Nouman Ali Khan – The Art of Quran Recitation #10 Closing Thoughts

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of memorizing the Quran in Arabic studies is discussed, along with the need for parents to learn and practicing the makltieth. The speakers emphasize the power of the title and its significance in preserving and ec midstous culture. The title is seen as a holistic approach to achieving the beauty of the Quran, and the relationship between beauty and purpose is emphasized. The title is seen as a sign that Islam is not just a tool for achieving the beauty of the Quran, but also a tool for achieving the joy of the Quran.
AI: Transcript ©
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So this is a professor. He's a professor of Arabic studies in Italy, in Rome, in Rome, and he saw the my first interview with you, when we talked about it, and he became super interested. And now he's

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finished it McCombs, and he recited with all of them. Alhamdulillah Iraq belongs to me in a rough man Iraqi dream. And we went to the fajr prayer and this brother, I still remember his name, brother sleeve, I still don't know where he is and who he is still. But I remember he led the prayer and He recited I didn't know much Quran at all, and he, he was Iraqi fellow. And he recited Surah cough. I didn't know what sort of cough at the time. I didn't know I didn't even read Quran properly at the time. And he recited with cough and I remember crying my heart out in Fudger not knowing what he's saying. That is Ramadan is coming in sha Allah and a lot of Quran. We have problem with the throat

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with the nose. We have a lot of issues there. Yeah, and we don't know the solution for it. So a lot of the sessions my recitation was a train wreck also, because I have really bad sinuses okay.

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I fix it this okay with months searching about things to help any query if if he takes it Alhamdulillah gonna fix his problem like 90% Awesome Sharla

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leaker, powered by Muhammad Yunus Institute?

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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. This will also auto Salam, O Allah rasool Allah, Allah Allah He also his main Salam Alikum che is

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an amazing eight look on that journey that we had together.

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This session is dedicated to actually highlighting the efforts that the chef is making maklumat Institute and its objectives because I think everybody listening should be familiar with this resource. And I'll share also my thoughts at the end of why I think this is so important Inshallah, but chef, tell us a little bit about the different audiences you're trying to benefit from the Nakamoto Institute Hamdulillah we started like one year ago, okay. And I was like, I had aim to reach two three kinds of audience Okay, the first audience which those who are making have those who are memorizing Quran, right understanding of Quran making prophecy, you're listening to the fuzzier

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I advise everyone to start his journey with Muhammad, do not wait until you will finish the Quran, then you come to learn the Muhammad, you're just gonna waste your righteous. I feel like what you're saying is so important also, because when somebody's memorizing the Quran, they're repeating a lot. Yes. And if they're practicing their maklumat at the time there, every time they're repeating, they're improving themselves as they go, you're gonna have two birds with one stone, right, right. That's the first audience Alhamdulillah we have a lot of hope for. Now inshallah. Alhamdulillah. Our Mahara has more than 300 Student mashallah, Mashallah.

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Big Cherie ha might offer 3 million or more.

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We try to reach to everyone wants to learn the maklumat and beautify his or her voice in all over the world. That's our purpose. That's awesome. But that's the first audience right second one those who already have father hamdulillah right. And they wanted to lead Salawat they wanted to lead solder we were going to Ramadan, open the doors. Yeah. Now, we have to start the journey from now every single session they're going to take benefits them and make their voice more better. And we can even have the technique of the Imam I have the whole chapter. It talks about how to use the mic how to stand, how to start the MACOM integrability haram because many people they know that Muhammad

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when they go to pray with Allah Akbar de se Allah Akbar with different bekam then, which the intent to recite in the mahkum just goes for how to even start your Salah with the Macomb Yeah. Yeah. Like I don't I'm not knowledgeable in maklumat, except for what the exposure I've had. But I've led the prayer many times and depending on how you start your prayer, even if you had something in your head, it doesn't come out that way. Yep. For how to start. Yeah. How to stand how to use the mic. On your instrument. Yeah, this is the second audience. We have Imams from everywhere. Even some Imams from Al haram. Mashallah, Mashallah.

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hamdulillah far, that's the second audience, the third audience and this the most interesting thing for me that to make Dawa with that one, and I showed you, the guy professor from Italy, he is learning and he finished now the whole entire McCombs. So this is a professor. He's a professor of Arabic studies in Italy, in Rome, Roman in Rome, and he saw the my first interview with you, obviously, when we talked about math and he became super interested and now he's actually he finished eighth McCombs, and he recited with all of them.

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We're gonna even put like one minute or so. I'll show you this clip in this video of him. It's incredible.

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With us now Michael from Italy How are you Michael?

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Fine hamdulillah your child? Can you tell just people about your story in half minute okay, I studied in the past I studied the Arabic language. I am Italian

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100% Italian

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now we learn it many Muslims but now I'm gonna ask you about to read with different Muslims to show people that Hamdulillah we have an Italian professor, he is learning maklumat but hamdulillah now after he learned with us in mathematic Institute, now even later Allah he will recite with many different melodies and this is my happiness today for Let me listen to you Chef Michael from MMA calm and Helen Can you recite from Okinawa something now Now after we spend about hours for learning Muhammad now you read inshallah. Now

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are we to be let me now show you Tanya rajim Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim.

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Alhamdulillah he wrote below me in our rough man Iraqi dream, Maliki omy de D, E. Go now boom, do e gunners see if then I'll set off on stomping suit on learning. Dolly him waiting in Mount Doom being on a mall or Dong?

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so it's a gateway to that I would add a couple of audiences. You know what he did? Also after that, yeah, he went to his students. And he started talking with them about Muhammad Fanta. You took literally about non Muslim nun or a nun, whatever, you don't care about Islam. They now start listening to McCombs and definitly. They're going to love it, then definitely begin to love the Quran. Yeah, it's like a Sabbath. Why is this? What's this beautiful sound? What does it mean? SubhanAllah. That's the main purpose for me. The duty and hamdulillah

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reminds me of Linetti and the homeschooling and there's not one way to Allah, Allah is multiple pathways, right? So. So I would add a couple of audiences that I think can benefit from your institute. One audience I think definitely is young activists or thieves. You know, students that are given by a university or, you know, people that volunteer and give Holbein different massages, you end up leading the prayer, right. And if you're, if you're leading the prayer in a beautiful way, that actually is, you know, it's it's the final impact you leave, as the prayer comes to an end. Right. So the fact that people experience the beautiful prayer resonates and everything you try

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to give us a message in the hotbar actually sticks better. So I think that's really important, an audience but also many parents around the world that want their children to learn to recite the Quran, even if they're not making them profiles of the Quran. They want them to recite the Quran. The problem is you get some karate to get you, your kid to recite the Quran, but they don't like it. And they don't like it because they don't see any enjoyment in it. But if this becomes, you know, Pardon the language, but it becomes divine music for them with the outcome of the dream. It's actually the rhythm The beauty that Allah intends for people to experience with the Quran. If a

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child develops that connection to the Quran, that I think you won't have to push for an emotional connection to the Quran recitation. With nakoma, they can actually learn to just they're just driving in the car to school, they're just reciting, you know, Bharati or jazz or, you know, rust and they're like, Hey, Mom, I'm gonna do this today, and they're reciting sort of book or something, you know, that because now it's become something that they find joy in. And I think so for parents that are that have already taught their kids or are teaching their children, how to read the Quran, I live by the flow and reading, if you can make that rhythmic and enjoyable for your children, then

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I think this is especially the older kids, you know, 12 and older, I think they can really pick this up and benefit from it. So I think there are lots of audiences of course non Muslims, like you said, you know, an unlikely audience, but still an audience, you know, for this work. So, the reason I, I wanted to kind of conclude this session with just some thoughts on why I think beautifying the Quran is so important. I said some of these things in the opening session, but I just want to add a couple of really quick observations about the recitation of the Quran. I

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I was in university, I went to a convention when I was in college on the Muslim Students Association convention. And I did not know any Arabic at the time, right. And we went to the fajr prayer and this brother, I still remember his name, brother slave, I still I don't know where he is and who he is still. But I remember, he led the prayer and He recited I didn't know much Quran at all. And he, he was a rocky fellow. And he recited so that cough, I didn't know it. So cough at the time. I didn't know I didn't even read Quran properly at the time. And he recited with cough and I remember crying my heart out in Fudger, not knowing what he's saying. And it's not even like social crying

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like the guy next to me is crying. So I'm like, Okay, I'll cry too. No, no, it's the word of Allah was just, it was doing something to me because of the beautiful, magnanimous way in which he was reciting the ayat. And I had to find out that I, there was a big crowd, I couldn't find him. So I said, Do you know what I'm saying? Do you know what he was saying? You know, like, I needed to know what is it that he was reciting? And that got me reading the translation of Surah Kahf. And it got me curious about reading translations to begin with, like I was already heading towards Islam, but like the real Quran, curiosity, one of the pivotal moments in my memory is actually listening to

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powerful recitation of the Quran. So I don't think we should undermine the power of this the power of just the sound of the Quran. Echoing in the world. We're a fifth of the world's population. Imagine if, you know when women are reciting Quran, like sometimes I'm listening to Quran in the car, I'm getting gas that's actually happening. I was getting gas. I was listening to the recitation of Quran. I was Muhammad syndicate. minchie. Right. And this guy next to me getting gas he goes, Hey, man, what is that? What song is that? Can I get that? I was like, Yeah, I'll show you. What's he saying? And then we had a conversation about sootel acid. Because he, he just heard the

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recitation of the Quran. Your wife you told your mom has Al Hamdulillah but from my dad, it was same thing shift. It's like, circle. You recite someone listen to you. You admire the recitation, this admiring bring something bigger. Then you have kids. The neuron Anna, my daughter now was neuron sha Allah, she has talent. I can tell she has two years old, Masha, Allah the future. Definitely. Inshallah I'm going to teach her something. Then she gonna teach. It's like this shift. Yeah, yeah, you.

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My wife. And I already agreed. Hadid is your student, my six months old now. But I'm prepping him right now.

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So, yeah, so that's what I think is so powerful and beautiful about this. And it's, these are aspects of our identity, that preserve a heritage. There are cultures that are 1000s of years old, and they still sing the same folk songs from their ancestors, right? Or they played the same instruments, what is the instrument of our ancestors, and the heritage of Islam that went from you mentioned last the Hawa and Agim, there's multiple mcomber that have nothing to do with the Arabs. And they went all over the place and then can connect it to the Quran. So this Quran is actually and it's beautiful recitation is our heritage. And it is a part of preserving our identity. I'm telling

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you, I was telling you before, like,

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my I went to I went to Pakistan recently. And I saw that the quality of Ooredoo declined. So even though I've lived in America, in my pretty much my team life and older, they told me I have old personal do. And I heard young people speaking and half the language they were speaking was English, every other word and even over two sentences was English. The same thing in the Arab world, the youth, are you incorporating French, and English, you know, into into the Arabic language, right? What does this look like 30 years from now? What does this look like 40 years from now. But just think about that, right? The cultures are being erased, their language and their heritage is being

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erased. And the only thing that can restore them is something powerful enough, that gives you a reason to stay connected. Nothing is more powerful than the Quran. Every part of the Quran is horrible. It's recitation. It's memorization. It's that read, its meaning it's the seed, it's now every aspect of the Quran is miraculously powerful. So to me, the only way we can turn the cultural tide is to preserve and nourish this aspect of our culture. And I'm really grateful that you took this on. And also people like what's the point of this is just beautifying the recitation was the point. Actually, this is the last thing I don't want to talk too long. But I'll say one last thing.

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I was studying shift. Now I was studying in Australia, I was giving adoption sort of to Robin.

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And in Soto to Robin, Allah talked about, you know, halacha samalla. To allow will help. He created the skies in the earth with purpose. So there's purpose, but then he says soracom will help us work and we're asking us what I can do.

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He beautifully molded you, and he molded you and he beautified the molding of you. So Allah is not just talking about purpose. He's also talking about a lot of comparisons, right? So I got really interested at the time like, what is the relationship between beauty and purpose?

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So, an engineer, an engineer is only concerned with purpose, right? The machine should work. Right? And wrong, some of the greatest engineers in the history of the world like the greatest aeronautics engineers, car engineers, mechanical engineers, right? You know what they talked about? If it's beautiful, it's got purpose.

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Actually, some of the most successful aircrafts and the military in commercial aircraft, the designers of them said, beauty is purpose. These are this, they understood this. And purpose is beauty. What did Allah do in the Quran? He gave, Allah could have just told us Allah is One, there's an afterlife. This is the prophet This is the Quran. How many times did he repeat that?

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Like Allahu Comilla, Anwar head or holla customer with evil, old or over and over again. Why? Why? Because every time he repeats it, it repeats it with a new beauty. Because if it's just purpose, you can fit the message of the Moroccan Quran on one page.

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This is the man Lumads the essential knowledge what you need believe in prophets, believe in Allah believe in the afterlife, you can fit that on two, three pages, the stories of the prophets are not that detailed, you can fit them, but Allah beautified the message, and Allah beautify the recitation of that message, you know what that means. And he, when he created us, he didn't just create us functional, our faces or hands or legs or our limbs, they didn't have to look beautiful, they just had to be functional. By the way, a spider is also functional. Right? Our crocodile is also functional. They also there they have function, right? So we could have looked like that. But Allah

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created us beautifully. So in fact, highlight acknowledging the beauty of the Quran and celebrating the beauty of the Quran, part of what you're doing, it's to me, it's so fundamental. It's actually one of the purposes of the Quran. It's not an extracurricular activity. It is a fundamental component of experiencing the Quran, because Allah doesn't just want purpose in this world. He also wants beauty. I'll give you one last example of that comes from sutra ramen, the same surah in which he says Allah Quran, you know, when he says, When naclo That will come?

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Okay, a horse eats, okay? A horse eats hay on the ground. Right? And it has what it needs. The cow eats the grass has what it needs. Human beings needed carbs, fats, proteins, water, he could have made it so ugly. By the way, insects have proteins to Cockroaches have proteins in them too. Right? Mosquitoes have them in them too. You can get carbs and proteins and fats, from barks of trees and leaves that taste terrible. But Allah said he gave you fruit. And then he packaged it beautifully. That will command. So why actually in the hospital, when somebody can't eat, they put a drip in them. Or they give them hospital food. It tastes terrible, but it's nutrition that they need. Right?

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So Allah didn't create this world just with purpose. Allah created this world with purpose and beauty, everything about it, we want to eat something beautiful. We want to taste something beautiful. We want to hear something beautiful. We want to see something beautiful. We want to experience something beautiful, we want to go somewhere beautiful. Our entire life is driven by beauty. When you buy a car, what do you think about only horsepower? Or How's it look? When you buy these phones, whatever. If the look and feel, you know, the design department is actually as important as the engineering department. The most successful software companies, if Windows or you

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know, iOS, these big manufacturers, if they didn't design their product beautifully, we wouldn't buy it.

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We would not buy it. You know software engineers make really ugly apps. They have to have an entire design and nobody will download it. Nobody will use it because it's ugly. Right? So the the most beautiful thing human beings have in their possession that Allah has allowed them to access is Allah's own words.

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Then imagine the weight of beautifying the word of Allah. Imagine the weight of celebrating and bringing out that beauty so I'm really grateful to you because for what you're doing and may Allah azza wa jal just make us of the people that fulfill the purpose of Allah's book and acknowledge and spread the beauty of Allah's book both together. Welcome Okay, welcome. Thank you so very much. I just left gift for you. Yes. Tell me also advising every college you see there is Ramadan is coming inshallah and a lot of Quran we have problem with the throat with their nose. We have a lot of issues there. Yeah. And they don't know the solution for it. So a lot of the sessions my recitation

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was a train wreck also, because I have really bad sinuses. Okay, so I fix it this month's search

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Think about things to help any hottie if if he takes it Alhamdulillah gonna fix his problem like 90% Awesome Sharla and I call it like, call it Kia pact. Yeah, it has human fire. Okay, this one just a gift for you Sure. Which camera this one? Yeah, this one fixes the problem of humidity because every car it needs kind of humid air right to fix the problem of the nowness in the throat. Yeah.

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A lot of area are so dry then the current fixes or lives in Egypt and Morocco or even here in America and many states are going to suffer I'm telling you right for this one, it fixes the problem of the human okay, then I have also another thing it's a raise the rents that for the nose. It goes and clean the nose and clean even a gerbil and fear the nose is pockets here. Then we have also some Asha like Jensen and these things which also fixes the thing all of that in the canine just the car you can take for everyone wants to have it it's on our website. That's great. So you don't have to go shopping around for it also support the organization get a killer I brought this for you. Yes,

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inshallah gonna help a lot.

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That's awesome.

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Ironically, I was literally going to go buy a humidifier today. Oh, my God as a gift.

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Now I realize it was for myself.

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I love you so so much a labor of love protect you and Allah brings so much hate into the

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table. So as salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. I hope that you enjoyed watching this video for those who want to learn different methods of a citation for those who want to improve their voice and bring it to a higher level. For those who want to enjoy and delight both prayers and listeners with their voice. For those who want to practice in sha Allah the whole maklumat practically one on one with me, sign up here.

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