Nouman Ali Khan – Arrogance & Humility In The Quran

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the language of Islam to benefit from it is highlighted in the context of a busy community. The concept of confidence and arrogance in the Quran is discussed, along with the importance of showing one's abilities in a demonstration or presentation to boost one's position in a political party. The importance of showing the power of the people and their authority in the face of fear and doubt is emphasized, along with the need for authority and a strong resume to overcome fear and confusion. The importance of showing confidence in oneself and others is emphasized, and the need for a strong resume to overcome fear and doubt is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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All the below him in a show Utah Knology

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is happy to be here.

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In a matter while I'm home film Vaughn mad, Jiang don't call it here. You hadn't Malibu in the Leukemia? Illa yeah kita boom carry in a home in sola. Eema and our in home Bismil Hill Rockman Rafi

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What do I know either? Tony Mussolini

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rubbish actually Saudi were silly Emery Loksatta melissani of Kahakai Al hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen or salat wa salam O Allah say the MBI will mousseline rather early he or SOFIA Haight Ashbury in a MOBA, everyone once again said, I'm Riley camara too late, I lower the cattle.

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Today is going to be a brief Halacha, I'll speak to you for probably about 30 minutes. And this is going to be a little bit different than the Halaqaat, you might be used to, because I'm going to give you a lot of homework. And to make sense of what I'm saying to you, and to be able to benefit from what I hope to share with you, the only real way for you to do that is to do your homework. Inshallah. So I because one of the things I want to encourage in any community that I visit, is that every Muslim engage more with the Quran than they used to. So you do something more with the book of Allah, that you weren't doing before. And with Mila all of us benefit from that our families benefit

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from that. And you want to actually even make that a discussion with your family. And as you discuss that, because you're living in a community where there are lots and lots of people of knowledge around you. So as you discuss that questions will arise. And when you get those questions, while this is the place to come back with those questions, isn't it so that's actually a really great culture to develop with your family to discuss the book of Allah with them. And then you may not have the knowledge to answer those questions. Your family members may not have the knowledge or you tried to find the knowledge, the answer online, but it's not satisfying you. And now you come back

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and you, you know, push the people that have knowledge and say, Hey, I'm trying to get the answer to this, I'm not getting it. We were reading these ayat, we're trying to figure that out. And this becomes a cycle of the double, of contemplating the word of Allah, and bringing, thinking, thoughtful engagement with the word of Allah as a life, it's part of our life becomes part of our discussion I want, I want, I wish for myself, for my family and for your family, the same enthusiasm with which we discuss an upcoming UFC event, or an upcoming sporting event or, you know, the Cricket World Cup is coming to the United States and West Indies, etc. It's the same enthusiasm with which

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you discuss sports and entertainment. And the same kind of enthusiastic conversation should be happening about the word of Allah, right, which it shouldn't feel like a religious obligation. It shouldn't feel like you have to drag your family to some program, it should just become something that just feels amazing to do. And it's just a really beautiful part of your life. And I pray that for myself, myself, for my family, and I certainly pray that for all of you and your families, may Allah azza wa jal bring our hearts and our minds closer and closer to the book of Allah every day. Okay, so today, I'm going to take on a challenging problem in the Quran, and I'll first explain the

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problem to you. I think everybody here knows what confidence is. Right? And I think everybody here also knows what arrogance is. Right? So there's two words I used in English now confidence and arrogance, right? And how do you know if your behavior is confidence, or it's turned into arrogance? Because they seem very similar. Somebody who's very confident, can actually seem like they're also very arrogant. And it might be that they're just being confident, but they're coming across as extremely arrogant. And the thing in the Quran that about this line between these two is that Allah describes a number of people that are extremely arrogant, starting with the bliss is Takara. He

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doesn't he demonstrated arrogance. So Allah describes bliss as the first arrogant one. But beyond a stick bar of of, you know, at least the people who disbelieved in the prophets. One of the common themes among all of them is arrogance. But then there are certain individuals that Allah highlights as almost they call them the big word in English as archetypes. Is your word for you guys to understand as a case study? You know, like when you're studying any science, there's a case study. If you're a law student, I'll have a case study, right? If you're if you're a medical student, there are case studies, right? The same way in the Quran. If you want to understand the concept of

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arrogance, there are case studies

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And the case studies, the ultimate case study is around. Like he keeps coming up as the ultimate poster child for arrogance. And then beyond that there are some other people like for example, karoun comes up quite a bit as an ER a couple of times, at least as a case study for arrogance, right for kibble

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the Quraysh are being taught to you have to understand when the Quran was revealed, the Quraysh were not some historical people, they were the ones listening right in front. So this is live commentary and you understand. So we're not talking about the live commentaries. I'm not talking about Abu Lahab in Abuja, Helen, those arrogant people, because they're not live examples. Those are those are not historical examples. Those are live examples. I'm talking about the historical examples right. So on top of all of them would probably be fit our own and then you know, caught on and a handful, just a handful of people, right? But what about confidence is the Quran also have stories of

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confidence? Because you know, we in our head, we have two opposites. Either you are arrogant or you are humble. That's in our head. Either you're arrogant or you're what humble. And before I go on, I want you to actually understand four terms. I have only given you two terms in English. I've given you arrogance. I've given you confidence. The third one is humility. Humility, and the last one is humiliation. Humiliation so let me see if you remember that what four terms Am I giving you?

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Now what's the on the on the worst end? arrogance then? Confidence then humility then. So what are the two extremes arrogance and humiliation? Let me just explain those two arrogance has many definitions, but one of them is I'm better than you. I know more than you I have more money than you. Why should you get the job? Why should I get the job? Why did Why are you in the first row? I should have been in the first row. Why do you have the mic on I should have the mic, etc etc as arrogance? Yeah, that's that's one kind of arrogance. On the extreme end is humiliation. I am nothing I am worthless. Yeah, he I am. I am a fucky I'm a creep. I'm an IG. I'm uh, you know,

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and you know, you have somebody maybe there's one time you guys come for Salah and no, you know, there's only a few people in the masjid and one of you as a half with Quran and they say can you please leave? No, no, yeah, I cannot Yeah, he I'm a I'm a fucky Rama Hari Baba Ji, we think you're a hurry to. And we think you're ajeeb also, but you are a man, you memorize the Quran. So please leave the like, you just unnecessarily humiliating yourself and saying I'm nothing I'm no one. I'm this and that. And sometimes people come up to me and say, we'll start. I'm a really bad person. I've done so much haram in my life. I'm worthless to Allah. I'm this I'm this and this. I know Allah will

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not listen to my dog. Why are you humiliating yourself? Why are you doing that to yourself? Right. So on the one hand is arrogance, one extreme and on the other end is also word humiliation. And Allah does not want us to be arrogant. And also Allah does not want us to humiliate ourselves. He doesn't want expect that from us. So some people confuse humility with humiliation. And some people confuse confidence with arrogance. So we have to understand the spectrum, right? The two extremes are the ones we want to avoid. And we want to be in the middle the two good qualities that the Quran celebrates our confidence and humility. Now, the problem with those two is they seem like they're

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opposites. How can you be humble and confident at the same time, because if you're being confident, that doesn't sound very humble, so I can't cover the entire subject with you. But I'll give you enough to homework to think about. I'm going to introduce you to four prophets in the Quran. Or at least three of them are prophets, one of them may not be that are the example of confidence in the Quran, the prime four examples of confidence in the Quran, we're going to look at some basic observations about each of them. The top example is going to be Sulaiman Ali's,

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that's the most confident would be so they might not always RAM and underneath that you can probably put

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you know the local nine, local nine would be an example of confidence also, then you have doubt

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and then you could also add use of valleys so I'll say that from the top to bottom Sulaiman little club name, download and use of now why did I pick these four people? You know what these four people have in common in the Quran? They all have power.

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They all have power. Also sai salaam was the governor of Medina was any but the mafia when were disobeying him left right and center were they not? So he had governance but he still didn't have absolute power if you compare him for example to solid

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Man, even the jinn cannot mess with Solomon.

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The mafia goon can run their mouth in Medina and the prophets lie Selim cannot say anything. Even Allah has to come to defend the Rasul of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam and say, Lata Cuca Latina Otto Musa. Don't be those of you who believe Don't be like the people who hurt Musa meaning some of the things that will not be called we're saying we're hurting the profit slice alum even though He's their leader.

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But can when you when you get to the story of cinema and a bird, a bird shows up late and the bird is in trouble.

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And the gin the gin, he died already on the histogram he died. And the gingers still scared of him. Because they don't think he's dead yet. This is this is different level of power, isn't it? So the so clearly, so the mind Allison has an incredible amount of power. Little cullinane is a very important case study of power in the Quran. And then of course, doubt, Islam was given milk was given hikma, he's got power. And then of course, Yusuf Ali salaam became the minister of Egypt, he had power. So the four case studies where people have power, or these people, and I'm using them as an example of what confidence comes. Because, you know, if you're confident in something, it means

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you have authority in something.

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Like if you're confident that you know, app development, then you must have some level of power to code. If you don't know what you're doing, you don't you don't get to have any confidence. Right? That's it's empty. How many people here are in the technology? Space? Show of hands? Okay. Those of you are in the technology space. When you talk to someone who talks like they're talking about technology, but they actually don't know any technology.

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I would guarantee you it will take you about 60 seconds before you know this guy has no idea what he's talking about.

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is all empty. How many people are in the medical field?

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One two of you. Wow, this is a strange Muslim community.

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People in business people in business. Okay, what are the rest of you doing? We're all of you, accountants.

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whatever field you come from, you can tell who has authority in that field based on the knowledge they have based on the accomplishments they have. You know, you can tell who knows what even in the Islamic field if you're if you're learning studying Islam, you're studying Arabic or you're teaching Arabic or you're teaching Quran Tafseer Hadith history, you know, the general public may not have a lot of knock, anybody comes up throws two words in Arabic, mashallah, you should have seen the way to Arabic words were coming out of his mouth. Oh, so much knowledge was dropping man, it was like sweat on a hot Texas days how knowledge was dropped. Now, it's as easy to impress you because you

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don't know nothing. With all due respect, I'm sure you know more than I do. But if somebody knows their stuff, they've put the years in to study their Deen. And they hear somebody talk and they say, Oh, my God, what is he saying? What is this train wreck? Right, they can tell, they can tell the difference. What I'm trying to get at is to have confidence in anything, you have to have a degree of authority or power in that thing, whether it's knowledge, whether it's experience, whether it's actual power, whether it's ability, so something's got to be there to backup your confidence. You can't get confidence out of thin air, like you get on tick tock.

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You can't just put a camera on and just you know, hey, let me tell you, let me give you my hot take on what's going on in the world. What do you what do you know? Right? So the four authorities again, let's see if you remember, at the top,

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Solomon, ultimate example, then Tokoname, then the Lisa then, okay, with this in mind, your homework assignment is going to be you're going to read the stories of these people on your own, you're going to find them in the Quran, wherever they are. And you're going to look for how is Allah talking about their confidence. I'll give you just some pointers. I'll give you one or two for each, but I won't go into detail that's on you. You got to do the work. Okay. And I'm confident you can do it. Okay.

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So let's begin with you. So let's start at the bottom. Let's begin with Yusuf Ali Salam he was given when he came out of prison. Yeah, when he came out of prison.

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He was being called to the kings courts as a stateless holy Neff. See, I want to give I want to put him exclusively under my service. The king was so impressed with this man for interpreting the dreams that he said I want him to be my exclusive advisor, my personal advisor. You know, I've met with government officials before and if you

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meet with the President or you meet with the Prime Minister. There's usually like 20 people around.

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And if you try to talk to him, they're all like, why is he talking to him directly?

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And then later on, they'll come and tell you, why were you talking to the president like that? Next time, make sure I'm in the room.

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There's the person in power, then there's the Hawks around him. And then there's you, you can't get to him directly, because all these people get insecure. Right? So they basically block anybody from actually having direct access to the king. Right. So this happens in presidents and their cabinets, the Cabinet members are doing everything. The poor guy on top knows nothing. Some of you run businesses, you have three 400 employees, 20 employees, 50 employees, you have a VP, you have a manager, the manager is controlling all the communications, you might not even know what's going on in your own business.

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And the employees want to talk to you and the manager says, Hey, talk to me. When the king says I'm going to put him exclusively in contact with me, he doesn't say, call him and get my secretary to take his email address down so I can stay in touch now. Now he's got direct access. This is pretty powerful. I stuck stuck next to the NFC. And use of Ali salaam very confidently says no, I in common.

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What happened with those ladies? 20 years ago, 25 years ago, I don't know how many years ago.

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I want to I want that case to be reopened before I take this job. He's sitting in prison. You're thinking why is somebody sitting in prison is not in a position to negotiate. He'll take even getting out of prison would be amazing. He's not just getting out of prison. He's getting a cabinet position next to the king of Egypt. And he's like, No,

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I want to clear my name first. Call those ladies. I'm not interested. I'm not interested in this job.

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And what kind of what kind of confidence is this? Where did that confidence come from? I just told you to have confidence, you have to have some authority. He knows that his knowledge is authoritative. He knows what he's talking about. That's his power. And that power gave him what? confidence you need me, I don't need you. You need me. So you're going to fulfill my demands, you're going to meet my conditions, you're going to call those ladies, we're going to have a trial again, and call the minister while you're at it to the guy who I used to work for who got me thrown in jail, and then forgot all about me. Let's call him too. So there is a trial. Now, after all that

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trial, at the end of his name has been cleared at his center. His name has been clear.

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He just came out of jail. Okay. I don't know how long he was in jail. Where was he? Before he was in jail? Does anybody know?

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Before he was thrown in jail? What was he doing? What was his career?

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He was a servant, a slave. Before that, let's go further back in his resume, because you know, when you go for an interview, you have to have a resume. Right? And you should be confident in your resume. Right? Five years work experience, 10 years, whatever. So what's his what is his resume, say?

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20 years in jail. 15 years in jail. Okay. Okay. What were you doing before that? Let's see, maybe you maybe you were a professor, maybe you understood, you know, World Economics. You understood macro economic policy, you understood politics. You've done a PhD in you know, global relations. Egyptian history. Yeah, I was a slave. I used to get the groceries from my master clean the house. I had a lot of experience, you know, taking care of the animals. Oh, okay. All right. So let's, let's go further back. What was that? Oh, I was in a child slave market. They were selling me like they sell goats.

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Okay, okay. Let's go further back. Oh, yeah. I'm a foreigner. I used to live in a different country. I don't even know where that is anymore. I'm not even a citizen. That's his resume.

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And when he's in front of the king, next to the king is his military adviser, his economic adviser, his policy adviser, these cabinet ministers. They've been doing their job for 30 years. 40 years. 50 years, you imagine? Yeah.

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And he stands in that room after he's been exonerated. And he says, Lee, Allah

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put me in charge of the Treasury, I need to become the treasurer of Egypt.

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I should be in charge of the entire economy of Egypt.

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And you're looking at this like, with what resume?

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Look at Wow, What qualifications do you How are you? And then he said he didn't stop there. In the half isn't half even early. I am the one that will guard this job. And I am the one who knows what he's doing.

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What does that sound like?

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That's confidence. That's not only is a confidence,

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there are people with decades of experience and in their presence. He's saying I'm the one who will take care of this job. And I'm the one who knows as if to say

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it, all of these fools don't know what they're doing. You if you need to save lives in this country, because people are going to die, if I don't take over the economy right now.

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That's confidence. But that confidence came from what it did. It didn't come from the years, let's go back to those years, when he was a slave, as a when he was being sold as kidnapped and sold, you can call that the black market. Yeah. So he understands the criminal world. He understands what how the children are traded, how they're kidnapped, how they're stolen, he knows the underworld. When he's taken into the house of the minister, he knows the working class, he knows the minimum wage people. He knows the slave laborers, doesn't he? He knows the conversations that happen in the marketplace. He knows the lives of the slaves. And because he works in the house of the minister, he

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knows when the minister goes on in public and gives a press release, he sounds like a different man, when he's in his living room, talking to his wife and talking to his friends about what he really wants to do. So different guy, that's not, that's not going to be unless you have a recorder, and you want to Wikileak that thing. Nobody's gonna know what he's really thinking because you get the official press release is the official press release the same as what goes on inside behind closed doors, never. What is use of have access to

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while he's cleaning the house, while he's taken care of. He has access to the inside information of what the Minister is really like, what the politicians are really like, what the corruption is really like what their families are, like, he knows that then he gets thrown in jail. He knows the criminal justice system. He knows who's in jail, which gangs, who they got on the outside how the smuggling works, how the how the criminal world, he knows all of it. And now they're about to head into an economic crisis. And when there's an economic crisis, there's a lot of corruption. politicians are corrupt, criminals are corrupt, the workers become corrupt, everybody's trying to

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steal, and the only one who can solve or deal with this crisis as someone who understands the inside of every one of those pieces.

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If the CEO is just there to sign the check, and he's not checking every transaction, and checking every business deal and everything, can you get away with stuff? Yeah. He says, Look, these people don't know, I know this society, you guys don't know. I can do this job. The first thing we're learning with Yusuf Ali Salaam is confidence is experience can build confidence.

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You should be learning from your experience, and drawing from your experience. And that is part of what gives you confidence. So you and I should be thinking about what is what are our experiences and what have they taught us and how can we utilize them. There's another interesting I could I could go on for use of Elisa for three hours. So I got to we got three more people to go through. But I'll say one last thing about yourself. Elisa, Yusuf Ali, Sam's also careful with his power.

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He's confident. But he's not like, oh, well, you know, I have power. Now. I can do whatever I want. He's very careful. He'll he'll take one of his brothers. When he sees him, secretly pulls him in.

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He doesn't expose to everybody. That's my brother tells him privately That's my brother. Isn't he being careful?

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He has the he has he's the minister of Egypt. People come to him for money. People come to him for for permission. He's basically running the country. But still, he's very, very careful why? Because even though he's confident he knows power is weak. Power comes and power goes and if I'm reckless, it can just go in a second. So he's in a position of power. He's confident but cautious. So part of what the Quran is teaching us about confidence is confidence doesn't make you reckless. It confidence doesn't make you just I can do whatever I want. No, no, no, no, you still got to act responsibly. Okay, so that's just a quick two things about use of Elisa who was next.

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That was

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what you learn from Allah says about delta Elisa. Esta Hola. Hola. Malika will hikma Well, Allah, Muhammad Maya Sha. Allah gave him power. Allah gave him wisdom, taught him whatever he wanted. Very briefly, I'll tell you doubt either his Salam has a lot of power that Allah gave him. He was even taught this to speak the language of birds, along with his son, according to one two seed of aluminum antico type. So both Tao that has sent Zulema and we'll get to Solomon a little bit later, Ali Salam, they even know how to speak to birds.

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And he's done a special kind of the speech of Allah that even the mountain sing alongside with him.

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What we learned from him is just because you have a lot of power, and to have power, you got to be tough, because you cannot be in a position of leadership and be soft. You got to deal with all kinds of personalities. You got to deal with all kinds of problems. So you have to be tough.

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But just because you're tough in your leadership role doesn't mean you don't have a soft heart with Allah.

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He's still doing this be he's still singing the praises of Allah. There's the soft side to him. Right? There's a spiritual side to him. So confidence. At the same time, humility and Ibadah to Allah is seen in the character of the elderly sir, I'll add one more thing to the remarkable personality of the elderly, some that I really love. Allah made him a Constant Learner.

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Allah taught him how to bend metal. Allah taught him how to judge cases by way of two Angel showing up in his court. And he learned something from that experience. It seems that his confidence makes him not shy of learning new things. And let me explain why this is important for you and me.

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I'm up here with a mic on me.

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After the talk, somebody comes in says, By the way, you miss something, you need to learn this, you need to read this book. I have two options, bro, who's got the mic? You are me.

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Who got more YouTube views? You're me? For you going to you can tell me? Or I'm gonna say what's the book?

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You read it? You enjoy it? Okay, I need to go through this book. Thank you. Why? Because real confidence makes a person

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constantly learn without hesitation.

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Like, they're okay with saying I don't know. They're okay with saying I learned something new. They're okay with saying this person taught me that person taught me that person taught me.

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They don't have to say oh, the only way I will learn is someone higher than me. They can learn from a taxi driver.

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They can learn for some from someone who's just walking by, they can learn from a child. real confidence means you don't think it's beneath you to learn something.

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And it's not beneath you to learn something from someone who you who the world thinks is under you, somebody who's younger than you, you can learn from them. Someone who's studying could be a student of mine, and I learned something from my student. I'm technically above them, but I'm learning from them.

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Somebody who knows less than you somebody who has less money than you somebody who has less experienced than you, somebody who has less power than you and you can learn from them. They can teach you something, and you learn in doubt. Alehissalaam has case that he's continuously learning and learning is a huge part of confidence. And by the way, if you compared arrogant people feel that they have no need to what learn, they already know. In fact, their attitude is Oh, you're going to teach me?

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You're going to teach me? What are you? What do you what are you? How are you going to teach me?

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I already know. In fact, even if they don't know, it hurts them so bad to admit it. They say I know that. I already knew that. I knew that when I was six months old.

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The book was published last year, but I still already knew it.

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So real confidence makes you a lifelong learner, hesitation free hesitation where you're just continuously learning. So from use of we learn cautious confidence from the Dalai Lama learning continuous learning. And that that gives you even more confidence, you're not ashamed to admit you don't know something completely. Okay.

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Then you take the next step, who's next?

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We learn something else from him.

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We learn strategy.

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We learned you have to be strategic. When you have power. And you say, look, I had a problem. I had a problem. And I solved it. They came to me with problem and I use solution A that I came up with and solution is solve this problem. Now I'm confident that solution a works. Anytime somebody has a problem. I'm going to give them solution. A and somebody says why are using solution A? because I've used it before. I'm confident that it works. Yeah, but this is a different case. Maybe we need a different approach. No, no, no, no, you don't know. I know I've already used it before this works. I'm going to use this little command mix how many stops and sort of a calf

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makes three stops. In the first stop, he stops in a new place. He's never been there before. And he says I'm going to establish law in order here. This is how I will deal with the criminals. This is how I will deal with good citizens. I will set up a government government here and set up a civilization here and bring law in order to the society that is a solution for this place.

00:29:37 --> 00:29:39

Then he goes to another place

00:29:40 --> 00:29:48

muffler shops, and he sees people that are so backwards they can't they almost you know he doesn't he doesn't understand they don't even know how to build shelter.

00:29:50 --> 00:29:52

They don't even know how to put a roof over their head that behind.

00:29:54 --> 00:29:59

And he's thinking I need solution a law and order. We're going to clean up the streets.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:06

Oh, wait, they don't even know how to make streets. We're going to clean house away, they ain't got a house.

00:30:08 --> 00:30:17

What are we going to do here? And he realizes this place is not good for solution a it doesn't apply, you ever fill out a form that says not applicable.

00:30:18 --> 00:30:34

And he says whatever solutions I have, none of them can help these people, I'm confident enough to say and honest enough to say, I don't have a solution for these people. So what does Allah say? Because Alec, he left them the way they were.

00:30:35 --> 00:30:54

He didn't apply the same solution from the first stop. You would think that's what he does when he goes everywhere, like America brings democracy everywhere it goes, right, it works perfectly every time. But wherever America goes, they bring this democracy from Ghana, and they drop it to the people and everybody gets a taste of, you know, Halina, FIFA,

00:30:55 --> 00:31:35

you know, and the world becomes a better place every time. And then they say, now we're gonna give this gift to you enjoy. You know, and, and because they're so confident that it works. It works so well, in so many places that they're like, this is what we got to give the world. This is what the world needs. Domain says, Hey, that worked over there. But it's not going to work over here. This is a different situation. This cannot we cannot use the same strategy. By the way, the Roman Empire used to have a certain strategy for expansion. One of the greatest empires in history, right? And they kept expanding. And they kept using the same solution franchising and expanding. And that

00:31:35 --> 00:31:45

actually became one of the great reasons for the collapse of the Roman Empire, because they weren't versatile enough to understand different situations, different people. And it collapsed. The Empire collapsed, the British collapse the same way.

00:31:47 --> 00:31:49

Now, he makes the third stop.

00:31:50 --> 00:32:04

Third stop, people come to him and say, you seem to have a military, you know how to establish law and order. You know how to fight crime. We have these crazy people. Yeah, Julian modules. They come from this valley. They kill they steal they rob, can you help?

00:32:05 --> 00:32:33

Can you help him? And he could have said, I've done I've seen criminals before. And I bring them to justice. I fight them and I bring them to justice. For so for no other people who may or may not do it. I will be here for you as people who as ever nohcra That was solution a there's also Solution B what was Solution B? Leave him alone. But he's in a third location. He couldn't do Solution B leave them alone, which America eventually did with Afghanistan after trying solution.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:39

Actually, the Thai solution a then they realized they are huge and module huge, then the

00:32:42 --> 00:32:48

solution me, Okay, I'm gonna leave him alone. You know, I gotta go.

00:32:51 --> 00:33:30

But then you've got the third situation. And he says, I'm not gonna fight these people. I'm not gonna fight these criminals. Because this will be an ongoing war, it will create more problems and solutions. We need a new solution. You know what that is, we're going to try to contain this problem. We're going to build a wall. And I'm not going to build it for you up, I'm going to teach you people how to build it out to neoliberal Hadid. Bring me these sheets of metal. Bring me the copper. Let me show you how to make it. Why? Because once you make it, usually modules will come from the other side, and they'll try to break the wall, cut through the wall, they'll damage the

00:33:30 --> 00:34:08

wall, and every time it gets damaged, you're gonna end up texting me Hey, what's up? Hey, can you come back to the wall? I sent you a picture right now. It's a little cracked. And you come back and none of them are you got to learn to fix that yourself. So let me show you how to build it. So you know how to what, how to fix it yourself. Because I can't be here. I got other places I gotta conquer the world. So I gotta go. But this solution is for you. This is the best solution for this. What do we learn from the local name confidently. He doesn't make one solution for every problem. He analyzes each situation and comes up with a new solution and that does not take away from his

00:34:08 --> 00:34:28

confidence his advisors say or what happened? You think you did the wrong strategy the last time No, no, that was a good strategy for that situation. This was a good strategy for this situation. And if you combine these lessons, what happens maybe you will apply the raw apply the wrong strategy, is that possible? That we applied a strategy it was the wrong strategy? What did we learn from the old ANISONG

00:34:29 --> 00:34:30

you got to learn

00:34:31 --> 00:34:47

you got to know you learned and now you got to make a better strategy. You can't say too big to fail. We got to keep doing it. We got to keep going. So fails but we got to keep moving. No, no, no, no. You got to rethink so that's the case of that we'll have a little codename. Pretty interesting.

00:34:48 --> 00:34:50

And then finally we get to

00:34:51 --> 00:34:59

cinema, which is it just deserves a thing by itself. It deserves a halacha analyzes 30 minutes I lied

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

I'm just gonna,

00:35:02 --> 00:35:27

I'll tell you the thing that will confuse you. I want to leave you with confusion. So you solve it yourself. You read Quran, so I'll share it with you. I'll give you a scenario. Imagine that I'm, I run a business. And I offered somebody a job, I sent them a letter or I sent them an email, Hey, I'd like to hire you, as my driver. Okay, I send them a letter.

00:35:28 --> 00:35:48

And I don't get a response. Next thing I know, I come out of my house. And there's a couple of security guards that are asking with sunglasses on. You know, and they're a big giant Escalade. And they want me to get in the SUV. And they drive me to a helicopter. And the helicopter takes me to a private island.

00:35:49 --> 00:36:10

And they show me this mansion on the private island. And I'm going around and all these gardeners and whatever else is going on. And then they finally say, Yes, sir. He'll see you now. And I go in, and it's the guy that I was trying to hire as my driver. It has mentioned and he goes, so you wanted me to drive your Camry. Is that your Camry?

00:36:11 --> 00:36:12

I fluid in

00:36:15 --> 00:36:16

and I'm looking at this like,

00:36:17 --> 00:36:20

you didn't have to do that. Yeah.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:33

I didn't know who I was missing. I'm sorry. I didn't know but it seems like a pretty arrogant thing to do, bro. Like you flew me all the way out here just to put me in my place. Helicopter Escalade Island.

00:36:34 --> 00:36:44

Eritrea airlifted my car and brought it here. Just to show me how dumb I was. To ask you to be my driver. Sorry, man.

00:36:45 --> 00:36:46

I'm not talking about myself. Am I?

00:36:48 --> 00:36:54

Anybody familiar with the story of Solomon, Ali? Salaam. What did he do with this queen?

00:36:57 --> 00:37:15

He calls her over. And she shows up at first she tries to give him gifts. Listen, Senator, send them gifts. And he got offended by the gifts. Risotto number. I won't read it for you. You're gonna read it so to numb he gets offended by the gifts. Oh, you're gonna send me gifts. Oh, I'm gonna show you.

00:37:16 --> 00:37:26

Why don't we just carry you think I'm after your throne. Not enough. I don't need your throne. And if I wanted your throne, I can have it. I don't gotta go to your throne. I bring your throne to me.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:38

And he brings the throne. The junior fleet brings the third throne. She comes there. And by the way, Akela the word Tila is us. He didn't say by the way. Does that look like her throne?

00:37:40 --> 00:37:47

He's so powerful. And he's so confident. He doesn't even bring it up the ISSP law it was said

00:37:49 --> 00:38:02

there's multiple ways to think about this. The way I think about this is imagine that he did this boss move right? He brought the throne. She's here and she's like, and all the people who work for southern Monterey sounds like oh, what's gonna happen?

00:38:05 --> 00:38:09

It's on now let's go. Let's capture her reaction. This is gonna go viral.

00:38:11 --> 00:38:25

But Solomon, is he going? Oh my god, I can't wait to see the look on her. Nah, nah, nah, he's too cool. For that kind of he's just let me just show you around. Not a flinch. Not even. So notice anything? No, nothing.

00:38:26 --> 00:38:41

But some of the employees, some of the people who work in the corner so excited. So it says the ISSP like it was said let me call Carla. He said it was said meaning some other people said, Hey, does that look like your throne?

00:38:44 --> 00:38:58

And she goes, No, who? Oh my god. It's like it's it's exactly the same. It's almost like it is the throne. And then it dawns on her. What is this? How do you what what's going on here?

00:38:59 --> 00:39:38

There's another scene of the same story where she's walking on a palace of water, you can imagine there's an aquarium under the glass. So when you walk on the glass, it feels like you're walking on water and there's fish underneath you and you and she didn't know that she's about to step into glass. It looks like she's about to step on water. So she lifted her dress just a little to stent. And the thing with kings and queens is they don't lift their dress. It's a show of humility. Because when you're lifting, you're trying to protect yourself. Right? And if you've already lifted, she's because he lifted her just to put her foot in. That was actually a show of her being careful. Which

00:39:38 --> 00:39:54

means you need protecting from the surface, which is a show of lack of power. So actually, she was being humbled by Selena just from that walk. She was being humbled by Solomon, Alice, and her throne is sitting right there. So there's multiple power plays in that story, right.

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

But then that sounds a lot like arrogance. That doesn't sound like confidence.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:29

So I can see the confidence you can see the confidence easily in the story of use of Alexa easily in the story of doubt the learner, right the learner the cautiously confident, the one who's confident in their knowledge, who in the service of people in the in the story of the company and the strategist. These are all great qualities. But in the case of Salima Anna Ali salaam, bring her throne. Let me show her she thinks she's got bling. Let me show her an aquarium with a glass floor.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:37

Let me have her lift her dress a little bit. So she thinks he's stepping on water. Let me put her in her place.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:41

If anybody else did that, like the guy who flew over my Camry,

00:40:43 --> 00:40:53

you'd say that's arrogance. Then what is going on with Solomon? Allison, what kind of confidence is this? That's the question what kind of confidence it is. Now I could tell you

00:40:55 --> 00:41:03

or I could bother. You know, I'll tell you a little bit. I'll tell you that. I'll let you go. Five minutes, I'll be done. This time. I'm not lying. I'm confident I'll be done in five minutes.

00:41:06 --> 00:41:07

Here's the thing.

00:41:09 --> 00:41:50

Allah gives different people different strengths and different weaknesses. Some people are very strong at controlling their feelings, controlling their tongue. Some people don't have that ability. Some people are physically very strong. Physically, they're able to do amazing things, you can even dream of doing things that they're able to do with their body. Some people have amazing calculation in their mind is like a calculator. Allah gives people some super abilities sometimes. But those same people that have super ability in one thing may have weakness in something else. You will notice that in the story of Solomon, he has a super ability. You know what that is, no matter how

00:41:50 --> 00:42:00

much power he has in his hand, and how much he shows that power to achieve a certain objective. It's never done for his own ego.

00:42:01 --> 00:42:12

He can separate the show of power, the demonstration, the humbling of someone else, all of it, and none of it affects his ego.

00:42:13 --> 00:42:20

He's got this amazing milk that Allah has given him right? But it seems like Allah has given him an amazing milk over his own knifes.

00:42:22 --> 00:42:28

Anybody else who gets a really nice car has a feeling. Let me drive a little extra slow into the masjid today.

00:42:29 --> 00:42:36

Anybody wearing a new suit? will say let me just walk through the hallway one more time. Back around and walk on one more time.

00:42:38 --> 00:42:39

Nobody noticed

00:42:40 --> 00:42:48

anybody wearing new shoes? What keeps? They'll meet you? And they'll look at their shoe. Hey, just notice. start tapping their foot unnecessarily?

00:42:51 --> 00:42:52

Oh, yeah. New shoes. Yeah.

00:42:54 --> 00:43:07

Anybody who just got a degree? Just got a degree. Right? For some reason wearing like the university hat. How are you? Harvard? Yeah. How do you know

00:43:13 --> 00:43:35

when you got a little bit of power, you got a little bit of bling. You gotta you gotta you have this urge to, you know, show it a little bit inside. And when people graduate from university or get a shahada, or get any jazz or you you took a picture with a che or whatever, the President or whatever. What do people do with these things? They frame them in their house. I want you to meet me, but now meet the certificate.

00:43:37 --> 00:43:39

And you will realize who you're dealing with.

00:43:41 --> 00:43:44

Like that? Yeah, yeah, that was me. That was me photoshopped.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:46

It's legit.

00:43:48 --> 00:44:01

So now, understand that Soleimani Alehissalaam, can show off a Glass Palace can bring a throne, can humble a queen. But he's got a bigger objective than just boosting his ego.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:33

As he goes unaffected by any of this, he just wants, he's actually thinking strategically, I can avoid an entire war with these people. Because what's at the top of the House of Cards is the queen if the queen can be humbled, the entire nation will be humbled. And the only way to humble people in power is to show them you have more power than them. And so if she's a queen, let me give her a royal welcome. Because she speaks that language. And that way, this will be a political boss move that only a strategist of that level can make.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:49

And anybody else, maybe even some of the staff looking at or her people, the Queen's people who show off. They'd look at Solomon's behavior and say, Look, I'm showing off the Quran highlighting all of this is Solomon Islands I'm showing off.

00:44:50 --> 00:45:00

No, but some people need a show for strategic reasons. Some people need a demonstration for strategic reasons. And there are

00:45:00 --> 00:45:25

are very few people in the world that can have that much power, and that much authority and that much wealth and that much ability, and that much demonstration to show off, and it still doesn't affect them at all at all. That's a rare power. And so, if you have that power, imagine, by the way, if you had billions of dollars, can you do more? Sadaqa?

00:45:26 --> 00:45:41

Aren't you able to do more? Sadaqa okay, but if your heart is not in a good place, then is that sadaqa gonna benefit you? No, but if you have billions and your heart is clean, then you beg Allah, Allah Allah give me billions more. I want to give more.

00:45:42 --> 00:46:05

Allah give me trillions. Now I want to give more. Allah give me zillions, I want to give more. The only place in the Quran you will find a dua that's hard to understand or be humbling will can lie under Helia hadn't been bad. My Rob give me power. Give me kingdom. Solomon asks Allah give me power give me kingdom that is not appropriate for anyone to have after I die.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:14

Yeah, Allah you seem to have given me a control over my knifes that I know. And nobody going to have it after me.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:25

So yeah, yeah, Allah give me more than you've given any other human being. So I can use all of it for what for you, because I it doesn't affect me the way it affects other people.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:30

I have this, you've given me this immune special immunity from this problem.

00:46:32 --> 00:46:34

Now you may not be Soloman

00:46:35 --> 00:46:37

but maybe Allah has given you immunity to something.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:44

Maybe Allah has given you some ability to do something without needing to take the credit for it.

00:46:45 --> 00:46:49

But you're good at it. And you don't use it to further your own ego.

00:46:50 --> 00:47:21

But you want to accomplish big things, because it's bigger than yourself. It's not about you, it's something bigger than yourself. But projecting it demonstrating it, showing it making it bigger, doing the the branding of it, isn't it branding, the glass floor is not branding. Isn't that advertising. You know, maybe sometimes the advertising the strategy, the marketing of it, the positioning of it, the bling of it is part of a much bigger objective that has nothing to do with your own personal ego.

00:47:23 --> 00:48:09

It's incredible, absolutely incredible. That's the height of confidence, when you can have so much wealth, and so much power, and so much to show the world and none of it affects you because you're working on something bigger than yourself, doesn't affect you at all. That's the That's the ultimate sample of confidence in the Quran. Now with that homework assignment for prophets, you're going to read about which were prophets or three of these prophets, use of followed by the elderly, some followed by the local name, not a prophet could be local nine and then Solomon these four, when you study these four, then try on your own to compare them to the arrogant ones Qarun frown, look at the

00:48:09 --> 00:48:33

kinds of things frown says then look at the kinds of things Solomon says similar context sometimes frown when say Elisa Lee Malcolm Issara were her the hill unhaul Ruta drymen takhti don't fit on set don't I alone, own the Kingdom of Egypt? Don't these rivers flow under my feet?

00:48:34 --> 00:48:46

Don't these rivers flow under my feet sound familiar as far as the imagery is concerned? Here he is using these powers of the power over the rivers in Egypt to further his own ego.

00:48:47 --> 00:48:49

And Solomon has power over water.

00:48:50 --> 00:49:00

He has kingdom and it's not limited to Mr. Was not limited to Mr. Fair owners having a hard time controlling Bani Israel. His suppose it slaves

00:49:01 --> 00:49:09

and the you know, Salam and Allah Islam, he doesn't need to keep gins in prison, they can travel and they're still under his control.

00:49:11 --> 00:49:51

So being controlled by him, right. So this I wanted to present this to you because confidence has almost been in jail when I have just common conversations with Muslims. I lied again about the five minutes, but conversations with Muslims, it seems like we think confidence is a bad thing. It's not arrogance is a bad thing. Confidence is a necessity. It's an absolute, you can't accomplish anything in life without confidence. You need it. And so the framework for confidence is in these four stories. May Allah azza wa jal help us to become and to raise confident generations of Muslims that can bring the glory of this Deen to the entire world. BarakAllahu li Welcome to Quran and Hakeem

00:49:51 --> 00:49:56

when a foreign UAE I can build it with Hakeem was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

00:49:58 --> 00:49:59

Signing off

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