Nouman Ali Khan – Accepting The Most Beautiful Truth

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the meaning of the word sadaqa in Arabic language, as it refers to a woman named born in Saudi Arabia and the first name of the Bible. The transcript also describes the concept of "artha" and the hesitation of people to accept the truth of the woman. The transcript ends with a study of the deeper look of the Quran and other sources on Vienna.
AI: Transcript ©
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sadaqa will host now that the complication for the Mufasa rune was that the word El husana is actually

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an adjective means the most beautiful. So it says he confirmed or he accepted the truth of the in the most beautiful. Now what is the most beautiful and the most beautiful what? So some said in the most beautiful word meaning that ilaha illallah said the most beautiful deeds, that those are good deeds to do. So there are many variations of what Allah has. That means, I would argue here, Allah has not actually means the truth itself. Okay, I'll Kennametal has that any true word is the most beautiful thing. In other words, but let me explain what this means in simple terms. But before I do, let's understand the word sadaqa said, which is commonly understood as the word truth. The

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amazing thing about the Arabic languages, even abstract ideas like the truth, the original Arabic of them is associated with something tangible. This word comes with safe on Saudi soil, one woman Salah battle battling a syllable that they don't give him, the Anna who were Tharaka, who will happen savvy to attack who will happen Saboten karma and Nephele qldb Luna,

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it actually means said actually literally means something solid, something that doesn't budge. And the original of caliber is actually something soft, because a lie has to keep adjusting to the reality. But the truth doesn't adjust the truth is what the truth is hot or cold is your heart The truth is what it is uncomfortable or not. The truth is what it is, say that actually means the unchanging, uncompromising truth. When you say sadaqa, you're accepting something, whether it's comfortable to accept or not easy to accept or not. It's, you know, what they call the hard truth, literally said that you could translate as the hard truth is though, the word heart is already

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understood inside of it. So what sadaqa will Hausner, now, let me tell you what this means in in our everyday experience, you know, you could be a, you could be a charitable person, you could be a giving person. But there's a problem. And the problem is, you know, you could be wrong. There are times where you have the wrong opinion. Or there are times where, you know, you practice or you know, there's a good Christian, he's charitable, and he's also spiritual in his worship and things like that. And despite all of that, when you discuss Islam with him, or her, and they get cornered, they realize what you're saying is true. At that moment, something in one's hesitation kicks in,

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like, I know, you're making sense, but I'm not comfortable accepting this religion. I mean, have you heard what people say about Muslims in the media? I'm going to be associated with that. I you know, even though what you're saying makes sense. It's not an easy call for me to I'm not going to do that. Or their pride kicks in no way I'm going to accept that I'm wrong. You know, when you when you are when you hold on to a view, and you're confident about a view, and somebody comes along and says, You know what, there's actually a better truth. There's a there's a, there's something that you need to know that I need to tell you that you need to correct yourself. Right? If something is

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presented to me, despite the hesitation, despite the social, oh, my god, he got corrected or whatever. Despite all of that, if I just accept that there's the more beautiful truth that's been presented to me and I accept the truth of it without hesitation, without fear of consequence. Truth is the truth. I'm going to humble myself before it. This is the ultimate goodness that a person can reach.

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This is the height of it. And this, by the way, completes the first two, meaning artha giving people being towards people, maybe you're wrong towards someone and somebody comes to you and says you're not being right towards this person, you should have done this this way, this way, this way. Your first inclination, your egos inclination, your self respect, and your self esteem says, Yeah, I know I get you but I have my reasons. But you don't want to accept that you've done something incorrect. Do you want to justify you want to rationalize, I want to rationalize, we it's hard to live with ourselves if you don't rationalize. Similarly, when it comes to religion itself, the Taqwa of Allah,

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you know, Islamically what you're doing is wrong. Or you know, you believe this, but this is not actually what you're supposed to be looking at this is look at this hadith of the prophets always tell them Look at this truth. How you know what you're saying contradicts this or what you believe contradicts this. At that moment. You're like, you know what, you're not a scholar. Or you're not this? You know, I believe what I believe that that moment, it's hard to accept the truth when it's presented to you right away. But when the beauty and the truth of something when the most beautiful truth is presented to you, when the most beautiful deed is presented to you, you hesitate in no way

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to accept it. That is actually the McCarl mcommerce CDT this is the this is the station of someone who just when the truth comes, come what may I'm just going to accept it that's it. That's what I'm going to take good enough for me. This why this is why they said that this this surah is about Abu Bakr Siddiq, Radi Allahu Taala the truth of the Prophet was presented to him there is no hesitation there's no time. There's no processing. Yes, you are the Messenger of Allah done. There was no let me think about it for a couple of days. I mean, processes

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Let me think of the implications what's my family gonna think what's society going to think? What are people saying about you? You know, this is going to be pretty bad you realize that right? Like, we're gonna lose our Arab citizenship over this, or Qureshi citizenship or they're gonna kick us out of here. If we accept this, I don't think anybody's gonna give us business anymore, or deal with us the same way. There's no thought of consequence. He just accepts it. This is the height of he was already charitable. He wanted to develop Taqwa of Allah. And when the truth came to him, he just accepted it. Hey guys, you just watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of

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the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars our job at being is to make deeper study of the Quran accessible and easy for all of you. So take us up on that challenge. Join us for this study the deeper look of the Quran for this surah and many other sources on Vienna under the deeper look section

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