I forgot.

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hummed. I'm not I'm not gonna say praise because it's praising things and there's too much English they'll just say hum, easier. How only belongs to Allah it is actually used in the Quran a couple of times. Like at the end of circle Joshua Padilla 100 bc ma Torah bill after bill alameen wa Kibriya smrtv Hakeem is used at the end of SoTL Joshua surah number 45. Linda hellhammer, which means is Surah number 45. At the end of lesson hummed only belongs to Allah. So tell me the one word that makes the two different in English, what's the one word that is different? only, only, okay? This is a really big word.

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It makes a huge difference. Let me tell you how it makes a huge difference.

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I come home, and my children are playing with my iPad.

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And I told them not to touch it.

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And one of them is playing. The other ones are watching one of them is playing. And I said well, Leah, why are you playing with my iPad while you play with my iPad? And she says I wasn't the only one.

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She doesn't say I wasn't the one she says I wasn't the only one. Now what does that mean?

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That actually means you just caught me. But Mr. Had a turn. Pasta had the longest turn will lead how to turn. I'm just going last and I get in trouble.

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And two problems with this. What cheating

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She accused all of them with just one word. She didn't have to name all of them. All she had to say was I wasn't the only one. You see that.

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Now when you say hum, but by the way, let me go back to her sentence. I wasn't the only one. You know, without saying it. She actually said I wasn't the only one. It was hosana and Hoda and humanoid and Waleed and eemaan. They all play too. But she didn't have to say it. Why not? Because she used the word. Only. Now when you say the only belongs to Allah.

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There's something else that you just communicated, but you didn't have to say it.

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What else did you communicate and you didn't even have to say it. Hamed only belongs to Allah in parentheses, what's there, it doesn't belong to anyone else. Not to anyone else. You see that? In other words, when you use the word only you are arguing with someone.

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When you say a hummed only belongs to Allah, then you are definitely arguing with someone because the other person is saying hello belongs to Allah, and it can belong to others too. And you're saying no, no, no, no, no hummed only belongs to Allah. So it indicates that there's a conflict. There's a disagreement, there's a debate. And in that debate, you have to correct someone and the only way to correct them is lilla. hellhound, hummed only belongs to Allah, because if you tell them Hamza belongs to Allah. They'd be like, Yeah, it does. And to this statue, and to Jesus, and to so and so on. So and so they can add other stuff, right? You know, because there's a difference between

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saying, This is my house, or this house is mine, or this saying this house is only mine? When you say this house is mine, you could have a whole family in there.

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When you say this house is what? only mine, then nobody else is just you, you get it. So when you just say hum belongs to a lot, and it's not good for argument, for argument for fixing to hate, you have to say what the * happened. Now what should i did i say Allah says hand only belongs to Allah as an example.

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So number 45, you'll notice from the beginning to the end, it is debating with people who do shake

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debates with people who do shit and when people do share, what should they be told?

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It's not enough to say hum belongs to Allah, you have to tell them what hum only belongs to Allah. But then come back to Fatiha is Fatiha a debate. As far as how arguing with someone No. Fatiha is the voice. The guy the voice of guidance inside every human being. You know Allah put something inside every human being that already recognizes Allah

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fitrah he put it inside of us. It's already there. There's no argument that there whether there's a god or not, whether he should be praised or not, inside the heart of every human being, the argument doesn't even exist. Deep down inside it doesn't even exist. And since Fatiha is the surah that appeals to human nature, there's no reason to even acknowledge that there's some other hump possible. It just begins with Alhambra realizes there's no need to debate. There's no need to argue it's a natural conclusion. Had it been Lila hellhound it's almost as though it needs to be argued. It needs to be debated. It doesn't need to be debated. Naturally. That's the conclusion. Why even

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bring up only that's Alhamdulillah you know, we hope you benefited from this video from the Surah Al Fatiha course the explanation of the entire sutra can be found inside banner tv bayona tv is our video on demand platform with over 2000 hours of content about Quran, Arabic, Islamic history and the life of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. We are very excited to announce that this week you can join bayyinah TV for a free two week trial. We would love to share with you our guided and practical journey through the entire course on on being a TV. Let's take a look. The Quran journey on bayyinah TV consists of five steps and it begins with Surah Al Fatiha. Surah Al Fatiha is

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not only the opening surah of the Quran and its overview, but it is also allows introduction to himself in his own words. That's why this is the first step of the Quran journey on being a TV. The second step of the Quran journey is divine speech, which is all about giving you an appreciation of how and why the Quran is miraculous before diving into the Quran surah by surah.

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The third step of the Quran journey on bayyinah TV is called the Quran a thematic overview. This step is meant to give you an understanding of the main subject pillars of the Quran. Through this you will be able to recognize exactly which means subject pillar, every idea of the Quran falls under

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by the fourth step of the Quran journey you are ready for a guided surah by surah journey.

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Through the Quran. This step is called the Quran a concise commentary. In this step, you'll have access to over 200 hours of video commentary that will give you a renewed appreciation and love for the Quran.

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And lastly, the final step of our Koran journey is the Quran a deeper look. This step is a lifelong journey of reflection and guidance. We take our time exploring and reflecting on every passage of the Quran going into depths that you may not have even known existed. This step has over 150 hours of video content and it's continuously expanding. We're also very excited to announce our free beta TV mobile app available on both iOS and Android phones. This lets you take your current journey with you on the go. Join beta TV this week to take advantage of our two week free trial offer. There's no risk and you can cancel anytime, to sign up for the free two week trial. Now go to

In the third episode br. Nouman explains to us about the Stronger Ways of Praising Allah

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